HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1910-06-23, Page 1THE . WINGHAM. voL XXX1X,--NO. 2002. WINGHA.M, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JUNE 23, 1910.. FOR BABIES AND CHILDREN ",Mother Kolas Remedies" for Bab! s end Children are now or Bele aagham. They haved proved boon to mothers in 'United Stated during the past five yearn. .11•MMOIMIIMIN•••••••••••1111•11 QOLIO RuetanY —Relieves inf antile colic without use of opium. ESSENCE OF OATNIP—A tonic medi- cine for weak puny babieo. WORM SYRUp —A reliable remedy to remove worm of all kinds. COUGH SYR:Era—Relieves coughs and colds, LAXATIVE SYRUP—An ideal laxative. Gentle anion on bowels. TEETHING SYRUp —A reliable remedy • for nervous irritability inoident to teething. CROUP SYRUP —Valuable in °ron, whooping cough, hoarsenesa. Gives instant relief. SOOTHING SYRUP—Relieves pain and nervous irritation. tonic to sto- mach and bowele—oontains no opium. • NEUTRALIZING TOXO—Pin reliever, stomach tonic, bowel regulator Walton McKibbon THE DRUGGIST The e42...c....0•01, Store Maolonald Blook, Winghara. Tt 40 IIIIIMMIM11111.111.1111" .......1400,•••••••••••••••••1 You will regret you did not attend one of Canada's High - Grade Business Colleges, lo- cated at Peterborough Welland Orangeville Wingham Clinton Walkerton Now is a good time to enter. Our graduates receive from ,$400 to $1500 per annum. Mail Courses in 100 different subjects. CUT FLOWERS AND • FLORAL DESIGNS T. C. GRAHAM & SON PHONE 101. Wear Greer's Shoes and Rubbers GIVE THE BES YOU HAVE. [Each nge. Give to the world th And the best will o best you have, e back to you, Give love, and love • your life will flow As strength in yo r utmost need; Have faith tend a ore of hearts will show Their faith in yo • r word and deed, Give Truth, and yo r gift will be paid in kind, And honour will And a smile that i A smile that is j • Huron Count The Fall Court s have been fixed a Tuesday, Dec. 20t ted by the Chancel Sept. 26 by Justice onour meet; sweet will surely find st se sweet, Court Sittings. tinge Winter assizes follows:—Non•Jury at Goderioh conduo. or, Jury on Monday Oberland. Read Willis & Co '4 adv, on page 8. Change in rain Time. A new ttme tabl yeent into effect on the Grand Truk Rl1ay on Monday lain. The may binge made, which affoots Wiugham, that the morning train for London ow leaves here at 6 35 o'elook in place f 6 40 o'olok. WANTED.—Any quantity wool; cash or trade. T. A. MILLS. New Telenh The new long d the Bell Telephone has completed bet Wingham, adds gr of telephone com these two points. WINGHAM BUSINESS COLLEGE 4111110112M1111001111MOSIMIE GEO. SPOTTON, Principal ••0110•11•11••••••••••••••••••••=•••••••••••• Fall Fair Dates. Wingham Atwood Blyth.... • • • • Brussels Dungannon .... , ....Oat. 6.7 Fordwith .... Oct. 1 Goderioh . Sept. 19.20.21 liarrieton • .Sept, 29.30 Kincardine ... .Sept. 21.22 Listowel • — • • ...... Sept. 2021, Sept. 9.17 Sept, 29 30 Oat. 2.3 Oct. 4.5 Oct. 6.7 e Connection. ' stance circuit whioh ompany of Canada een Hareieton and say to the facility unioation between TRUNKS and Van SM.— The beet kind and at lowest priees. W. J. GlInan, Firemen An interesting ranged to tike pl a nd second forme 0o., Mous R. A T hornton. Tbe r roe, ten men on a o otner of Patrick and eon to the par lay three lengths water. The raoe twenty minutes evening. Jane 28t GIRLS WANTED, Oo„ London, On Write for particulars, Listo The Listowel R July let this year than ever. Ther the events so that iebes are ensured, racing each after athlete events worth, the admi ing been out to all railroads goo London , . Lucknow Mildmay Ripley Seaforth Teeswater Tiverton Walkerton •••• • ,Sept. 22.23 .. Sept. 26 27 Sept. 27-28 Sept. 22 23 Oct, 56 Oot. 4 Sept. 15.16 Christie's Grocery PHONE 59. Smash Goes China and Crockery Dinner Sets, Tea Sets, Toilet Sets, Water Sets, Valley Cups and Sateers,,etc., etc. , Some at half price—some at less than cost— florae at cost—every piece cheap. Sold Only for Cash Will Not be Charged We need the room tor new goods to arrive. If you want a bar. gain—come