HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1910-07-07, Page 2Could Not Sleep
In The Dark.
Doctor Said ylearb and
l`1'ery'es Were Responoible,
There is many a man and worn= ton-
ing night atter night upon a sleepless bed.
Their yes do not close in the sweet and
refreshing repose that comes to those
whose heart and nerves are right. Some
constitutional disturbance, worry or
disease has so debilitated and irritated
the nervous system, that it cannot be
tire. Calvin Stark, Rossmore, Ont.,
writes:• --"About two years ago I began
to be troubled with a smothering sensa-
tion at night, when. I would lie down, I
got so bard I could not sleep in the dark,
and would Imve to sit up and rub my
limbs, they would become so numb.
Div doctor slid my heart and nerves were
resew -4. ib'.a, I saw Milburn's heart and
Nerve Pills advertised and got a bo;* to
try thein. I took three boxes and can
now lie do.vn and sleep without the light
burning and can rest well. I can recom-
mend. then highly to all nervous and run
down women.'
Price 50 coats pee box or 3 for 51,25
at all dealers, or mailed direct on receipt
of price, by the T. Milburn Co., Limited,
Toronto, Ont.
Notice of changes most be left at this
office not later titan Saturday noon.
The copy for ohauges mast be left
not later than Monday evening.
Casual advertisements accepted up
to noon Wednesday of eaoh week.
f Mon trealt Herald. ]
On the twenty-third of Jane, 1896,
the election was held which resulted in
the overthrow of ,the Conservative
Oabinet and the substitution of the Lib-
eral rale, If it ehoaid unluckily hap-
pen that misfortune . should Dome to
Canada, the fourteen 'years from that
day to this would betrightly bald to
constitute Canada's golden age. In all
that time there has been steady, prat•
finely uninterrupted progress. There
has been expansion in commerce, in.
dustry, in agriculture, in population, in
wealth. The Northwest is no longer
empty. We have men, we have money,
we have markets. Half a continent has
been gridironed with railways. Thous-
ands of millions of new capital have
been created. Canada has become a
great gold and silver producing country.
Things that before could not be done at
all have been done easily. Canada has
attracted the attention of the world as
perhaps no other country has. That is
the record of these fourteen years, and
it can -never be forgotten.
People oanuot be blamed if, in the
oironmetances, they talk of Laurier's
luck, The Veteran Prime Minister has
earned his good fortune by streunone,
inoessant and devoted labor, but many
another has been badly served by fickle
fortune'after trying net as hard to do
his best. After fourteen years he is the
same as of yore. He has grown in
stature as a statesman, his hold upon the
confidence and affection of the people is
stronger, but in essence he is the same
calm, philosophical, smiling servant of
the public that he was when his poet's
face, Drowned with a poet's hair, caught
the imagination of his countrymen, and
when first his silver voice charmed the
ear and his noble sentiments delighted
the mind. Fourteen years is a good
long time to bear np nnder the gaze of
millions. Bat nobody questions that
Sir Wilfrid has stood the lnspeotion
The fundamental importance of the
subj at of proem health to our national
civtbzition and industrial efiioienoy was
couotsely expressed by the chairman
of the Commission of Ooneervation in
his Inaugural address before the First
Anneal Meeting of the Commission. In
LaidUp .f nth
Larne Back
Pain, helplessnesat and suffering ere
overcome by DR. CHASE'S
Mrs. Frank Bloom, Hardwood Lake
Ont., writes: t' I want to tel you of
o the atCh benese''sfit X leidnefound.
Llv in
. use
suffered so badly 'with kidney disease
that when I lay down I could not get
tap without help. I was completely laid
up with lance, aching back. I read
about Dr. Chase's NidneyLiver :pills
in the almanae, got thein and they
cured me
of ki
dao i
ache, y d seaso and back.
"My husband bed dreadful pains in
his aides and obtained cure by using
Dr, Chase's KidneyLfver Pins. These
pills are the best on the market and I
ani glad to rceolnmend them."
