The Wingham Times, 1910-08-04, Page 8rt • ^.gf MINOR !,QOM.% --Wiogiiana fall fair vn Sept. 29th and nth. •--Regular meeting of Ptabiio SobQol Board next 'Tuesday eveates% --The .Cioderiah bowllug tournament Will open on Tuesday, August 9th, Keep the dates of the Wipellttm fall far in mind—Sept. 29th and 30th. .—Get a copy of the prize list for 1 inghpttee tall fah at the 'Triune office, —The TJ:ui;s will be sent to any ad dress in Canada to January let, 1911 for 2b cents. —Mr. W. H. Elntonl, contractor, was in (Sortie last w: ek budding a verandah for lflr. Alex. Carson. —Send. the TIMES to your friends Sent to any address in Canada to Jai - nary 1st, 1011, tor 25 oouts. —Winghatn High School baseball team will play a game with the school team at Te€sweter on Friday evening. --Mauy friends here will be sorry to bear that Mr, john Gentles, of Kumar. din was stricken with paralysis on Tuesday morning and is very seriously --We are Barry to report this week that hire, H. Hinsoiiii?e is Seriously ill and was taken to the hospital on Sun• day„ tier many friends will wish her a speedy reoovery, —Darky Hal, owned by Mr, J, E, Swarts of this town, won the 2 minute pacing race at Kalamazoo, Mioh., on Friday last. The parse was $1,500 and the best time made by Darky Hal was 2.041. The Eel won second money. —Suddenly Monday morning while go. ing from Port Dover to Toronto, An- drew Gunn, president of Ounn's. Ltd,, dropped dead on the train, This firm bas a branch in Winghatn and Mr. Gunn was well known to many of oar cit. 9zens, —Chester R. Copeland, formerly of Culross, now of Wingham, who for the past year and a half has been teaching school at Cairo, has received an appoint. anent as railway mail clerk and com- menced duty last week between Wing. ham and London. —Word was received in town on Tues. clay morning of the death of Mr. Rich. and Sutton, at his home in Waterloo, Mr. Sutton was for Bome years G. T. R. agent in Wingham and spent his early life here, having learned the operating in Wingham, ,At time of writing no particn18ra are at hand. —Mr. Geo, Totten, who says he is 107 years old, walked to town on Tuesday, 'a distaace of Mr, Totten is qune ite feeble and it isile, and twine gdif- flouit for hint to get around. He settled on his farm east of Fordwich in 1854, and he aaya this year's crop is the best he ever had, -Fordwich Record. —East Wawanosh voters list for this year postedas 10 beenprinted Poter&td's will office at Marnooh on taint' the names Augustt of564 voters, ofh. The lHwhich 449 are on part one of the list; 100 on part 2; 15 on part 3. There are 286 per. sons qualified to serve as jurors, —Samuel Johnston, of the Babylon line, Stanley Township, committed sui- oide Thursday night by taking a dose of carbolic aoid. He had been to a garden party at 'Varna in the evening, On re- turning home he went out into a field on his own farm and did the deed. Be bad been in poor health for a year or more. PERSONAL. Wm. Nicholson visited at I£inear- dice for over Sunday. Miss Mabel e ShioII is home from Tor• onto on two weeks vacation. Miss Bernice Glazier, of Clinton, is visiting with her aunt, Mrs, H. $err, Miss Jean Stewart left on Monday for 'Toronto where she has accepted a posi- tion, Mr. Herb Jerome, of Detroit, is 'visit - Miss 11111111r. ng with his parents, Dr. and Mrs. erome, Allis 'Verdes McCracken, of London, is ing with relatives and friends in gham, . Margaret O. Calder was called to orth moon.professionally on Monday , M. Lamont, of London, Was call. n old Wingham friends