HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1910-07-14, Page 6.•'M • •. :k.:. n I--. -w rMa M .- ••. it .. •.•- •, "JCI l"i 1'Y t1V HAM 113$US, JUDY 14, 1i10 KERNELS fltO!1 THE SANCTUM MILL Interesting Paragraphs from our Exchanges.. Mrs, Turnbull of Olaremaut dropped At the Strrzai Peloee, he Ronne, there • r bd dead et Arthur, is a book made of marble, lees the a Mee. Oatberine Breitbaaut, the oldest , lug of marvellous thicnetie, native resident of Berlin, Ont., is dead, a In proeortlon to numbers Denmark is _,�.,r.— . said to have more imitate than any A 'Bilious xFadaclie. ' other country in the world. File in the blood is pollen and causes In Franca the dootor'a claim on the pain, etre, Thos Cavern se Fart• estate of a deceased patient rine Praced• Grove, Ont., writes: —Per yeaarmoo of oil°there, tired with bili email, etni nac„"a trnutlle and terrible headao`:cs Hentrgt»sa3 Dr The carmen and helpers in the Cana. Chase's Kidwq ati Lter P1118 will lav than Northern sbops at Winnipeg went eanhesttatingly that trite ie themost eft- .p out On strike, and now them aro 70 men active, treattneet obtameble for these f out. ,ronblae Weirs pepper es prefees?:z to telaek for 103e111:;1g ebi:ken saup. A woman likes to have her husband thanle elle is jealous when she isn't. C:samaerlain's Stomaeh and Liver Tablets gently stinin;ate the liver and tors:ls to expeipcisonens mattercleanse the eeetem, enre Cnnstipetize and sick haa3aehe. Said by all druggists. Small wire paper clips are used by the little girl to keep etathes on her paper dolls. The well g denied girl never wears smart gowns with -shabby or untidy nn- derelothing. fEali CASTOR I A For Infants and Children, The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA Nature TeUs You As Many a Wingham Reader knows Too Welt. When the eidnee s ere stole. Is'atnre tells yop all about it, Tee urine is otitartee oatendar• Infrequent or too frtqueet actioti; Any urinary trouble tells. of 1"iduey Me. Booth's Kidney Pills onto all kidney ills Wingbein people testify to this.. H, 4 Murray of S ieetnia St., Wink- hem, Oot., safe: Aly back pee been sore Band teuder for -years and stoopiug or lilt - Ong an thrngwould ouse ease much coffering and is would take many FeQun(is to straighten pP again, My rest was broken several ttmea eachni he with the fi*queut and irregular seoretiees of the Ilianees aid alae urine was of a hiph colopr and filled with brick duet sediment. Taking cold would usually ranee thin and I would often awake as tired as on poiug to bed. I had tried numerous remedies without any appar- eut rotate. Booth's Sidney Pills were. advertised and procuring is box. at Mr. MoKibbon's Pharmacy I oommenoon treatment. My bank soon strengthened and the pain bas not returned, The se• °redone were brought to normal end the, urine cleared. I believe Booth's I�i,.uey Pills the beet and most relieble of all rein• edies end will gladly recommend them." Sold by Dealers. Pride 80 cents. The R. T, Booth Oo , Ltd , Fort Erie, Ont., Sole Canadian Agents. The first conviction under the new bread by-law was made at St. Thomas, four bakers being found guilty of violet- ing the law. The increase in the exports of the Do- minion to the mother country the se- cond year after the McKinley tariff be came operative was over $15,000,000. THE NEW AHEAD LAW. On the. first of this month Weed Law caws In soros. H people have been confused by the "Fancy Bread", ',Tisane whioh allowed bakers to vas alder aria, aGandgrd weigh they had been unable to knew a4 weight ahonlrlget, T w law mgkea this clear. It xoept se provided. in Sab-se person shall make bread for ll offer for sale broad, es vol weigh#ng 24 canoes or 48 0 The snb•sention referred to, made mall bread may be aced for sola, and sold in any t excediug 12 ax avoirdapo#f all lo•+f, well;hang ]ass than not likQly to be aooepGed by want and require to get the weight of wholesome food po e money expended, and, tee the loaf is now forbidden, mistakes whether "fancy" or pia#u bread bought will not be so common. Persia like Turkey, is aw from her sleep of centuries. constitution and some other provemente, but she hasn't o with enough to f with n real transportation Horses and