HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1910-06-23, Page 8'The Evolution of Hoosier Bill 1`H + 'VIf1IVliraA.M TIMES, JUNE 23, 1310 --This paper wee in error last week in reporting the Mirth of a on to Mr. and Mrs. Wm. McPherson. The new arrival isa daughter, and the date wo the tdth June. and not the 4th, IV; -"How Di Came to Advertise Bill Blue refused iv advertise. Said he, "These measly paper guys Will never get my hard earned cash." AND THEN BILL'S BUSINESS WENT TO SMASH. So very "near" was old Bill Blue He pinched a dollar bill in two. He pinched his trade in two likowise. This opened poor old William's eyes. -A. number of the glues inselatore en the poles of the North Huron Telephone Oo, have been broken. This is thought to be the work of boys and if the guilty parties are foaud out prosecution will follow. -Mr. Geo, A, Newtcn, at one time a herneesmaker here, but who bas for some time past been running a groc- ery store ou Dundas street, Toronto, has sold out. It is said he intends going into the building trade. The se T d y He smiled a bit and said: "B on 9 a tree. 1 1 think I've barked up the To cure a business on the blink Prescribe a dose of printer's ink." feel saw the "print;' "A page," he said. The printer man almost fell dead. Now there is cash in William's till. "14i" AD. FOP MINE'." says "Boost- er Jill." •+•+•014+++++.K.14+++44+++++ ROY AL CROCIRY mi -annual meeting of North Huron County L. 0. L. was held in the Orange Hall, Wingham, on Tues a afternoon, wben routine lousiness only was transacted, and matters relative to the celebration of July 12th were die - cussed. -The graduation exeroisea at Grace Hospital, Toronto, were held on Tues- day, June 21st. Among the names of the graduate nurses is that of Miss Jean L. Wilson, who has passed her final examination, obtaining a high honor standing. Mies Wilson is to bo congrat- ulated on her success. -High School entrance examinations are in progress this week. Mr. J. G. Workman, principal of the High School, and Mr. Joseph Stalker, principal of the Public School, are presiding in Wing - ham, while Miss Brook is performing a similar duty et Wroxeter. • NOTIGE MINOR LOCALS, -Thursday, June 23rd. -Dominion Day -one week from to- morrow. -Monday the season. was the warmest -A big celebration Goderich on July let. -Tams and Weekly Globe to the end of thio year for 60 cents. -Of the last sixteen drownings in the Maitland river here, it is said that four- teen have occurred on a Sunday. -Court Maitland, Canadian Foresters meets to -morrow (Friday) evening. -Goderich, Teeawater Wroxeter and Blyth will celebrate Dominion Day. -Wingham Fall Fair on Thursday and Friday, September 29th and 30th. --Some damage was done in London distriot by hail and lightning on Friday last. -A report of the the County Council soother page. will be day of held at -At the recent Toronto University examinations, Miss Irene Davis,danghter of Mr. H. Davis, of this town, headed the list of those taking third class hon- ours in English History and Moderne. Miss MurielDnncan, formerly of White- chnroh, was second in the same list. -A newspaper offered a prize for the best answer to the conundrum "Why is a newspaper like a woman?" The. prize was won by a woman in Okla home who sent in the following: - "Because every man should have one of his own and not run after his neigh- bor's." • 4 4. Having sold my busi- ness all accounts are to • be paid at once. Pay- ment ayment can be made at the old stand. ' Prompt $ settlements are expected. • 4. 4. • A. J. Malcolm -i• -t. Phone 54. 3' 4. •Produce Wanted. 4. + + • +++++++++++++++++4-1-4-4-4-4-4.