during the act week. Mr. and Mrs. English, of Edmonton, are visiting with Winghain relatives and friends. Misses Mae and llfizinie Drew, of Toronto, are visiting their aunt, Mrs. Jas, MoMannos, Mr. Spence Currie of Hamilton was Visiting for a few days With Wingham relatives and friends« iss NelliehOrp of Detroit is spend; ing her holidays with ,i r, end Mrs. Law Of .Lower Wingham. siitiwith Mr.Thos. h ie daughter,Mre R was visof Van - Stone for over Sunday, Mr. Chas. 1fGCoore, of Toronto, was vfaitiog fora few days with his parents, Mr, and Mrs. Wrn. Moore. Miss Isabel Gunn, B. A., daughter of Dr. Gunn, of Clinton was the guest of Dr. Margaret Calder last Week. Mr. and Mre, Nell McGregor and Miss 1lieGregor, of Toronto were visiting for a few 'days With old friends ii1'Wing, ham. Mi ae ljl elg Gill e " ole Is ' P yr ' 1 ell n at the e home of her uncle MunOey. is spending her holidays fat herddstoolt home in tOldirt, ed fo r encs $un&&y with his parents In town. her holidays th her Istt r at en°Weit Sound. unemearid Helen ll*sttd osif lrit itt 0We SOOOd. Mr. John Reading, of Hamilton. ie visiting with I is mother, Oba44es Heading, Mrs. Flood and Miss Mamie Flood are vieitire with relatives end friends in Weedstooit. Rev, Dr. end Mts. Rutledge and Miss Rutledge are ependipg their holidays at JKtucardine. We Chan, Barber and daughter, Miss Lina, are visiting this week. with rely-,' lives in Loehr:ow, Mrs. Rolnnd Beattie and little son, of Alhsten, are visiting with be parenty, Mr. and. Mrs, Geo, MoEerzie, Little Gertrude Shiell has returned home after spending a weeks in Toronto with her sisters, Misses Mahal and Jennie. Mrs. ,Toon Marro, of Teeswater, who hat been a patient in the hospital for the last three of four weeks returned home on i4ondac, Mies Ada Haines is spending her holtd'tye with her - uncle, Mr, Edward Haines and other relatives around For- dyce and St, Helena. Mr, and Mrs, Wm. Schnook and Miss Viola Schvock, of Monorief were visit. inti for a few days with Mr. and Mrs. T. D. MoEwen, 1st line, Morris. Mrs, W. H. Willie, of Winghaw is holidaying et the parental home. She is a daughter of H. and Mrs. Gerry of Brussels —Brussels Post. Mrs McGuire left last week for Neu- etadt where she will reside with her son, Mr. J. E, McGuire. who is Manager of the Bank of Hamilton in that Plage, Mr. John Fisher left last week for the West where he will spend some time in the hope of getting better health. We trust he may return home in the very of health. The engagement is announced of Clara E., youngest daughter of Mrs, Qhas. Huston, Ripley, Ont., to J. Er. neat Roberteon, of Walkerton, Ont. The marriage will take plane about the middle of August. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Reading, of War• wick, England, who are touring through Canada and the United States. ep ent a few days at the home of their late cousin, Charles J. Reading and left on Monday morning for Muskoka and pointe West, Miss Edith E, Elliott. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. Elliott. formely of Wing - ham. and sitter of Mr, H. B. Elliott, was married at Brantford oo Wednesday to Mr. Harbert Hartley. Mr, and Mrs, H. B. Elliott were in Brantford attend. ing the wedding. Huron County Won. At the Lucknw Caledonia Games on Tuesday in a tug••of.war match between teams picked from the Counties of Huron and Bruce, the Huron team won by getting the first two pulls. Fol. lowing are the names of the Huron team:—V. Vannorman, anchor man, Wingham; T. Miller, D. Gillies, R, Wooda, West Wawanoeh; W. J. Currie, East Wawanosh; W. H. 