doukeye still const passenger and freight carrying the empire, whioh once d the east, Still, Persia hoe' one is ten miles long, and rano ran, the oppital, to the shrine net shell. The general ie road hasn't much trouble ing his ,ton mile costa. Strikes disturb his slumbers. The flan mitten doesn't bother #tself R end polioiee or bond issues, e awake nights wondering If at#og bills are going to pass the arliamemt,—Moody'e Magazine. RADIANT HAIR O a new Bre Hitherto a lobate of " Leer, eto, put up loaves t, that exeotly what he now ne reads „E otiou 2, nosale, or she except in loo ounces "' reads: sale „Sfor , off weight, no '' The 8m12 oz. isthose who wagreatest we alible f or the 20 cz, es as to is being ahoning fr She has a eo modern imaught up wi provide her. self system. F3 itnte the pa resources ofdominated railroad.. It from Tie. heron, of a de. ft'manager of tri in fignr• es do uct di finance oom- m ith divi- d nor does it lie rate regn- 1 Persian p Soreness of the monies, whether in. duced by violent exercise or injury, is goiekly relieved by the free application of Chamberlain's Liniment. This lin- iment la equally valuable for muscular rheumatism, and always affords gniok relief. Sold by all druggists. When you bump up against some- thing that you can't afford to do and can't afford not to do, what do you do? The 'frigate bird' can float at en ele- vation of ten thoneand feet and cross the tropical Atlantic Ocean in a single night.—Michelet. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CABTORiA A man seldom deserves half the praise he gets after he is in the hands of the undertaker. Australians bold n world's record in tea consumption, drinking nearly' SO pounds a head yearly. Teething children have more or less diarrhoea, which can be controlled by giving Chamberlain's Colic, Oholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. All that is necess- ary is to give the prescribed dose after each operation of the bowels more than natural and then oastor oil to cleanse the system. It is safe and sure. Sold by all druggists. Rev. Wm. Savage, a retired Metho- dist minister, died at Guelph, aged 92 years. W. H. Mahon, a Port Stanley hotel• man, was fined $500 for selling rquor on Sundays. OR. A. W. CHASE'S CATARRH POWDER is sent direct to the diseased parts by the Improved Blower. Heals the ulcers, clears the air passages, stops droppings in the throat and permanently cures Catarrh and Hay Fever. 25c. blower free. Accept no substitutes. All dealers or adrna'tson, Bates & Co,, Toronto. There's probably nothing quite so nn- satisfaotory no friendship that rennin s constant nursing. A woman need not doubt her hus- band's love if he refuses to allow her to eat her own cooking. Co Chiffon embroidered with chenile for a gauzy evening wrap ie quite effective. The Rev. T. G. Wyatt, vioar of Hay - wards Heath, England, has• promised to present half•a.sovereign, the price of a pair of boots, to every member of the local company of the Chnroh Lads' Bri. gade who joins the territorials. Pity the Babies. i All babies whose mothers do not know hbout Dr. Ohane'e Ointment are truly to be pitied. They are sure to have skin troubles of one kind or anoth- er such as chafing, skin irritation. scald hea9,milk rash orbaby eczema and noth- ing can bring them comfort so quickly as Dr. Chase's Ointment. It stops itch• ing promptly and heals the skin beaut- ifully. eaut-ifully. A floating dry dock, with a lifting power of 17,000 tons, whioh is being built in England, will be towed to Ber• muds wheu finished. Teacher (after explaining the char• atter of the Pharisee)—"And now what do we mean by 'hypocrite'?" Pupil— "Pieaee, mise, a man wot says he is wot he isn't, but he ain't." The world's most successful medicine for bowel complaints is Chamberlain's Colin, Cholera and Diarrhoea Re- medy. It has relieved more pain and suffering and saved more lives than any other medicine in use. Invariably for children and adults. Sold by all drug• gists. (PONot CtD lJIGH-O-MEI' CURES CATARRH, ASTHMA, Bronchitis, Croup, Coughs and Colds, or money back. Sold and guaranteed by WALTON McKLBBON. RUSH TO THE WEST. For the filet five months of the pre, seat calendar year homestead entries