HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1910-06-16, Page 6LITTLE DIGESTERS
?ositixell* eur'e I ysPepsia, Pron*ote
ph05 tio0. Moder black if' the' fatil to
At all Druce st* er direct grow
25c, sI Box, COLEMAN MEDICINE CO;, Toronto
Interesting Paragraphs from our Exchanges.
Mr.. Ruth Brlelin died. at. Chantry,
aged 102 year~.
Life's a sweepstake in which there are
snore blanks than prizes.
Every man believes in Providencia the
day he has a stroke of good look.
Wonsan Have Backache.
Many women have kidney dieeaee and
do not know is, because they attribute
backaobe to other oe lees. The use of
Dr. Ohase'e Kidney aced Liver Ptllr
makes short work of beoleaohe and pre.
vent. merlons trouble from deranged kid.
neys. Ask your neighbors about this
great family medicine.
Frank Peake fell off the wharf at
Owen Sound and was drowned.
Small ohiffon and mousseline fans are
polka dotted over the entire surface on
both sides with silver sequins.
While the hen is caokting over the
egg that has been laid, she might be
gathering material for another one.
"Ie cured ase," or "It saved the life
of my chill," are the expressions you
hear every day about Chamberlain'.
Collo, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy.
This is- ten. the world over where this
valuable remedy has been introduced.
No other me.:ioine in use for diarrhoea
or bowel complaints has received mnoh
general approval. The r van seeret of the
awnless of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera
and Diarrhoea Remedy is that it onset.
Sold by all dealers.
Ohrysanthemnm straw faces many
of the exolasive hat models.
Benjamin Franklin says: "One
to measure your success is by
earnestness with which
tore talk about you.
A man hal invented a machine for
.ttokiog postage stamps on Iettere.
Most people would be satisfied if the
flavour were changed to wintergreen.
your competi-
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Hare Always Bought
Bears the
Signature of
An advertisement erg certain akin
food says. "It is easy to make this
wash yourself." This must be a boon
for those who don't take the trouble
If you are not satisfied after neing so -
cording to directions two-thirds of a bot-
. tle of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver
Tablets, you can have your money back.
The tablets cleanse and invigorate ,the
stomach, improve the digestion, regu-
late the bowels. Give them a trial and
get well. Sold by all dealers.
A very interesting event took place at
the Manse, Wroxeter, on Wednesday
afternoon, June 8th, when Mr. J. Her-
bert Neil, of Howiok, and Mise Agnes
Wylie, of the same township were unit.
ed in the holy bowie of matrimony by
the Rev. L. Perrin. The bride, looking
petty, was droned in Dream sulk poplin.
She wee accompanied by her sister, 1111*.
Grape. Mr. tend Mrs. Neil are taking
Up their residence on lot 10, oon. 15, of
Hawick, where he bas a splendid farm.
Blood Was Era.
From impure blood comes Pimples,
Boils, Ulcera, Tumors, Abscesses, Pester-
ing Scree, Rashes, Constipation, Head-
aches, etc.
Get pure blood and keep it pure by
removing every trace of impure morbid
smatter from the system by using
Mtg. Fred. Biggs, 'Kingston, Ont.,
writes -,"l was completely run dawn,
my blood was out of order, and T used to
gat so weak I Would be compelled to stay
in bed for 1ee1s at a time. 1 could not
est, was pale and thin; every one thought
I was going into consumption. I tried
everything and different doctors until a
a use Burdock Blood
Bitters. I did not have one bottle
need when my appetite began to improve.
I used six betties. 1 gained ten pounds
in two weeks. When I began to take it
I only weighed ninety-three pounds. It
Suet seemed to pull me from the grave as I
never expected to be strong again. I
will tell every sufferer of your wonderful
For sate by all dealers.
f:irluf icfured only by Tilt T. Milburn
Co„ Limited.'roronto, Ont..
"And Laura, did you order me a leg
of Iamb at the butoher'.?" "The W-
alser was out of legs of lamb." Mia
Lads replied,"so I told him to send
yon up s leg of beet instead,"
The Oatario West Shore Railway sao-
oeeded in Laying their crossing at Dan -
lop, patting on a large force at acid.
night, and defying the Reeve of the
township and a number of farmers.
