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The Wingham Times, 1910-06-23, Page 3
TUE VIIN(GR4I TIMES, JUNE 23:, 19'GU A strong, rich super.giutened Flour from hard Western Wheat Makes good bread I1roun11111i )011 H'UR SAL F1 BY K. ERR & BIRD, WINGEIANL NATIONAL IMPORTANCE OF that year were due to tub -ace', sic This PUBLIC HEALTH, too, is in face of the fact that tnberonl• osis is classed by modern tnedioal scum bate as a preventable daises,. The fundamental importance of the snbjsot of pathic health to the nation and its industrial efficiency was oonoiee• ly expreeeed expressed by Hon Clifford Sifton, chairman of the Commission on Coneerve.tioo, in bis inaugural address at the first unauVal meeting, Oa this subject he said, in part : "The physical strength of the people is the resource frim which all others derive value. Extreme and eorupnlone. regard for She lives and health of the., population may bo taken as the best criterion of the degree of real civiliza- tion and refinement to which a country, has attained, It cannot be said that it has received too much attention, though the provinces, the Domibion. and the mnuieipaliti •s have health laws and health admtnietratione all doing effect- ive and useful work. 'there are, how- ever, many branches of the subject. general in their character, which merit attention The Dominion spends hue. drede of thousands bf dollars in eradica- ting the dieeasee of animals, and the work, it is pleasing, to know, is being done with thoroughness. But no Rimil- ar effort is mode by pravinoe or Damin• ion to merit the ravages of disease among human beings, suoh, e. g., as tuber crawls." The greatness of tbe work to be done in checking the ravages of tuberoulosia is shown by the motnlity statistics of the last census. In the census year there were 0,709 deaths from this disease in Canada, which means that twelve deaths out of every htndred in Chris Was Premature. Poor Otitis Columbus. frnai h14 OLIO somewhat In aitet.t, wind swept settee looks dowu alma this whirling sphere, and wipes away a phauitnm tear. Per. haps he aaye to old Cabal : '•Tno,re near explorers down below are drawing many golden beams by writing tor the ' h magazines, and some are knighted by king and all are cutting grecs b7 ; aug They're lionized to heat the bind, have worshippers on every hand, and what they did is no account; they found a pole or climbed a mount. Oh Jnmpi❑g Ginger! when I think of how I ,,'.ilr,r1 across the drink, and wrestled wise a grouchy Drew, and tined a land that no one knew, those °beep explorers down below seem pretty punk to me, Cabot! And when I sailed back home again did I receive the praise of men? DM old Beu Hamptou break his neck to load nig with a big fat check? Did Eugland's monaroh take his sword and in are of me a blooming lord? Did meddle come from foreign lands, and ribboos bine from princely hands? Not on your whiskers, friend Cabot! My name was Mad, I'd hale :yon know; they clunked me in a prison•trap, as though I was that Johnsing chap. This faot'e ne Alain as yonder moon -1 lived four hundred yaws too soon!" Walt Mason. Sixty•nine new past offices were open- ed in Canada during the month of April. Rocking Down VS Shaking Which Do You Prefer? Look at the man above. He's SHAKING an ordinary furnace. He bends nearly double, exeits all his strength, works up a prespiration, and gets a sore back. Now, look at ,the woman. She stands nearly erect, gently moves the lever to and fro, a few inches, and the ashes are dropped into the Sunshine ash -pan. This is called ROCKING DOWN. It's so easy a child can do it. Which method do you prefer? Why, Rocking Down, of, course.• 5i Go to our agenti in your locality. 'Let him show you the many other time -saving, labor-saving and fuel -economizing features of the Sunshine. Order him to install the Sunshine with a guarantee to heat your home to your entire satisfaction. Hczd.a Bad Co .h FQI A NUMI3EB, OF IMAM. AM. WAS AFRAID IT WOULD TURN' INTO t.,,onsitzfrgptzon. Too much stress cannot be laid on the fact that when a person catches cold it must be attended to immediately or serious results may follow. Thousands have filled a consumptive grave through neglect! Never Neglect a Cough or Cold, it can have but one result. It leaves es the throat Or lungs, or both, affected. +±+-++++++ Mrs. A, E. Brown, + Ottawa, Ont., Afraid -0 -writes:-" I have of . had a very bad .r Consumption. ± cough every winter + for a number of +±++±++4+ years which I was afraid would turn into cousamptiou. I tried a great many remedies but only received temporary re- lief until I got a bottle of Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup and after taking two bottles art cough was cured. I am never without d bottle of Norway Pine Syrup." Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup is the medicine you need. It strikes at the foundation of all throat and lung com- plaint,, relieving or curing all Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis,. Asthina, Croup, Sore Throat, etc., and preventing Pneumonia and l onsumption. So great has been the success of this wonderful remedy, it is only natural that numerous persons have tried to imitate it. Don't be imposed upon by taking anything but "Dr. Wood's." Put up in a yellow wrapper; 'three pine trees the trade mark; price 25 cents. Manufactured only by The T. Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont. �✓ / ace .Landon, lbrrutaricntrcnl. viuniprg, Vaceuver, St.Tot , N.13.,Ta miltofr Calgary. 8or Y• FOR slim BY W. J, BOYCE';, WINGIIAM, �- . The dune Rod And Gun. While whiting of Oeuedare fererncrt uportemenet Magezine oontaiue foul° feature .of special interest, the June number ORO and Gun in Canada, pub.% belted by W. J, Taylor, Woeastook, Oat, to notable for Revered of snob, textures, eaole oue of partiouler lutenist to all eportsanen, "Three Weeks in the I!'or est Qiiebeo," with the a eoesaful'capture of a luooee, will prove egtranOtug to all big game Manton; .while the story of the snocese of Jaolr Alioer in attraoting wild geese in large avanhere to a pond. near hie borne of nuot faiito hold'the atteutio and enure the interest of all wild bird 1 )vers. The latter story forms a splen• did. illuetraeion of the panties of protect tion and should onoourago all engaged in the work, Mr 'editor has demonetat e!1 the fact that it is possible to succeed the wary wild goose and success with snoh aby birds moans that .efforte in other directions need not Be'p1 fa'lure. The importance of the polioy of Couper vation j eetifiee the illustrated account of the gathering at Toronto Uuiveraity. Tole polioy means more to the. future of Oanada then the present generation can, fatly realize and to all interested in toe great out doors it is vital, A full supply of stories appealing to all tastes is included in a numberr which will prove a fine oompanion ou all vaoa- tioa trips. ABSOLUTE • SECURITY, Genuine Carter's Little Liver Pilled The Biggest Fash He came home with a striug of fish; his wife soon baa them fried; and as h'+ ate the fragrant diah; he tied m9 friend, he lied. "The fish I brought were pretty flue," his children heard him any , but eh! I had a rotten line, tend the biggest gotaway 1" He goes down town among his friends, and wears their pr - genet) out; he talks and talks till night drsnen le, bot is string of trnu<. "My heart" says he, will know regret until uiy dying day; also! that fish so large and wet -the one that got away t" All people know the tale he epringe is made of mist end smoke, and heated air ani dragon wings, and prehistoric joke. But he will tell b' weary tale till he is bent and gray :he mem'ry makes my spirit wail -the fish' that got away !" And you perhaps, have some old yarn, vs tiresome stale end vein, that Adam told behind the barn, ha sats to entertain. Though it may seem to you quite fine, it grates on others' oars; 0 pat it down, my frteud in brine, and let it soak ten years. -Walt illeeron b DEADLY EXPLOSIVES. A bulletin has been waned by the commission of Conservation, Ottawa, on the destraotion of life by'explosives. The fact that in three Canadian prov- inces rowinoes within the past few weeks, maga zines containing explosives, have acci- dentally blown up and caused the death of almost a score of people. and the injury of many others, has prompt- ed the action. Hardly a day passes but what the press contains' reports of the deaths of workmen engaged in mining or in raitwtiy constraotiou from the careless or ignorant use of explosives. However it is only when a catastrophe odours in whioh many Byes are lost that the public is aroused to the need of adopt. ing more effective measures for protec- tion. Regulations have been made in Euro- pean countries against the use in coal mines of such explosives as are known to be dangerous. The United States have en explosive testing plant, where explosives are tested es to 'their fitness for particular uses. A