'Thompson, 0. Stapleton, Goderich; G. Higginson, R. Armstrong, Morris, and Mr, Sennet, Ashffeld. BORN. SrormERN—In ,Dungannon, on July 23rd, to Mr, and Mrs. George Stothers; a son. 000K -.In Morris, on July 10th, to :,lr. and Mrs. Wm, Cook, a daughter, DIED TRE i•IN—In East Wawanosh, on July 24th, Catherine Taylor, relict of the Iate Wm. Tre• win, aged 81 sears and 10 months. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. In the matter of the Estate .f Janes 8. Cumin fogs, late of the Town of Wingha ., in the County or Huron, Agent, decea. • .. Notice is hereby given pursuant o R. S. 0. 1807 Chap.120, Sec. 38, at all • sons having claims again.t the esti e of th said James B. Cummings, who died or .out the eighteen• th day of July, A. D. .110, are required to send by pest pre or to deliver to R. Vanstone, Solicitor for the executors on or before the first day of September, t• p r A. D. 1910 their names, addresses, descriptions and a their statement of particulars of their claims and the nature of the seeurity(if any) held by them duly certified and that after the said day the executors will proceed to distribute the assets of the deceased among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of whi.'h they shall then have notice. Dated this ;;rd day of August, A. D. 1910. aR, VANSTONE, osfore0. SolicitEcuutors. WINGHAM MACHINE SHOP Baby Carriages and Go•Carts retired and repaired. General repair work of all kinds. See our new Combination Stock Rack, Bargains in Bicycles and sundries, Plow Points sharpened and made as good as new at loo each, W. A. CURRIE Phone 21. PnomnoTOR' I:1E61T11AL 1 wr J STRA''rroRD. otrt. FALL TERM FROM AUG. 29th. The largest and best leraotieal training school in Western Ontario, There is no better in the Dominion, Oar conrse sr ae thorough and P r aa '• tt odl our teachers are exPerien0ed and we assist graduates to positions. We have three departments Comlaxertialf Shorthand and Telegraphy. Write at once for inr free catalogue, ELLIOTT & MCIACHtAN TOR iR 11tINt .[SAM TX/14 0, .0 .FUST' 4 t IOW RING'S FOR BARGAIN$ 1W E WANT YOUR TRADE FG'S -T111 BUSY STORE During July and August we clear out the balance of our SUMMER GOODS, and you can make BIG MONEY . purchasing HERE. THIS IS THE SALE that most people wait for. Come with the crowd and share in the bargains. Repp and Cotton Rajah, reg, 35c and.25c per yd, Sale price .18 Fancy Satiu Striped Repp, regular 50e per yd, Sale price 25 Fancy Muslins, from 15c to 35c per 3 d, Sale price LI0 Crepe de Chene and Voiles, regular 500 to $1,00 per yd, Sale price 4 .. .39 COME AND SEE.. LADIES' WAISTS—All new and up.to-date stock, at take thetu•away prices. HOSIERY—Three shades only left, but good ones—White, Mauve, Copenhagen—to clear at .19 LADIES' VESTS --Nice fine rib, lace trimmed, sleeveless, regular 15c. To clear at .10 COTTON ! COTTON 1—The best article of its kind on the market, 36 and 40 in, wide, to clear at, per yard' (Wise buyers are putting in a supply .08 WANTED—Large quantities Butter, Eggs, Wool, etc., for which we pay the 13I0 PRICE CASH OR TRADE. 6000 GOODS G. E. KING. CHEAP PRICES i anssunneiessaiscammumsesmommerumnimes NOTICE TO CREDITORS....rte... +1di44!♦♦®416♦♦O♦*♦♦!♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦411 4►4Y♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦••♦091♦*►♦4►♦♦♦♦♦• • In the matter of the Estate of George Alexan• der McIntosh, late of the Township of Kinloss in .the County of Enloe, Yeoman, deceased. Notice is hereby given pursuant to R. 8 0 1897, Chap. 120, See. 88, that all ,errors having claims against the estate of the said George .Alexander Mclntosn, who died on or about the Twelfth day of June, A D. 1010, are required to send by post prepaid or to deliver to R. Van - stone, Solicitor for the Executors of the said de- ceased, on or before the Twentyfourth day of August, enames, and a full statement particulars of their claims and the nature of the security (if any) held by them duly certified, and that after_ the said day. the Executors will proceed to distribute the assets of the deceased among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which they shall then have notice. Dated this 18th day of July A. D. 2910 R. VAr STONE, Wingham P,U., Solleitpr for Executors. Muskoka Four Trains from Toronto 9:40 a. m. 12.15 p. m. 6.05 p in, 10 10 p m. Bala Sleeper carried on 10,10 p. m. train Fridays moromormrromaroomrtswmamonorma Enjoy the Cool Breezes of the Great lakes Sailings daily except Friday and Sunday from Owen Sound. Special train from Toronto 1.00 p m. sailing days, Meals and berth included on boat The most pleasantnd ebeapest route to Winnipeg and West S. H. BEEMER, Agent, Wiagham. RAND TRUNKa I :WAY E SPEND YOUR VACATION AT THE SEASIDE. The low rate elrcnrsions via the Grand Trunk Railway System to: CacOuna, Que., ilalifax, N. S , Murray Bay, Que., Old Orchard, Me., St. John,*N, B., Sydney, N. S.; Chat')bttetowu, P. E. I , Kennebunkport, Me„ North, Sydney, N. S , Portland, Me„ I St,,oho, Nfld. W111 enable you to do so at email cost, Timkets good going Angnst 8, 9, 10, 11, Return limit Aug, 30th, 1910, SAILINGS OF PASSENGER STEAMERS From Sarnia to Soo, Port Arthur and Dulnth, every Monday, Vired• neighs). and Saturday da y at sa 80P. m p the Wednesday and Saturday steam. - ers going through to Duluth, Sail, Jogs from Collinet'ood 1.80p. M. and Owen Sound 11.30 p. m , Mondays, Wedoesdaye Mid Saturdays for Soo and Georgian Bay ports. Sittings from Penetang 3,15 p. m., to Parry Sound and way ports daily except Sunday. trot tickets and further information call on G. Lamont, Depot Agent or addreda J. D. McDonald, D. P. A., Toronto. .444441 —4...oreorriniiii.4444444.4.064414.14.4444.11.4.441.41111111.. ♦ • ♦ O ♦ 9• e ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ •• • • • • r • • • E. C. WHITE • • IN THE JOHN WILSON BLOCK ♦.♦♦.♦+♦.444444044404444444 •a♦♦♦♦va♦o♦♦*00:000m4♦.O4/ss 13. C. WHITE • HIGH - CLASS• Ladies' and Gents' Tail" I Tailor ♦ ♦ ♦ You get here what you like, and like what you get at E. C. WHITE'S. No other tailoring establishment offers such a wide selection of very fine and fashionable woolens. Nowhere else aro clothes made with such style, preeision, individuality and refined taste. Nowhere else are prices near as low for such values as we offer. • We are doing a High•Class Tailoring Business_ on a new plan :— BUYING FOR CASH 1 SELLING FOR CASH 1 Doing business in this way I can save you dollars. Come in and see what I can do for you. LADIES' GARMENTS .made in the latest, up. to•date styles, and satisfaction guaranteed. tt •♦ •• i i WINGHAM, ONT. 41 s • Earl Greywill board the Wolverine at Selkirk on Thursday y p on his trip to Hudson's Bay. Stratford ratepayers carried bylaws to guarantee the bonds of •Duftons, Limited, to acquire the eleotrin light plant, and to grant privileges .to the electric railway, .--"armor". SHOOTING THE RAPIDS TO MONTREAL Richelieu and Ontario Navigation Company Stearnrs "Toronto" and "Kingston" leave Toronto at 3,00 p. m. daily. Spe- cial rates from Toronto to: Thousand Islands and r'ettirn $12 50 Montreal and return .... , . - 24 60 Quebec, and return,.,,,....., ... 