HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1910-07-07, Page 8...... .• G w...... ,,.•r- • 'ansa iAA't TIMES, JULY 7, 131 The Evolution of Booster Bili VI, lie Decides to Buy a Rome When pili Blue had to buy of yore It made his tightwad spirit sore; Ito thetas tunes, be it understood, Ha made as seldom as he could. His cash to no home merchant wait. Toa mail order house he sent. 'Thew�aF,toresthat we have here' r het "gabiea ^t. »3 ' •t+ ^.. 'Are robbers, but t Key can't rob me." This made the local tradesmen blaze. They cried: "That rule will work both ways. IF 31LL CUTS US, WHY, WE'LL CUT BILL Till of that game he has his fill," It jarred Efll some. He sai4: "Sy Jack! If t spend here it may COME SACK." 1li> dollars now no Iormyer roam, G t "C:it the Scooter" buys at home. MINOR LOCALS. -Annual Sunday school excursion to ginoardine on Thnrsday, Jnly 2lat, -The Wingleam Salvation Army Band spent Dominion Day at Goderiob. -The big milling companies have xaieed the price of floor 10 cents per barrel, -The month of June this year was eat ech warmer than the same month last year. -Mr. Andrew Haggett has sold hie house and let on Charles street to Mr. Simon Mitchell, -Mr, and Mr a, James Homey, of Goderiob, celebrated their golden wed. diug on Monday, Jane 20th. -Big I, 0. 0. F. excursion to Sarnia and Detroit on Saturday, August 13th. Watch for bills giving fall particulars. -Mr. Wm. Nicholson has taken the contract of building a new brick real. dence for Mr. D. Gledhill at Kincardine, -Elizabeth May, the infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Leatherdale, for. merly of Brussels, died at the parental home in Winnipeg on Wednesday of last week. --The new Bell telephone directory for Western Ontario has been distributed to the Wingetam subscribers. There are now nearly two hundred telephones in use in Wingham. -The annual convention of the West Huron Teaohers Association will be held at Goderich on October 6th and 7th and the East Huron Association will meet at Minton on October 20th and 21st. -Wingham's fall fair will be held on September Nth and 80th. Arrange. snenta are being made to have one of the best fairs ever held in Wingham. Par- tioulare will be given in a future isene. -Metiers. McGillivray &; Otinning- ihana aro now in possession of the Royal Grocery and will be pleased to meet all old and new elastomers at the old stand. Bead their advertisement in another column. -The assessment of Goderich for 1010 has been completed and show an inoreaae of i 45,"092 over last year's figures. The total is neve over the two million mark, The population also showe a email bat gratifying increase of 70, the present '.gore being 4,680. -The annual excursion of Toronto Boron Old Boys' Assooiation will be Iran to Goderich and litncardlne on Sat• nrday of this week. It is expected that a large number of forme residents of this section will be here for over Sunday with old friends. -We are always pleased to receive a list of the visitors at your home. When gots have friends staying with yon, or when you Are going on a trip let tie have the statement for our personal column. It is guns !fault if thees facts are hot mentioned +tom time to timer --Trade at home and help yourself by strengthening the hands of the business men who pay the taxes and keep tip the town. The city merchant takes your cub and that Is the last of it. xf Wing. hang progresses it helps every fare.ier and the residents generally of the corn. inanity, ---An old and highly