The Wingham Times, 1910-08-04, Page 4Ir
I , ,
T #kl WINGtli ,Id TIMES, AUGUST 4, 1910
Dominion Bank
HEAD Oviet0o,: TORO TO
Cowan who will Mtend the Normal.
We with Mise Hagg inooees. She is A IJ t1 1t� 111
hard worker aad will no doubt do Well.
Sabbath morning, Jaly 24th, theim•
partitive call, that all must obey, oteme to
Mrs. Wm Trewite, who was making her
home with her daughter, Mrs, Edgar
D.xter, 2?a miles north of Blyth, and
Clapital Stook (all paid up) $4,000,000 Co she passed peeeefaily to her rest, et the
Reserve Fund and Ua• advanced age of 81 years and 1Q months.
divided Profits „ .... $5 1110,000 00 The eubjeot of thisq notioe. was born in
Deposita by the public $46 000,000 00 I Devout,hire, England, her maiden name
m l
ABaets over $60 500,000,00 being Oatharine Taylor. She was Mart
$R4NCIt e AND seGENTS throughout Can.
ado and the United States.
Savings Department.
Current Rites of Interest allowed, and
Depoeite reoeived of $1.00 and
Farmers' Rale Notes Collected, and
advances made ell them at lowest
rate of interest,
WINGITAM BRJu Apou Oo Streets. John and
R. VAN§TONE, So1initor •
rigid to Wm, Trewin, 05 years ago and.
sailed for Canada shortly atter, They
lived in Darlingtoq township, Durham
County, first; then oame westward to.
tieborne township, Huron County, then
in primeval bash and 40 years ago mov-
ed to Hallett where they madetheir
home nutil 1893 when they took np
reeidenoe in Blyth, leaving the farm to
their son, Mr. Trewiu died 6 years ago,
aged 80 years, There were thirteen
children born to Mr. and Mrs. Trewin,
but only 3 sons and a daughter survive,
viz:—Thos., of Chatham, Out. ; Samuel,
of Indian Territory, U, 5, ; Albert, of
Hallett; and Mre. Dexter, of East Wa-
wanoBh. The deceased had been a re-
markably hearty woman and did no
small share in aiding her husband with
bath brain and brawn in the pioneer
days. She was a faithful member of
the Methodist Charoh for years and was
most highly esteemed by a large circle
of friends. Old age was the cause of
her demise. Comparatively few of the
old timers remain.
Notice of changes must be left at this
offioe not later than Saturday noon.
The copy for ohanges most be left
not later than Monday evening.
Oasual advertisements accepted up
to noon Wednesday of eaoh week.
Mr. John A. Ewan, associate editor
of the Toronto Globe passed away
on Thursday after a lengthy illness.
Mr. Ewan grew up in the newspaper
business. He started is as the printer's
devil and worked up to the position he
bold at the time of his death. He was a
man heldin high esteem by his fellow
members of the fourth estate and his
death will be deeply regretted.
How All Women. Can Preserve
Good Health and Good Looks.
The railway would never have been
built but for the generosity and liberal-
ity of the people of Canada in cash
bonuses, land grants, etc., and if the
troth were known they hold a two-
thirds interest in all railroads in this
ountry, although they have little or
nothing to show for it. For this and
other reasons the people of Canada,
through their representatives in the
Hoose of Commons should have a very
strong voles in the settlement of dis-
putes between railway companies and
their employee.—Bark's Falls Arrow.
Too many women and girls look old
long before they should. Ip, nine melt
oat of ten it is a matter of health.
Work, worry, confinement indoors and
lank of exercise canes the health to run
down. Then faces beoome thin and
stale; lines and wrinkles appear,there are
headaohes, backaches and a•ooneteut
feeling of tiredness,
Women and girls who feel well look
well. Therefore improve your health
and you will look better., It is a fact
that thousands of Oanadian women and
girls owe the robust health they enjoy
to Dr. Williame' Pink Pills They feel
well and enjoy life se only a healthy
person oak.
The simple reason for this is that Dr.
