HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1910-06-16, Page 8TIM 'W1NCTILAI'i.C. TIMES, JUNE 16, 1910 The EvciauVcri • kI: -- >ill Goes Miter New 1lndustries When told Bill Blue got a new view The thing transformed him through and through, >ie took a public spirit pill. That made a BOOSTER out of Bill. —Nine thousand men will be required' to take the eenaus of next year. The nuinbee of those employed in the work will b very little more than in 1001, tee idea being to assign a larger area to eaoh enumerator. —Last Thursdays Toronto papere. gave the reault of the first year Arts ex- amination at the Toronto University and we find Mr, R. S. MoBarney of town among the euooessfal candidates. Isle has our beat wishes for continued s000eas. —Brace County Council, in session at Lnoknow last week, made a grant of $1000 to the county hospital. at Walker- ton, and one of $500 to the hospital at Kincardine. Reeve Joynt of Lnoknow was presented with a gold -headed cane in acknowledgment of his hospitality. Said he, "To me 'tis very clear WE NEED SOME NEW INDUS- TRIES HERE." And so he advertised and planned Ae nd sent out writeups through the land. Replies came fast, and now arise New factory stacks to meet the skies. '"As a town tonic, why, gee whiz,' Says Bill, "PRINT INK'S THE BEST THAT 1S." MINOR LOCALS. —Thursday, June 16th. —Good old summer time. —Come to Wingham on July 12th. —Entrance examinations begin on Wednesday next. —White Star Line excursion to Detroit on Saturday of this week. —Wingham Fall Fait on Thursday nud Friday, September 29th and 30th. PERSONAL. Wanted! YOUNG MEN Miss Edna Diamond, of Toronto, is visiting her home in town. Mrs. McLachlan, of Chatham is visit- i.g at the home of Mr. John Elder. Mre, H, B. Elliott is visiting with friends in Toronto, Hamilton and Grime - be. Miss Fay Morton, of Toronto, is spend- ing a few holidays at the home of Mr. J. A. Morton. Mrs. H. Hamilton and her son, Mr. David Hamilton, left this week for Gil. bert Plains, Map., where they intend spending the slimmer. Mr. and Dire. John Maxwell and two children, of Brandon were visiting for a few days with Mr. Maxwell's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robb. Maxwell, Bluevale road, . Rev. J. S. Duncan, B. A. late of Mount Forest and a recent graduate of the Montreal College, has been extended a call to become pastor of the Lnoknow Presbyterian Church. Messrs. Jas. Hamilton and H. B. Elliott are in Montreal attending the annual meeting of the High Court of the Oanadian Order of Foresters as dale - gates from Court Maitland. Mr. John Anderson, of Warebam, was in town attending the wedding of his grandson, Mr. P. H. Deans, ou Tues- day, and is spending a few days with his daughter, Mre. Thos. Deane. —Wedding invitations and vieiting cards neatly printed at the Tiaras office —A special meeting of Wingham L. 0. L. 794, will be heldthis (Thursday) even- ing. —Huron County Postmaster held a meeting in Clinton on Tuesday of this week. —Promotion examinations in Forms T and II of the High School are in pro- gress this week. .--The regular monthly meeting of Camp Caledonia, Sons of Scotland will be held next Monday evening',' —The Wingham Citizen, Band will furnish mesio at a garden party in Brus- sels on Friday evening of this week. —Brace Old Boys and Girls of Toron- to will. hold their annual excursion to their native county this year cm July 8. —The railways announce single fare rates for Dominion Day; good going June 30 and July let, return limit July 4. —With heavy rainfall in many parte of the West a few days ago, followed by warm weather, crop conditions are ideal. —The power house, cooper shop and heading mill of H. Cargill & Sons, at Cargill, were entirely dertroyed by fire on Friday. —A