The Wingham Times, 1910-07-07, Page 66
UPI W1Nlit 4M 1,'1144S, JULY 7, 10.0
Interesting (Paragraphs from our Exchanges,
Last year 222,755 people left the C
United States and Australia.
Modern electric hoists are ai designed
Met the speed vertex with the load.
eviinsl.eeti is en -costume
Deriva Bleep Nature restores the cells
and tissues wasted by the aotivitiea of
life. Without sleep l:layeieat bank•
Tuptoy is (prink and ()erten, Mire. J,.
Derooher, 4Ku Bethune St., Peterbero',
Ont:, writes; "I can env fora nertainty
that Dr. A. W. Oh .se's Nerve I?'oon is a
splendid me:E vince for. besides steady -
mg the nerves, it boilt up my system
wouderfaily and ambled nee to Bleep
and eat we11."
The number of hors, s in the United
.States Nan. 1, 1900, wad nearly fourteen
A. man's reputetl,u is one of the few
things that can be built up without any
When the stomach fails to perform its
functions, the bowels become deranged,
the liver and Kidneys congested Dane,
ing numerous diseases. The atomaoh
and liver must be restored to a healthy
condition and Chamberlain's Stomaoh.
and Liver Tablets pan be depended upon
to do it. Easy to take and most effect-
ive. Sold by all drnggiets.
The official estimate of the papule
tion of new South Wales et the end of
March was 1,6.55.830.
Banana oil, applied with a soft brush
to any metal surface after polishing is a
good preventive of rust.
Children Cry
The hurricane at Weyburn, Sask.,
lifted a Baboolhome over a fence and
lauded it a wreck in a wheat field.
To gather a pound of honey ecien-
tiats have figured that bees make nearly
23,000trips from their hive.
John Stratton of Owen Sound com-
mitted suicide by laying down on the
track and letting a train inn over him.
Or. Chase's Cint
meat is a certain
and guaranteed
cureforeach and
every form of
and protruding
piles. Seo testimonials in the press and ask
your neighborsaboutit. You can use it and
1$at our moneyback ifnotsatisfled. Gluon.°
. rs:. If nrzi_e.sox, BATES &Co,, Toronto.
Out in North Dakota a man was ac-
cepted on a jury who did not know the
name of the President of the United
In his "Life of Gladstone," Lord Mor-
ley somewhere notes that Mr. Gladstone
affirmed that he did not remember ever
to have been at a loss for a word.
Prfty Tears' Experience of an Old. Nurse,
the prescription of one of the best fe•
reale physicians and nurses in the
United Statee,and has been used for fifty
years with never failing success by
trillions of mothers for their obildren.
It relieves the child from pain, cures
diarrhoea, griping in the bowels, and
wind oolio. By giving health to the
child, it rests the mother. Twen.,p-five
dents a bottle.
Half a lemon dipped in salt will do all
the work of oxalic acid in Dopper boilers,
breast tea kettles and other copper or
Children Cry
Reonf Bey, toting conenl-general of
Turkey, in New York announced that
the Ministry of Public Worke in Con-
stantinople, has invited bide for the
construction of an extensive system of
ele°trio trolley lines in Constantinople
and vicinity.
Hod WWeah. Back
Would Often Lie in fled For
Days, Snttxceler Able To
Taira Herself.
11Tre. Areli. Selmare, Black Point, N,B.,
writes: --°For years I was troubled with
week brei:. Oftentimes I have lain in
bed foe. day's, being scarcely able to turn
and I have also been a great
sufferer while tr;•ing to perform my
household duties. I had doctors attend-
ing nn without avail and tried liuirnents
ani plasters, lent nothing seemed to dei
ire any g:r7d, I was about to give up in
dean air when my husband induced nee to
try T)onu's Kidney Pills, and after using
two boxes I tin now well and able to do
my work. • T am ositi
leDonne Kidney
Pills ere all that you claire for them, and I
'would advise all }clarity sufferers to give
then e fair trial."
DDOAN ;S KIDNF,Y PILLS are a purely
ve;;eteblo medicine, realizing quick, per.
fnritient relief, wit}innt any after ill Ofette,
Ainedieine then will absolutely cure Backe
twin) and ail forme of Kidney end T3htdder
Price, 50 cents per boy, or $ for $1,250
at :,Il dealers or The T. Milburn Co„ i int-
itc .1 '1,rrn to. (Int.
In ;mitering specify "Dean's,"
When it opines to barley crops, Russia
leads with the United Stales steeud.