reached the large figure of 23;354, ata compared with 13,111 for the same months cf 1909, or an inoreaee of 78 per cent. By Provinces the entries were es follows ;JSanitoba, 1,120; Saskatohewau, 12,718; Alberta, ,2,414; Btitiah Oolnm bis, 103. For the month of May clone the en' Wee were 0 374, representing a total of 15,840 euals. Of the entries for, May, 2,146 were pi de by C telediens resident. in the Dowiuion, 86 by Canadians just returned from the United States, 2.091 by Ame,iaane, 681 by English, 190 Scotch, 71 Irieb, 47 Freuoh, 16 Belgians' 9$ Gertuane, 259 Scandinavians, 809 Austro Hungariaue, 239 Russians, and 94 by other nationalities. In May, 1;909, the homestead entries were 3,213, aa'a;lainst 6,374 for tha oor- responding month this year. An English Chemist Has Discovered How To Grow Hair. At what age does the little tapir lose his markings? A tapir born in October) in the London Zoo is a plump little men mal, exactly like Lie parents, except it is strongly barred with horizontal stripes, while, as everybody knows, old tapirs are plain. Chief among the monuments to Sing Edward in London will lie the new bridge over the River Tbamee from Southwark to St. Paul's cathedral, which will probably be calledKing Ed- ward Seventh's Bridge, It will cost over ten million dollars. The Queen Mother recently received no fewer than 11,000 telegrams of con- dolence alone, and even more than that namber of letters. ' A witness of the entrance of Napoleon I. into Moscow in 1812, a man named Kniazkoff, who is 119 years old, has been brought to St. Petersburg to relate hie his experiences to the general staff. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA Flora pointed pensively to the masses of clouds in the sky saying ' I wonder where those clouds are going?" And her brother remarked, "I think they are going to thunder." Scandalous ill-treatment of soldiers in A North•oounty bridegroom, when the the German army is calling for severe bridelheeitated to pronounce the word measures. Capt. Dahrkan of the 111th "obey" said to the officiating clergy- Infantry Regiment, found guilty on two man. "Go on, mister; it don't matter, hundred counts, bas been sentenced to You can leave that to me." two years' imprisonment and dismissal —+--• from the service. Fifty Years' Experience of an Old Nurse, MRs. WINsLOw's SOOTHING SYRUP is the prescription of one of the beat fe- male pbyeioiane and nurses in the United States,and has been need for fifty years with never•fai'.ing success 'by millions of mothers for their children, It relieves the child from pain, cures diarrhoea, griping in the bowels, and wind colic. By giving health to the child, it rests the mother, Twenty-five oente a bottle. lie f0ieh people. The first native evening newspaper known in China made its initial appear- ance recently, It was printed through- out in red for good luck, red being the auspicious color in China. The Messen- ger, as the new venture is called, make a notable departure. It will be dietri- buted gratia for one month. In England the ladies have entirely abandoned wearing rate, whioh is due entirely to this new discovery. It has been proven that Henna leaves contain the ingredients that will posi- tively grow hair. That they contain this long -looked -for article is proven every day. The Amini•aes are now placing on the market a preparation containing the extract from Henna loaves, which ie having a phenomenal sale. This preparation is called SALVIA,. and is being sold with a guarantee to oure Dandruff and to grow hair in abun- denoe Being daintily perfumed, SAL- VIA makes a most pleasant hair deers. fag. Mr. Walley your druggist, is the first to import this preparation into Wingham and a large generous bottle can be purchased for 50o. New York Society Women's Hair Matched Only by Parisians. While much attention is given to choicest gowns by New York society women, the turbulent fad just now is the care of the hair.. For many years the clever women of Paris have been famed for the magnifi- cent beauty of their hair. "Glorious hair," a Virginian calls it; "so radiant and luxuriant that it not only attracts but fasoinetes and compels unstinted admiration.' -- But now that the elite of New