Williams' Pink Pills make new, rioh,
red blood, which strengthens all the vi•
tal organa, brings brightness to the eye,
a glow of health to the oheek, and brace
Ing strength to every part of the body,
Mrs. Warren Wright, Una, Sask„ says;
"I feel that I owe a debt of gratitude to
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills that nothing I
can say in their favor vei1L fully repay.
I was so reduced in heesith and strength
that I was hardly ab is to walk at all,
and could do o
blood was sot n
lipsaud finger -
corpse. I had almost constant head-
aches, and the smallest exertion would
Bet my heart palpitating violently, and I
would drop in a faint. Nothing I did
seemed to help me in the least, and I
felt eo far gone that I never expeoted to
recover my health. I Was in this oriti•
oal condition when I read in a news-
paper of a cure in a case like mine
through the use of Dr. Williams' Pink
Pills and I decided to try them. I got a
half dozen boxes and before I used them
all there was a great change in my oon•
dition, My appetite returned, the Dolor
began to Dome back td my lips and face,
and my strength was increasing. I con-
tinued the use of the Pills for some time
longer and they restored me to the pink
of perfect health. While using the Pips
I gained twenty pounds in weight. My
cure was made in the summer of 1909,
and I am now enjoying better health
than ever before."
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills will do for
other weak and worn women just what
they did for Mrs. Wright, if they are
given a fair trial. Sold by all medicine
dealers or by mail at 50 Dente or six
boxes for $2 50 from The Dr. Williams'
Medioine Co., Brookville, Ont.
A. V. Shackleton, of Crewe, has been
engaged as teacher for S. S. No. 7 at a
salary of $500, his duties commencing
August 15th.
The brickwork on the Donnybrook
church is completed and the exterior or
the ohuroh now presents a fine appear.
awe. Considerable work has to be
done in the interior yet and it will likely
be near the first of September before
the ohnroh will be reopened.
John Naylor, of Elgin, Man„ is visit-
ing his many friends in this township.
This is his first visit to Ontario since,
with his parents, he moved to Manitoba
twenty-three years ago. He is greatly
taken up with this country and intends
to stay for a considerable period.
rk whatever. My
i6nd watery that my
e resembled those of a
The Ocnnoil met in Belgrave, Jnly
26th, pursuant to adjournment; mem-
bers all present but Mr. Ohamney; min-
utes of last meeting read and confirmed.
Communication received from Wm.
Lane, Co. Olerk,stating that the amount
required from the township this year
for county purposes was $2407,20. Re-
solved—that a further sum of $2800.00
for township purposes, salaries etc. and
$3500.00 for township grant to schools,
in all $8707.20 be levied and raised off
the township this year by taxation. A
rate of 5 6/10 mills on the dollar was
struck to raise this amount, and By Law
No. 6, 1910, confirming the same was
duly read and passed.
Fred. Toll presented a petition for the
oonstruotion of a municipal drain at
Lots 39 to 41 Cone. 2 and 3. The peti-
tion was granted and the Olerk was-sin-
strnoted to notify E. 0. Fnoe, Engineer,
Galt, to examine the locality described
and to make his report thereon.
Additional applioatione for the office
of Tax Collector to those already to
hand were reoeived from Robert Bre
channan and Geo. T. Robertson. After
due coneideration on this matter it was
unanimously resolved that George T.
Robertson be appointed Collector of
Taxes for 1910.
The treasurer's ball yearly statement
to June 30th, showing a balance on
hand at date of $1048.17 reoeived and
ordered to be filed,
By•Law No. 7, 1910 authorizing the
Reeve and Treasurer to borrow money
for township purposes and By -Law No.
8, 1910 granting the privilege to the
Blyth Rural Telephone Co. to erect
poles, eto. on aft the pubiio highways of
the municipality both read and passed,
The following acoonnts were present-
ed and ordered, to be paid—Wm. Coate,
registering Deed, $1 60; The Municipal
World, supplies, $1.98; H. B. Elliott,
Wiogham, advertising, $1.00; Ernest
Geddes, bridge iron, $18,05
al Graf-
ton, nit. Charles, material for MoLean's
bridge, $103 04; Geo. Taylor, part pay.
ment building MoLean's bridge, $875;
Wm. Watson, 'inspecting building Mo.
