The Wingham Times, 1910-08-04, Page 6G 'LiiJ'' W4N01i414 ZM),}t AUGUST 4, 1$1Q Suffered For Years From Pale In The Back and Headache: Pain in the back is one of the first signs showing that the kidneys are not la the condition they should: be, lull: it should bo attended to itinnedliately for, if nee l leettel, serious kidney troubles are likely to fodow. There L no way of getting rat o2 t" backache except through the kidneys, and no medicine so effective for that aurposc tie 1): an's Kidney r fills. bliss Ida 3. Dorian, 2t t+pri10 St., Charlottetown, 1''.1, I , write:a-et" have- re•e:vet most wonderful benefit from taking 1)oan's Kidney Fills. "T Buffered ter v ere from headaches and Dain in the back, and I consulted to. i etee and took every remedy obtain- able lout, tvithcut any relief unfit I began taken; I)oan's Kidney Pills. This was the only medicine that ever did me any resat g',od, as after using several boxes I um new e:ltire;y free from all my dread- ful headaches and backaches. "1 ;eat a;wnye recommends your medi- cine Co any of my friends who are troubled P;;.20 50c per box, or 3 boxes for $1.25; tat all deniers or mailed direct by The T. 1dil,;urn Ca., Limited, Toronto, Ont. When ordering direct specify ".Down's." P13EPIOTiONS. Naw York Sun: In 1:)20 Canada will be a nation of 15 000,000 people with a o emmeroe lar exceeding�! 000,000,000. Bart Grey : It is only a matter of time when Canada will be the most pepuloue, the moat wealthy, and the most inflaential part of the empire, Sir Wilfrid Laurier: Aa the nine., teeuth century wits the century of the United States, soshall the twentieh tea fury be the Dentary of Canada. W. H. Taft, president of United States: Canada has '7,000,000 people, but the ceuntry id. still hardly scratch ed. Rudyard Kipliug: Punip in British settlers and Canada will take all who are suitable and give them more than one opportunity toenaoeed. James J• Bill: Tnere is land and wealth enough in Canada to feed every month in Europe, William Whyte, Vice -President 0 P. R: Saekatohewan will noon be prodno- irg more wheat than any state in the Union, and iu less than all the U. S. combined. 1 KERNELS FROM THE SANCTUM MILL nteresting Paragraphs from our Exchanges. You never lead men into truth by using it as a whip. The lights of the world never tell yon to watch their smoke. Good-bye to Eeauty. It is goodbye to beauty when kidney derangements set in. The skin becomes hard and dry, and the form wastes away and becomes emaciated, One cannot be too watchfnl and the safest way is to keep the kidneys, as well as the liver and bowels, healthy and active by the use of Dr Chase's Kidney and Liver Pills. This ensures pure blood and a healthy digestive system, Rice paper, upon which the Chinese do such charming drawings, is a thin sheet of the prepared pith of a tree. Bears are playing havoc with the' sheep in the northern part d Adding- ton. Be sure and take a bottle of Chamber- lain's ()olio, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy with you when starting on your trip this summer. It cannot be obtain- ed on board the trains or steamers. Changes of water and olimate often cause sudden attacks of diarrhoea, and it is best to be prepared. Sold by all dealers. Forest fires are still oausing mach damage and suffering in British Colum- bia. Reports to the Imperial Bank on the crop outlook in the west are very satis- factory. IL Dr. Chase's Oint, mentis a certain and guaranteed curcforeaoh and every f or m of itching, bleeding and protruding piles. See testimonials in the press and ask otogoftte-6tad toyrmney about it. You all aeelers .: EDMarm:1. BATDs & Co., Toronto. CHASE'S OINTMENT. Music hath charms; but like all other oharming things, it takes cold cash to get next to it. Dead men'a shoes are apt to make oorne on the disposition of those who inherit them. Dysentery is a dangerous disease but an be cured. Chamberlain's Collo, holes and Diarrhoea Remedy