Children C r1y
�., AST q: R
Hnsbauds and wives rarely egree ou
the amonntof pin money the latter need.
A dry dock large enough for the large
est vessels etloat is planned for St. John
N. B.
Mies Perkins was killed in anautomo-
bile accident at Hamilton, and Miss I:Iob•
With Was seriously injured.
The world's most successful medicine
for bowel complaiuts is Chamberlain's
Colin, Cholera and Diarrhoele Be.
medy. It has relieved more pain and
suffering and saved more lives than any
other medicine in use. Invariably for
children and adults• Sold by all drug.
Fifty thousand oId soldiers have passed
away in the United States since 1900.
Yet the pensions hs,ve increased by $22,
000, 000..
Delbert Vanvelzor, aged eighteen, was
attaoked by a hog on his father's farm
near Carlton and badly wounded in the
691ail/uu7f7 1w071-4Mfl
Bronchitis, Croup, Coughs and Colds, or
money back. Sold and guaranteed, by
The number of accidents in street and
steam railroads within the city of New
York was 06,481 in 1908, while in 1909
the number was reduced to 02.618.
Soreness of the muscles, whether in-
duced by violent exercise or injury, is
quickly relieved by the free application
of Chamberlain's Liniment. This lin-
iment is equally valuable for muscular
rheumatism, and always affords quick
relief. Sold by all druggista.
A million Common bricks, if piled
without mortar, would make a cube
measuring about forty feat in each
British residents of Pittsburg, Pe.,
have deckled to erect a research lab-
oratory for the tuberculosis sanitorium
,as a memorial to Sing Edward. '
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
Signature of
In France 10,000 grapevines will yield
400 gallons of wine a year. The same
number of vines in Cape Colony will
yield 2.800 gallons.
At the close of the last fiscal year the
life-saving establishments of the United
States embraced 281i stations, meet of
them on the Atlantic Coast.
$100 etEwAhD, sum.
The readers of this paper will be pleas-
ed to learn that there is at least one
dreaded disease that science has been
able to cure in all its stages, and that is
Catarrh, Hall's Catarrh Cure is the
only positive mire known to the medical
fraternity. Catarrh being a constitu-
tional disease, requires a coestitional
treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken
internally, noting directly upon the
blood and mucous stances of the sys-
tem, thereby destroying the foundation
of the disease, and giving the patient
strength by building up the constitution
and asaisting nature in doing its work.
The proprietors bane so mubh faith in
its curative powere that they offer One
Hundred Doliare for any case that it
fails to cure. Send for list of testimon-
Addres F. J, One= & Co , Toledo,
Sold by all druggists, 75o.
Take Hall's Family Pills for constipa-
Only 50,000 miles or 21 per cent of the
total of 223,000 miles of railway in the
United States nto classed as independent
in a recent railway history,
Of course it was an old baohelor who
said that women ought to hold their
tongues occasionally in order to give
their thongllts a ehanoe to catch tip,
An Irish policeman, who was also
nOtnewhat of a e ortiman,
en a road near Dublin to catch the
scorching motorist, Presently one
gamealong at twenty mdse an hour,
and the policeman taw it pass without a
sign. bleat came a large motor travel-
ling at forty miles an hotir, and the eyes
Of the guardian of the public brightened.
And then one passed at the trate of a
mile a initiate. " tegerra," said Pat,
slapping his thigh, "that's the best of
the lot."
Kidney Diseases are Too Dangerous
for Wingham People to Neglect
The great danger of kidney troubles
is that they fret a, firm held before the
flatterer reoogtnass them If•aith ie grate -
really uoerntned. Breit maim, heed
ache, nervoueuese, lemenres, torenese
lnuibego, urinary troubles, dropsy, dia,
bit. -a and Briget'e rlise.oe follow in
merciless .succession, Mint ueglceet
your kidneys. Ogre the kidnays with
the ;weeht tied safe remedy, Banth'n
Kidney Pills, which Mite cured people
right here in Winghaiia.
James 'Weir, of Edward a Pettier
Streets, Wingham, Ont„ say, : • "Al•
though. I had tried numerous different
reanediea, I found little or no relief for
the dull, heavy pain that had settled
across my back in the region of the
kidneys Every little °Mange of weath-
er would give me a cold end it would
Bettie in the weak spot of my hack. The
urine was colored highly and filled with
a brink dost sediment. The kidney
seorettons were frequent nod greatly
disordered. I would leave my bed four
or five times during the night. Boeth's
Kidney Pills were recomntenclecnetnd
procuring a box at Mr. DSoKibbon'e, I
oommenoed treatment. They quiciriv
oared me, correoting the urinary diffi
onities and strengthening tuy book, I
have not been bothered since and wilt
recommend Booth's Kidney Pills as an
ideal and reliable remedy."