Dr. Chase's CidneyLiver Pills ere
definite and eortain in action, enliven
the liver and bowels as well as rho kid-
iieyb, are lastingly beneficial and eco-
nomiral. But to obtain these restate
you must get the genuine Dr. A. W.
Chase's KidnfiyLiver Pills. Dee pill a
Miff( a holt, at all dealers, or
dnianson, Battle & -Co., Toronto,
Alta WINGITAM %WM, JULY 7, 3.01Q
this couneotdon Mr. Sifton said: in part:
"The physical strength of the people ars
the resauree from which nil other@ de•
rive value. Extreme and sornpnlans
regard for the lives and health of the
papulation may be taken as the best
oriteriOn of the degree of real oiviliza,•
tion and refinement to which a oonntry
has attained. It oannat be said that it
has received tee much attention, though
the Provinces, the Dominion, and the
municipalitieshave health laws and
health ad ministrations all doing effective
and useful work. There are, howeyer,
many branches of the"snbjeot, general
iu their character, which merit atten-
tion. The Dominion. Spends hundreds
of thousands of dollar Iii eradicating the
diseases of animals, aid' the wor$. It ihi.
pleesing to know, is being done with
tboroughnoas. Bat no :similar effort 1s
made by Province or Dominion to meet
tee ravages of diseases among human
beiuge such, e.g,, as tuberonlosie."
That there is a great work to be done
in checking the inroads of tuberculosis
ie evidenoed by the mortality statistics
of the last census. Ia the census year
there were 9,700 deaths from the disease
in Canada. Or, in other words, twelve
deaths out of every hundred in that
year were due to tubereulosie. And yet,
tnberoutosis is Maned by modern medi-
cal science as a preventable disease.
A List of Don'ts Calculated to Save
Life on the Water.
Here is a list of very sensible don'ts
for swimmers and also for those who
don't swim by T. W. Sheffield, honor-
ary member of the Royal Life Saving
Society, of Regina, formerly of Hamil-
ton.. They have been published before,
bat the dangers they warn against are
again to the fore. Mr. Shefeld would
have them posted np at every bathing
place or summer resort:
Don't bathe in unfrequented or se•
chided pasts.
Don't swim away from shore, always
along the shore.
Don't bathe alone if subject to giddi-
ness or faintness.
Don't swim against the stream if you
come across weeds.
Don't bathe shortly after dining; wait
at least two hours.
Don't swim near dame, waterfalls, or
where reeds are growing.
Don't dive into the water without
first ascertaining the depth.
Don't swim without protecting your
ears if snbjeot to ear trouble.
Don't sit on a board or stand @boat
undressed after being in the water.
Don't swim too far oat in the sea or
Iake unattended by a boat or an expert
Don't swim without company if you
have a weak heart, and only after oon-
sulttng the dootor.
Don't ewim far after a hard day's
work or over-exertion after other forms
of exercise.
Don't dive ont of or try to get into a
boat from the side; dive from the stern
and get in from the stern; but only then
from a boat with a broad beam,
Don't take fright if you fall into the
water with your olothea on; remember,
clothes Scat and assist you to float.
Make for the shore, swimming with the
tide or stream.
Don't swim without some recognized
signal to give your fellow•swimmers, it
subject to cramps, such as lifting one
arm or shouting for help.
Don't -abuse this; leave the water ae
soon as possible.
Don't take fright,jf seized with cramp;
keep cool; turn on the back and endeav-
or to rab the place affected. If the leg
is drawn up with pain, swim slowly
with the arms only. All swimmers
shontd practise this.
Don't throw the hands or arms out of
the water,
When canoeing take a life belt if yon
are not an expert,
Don't go beyond the depth of your
hips if von can't swipe.
Don't plunge or struggle when yon
find yourself in deep water.
Don't grasp any person who approach-
es on; do what be tells your.
Don't attempt to get into a boat corn.
Ing to your resoue; catch hold of the
Oath until aelisted to get in.