has been cessfnlly used in nine epidemios of ntery. It has never been known to It is equally valuable for children dulls, and when reduced with and sweetened it is pleasant to Sold by all dealers. AVAKENING Of SCIENCE TO THE VALUE OF FRU Foot and mouth diseeee has appeared on a farm in Yorkshire, England. For the six months of the current year there have been 628 cases of typhoid fever in Montreal. The deaths from the disease number 131. Among the new Iinens are those with the crepe effects and the wide diagonal stripes in self tonee. Basket weaves, too, are as popular as they are effective. '.Am I to understand that there is come idiotic affair between you and that impecunious young ase?" demanded a millionaire of his pretty daughter. "Only you, father!" was the reply. If your liver is sluggish and out of tone, and you feel dull, bilious, and constipated, take a dose of Chamber - Stomach and Liver Tablets to- night before retiring and you will feel all right in the morning. Sold by all dealers. Never close up a cut finger with court plaster. It involves the possibility of pus and long inflammation. Wash the out with warm water and white soap, apply turpentine until there is no longer any sensation of soreness, then bandage with a linen cloth. It will quickly heal. overnmeht has issued invita- c Canadian and British fillip - dere to consider the question of con- noting vessels for the Canadian navy. hen easy Fails You What is "FRUIT -A TIVES"? • Medical inen are just beginning, tq re< laic the possibilities of fa* in curing disc.., e. Its action ou the liver, kidneys: and skirt is wonderful, Vet fruit in its raw sttttc is impracticable in treating disease because of the minute quantity of the active or. curative principle contained in fruit juice, A physician in Ottawa, after years o£ patient work, discovered a process, whereby the medicinal or bitter principle of fruit juice is increased in quantity and thus a More active and mere valuable substance is obtained. Pruit-a-tives" is the only medicine in the world Made of fruit, Hundreds of prominent people in every section of the Dominion owe their good Health to "Fruit -a -tires," Hun- dreds more are daily becoming stronger and better by taking them. ' Fruit -a- fives" is daily proving its inestimable valve as a natural cure in all cases of Constipation, Biliousness, Torpid Liver, Backache and Headache, Neural- gia, Rheumatism, kidney and Skin Troubles. • 5oe. a box, 6 for $2.50, or trial box, z5c. Sold by all dealers, or sent, postpaid, on receipt of price by Fruit-a-tives Limited, Ottawa. Fifty Years' Experience of an Old Nurse. MRS. WINSLOw's SOOTHING SYRUP iB the prescription of one of the beat fe- male physicians and nurses in the United States,and has been used for fifty years with never -failing success by millions of mothers for their children. It relieves the child from pain, cures diarrhoea, griping in the bowels, and wind colic. By giving health to the child, it rests the mother. Twenty-five cents a bottle. fOr#. C1-IASE'8 NMAit. rCOD will bring rest, oornfort and vitality by building up the nerves. • 1,1r. Jas. 'Wesley '\:paver, a veteran of the Fenian Baia, fort Dalhousie, Ont., writes "For years I was af- fiictad with nervousness and dreaded inmanei:a, so that I never knew for direr years what a full bout's steep was, never more than dosing for a few minutes at a time. Heart pains and headaches almost: drove me wild. I trail spells of weakness and cramps in stomach and limbs. ls. t„ hon t, rel several r1 doctor9 it was mo ,nv uselessly pent. Finally Ill. rhase'rt Nerve "Pagel woe beougl,t to me ani: oigbt luxes enred rue. It hi simply wonder al what beuelit 1 have obtained from this treatment." alleeplessness and bcaddnelres are warnings of approaebing nervous col- lapee. You ran positively remove these syntptnms and prevent prnstrntinn or pa.rslyt+is by the iter of Dr. ('baso."s Nerve food. 50 centra a box, 6 for il2.50, at all dealers or i'rin,:tr,gon, '%.sfei & t?o., 'I'.