Sold by Dealers. Pci°e 50 cents. The
R. T. Booth Co., Ltd , Fort Erie, Ont.,
Sole Canadian Agents.
The Methodist ministers of Greater
New York have adopted resolutions
calling upon voters to support Governor
Hughes in his fight for direct primaries.
Chamberlain's Stomaob and Liver
Tablets gently stimulate the liver and
bowels to expel poisonous matter, amuse
the system, cure constipation and sick
hoadaohe. Sold by all druggists,
Onion juice is said. to yield a very good
mucilage. The Spaolsh onion is best.
It should be boiled a few minutes and
then pressed. The fluid thus extracted
will be very adhesive.
Hnghes, the Auld Kirk beadle, of
kirk,`'superintends the Sunday ,school,
prays and leads the praise of the young
and hopeful, and with stolid steps con-
veys the "Back" to the pulpit,
Teething children have more or less
diarrhoea, which can be controlled by
giving Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and
Diarrhoea Remedy. All that is necees•
ary is to give the prescribed dose after
each operation of the bowels more then
natural and then oaator oil to cleanse the
system. Itis safe and sure. Sold by
all druggists,
Within the last year 48 State and Ter-
ritorial Legislatures in the United States
have enacted laws relative to tubercul-
osis, 28 have appropriated $4,000,000
towards its suppression and 27 States
already have or are planuing institu•
tions for the treatment of patients.
3,000 Tons of Blood. .
,Scientists say that this amount of
blood is purified by the liver and kid.
net's of a human being in a Year. Is it
any wonder they get tired and sluggish
and require the assistance of Dr. Chase's
Kidney and Liver Pills to arouse them
to action and to restore their vigor,
Delores James fell Pram the loft of his
father's barn in Dereham township and
fractured hie skull. The fall extent of
his iujary was not impeded and the boy
attended schooi for a week. Ten days
after the accident he died.
Lame Back
To have a lame bank or painful
stitches means disordered Kidneys, and
the sooner yon have the kidneys and
bladder in a perfectly healthy condition
the sooner yon will enjoy life, As far
as we know there is only one remedy
that is guaranteed to cure you, and that
is FIG PILLS. If they don't make yon
a strong healthy person in two weeks
your money will be refunded. 25o, a
box at all leading drug stores.
The death 000ured in Chicago on June
14, of Thomas Donovan, formerly reel.
dent on the 10th, can. of Kinloss, aged
83 years. The remains were brought
book and interred in ISolyrood R, C.
Cemetery, A wife and fatally of .tett
children survive.
New York florists leave added a new
variety, the straw flower, whioh has)
been transplanted from Europe to this
country. The petals are of ti cerise
shade, end the centre of the Sower a
deep ye—ow, The blossoms are half an
an inch in diameter, The stems ate
long and elender,
The marriage took piece ten Wednes-
day, June 201h, at 12 30, of Elizabeth
Rattenbury, Brucefieid, eldest daughter
of her. and Mra. Wm, Rattenbtiry, to
Mr. Be Torrance, Dunlop, manager of
Farmer's Bank, of 1 rnoefield and Dash -
Wood. The ceremony was oondnoted
by Rev. Mr. Dunlop of Springfield,
father f thegroom,assisted Rev,
t ob
Mr, Ttinder rh
M , aplor, of Varna,an9 0
and bell of daisies, The wedding marsh
wad played by Mire Helen Rathwell, of
Toronto, the bride wad given away by
her father and wore a beautittit einbroi•
dered dress while orange blossoms field
her long tulle veil in place, She carried
a belititittil shower bonnet of white
roles. After the wedding dinner Mr,
and MM'tr, Dunlop left far Muskoka and
The Centenarian,
lily l.nole lived it, hundred years, dad
then he up and time; we planted hurl'
with sundry tears, one, balmy eventide.
He used to sit before the door, and wet• i
for oft; "By hoek,My years nu earth have
been fivo•soore, and I stn stilt op (100 41"
And often there would gather a large
aduitriug orowd, widen mnde the old
man shed o, tsar of jeer, he was so proud,
But I who have a heart of steel, re.
proaohed hint for his age; "you've lived.