++ Richelieu and Ontario Navigation Company recent meeting of will be found on BRIGHT LITTLE ONES MAKE HOME BRIGHT. -Mr. W. J. Currie of East Wawanoah lost a very valuable two-year-old colt the other day. -The price of all rubber goods will be advanced 25- per cent. in price after the let of July. --$,246.20 is the amount of the earn- ings of Kincardine hospital for the month of May. -Good growing weather. Crops are looking well. The warm weather is helping the corn. Si'I EARIER "BELLVILLE" Leaves HAMILTON 12.00 Noon, TORONTO 7.80 P. M., Tneeday'e, for BAY OF QUINTE, 1000 ISLANDS, MONTREAL and intermediate ports. Babies that are well, sleep w 1, eat well and play well. The sleep naturally and wake good nut ed. The child that is not rosy•oheeke and play- ful needs prompt attention or it is not well A sickly chiljcan a restored to health with a few Toronto-l!Lontreftl Line STEAMERS INGSTOONTO AND "KINGSTON" June first, Steamers leave Toronto 3.00 P M. daily except Sunday. From July first daily, for ROCHESTER, 1000 ISLANDS, run- ning RAPIDS ST. LAWRENCE TO MONTREAL. QUEBEC and S AGU- ENAY RIVER POINTS. For folders, rates, ,etc., apply to H. FOSTER CHAFFEDonto A, 6P A T e of Baby's Own Tablets, wbieh ear colic, indigestion, constipation, teething troubles and other disorders from which young children suffer. /Ire. Thee, Whiting. Waterford Ont. says: "I have need Baby's Own Tablets in my home for some years and would not be without them. I find them just the right medicine for little ones." Sold by all medloine dealers or mail from the Dr. William's medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. -Wingham Citizens' Band furnished music at a garden party in Brnaeele on Monday evening. ' -Richard White, for many years President of the Montreal Gazette Pub - Co. is dead. -We will send the noise and Globe to any address in Canada to January let, 1911, for 60 oents. -R. C. Postletwaite has been appoint- ed Chief of Police at Goderich in place of Chief Yule, who is going to Calgary. -Mies Gussie Whitehall, of London, who has been a patient in the hospital for some weeks past wen able 10 return to hoz home this week. In Deadly Peril. This story is of Jerome IL Jerome, the humouriet. Returning from abroad one time, he fell into good company with exception of one man, who was known as "the walking encyclopedia," This man persisted in giving all sorts of in- formation mn3h to the annoyance of Mr. Jerome and others. One morning ,as the traveler leaned over the rail ad- miring the rising sun the man with the information turned to them and said al- most solemnly: "Gentlemen, if the earth were flatten- ed out the sea would be two miles deep over the whole world." Mr. Jerome turned around, seemingly stunned. Then he grew indignant, and walking over to the other man he said shaking his finger menacingly ; "Look here, man, if you catoh any fellow trying to flatten out the earth, shoot him on the spot. 1 can't swim" :RAILWAY G Nu ,rrUnK,SYSTENI. -Dr. Tennant, Dominion veterinary, reports that the hydrophobia outbreak " is gradually disappearing. There is still need for caption, however, he °aye. -=A number of the members of the local branch attended the anneal meet- ing of the West 1Tnron Wonien'e Insti- tute at Dungannon, on Wednesday. -Bert Wylie appeared before Pollee Magistrate Morton on Tuesday after• noon on the charge of assault and was given one month in jail et Goderich. ---•Gl Ingham Orangemen will attend DOMINION DAY Return tickets at single fare bet- ween all stations in Canada, also to Detroit and Port Huron, Mich., Niagara Falls and Buffalo, N. Y. Good going June 30th and July let. return limit July 4th, 1010. FIvnAY.-In Lower winr;ham„on June 15th, to Mr. and Mrs. HoWard Finlay; a daughter. Capt. ane Mrs. niches,rn of the Salvan the tioh n Arin9 a daughter. Or.Anw.-In Morris, on Tune tth, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Hassell (Mrs. Clark's par- t},Alta.,a (laughter.Robert Clark, of Lang- don, MARRIED Neil --Wylie,-At the Manse, Wroxeter, on June:stli. by Rev, L. Perrin. Mr. J. Herbert Ned to Miss Agnes Wylie, both of Howiek Township. NORTHERN NAVIGATION COMPANY KING'S FOR BARGAINS 1 I W E WANT TOUR TRADE, KING'S 1 TI1Lj13USYSTORE WOOL 1 Grand Trunk Route Sailings of passenger steamers from Sarnia and Soo, Port Arthur and Dalnth, every Monday, Wednes- day and Saturday at 3 30 p. m, Only the Saturday and Wednesday steam- ers go to Duluth. Sailings from Collingwood 1.30 p. m. and Owen Sound 11.45 p. m, Wednesdays and Saturdays for Soo and Georgian Bay Ports. For tiokets and further information call on W. Henry, Depot Agent or address 5. D. McDonald, D. P. A., Toronto. GurmetoNn--Gnrnir.