The question of establishing an old
age pension fund is being considered by
several of the big international unions.
The old age pension fund of the Inter-
national Typographical Union has been
raised to $218,000.
trlfr.7 Years` Experience of an Old Nurse.
the presoripsion of one of the best fe-
male pbysioiaus and nurse', in the
United Statec,end has been used for fifty
years with never -failing success by
millions of mothers for their children.
It relieves the child from pain, cure,
diarrhoea, griping in the bowels, and
wind oolto. By giving health to the
ohiid, it tette the mother. Twenty-five
dents a bottle.
After an illness from pulmonary
trouble extending over several months
Margaret Johnston, aged 21 years, pass.
ed away at the home of her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. John Johnston, Binoar•
dine, on Thursday, the 2nd inst.
Lame shoulder is almost invariably
caused by rheumatism of the mnroles
and yields quickly to the free application
of Chamberlain's Liniment. This lini-
ment is not only prompt and efectual,
Ina in no way disagreeable to nee. Sold
by all dealers.
Ontario is spending on its roads each
year money: and labor to a total ot $2,-
100,000, or its equivalent, and
returns made to the department of
public works at Toronto indicate that
ibis has been about the average for ten
years back.
In England and Wales, to every 100,-
000 population, there are annually
granted two divorcee; in Ireland, less
than one; in Italy, three; in Scotland,
four; in Germany, fifteen; in France
twenty-three; and in the United States,
Children Cry
'Vital statistics show a deoreaee in the
birth rate in France. The births during
1909 were 770,000, against 792,000 in
1908. Since 1851 the population of the
republic has increased 3,000,000 only,
while the population of Germany in the
same period bas been increased by 30,-
Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver
Tablets will brace up the nerves, banish
sick headache, prevent despondenoy and
invigorate the whole system. Sold by
all dealers.
Alvin Murat rewired the appointment
to tbe;postmasterehtp in Mildmay ren•
dered vaoant by the death of Conrad
Liesenter. Other applicants for the
petition were J. J. Johnston o2 the Qs -
tette, Moses Fileinger, an ex reeve of
Carrick and Henry Keelan, treasurer of
the township.
The Ohildren'a Aid Society has been
buoy during the past year, s000rding to
the minted report ot the Provincial
Superintendent J. J. Kelso. Homes
have been found tot 605 ohildren, 468
Protestant and 187 Catholic, The Prov'
lucid ofMoere' placed 191, the Ottawa
society 81, Berlin 76, Bellel'ilie 84, Tor.
onto 80, Guelph 29, an4 Hamilton 19.
Children Cry
—Although itwas known that the late
Goldwin Smith war fn comfortable
oironmetanoee flnenoiatly, the amount
of hie wealth was never even gtiebsed at.
His wife abowner the w nee o t the Grange
that beautiful home in which he resided
sines locating in Toronto, and she was
deo in poeseeeton of a comfortable in•
come, but Profeseor Smith wan Wo*th
halt *million dollars When he arrived In
Canada from 1 ngiand, and hie eitnple
lttyle of living did not begin tc dissipate
Interest. At the time Of hie death it hi
stated en good enthorfty he wee Worth
approximately one million doilats.
An inspector one day visited a country
school ta;tght by s Yeuna lady spdin.
the course Qt the lesson said' Now obil,
teen, I wieb you to take notice of what
do, and. Oben write in scooting of it."
All the children except one wrote h ef-
fect thatthe investor came Onto the
soboul and wrote on the bliakboard, "1
love a good school." Ops little girI
however, followed lc.traottons more
literally, and completed the story by
adding, "And then he went to the plot•
form, sat down, plsyed with his watch
Okla. %wiried bit mnstaobe, and winked
at the teacher.
Sour Stomach, Heartburn, Canker
Sore Mouth Cured by Mt,o,na.
Sick headaches are caused by last,
potion cad a general distarbed condi,
tion ot the stomach.
Care the 'lndigeNion, and the head,
aobo. nausea. heartburn, sour stomach,
and that "all ie. feeling will vanish.
Mi•o.nr tablets will Dare indigestton
or any other stomach trouble. They
wilt•relievealmost instantly; Walton Mo.
Ribbon baso much faith in the=y that
be will give you your money beak 1f
they don's.