1'0 long" I used to spiel: "where neve
you hid your wage? where is yonr
book of golden deedti-•,what regord does
it give? A man is like the ebeapeet
weede, if he Dau duly live. I'd rather
write Lord Byrou'e the me, and die in
Wen fair dawn, than raise long whisk.
ere all the time, and just five ou and on,
I'd rather lead a hope forlorn, and Haus
give up my breath, than spend a lifelong
chewing corn and dodging 011 Man
deatb,We're here to labor and achieve,
to do what good we may, to grind and
saw and ()hop and weave and °burn
and put np bay; tR carry water in a
sieve, to whistle hopeful tunes; and he
who's satiefied to live, is full of trusty
pruner."—Walt Mason.
Rnesie ie beonming interested in
hydro•eleotrio power piante, and is ex-
amining into the matter of electrifying
suburban railroads,, An investigation is
being made of high tension traneeniesion
systems, and it is probable that a new
fieldwill bo opened for American
Nearly' Everyone in Albion, Mich.,
Fraises Minn na, the Money -Back
Cure for Indigestion.
Albion, Mioh,—The people in Albion
are elated to an unusual extent because
of the many and remarkable cures
whittle have lately been made by Mi-o•na,
a dyspepsia Duro with a worldwide rep-
utation. Everybody is endorsing Minn
na. Here is what some reepeoted resi-
dents, say :
Mrs, E, 0. Cass says; "Mi• cured
me of a stomach trouble that bothered
me along time."
W. H. Mott says; "I had doctored for
months without help I used Mi-o-na
and since using it three years ago I have
been free from the distress.!'
, Mrs. Emma Overy says: "Nor months
I had dyspepsia, bad stomach distress,
pains and nausea, Nothing L used re-
lieved or cared till I used Mi one."
Walton MccKibbon the drnggiet in
Wingham sells the wonderful dyspepsia
cure Mi -o -no for 50cents a large box and
be thinks' so well of it, that he will give
your money book if it doesn't cure.
An Easy Job.
Men who make newspapers sometimes
believe that their profession is an ex-
acting one. They are wrong, It is the
simplest thing. Making a newspaper is
an easy trick. Anybody can do it. A
lawyer with only a diploma and a brass
sign, who would lose a suit even if the
other side was ready to confess a judg-
ment, will tell you how to run a news-
paper. A physician who would send hie
patient to the morgue before the pres-
cription had been filled will know all
the fine points of making a newspaper.
An actor who bee never earned any
other plaudit than a soft tomato will
give instrnotions in handling the world's
news. An old woman who knows
enough to get off a street oar backwards
has positive opinions of the press. Even
a society person who never paid any-
nything but a call or made anything but a
visit or did anything but a tailor knows
how stupid these men are who write
stories, edit "copy," Wrestle With "head-
lines" that won't fit and get the news-
paper out on time.—Washington Star,
"Between 200 and 300 rods of tile
was put inon my eon's plane in Mark-
ham last spring," said George Robinson
President of East York farmers' .Iusti•
tute, to The. San. "These draine have
made available for crop laud whioh in a
season snoh as this would have produced
practically nothing. Thera is a good
deal of laud in Ontario in whioh tile
drainage should pay for itself in two
Ali treatments failed for three long
years—Cure complete with DR,
Mrs. Link, 12 Walker St., Halifax
N. S., -writes: "After three. years of
miserable torture and sleepless nights
with terrible oczema, and after trying
over a dozen remedies without obtain -
anything but slight temporary relief,
T '''have been perfectly and entirely
;'lend by Dr. Chase's Ointment. After
the third or fourth application of this
grind ointment I obtained relief, and
an few boxes were sufficient to make a
thorough euro. It is six months sinee
as free
.. w d of the eh'
s caret ed skin des•
name, and as there has been no return of
the trouble I tonsidor the cure a perm-
anent one.//
Such cures are not brought about by
imitations and substitutes for Dr.
(.baso s Ointment, It is therefore
necessary for you to be eertain that the
portrait .and signature of A. W. Chase,
it, D., the famous Receipt Book author,
aro oe the boat yon buy, 60 eta. zi box,
at all dealers or Edmanson Bates & Co.Toronto. Write for a free copy of
T)r. Chase's Ilceipee.
tF Evexybody now admit,;;
' Zatn-Bek best for these.
Let. K. sive YOU ease
and comfort.