3$ 50 Saguenay and return 46 50 Media and berth are included on. above rata. ST AIDER 'ItIOLLE'trILLE" Leaves lfamilton at 12.00 noon mid Toronto at 7 80 p.m. every Tnnesday for Bay of Quinte, Montreal and iitermed- bite ports. Spooled rates for single and return ticks' is .n1 berth, i 0 tiding meals and For folders, rates, eto., apply to It. FOSTER, CHAFFEE, A.G.P.A, Toronto, Ont, $IYALCROCERY * OUR STOCK OF , d• ♦ ♦ rocenesi • IS NEW AND UP_ TO -DATE, ' ♦ 4. ■ FRESH GROCERIES 4. ARRIVING 4. WEEKLY Highest price paid for all i kinds of produce. T. 4.o 1 MCGILLIVRAY & 1 +4. 4.CUNNINGHAM I 4. Ph 54 Phone o Successors to A. J. MALCOLM 1 444•44444.1•4•44•14444.44+++4•444411, e Times ?o January isi, 1911 Por* o st'fie.., Cents BIG SALE LADIES SHOES rriday at 7 in the Evening 63 PAIRS OF LADIES Si -F ES AND SLIPPERS SHOES THAT ARE REGUARLY SOLD AT $a.00, $2,5o and $3.00, On Sale this Friday night at 7 o'clock For 98 cents per pair Nothing wrong with these goods whatever—simply .a clean up of odds and ends ON EXHIBITIg1V IN NORTH WINDOW Kinkly note that the mate to each shoe in the window can be exanilndd and tried on any time before the sale but none of these shoes will be sold, promised, or laid by before, 7 p. m. Friday, WILLIS & CO. THE SHOE STORE. Sole Agents for for Ladies. Sole Agents for the "Astoria Shoes for Men. BIG SUMMER SALES t OF ALL I Wash Goods and Ladies' White ReadyIo-Wear 4. r •N to: The remainder of our stook of beautiful White Shirt Waists, all new styles, embroidered, lace trimmed and tailor.made, at the following reductions: -8 only regular $3:25, sale price $2.48; 6 only reg. $2.50, sale'prioe $2 08; 8 only reg. $2.25, rale price $1,78; 7 only reg. $2.00, sale price $1,63; 5 only reg.•$1.76, sale price $1 38; 9 only reg. $1 50, sale price $1.24; 12 only reg, $1,25, sale price 89o; 9 only reg, $1.00, sale prioe 74o. Come early and get your size, LADIES' UNDERSKIRTS. Ladies' White Underskirts, trimmed with lace, insertion embroidery, regular $150, sale price $1.24; regular $1,25, prioe $1.00. and sale CORSET COVERS. 3. Good quality White Lawn Corset Covers, trimmed with insertion and edging in lace and insertion, regnlar 60o, sale prima 39o; regular 30c, sale prioe 20o. me LADIES' GOWNS. Z Ladies' Gowns, good quality cotton, trimmed with insertion and 4 t and edging, reg, $1.25, sale price 900;. regnlar $1 00, sale price 790; •+f ...f...n., 4 t 74 garde Green Chambray, reg. 15o, sale price ilo; 40 yards Light Frown Cambric), reg, 15o, sale price 110; 120 yards Anderson's lisi 10 Zephera, comb, stripes in green and bine, brown and mauve, 1 regular 15o for 12,12c; 300 yards light and dark Prints, regular 7o to 90, /4. 11 to clear at So per yard; 100 yards lightand dark Prints, regular 100 to 12?Lo, t0 blear at 7; o per yard; 600yards light and dark Prints, A regular 121,40 to 14o, to clear at loo per yard; 100 yards light and ilr,dark Polka Dot and))Fioral Mnelin, reg, 10o to 1234, sale price 732 yd; 100 yards Bine, P11pk, Brown and Grey Flowered Muffins, reg. 150, sale 12J,lo per yard; 120 yards Mercerized Linen Snitings, Brown, ii tr.Mauve, Striped, line, eto., regular 26o for 18o per yard. a. sit sale "."-' . _ 3 as rp cl VERANDAH MATS. t 14 1 Verandah Mats,, Wool Fibre, only a few left, regular $1.75 and $2.00 to clear at $1 G. Butter and Eggs taken. A. M1LL$ ), E 89. WINGfAM, ONT. '., 110.101,111101.110 V*IttilrorrViltMilltriir“011111 it 1 1