HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1910-06-16, Page 11
VOL. XXXIX.—NO. 2001,
"Mother Krebs Remedies" for
Bale N and Ohildren are now for sale
in W •ugham. They hayed proved a
boou to mothers in United States
during the past five years.
COLIC REMEDY —Relieves inf antiie
oolio without use of opium,
Dine for weak puny babies.
WORDS SYRUP -1k reliable remedy to
remove worms of all kinds
COUGH SYRUP—Relieves coughs and
Lou:n E SYRUP—An ideal laxative.
Gentle notion on bowels.
TEETHING SYRUP -A reliable remedy
for nervous irritability iuuident
to teething
CROUP SYRUP—Valuable in group,
whooping Dough, hoarseness.
Gives instant relief.
SOOTHING SYRUP—Relieves painand
nervous irritation, tomo to etc.
mach and bowels—contains no
otomaoh tonin, bowel regulator.
Walton .McKibbon
The Store
Macdonald Blook, Wingham,,
At 40
You will regret you did not
attend one of Canada's High -
Grade Business Colleges, lo.
cated at
Peterborough Welland
Orangeville Wingham
Clinton Walkerton
Now is a good time to enter.
Our graduates receive from
$400 to $1500 per annum.
Mail Courses in 100 different
Write for particulars.
GPO. SPOTTON, Principal
PHONE 101.
Greer's Shoes and Rubbers
Turnberry Farm
Mr. John Goy,
of his 100•aore farm
Tnrnberry to Messrs
McKinnon, who n
farms adjoining eau
was completed the
agency of Mr. 0.
Christie's Grocery
It is our one aim to always keep in
stock this class of goods, and
results only prove the wis-
dom of this policy. Tse
1 Sc Per Tin
Try a tin of Lynn Vaily Peaches,
They are done up in a fine syrup and
ready for use. Thie brand always
measures up to the full standard pf
._ 10c Per Tin
We only have a few tins and
they're a regular tit bit Everybody
likes pears and at 10c per tin should
be quick sellers. THEY'RE GOOD.
Canned Fresh Herring
Herring in Tomatoe
and Salmon
Here's three lines that for summer
use oan't be beat. There need be no
hesitancy in using canned goods when
the quality is the best.
Frush Herring, per tin • 10o
Hefting in Tomato, tin - 15o
Salmon, tin - 100, 15c, 20c
It is almost impossible to tay what
the outlook will be so far as pride is
oonaerned. Wholesalers have had
some mot nnexpeoted breaks. What
Stook we've. had bad been excellent
gnnlity. WILL I"1Vtt ALL OMAHA AT
The Tea and Coffee Store
Changes Hands.
uelph, bas disposed
the Township of
John. A, and Hugh
w have three fine
other,. This sale
ugh the real estate
Griffin. '
or trade. T. A.
city wool; cash
Company of
with a full comple
men, left bn Monde
annual twelve day
Heights, London,
thousand men will
Damp this year is eJ
than usual.
in Camp.
he 33rd Regiment,
ant of officers and
morning for the
' Damp at Carling
where about two
the in training. The
id to be mnoh smaller
CLEARING SALE Of Millinery at redno
ed prices. E. MoKENZIE.
North Hu
The semi -annus
Huron County L.
the Orange Hall,
day, .21st June, at
is expected there
resentation from t
the jurisdiction.
n L. O. L.
meeting of North
L. will be held in
Ingham, on Tues.
a o'clock p, m. It
ill be is large rep -
e various lodges in
Watches, clocks, silverware and jewel-
lery slaughtered at KNox's this mouth
Purchas:d Stallion.
Mr. J. W. King of Blnevale has re-
cently purchase. another Imported
Olyesdalo stallion, :Gold Link+' whose.
sire is "Baron of :uohlyvio," "Gold
Link" is a beautif .1 bay fn Dolor, and
his general make. • p and good breeding
should commend • im to those wanting
to raise good et• k.
repairing and we do• it right. W. J.
From S
The TIMES edito
from W. H. Wells,
who is now looat
Rhodesia. Mr.
thing prosperous in
says they are no
greatest mining
been in South Atr
Patrick Wells, is
health, and both
bared to old friend
uth Africa.
has reoeived a letter
late of Glenannon,
at Shamva, South
elle reports every -
is country and he
in the midst of the
oom that has ever
oa. His father, Mr.
'n the very best of
ished to be remem-
The Late Jo
The remains of t
Oanley, whose de
C., by falling fro
last week, arrived
ing, and the inner
day afternoon f
Mrs. Ellacott, Fra
being made in the
The British Coln
Co., with whom t
employed for a n
representative to a
The deceased was
unmarried. The
have much eympa
C. McCauley.
e late John 0, Mo•
th at Vancouver, B.
a pule, was noted
ere on Monday even -
1 took place on Tues -
m the residence of
oes street, interment
Wingham cemetery.
bia Eleotrio Railway
e deceased had been
ber of years, sent a
company the•remains.