York, ever anxious to improve their beauty, have learned that earisian Sage, a re• markable and almost marvelous hair nonrieher and beautifier, is almost en- tirely responsible for the charming hair of the ladies of France. the demand for it has become endrmone. Parisian Sage is . now sold all over Canada e.nd.ih Wingham by J. Walton McKibben Who fit glad to guarantee it to eradicate dandruff, 'stop failing hair and itching scalp in. two weeks or money back. Large bottle 50 cents. • t$100 ICEWARD, name The readera of this paper will be pleas- ed to learn that there is at least one dreaded disease that science has been able to cure in all its stages, and that is Catarrb. Hall's Catarrh Onre is the only positive care known to the medical fraternity. ' Catarrh being a constitu tional disease, requires a constitional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, noting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the, sys- tem, thereby destroying the foundation' of the disease, and giving the patient strength by building up the constitution and assisting nature in doing its work. The proprietors have so much faith in. its curative powers that they offer One Hundred Dollars for any case that it fails to cure. Send for list of testimon- ials. Addres F. J. CHENEY & CO , Toledo, Ohio. Sold by all druggists, 75o. Take Hall's Family Pills for constipa- tion. •„ J There is curious plant that grpws in Arabia and is known by the name of "Laughing Plant." The name comes f rom tht fact that anyone who eats its seeds cannot control bis laughter. The natives of the district where this plant grows dry the seeds and reduce them to powder. A small dose of this powder makes those w«0 eat it act very' much 1 "" k Wish WESTERN FAIR. Under the heading "Creel and un. usual" a country contemporary reports the enit of a Mise Cracker against the Northwestern Railroad, and makes the statement: "Miss Cracker asserts that she took a freight train at Reedsbnrg and was kissed on the caboose by the condnotor." The •Western Fair of London, Ontario, to be held September 9 to 17, is becom- ing more popular each year as a Live Stock Exhibition. The management are putting forth every effort to meet the Exhibitors, and when the prize list was ander consideration this year $1,000 in cash was added to the Live Stook De- partment. Every'a000mmodation pos- sible for the comfort of Exhibitors will be made and every Exhibitor will; be given a fair opportunity to compete in their respective' classes. This Exhibi- tion is acknowledged by all Live Stock Breeders to be one of the best in the Dominion, and they are al. ways able to report' large sales as a re- sult of exhibiting in London, In the Agrionitnral Departments this year will be many new and special features. The British Columbia Government have made arrangements to bring a large ex- hibit of Fruit. This will add very mpoh to the Horticultural display, but will not be in competition for prizes. All the other departments of the Exhibition. will be looked after well. All information may be obtained from the Secretary, A. M. Hunt, London, Ont. Bad Blood Means Bad Health, A record. for longevity is claimed for an old couple named Paget, residing at Chateldon, Puy-de•Dome, the husband BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS being 103 and the wife 101. Both are in excellent health and work —unaided— Makes Qood Blood and Good their ema11 bolding, Blood Moans GoodGoodHealth. The United States Association of Cillegiate Alumnae, composed of more Mrs. I''retl Bigg., Kingston, Ont„ than five thousand members in various writes:----" I was completely run Clown, cities, is about to test the law of heredity my blood was out of order, and I used by an investigation of its own member, to get so wealr I would be compelled to ship and antecedents for three genera stay an bed for weeks ata time. I, thine or more. could not eat, and was pale and thin: g I was goinginto more - everyone thought titt :ver n e Y Itri ed everything, and Consumption. 5 g, different doctors, until a friend advised me to use Burdock Blood Bitters. "I did not have one bottle used when my appetite began to improve. "I used six bottles. "I gained ten pounds in two weeks. When I began to take it I only weighed ninety-three pounds. It jest seemed to pull me from the grave as T never ex- pected to be strong again. 