list is published outlining the action and use of various explosives. Canada is experiencing a great in- dustrial development whioh has increas- ed the tree of explosives and the number 01 deaths from careless tee and storage of then has oorrespondingly increased. The results of investigation of other countries are available to Canada and Canadians mist make use of tbem to show a proper regard for human lite. The eamnhission oonsidere that a plant for testing explosives, and a more rigid enforcement of the law, are two things urgently needed. The prediction is y d'. Lookie Wilson that within ten years the farma of Ontario will double in arsine. He ex- plains this by the statement that the present high prices for harm pr te tce and the inorease of population `will re• atilt in a gteater demand for fate .prop- erty Asa fine paying investment. For severe sunburn, whioh is often vary painful, especially when bits:erm form, use raw potato. Scrape and plas- ter on soft linen and apply like a pout• tioe, renewing when it dries, A the Uoor. One day the front doorbell at our house rang loudly. Aunt Sabriny, col- ored, who has lived with. us for more than three decades and knows all our visitors, hurried ofe to the door. We heard her in conversation a moment, and then she came back, vouchsafing no explanation. "Who was it, Aunt Sabriny?" I in- quired. "Aw, jus' some fool pnsson looldn' fer the wrong number," she said. - Woman's Horne Companion. Must Herald Signature of See law -Simile Wrapper Below. Very emaII dna as easy tttttake as augara FOR pLAIIACHZ. FOR DIZZINESS. FOR BILIOUSNESS. FOlfTORPI©L11fER. FOR, CONSTIPATION FORSALLOW SKIN: FOR THE COMPLEXION 025imuxrixo Musr,u t, nAT„nt. Purdy vegetams. n aL tcs•n*. CURE SICK HEADACHE. The Fall of a Hero. "Here," solemnly said the Bosto- uian, "General Warren felL" "So?" replied the gentleman from Chicago, running a speculative eye up and down the perpendicular of Bunker Hill monument. "Must have been a smell subject for a moving picture act,." -Puck. The Similarity. "Do you know, Imogen, your hair reminds me of Syracuse?" "Pray, why?" "Because it's ' so near Auburn." - Cornell Widow. A Dockwalloper. 1414540.4.44... RAILWAY EMPLOYERS AND OWNERS. 4 That's granted, But the furnituire in that morn is worked overtime. To buy a new suite every few years costs Money. YOTJdou't need to, "LACqUERET" will restore tbe original beauty of your dining -room Suite, making it just as attractive as the day you bought it, LACQUERET is riot a paint, nor is it a varnish, but a beautifying lacquer made with soluble and permanent colors. It is elastic, bard drying and lustrous, and easily applied. Its original beauty is lasting. Y$ Write for our booklet, "Dainty Decorator." It is entertaining and informing. A Post Card brings it. Most hardware and Paint Dealers sell"Lacqueret" International Varnish Co., Limited 2363 TORONTO -WINNIPEG TRP' t,AAi?it NOTE.-" LACQUERET" is sold in full Imperial measure packages only FOR SALE BY J. G. STEWART & CO.. WINGHAM, oasssrrws0000800*o$ass*sss11 Iles ss.ssssSe..ossSsss$ee$s . 0 0 • cy 0., eD 4D • e • • 0 00 • • • • TIMES will receive stibscriptiens at the li,,tt below • • a a O s • a 0 a a • a 0 a • The • • • • • • • • • • • Of the $146,000,000 earned by the rail- ways of Canada last year, over 43 per Dent., or $43 200,000, was paid in salaries and wages, and not quite •27 per cent., or $38;800,000, in interest, dividends, and surplus. Other expenditures out of revenue -as dietiuguiehed from expendi• tures made for permanent improvements and charged to capital-inolnding gen- eral operating expenses and minor con- struction, $24,000,000, almost 17 per cent. of the total; fuel, $17,500,000, or over 12 per cent., and taxes $1,594 000, or over one per cent. The employee amongst whom the total of $63,200,000 was paid for salaries and wages number- ed about 150,000. The capitalization male a nominal total of $808 000,000,' and the $38.000,000 which went to the benefit of the holders of the aeonrities made a ret•uru of 3 09 per cent. on the capitalization as a whole. Of couree, all railways are not equally profitable, nor are all holders of' securities of eny given railway remunerated at the same rate. It is to be remembered also tbat the nominal capitalization is greater than the amount of money actually invested in the roads. itonlitntic 1isg-That young man you saw me with last night is an aristo- cent. ITR was brought up among the peers. Grceneta nobeken or Brooklyn? Ifon1 Joy to Woe. fc thought her bat the biggest thing That ever he dlrl nee. rte laughed and cut a pigeon win To evidence his glee. But tater en a man came round regret, Anel filled him with Fee when he came poor Mans found The bill was bigger yet! 0Strtz "a liffeekly. Thirty-eight in every thousand Eng- lishmen who marry are over 50 years of age. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • O • • • • • • • • • • • • • • s •• 4r •l• • • • His Friend Said "if They Dont Help or Cure Ton I Will Stand Tho Price." 44-¢..4- .+.+'+ Mr. J. B. Rusk, + Orangeville, Ont., + Liver + writes: I had been Complaint troubled with Dy s - ▪ Cured. pepsin and Lia er Complaint and tried many different re- medies but obtained little or no benefit. A friend advised me toive your Lala -Liver Pills a trial, but I told him I had tried so many "cure elle" that I was tired paying out money for things givingme no benefit, He said, `If they don't ,ep, or you, I will stand the price.'So seeing his faith in the Pills, I bought two vials, and I WAS not deceived, for they were the best I ever used. They gave relief 'which has had a More lasting effect than any medieino I have ever used, and the beauty about them is, they are small and easy to flake. I believe them to be the best medicine for Liver Trouble there is to be found," Price 25 cents a vial or 5 for $1.00, at al ' tmail will o sent direct iibby all dealers, or w on receipt of price. The '1. Milburn C•., Limited, Toronto, Ont. • • • A 13 ING- RAT S FOR 1909 - 10. for any of the following publications : Times and Daily Globe Times and Daily Mail and Empire Times and Daily World .... Times and Toronto Daily News.. Times and Toronto Daily Star Times and Daily Advertiser Times and Toronto Saturday Night Times and Weekly Globe . Times and Weekly Mail and Empire Times and Family Herald and Weekly Star Times and Canadian Farm (weekly) Tunes and Weekly Witness Times and London Free Press (weekly) Times and London Advertiser (weekly) Times and Toronto Weekly Sun Times and World Wide Times and Northern Messenger. Times and Farmers' Advocate We specially recommend our readers to subscribe to the Farmers' Advocate and Home Magazine Times and Presbyterian Times and Westminster Times and Presbyterian and Westminster Times and Christian Guardian (Toronto) , .. ... Times and Canadian Magazine (monthly).,, , , Times and Sabbath Reading, New York Times and Outdoor Canada (monthly, Toronto) Times and Michigan Farmer ... • .. . Times and Woman's Home Companion Times and Country Gentleman Times and Delineator Times and Boston Cooking Scbool Magazine Times and Green's Fruit Grower Times and Good Housekeeping Times and McCall's Magazine Times and American Illustrated Magazine Times and American Boy Magazine Times and What to Eat Times and Business Man's Magazine............. Times and Cosmopolitan Times and Ladies' Home Journal Times and Saturday Evening Post Times and Success Times and Hoard's Dairyman Times and McClure's Magazine Times and Munsey's Magazine, Times and Vick's Magazine Times and Home Herald Times and Travel Magazite Times and Practical Farmer Times and Home Journal, Toronto Times and Designer... Times and Everybody's Times and Western Home Monthly, Winnipeg...... Times ttnd Canadian Pictorial • • • 4.50 4.50 3,10 2.30 2.30 2,85 3.35 1.60 1.60 1.85 1,60 1.85 1.80 1.60 1,70 2.20 1.35 2.35 2.25 2.25 3.25 2.40 2.90 1.95 185 2.15 2 25 2.60 2.95 L95 1.55 2 30 1.70 2 30 1 90 1 90 2.15 2.15 . 2,75 2.25 2.40 2.40 2,50 1.60 2.60 2.25 2.10 1.60 1 75 280 1 CO 1,60 • I. • • •' • The above prices include postage on Amerioan publicatirue to any • address in Canada. If the TIMES is to be sent to an Atnerican address, tt dd , j 50 bents for postage, and where American publication) aro to be sent to al American addresses a reduction will be made in price, We could extend this list. If the paper or magazine you want is not in the list, call at that ofdoe.. or drop a card and we•will give yet prices on the paper you want. We olnb with all the leading newspapera and mogaztnes When premiums are given with any of above papers, subscribers wall • secure each premiums when ordering tbrotgb ma same as ordering dirwr•t is from publishes. These ltiw rated mean a considerable saving to subscribers, and are STRICTLY" CASH IN AIDVANOE. Send remittances by postal note, goat aloe or express money order, addressing TIMES oPFICrt • INCH NTAEO A 3K O I , te*****101.1116110iMilieliffik0 'VP r sair�0s10i1$M/