-In London, on Sat- urday, June ibth, the Rev, W.T. Hill rector of tit. John the Evangelist Church, William. F. J. Grimmond, eldest son of ('leo. M. Grintmond, Esq., of Port Stanley, to Ann'. A. A. Grandy, fourth daughter of the late E'rederick 'Grim. dy, Esq., of Lueltnow, Ont. SccmT-BAr r.W-In Aylm, r, on Juno 8th, by Rev. Ar v o Werige (formerly , 3. Scott to Eliaab,•t i Ball Disney -Beadle. --At the masse; Wingltam, on Wednesday, Juno bth, by Rev. D. erre, divine service in St. Paul's o'hureh on. Mrlle la 3Z Beniib1,itele of CyiiH 14 dericit township, Sunday evening, July 10th, at 7 o'clock, f11Em I'.ev. E. H. Croly, B. A„ will preach. ...-Garden part" 00 1118 lawn of Mrs. 1 ti Al LrIn Winithh e, on the nth inst., John ,Alesinder Ruehie, aged 29 years, lU i ham on Tues. inontlisand 2i days. Lower W ng , Simmons, day evening, June 28th. Music by the S. A. band; refreahmente served; adults - Sian 10 cents, .--'litany Wingham friends will gym• ship, cgea 51Yea"' pathize with Rev, and Mrs. O. E. Zeit. 1{Nbx.m ii Slgth,on Juno 12t1t, Ilohert T{no t, king, of London, in the death of their aged ,c years. a months and rZ days. ten.montha-old datighter, 'which took Stout v ie Grey, on Jean; 15th !Margaret A. h Mcrnto belovedwife of John 11, llttrey', place on Sunday. Ingo' 20 years. .-`f)il•tlit for ant►dal eXUllt810n of ladies 4 smith. -in Grey, 00 Ante 11t11. John of Ilarriaton Methodist Church to Smith, need 47 years, 8 months and7 days. .T>nAt(rNS.•-C>n Snndaq Tann lO. IO1U at 'iOO Toronto and Niagara flail r, p`ridap, ,'oily 1#ol)mutlt tsvoeue, London, E,le:en gertrude Via, good to return 25tlr. b"n11 partial- Louise. riytri"gtosa0tSoeme v naged. 1 lata later by poster and dodger. inontlrs and 23 days, %t16111AL We want 50,000 lbs. and highest cash or trade goods of any kind bring EXCIHANGE IT FOR Yarns, Blankets A complete range. are prepared to pay the prices. If you need along your WOOL AND and Sheetings Staples. Flannelettes, Towellings, Denims, etc., etc. Dress Goods. The most complete stock to be seen. Clothing. One of the largest and finest stocks of Men's and Boys' Clothing shown. All new styles, best patterns, no old stock. Bring your WOOL and see the goods. Bargains. Clearing lines on which you can save big money in all deloartments. MIN EAP CES WANTED. -Large quantities Butterand Eggs (2oc) a, • E. KI1 `I G • PRI ••••O••-•060000••ft•••••••••1 •••••••••O*OV-t.lEONM .•♦••• 480 • E. C. WHITE, • ® . • • HIGH - CLASS Ladies' and' Gents•' Tailor••• • 4; S • •1• o • You get here what you like, and like what you • e get • at E. C. WHITE'S.*► • • o No other tailoring • establishment offers such a • wide • selection of very fine and fashionable • • a. woolens. Nowhere else are clothes made with such style,. precision, individn'aiity and refined taste. Nowhere else are prices near as low for such values as we offer. • We are doing a High Class Tailoring Business on a new plan :- BUYING FOR CASH 1 SELLING FOR CASE ! Doing business in this way I can save you dollars. Come in and see what I can do for you. GOOD GOODS • sTR.A.Trot3D. ONT. The great practical training school of Ontario. Three departments, Commercial, Shorthand or Telegraphy. We assist graduates to positions. The demand upon us for trained help greatly exceeds the supply. The Three most recently. placed are re- ceiving 3.0.00, 550.00 and 3100.00 per month respectively. Business men state our graduates are the best. Enter onr classes now. Get our free catalogue. • ....... _..... pmemmeammaiemomeamergemeolammemomag DO YOUO-W? Perhaps you do Perhaps you don't That when your feet are tired and aehey you feel tired all over. That in a great number of cases that tired and achey feeling is produced by conditions that can easily be overcome and at a small cost. FOR INSTANCE +Perhaps you need "ARCH SUPPORTS" -we have fitted a number of aching feet with these lately and in every case they have given entire satisfaction. If the ache is directly under the instep these are invaribly a sure cure Tv We sell Dr, Sebol's "Arch Support" (the best that is) and our price, $1,50, is 50 cents per pair less than ordinary shoe stores. HAVE YOU BUNIONS ? If so you can secure instant relief by wearing our Bunion Protectors, price 45 cents each. HAVE YOU TENDER FEET? - If