It you follow out these directions
when in dietresi in the water you will
help memoir and others corning to your
The more we love, the better We are;
and the greater the tri n
dehiPe are, the
debrer we are to God. Let them be at
dear, and let them be as perfect, and let
them be as many M you ebb; there is no
danger in it; only where the restraint
begins, there begins oar imperfection, it
is not ill that you entertain$reve friend=
thips and worthy societies; it were Well
it you could beliefit all nibtykind; for i I
oonoeive that it then
Mend -
Ship, A good. Man le the beat friend,
and therefore soonest to be chosen, long-
er to he retained, and, indeed, aet'er 'to
bo period with tales. he oeaae *be that
International Newspaper
Bible Study Course:
Salient roirats int Lire Lesson for tinnili>4Y,, Jfaly 10.
( ware, lite tt, Seviett tit' 91,,Ret bele by
Rev. Da", Line ott,
It;a;iaterei iu noaordaooe with tie Oopyrieiti. ct,t
GgldenwText-Tiffs words that. I speak
nett) you, tbey are spirit acid they are
life, Jobe' vi:63,
The following met, be need as a new
and complete lesson or ne a review of
the thirteen previous lessons.
The date and title of eaoti past lesson,
where toned, the G,1deu Text, and one
que@tion from each lestlbn follow.
April 10 --The Mission of the Twelve.
Mutt, ix;36 x:16 42.
Golden Text Freely ye have receiv-
ed. freely give. Matt x:8
Verse 42 -What is the reward of a
smile, a kind word or a generous act to
e child?
April 17--T'be Question of John the
Baptist. Matt x' ;1 19
Golden Text -But the witness I have
is greater than that of John; for the
works which the Father bath given me
to aeoompliah, the very work that I do,
bear witne s of me, that the Father
bath sent me, John v:36. (R. V.)
Vergae 2, 3. -Does any kind of doubt
on the garb of a good man, neoaesarily
imply sin? Why? .o
April 24 -Warning and Invitation.
Matt. x1:2040.
Golden Text -Come unto me all ye
that labor and are heavy laden, and I
will give yon rest.. Matt. 11.28,
Verse 22 -How far will the lowest
man in heaven be from the highest
man in hell?
May 1 -Two Sabbath Inoidents.
Matt. xii:1 14.
Golden Text -I will have mercy and
notsaorifioe. Matt. xii:7. 1
Verses 1, 2 -Why is it either right or
wrong, to walk, or drive for pleasure on
the Sabbath day?
May 8-Tempranoe Lesson, Prov.
xxiii :29.35.
Golden Text -At the last it biteth like
a serpent, and stingeth like an adder.
Prov. xxiii:32.
Verse 32 -Why is it, that God has eo
arranged nature, that some of the most
•dangerous things look so pleasant, and
taste so sweet.
May 15 -Growing Hatred to Jesus
Matt. sit: 22 32, 38 42.
Golden Text -He that ie not with me
is against me, and he that gathereth not
with me soattereth troad. Matt. xii:
Verse 22 -What are the indications
that Jesus will finally oongner the Devil
and destroy sin?
May 22 -The Death of. John the Bap.
tist. Matt. 'lilt ;1-12'.
Golden Text -He that is slow to an.
ger is better than the mighty, and he
that ruleth his spirit, then he that telt -
eth a city, Prov, kv1;32.
V.use 1 -To what extent is the ,
"fame" or the sayings, or the inaireot
infleenoe, of a good man, iastramentel
in doing good, asoampared with his
direct iuflaenoe? •
May 29 -Tile 11 altitude, Fed. Matt.
xis:13.21, xv:29.30
Golden Text -Ants said unto them I
am the bread of life. Jolla vt
Verne 14 --Whet is the master passion
of a groat and good man?
Jane 5 -Jaime • Welke on the Sea'
Matt, xiv;22.36, r
Galden Text -Then they that worein
the ship Dame and worshipped him, Ray-
ing, of a truth thou art the Son of God.
Matt xiv:33.
