HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1910-07-14, Page 1RUQ' FLOWERS 1t AND /� Mayor Holmes H liday. FLORAL DESIGNS mss ba issued a proolalnt- ation declaring Th Way July 2lst AR T. C. GRAHAM. & SON Wingbam's civic'h iday. This" is the 1'sozzI sol, day of the annual a onrsion to Kinoar- dine and nodoubt large number of our townspeople will s end the day at the lake town, Head Willis SG Co.'i>; adv. on page 8., Marrie At Wieuipeg en Preebyterie Gordon atelp Stewart, form married to Mr, erly of Flaaniit ed in foulard ai VW couple reo dxetly present Wear Oreer's Shoes, and Rubbers Just What The fine rain on Sunday last will oropsin this distrix was having a eeriej of props, as Needed, atnrday night and eau muoh to the The long dry spell s effect on all winds KNox's Annual Sale continued weeks longer, till July 34th. v1drs c t To Sarnia The annual I. 0 Sarnia and Detroit day, Aegnst 13eb, from Wingham to via the White Star steamer, "Teatimec Detroit the fare is 7 bills giving full par for 2 6 nd Detroit 0. F. excursion to 1I1 be held on Satur- The return fare Santa is $1.90and Line's magnificent ' from. Sarnia to cents. Watch for orders..r''' GIRLS WANTED.' & Oo., London, On ply D. S. PERRIN Music for Mr. M, S. L. Wingham and f ber of the Cilia band boys two 0 and through th wish to heartily hie gift and pro leotions from thi concert. itizens' Band. omuth, formerly- of some years a mem- ns' Band, has sent the plate sets of m1810 TIMES the members auk Mr. Homuth for e to give the two se - music at an open sir Greatest bargains ever given in jewel- ry at KNox's Sale. Conditio Mr. Wm. Bober berta, who is spa town, having bee count of the deet ports crops as bein' his section of Alb have had no rain ei that spring sown gr not grown at al!, bn lands the crop wilt sections of the We: had rain Mr, Ro looking very good. WINGHAM VOL. XXXII —NO. 2005, WINGHA310 ONTARIO, TUESDAY, JULY 14 1910,. FOR BABIES AND CHILDREN "Mother Krohs Remechea" for Baba s and Children are now for sale in Ft mgham. They hayed proved a boon to mothers in United States during the past five years, Qonto Rtnny—Relieves infantile colic without use of opium. ESSENCE CP CATNIP—A tonin naedi- oine. for weak pony babies. WoRtt SYRul'—A reliable remedy to remove worms of all kinds, COUGH SYRUP—Relieves oonghs and colds. LAXATIVE SYRUP—An ideal laxative. Gentle notion on bowels, TEETHING SYRtn»--A reliable remedy for norms irritability incident to teetbiog. ' ORM' SYRUP—Valuable in croup, whooping cough, hoareeness. Gives instant relief, SOoTHING SYRur—Relieves pain and nervous irritation, tooio to sta. mach and bowels—contains no opium, NEUTRALIZINci TONIC --Pain reliever, etomaoh tonic, bowel regulator Walton Mckliibon THE DRUGGIST The C-02.1.00.• Store Mao ionald Block, Wingham, At 40 Peterborough Welland Orangeville Wingham You will regret you did not 1 attend one of Canada's High- I Grade Business Colleges, lo. cated at • Clinton Walkerton Now is a good time to enter. Our graduates receive from $400 to $15d0 per annual. Mail Courses in 100 different subjects. Write Por particulars. WINGHAM BUSINESS COLLEGE GEC, SPOTTON," Principal W etches, ()looks. silverware and jewel- ry slaughtered at KNox's till July 14th. WANTED.—Any quantity wool; cash or trade. T. A. MILLS, Glove operators wanted—Experienc- ed on heavy goods, steady' work, good wages -•--Apply Durham GIove Co. Limited, Bowmanville, Ont," Fon Senn.