Mi•o.na onres by making the stomach
strong enough to produce enough merle
juices to digest all the food you want to
est. 11 promptly pots new life and en-
ergy into tie overworked and played.
out walls of the stomach,
Use Mt•o•na fora week, sod you oan
est what you want any time you want
tt, and take pleasure in deing it.
Your blood will be rioher, redder,
purer after taking Mi•o•na,"and it only
goats 50 cents a large bog,
Frank Oke, St. Thomas. Ont., says:
"My wife was troubled_ with indigestion
for a number of years. We tried a
number of preparations to no effect.
Finally she began to use Mi• o•na and
has been entirely relieved of all these
troubles. 1 can confidentially recom-
mend o-na."
About ninety letters out of every 100
written represent a waste of postage.
A good workman is like s pair of
"beers; be shnte up when he goes to
Rice will absorb three times its mea-
sure of water and s large quantity of
milk or stook.
Allow four eggs to six eggs to each
quart of milk in making a onetard to be
tareed from the mold..
Children Cry
The net lnoome of Sheriff Parke for
1909 was $1451,41, of Judge Barrett as
Surrogate Judge $990.75, of Judge Klein
es Local Master $400, of Thomas Dixon
as crown attorney and clerk of the peace
$1670 92, of Matthew Goetz as local
registrar, county court clerk and enrro•
gate registrar $2712,77,—Herald.
Pale Anaemic fids,
The languid, semi•invalid girl is no
longer popular. Firm flesh, rounded
form and a healthy glow to the complex-
ion are the results of tieing Dr. A. W.
Chase'■ Nerve Food. Mrs. Goodson,
104 Sebastapol St„ Montreal, Qnebeo•,
writer: "my daughter's appetite was
bad and she was pale and bloodless.
Since tieing Dr. A. W. Chase's Nerve
Food there is a marked change in her
condition. She is stronger and health.
ier in every way."
The emoluments of the Division Court
Clerks in Bruce County in 1909 were as
follows:—Walkerton, $216.77; Tees -
water, 1164.01; Kincardine, $179 85;
Paisley, $96.65; Port Elgin, $207.28;
Tiverton. $24.85; Tara, $184 90:.Wiar-
ton. $758.40; Ripley, $59; Lions Hend,
$145.87; Laoknow, $151.10; Ohesley,
Chamberlain's Oongh Remedy is sold
on a guarantee that if yon are not satis-
fied after using two-thirds of a bottle
according to directions, yottg money will
be refunded. It is up to Yen to try.
Sold by all dealers,
Death oame suddenly last Tuesday
afternoon to Harry Wart., of Ltetowel,
while engaged in the pursuance of his
daily work. He was a blaokatnitb by
trade and while performing a piece of
work he fell over without a word and
was dead when his employer reached his
side. Tne deceased was in his sixty
eighth year and leaves no family,
DoYou Know
Or is it a cempiicatiotr which can be
reached .only by DPI. CHASE'S
There is only one medicine that cart
prove thoroughly satisfactory in com-
plicated ailments of the liver and kid-
neys, and that is Dr. Chase's Kidney -
Liver Pills.
They begin by regulating the bowels
and awakening the action of the liver,
thereby efieeting a thorough cleansing
of the exeretory system. By thus re.
moving the poisons from the system
they lighten the Work of the kidneys
and gradually restore them to health,
Nobody who once learn, of the doff.
and ear '
nitea d t'8ial action of syr,
Ch se s
Kidney -Liver fills in regulating and
invigorating the kidneys, liver and
bowels, is willing to take chanes by
experimenting with other medicines.
Such ailments as biliousness, condi.
Dation, gbronie indigestion, liver tomsplaint tend kidney.diaease yield readily
to this, treatment.
Dr. Chase's ISidney:Liver pills, one
pill a dose, 25 els. a box, at all dealers,
or Edinanson, Pates 8s Co., Toronto.
Write roe a free eery of Dr. Chase 'S
Dr, .T, H. Kellogg,. of, Battle. Creek'
Web-. deolaree that in 860 years Obis
world will be ono vastinsane asylum.
Be says that physiosl degeneracy and
ohronio diseases are iporesaiog, ked in..
sanity infifty years hes tuoreased 100
per cent. The iporeasiog Ase 01 tau.