eeteet ed teal- dent of Winghatn passed away en Wed- nesday afternoon In the person of °brie• tins, Simpson, reliot of the late Robert' rtaon The de a it0 e . oe d was i� a e aged $$'� years and Wars mother of Mrs. Serattel 'Y'oung, Frances street. Further refer- enoe fro duetted will be made in our .next ieerit3. PERSQNAL. Mr. RTbt Maxwell, Jr., was in Torun, to fora few days. Miss Jessie MoRitohle, of Toronto, is visiting her Inmate here. Mies Nellie M. Wada spent the holi- days visiting with Brantford friends. Miss Welds Stevens, of Listowel spent Dominion Day with the Misses Deyellr Mies ''era R. Stapleton, Termite, spent the holidays at her home in town Mr. Russell Fizter, of London, vieltea his parental 31r, and Mrg, H, Fixter, last weep, Mies Alice Wyatt, of Loudon is risit• ing with her eonsin, Miss Margaret Tibbs. Miss Netts Hogg of Toronto is spend- ing a couple of weeks with Mies Nellie lg. Wade. 1,'l.iss Mabel McDonald, 0 Goderiob, was visiting for a few days with Wing. ham friendfl, hire, L, A. Fisk, 0 Qleveland, Ohio is visiting at the home of her brother, Mr. John Ritchie. Mre. (Dr,) P. II, Poaroe,of York, Peuu. is visiting at the home 0 her brother, Mr, John Ritchie. -Mrs. A, E. Ault, 0 Frances street will bold her reception on Wednesday, the teeth of August. Mrs. Hugh Rose, of Clinton, ie visit. ing with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Maxwell, Blnevale road. Misses Annie; Barber and Mildred Jewett are visiting with Miss Hazel Jackson, near Teeswater. Mrs. A. M. Bird, of Paisley was visit- ing for a few days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs, Geo. A, Phippen. Mrs, J. 0. Smith left Iast week for Whitewood, Sask., to make an extended visit with her aunt, Mrs. L. Wallace. Miele Bessie Kennedy, who has been attending sohool at Seaforth, passed with honors, and took the seholarebip. Mrs. (Dr.) Kennedy and family left this week for Kincardine to spend the next few weeks at their summer pottage. Mrs. Joseph Slater, of London, actions. panied by her daughter Miss Ethel visit- ed her sister, Mrs. Geo. Cartwright last week. Mrs. Herbert Campbell, Centre Street, will receive on Friday, July Sth, and af- terwards the drat and third Fridays of the month. Mrs. Adam Weir and children 0 Owen Sound spent Dominion day visit- ing her sister, Mrs, Gavin Wilson, Crown Hill Farm, Turnberry. Miss Kelly spent last week visiting friends in Toronto, Niagara and Berlin, and wag accompanied home by her cone - in, Mies Campbell, of Berlin, Mr, and Mrs. J. G. Workman left this week for Treranto, where Mr, Workman will be engaged for the next few weeks as one 0 the Board 0 Examiners, Mr. Daniel McKay left for his home in Otter "Valley, B. 0., last week after spending three months at the home of his brother.in•iaw, Mr. Alexander Kelly. hiSiflia Bessie and Nora Kennedy, have acconlpagied their grandmother on a trip down the St. Lawrence. They will take in Thousand Islands, Montreal and Quebec. M. J. 0. Smith is spending a few days with Mr. J. A. Taylor, at St. Thomas, before entering on his work as one 0 the examiners at Toronto, Mr, Smith will spend the balance 0 his holidays at his old home in Kingston. Miss Maggie Tindall, of Kamloops, B. 0., spent a few dayseof feet week, with her cousin, Mr. R. J. Tindall, and Left on Monday en route to Quebec, from wheee she will sail on Thursday for the Old Country to visit relatives and friends. .13URis. C.un'nELL-In 'Wroxeter, on June 25th, to Mr. and Mrs. Sand, Campbell; a