Verse 24 -Why :dose Gad permit his
ohildren to be "so tossed with waves"
when they are on the 'voyage he has
sent them?
June 12 --The Oanaanitieh Woman.
Matt. xv:21.28,
Golden Text -Gleet is thy faith; be it
even as thou wilt. Matt. xv:28.
(This question mutt „be answered in
writing by members of the club,)
Jnue 19 -The Parable of the Sower.
Matt, xiti:1.9, 1823,
Golden Text -Wherefore, putting
away all filthiness and overflowing of
wickedness, receive with meekness the
implanted word, which is able to save
your smile. James 1:21.
Verse 9 -Ie it a fault, or amisfortune ,
to have dull spiritual ears?
.lane 2G -Parable of the Tares, Matt.
xiii:24.30, 16.43. •
Golden Text -Then shall the right -
eons thine forth as the sun in the king•
dour of their Father. Matt, xiii:43.
Verses 25, 38, 39 -What was the ef•
fent of tares among the wheat, and what
is the influence of bad men in the chaola
and in the world?
July 3 -Pictures of :the Kingdom.
Matt, xiii:31.33, 44 52, ,
Golden Text -The Kingdom of God
is not meat and drink, bit righteousness
and peace and joy in the Holy Ghost.
Rom, xiv:17.
Verses 45, 46 -What is it, when found
which gives more joy than all else be-
Lesson for Sunday, July 17th, 1910. -
Peter's Confession, Matt xvi:13.28,
for which he was ohmsen. For a good
man is a profitable, useful person, and
that is the band of an effeotive friend.
ship, For I do not think that friend.
ships are metaphysical nothings, oreated
for contemplation, or that men or we.
men should stare upon eaoh others faces
and make dieiognes of news and pretti•
•nesses, and look babies in each other's
eyes. Friendship is the allay of our
sorrows, the ease of ourpassione, the dia.
charge of our oppressions, the sanctuary
to our calamity, the counsellor of our
doubts, the charity of oar minds, the
mission of our thoughts; the exercise and
improvement of what we meditate. He
only is fit to be chosen for a .friend who
can give counsel, or defend my canoe,
or guide me right, or relieve my need,
or can and will, when I need it, do me
good. To love such a person and to
contract; such friendships is just so
authorized by the principles of Chris-
tianity as it is warranted to love wisdom
and virtue, goodness andbenefioenoe,
and alt the impresses ot God upon the
spirits of brave men, -Jeremy Taylor.
Curing Fatigue
Discovery of an antt•toxiu for fatigue
has, says Youth's Companion, been an-
nounced in Germany by Dr, SV. Weir'
hardt, ledtnret at the University of Er.
Tangen. .Be dlsims to have discovered
the poison that iw liberated in the human
tissues by the breaking down resulting
from effort, and that he has foand the
natural aetidote for it, which the body
itself provides, He has succeeded, in
some remarkable experiments in produo•
log both fatigue and restoration from
fatigue, in animals inoculated, first with
the fatigue toxin and afterwards With
his ttnti'toxin. He noted that all reni-
ale show er a
m h w lnd ea e of
endnrAnoe folio*.
rest after Work, lie argued thea
this indicated an overproduction of an
element in the blond, capable of ache@•
Beteg the fatigue poison, Deducting
that this element scald be '!soliped, and
that the bodies of bnlmble could be
made to produoe it in tillable quantities,
he experimented till he acaoinpliehed
those results. His 'ittoceie liar been- id
remarkarile that it haw attracted wide
attention}, and protnising reedits have
been attaiildd in treatment of Wiens
dietitian by other4oientiitt.
Mr. Walley has an invigorator that
will grow hair or money back.
The time to take oare of your hair is
when yon have hair to take care of.
If your hair is getting thin, gradually
falling out it can't be long before the
spot appears.