—A11 my household fnrni• tare and one organ by private sale at my retidenoe on Shuter street. Everything to be sold. Articles can be seen any day. Mrs. T, J. Elliott. ChrisIie's 59Grocery ACNE . WHY NOT Be es Phit'TIouLAR about our table supplies tie about every- thing &ie. We ought to be even more so. There's all kinds of gnalities in Food and the oheap- est in the end is THE BEST. RICE Makes an excellent diet for Bum- mer. Of the aIANY itnNDs and QUALITY we have lei oted the best of twe and can highly re- commend them, 5o or 10o per lb, Always • A ays on Hand Bananas, Oranges, LemOns Cooked Meats, etc. BEST CtITAINAELE QUALITY. You'll Want SOME 000D TEA We want yon to try otir Teas. Their flavour to exultant, Their gnaiity fe tiubeatable and the prices are 80o, 40o and 500 per lb. Chinaware at Unheard of Prices THE TEA AND COFFEE STORE s in Alberta son, of Nanton, Al - ding -a few days in called here on go- of his mothea, re - almost a failure in ta, He says they •e last Anguet and in and grass have on simmer fallow •ot be bad. Other , where they have ertson reports are We sell' Wonder Shine for cleaning silver and gold, at PATTERSON'S jewelry Ware. Barns The severe electric day night was one o had in this section driving shed on the Naylor in East Wa V780 struck by light The barn on Mr. 9811 concession of struck by iightnin destroyed. Mr. F storing a Iarge qu the barn, urned. 1 storm on Satur- the worst we have or some time. A arm of of Mr. Geo. nosh, near Fordyce ing and destroyed. lex Forgie's farm =berry was also and was completly gie had just finished tits, of new hay in WANTED. --Fou work in tannery a r or five good men to d glove works. W. D. PRINCLE. Huron Old B The annual exo Old Boys' Associa this' year run to G dine, There wer pasaengere left To days with old frie of the county. A to 'Wingham wer N', Rush, F. Pa Mies Laura Ho R. A. Walker,. Chia, Mr. an Mr e. A. Felinia ys' Excursion. reion of the Huron ion of Toronto was derich and Kinear. large number of nto to epend a few e in different parts ong those who came :—Mr, and Mrs. Fred reon, J. J, Iiomnth, th, Miss Delay Knox, r, and Mre. Thompson Mrs. Sherman bay, Nof10E,—We are prepated to buy any quantity of wool: higbteet cash prioe paid, T. A, MTLLS, No Prize- fight Pictures. The "fight of t e century," the Jef. fries -Johnson Set to id Reno, will not dash on the (Ianva A of the moving pip; tore theatres of the Province. The fight feint who awed the' money that the trip to Reno wo Id have coot them will not be able to sp rid it in seeing the pictured represents -one of the ilet10 battle. 'Thursday a ernoon, following ft nleetina of the Oabi et, Premier Whit, hey annonneed the by vii order in. Qounail pictures of p se fights would be nroliibited, and 'dor ng the nett Weep that order will be o inteeleated tit all l obiets of police in th Qrovince. • and a set of Li cabinet of silt' Fresh fish every week -end, at T. FRLLs' bntoher shop. i. Basebaj The Bait local, the season will be Park on Friday aft between Blyth and dry Nine. The ga 5.80 p, m, sharp. for a good orowd the season. on Friday. ams of baseball for eyed on the, Town rnoon of this week, he Western Faun• e will be •called at he boys are looking this first game of Excursion Thursday of nex Wingbam's oivio b of the annual unit) ouraion to Kiuca will leave Wingha ing in Kincardine return fare is 70 0 Dents for children. day for a day at t Kincardine. week, July 21st, is liday and is the date Sunday school ex- i1ii, Speoial trains at 9.15 a. to. arriv- e 10 35 a, ni, The to for ,adults' and 35 Reserve next Thnrs- ake. Take advantage est values ever he KNOX's Anneal S 1 some ct the great - d of to Wiuthain, at e. A Foot•'it Game. In the final int: rmediate W. F A. football match pia -d at Brumfield on Monday night bet een the Colonials of Niagara FaIi%, and • e Rovers of Bruce - field, the Colonials are detented by a score of 4 to 3 befor : a orowd number- ing over 1,000 peo • le. The game was well played by both teams, the Colonials snoring early in the ,. ame, but the Rov- ers proved theme: yes great finishers, and won in the sec. • d half. This makes a tie on tbe round, -.: the 0010nials won at home by one