09itae, tobacco and aloobol, says Dr.
Kellogg, spells the end of a mune !Amin
An epidemic of milk fever •among
cattle raisers in the vlolnity of King:
sten, is colonist a ion 0 an average of
$1,000 a week, and veterinary surgeons.
ars at a foss 10 stop the disease. It is
paralytic In symptoms and le caused,
they say, from, over -feeding on the
grass, whtoli< it very plentiful and etch
at present. The odttleaot like drunken
men, 1taggiwing about and finally fat.
A000rdtng to the IT. 5, Oases Bur.
sea the salary of the average preacher
In the United State. is $668, or about
$1.80 per day. Of course there are
many presobers in big cities who get
$5.000 a year or more; beaoe, to bring
theaverage down. there must be a legion
of preachers who are paid a sorrowful
pittance. The figures are startling, and
they preaoh a practical sermon which
congregations ought to give bead to.
Lake commerce through the canals
during May was ss follows; Ameyloan
canal, 1,587; total tonnage, 8,158,967.
Canadian canal, 1,271; total tonnage,
5,869,819. The total -number of patten'
gere through both canals for the month
were 8,195. In May of last year the
total tonnage passing through both
canals was 4,966,851. For last month
the total was 8.528,286 tons. Low draft
of water in the American oanal was the
cause for the greater tonnage in Cana.
disc canal last month.
Rhuematism Cured
by Fig Pills.
Not often do you hear of a 25o. pre.
privation being:sold with a guarantee to
(Jure yon. An absolute guarantee goes
,with every box of FIG PILLS. They
will onre Rhenmattsm, Backache. Blad.
der Trouble, Frequent Urinating, Burn.
ung Sensation, Painful Stitches, Slugg,
1.5 Liver and iii Stomach Trouble. It
not, your money back.
The feature of thePerth county Doan.
oil at Stratford last week wee the sub.
relation of a report on land values by
Messrs. A. B. Robertson and John Leck-
ie, valuators. The valuation equalized
for eminent in each mnnioipality was
in follows:—Blanchard $2,963,300;
Downie, $3,014,700; Elmira, $3,900,830;
Ellice, $2,876,100; Fullerton, $2,557,000;
Hibbert, $2.561,600; Logan, $3,043,500;
Moraington, $2,945,500; North Eaethope,
$2,631,700; South E6ethope, $1,698,200;
Wallace, $2,614,100;Listowel $1,056,600;
Mitchell, $728,300; Milverton, $373,100.
East Lambton farms are becoming
smaller, says the Forest Free Press, and
the process by which the change is being
brought about is growing every day.
The same process of change is going on
in Adelaide and West Williams. There
are still plenty of 200•aore farms in these
township,, but it rather surprises one to
find lying right alongside of a big tract
of 200 acres a plot of ten acres, or even
lees, and the man with the field making
as good a living as the man with the
farm. There's a very good rearm why
the farms are becoming smaller. A
word of five lettere spells "fruit." Bos-
anquet is being transferred, a good part
of it, as Ieast, into one great orchard,
and eo are parts of Warwiok, Adelaide,
and Williams.
We offer One Hundred Dollars Re-
ward for any case of Catarrh that oan•
not be aired by Halt's Catarrh Cure.
F.J. CHENEY & CO.. Toledo, 0.
We, the undersigned, have known F.
3, Cheney for the last 15 years. and
believe him perfectly honorable in all
bneineee transactions and financially
Able to parry out any obligations made
by hie firm.
WALDII G, Monet* ~.twig,
Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, 0.
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken Internet•
ly, sating directly on the blood and
mnoone eurfaoes of the system. • Testi-
monials sent free. Price 75 cents per
bottle, Sold by gill Bruited ,*
Take Hat's Family Pills for consti-
Sugar Production, 1909.
Only $wO Provinces took part in the
production of beet Inger last year --On
tate and Alberta, There Were three
factories in operation, the ane in Alberta
being at Raymond, and those in Ontario
at Wallaceburg and Berlin, reepeotively,
The total prodnotion, as the figures
show, Was almost 20,000,000 lbs., of
wbioh Ontario furnished 16,200,000 the.