The greatestremedy to stop the fettling
hair is SALVIA, the great American
Hair grower, first disoovered in Eng-
land, SALVIA furnishes nourishment
to the roots and ants so quickly that
people are amazed.,
And remember, it, destroys the dand-
ruff germ, the little pest that saps the
life that should go to the hair from the
SALVIA is sold by Mr, Watley nnder
a positive guarantee to care Dandruff,
stop Failing Hair and Itching Scalp in
tea days or money bath. A Large bot-
tle costs 50 oents. The word "SALVIA"
(Latin for sage) is on every bottle.
Mr. Charles Danwoodie, ot Napanee
was killed by his horses becoming
frightened et an automobile and run.
ning away.
T raubled With
For Years.
Any irregularity of the bowels is al-
ways dangerous to your health and
should be corrected a once for if this is
not done constipation and all sorts of
diseases ere liable to etteck.you.
Milburn's Laxa-Liver Pills cure Con..
stipation and all Stomach, Liver and
Bowel w complaints.
Mr, Henry Pearce, 49 Standish Ave.,
Owen Sound, Ont., writes: ---"having
been troubled for years with constipation,
and trying various so -palled remedies
which did me no good whatever, 1 Well
persuaded to try Milburn's Laxa-Liver
Pills. r heave found therxi moat bent.
Atrial, they are, indeed, a splendid pili,
and I can hear 1
ti y recommend theme to all
those who Inlet freer' constipation;"
Price 25 cents a vial or d for $1.00
E till dealers, or sent direct oli. receipt
of price by The T. Milburn CO., Limited,
Toronto, OIL
$ek'yisTUnirnoa-»-pabbath servioes. at
11€8 ea and 7 p rn. Sunday Sebool at
2:80 p m, General prayer p eetiaig
on Wednesday evenings, Rev. W.
L. Sseetee, pastor. B. Y. P. U. meets
Monday evenings 8 pen, W.D Primite,
8.8, Superintendent,
tilernorieT 0uuaga--Sabbath service$
at 11 a m and 7 p m, Sunday Sohool at
2;$0 p m,. Epworth League every Mon,
day evening. General prayer meeting
on Wednesday evenings, Rev, W.
L, Rutledge, D,D•, pastor, F. 13aoban.
an, S.S. Superintendent.
PRESBYTERIAN OHUIiou-.Sabbath ser -
victim at 11 a m and •7 p m• Sunday
School at 2;30 p,. in, General prayer
meeting on Wednesday evenings, Rev.
D. Perrie, pastor. Dr. A; J. Irwin, S.S.
bath services at 11 a m and 7 p M.
Sunday Sohool at 2:30 p m, Rev, E . H
Oroly, 13, A„ Rector • 0. G. Van -
Stone, S. S. Superintendent ; Thos. Ed
Robinson, assistant Superintendent.
SALVATION Anarr---Service at 7 and 11
a m and 8 and 7 p m on Sunday, . and
every evening during the week at 8
O'olook at the barracks.
POST OsrIOE-Office hours from 8a m
to 6:80 p m, Open to box holders from
7 a m, to 9 p m. P, Fisher, postmaster,
PUBLIO LIBRARY -Library and free
reading room in the Town Hall, will
be open every afternoon from 2 to
5:30 o'clock, and every evening from 7
to 9:30 o'clock. Miss Lizzie Attridge
TOWN OOUNOIL-William 13.olmes,
Mayor; Dr. A. 3, Irwin, Reeve
J. W. MoKibbon, H. B•Etliott, William
Bone, Dr. Robert 0. Redmond,
Thomas Gregory and D. E. MoDonald,
Comnoillors; John F. Groves, Olerk and
Treasurer; Anson Duimage, Assessor:
Board meets first Monday evening in
each month at 8 o'olook,
Stone (chairman), Wm. Nicholson, John
Wilson, 0. P. Smith, W. J. Howson,
John A. McLean, Frank Buchanan,
Dudley Holmes, secretary. A. Ciosens,
treasurer, Board meets' second Monday
evening in eaoh month.
PUBLIC) SortooL BOARD, -H, E. Isard
(chairman), G. O. Manners, Alex. Ross,
War. Howson, W.D.Priogle, Wm, Moore,
C,G VanStone, P. Campbell, Seoretary,
John F. Groves; Treasurer, J. B.