1 will tell every sufferer cf your wonderful remedy. Burdock Mood Bitters is rntintifacturcd only by the' 'r. Milburn ('o., Lernited, Toronto, Ont. See that their eignalu " situation in India, From /an, 1 next appears on every bottle, the transit dues will be lowered by 5d. Matic Liver Spots rheum tism Unable to work or sleep—Six years o1 suffering—Cured by DR. A. W. CHASE'S NERVE FOOD. There is nothing more annoying to a young lady than to have her face or hands marred with Liver Spots. They indicate a diseased liver. There is only one remedy' that is guaranteed to cure you, and that is FIG PILLS, They re- move the spots, clear the complexion and Ohre Constipation. Mild in their action. 25o. a box, at all leading drug stores and, remember, FIG PILLS ere , dto rate ou. r ntee you - functions, fails to 0 rform its ,q aaa the st0 P When+tt functions, thebowelsbecome deranged, Art the liver and Kidneys congested Dans- rl ted ing nnmerone diseases, The stomach A good dairy now, it properly and liver meet be restored to healthy while dry, will lay oh a considerable a• odndition and Chamberlain's Stomach mount of 'fat, and after freshening she At the annual general meeting of the will only use the food given her for Sues Canal Company' lately held in milk production, but will draw on her Paris it was reported that in 1909 for own body fat to increase the ntllk flow, the first time, the transit dues exceeded and no matter if you feed her praotloalty 24,800,000, the molt being largely due all she will eat from the time She to n m ovement in the agricultural drops her calf, there will be a gradual t0 P falling off of flesh for •lit er seven Menthe after she hits calved. Ire You upture f I can cure the worst case of Rupture from infancy to old age, without operation or loss of time. ACT AT ONCE and remove the daily danger of strangulation. Fill in coupon and send to Dept. J. J, S. SMITH, 88 Caledonia St. STRATFORD, ONT. Name- Address .Age Time Rup Single or double Satisfaction guaranteed. 'HE FORMULA OF "FRUIT•A•TIVES" On The Autsitle Of Every Box For All The Wld To See Every user of "Fruit-a-tives" knows exactly. what isl eeingsItaken, every formula of this famous fruit medicine is priutet to clearly—that 0 the "'tide oftives " box. We have stated many times—and now Y is made of the juices of apples, oranges, figs and prunes, with valuable heart and nerve tonies and antiseptics, Everyone knows that fruit juice is healthful—but perhaps some do not understand why this is true. Fruit juice, consists of about 91% water, 8% of sweet principle, ,and i°% of a, bitter substance. It is the quantity of bitter principle in fruit that gives the fruit value as a medicine. An eminentpcianofOttawa, tater years £ experimenting, found a method of increasing her principle in fruit juice, thus increasing the medicinal or curative qualities. The juices are first extracted from fresh, ripe oranges, apples, figs end prunes. By a secret process, some of the sweet atoms are replaced by the bitter principle. Then tonics and antiseptics are added, and the whole made into, tablets, now known far and wide as "Fruit-a-tives." . " Fruit-a-tives " is the only medicine in the world that is made of fruit juices, and is one of the few remedies that have let their composition be known from their introduction to the public. "Bruit-a-tives " is nature's stimulant for the liver, bowels, kidneys and skin. In cases of obstinate Constipation rou,Inigeion,Bckch, Rheumatism, Headaches and Impure Blood,this wonderfulfrith mee cures; when everything else fails. "Fruit -a -fives" is sold everywhere at 5oc. a box, 6 f•lr $2.5o; r trial l fox, 2sc., - or will be sent, postpaid, on receipt of price by Fruit -a t v TWENTY VEARS AGO (From the TIltEs of July 11, 1890.) Loeal History of the early SOS. 1 Items from the "Times" fyles. LOCAL NEWS, Mr. Friend has organized a choir to sing in the Presbyterian (thumb. They were in their places on Sunday evening for the first time. , Mr. and Mrs. Groves bade farewell to numerous friends and left for their new home in Toronto, on Wednesday morn- ing. At a late meeting of Maitland Lodge, No. 119, I. 0. 