goa , MoQntoheon, of Stratford, was the referee. WOOL WANTED. -50,000 lbs; highest prices, cash or trade. Gino. E. KING. Muzzling Or er Will Stand. If any other oonn y or city munioipal- ities in Qatari() ente tain the same views as the County Conn 1 of Oxford in re- gard to the oancellat on of the dog muz- zling order, they are ikely to be doom- ed to very eerions dis ppointment. The statement is made at the office of Dr. Rutherford, Veterina y Direotor Gener- al, that there is no pr spect whatever of any relaxing of tbe o er at least until the heated term is ov , and even then it all depends upo circumstances. While it is tree that t e muzzling regu- lation is enforced the Provincial authorities, chiefly cause they have the machinery neares to hand, they are noting in every resp t in co-operation with the Federal om re, and no change will be made until iter a full confer- ence between the tw Greatest bargains in watches and jewelry ever heard of in Wingham, at KNox s Annual Sale. Ladies' Oxfords, Ties, Pompe and Slippers in the handsomest models that ever graced a Shoe Store. $1.76, $2.26 up to $8,00 or $3.50. W. J. GREEK, Death of Pioneer. .. The following fro .. last week's Tees. water News refers t the death of John lilcKenzie, father of •, re, Wm. Fryfogle of thie town :—After .n illness extending two years, Mr. John ()Kenzie for forty years a resident of the 4th concession of Culross, passed awn at 6.45 o'clock last Monday morni g. Tho cause of death was an internal tumor. The late Mr. 1titegenzie was a • . tive of Rossshire, Sootlend; where he -as born in 1839. When sled he learne the trade of Shoe- making and fora few, veers conduoted n business in the viliag: of Dinguel, Io 1860 he was married to Catharine Me- Rae who with four s' • e and five dough- tern Aurvive him, I the summer of 1865 he with his Wife and fent childten came to this country, ; nd 4,ftor working fora few years at his rade bought the fnrni oti Which he tin e lived. Though lacking the advantag: of even an ordin-, ary public sehoot ode.: tion, as now tin. derotood, Mr. Molten e acquired a cony aidereble amoiint of a:Herei knowledge, He was an a*eidiiotie ,:oder of newepap• ere and Was always p.: ted on the pont- lama other leading °pies of the day. But hit chief concern life elwtty8 arab religion Which he awe ted and practised after the fatllion of etrlotScotoh ?resby« Origin of hd 1t tt century ago. bride'd girl fri whiob she was Hamilton hay at 472 Beresfo nipeg. Many Mr. and. Mrs, happy wedde in Winnipeg. on Jane 29th, in Steph. Qhuroh by Bev, Dr, Connor}, Mies Sarah rly of Wingham, was Harry Hamilton, form- , The bride was dress - and was unattended, teed many beautiful and _among which were a from The T, Eatgn 0o., ogees china from the de in the department in employed; Mr. and Mrs, taken up their residence Ave, Fort Rouge, Win. Id Mende here will wish amilfon many years of 11fe. BRING Ar niu You SnOES._We do repairing and we do it right. W, J. Greer. Serino Wingham C members of th the looaI Iodg ons, to the n area, attend Paul's Churn and listened tive end prao Bro, the Re who took for to the Geist first verse of fast therefor Christ hath m tangled agai: dage." Rev, visit to Wing service, On members vol, the excellent thanks to the church ward i to Qrangemen, angemen, with visiting neighboring bodges and of Orange Youog Brit- mber of about one hun- divine eervice in St. on Sunday evening last, an interesting, instruo- cal sermon by the Rentor, Edgar H. °rely, B. A„ is text the words of Paul ns, as contained in the the fifth chapter, "Stand in the liberty with which de us free, and be not en - with the yoke of bon - F. Shore, who is on a am friends, essistedin the eturning to the hall the ed their eppreoiation of �ervioe by a hearty vote of Rtator, the ohoir and the ne. Headquarters