quielt. Apply D. 5, Pannik el Races. es on June 30th and rpenise to be better op big entries in all lose and exciting fin- nd a full program of oon with baseball and 11 provide a big quarter's sion to the grounds hay. 5 cents. Single fare on for the two days, Contest. ontest has been ar- e between the first oe Wingham Fire Dineley and C. 3. e1 to be a hose reel ide, to start on the d Josephine streets , attach to hydrant, ot hose and throw will take place at eight on Tuesday Royal Bla The local Chant Preceptory held a successful meetin in the Orange Ha of candidates for were present, and put on. Sir Knig to, was present, a from Lucknow, B other places, provided. • Home made bread—Try it. • FRANK R. HOWSON. Women The Wingham Institute will m hall, Tuesday, Jn meeting to be add Smillie, Toronto, nurse; subject and Health in the ing will be both i able to every wo in the betterment around the home, attend. MRS. Ni......0110•10•001 High Grade Groceries Our' Specialty • PEASQN Miss Rachel Rintool • pent a few days with Clinton friends, Bus, 1. Cosford an • her daughter, Mise Ruby, left for Wi nipeg leet *eek. Mr. and Nits H. letter and on Thomas, visited Lond n friends last week. miss F. Powell is s ending a few weeks with friends i Detroit and vicinity. Preceptory. of the Royal Black most interesting and on TuesdaY evening 11. A large number the various degrees the work was well t Saunders, of Toole- d there were visitors yfield, Fordwioh and dainty repast was Mrs. Malcolm, of M' for a few days with b Malcolm. - Mr. John Wilson, V. laoeburg, Dresden an that vioinity last week mrs. Thos. Wilson is days in Toronto visitin Misses Hannah and Jea Miss Pearl Davide() holidaying at the hom Mr. and Mo. Immo Da Mrs, J. D. MoEwen, her daughters, Olive, Is meat last week at her Aloncreiff. Mrs. Wm. Walela, her daughter, of Detr days of the past week Mre. H, HInsoliffe. Mr. Geo. O. Mann home after *ending the West and we are t hat he is mnoh impro Mrs. Leishman and noch, intend leaving Brandon, Man., to a of a daughter of Mrs is seriously 111. ear. A. E. Beadwin, proprietor of the ound, visited hie a. Joe, Brad,vin few days of the ve the TIMES a Monday. Mrs. will spend a few d friends in Blyth WOOL WANTED. -60,000 ibe; highest prices, cash or trade. Geo. E. KING. The Dental Dr. Irwin, Reev Warden of Huron a of Ohesley, Ward dentists hold the o tions of two of Onta At the Caledonian in August a feature will be a tug of war Bruce and Heron w captains. Wry not on the ends of should be great Warden's have no Dr. Irwin will nee his lungs like a pal voice will sound 1 kitten compared to Crowe when his B heels in the earth a band.—Chealey E ardens. of Wingham, is Dr. Crowe, Reeve a of Bruce. Thus ef municipal post- o'slending countiee. ames at Luoknow of the celebration etween teams from th the Wardens as at Irwin and Crowe he rope? Dentists n the pul/. If the ing to do but holler to start to expand of bellows or hie e the squeak of a he roars . from Doo. no boys dig their d pull to beat the erprise. challis visiting r son, Mr. A, J. S., visited Wale other places in s Institute. such of the Women's t in the Chisholm 28th, at 2.30 p. m; seed by Mrs. E. E. who is a graduate "Personal Hygiene Home." The meet. eresting and prof:Il- an who is interested f conditions in and All ladies asked to . BONE, Sec.-Treas. Fresh fish every week -end, at T. FELLS' butcher shop. New Tim A new time card the Canadian Peclfl day last and makes the trains arriving a ham as follow s :—Th Toronto now leaves place of 6.37 o'clock, train for Toronto lea of 3,16 o'clock. The onto now arrive at 1. p. m. in place of 1 p. The corrected time in another column of ' Table. ent into effect on Railway on Mon. slight ohange on Id leaving Wing. morning train for t 6.32 o,olock in tnd the afternoon es itt 3.13 in place trains from Tor - 10 m. and 10.17 . and 10.24 9, m. ble will be found his issue. pending several her daughters, • , of Detroit, is of her parents, idson. 