0. F., the following were eleoted office bearers for the current term; Robert Allen, N. G; Riohard Green, V. G; A. G. McGregor, R. S; T. J. Elliott, P. S; W. F. Brockenehire, Treasurer. A. G. McGregor was elect- ed Representative to the Grand Lodge, Which meets iu August. On Sunday morning last, the Orange- men assembled at their hall, headed by Bell's Faotory Braes Band, and marched to the Methodist Chnroh, where they Mr. Mex. Ethier,, Jr., Clarence Creek, Russell Co., Ont., writes:—' 'Iy was run d nerv- ous to such an fit w system y extent that I suffered a great deal from weakness of the nerves and sciatic rheumatism, and at times ',vas like one paralyzed, I could not work, was 1112• able to sleep, and had P.0 appetite. ".Nothiiig s(?enie(i to build up my servos Until I made use of Dr, Chase's Nerve Food. Af e trio having d about $12.00 worth of `this medicine I fool like a new Iran. I can walk all right, do a great deal of work, have tt good appetite and sleep well every night." POPULAR STALLIONS. "Gold Link," the imported Clydesdale Stal- lion, son of the great Baron of Buchlyvie, will make the season of 1910 as follows:— Monday at noon,• leave his owner's stable, Blnevale, for Currie's hotel stables, wroxeter, for night; Tuesday, to And. Gemmill's, con. 6, Turnberry, for noon, and to Bluevale for night, and remain until the following Monday noon, W. H. SEwITT, J. W. KING, Groom, Proprietor. Schen you ilevo tired of experiments you can turn to: Dr. A, W. Chttse'S lderve rNod knowing that persistent treatment is bound to bo rewarded with lastingly beneficial results. But you must got the genuine, bearing portrait :find signaturo of A. NV, Chase, M. D. 50 eta. at all dealers or Edmanson, Bates & Co., Toronto, Write for free copy of I)r:. Chase's Ite'eipes. The Imported Clydesdale Stallion, " Mascot" will make the season of 1910 as follows, Monday -Leave his owner's stable, Bluevale, for Alex. Moffatt's, VA miles east of Bluevale, ills Turn - berry', for night, Tuesday—Ale:[. McPherson'g, con. '7, Turnberry, noon; and to Bluevalo for night. Wednesday— To Wm. glisten's, con. 2, Morris, for night. Thursday—Jos. J. Kerr's eon. 18, East Wawanosh, noon; and to Dennis' feed stables, opp. Cement Works Wingham, and remain until Saturday morning.Satur- day—To his owner's stable, Bluevale, and re. main until Monday mJ. W. KING, Proprietor. "Drumburle bhief,", the imported t7tydee• dale stallion will make the season of 1910 as follows;— Monday—Leave his owner's stable, Bldevalo, for And. Douglas', gravel road, noon• and to Andrew Ireland's for night. Tuesday -Ber- nice Payne's, Con. 2, Grey, neon; and 0. Mc-- Farlane s, gravel road, night. Wednesday—To Jag. spews, Con. 6, Morris, noon; and Jas Nichols'. Con. 0, night. Thursday—To Jas. lihedden's, Lon, 4, Morris, for noon; and to Hill's Hotel stables, Belgrave, for night Friday—To ,Tag. Miller's 'Con, 8, Morris, and. reniain until Saturday morning. Saturday— To Robert Warwick'e,Con. 8, Morris, for noon; then to his owner's stable, Bluevale, and re' mein 'until Monday morning, J. W 'tine,R,'rmanavger. Proprietor, were addressed by Rev. John Soott M. A, On Tuesday last, Mr. T. Jackson, of Wingham, lett for Glenblro, Manitoba, via Grand Trunk Railway and North, Bay: Mr. T. Gregory and Miss Marion Gregory, of Wingham, via G. T. R. and North Bay, for Calgary, N. W. T. BIRTH,S. Barber—In Wingham, on the 4th inst., the wife of Mr. Archibald Barber; a eon. McEwen—In Bluevale, on the 27111; alt., the wife of Mr. Alex. MoEwenp- teacher; a daughter. Wright—In Turnberry, on the 7th' inst., the wife of Mr. Win. Wright; re eon. .. Fitzpatrick—In East Wawanosh, on the 29111 June, the wife of Mr. Geo. Fitzpatrick; a 000. Orniokehank--In Turnbarry, on the 10th inst., the wife of Mr. Geo. Cruick- shank; a daughter. The-Ri%htI(ifld of PrintinA The kind' that is neat,' attractive and up-to-date, costs you no more money here than the inferior article does elsewhere. Quality Counts in printing as in other things, and the TI11iEs is in 'a position to turn out first- class work at very reasonable prices. Try this office with your next order. The Times `VVINGHAM, ONTARIO