The fatal aoreage devoted t0 the entitle
of the beet for anger, Was 11,100 sores,
Ofhioh 2 8
vitae 1n A be#t a. The
farmers supplying the Waltaoebnrg
factory received about $48,60 per acre
on the average, Berlin $35, and Bay
mond $27. The tngsr contents of the
beets under analysis ran filen .10 to it
fraction over 17 per Cent. All this conics
not be extracted, but the extract ran:
Wallenberg, 12.88 per cent; Berlin,
13.12 per dent; Raymond, 14,16 per
Unit. The average extraction in the
United States, is 12.47 per Cent.
Household Hints•
The fly /poke au a picture triune may
be rewcved with stale beer. If it be a
gilded frame it way be freshened with a
coat pf retouching varnish.
Ae a measure of preoeutton hake all
wooden bedsteads apart and pains the
jos Ate with s three per cent. solation 02
corrosive sublimate, This to odorless
and absolutely effective. Is is also a
deadly pol,•on, and should always be
appiied by responsible person, and
never lett about within Mon of obild-
To bleooh slmonds, shell and pour
boiiteti water over them. Det them
stand in the water nntii the akin may be
re,noved, then Sinew them :Into cold
water, rub of! 110 eking between the
hands, and dry the kernels betwebn
Embroidered Swiss $aunoing will last
twice aslong 51 the lower edges of the
scallops are stisohed 'ou the machine.
This Mabee Site 1ook•atitoh• of the
buttonhole and prevents raveling. One
row around the fi•lnnoe will hold.
S and Ip
No Foreign Dictation.
A teacher in a Philadelphia pnblto
sohoot recently narrated the following•.
account of how an aspiring young
Italian citizen was beginning to show
the effects ot an American environment.
The story, which was told at a teaohers'
association meeting, rens somewhat like
Tony had been away from school:
about a week, and when he ehowed up
one morning the tesoher asked him
where he had been. •
"I ran away," said Tony,
"Ban away? What did you do that
for?" asked the tesober.
"My father was going to Uok me, No
I thongb ,,.I'd run away," was the re-
The teacher by further questioning
brought out the fact that Tony, for
some trilling dereliction, bad • been
ethrealend with a besting, and had
stayed away from home the hist part of
a week:
• "Bus your father nae the right to
whip yore," said she teacher.
"Yes, he may," added Tony, "bat I
was born In this country, and I don't
want foreigners to link me."
re You
I can cure the worst case of
Rupture from infancy to old age,
without operation or loss of time.
and remove the daily danger of
strangulation. Fill in coupon
and send to Dept. 3,
88 Caledonia St,
Age Time Rup . , ......
Single or double
Satisfaction guaranteed.
The Imported Clydesdale Stallion," Mascot"
Will make the season of 1010 as follows '=
Monday—Leave his owner's stable, Bluovale,
for Alex, Moffatt's, 2' miles east of Bin:wale,
for noon: north to Kirton Bros.,' con. 5, Turn -
berry. for nigght. Tuesday—AIez.McPherson's,
con. 7, Turnberry, noon: and to Bluevele for
night. Wednesday— TO Wm. 0iston's, con. 2,
Morris, for night. Thursday --Jos. J. Herr's,
non. 18, Rest wawanosh, noon ; and to Dennis'
feed stables, opp. Cement Works Win ham,
and remain nihil Saturday morning. batur•
day—To his owner's stable, Btuevele, and re.
mein until Monday morning.
J. W. KING, Proprietor.
Drumbnrte Chief,"
the Imported C des -
dale Stallion will make the season of 1916
as follows
Monday --'Leave his owner's stable, Elaevalr.,
for And. Douglas'. gravel road, neon' and to
Andrew Ireland's for night. Tuesday --Bar.
nice Rome's, Con. 2, Grey, been; and (1, Me-
Fariene's,gravel road, night. Wednesday -•To
Jas. spit's, Con. 0, Morris noon; and Jae
Nicho '. Con. 0, ,eight. 'Thursday -To Jae,
H111'e Hotelo stablest Belgrave,e fetor aniight
Friday --To Jas. Miner's Con. 3, Morris, and
remain until !Saturday niorntng. Saturday -4
To Robert Warwick'e,Con. 0, Morris, for noon
then to his 'o tier's stable, BIuevale, and re-
main until as nday' marring,
11, .i. DAY, J. W. liixe,
Manager, Proprietor.