simple way to separate eggs is to , break them gently into a small funnel. The whites will pass through and the yolks remain. TO LEARN THE MOULDING. Go'd wages from start ; under competent instructor. A splendid opportunity for young men to learn a trade, Apply to W. D. VAREY, Superintendent of WESTERN FOUNDRY, Wingham, Ont. Richelieu and Ontario Navigation Company RING'S.1fOR, BAGAIIVs 1 W E WANT YOUR TRADE STEAMER .' BELLVI€LLE" Leaves HAMILTON 12.00 Noon, TORONTO 7.80 P. M., Tuesday's, for BAY OF QUINT.E, 1000 ISLANDS, MONTREAL and intermediate ports. Toronto -Montreal Line STEAMERS "TORONTO AND "KINGSTON" . Commencing June first; Steamers leave Toronto 3.00 P M. daily except Sunday. From July first daily, for ROCHESTER, 1000 ISLANDS, run- ning RAPIDS ST. LAWRENCE TO MONTREAL, QUEBEO and SAGU- ENAY RIVER POINTS. For folders, rates, eto., apply to H. FOSTER CHAFFED, A.G P.A. Toronto, Ont. Mr. John MoManus, of North Bay, was calling on old friends in town for a few days, having been palled home on account of the serious illness of his father, Mr. Andrew McManus, at Luck. now. Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Wright, and Mrs Wm, O'Neil, of Malone, N. Y., are spending a holiday with Rev. and Mrs. W. L: Sleeves. The party name by motor oar, the trip covering about five hundred miles. During the selection of a jury for a murder trial in a western state, a far- mer admitted his ignorance as to the identity of any county or state officer, and when asked for the name of the president of the United States he replied: "I have heard the name, but have for- gotten it." He was accepted on the jury. —Wingham Bowling Club has re• calved an invitation to send rinks to the Owen Sound tournament to be held on June 2188 and 22nd. —The destruction of the Montreal Herald office by fire and the fall of a water tower on Monday canoed a loss of more than thirty lives. —Little Jean Dnlmage of Gerrie, who was operated on by Dr. Kennedy for appendicitis at the hospital last Satur- day, is improving nicely. —Der. Adana Simpson, who recently underwent an operation in the Wingham hospital has so far improved as to be able to return to his home in Cnlross. --Mr. David S. Jenkine, of Calgary,. Alta., son of Mr. Thos. Jenkins, of the Bluevale road,was married on Thursday of last week at Georgetown to Miss Rosa Kay. —Parties wanting to lease booth priv- ileges in town for July lath should op - lily as soon as possible. A few good Mande are yet available. Apply to Thos. J. Aleiean. BORN. McPHERson.—In Wingham, on the 4th inst,, to Mr. and Mrs. Wm. McPherson; a on. MARRIED DEANS—GANNETT —At the home of the brdie's parents, by Rev. D. Perrie, on the 14th Inst, Mr. Peter H. Deane, to Miss Harriet Bella, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Gannett, all of Wingham. ScHLVACHER—C°LVIN—At the residence of the bride's sister, Mrs A. McKenzie, Brussels, on June 8th, by Rev. A. C. Wishart, B. A., Mr. Edward Schumacher, of Carrick township to Mrs. Mary Ann Colvin, of Culross township. DIED GRIEVE.—In Brussels, on June 4th, William Sinclair Grieve. SANDERS. In Ethel, ou June 2nd, John Gay Sanders, aged 81 years. McINTosir.—In Whitechurch. on the 12th inst., George A, McIntosh, aged 47 years and a months. MCKEN'/.IE,—In Belgrave, on the 12th Inst., Jane Munroe, relict of the late Peter Mclien. zie, aged S1 years. .-.