39 years of age, and
reeved relatives will
y in their afliiotion.
On and after
night calls will b
new residence adjo
The adjourned'
Council was hel
with all the m
Reeve Irwin, A
asking for the e
mains to give
Western Found
Water and Light
etrnotions to pr
In response to a e
A. Morton re t
waterworks exte
Was deoided to h
a period of thirty
a sewer on Carlin
riok street to the h
to the Speeial O
were linseed author
of $5,000 to meet
and appointing W
Moore and Thos,
and John ArmOttr
hursday, June 9th,
attended to at my
ing the office.
R. 0. REbttohn.
d Meeting.
eeting of the Town
last Friday evening,
bare present except
etition was presented
tension of the water
e protection to the
referred to the
Commission, with in -
coed with the work.
munioation from J.
e length of time of
Ilion debentures, it
ve ahem extend over
are, A petition for
Terrace front Pat•
spital wee referred
mmittee. Bylaws
ring the borrowing
urrent expenditure,
P. Grierlon, Wm.
Otis, felletteihreretit
On Tuesday, Jane
of North Huron wil
convention in the Tow
The meeting is called t,
and it is hoped there tit
resentation of delegat
of the riding. Officer
and general busineest
inent members of the
ent and deliver addr
lst, the Liberals
meet in mutual
Hall, Wlugham,
r 2 o'clock p. m„
11 be a large rep -
from every part
are to be elected
insaoted. Prom -
arty will be pres.
Home made bread—Try it.
Wingham Dist'
The following is t
Wingham District m
Methodist Oonferenc
Kincardine, H. T. F
W. J. Joliffe; Bru
Teeswater, R S. Bi
Wren; Fordwioh, Jc
W. Hibbert; Wroxe
zit; Blnevale, J
T. E. Sawyer; er; a S
y ,
Bethel, supplied; R
Bervie, W. M. Po
H. Mundy; Bel
Whiteohnroh, D
ict Ministers. '
e final draft of the
de at the London
in Chatham last
W. L. Rutledge;
rguson; Luoknow;
els, F. J. Oaten;
ker; Ethel, H J.
n Bail; Gerrie, 3,
er, 0. W. MoKen-
Andrews; Ashfield,
les, I, Haylook ;
�play, G. W. Rivera;
eroy; Tiverton, J.
ave, J. J. Durant;
. Thompson.
Fresh fish every
FELLS' butcher shop.
week -end, at T.
DR. RIED CUSHION SHoe.—The easiest
Shoe on Earth; Makes walking a pleas-
ure. See them. W. J. GREER, sole
Annual Meetings
The annual me
Huron Farmers' In
take plaoe on the
postponed to We
when it will be he
Hall, Dungannon,
the same time
Huron Women's
annual meeting,
businessis tran
will be held on t
the Dnnganue
The occasion pr
joyable one, and
be a large atten
the riding.
and Union Picnic.
ting of the West
titute, announced to
15th inst., has been
teeday, Jane 22nd,
at the Agricultural
t 2 o'clock p. m. At
nd place the West
I ettitute will bold its
and after the formal
acted a union pinto
e•adjacent grounds of
Agricultural Sooiety,
vises to be a, moat em-
it is hoped there will
anon from all parts of
Do not forget KNOX'S June Sale, °om-
menoing Saturday'June 4. ending
Thursday, June 30.
Quiet Jun
The marriage of
of Turnberry, near
Annie, second dans;
D. H. Campbell,
Morris, took place a
ham, on Wednead
week, the oeremon
Rev. D. Perrin. A
wards held at the
parents, and on Fr
ar gathering took
the groom's pares,
Orvis, at which a
spent. The happ
best wishes of a
for a prosperous
nay of life.
Mr. George Orvis,
Zetland, and Miss
for of Mr. and Mrs,
f the 1st line of
the Manse, Wing -
afternoon of last
beiug performed by
reoeption was after -
tome of the bride's
ay evening a alma
ace at the home of
s, Mr, and Mrs. L.
ery pleasant time was
couple will have the
large oirole of friends
3 age over the jour.
Dr. Nelson Tait, of 498 Spadina ave.,
Toronto, will be at the Queen's Hotel,
Wingham. all day, Friday, June 24th,
for consultation in dioceses of Eye, Ear,
Nose and Throat. Glasses fitted.