so you likely need "Cushion Sole" Shoes, the most com- fortable shoes made. Queen Quality (Cushion Sole Shoes) are tele best for ladies, price $4.50 per pair. Dr. Cook's (Cnsbion Sole) are the best for men, price $5.00 per pair, It:EitnElt -in Morrie, en June lOth,'Ihomas E'rank Alvin, young(et am of James 13. and Annie Kerney, aged 1 year and 24days. Ifat lune, --In Butto City,Montano, on ,Mine Oth, Mrs. Warren 3, Hellr, daughter of the late John Edward Cook, 8th line, Morris town - ELLIOTT & McLACHLAN PRINCIPALS, • • • • • •• •• • e • • s • • •• E. C. WHITE • Ira THE JOHN • o•••••••••••••••••••••••• LADIES' GARMENTS made in the latest, up. to -date styles, and satisfaction guaranteed. DO YOUR FEET PRESPIRE FREELY? If so wear Canvas Shoes during the hot weather -nothing like them for comfort. A WORD OF WARNING. DO YOU WEAR PATENT LEATHER SHOES? If so, do not polish with vasehne or cream. Patent leather requires a hard finish and to give satisfaction you should use a polish made for the purpose. For instance, "Hub„ Patent Leather Cream at 15c is the best. Nuggett is also good, price 10e. See us about your foot troubles -we feel confident we can fix you up. 1 WILLIS & CO. . THE SHOE STORE. OL` Sole Agents f for Ladies. smog. Sole Agents for the "Astoria" Shoes for Men, s i vvv.VViL1L .Vri g trWv711T 7MYStv.. VYT_V_V !11'!!FYYN..W711 77,d 1 71 A 14 IWOOL,WANTED4I 4 { 50,000 lbs. Wool wanted, cash or trade. We have in stoek for, the wool season the best BLANKETS, SHEETS, SHEETING and tr, YARN made from (Mr best wool by Howe & Co., of Wroxeter. m w • T •, • • WINGHAM, ONT. • WILSON BLOCK • •••••••••t•••••••le.0•••••: ,Wanted ! CANADIAN. PPI►CJ r- GREAT LAKES NAVIGATION NOW OPEN liegniar Se 11ngs as follows: MONDAY S. S. "ATHABASCA" TUESDAY ... 5. 5. "KEEWA'TIN" WEnir-Esr,AY . 5. 5, "ALBERTA" THURSDAY 5, 5, "MANITOBA" 4aTURIIAY .. 5.5, "ABSINIBOIA" Tho most Winnipettnd and cheapest , rvtite - EXCURS ON5 LS Thrangh Train to Winnipeg sad West fenboruaeO yah. av0dte, J. II. BBEDIEB, Agent, Wingh YOUNG MEN TO LEARN THE MOULDING. Goad wages from start ; under competent instructor. A splendid opportunity for young men to learn a trade. Apply to W. D. VAREY, Superintendent of W tsm1 N Pommy, Witigham, Olt. WINGHAMMACHINE SHOP Baby Carriages and Go -Carts to -tired and repaired. General repair work of all kinds, See our new Combination Stock Raok, Bargains in Bloyoles and sundries, Plow Points sharpened and made as good as new at 10o each, W. A. C.URRIE Phone 21. P1tOPR1ET01i' RAILWAY TIME TABLES. • Clothing. We have one the best stocks of Men's Ready -Made Suits ever p shown in this store. Boys' 2 and 3•piece Suits of the latest cuts and styles from $2.75 to $5.00 each, it will pay you to see these suits before buying elsewhere, GRAND TIWN 1IAILWASe SYSTEM' . l mums LILAYM Ron London8.40 a m,. 5.11Op.in Toronto London.. 8.40 0.4,. a m ..2.40r.m. Kineardtne..i1'57 a.m... 2.08 p -m..- 9.15p.ni. A/nave anon Irineardine ,. 8.40 a.in.,11.00 a.m...+ 2.40 p.ln. London......, .,.,1r 54 eat • w 7,85 p,m. Paimerettn. .. ..• 10.80 a.m. Toronto 8aRawst'HENRY;Age t,,Winghapn. OANADIAN,PACIFIC' BA1LWAle, lJ Trierre nail w Rea Taront° had 8aet.....«,.. 6.82 a,m,.., .9.18 p.m. Tesewater 1.r0 pan...30.17 p.m, Al1RIV>r *nom Teeawater... 8.18 Toronto EREnt ppanil. BMER, Anwu2bere. Dress Goods: . Ladies' Suitings in all the newest shades, from 50c per yard up - Ladies' Wash Suit Materials in all the leading shades, '4: See our Ladies' White Lawn Waists and WhiteWear.' ma mamma. Carpets, Rugs, etc. We also have the best range of Carpets and Rugs, Oilcloths and Linoleums, shown in Wingham, Genuine Scotch Linoleums and Fnglieh Floor Oils, just arrived from the• manufacturer, which we are offering at .04 , special price. Umbrellas,sMen's rine and Coarse Straw Hats, Shirts and ahirtin gs of all kinds. WO will give 19,per cent off all the above goods in exchange for wool. Don't forget that we are Oiling No. 1 Sugar at $5.45 Der cwt, cash, and stigars are advancing, 'Best grades 0f,110t1r always on hand. ALI, HINDS /GE motion wANTE11. MILLS WINGLtAMVM', ONT. PlIONV 89. ... t mtv. rr. rr r►rrr+I rovvs+•wwll►_ re 'r"M!Vei+f;1111!! ►. : IVIiL'li.' .+1►!IV 'i ' . .. .