+"nntn, tirvite. for area tea o.'' 1)r. 4's:,r...'., :.;eilres. On Sittrday, duly 2•k'h, at Roes St. I,noknow, there passed away Mr. Hugh Pritchard, aged 71 years, Mr, Prit ()hard oatue from Fergus to Laurier a. number of years agoand, engaged iu the mil)ink busiuesP. Iia.reaided theta until three years ago when he sold, out to 1YIr. Adam Rattle and moved to Luoknow to tike lire east'•r, Effie remeine were taken to I iaoardio9 cemetery where he had a sou bolter. At Atatierlsy a great nuns ber of his old friends joined the pro cession from Laclsuow and pelt their ;rebate of reaped to an Honored neigh.. blr. Mr. W. H. Litt, of '1'eeewater, has dis- posed of his stook of dry goods to Mr, E. Baker of Moleswortb, Mr. Litt teked payment a bostneas block iu the village of Dublin, consisting of four steres hors hall above. The property is all occupied by tenants, and we understand it is not Mr. Litt'a intention to move to Dublin at present. To clean a lace or net shirt waist, the bread must be crumbled over the fabric and rubbed into it lightly with the palms of the hands, diecarding the soiled ornmbe for fresh when necessary. The fdIl title of King George is "Hie Most Excellent Majesty George V., by the grace of God, of the United King- dom of Great Britain and Ireland and of the Biitieh Dominions beyond the seas, King, Defender of the Faith, Emperor of India."- --ter-- Qn ,n nrpnt of Local Option carrying the hotel beepers ani" Teeswater -nter d alrt,sr.ir sgstnyt ttn.ir rishesi•ment wht,th W-44 ru:ar,a by the agetseor the dame ad last year. The Council made a reduo tion of a01'i; but not eatialod they ap- peared before Judge Barrett. It is a very difficult matter to arriveat a antis - factory conolusion, but this is the beet I can do," was the remark of the Judge as he deoided that the assess - meat of the Vendome Hotel ebonld be reduced by $1,000 and that of the otber two by $300 each, below that fixed by the village Council when acting as a Oourt of Revision, He added: "Tie lose to these men (the proprietors] has been very great, and I'think the re- duction in the assessment should be considerable," Baby's slc,u Troubles. "My baby boy, while nursing. broke ont with running, watery et r -e all over his head and behind the ears," writes Mrs. Oscar Vanoott, St. Antoine, Seek. "Many Naives welts prescribed to no effect. The obild's lead became a mass of scabs and he suffered untold agony from the dreadful itching Dr. Ohaee's' Ointment soon made_a lasting oure and also cured an oiler son of eczema," A men marched into the chop of a grocer who had died. "I want that tub of butter," he said, "and those hams, and that 101 of sugar, and all that other stuff." "Good`gracious" exclaimed the widow who kept shop, ;'whatever do you want with all those goods?" "1 dunno, I'm sure," said rho man, eoratoh• ing his head; "but you see I'm the ex ecutor of your late husband's will, and the lawyers just told me that I must carry oat the provisione." STATE OF OHIO, CITY eF TOLEDO, Se. LUCAS COUNTY. Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he is senior Gartner of the firm of F. J. Cheney & Co., doing business in the City of Toledo, County and State afore- said. and that said firm will pay the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for each and every ease that cannot be car- ed by use of Hall's Catarrh Cure. FRANK J. CHENEY, Sworn to before me and subeoribed in my presence, this Oth day of December, A. D. 1886 Children Cry ��a FOR FLETCHER'S CASTOR IA Kincardine will have to raise $7.5844 48 by way of taxes to pay for maiutain- ance of Hitch and Pnblio School $8,687, 40 is required, $5,300 of which ie for teachers salaries. From other sources, the amount of $4,169 92 will be received and we will have to make up the differ- ence, viz $2,517,58. The Public Sohoole will require $5,285 of which $4025 will be for teachers salaries. The Govern- ment grant will amount to $268. The own mass therefore, makelup $5,017. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children, The Kind You Have Always Bought -Bears the Signature of (pAwaIA Fo mail -O ME)' CURES CATARRH, ASTHMA, Bronchitis, Croup, Coughs and Colds, or money back. Sold and guaranteed by WALTON McKIBBON. Everybody now admia Zam-Buk best for these. Let. iii, (sive YOU ease enol comfort. D uegrate and Store,. e...rrvhere tx:rocKst r"" Life and Peach. coos*, t, R-assnn ; I is d u:v the world v';u halve to fu: get '.dot put aaide the thought of death. It leads to eadaeaa; it calla up the vision of the dreaded eta -oration from the world on whioh they have set their hearts; it re minds them' of duties over -looked and of reaponeibilitiee evaded; it points out the real purpose of the brief years alotted to man and gives birth to these troubled and disquieting thoughts, which world - tinge and sinners can never entirely nut aside, It. is a strange 'truth, too, that those who fear death least are they who meditate most upon it. Theirs is not the false stocism' of the pagan philoso- pher, but the attitude of men and wo• men who realize the real purposes of human lite. There is no real sadness in the thought, for it brings with it the meseage of hope, the promise of eternal life to those who serve God rnd keep His commandments. They realize that the death of the rigbteone will brine with it the end of sin, of suffering, of tribulation andtemptation, and the beginning of that fuller and better life in which "death shell be no more, nor moaning or weeping, nor sorrow shell be any more, for all these things have passed away." Tbey meet the Pale Rider calmly apd fearlessly, for their whole lives have been a preparation for an hour, which means for them not separation and severing of human ties, but glsd reunions and eternal happiness iu a life where death shall be no more. Automobile Extravagance. The. New York Financial World telle of a well known automobile compauy'e agent going from bank to bank in its city trying to raise a loan of $650,000 or $750,000and offering real estate mort- gages as collateral. The mcrtgagee, it is further stated, were on propetty worth more than a milion dollars and had been made by buyers of automo- biles, who were pledging their homes to secure touring oars. In one day in the registrar's ofiioe 45 per cent. of the mortgagee were given to automobile dealers and mauufaotur.3rs. One Kan- sas City banker stated that hie safe con- tained fifty-two real estate mortgagee, the money for which he knew went for the purohase of automobiles. There are already between 800,000 and 900,000 people actually receiving old -age pensions in Great Britain, Pensions are now to be extended td paupers, and on January 1st 'there will be about 240.000 aged paupers walking to the poet Moe for their five shillings a week in addi- tion to the eight hundred theuaand odd receiving aid now.- The total of Brit- ain's old age pension bill will thou be in the neighborhood of $55,000,000 a year. (Salt.) A. W. GLEASON, NOTARY PUBLIC, Halle Catarrh Cure is taken intern- ally, and Gots directly on the blood and modelle tnrfaoet of the system. Send for testimonials free. F. J, CHENEY & CO., Toledo, 0, Sold be. all Druggists.75 cents. Take Hall's Familyill for C n i ts a• ton. Daring the severe eleotrio storm on Thnreday evening, July 21st, a Moet sad fatality scoured at the home of Mr, Garrett Switzer, 7111 con„ Kinloss, near Holyrood, which the lightning etrnek, entered an Opendoorand n killed one of his little sone instantly. Their personal friends in Druce regret the defeat of three Brace risen in the Manitoba elections, Dr. Robert Roes, a ton of Lachlan Roes of Winnipeg, late of Queen St. North, Itinoardine, was defeated in Morrie by Hon. Colin Camp. bell, and evil/layer S. li. Moitay of 'Walkerton was defeated in Brandon, "Wm. Valens, late of Rinloes Tp., was elected in Russell, winning at Omerv- ative seat, SHARP KNIFE-LIKE PAINS Would Go Through Heart HANDICAPPED GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY SYSTka This is the Case with Many Wing - ham People. I.0. 