daughter. Alvin/sou-In Lncknow, on June 26th, to Mr and Mrs. Geo. Aitchison, jr, l a daughter, MCIiAv-in Culross, on June 26th, to Mr, and Mrs. ki 11 McKay; a daughter. MARRT.LD tontaA.tn-TtrAcnnn-0n June 22nd, at the parsonage, Pfterboro, by Rev. E. A. Pearson, Miss Maude M. Thacker, of Culross to Arthur J. Longland, of Montreal. SP0ITON—C4UEtet.r-111 Uxbridge, on June 22nd, Anson t+potton, Esq., Mayor of Irarrieton to Miss Guerin, of Uxbridge. BAIIIIneatTgo on June 24h, Bliss L., tdauhterof Mre. D. Campbell to Mr. Wm, J. Barber, of North Bend, B. C. nTn£tbyNv home of bride l, ReDB.„Rae MG dDaughter of of Milestone, 5 re: Jacob Long, Sara, brook. POsTt n --',1' aTAj tmtron, - In Brussels, on. June 20th, ar Rev. 8 Cad, Powell, Mr. Parker footer, of Kincardine, to Miss 3targtiret Mc• Naughton, 0 Brustele. aeons-McMAxw.--I» Morris, on Tune 20th, by Key. Rt A. Lundy, Mr, Vitra. 'woods, of Nokornfe, Sask., to Sties Hatilleen H. McMann, of Morris, MED llenetmsot,r-••In Winghan,, on :fillyfth, Christine Simpson, relict of the Late Robert Roberton. The funeral willlearn the residence 0 bar son•in•law,Mr.sfenl t ung, x3'rances street, Friday, o'clock tthpufWiemeery, &ertf aehose for 2o`clock, errors -.At Gorrie, on the 1st lost., Frank Clegg,s ell 1 r !1 7 years. Sg?n►vA1[+r;-7n Brlgrave, art July 2nd, lifitry 10. Walsh, Wife of Mr.John Stewart, St her 28th yrer, Bann -4n Morrison Juno 2Cth,1•tn_phemla McDougall, relltt of the late Sanusi W, Barr, in her tilith year. lfattitntit.-in East Wawanosh, on films _eth Ritehei Cowan, relict of the late John )3ratinoek, aged 60 years and? menthe. WINGHAM MACHINE SHOP! Baby Oarriagea and On. Carts re -tired and repaired. General repair wort: of all kinds. See our new Combination Stock Rack. aargains in Rioyoles and sundries, Plow Points sharpened and mode as Pod al now at 100 each. W. A. CURRIE Phone 21, FROPRIETgir CE -TRATFORD. 0 NT, The great practical training school pf Ontario. Throe departments, Commercial, Shorthand or Telegraphy. We assist graduates to post ions. The demand upon us for trained help great#y exceeds the supply. The Three moat recently planed are re. oeiviog $40 00, $50.00 and $100.00 per month respectively. Balinese men state our graduates are the beet. Enter our classes now, Get our free catalogue. ELLIOTT & MolACNLAN PRINOIPALS. BEST SERVICE TO Musk. k Four Trains from Toronto 9.40 a. m. 12,15 p. m. 6.05pm. 10 10 p m. Bala Sleeper carried on 10,10 p. m tram Frldtj's Enjoy the Cao Lflfeezes of the Great,�akes Sailings daily except Friday and Sunday froln Gwen Souna. Special trainfronr Toronto 1 00 p m. sailing days. Meals and berth included on boat The most pleasant and cheapest route to Winnipeg and West J. IL BEEMEn, Agent, wingham, G'ANCI:IEUUK51St. M "Only Line Reaching All The Summer Resorts" CHARMING MUSKOKA BEAUTIFUL LAKE OF BAYS GEORGIAN BAY TEMAGAM1 ALGONQUIN PARK MAGANETAWAN RIVER FRENCH RIVER STONEY LAKE KAWAETHA LAKES LAKE COIJGHIOHING,, ETC. Round trip tourist tiokets on sale at low rates. SAILINGS OF PASSENGER STEAMERS From Sarnia to Soo, Port Arthur and Duluth every Monday, Wednes- day and Saturday at 3 30 p.m., the Wednesday and Saturday steamers going through to Duluth, Sailings from ..Oollingwood 1.30 p.m. and Owen Sound 11.45 p. m, Wednesdays and Saturdays for Soo and Georgian Bay ports, Sailings from .Midland 1 80 p.m„ Penetang 3.15 p m, to Parry Sound and way ports daily except Sunday. For tickets and further information call oh W. Henry, Depot Agent or addrer3s