for diamond rings PATTERSON'S jewelry store, at Death of rs. Robertson. Christina Sim on, reliot of the late Robert Roberts n, whose death was briefly recorded these columns last week was born i Markinoh, Fifeshire, Scotland, in May 1822, coming in com- pany with her ha baud and family, to Canada, in the ep ng of 1869 and settled in East Wawanos , near Marnoch. Mr. Robertson passed away upwards of twenty years ago rid the deoeased con- tinued to reeido a Marnoch until some seven years ago en she Dame to town to live with her daughter, Mrs, Saml. Young. Mrs. R bertson was held in high esteem by a arge cirole of friends and for many ye re had been a member of the Presbyteri n Church. The de- ceased is survive by two darghters, Mrs. Saml. Yonn and Mrs. Jas, Gibson and one son, Wm. Robertsou, of Nanton, Alta. e funeral was held on Monday aftern n to the Wingbam cemetery. TRUNKS and VALISES --The best kind and at Lowest prices. W. J. GREER, Entrance Ex The following is candidates for adults in East and West inspectorate of W number of candidate In 1909 there were entrance to high who of teachers, the fre teachers, the inorea school holidays and t arithmetic paper hay urea 01 many student papers in arithnieti Were responsible fo many etudents who p subjects, In spite of schools have done Wel required to peso is 80 Mies May McBurney Wawanosh (11 years honor of making the marks in tbe leap being 524. Teacher con Brat lot d g n e . WEST WA. No. 4•--Olarenoe Margaret 12—Elwell W minations. liat of eucoessful on to high schools awanosh in the t Huron. The s this year wits 275. 346 writing for s. The scarcity tient changes of ing number of difficulty of the caused the fail - !hie yer.r. The and geography the downfall of eyed in the other hese papers some The maximum ; for honors, 487. of No. 11, East of age) has the ighost number of otorate, her total rid pupil are to be ANOSII obonaid 409 tiler ... 890 bster...;, 400 EAST wA% ANNCSi'f 7—bora E, Willie Ar 11—May Mo13 Mary Cur Milton eoroft,,, 411 strong... 438 ruey...., 624 ie 490 Barney„ 403 Seientifio eight Coating, artistic, trame fitting, at W. 0. PATTERSON'S .jewelry Blore. Ohe hundred an sohooltea()hers ea the 'Virginian on over teglano. mer the London Alsoelation will Of English teeoho sixty.Sine Manitoba ed from Montreal by hured'ay fol a tout ring the present sum. England, 'teachers' rganize et 0011011on t 10''itit Canada, Orang en; Celebrate In Larg. e N mbers Over T o Thousand Memb rs of the Or • er Commemorate the Boyne Victory $1 YEAR IN ADVANCE STIRRING LARG M The 220th ann of Prince Willis James at the B brayed in Wing all the pageautr has marked pre kind. DDRESSES, SPLENDID M ATTENDANCE CONTRIBU ST SUCCESSFUL GATHERI ersary of the viotory of Orange over King yne was fittingly cola- am on Tuesday, with and splendor which ions wagons of this Ample prepare ions had been made the way of decor: tion, and the oltiz heartily co opera ed with the ;memo of the oommitte=: in this respect, t great $majority o the bnsiuees pia and many reside • nes along the line march being gaily festooned with bu ing. Sags and ev:rgreen, Arches h been constructed a adorned with a preprints mottoes, :11011 as, "Welcome "The Town ie you :," "Derry Walls "British Connectio, ," "No Surrender etc,, etc., and altog:ther the town pr sented a gay appear • nos. The early morni,g threatened rai but this apparently id not dampen t ardor or spirits of the Orangemen. T members of Wingha •• L. 0. L. No, 7 met at their hall in the morning a completed nrrangeme • is for the rece cion of the visitors . rriviug by opeoi trains on the C. P. R. nd G. T. R. The specials from rood Valley a Teeewater on the O. i-' R. brought ler numbers of nembers ,f the Cider 'a their followers, the f0 mer train bei composed of sixteen co:°hes crowded the