Ferguson. Meetings second Tuesday
evening in eaoh month.
man, B.A,, principal; J, 0. Smith, B.A.,
classical master; Mr. toorbas,, B. A.,
mathematioal master ; Miss M. J.
Baird, 13, A:, teaoher of English and
Moderns; Miss Anderson, fifth teacher
PuBLIu Sonora, TnaoasRS.-Joseph
Stalker, Principal. Miss Brook,
MissReynolde, Miss Farquharson, Mies
Wilson, Miss Cummings, and Miss
BoARn OF HEALTH -• Wm. Holmes
(ohairman), George McKenzie, Wm.
Fessant, Richard Anderson. John F.
Groves, Seoretary; Dr. J. P. Kennedy,
Medical Health Officer,
for a reliable Local Salesman repre-
"Canada's Oldest and Greatest
in Wingham and adjoining oonntry,
Yon will find there is a• good demand
for nursery Stook on account of the
high prices that growers have realized
on their fruit this semen.
Oar salesmen are turning in big busi-
ness to no this year.' Be one of them
and earn good wages through the winter
Territory reserved. Pay weekly.
Free sample outfit, ere.
Write for partioulers.
Foothill Nurseries
articles they wish to dispose of, should adver-
tise the same for sale in the Tablas. Our large
oironlation tells and it will be strange indeed if
pod do not get a customer. We can't guarantee
that you will sell because yon may ask more
for the article or stook than It 1e worth. Send
your advertisement
6 E! the TIMand try this
prticlef, n of p g your stook and other
Orders for the insertion of advertisements
sncb as teachers wanted, business chances,
mechanics wanted, articles for safe, or in fact.
any kind of an advt. in any of the Toronto or
other city papers, may be left at the TIMES'
office. This work will receive prompt attention
and will save people the tremble of remitting
for and forwarding advertisements. Lowest
rates will be quoted on application. Leave
or send:your next work of this kind to the
TIMES Olt'I'[CE. Wingham
68TAi UeltX.1) 4a,72
I8 PDB1I4100
The Tinges Office, Beaver Block
Tanta or euesoaapx7oN-$1,u0 per annual in
advance 51.50 if net so paid. No paper disooa•
tinned t111 all arrears are paid, except et the
Option of the publisher.
AnvsaTIBXNo RAxas. Legal and other
easualadvertisementa 100 per Nlonppariel line for
first insertion, 80 per line for eaoh subsequent
Advertisements in local oolumne are charged
10 cats. per line for first inser,tton, and 6 cents
per line for each subsequent insertion.
Advertisements of Strayed, Farms for Sale
or to tient, end similar, 81.60 far first three
weeks, and 25 cents for each subsequent in-
OONTItAOT RATIN-The following table shows
our rates for the insertion of advertisements
for specified periods
BPAoll. 1 vn. a MO, 0 MO. Imo,
OneOolutnn -...870.00 *40.00 San 88.00
Half Column ,-..40,00 25,00 15.00 8.00
QuarterColumn ,- 20.00 12.60 - 7.60 8.00
Ono Inob 6.00 3.00 2.00 1.26
"Advertisements without specific direotions
will be inserted till forbid and charged aco0rd-
ingly. Transient advertisements roust be peid
for in advance.
Tam Jon. DBPARTMTNT is stocked with an
extensive assortment of all requisites for print-
ing, affording facilities not equalled in the
eountyfor turning out first olass work. Large
type and appropriate outs for all styles of Poet.
era, ,Hand Bilis, etc., and the latest styles of
choice fanoy type for the finer classes of print
Proprietor and,Publisher
T ¢A •P KENNEDY, M. D., M.C.P. 8. O.
• Member of the British Medical Associa-
tion, Gold Medallist in Medicine. Special
attention paid to diseases of Women and Child
ren. Oi11ce hqurs-1 to 4 p, tn. ; 7 to 9 p. m.