To Eire You a Siaterneoi
In Regard 10.'Froit-a-tives'
IIARDwICt:E, lefutaMletni, N,$., Jan. 17th.1910.
"I feel it my duty to give to you and the world en unsolicited statement he
respeet to the wondetfui cure 1 received by taking 'Fruit -a -tines.' Chronic:
Constipation was the complaint I suffered with for. years. My general health
was miserable as a kOeult of this disease, and 1 became depressed and Alarmed. I
was treated by physicians without the slightest permanent benefit, and I tried
all kinds of pills and tablets but nothing did use any.good.
Isaw thes;rongtestnnoniai
in favor of ' Fruit a -fives'
by New Brunswick's 'Grand
Old Mau', the Hon. John
Costigan, and I knewthat
anything he stated was
honest and trne and given
opiyto help his fellow -mea.
I tried ' Fruit-a•tives' and
the effects were most mare
vellons, and nowI am entirety
well from all my Chronic
Constipation that I suffered
from for so many years.
My general health is once
Snore excellent and I cannot
say too much, to express my
thanks for the great benefits
derived' front taking 'Fruit-
a•tives.' "
"Fruit-e-tives" is not got-
ten up by druggists or expert
chemists --who, know nothing
about `disease and the needs
of the human body—but is
the scientific discovery of a
well known physician, and is the only; wnediciite in the world in de of fruit juices. M
5oc. a lin, 6• for $2.30, or trial size, 25c. At all dc.::ers, or sent, postpaid, on
receipt of price by Pruit-a-tives Limited, Ottawa.
Prav,.may I -ask you •worthy lad, ,
Whose smiles no wire oan smother,
Though bury life throbs round about,
Have yon written homi to mother?
Yon are forgetting aren't you q lite,
How tae, the weeks are flying,
And that q little blotted cheat,
Unanswered stilt le lying?
Don't you, remember how she stood,
With wistful glanoe at parting?
Don's you remember how the tears
Were in her son eyes starting?
Have you forgotten how ber arms
Stole round you to oaten you?
Have you forgotten Shope sweet word.;
"Good•bye, my son, God blase yon?
Ohl do not wrong ber patient love,.
Sive God there is no other,
So taithfnl,t rough. all milts• of
Fear notIb !retie. to. mother,
Tell how hard itis to walk,
As walked the Master lowly;
Tell her how hard it is to keep
A man's lite pure !nd holy.
Tell her to keep the lamp of prayer
Alight --a betoon burning;
Whore beam:shan reach you far away
Shall lure your ioui returning.
Tell her you love her dearly still,
For feat some sad to -morrow,
Shall bear, away the listening soul,
And leave yot{ lost in sorrow:
•And thea xhrongh bitter failing tears.
And sighs you may not smother,
Yon will reinemiber when; too late
Yon' did' not write to mother,
Jane. Ronaldson.
Edinburg, 185—.
Varieties in Foul -Records.
Prof. Elford says that where poultry
11 .behave handled is it oo•operative Way
1* will be:found a great advantage if co-
operators confine themselves to one ver
lay. This will not only oondnoe to nal..
formity of product, but will facilitate
changer of blood from: one. member to
If poultry railer, would keep reoorde
of:production it would make the work
more interesting and, by the weeding one
s000mpanying this, would add to proflte,
as well. Here is a reword of production,
for one small fist* in,a little over time
February, from 1255 to end of month.
(ftVe. hens) 18 eggs.
•March (five hens), 84.
Apra (five hear), 102.
' Mey (sus henr),.114.
During the year ending February 12111,
the five hens produced an average of 160•
eggs eaph and four chickens. The eggs,
bread `13Qo eaoh, were worth $2.40 per•
ben, and the oast of teed per hen was n•
trifle over $1.
See in this connection what Moore &;
Son have done with a dairy herd by•
keeping records. ,Records pay bosh ill
hens and cows.
is sent direct <to'tha diseased Barts ligd�]e
:<Improved Blower l•Iealsde
ulcers, clears 'the' air passages.
stops droppings in the throat and
permanently cures Catarrh and
Hay Fever. 25c. blower free.
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