doors. The G T. R. specials fro Kinoardine, and Cent alio and the reg lar from Pamerston a riving a little b hind schedule time ,. re heavily lade with passengers. The urrounding conn try for many miles w s also well repre ented, as was eviden ed by the larg number of conveyance which filled al most every oonvenien available spade A modest estimate o the number o eople who spent the day in town i iven at 10,000. We are inclined t hink that this is rathe under the mark Raiti set in during t e forenoon, an ontinned for a couple f hours, whin elayed proceedings omewhat. Th coal lodge, with the Luo now Pipe Band nd Wingham Citizens' Band, met the morning trains and esc rted the visit ng lodges up town. The afternoon broke flue, and the Brims lodges assembl d in the town ark and formed rip f r the parade, hioh was undoubtedly the largest and est in appearance the has ever been itnessed in this part the Province. The forces were mar hailed by Bro. . J. McLean, of Win ham, who was bly assisted by other embers of the rder mounted on w ite steeds. The o0essian left the park and pro- eded rip Alfred s rest to Shuter, elute to John tared, up to Frances, d to Diagonal Road, then via Diagon- Road, Viotoria and Josephine streets ok to the park. The following is list of the lodges king part in the pr ession, as near tie old be ascertains , although not in e order in which th y marched;-- in ens era he nes of at - ad P. e- n, he he 94 rid p- al. nd ge Ira ng to m n- 0- n • • e f e 0 d b e s p g t 0 d 1 a v P w b w T a 0 pr ce th an al ba to 00 t11 Speakers and pro inept members of the Order, in carriage. Fordwioh 0. . B. No, 4 Orange Hill O. Y. B. No. 78 Wingham 0, . B. No. 11 Wingham di Vim' Band Grand Valley L 0. L NO 256 Arthur's Corriere . 0. L. No. 1066 Needham's L. . L. No. 170 Bervie L 0 L. No 498 1 inoardine L. 0. L. No. 765 Bethel L. 0, L. No, 1220 Luoknow L. s L. No, 428 Ripley L. • L. No, 790 Kinloee L. u , L, No. 898 Culross L. . L. No 978' Maple Grove 0. L. No, 1044 SIC AND A E TO A G. Kinloagh L e , L. No. 1139 Damasons L. •, L. No. 787. Arthur L • . L. No. 302 Four -Mile 0 :ek L. 0. L. Henoall L 0 L No. 733 Orediton L 0 L. No, 1343 Fordwiob L • L No. 642, Orange Hlil L. 1 L No, 575 Gerrie L 0. . No. 767 Lakelet L. 0. , No. 1090 Newbridge L. • L, No. 775 Zion L 0. L. No. 1219 Westford L. 0. L. No, 768 Clifford L. 0. No. 2121 Belgrave L. 0. No. 462 Londeeboro L. 0 . L. No. $68 Blyth L. 0. L. No. 963 Auburn L. 0, No, 932 Ethel L. 0. L. No. 631 Bluevele L 0. , No. 766 Morris L. 0. L No. 873 Teeewater Bra e Band Brussels L. 0. , No. 774 Dungannon L. 0. L. No. 324 Belfast L 0 L No. 499 Highland Pip a Band Veterans of L, 0, in carriages Wingham L. 0, . No. 794. The gathering re-ai park, where a paviiio been ereoted, County presided, and on the large number of pro of the Order. Mayor the gathering, and afte were delivered by Mea: grove, M. L A., Gao. Wm. Lowe, Hugh 01. Rev. Richard Hobbs, M Melancthon, Rev. E. others. The addressee order, and were listened' attention, The Nati brought to a close what be one of the most antic tions ever held in North aembled at the a and seats had aster M. Dane, Platform were a tinent members •lines wleloomed wards addressee re. A. H. Vias. Mooney, Rev. rk, M. L. A., . R. Woods, of H. °rely, and ere of a high n with marked nal Anthem s ()encoded to sful oelebra- • ron. NOTES OI! THE DA'. The lodges of West Bruce in good force, The Luoknow Pipers were he mneloai attraction of the day. Wingham'a goat was an attraotive feature of the parade. The silk hats emerged from the drenching not mnoh the wore. The merchants did a very 'sir trade in umbrellas during the foreno n, Wingham Citizens' Bad and the Teeewater Band were in goad form. The committee have r aeon to feel elated at the success of the celebration. W. M. Greer of 794 was indefatigable