J. D. MoDonald, D. P, A,, Toronto. it Goes to The Home slur paper goes to the horn tint is read and welcbnied there, if you wish to reabh the house+ wife, the reel arbiter of demesne destinies, you can de 50 through our paper and our Cfaesifted Want Ade. tont tin iniereettng And wefi.resd portion of It,, RING'S FOR BARGAINS 1 W E WANT YOUR TRLADE 1 WOOL We want 50,000 lbs. and are prepared to pay the highest cash or trade prices. If you need goods of any kind bring along your WOOL AND . EXCHANGE IT FOR Yarns, Blankets and Sheetings .El complete range, Staples. Flannelettes, TowelIings, Denims, etc„ etc. .610.111•111.1•1411.11•1., JOS•1111•1•12•1 Dress Goods. The most complete stock to be seen. Clothing. One of the largest and finest stocks of Men's and Boys' Clothing shown. All new styles, best patterns, no old stock. Bring your WOOL and see the goods. Bargains. Clearing lines on which you can save big money in all departments. WANTED.—Large quantities Butter and Eggs (2oc) GOOD G. E. KING. GOODS 0 HEAP PRICES • i' e HIGH - CLASS Ladies' and 741, 1 • • You get here what you like, and like what you get at E. C. WHITE'S. No other tailoring establishment offers such a tfr, wide selection of very fine and fashionable woolens. Nowhere else are clothes made with such style, precision; individuality and refined taste. Nowhere else are prices near as low for such values as we offer. E. C. WHITE • Gents' Tailor • ♦ ♦ • • 4, s s • ♦ ♦ E. C. WHITE ♦ ♦ • We are doing a High•Class Tailoring Business on a new plan :- BUYING FOR CASH ! SELLING FOR CASH ! Doing business in this way I can save you dollars. Come in and see ,what I can do for you, LADIES' GARMENTS made in the latest, up- to-date styles, and satisfaction. guaranteed. IN THE .101717 ••••'•••••4-••••••••••••••♦• • . • • • • • • • • • •• • • • . • s • • WINGHAM, ONT. • WILSON BLOCK ••A®••.•*i,•.**0*IE•!'r•. **** Mr. J. 13. Prudhotnme, ivho made the charge regarding tramoking in Judge- ships in Manitoba, died suddenly at St. Boniface; Mr. Timothy Shine walked out of a hotel window and fell over a balcony in bis sleep at Lindsay and was fatally in- jured. S HOOTING THE RAPIDS TO MONTREAL Richelieu and Ontario Navigation Company Steamers "Toronto" and "Kingston" leave Toronto at 3.00 p. M. daily, Slate. dal rates from Toronto to: Thousand Islands and return.... $12 50 Montreal and return ,. ., ,. 24,50 Qaebeo and return .,,.,. . 83 50 Sagnenay'and return....., ...... 46 50 Meals 'and berth are inolnded do above rates. S'J EAt.Iil'1 R r".EELLEVULLEy' Leave l J1 i#ami ton at 12.00 neon and Toronto at '7.80 p:rn, every! Tuesday+ for Bey tit Quintet, M doral and inter y t e Wonted. Q , kite ports. Special rated for Bingle and return tibketo including meals and berth, For f ldere r t d a i eel dto, d lir r r r �' pp 1 , FOSTER U11APPER, Toronto, Ont. 1. ROYAL GROCERY 'I ♦ Under New • Management We beg to inform the many customers of this store and the c; general public that we have purchased the business • Mr. • A. J. Malcolm, and 1. con- ÷ thine in the same :.re. We will endeavor to .i -et the wants of all who nay avor 'us With their patro a ' • and hope by keeping ' a up -to date and • fresh stock of groceries, and giving evergone a square deal t0erl't ashare f y m o our trade 4; Your orders will be appre. ur 0 1 dated, and all customers will reeeiVe prompt and eourteotts attention, .wN.w.ri..d.