000mpanied by ith and Lillian rental home at DROWNED I $1 A YEAR IN ADVANCE THE MAITLAND !John A. Ritchie Seized With Expires W Barber, Suddenly Wart Failure and ile Swimming , . The north br River, just above day ' morning th pad drowning aoo gloom over the young wife of a plunged relattve mourning. On Sunday m Ritchie,: barber, number of otbe me nazis tent, Hollyman, baker and Mr. Millar, staff, left hia h river just abov swim. The par Ritchie swam a the way baok co well, and when out of sight. H by, went to the deavored to brin ion to shore. An and a number o the sone. 31r, of a canoe moo unconscious in immediately en at resuscitation Ritohie had Buff The deceased Chas. Ritchie, o in the barberin wards of a yea esteem, by a la was a membe Church. In December Miss Bessie Bon Bone, of Brae overcome with ion whioh has o The remains 011 Monday and place from the r on Friday afterno etrioken wife, the by his father, step - ten, one of who Brussel% and the Unbounded sym the bereaved wife family in their sad ocompanied by t, spent a few ith her sister, B has returned everal weeks in leased to report ed in health. aughter, of Mar. ext Tuesday for tend the bedside Leishman, who oh of the Maitland the town, was on &m- om° of a pepuliarly ent, which has oast a community, bereft a evoted husbend, and and friends into rnipg Mr, John A. in company with a s, among whom were mac Clayton, Frank for Mr. F. R. Howson, f the Dominion Bank me and went up the Angus' bush, for a y went in, and Mr. rose the river, but on plained of not feeling n mid.stream he sank lyman, who was near relione and vainly en. his drowning compan- alarm was soon given, others were 130011 on rank Angus by means ded in recovering the . Dr. Kennedy was moned, but all efforts ailed. It is said that red from heart trouble. as the only son of Mr. Brussels, and had been bneiness here for up• He was held in high ge circle of friends, and of the Presbyterian Nor th Star, Parry parents, Bar, and of this town, for a past week. and g friendly call 011 Bradwin and childre weeks with relatives a and Wingham. Greatest argab •' ms eve given in eewel- lery at KNOX's June Sale. WANTED —Maid for small family in Toronto. Apply to MnO. WOODS, 174 Carlton St. Watches, olooke, silverware and jewel - 1 ery slaughtered at KNOX'S this month Disposed of Gr A business ohan little surprise in t the latter part of deal was complete Malcolm disposed orookery business Gillivray, of this t ninghana, of Belg will be known Cunningham. are well and f this vioinity, and abundently succes ness. They will July 5th. Mr. Mal to his plans for the deratand that be a tend,taking a trip inoes during the s sorry to lose thee the town, but t many friends will ever they may loo DR. RIED Cusmorr Sire,—The easiest Shoe on Barth; Makes walking a pleas- ure. See them. W. 3. GREER, sole agent. --- 1 t Independent For ters at Church. On Sunday last he mambas Of the local Court of the I dependent Order of Poresters, with visit re frota Teowater, among whom were members of the Or service in the Bapti a. , m. when the pa Steeves, delivered a propriate Hermon, b Verso Of the first The members Me ret Voiced their appreoi lent discOnree by a • visitors were kindly members of the 1 GlintS WA.Nrtn power hewing nide or on day work, good wages. App Co, Limited Paris, a number Of lady r, attended divine ()hurrah at 11.00 tor, Rev. W. practical and ap• Bed upon the 27th haptet of James. rning to the hall ion of the excel- ° of thanks, The ntertained by the Cotitt. The 12th The committee i July celebration in pleting erten gemen from advices bei daily, it is expected nese one of the larg ful celebrations eve the Province. SPe arranged for on the 0, P. R. end G. T. to arrive here and returning, to I amen elk and seven Ing, or thereabout, of Mug° fumbled band, nuinerotte b aCcompanimente lodges; splendid ad epeakere as allilOTIn excellent entertain who may 001710, the to be an indritotiiie for all, The tom operation of the For work 011 oitizens 111 snaking I, itetiVe ettad profu inet inlettitting ierail Attr lean steady wOrand WATsca,T wit, the town pot on its for this OcOaaidn. ery Business. whioh