Centre Street
Physician, Surgeon, eto,
ODrug Stor , Night calls answered at the oMoe
DR. ROBT. 0. REDMOND, M,1;, O, 8, (Eng)
i✓ L. 11. O, P. London.
Oifloe, with Dr. Chisholm.
nOntario Collentogenoff physicians
and Surgeons,
DevoEar, Nose andeThroat attention
thoroughly of
Glasser properly fitted.
Omen -With Dr. Kennedy.
')nice Hours -3 to 5, .7 to 8 pan.
rate of into est Company
at farm
property bought and sold.
OlRoe, Beaver BIock, Wingham,
Wingham, Ont,
R. L. Dacia -mos
Duniasy Retires
Mosel, TO Loaif,
Orraoa 1 Meyer Block, Wingham,
Doctor of Dental Surgery of the Pennsylvania
DentallooCollege al and
Ontario• RoyalSle
in Macdonald Blook, Wi+"cham.
Office closed every Wednesday afternoon
from May 1st to Oct. 1st, .•
Y J. PRICE, B. S. A„ L. D. P., D. D. S.
Licentiate of the Royal CoIIege of Dental
Surgeons of Ontario, and Graduate of Uni•
versity of Toronto.
OMee ; Beaver Block.
Office closed. every Wednesday afternoon
from May 1st to Oet 1st.
Wingham General Hospital
(Under Government inspection)
Pleasantly situated, Beautifully fur.
nished. Open to alt regularly licensed
physicians, - RATES FORPATIENTS-
(whiohinolnde board and nursing), $3.50
to $15.00 per'tveek according to loodtion
of room. --- For further information,
Bliss L. MA,TTIiiws,
Box 228, Wingham Out.
London.. ..- 8.35 a.m.- seop.m,
Toronto &East 1103a.m . 6.45a.m.,- 2.40p.m.
Einoardine.,11.67 .5a1a.mva ... 2.08
rnoSc p.m.-_ 0.15P.M.
Iiineardine 8 40 a,m,.11.00 a.m-._ 240 p.m,
11,64 a.m. 7.86 p.m,
Palmerston... 10.80 6.82.
Toronto & East.-... 2.08 p,15.. - 0.15 p.mW, RE14RY, Agent, Wingham,
TRASNR relieve POR
Toronto end East .,,. 8,02 8.m., 11.18 p,n,,
Teeawater-......,,.., 1,10 t n ...-10.17 p.m.
ARRIVE egois-
eeswater.... .......8.828.m,_ 8,1$ pati.
Toronto and Hast�,.-„1.10 p.m -...14.17 p,m,
.7, EM=
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!anyone Sending a sketch and desorintloumay
tiniest atoertatn our opinion free whether An
invention 1e Probably a Mable . omunioa.
ttoneetrIotayoonSdenttpxi, r1ANDSOOma 0n Patent''
lent fres. !deet agency for securing Patents.
Parente taken through Mann -A CO. melee
Ipeetainotke,without Cb e,iathe
e h lion 0nel� Ulnstrated bore@ Largon e0*
poantalla: of tine splenius ioornai, Terme fol
O2ni a75 s yatr.pg/tfwi0 prep6ld, Bold br
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motas, eiliessttrlmlr
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heft In the Cwrocery, It Joins, the Meat
"I been figgerin' 'bout high prices,n
said Brother Williams, "an' ter say¢
me I can't git de whys Her de whartelt
er 'um. Every time I thinks I got
'um down ter: a fine p'1nt 1 butts my,
bead Agin n briek wall an' I ain't no
furder'e whar I started fuzz
"Fer instance„ meat bean' en high, 1
tuck ter de swamp an' ketebed a pea-
"So fur, so good. •
"I wuz totin' dat possum haute w'en`s
de groc'ry sto' man stopped me an
say ter me:''Dat possum ain't fat puff
ter eat Agin off, an' ye' ie too p0' ter
beep him twel he git fat. heave him
Wid n.))', an' I'll keep him whar dere'
plenty er scraps, an' by de time he
gits ter de entice age he'll be fat es
butter. Den yo' kin take him an' put
him in de pot an' cook him brown an'
juicy, an' all I ex is one piatofui:
"Octet mo", so fur, so 'good, an' 1
tuck him at his we'd an' let' de pos-
sum wid him.