Llr„fgistt red Steres .veryrphere
7 hat Held. Father.
A Melro.e man bad bad a warm ses-
sion with iiia eodnjr SOU in the barn, the
slipper was still in ltia hand, and the off,
spring was stilt crying.
.'Now, /on will be a good boy, never
tell a he again, and don't you dark do
anything wrong. If you do I shall have
to spank you again," said the father.
"Why," he oontinued, "when I was
a boy my father usoci to whip ane for
the leder little thing; he, even whipped
me once for ttidliut: the truth."
"Well, it cured you, didn't it?" re-
plied the boy.
He hasn't bad a session with the par
etet since,—Boston Traveller.
Cheslcy'a tax rate is this year np to 24
mills -4 mule higher than last year,
The increase ie wholly due to the town's
guarenteo gtihe -bonds of the Garner
Manufacturing Co: Owing to the fail.
ere of the company to meet Repayments
the town isin for paying one-tenth of
the bowie. This amounts in all to near-
ly $3000.
There are 77,000,000 acres of land and
water in Great Britain and Ireland, and
nearly 47,000,000 are under oorn and
grass. At the last decennial census
1,000,225 males and females over ten
years ago in Eagiand and Wales were
engaged in or directly connected with
agrioultare, In the south-west of Eng-
land the rents generally vary from lOs
to 60s an acre, 30s being a very fair
average, When estates have been sold,
mute seven eights of the sales have been
effected upon the basis of 23 years' pur-
chase. In the eastern counties from
lOs to 17a would Dover the rentals, pro-
bably with 25s as a good average.
Are You
I can cure the worst case of
Rupture from infancy to old age,
without operation or loss of time.
and remove the daily danger of
strangulation. Fill in coupon
‘and send to Dept. J.
88 Caledonia St,
Name ....
Time Rup ..: , ... .
Single or double
Satisfaction guaranteed.
. tti,at yr i T,��Y'ilri�
"Gold Link," the imported Clydesdale Stal-
lion, son oEthe great Baron of Buehlyvie, will
make the Beason of I010 as follows :—
Monday at noon, Ieave his owner's stable,
Bluoyale, for Currie's hotel Stables, wroxeter,
for night; Tuesday, to And. Gemnlill's, con.
0, Turnberry, for noon, and to Bluevale for
night, and remain until the following Monday
Groom. Proprietor.
The Imported Clydesdale Stallion, " Mascot"
will make the season of 1010 as follows:—
Monday—Leave his owner's stable, Bluevale,
for Alex. Moffatt's, 212 miles east of Bluevale,
for noon: north to Kirton Bros.,' con. 5, Turn-
berry,for ntht. Tuesday—Alex.McPherson's,
eon. 7, Turnberry, noon; and to Bluevale for
night. Wednesday— To Wm. Blston's, cOn. 2,
Morris, for night. Thursday Jos. J. Kerr';
con. 18 East W awanosh, noon ; and to Dennis'
feed stables, Opp. Cement Works Wingham,
and remain until Saturday morning, Satur-
day—To his owner's stable, Bluevale, and re-
main until Monday morning,
J. W. KM, Proprietor.
"Drnmburlo Clliaf imported , the p °rte
a atOgdendale Stallion will make the season ofy1010
as follows;—
Monday—Leave his owner's stable, Bluevale,
for And. Douglas', gravel road, noon' and to
Andrew Ireland's for night. Tuesday -.Bot,
nice Payne's, Con. 2, Grey, noon; and (i. Me-
Farlane's, gravel road, night. Wednesday—To
Jas, Spoir's, Con. 0, Morrie noon; and Jas
Niehoia', 'Con. 0, tight, Thursday—To Jas,
ehoddon's, Con. f, Morris, for noon; Arid to
Bill's Hotel stables, "migrate, for' night
Friday --To Jas. Miller's Con, 8, Morris, anti
remain until Saturday morning. Saturday
To Robert Warwiek's,Con, ti Morels, for noon;
then to his owner's stable, >31uev'ale, and re,
main until Monday morning,
I2, T.iDAv, J, W. Innen,
Manager. Proprietor'
What About that Vacation.