created no n was announced last week, when a whereby Mr. A. J. f his grocery and Messrs. James Mo- wn, and John Onn- ave. The new firm s McGillivray Sr, ese young men orably knoWn in e hope they may be tel in their new bud - et possession about olm is undecided as tante, but we un - Mrs. Malcolm in - the Western prow mer. We shall be good citizens from heartiest wishes of o with them wher- e, Industrial A The deaths through employes in Canadian May, numbered 133. individual work peop iajaries. In the r employees were kIlle and 39 injured. The trade disputes reporte ing May was 21, an compared with the About 328 firms an were affected by n loss of time to employ was approximately 71, as compared with 96,3 year. cidents. accidents among industries during In addition, 243 suffered serious ilway service 25 during the month total number of Lin existence dure crease of five as receding month. 2,223 employee disputes. • The s through strikes 30 working days 0 in May of last BRING ALONG You repairing and we do Greer. CANADIAN ORESTERS, 31st Annual Meeti • trea The thirty-first e the High Cort of th of Foresters was held week with upwards o gates present, repres ince of the Dominic the most successful ory of the Order, Tor the next plena of me The report of M that on the lat of order had a member there were initiate 7,369 new members of 772 over the pre last year 3.652 mem died, leaving the ne close of the year 73 The Woman in of the order durin to $273,367.75. 0 the amount on hen $2.728,940 54, and year 0,002,308,29. death claims was The Siok and F is also in a flouris Ing the year no le 321,20, covering in this branch. oredit of this fa year was $170,773 Mr. George Fa presented a repor large amount of by the order duri The amount o reoeived during t which, with the 329.79, derived fr ments, made th branch $737,347,41 claims paid, amo leaving the sum to the Reserve Fi of the year was Tha Sick and of the order also vance. The amo was $165;60.50e makiag the total $172,288.32. The paid amonnting t $26,967.12 to o which, at the olo ed to $170,773.82. There were 73 standing at the of ing $74,161,006 in There were ion retary's office, 7, cates and 7,334 me or a total of 14,8 there were endorse insurance certificate 'The statement of High Treasurer, sho in the several funds $737,347.41; Siok an Fund, $172,288.32, a $92,712.01. Total in The total expenditu was $704,345.65. T over expenditure amo 09. The total meets of t to $3,235,037.57, and it 136 72. Assets over 1 900.85. Dr. II M. Stanley, Medical Board, repor age death rate in the auguration had been menibership. Daring plioatione had come b Board, 930 more than year, and the largest year in the history the applicants, 8,280 we 536 rejected. Mr. W. G. Strong, e organization, reported 7,369 initiations during crease of 772 over th At the end of 1909 t courts in the order, bership of 78,986. Of were in Ontario, 178 Nova Scotia, 70 in N in Prince Edward Isla tobe, 65 in Saskatche and 16 in British Col Officers for the elected as follows :— J. A. Stewart, Per 3, A. A. Brodeur, Setretary, Geo. Iaa High Treasurer, Robe. High Auditor, W. ford; High Registr met he was married to , daughter of Mr. Thos. Is, who is well-nigh rief in the severe afftio- ertaken her ere taken to Brussels the funeral will take 'deuce of hie father, a. Besides his grief - deceased is survived other, and two da- is Mrs. Gillespie of ther resides in Idaho. athy will be felt for nd members of the affliction. • SHOES.—We do it right. W. 3. WANTED. A stationary engineer; must have ortifleate. Apply to WEST- ERN FouNDRY Go., Wingham. Postmasters The Postmasters Huron met at Clint week, and the fol were present :—Farr er, WIngbam; Mo Scott, Clinton; Dick mond, Oranbrook Sutherland, Hewitt Faust, Zurich; Ackland, Chislehu win ocoupied the oh Sutherland acted a The meeting was a Al. Y. McLean, and by the Gener Postmasters' Aso Memorial of the A presented to Hon, master General, la to, and discussed geetions. Clinton next plane of meet Stine. A hearty tendered to Mr. NE al Secretary for th Wingham. ohatge of the 12th ingham are com- e for the event, and g received aleanat that 1910 will !Nit- ta and most success - held in this part of ial trains are being ring the forenoon, ave Wingham bet. 