"An' now comes de res' er de story.
When I 'lowed dat de possum had
been dar long Huff ter git fat I drip-
ped by ter make fuquirements, an' dar
wuz dat possum, fatter'n de fades'
shoat dat ever wuz put in de pen.
"But de groe'ry man say ter me, be
did: 'It bez come ter pass dat I can't
let dat possum go on de 'riginai con.
dations, Yo' see how fat he is, don't
yo'? Well, right dar is whar de trop
tie come in. He got Ioose one night
an' kilt an' eat up two er de bigger.'
turkeys in de yard, an' one Nun' ex
turkey pleat at de market price is
wtitb mo'n dat whole possum wax
w'en he wuz kotched; -den he eat up
three hams, an' you knows what de
price er meat is sence de trust done
raised it. So dat possum ez he now
stan's is wuth zackly $18, not countin'
a extry 20 cents which I cl'ar fergotl"
"I couldn't see whar I come in ore
dat propersition, an' ez I couldn't get
him ter reason 'bout it I went off ten
see a lawyer. De lawyer said he'd
charge $5 ter come in de case an”
den balf what he could git out er it,
I drapped de possum an' de groc'ry.
man an' de lawyer right dar an' went
home wid de riddle er high prices rat-
tlin' in my brain, but I ain't no wiser
today'n what 1 wuz yistiddy. All 1
knows is I never wants nuttin' mot
ter do wid a possum dat gats fat nut
ter ferglt his raisia' an' jive fie meat
trust "-Atlantic Constitution.
Oscar Aesthetic, but Adolf --
"Behold, Adolf, how lofely iss spring!
Look, for instance, ad dose lambkins.
How do you like dose Iambkins?"
"Stewed, Osgar, stewed mit dump-
"You haf no poetry in your fat seal.
Don'd yon hear how dot fiddle birt Ise
piping hiss lay?" ,
"Yess, but in her meandime der
plumber iss laying hiss pipe."
"Und dose pussy villows-how cun-
ning dey look on der drees."
"Vere? 'I don'd see any catalpa
"Fool! Come, led us pick some dar
"All r -right. I always Wass daffy
ofer dill pickles."
"Und in yonder sylvan dell maybe
yet we can find some dandelion
"Pooh! I draw der line ad dandelion.
greens. Dey gift me der prussion
"Alas, how scarce iss dose pretty
"No yonder. All beef bass vent up"
(BiffI)-Pittsburg Press.
Distorted Proverbs.
Never put on today what you can-
not take off tomorrow. .,
Those worth doing at aII are worth
doing well.
There's many a kick 'twixt the pup
and the nip.
Too many cooks roll the boss.
.All the world loathes a loafer.
A miss is as good as her smile.
He laughs best whose laugh lasts.
Alimony is the root of much evil.
Many a rude word Is spoken with
'Uneasy lids the head that bears a
It's a wise child that knows Its own
Where ignorance Is bliss 'tis jolly to
be nice. -Success Magazine.
High Prices Make Friends.
Elostess (to week end boy) -Did 3'ortr,
Inarnma Bay you could have u second;"
Cut of beef?
m. She said if you risked alio 1>l
Could "
A Pointed Question. •
Wiggs -Why de they call It "pin
'agge--•Because wives stick thiel*
husbands for it eeLippineott's.
keeps A.weap'in'.
It mak
es but little different.
Tn politics turd love
If twee ge!'muddy underfoot
Or titles` are dark above.
Ve oftthnet get excited at •
'Tire &endle and the getritel
tut, lifter All, the good 'Old wolf
Wog:ion about the same.
-.8,1,.ea, it,.dirr,e :l