Lean's bridge, $30; The G. T. R. Co.,
r' htbridge material
f leg on , $2 85: D. A.
Dunbar, hauling bridge material, $3 00;
John T. Coultas, repairing culvert Con,
6 and repairing road opposite Lot 34,
Con. 9, $10.50; Sam', Deacon, Comma-
tation Statute labor tax 1909, $8 00; T
Tierney, removing stones on .Southern
Bdy., $1 00; Alex McGowan, repairing
culvert, dons. 2 and 3, $1.60; for gravel,
To state that "very much remains to
be done" is merely equivalent to saying
that while our system of administration
of justice has done and is doing a good,
,,mnah yet remains for the marts to do•
it is the Liberal polioy to continue and
perfect Government control and regula-
tion in the interest of justice to all.
What Sir Wilfrid told the people of the
Northwest he tells the people of Ontario.
He has not different stories to tell the
people of different sections. His policy
is founded on a sound principle, and it
inutes to the benefit of all,—Hamilton
present railway mileage is
more than sufficient to belt the globe
with a single traok line and leave 136
ilea to double.traok part of it. Or, our
ilWay mileage would provide six trans•
ttinental lines from Cape Breton to
ipe Rupert, or almost eleven from
x to Vancouver. In 1837 we had
smiles of railways. and we were
d,with this until 1847, when our
Oohed 64 miles. At Oonfeder-
is 1867, we had 2.287 mites; in
n alen the Northwest rebellion took
e; we had 10.773 miles.—Vanoonver
The customs revenue of the Dominion
for July totalled $5,724 714, an inorease
of $811,557 over July of last year, Al-
though is sixteen per cent.,
gh the increase
it is conaiderrbty lees than the inoreases
registered for the preceding months of
the preeent fiscal year. The falling off
is attributed to the effects of the Grand.
Trunk strike, which has prevented the
delivery of freigbt in bond now en route
to many pointe in Ontario and Quebec.
For four months of the fiscal year the
total customs revenue was $22.611,810,
an increase of $1 638 656, or over twenty
per cent., as computed with the corres-
ponding month of last year.
gravelling, eto., Geo. C. Naylor, 64 yds.
of gravel and shovelling, $7.90; A. Por
terfield, 54 yds of gravel, $5.40; Wm,
Wightman, 132 yds of gravel, $13.20;
Peter King, 49 yds of gravel, $4 90; Mrs.
Wm. Bseoroft, 47 yds of gravel, $4 70;
Ohms. Oampbell, 70 yds of gravel. $7.00;
Wm. Nixon, 48 yds of gravel, $4 80;
Geo. Fothergill, 67 yds of gravel, $5.70;
Robert Soott, 61 yds of gravel, $6.10;
Jonathan Pattison, 83 yds of gravel,
$8 30; Robert Shiell, 50 yds gravel, $5.00;
Thomas Bradnook, 40 yds of gravel,
$4.00; Hugh MoBnrney, 52 yds of gravel,
$5.20; Jonathan Bentley, 56 yds gravel,
$5.60; Wm. Walden, 40 yds of gravel,
$4 00; Samuel Scott, 40 yds of gravel,
$4.00; Alex Patterson, 52 yds of gravel,
$5.20; James Martin, 459 yds of gravel,
$45 90; MoKinnon Bros., gravelling on
Western Boundary, $274 95.; D, O'Calla-
ghan, inspecting gravelling on Western
Boundary, $20 00; F. Doyle, inspecting
gravelling on Western Boundary, $3:00;
Alex. McGowan, shovelling graiel,
$1.25; Robert Scott, shovelling gravel,
$3 00; Jonathan Pattison, shovelling
gravel, $3 00; Nath. Bolt, shovelling
gravel, $1.00.
The Oouncil then adjourned to meet
again on Monday, Ang.e,22nd next at
10 o'clock a. in.