-Dr. Kennedy, with his assistant, Dr. Calder, and a nurse, were in Harris• ton on Tuesday operating on is case of appetidioitis. They went over and re- turned in an atitotObilo. CALF EST AY. ALW G AND TRU IlRY'STEM,A/ OOMI.NIQN DAY Return tickets at single fare bet- ween all stations in Canada, also to Detroit and Port 1'-laron, Mich., Niagara Falls and Buffalo, N. Y. Good going Jane Nth and Jnly lst, return limit July 4111, 1910. NORTHERN NAVIGATION COMPANY Grand Trunk Route Sailings of passenger steamers from Sarnia and Soo, Port Arthur and Duluth, every Monday, Wednes- day and Saturday at 3 30 p. m. Only the Saturday and Wednesday steam- ers go to Duluth. Sailings from Oollingwood 1.80 p. m. and Owen Sound 11.45 p. m. Wednesdays and Saturdays for Soo and Georgian Bay Ports. For tickets and further information call on W. Henry, Depot Agent or address J. D. McDonald, D. P. A., Toronto. 1 Came unto he pr4tnies of the under- signed, south al Lot 28, Oon. 9, East W awanosh, b t the middle of May, a Red Yearlin alf. Owner can have same by proving property and paying ohargee. GEORGE B. NAYLOR, Fordyce, P. O. CARETAKER WANTED Tenders will be received the under- signed tip to noon on Monday, June 27th, for the caretaking Wingham Metho- diet Church, duti " 0 commence July let. The duties a doted may bo learned nn application at the Advance Office. Lowest or any tender not necessarily ao- cepted. T. HALL, Seoretary of Committee. —The engagement is ttinnonPeed of Miss Margaret Anna 11IoOn1lough of Kincardine, to Mr. Riohard Dawson of 'Winnipeg, The marriage will take place quietly on Wednesday, June 29th, —Mr. K. E. Coulter was in town on' Monday in oonneotion with the move- ment tohave the Assesament Aot amend• ed so that municipalities may tax fm- prevenient valn40 at a lower rate than land 'aloes, CENTRAL STRATFORD. ONT. The great practical training school of Ontario. Three departments, Commercial, Shorthand or Telegraphy. We assist graduates to positions. The demand upon ns for trained help greatly exceeds the supply. The Three most recently placed are re- ceiving $40.00,$50,00 and $100.00 per month respectively, Bnsiness men state our graduates are the best. Enter our °lessee now. Get our free i catalogue. WINGHAM CHOPPING MILL. ELLIOTT & MotACHLAN PRINCIPALS. KING'S THE BUSY STORE WOOL WOOL We want 50,000 lbs. and are prepared to pay the highest cash .or trade prices. If you need goods of any kind bring along your wool, AND EXCIIANCIE 1T FOR Yarns, Blankets and Sheetings A complete range. -1 etc. n. 1 L. WANTED.—Large quantities Butter and Eggs (2oc Staples. Flannelettes, Towellings, Denims, etc. Dress Goods. The most complete stock to be see Clothing. One of the largest and finest stocks of Men's and Boys' Clothing shown, All new styles, best 1 patterns, no old stock. Bring your WOOL and see the goods. Bargains. Clearing lines on which you can save big money in all departments. GOOD GOODS G. E. KING. =NW VAI121=ERMamoirali am," wissoin• O HEAP PRICES oo••••m••••••os•*+•••••bo• •• r • HIGH - CLASS Ladies' and Gents' BIG SHOE SALE FOR MEN •aatsetievoss®kta••aao•••• •.. •. • E. C. WHITE • •• e A • • • • • • • • Having coptraoted for Bran. Shorts, Flour, Feed, eta., to be shipped in car lots, I will be able to supply these at all times in' any quantities, Also all kinds of Ohop for tale in large or small quan- titled: swill exchange Flour for Wheat on the usual terms. Marketprice$ paid ter ell kinds of grain. L"xitA Mt 1%E1,tt r Proprietor, S • • • • • • • • • • E. C. WHITE - • • • 0••••444444440•••••••••••• CANADIAN PAGE .F'I G. GREAT LAKES NAVIGATION NOW OPEN .Regular Sailings MONDAY .. S S. TtrteLAY.... S. S. WEDNESDAY . S. S. THURSDAY .. S. S. SATURDAY .. S. S. as follows: "IATHADASCA" "KEEWAT'IX "ALBERTA', "MANITOBA'' "ASsINIilo2A" The most pleasant and cheapest route to Winnipeg and West. HOMESEEKERS.._ EXCORSION i . Jute LU , 1 Through Train to Wfanipeg and West from Toronto ;1.00 Toni. on above date. J. Ii. sin zin 1, Agent, Wingham. Tailor You get here what you like, and like what you get at E. C. WHITE'S. No other tailoring establishment offers such a wide selection of very fine and fashionable