'chick in the even - With an abandanee by Lucknow pipe se bands, and the the individual teases by talented ed last week; and ant provided for all ay should not fail nd enjoyable one Otte ask the op, Witness men and o deoorations its at possibl. Let • eat holiday attire at Clinton. f the County of Tuesday of last wing Postmasters w, Brussels: Fish. ison, Kincardine; on, Seaforeh; Ray - Christie, Exeter; Irwin, Gorrie: itmer, Whitmer; 8t, President Ir. tr, and Postmaster Secretary pro tem. dressed by Messrs. P., South Huron, 1 Secretary of the iation of Ontario. °dtion, which was r. Lemieux, Poet. t May, was gone in - on many of the sug- was chosen as the ng, to be held next cite Of thanke was eau and the Genoa - ✓ addressee. g held at Mane nue! meeting of Canadian Order in Montreal last five bundred dele, ntiog every Prop,' That was one of eetiogs in the bid. rto was selected as ting. Stewart showed January, 1909, the hip of 70,759, and during the year being an increase ions year. Daring ers lapsed and 459 membership at the $5. e Insurance Reserve the year amounted January 1st, 1909 in Ghia branch was et the close of the '1 he amount paid in 681979 66, neral Benefit Branch ing condition. Dur - s a sum than $144,- ,950 claims was paid• The amount to the d at the close of the 82. lkner, High Secretary, whioh showed that a sheen had been done g the year. insurance premiums year was $616,017.62, large num. of $121,- m interest on invest - total receipts in this There were 459 death nting to $463,979 66, f $273,367.75 to carry nd, which at the olose 3,002,308 29. uneral Benefit Branch howed a marked ad - int of fees reoeived d• interest 0,695.82, Melts in this branch e were 5,950 claims $144.32120, leaving rry to the Reserve, e of the year amount. CARETAKE Tenders will be ri signed up to noon o for the caretaking obit Clhuroh, duties lat. The duties exp on application at Lowest or any tend cepted, ewe WANTED oeived by the under• Mondavi June 27th., f Wingham Metho• Co commence july cted may be learned the Advance office, r not necessarily T. HALL, dry of Committee, WINGHAM CHOPPING MILL. Raving oontraoted for Bran. Short% Flour, Feed, eto„ to be shipped in oar lots, I will be able to supply these at all times in any quantities. Alec) all kinds of Chop for sale in large or small quan- tities. Iwill exchange Flour for Wheat on the usual terms, Marketprices paid for all k inde of grain. EzRA WIERKLEY Proprietor. CALF ESTRAY. Came unto the prorates of the tinder- eigned, south half Lot 28, Oon. 9, East Wawtsnosh, about the middle of May, a Red Yearling Calf. Owner can have same by proving property and paying charges. GEORGE B. NAYLOR, Fordyce, P. 0. NORTH HUR N LIBERALS. The annual me Eltron Liberal Ase the Town Hall, W afternoon of this very large attends warm weather and fight 072 for the nea of last year were re —President, Wm. Vioe, Robt. Shiell, Vine, John N. Mc Vice, Sheldon Brio surer, J. A. Morto tary, IL B. Ellio Chairmen of the ties and polling di eame as lot year. P. P. for East En delivered an excel political topics of Huron Liberals p account of theme Waal election. ting of the North dation was held in gham, on Tuesday eek. There was not a oe, owing to the very no 'medal political future. The officers elected as follows: bister, Morris; let ast Wawanosh; 2nd nzie, Ashfield; 3rd er, Howiok; Tien- Wingham; Sore- Wingham, The ifferent municipali- iions were left the Arch. Hislop, ex -M. on, was present and lent address '011 the he day. The North mise to give a good yes in the next Prov - Dr. Nelson Tait, Toronto, will be at Winghain, all day tor ooneultatiOn In Nose and Throat. f 498 Spadina aver, the Qa Brae Hotel, Friday, June 24th, '508508 01 Eye, Ear, lasses fitted. Your Chance F Return tickets v. sued by the Gran tem seconnt of tweeti all etetione troll and Port Valle and Beal June aOth and 3 Inly 41h, 1910, Grand Trunk