Do you save?
A time will come when your ikon -
dal resources will be strained to
meet some unexpected demitnd,
Will you have to suffer the conse-
quences, or will you be in a post-
-* tion t0 turn to your ban account
for aid ?
Deposit your savings in the I3ank
of Hamilton now, and when the day
of etuel'gency comes you will be
C. P. smith .. . Agent.
and Court .Revision, $2.50: Sawyer &
Massey Co., road machine repairs, $11..
35; S. Vanetone, 93 yards gravel, $5.68;
M Wylie, 46 yarde gravel, $3.22; Jho.
MoNaaghton, 127 yards gravel and 2
days soraper, $8 12; B Ringler, 48 yards
gravel, $3 01: A. Polliok, 30 yards grav-
el, $2 10; R. Leathorne, damages, $2 00;
H. Wheeler, 00 yarde gravel and dam-
ages, $2.80; W. J Campbell, 66 yards
gravel, 84.30.; H, Merkley, 30 yards grav-
el, $2 80; H. Armstrong, 76 yards grav-
el, $4.60; John 'Marshall, 34 yards
gravel, $2,04; D. Eadie, damages, $2 00;
J T. Wylie, damages, $1,00; Jno, Mo -
Burney; 30 yards gravel and damages,
$4.60; John Ansley, 80 yards gravel,
$2 10; R Hookridge, Twp share Tar•
ner drain $6 00: E. Bok, Culross Bona•
dary culvert, $1,25; T, Weir, work on
grader, $10 60, error last aro„ $1 00,
$11 60; W Reid, grading, bdy. Morris,
$16.00; W. Reid, grading Lower Wing -
ham, $16.00; Robe, Hogg,. repairing
road at P0000k bridge, $4 00; Robt, An.
derson, damages, $1.00; Robt. Muir,
culvert, $5.00; S. Vanetone, gravel,
$3 90; P. Fowler, 30 yards gravel and
damages, $2.80. Moved by Mr. Kelly,
seconded by Mr. Wheeler, that this
meeting :do now adjourn to meet in
Clerk's cffioe, Blaevale, Aug. 22nd, at
10 o'olook a. m. •
• JOHN BUi;GE9s, Clerk.
i31yth Voters' List for 1910 was first
posted gip by Clerk Elder On Tuesday of
later week. There ate 321 names on the
lief, tirade no as follows: --Part I, 197;
Part II 107; Part III, 17 96 are com•
potent to serve tie jurors
MUs Hogg, who tankht Routh west of
Blyth, lige been engaged for next year
by the Trustees'of S S. No. 8. 2i miles
north of this place, succeeding Mire
is now a tutnrner as well
as a _ winter remedy. It
has the same invigorating
and strength-prod'cing ef-
fect in summer as in winter.
Try it in a little cold milk ter
Miss Oarrle Weeks, of, London, is
visiting with Mise Edith Peddle, of this
Rev. Mr. Sawyer, of Luoknow,
preacheddn the Methodist Ohnroh Sun -
and administered the
day morning
We are sorry to report that Mre. Wm.
Coulter of Zetland is very ill with heart
This is the year of corn and thistles;
have never seen thein grow so fast.
Coulters started threshing at S. Leg-
gatt's this week. Wheat is reported to
be shrunk; lots of straw. Barley and
oate are being out and Borne peas are
ready to pull. Crops generally, never
looked better. Potatoes should be good
too. Sorry to say turnips are not com-
ing up good and line are prevalent.
Mangolds are very fair.
Council met Jnly 26th. Members all
present, Reeve in the chair. Minutes
of last meeting read and adopted on
motion of Messrs. Wheeler and Ruther-
ford, Oommunication from Tax Re-
form Association, Toronto, was filed.
also one from Ontario Municipal Associ-
ation, St. Thomas, read and filed. Ap-
peal to Judge from Wingham and Wrox-
eter Telephone Association re • assess-
ment, filed. Communication from Bow-
man & Connor, Toronto, re Dement,
read and filed. Moved by Mr. Wheeler,
seconded by Mr, Rutherford that Treas-
urer's half yearly report be paeeed as
read, Carried. Moved by Mr. Wheeler,
seconded by Mr. Kelly that Bylaw No.