in his efforts on behalf o the celebra- tion. A couple of rinks of grand Valley and Wingham bowlers pi.,- ed a friendly game daring the afternoo . Weir Elliott in resple • eat uniform and mounted on his pon lent an ap- propriate air to the local 1 . dge, L. E. Binkley, Of the 8 ell Telephone Co., floated the colors n the 80 -foot flag -pole at the park, It as a remark- able feat. Grand Valley Lodge N.. 256, won the honor of Coming the to gest distance. They appeared in spl:. did form, in white suits. The G. T. R. specials returning in the evening were several h ' ore late leaving Wingham, causing d'seppointment to those who wished to get home early*. The 12th 3nly oelebre tone tax the rail. wage to their atmcet r, handle the im- mente throng& turned out Jesse Edwards :•,: o digging a well at the depth of 85 fee oh the premises of W. G. Gerrie. near 13elwood, when the well caved in. hie was tit eleven o'clock in the nlern ng, and it was Ave before Edwards w reached, olid by that time life was e tinot. Indeed, it is believed that dear. Was instantaneous. dward8 was about 40 years of age, and the only suppert of . is widowed blether. Colonel White, Mary's is dead. Mime Parks, 8 rin at Wetaskiwin, Mb next morning and h barn. Sir Wilfrid Lauri ed a magnifieent we and in the evening t ed the boundary qty Gottnaster at St. nder, was married tit, and got tiffs the ged himself in his and party reeeiv- -ame at Winnipeg, e Premier diseass- stion, TEACHER VI/ANTED. • For Union Sobool Section No. g. WInghaea Junction, ".Duties to oom- tmlons e aft received upState (meaoto July. 2002. Box 55, w' • J. H.ENDERSON, Wingbasn. Ont,. NOTICE OF CLOSING.. We, the undersigned Solicitors of tbe Town of Wingham, hereby agree to close our Offices during the months of July and Anguet as follows, —0o each week day with the exception of Setup - day at 4 p, m., and .on Satnrdoy. at 1 p. m. DUDLEY HOLMES .T, A. MORTON An:Maw VANSTONJa WINGHAM CHOPPING MILL. Having contracted for Bran, Shorts, Flour, Feed, eta,, to be shipped in car lots, I will be able to supply these at all times in any quantities. Also all kinds of Chop for sale in large or small quan- itiee, Iwill exchange Flour for Wheat on the usual terms. Market prices paid for all kinds of grain, EZRA MERi r,EY Proprietor. CALF ESTRAY. Came unto the premien of the under- signed, south half Lot 28, Oon 9. East v --i nwanosh, about the middle of May, a Red Yearling Oalf. Owner oan have same by proving property and paying charges, GEORGE B. NAYLOR, Fordyoe, P. 0. A Safe . Investment The safest investment on earth, is the earth itself. SEE' OTYR LIST O)+ PAElliS NOR SALE. The exodus to the West has reached its Iimit. Ontario farm lands will soon be in de. mand again at good prices, The shrewd man will buy now and when farms increase in value, town property advances in price in proportion. Buy a house and lot in Wing- ham. We have what will suit you. When you pay rent you are paying your landlord's insurance and taxes and also interest on his in'.estment. Ritchie &I CoseRs REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE COOL OXFORDS FOR JULY Just bring your poor, suffering feet here and we'll dress theta so neatly and so comfortable, at Such a nominal cost, that they will enjoy every moment of your outing. Oxfords, Ties, Pampa, and Outing Shout in inaoy new and attraotive styles. Leathers of Black and the new Tan Shades. Suede and Kid leathers in new 001* t8. Canvas Shoes and Ox orde in White or colors. A splendid line of all good torte of Poet Clooiers 60e, 75e, 90e up to $1.23' • r matammanalmaramiammainloormarmaalammiNisomimaimaiaidtioadio We've Summer foot enrafort for every man, Wonsan and Ctitld that Conies here for Cool Shoes J. GREER Sole Agenfo for Ilagar sod Water and Inviateta Shoes for Lridtet and (,tents.