tie CHUR NOTES. Rev. Dr. Rutled Church and Rev. Baptist Church wi work on Sunday OV A meeting of t officers and teachers held in the lecture ro Presbyterian Chur evening to discuss pr Sabbath school wor are requested to atten Rev, Jae S. Dunce est, e graduate of Mc treal, has aocepted a terian ohuroh at Luc to Rev, Mr. MoKer oeive $1200 salary an Induotion will folio The statiettical repo meeting of the Well of BaPtist OhnrChe Winghtn, showed membership in Aseoci gifts for missions w baptisms during the y of the Methodist r. Steeves, of the 1 exchange pulpit ning net. e Sabbath school f the town will be m of St. Andrews' next Tuesday blems relating to All interested this meeting. of Mount For - ill College, Mon- ett to the Presby - 110W, AS MOM= oll, He is to re. 4 weeks holideys, In a few weeks. t presented at the erten Amociation recently held in hat the ()hurtle ✓ A Holiday Trip. single fare Will be la - Trunk Railway Sys- emlnion Day, be - in Canada, taut to De, titan, Miob.. Niagara N. Y. Good gding ly lat. Return limit etitire tlekets from any et Agent, 983 members in good se of the year, carry. uranoe. d from the High Seca 38 insurance oath- bership certificates, and, in addition, ants made on 1,512 CARD OR JTHANKS, Mrs. George A. through the merlin extend heartfelt t many friends and and her late husba illness and the sym bereavement. McIntosh wishes, of this paper, to ankfulnese to the quaintances of her through his long athy for her in her 44.44•••••11MINSMI, r, Robert Elliott, ed that the inaome were: Insurance, Funeral Benefit d General Fund, ome, $1,002,347.74, e in these funds surplus income nted to $293,008. Re. David Bishop of litiron, oon Oonfirmation upeil a lees of oandidatesn., ' in R. Petal's ohntoh •n Monday !Waning. There was a very go d attendanee at thel'e''' nuu ervide. Short ete log proyere read biltitneildeetilig the rector, Rev. E. . Oroly, the Bishop reading the lesson and afterwarda ing a sotind prac that addrese 10 the candidaes. e order amounted liabilities, $25. abilities, $3,209, - then is 1120; the $1518 and the I Montreal; High Ohe r, 53, West Bluevale; tzeot 9 1)9 D., Lord WIn Cooper, Monti erred the rite tee Someren, hLoodx, Alt chairman of the ed that the aver- rder since its in - 17 per 1,000 of he year 8,816 ap- ore the Medical or the previous number for one f the order. Of e accepted, and perietendent of hat there were he year, an in - previous year. ere were 1,065 lib a total mein hese, 515 ovate in Quebec, 58 in w Brunswick, 15 d, 110 in Mani - an, 38 in Alberta, mbia. suing year were igh Chief Ranger, High V, O. R., Montreal; High kner, Brantford; tiliott,Brantford; Roberts, Brant - Wm. Walker, sin, Rev. VV. J. Ivo Committee - 1; A. P. Van- .; R. W. Wig - IL, O. Gavin, n, Galt, Messrs. Elliott attend. cites from C012rt DON'T BLOCK THE WAY Move as fast as the procession. Don't get out of the line. Keep pace with the other fellows. Dont make way for the behind. Don't stand in the ideas. Don't be a back number. Change means Progress. Progress means advancement. Advancement means movement. A good move would be to call on us and have a talk about In- surance of any kind, before plac- ing your business. man way of new Ritchie &• Cosens REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE • Inflad•••••••••••...a. ••••••••=1.1....••••••••••••••••••••11111••••••• ••••••44 Dainty Shoes TM Summer Gowned Girl will require Footwear of correspond- ing daintiness. and the Girl who knows will come here for her Shoes. The New Models are exceedingly handsome. Notmg.—We are repared to htly any quantity of wool t hightest cash price pid. T. A. MILLS. There are Oxfords, Ties and Pampa in many new etles— Black, Tan and colored lealhers. The new Suede leathers in rich colottugs are very einem Vrenole and Cuban 'Melee fitylee in band atitched and bench made Shoes $1.50, $2.00, $250, $3.00 These handsorne Shoes should fit the Foot perfectly and we spare no pains to see that every Shoe lite exactl as it shOnld. W. J GREER Sole AgeigghofeesritTorebrnardit,enstlIstuettlintr8,:tInviettie