9, 1910 be passed for the levy of a sum
representing 3} mills on the $ from the
Aseasament. (hurled. By-law
1910 be passed for the levy of the sum
$2445.00 for payment of Co. rate. Car-
ried. Moved by Mr. Wheeler, seconded
by Mr, Kelly, that No. 11, 1910
be passed, Carried. Moved by Mr,
Rutherford, seconded by Mr. Mulvey,
that P. Powell be apbointed Tax Oolleo•
tor for current year at same salary as
1910. Carried. Communication from
Robt. Beattie, Wingham, read and filed,
re aooident to horse and rig and omit -
pants of rig on June 25th, 1910. Moved
by Mr. Rutherford, eeoonded by Mr,
Mulvey, that Robert Musgrove be ap-
pointed Inspector of bridge provided
Dnf & Stewart get contract. Carried.
Moved by Mr. Wheeler, seconded by
Mr. Mulvey, that Chairman of Board of
Health be notified by Secretary. to have
the nuisanoe on the Elliott property
near the town of Wingham remobed.
Carried. 'Following aboottnte Were ptie•
Ned and orders on Treasurer ieened:—
Thos. Jenklne, 'taking stones off road,
75o; H. B, Elliott, ad. bridge tendert
Farmers who want money to buy,
horses, cattle, or hogs to feed for market
oan have it on reasonable terms.
Notes discounted for tradesmen, mer-
chants or agents, on favorable terms.
Loans on real estate at the lowest
rates going,
C. N. Griffin
Mrs. Neil Reid and family of Paisley
were visiting her parents, M. and Mrs.
T. Aitken for a few days last week.
Mrs. 0: Reid and H. Walpole and little
girl were visiting at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Robt, Mnir.
Mies Mary Aitken has returned to Ha-
milton after visiting her parents at the
Miss Agatha Carrick and her mother
and Mr. P. H. Hill of Toronto visited at
the home of Mr. Robt, Muir last Friday.
Mre. A. Harkness and little eon, of
Vegreville, Alta. visited friends around
Glenanhen, -
Hay is a good crop in this locality.
James Scott had fifteen loads off four
Mre. C. MaoElwain and Mre. T. tingles
and their aunt from England ;.visited at
James Weft's Glenaunan, last week..
Drivers are changing hands in this
oommunity. Robe. Aitken pttrohased
John Weir's. James J. Soott bought
one from Mr. John Marshall. We ex•
peat to see nothing but dust now.
Todd Soott's rush must be over and
he is going to take things easier after thie.
We see he has a new hamniook; it looks
like solid oomfort.
Mrs Patterson, wife of Hon. J. C.
Pattorson, formerly Lieutenant Gover-
nor of Manitoba, died near Ottawa.
Coupled with a REAr, ESTATE and
Issuer of Marriage Licenses.
Office over Malcolra'B Grocery.
James John, a six year-old boy, was
drowned as Windsor.
Mr. J.- MoD. Mowat of Kingston has
been appointed by the Dominion GoQ+'
ernment to a000mpany Hon. Mr. qtr
Just .on his tour of Canada.
The late Mr. J. 0. Hutton OT'St.
Mary's left $20,000 to the local Anglican
church, besides several bequests to
missions and $1,000 to Rural Dean Tay.
Here we will describe a few extra good ones :
Our Big Overalls, no bib, 3 pockets, riveted buttons,
a ' splendid, well tailored and a guaranteed -
Overall at - - - - - $ t.00
Our Big Overall, pant style, double seats and
knees, price - - - - $r,00
Our special with bib, 3 pockets, elastic braces - $r,00
See our range of Men's Working Shirts, dark colors,
large sizes, double breast, double shoulders, at $I.00
25 per cent, discount on all White Waists for a
limited time, a chance for any bargain hunter.
Live Stock Markets.