woolens. Nowhere else are clothes made with such style, precision, individuality and refined taste. Nowhere else are prices near as low for such values as we offer. We are doing a High -Class Tailoring Business on A new plan :— BUYING FOR CASH 1 SELLING FOR CASH 1 Doing business in this way I can save you dollars. Come in and see what -I can do for you. LADIES' GARMENTS made in the latest, up. to -date styles, and satisfaction guaranteed. IN THE • • • • •• • • • • ••• • •• • i • • WINGHAM, ONT.I JOHN WILSON BLOCK • • 46•••4444..44.44._• ON ms? FRI DAY NEXT AT O'CLOCK IN THE EVENING 42 Pairs Men's High -Class Oxfords IN PATENT COLT AND TAN CALF LEATHERS REGULAR $4.00 SHOES FOR $2.27 PER PAIR One Shoe of each in South Window, the mate of which can be examined and tried on an ✓ time before sale—understand however this does not mean tha you can purchase before time of sale but simply. means that you have a chance to examine these before the rush—positively non e of these shoes will be sold, promised or laid by before 7 p. m. Friday. WILLIS & CO. THE SHOE STORE. Sole Agents for smoei Sole Agents fox. the "Astoria " Shoes for Men. for Ladies. TENDERS 1 R SEWERS. I ,"+ " 't' " "' '91' ' +-4"-'r' "E'EN "4'l4 • + 4. ■ • • Sealed tenders a. dressed to the under. + �, signed and mares '`Tender for Sew- •p p n e a I e 4. ere," will be recti ed up to 6 o'clock p. m., on Tuesday June `;1st, 1910, for �, • the construction o Trunk and Lateral 44. . Sewers in the own of Wingham. A. • Plans and specificHone can be seen at, the Town Clerk's face, Wingham, and 1 ' ' • at the office of W. Mahlon Davis, O. E., This week is the best 1 Berlin, Ont Con actor to furnish all material. The lo.. est or any tender not La time for PINE= necessarily accepte'. 4. 4* Each tender mus: be accompanied by a marked cheque payable to the Oorpor- tie APPLES 4. Mien of Wingham for 5 per cent, of the 4. • amount of tender which will be return- 4 ed in case tender s not accepted. * a• JOHN F, t ROVES, Town Olerk, Y;a o^ IS9Cift.."D!R,' Y11V'{'?1''r ,V.vW;Y_I.VSLiG NVIENNYNTE'FINTIVITYWY:'fo iTIVVI IWOOL WANTEDLI , 4" 50,000 lbs. Wool wanted, cash or trade. We have in stock for It the wool season the best BLANKETS, SHEETS, SHEETING and i tYARN made from our best wool by Howe & Co., of Wroxeter. ▪ —. • WINGHAM MACHINE SHOP Baby Oarriages and Go -Carts retired and repaired, General repair work of all kinds, See our nava Combination Stook Raok, Bargains in 13ioyeles and sundries, Plow Points sharpened and made as good as new at 10o each, W. A. CURRIE Phone 21. PROPRIETOR • • 4. 4. Try Malcolm's for CHOICE FRUIT , J. Malcolm I. Clothing. k r We have one the best stocks of Men's Ready -Made Suits ever shown in this store. 101 Boys' 2 and 3.piece Suits of the latest cuts and styles from B82.75 to $5,OC each, it will pay you to see these suits before pi buying elsewhere. ' Phone 54. Prodttee Wanted. •,4.4.444:444. • See our Ladies' White Lawn Waists and Whitewear. r, Carpets, Rugs, etc. Dress Goods. Ladies' Suitings in all the newest shades, from 50e per yard up • Ladies' Wash Suit Materials in all the leading shades, `, - We also have the best range of Carpets and Rugs, t and Linoleums, shown in Wingham. t Genuine Scotch Lilioleums and English Floor Oils, just 5 arrived from, the manufacturer, which we are offering at special price, ` ., • a` of Umbrellas, Men's rine and Coarse Straw Hats, Shirts and ;. - Shirtin gs of all kinds. 't • We will give 10 per cent off all the above goods in exchange for wool. "2 ft E Don't forget that we are selling No. 1 Sugar at $5,45 per t cwt, cash, and sugars are advancing, Best grades ofFlour always on hand, Oilcloths 4 ALL KINDS OP PRODUCE WANTED. rif MILLS1 pn oNE 89. , WI 'GHA1VX, ONT. wweiv►?.ifyrktmvio'Jr.S►.!Lt►tl►.