0. F. EXGURSION Saturd When the digestion is all right, the action of the bowels regular, there ie a natural craving and relish for food. When this is lacking yon may know that you need a dose of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. They strengthen the digestive organs. improve the appetite and . regulate the bowels. Sold by all dealers. 1 Too many Wingham citizens are han- dicapped with a bad baok. The un- ceasiug pain causes constant misery, maeing work a burden and stooping or lifting an impoesibility. The back aches at night, preventing refreshing rest, and in the morning is stiff and lame. Plas- ters end liniments may give relief. but cannot reach the cause. To eliminate the pains and aches you must cure the kidneye. Booth's Kidney Pills cure sick kid- neye and cure them permanently. Can you doubt \Vingham evidence. R. Knox of Centre St.. Wingham, Ont., says:—"I frequently suffered with a dull. bearing.down pain across the email of my back and extending around my aides. This was particularly notio- able when I found 000aeion =to stoop or alt in one position for a time. There was a languid, tired feeling anis although I knew this to arise from inactivity on the part of the kidneys had tried several remedies, I oonld not find the desired results until 1 procured Booth's Kidney Pills at Mr. MoKibbon'e drug store and commenced their nee. The dell pain and weakness soon departed. however, and has not since returned. I feel bet- ter and stronger generally and although I have not been accustomed to having my name used I feel that Booth's Kid- ney Pills are reliable and worthy of recommendation," Sold by Dealers. Price 50 cents. The R. T,. Booth Co., Ltd., Fort Erie, Ont., Solo Oanadian Agents. • Thousands of people go about their daily work on the verge of death and yet don't know it. Every once in a while a pain will seem to shoot through the heart but .little attention is paid to it at the time, and it is only when a violent shock comes that the weakness of the heart is apparent, There is only one cure and that it MILBURN'S HEART AND NERVE PILLS, Mrs. J. E. Nixon, Riverview, Ont,, w. write...:—"Two e.. •--rr Two yearsg ago I suffered with a bad pain around my heart. At times it would almost stop beating and then, a sharp knife-like pain would seem to go through it. As I had heard Milburn's heart and Nerve Pills were a grand remedy for the heart, I sent and got two boxes of them, and when I had only used t. box and a half I was entirely free from pain." Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills are 50e per box; or S boxes for $1,25, at all dealers or will be mailed direct on receipt of price by The T. 'Milburn CO., Limited, Toronto, Ont. THE HALL OF FAME I walked with a highbrow of learning, one day in the Temple of fame, and af- ter much winding and turning, I said: "I am tired of this jim•ewizzled game. I've looked, but I've failed of discerning a picture of Poe in a frame, whioh I think is a rickety s'heme. Oh toll me, thou highbrow of learning, why his pic- ture The bi h -brow, tnreienoti,nalra B he coughed and he stuttered, and wiped off some sweat from this can; "the fell- ow you mention," he muttered, "was donbtless a poetry fan, he sure was on Mouth. of A fan; he's barred from this temple, and shuttered, for he was a die- solute man, and given to rushing the omit we have to be careful," he splatt- ered'''and place on the rounders a ban; we know . are where our bison ite better- ed, and slick to the high moral plan." net he hung on the wa)l an engraving Of Jnlins Terwilleger Snead, who's written some neat bite or raving that none in his senses would read; who's written some fierce bite of raving, that only the pipe -dreamers read, "His verse," said the 'bigh•brow. "on ghat - Waal metal and .helpful, indeedi And all through his life his behaving Wag chaste as hie uplifting soreedi" WALT MASON'. Are You Ruptured I can cure the worst case of Rupture from infancy to old age, without operation 'or loss of time. ACT AT ONCE and remove the daily danger of strangulation. Fill in coupon and send to Dept. J. J, S. SMITH, 88 Caledonia St, STRATFORD, ONT. Name Address Age Time Rup Single or double Satisfaction guaranteed. y, ug. 13 Minerva Encampment, No, 47, I, 0. 