Toronto, Aug. 1.—Receipts of live
stock at the Union Yards were 72 car
loads, consisting of 1368 cattle, 274 hogs,
364 sheep and lambs, and 79 calves.
The quality of fat oattle generally
was medium to good.
, Trade was good in every department
of live stock, everything being sold by
2.30 p. m:
The following are she quotations:
Exporters' cattle— Per 100 lbs.
Choice $6 50 $6 80
Medium 6 15 6 35
Bulls 5 25 5 65
Light 6 25 6 35
5 30 5.65
best 1000 pounds and np-
warda 3 00
Stockers choice . 3 00
" bulls 1 50
Picked 6 26 6 50
Medium 5 26 - 5 50
Cows,,., ..,.. 4 30 4 30
Bulls 4 40 5 16
Best 9 35
Lights e..` 9 00
heep—Export ewes
„.y3 00 3 25
Spring Lambe• eaoh 6 00” 6 76
Calves, eaoh 6 00 ' 6 75
eat meat and greasy foods—they are great
'heat producers. We are in the Pure Food business for
your good as well as our own. The Real Secret of Com -
`tort is in PROPER FOODS. Notice these specials.
Grape -Nuts, Postum Cereal, Gusto, Corn
Flakes, Shredded Wheat, and other cereals.
Pure Canned Meats and Vegetables.
Pure Pickles, Peanut Butter, Jellies, etc -
In fact everything that is wholesome and
We aim to please all with our large selection
of Summer Eatables.
4 00
2 00
400 425
300 -'325
Wingham, Aug. 3rd, 1910.
Fier r per 100 lbs,.,, 2 76' to 3 25
FallW 6 0 1 heat to10
.. 5
Oats, 0 35 to 0 40
Barley .... . , ......- 0 45 to 0 48
Peas „ 0 68 to 0 68
Butter dairy ,.,.,,,, 0 17 to 0 18
Eggs per dos - 0 16 to 0 17
Wood per oord .. • . , , ,2 50 to 2 50
Hay, per ton. . , , .. 6 00 to 8 00
Potatoes, per bushel, ....0 80 to 0 35
Lard,.:.: . 0 20 to 0 20
Live Hogs, per cwt. 9 25 to 9 25
Does not Color the Hair
Stops railing Hate An Elegant Dressing
Destroys Dandruff Makes Hair Grow
Ingredients: sul,har, Glycerin, guiatf. Sadturn Chlbrii.
Capable'. Sage. Alcohol. Water. Perfume.
A hair preparation made front this formula isharmleal, yet possesses potttive 1edL A;
hair food, ahair tonic, $ hair dressing. Consultyourdoctor about these halrprobkahi.
is O. Atilt Ttota un! Lowen, %lee.
Canadian National Exhibition
AUGUST 27th to SEPTEMBER 121h, 1910
Improved Grounds, New Buildings, International Live Stock Show,
Exhibits by all the Provinces, Magnificent .Art Loan Exhibit.
Model Military Camp,
Tattoo every night. 1,000
Everything new in attractions. PERFORMERS
Wonderful Firework Spectacles. -
For all information write Manager, J. 0. ORR, City Hall, Toronto
4.44•I44:44' 4,4,4,-4444.4..e.e.e++•1••1.3.4• ' s++4:4.44d4'i•+3.++.1• .1!+4.4.4444.1.44
4. 4.
•+l' •I•E TE�N FAIR!.W S
h- $
Sept.t to 17th 1
I $25,000.00 IN PRIZES AND ATT
3 The Great Live Stock Exhibition 4
Music by the 91st Highlanders and 7th Fusiliers j,
Attractions Fetter Than Ey r, Fireworks Each Night, I
Visit LOndon's Exhibition
Price Lists, Entry Forme, and all inforthation from
W. S. 1t1+ tf, president. .. A. M. III/NT, Secretary. 4
1+.+4,..14+0414 444. . ., .. i; :i�:t43:tw'ti•:f:4; i+0..4.•�4.+442*341:'#4.'t+.01i1•ind•3*..Jc
•'Kr".'.y. a -dry%' -' .- Ilii