If you don't know where to go, bow
to go, or what it will omit you, better ask
Buoy, Maris Travel Barean—no interne
15 made to readers of Busy Man's for
the service, We tire iu receipt of the
July number of Busy Man's, the big,
bright Outing Number, It is so full of
good things that rending it gives one the
feeling of having enjoyed a veoetioe,.
and if you niftily are to have a vaoatiou
yon oancot afford to nes. the July num.
her. The publishersate pertioniarly
Anxious to hove more of our citizens.
to know Busy Mat,'s and utter to send a
Dopy free to any reader of thee paper
who is genuinely interested in. °lean,
wholesome recreation. A postai pard
with yogi name esti address and the
name 01 this Asper, if addressed to Buey
Man's, 111 University Ave , Toronto.
will secure von this cow . We know
how good Busy Mao's is end we would
be glad to have cur ottizaos who fish.
bunt, canoe or go on vaoatione take ad-
vantage of this liberal offer.
How many apples did Eve and Adam
eat? The old version Faye;—Eve 8 and
Adam 2, (Eve ate and Adam too.) To-
tal 10, , This is what certain A werioen
newspapers have to say about it. Neb-
raska herald—Eve ii and Adam S, total
16. Mississippi Gazette:—We don't see
this, Live 8 and Adam82; total 90. New
York Screamer: —Our contemporary is
entirely wrong. Eve 81 and Adam 812;
total 893. Ohio. Advertiser:—We reason
like this. Eve 814 berself and Adam
8124 Eve; total 8938. Illinois Telegraph
—Eve 8142 know how it tasted, and
Adam 28142 see what' it might be like;
total 35284.
Wonderful Success of " Fruit.a fives"
—The Famous Fruit Medicine
Fruit '4ice consists of about 98%.
water, 8°; of eweet matter, and only x/„
of enintensely bitter substance. Careful.
experiments show that it is this bitter
principle, which is the active or mean
anal material of fruit juice.
ITncler certain conditions, the bitter•
principle can be made to replace or'
transform some of the sweet atoms in.
the juice, thus making a new compound.
which is much inure Active medicinally
than the ordinary juice.
Many fruits were analyzed and it was
found that the juices of apples, oranges,
I figs and prunes -gave the best results.
These fruit juices, leaving been made
more active by the secret process of
changing the sweet principle into the -
bitter are combined with tonics and.
antiseptics and made into tabl sts. These•
tablets are the famous fruit medicine--•
" Fruit-a-tives "—known in every part'
of Canada for their wonderful curative•
qualities in diseases of the Stomach,
Liver, Bowels, kidneys and Skin.
" Fruit -a -fives" is the only medicine
in the world made of fruit juecee, soc.
a box, 6 for $2.50 or trial„size, zee.
ies h"mlfyle
(From the TIstEs of July 4. 1890.)
Oa Saturday afternoon the large regu-
lator in Mr. E, F. Genitor's window fell
down. Two large plate glass panes were
broken in the fall and and another badly
Mr. T. T. Watson, late of Harriston,
has opened out a stook of groceries, con-
fectionery, books, stationery, &o., in
the brick store, on Josephine street,
lately occupied by Mrs. Brock as a con-
fectionery store.
A very pleasant evening was spent at
Mr. Jerome's, Monday evening. It was
for the little onee.
On Sunday morning next the Orange-
men will meet in their hall, and proceed,
from thence' to the Methodist church,
when the Rev. J. Scott, M. A., will
espeoially address them,
On Saturday two junior lacrosse teams
faced each other on the park. The
teams were captained bt Messr,s. W.
Allen and A. Griffin. But Allen and
his club were two mnoh for the other
teem, and won four straight goals.
Mr Peter A, Miller, Pleasant Valley'
Apiary, Wingham, has upwards of sixty
colonies of bees. The prospects are good
for a largo supply of honey,
Shoe blank "Dick" has %gain returned
to town, Dion seems to like Winghara.
better than any other western town.
Complaints are being made that the
strawberry crop is not what it promised
to be. After the first picking the fruit
seemed to an end.
Mr. Jos. Jenkins returned from Miebi.
pan State Normal, Ypsilanti, on Friday
evening. Thele are 750 pupils at this -
school and thirty-two teachers. In con-
nection therewith there is a conserva-
tory of music. Mr. Jenkins is in the
fourth year of. his course, having in,
a successful third year examination' this
Mrs, Alex, Ross received the sad in-
telligence, on Friday morning, that her
father was dead, Mr. Wilson was an .
old gentleman' over 74 years of age,
much loved and respected by all who •
knew him.
The kind that is neat, attractive and
up-to-date, costs you no more money
here than the inferior article does
Quality Counts
in printing as in other thing's, and the
TIMES is in a position to turn out first-
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