0. F„ 1Vingliam, have .colnpletetl, arrangements with the Grand Petiole Railway System to run a big I%xcursion to closet tairseesel+aseeltestednoiooGduNenteestentoietaeobsintubseettateertaileNag't±tereestanrasaaaatirstb ta is • ts. QAaaragaAaQAaA'Wfeetd@aresegle seen >AVe7107 7eleaaNeletWesegA'>AVelede eluea7470 aAeWWaleeetarl: Via HYDE PARK From the following places, on Saturday, August 13th, 1010, returning Monday, Aug. 15, tit the following low fares: Leave Time Fare Leave Time- Fare Kincardine 5.40 a.m. $2.30 I Belgrave 0.51 $L65 Ripley 5.55 2.20 Blyth 7.08 1.00 Londesboro 7.16 1.60 Lucien ow 0.10 2.05 Clinton 7.50 L60 Whitechurch 6.23 2.00 Brucefield 8.12 1.35 �Z'ingham 6.40 1.00 I Kippen 8.23 1,35 Children over 5 and under 12 fears - Half Fare Returning, special train will leave Sarnia Monday, Aug, 1.5, at 10 p.m, Arrangements have also been made with the White Star Steamshi p' Line to convey passengers from POPULAR STALLIONS. "Gold Link," the imported Clydesdale Stal- lion, son of the great Baron of Buchlyvie, will make the season of 1010 as follows:— Monday at noon, leave his owner's stable, Bluevale, for Currie's hotel stables, wroxeter, for night; Tuesday, to And. Gemmill's, eon. 6, Turnberry, for noon, and to Bluevale for night, and remain until the following Monday noon, W. H. Hawi!er, J. W. KING, Groom. Proprietor. SARNIA to ETROIT per magnificent Steamer "Tashmoo," on Saturday, leaving Sarnia at 4.50 p.m.. at the low return fare of 75c. Tickets good returning on any White Star Line boat up to and inducible. 2.30 pan., Monday, August 15. This . will afford an excellent outing and an opportunity for excursionists to spend Sunday in Detroit Everyone Come and Enjoy a Pleasant Outing!': COMMITTEE Ti'. B. ELLIOTT, J. W. DODD The Im orted Clydesdale Stallion " Mascot" make y will rho season of 1010 as follows Monday—Leavo his owner's stable Bluevale, for Alex. Moffatt's, 2'/ miles east of Bluevale, for noon; north to Kirton Bros.,' con. 5, Turn - berry. for night. Tuesday—Alex. McPherson's, con. 7, Turnberry, noon; and to Bluevale for night. Wednesday— To Wm. Elston's, con. 2, Morris, for night. Thursday—Jos. J. Kerr's con. 18 East Wawanosh, noon ; and to Dennis' sables, opp. Cement Works Wingham, and remain until Saturday morning. Satur- day—To his owner's stable, Bluevale, and re, main until Monday morning, KING, Proprietor. "DrumbuY e 1 Chief " the Imported Clydes• C p dale Stallion will malts- the season of 1010 as follows:— Monday—Leave his owner's stable, Blwevelo, for And. Douglas', gravel road, noon' and to Andrew Ireland's for night. Tuesday—Bor- nice Paynes, Con. 2, Grey, noon; and G. Mc- Parlane'e, gravel road ,night. Wednesday—To Jas.6pelr's, Con, 6, Morris, noon; and Tag Nichols', Con. 6, night. Thursday—To Jas. Pheddeh's, Con, 4, Morris, for noon; and to Hill's Hotel stables, Belgrave, " for night r'riday—To Jas. Miller's Con, 8, Morris, and remain until Saturday morning. Seturdny— To Robert warwkk's,Con. 8, Morrie, for noon; then to his owner's stable, llInevale, and re- main until Monday tnornaig, fgJ.PXing, Man er. tor a The Right Kind of Printing The kind that is neat, attractive and up-to-date, costs you no more money here than the inferior article does elsewhere. Quality Counts in printing as in other things, and the TIMES is in a position to t urn • but first- classOSlt O P work at very reasonable prices. Try this, office with your next order. The Times WINGHAM ' ONTARIO