-w..., i cGILLIVRAY CUNNINGHAM lNVINGH M • .._ phone 54. Wanted. Prodnee � � W r MISTAKES WILL HAPPEN One of those unfortunate mistakes which happen at times crept into our advt, in the "Advance" last week when "Barefoot Sandals were quoted at 25c per pair", Although we make mistakes -plenty of them -,-this particular mistake was not ours as our copy read distinetively 75 cents per pair. There arealways thosewho cannot be convinced that an error of this kind was not unintentional and for the benefit of those and also the many eustonlers who were disappointed in not getting sandals 0 25 cents per pair, allow us to state that whatever errors and mistakes we make there is one thing that we carefully avoid, and that is "exaggerated advertisements" --•in fact we perfer to get under the mark instead of over, 75 cents per pair is the price of our Barefoot Sandals, in all sizes from 3 Infants, to size 2 Misses, and althoughtbe� e cheaper grades of sandals to be bad, the fact remains that until we started these sandals at the above price, the inferior grade were actually being sold in Wingham at the same price namely, 75 cents per pair. I: WILL OUR SANDALS GIVE SATISFACTORY • WEAR? We believe them to be fully equal to the average wearing scandal or butter and in fact if they, are not equal to the best we will make them so and her is how we will do it. We will keep in repair every pair of sandals we have sold this season or will sell unlit Aug- ust 15th; ABSOLUTELY FREE Or CHARGE. This does n't oni•y mean rips -.-but rules, patches, or in fact any repair whatever until date mentioned. HERE 18' ANOTHER 0000 OFFER Do your feet ache? If so it is more than Iikely that YOU NEED ARCH SUPPORTS, at any rate it will cost you nothing to find out if they will help you. We have just received a new lot of "Dr. Hall's Supports" trade by the Scholl Co,, and generally recognized as "the best that is," and we will allow anyone a free trial of a pair of these for one week. If they help you, ray us $1,50 which is 50 cents per pair less than usually, sold for -if they do not help you bring them back at the end of week and you will have nothing to pay whatever. WILLIS & CO. THE SHOE STORE. Sole Agents for Sole Agents for for Ladies. sfroei the "Astoria" Shoes for Men. www.VII,VtYlriri."1IPVI+vVVYM YZW,. wt.v.v.. �w xtr.vydstmtilog 9 "ss"ss' 41 WOOL WANTE D ,,li 4 50,000 lbs, Wool wanted, cash or trade. We have in stock for 4 the wool season the best BLANKETS, SHEETS, SHEETING and Tif YARN made from our best wool by Howe & Co.,of Wroxeter. We have one the best stocks 0 Men's Ready -Made Suits ever Clothing. shown in this store. Boys' 2 and 3.piece Suits of the latest cuts and styles froth ti $2.75 to $5.0C each, it will pay you to see these suits before buying elsewhere. Dress Goods. 7R Carpets, Rugs, etc. Ladies' Suitings in all the newest shades, from 50c per yard up Ladies' Wash Suit Materials in all the leading shades. See our Ladies' White Lawn Waists and Whitewear. 1We also have the best range of Carpets and Rugs, and Linoleums, shown in Wingham. '•moi Oilcloths A Genuine Scotch Lilioleunis and English Floor Oils, just '4,11,jarrived from the manufacturer, which weZ. are offering at 't 7► special price, ► Umbrellas, Men's Eine and Coarse St `� �traw Bats, Shirts slid' i �' Shirtings of all kinds. C i = We will give 10 per cent off all the above goods in exchangefor wool, 110 „lit Don't forget that we are eellin No, 1 Sti a t cwt, cash, and angers are , g g r a $5.45 per g s advancing, Best grades of 1?lour always on hand. AI t, Iith11iS i>]' I'.f1.01ii OII WANTED. Tir A. MILLS PHONE 89. 'WINGRAIV , ONT. i