The Tw21ft
The 12th July Ile
have been working
ing the details for t
Wingham, and fro
It is expeoted that t
day in the hietor
Orangeism. Speoi
and G. T. R. are be
and time tables
shortly. Among t
be present ;are:
of Exeter; Rev.
Pel'et Grand Cha
tarso; W, J. P
Grand Treasurer
001. Hugh Clark,
Musgrove, M. L.
Ripley, the reside
others. The Miele
number of. brass
nish abundant gin
modation will be
May odtne. A
Wlugham on t
ebration committee
vertime in arrang-
e coming event in
present indications
ie will be a banner
of North Huron
trains on 0. P. R.,
tig secured and rater
111 be annonnoed
o speakers who will
ev. Richard Hobbs,
m, Lowe, of London,
lain of Western On.
rkhill, of Midland,
f British America;
L. A., and A. IL
G, H, Mooney, of
t clergymen and
w Pipe Band and a
ands, eco., will fur-
io. Splendid ao0om-
rovided for all who
roads will lead 10
Contract A'
' Mr. J. He Knigh
awarded the contra
test wells for domesti
Wingham, expects to
courseof a few flays.
. who hag been
for drilling the
water supply for
skin work in the
Norron.—We are prepare uy any
quantity of wool; hightes °ash price
paid, T, A. MILLS.
Garden rty.
A garden party will bo held on the
lawn ofMr
A, E. lemons, Lower
Wingham, o0 Tuesday evening, Jane
28th. A good program e will be given,
including mesio bat the elvation Army
band. Refreshments rved. Admis-
sion 10 Dents.
KING'S for Mangles, Turnips and
The Detroit Ex
The White Star line e
troit takes place Satar d
and proapeots nre favor
attendance from this
table and rates for the t
page 5. The rate for
eursion to De -
of this week,
ble for a large
istriot. Time
p are given on
ildren is half
GIRLS WANTED. —Apply D. S. Rexene
8e Co., London, Ont. ,
Your Chan
Return tick
ratted by the G
tem account
tween all stat
trait and Por
Falls and 13n
June 80th and
Jnly 4th, 1010,
Grand Trunk t
For a Hotid
to at single re will be le -
and Tru; Itailway Sys.
t "Do.' nioh Day," be•
eanada, also to De*
ron, Mich., Niagara
old, N. Y. Good going
July let. Return limit
Sednre tickets from any
ket Agent.
Pretty Fast
Chas. K. Hamilton, t
upper airs, flew teem N
adelphia and bank agaii
distance of 172 Wiles, on
actual flying time for tl
209 minutes. The goin
without °mishap, bat
homeward he lost his
succeeded however, in
tract to make the ro
twenty four hours.
acrobat of the
York to Phil -
a distance of
Monday. The
a distance was
trip wee made
n the journey
bearings. He
filling his con -
td trip within
Greatest bargains ever given in jewel-
lery at KNox's Jane Sale.
A Good Sug
It has been suggested
tioh is et good Duo, far
place his name nod t
farm on his roadgate.'
perilous driving to et
find it, but is would
and interest for pe
plane to place. Thi
have a dpecial efteot
kept and pretty ho
person will seldo
farm without desiri
enterprising owner
scion. •
and the suggee-
very farmer to
e name of hie
of only would
ace more easily
d more pleasure
pie driving from
last result would
ith regard to well
see. An observing
pass a beautiful
g to know who its
WOOL WANTED. -50,000 lbs ; highest
prices, cash or trade.
Public S
The regular mee
Public Sohool Boa
day evening, with
siding, and all the
°opt Trnatees Ca
VanStone. The re
whioh was adopts
planing of a flageta
sohool building;
the walks and eave
lowing acoounte, to
cries of the teaohe
ordered to be paid:
ming trees, $7 60;
$2.50; Geo. Mason,
ool Board.
ug of the Wingham
d was held on Tues-
hairman Ieard pre -
embers present ex -
bell, Manners and
ort of the principal,
recommended the
on the roof of the
so some repairs to
roughing. The fol -
ether with the sal -
and officers, were
H. Mitchell, trim -
H. Saint, teaming,
uppliee, $6.86.
TRUNKS and VALISES.—The best kind
and at lowest prices. W. J. GREER,
A complete re
funeral of the late
will be given at th
and Saturday ni
flume. Pictures p1
the actual event.
other first-class
shown. Open Fri
Saturday at 2 p. m
GEO. 0
resentati'• of the
King •• dward VII
Ly.:•m on Friday
All first. class
'tier than witnessing
'Hiawatha" or some
Int will also • be
ay at 7 p. tn. and
Admission, 10 Dents.
BRETT, Proprietor,
Mies Marion L.
N. Y„ rendere la vi
tist Ohnrob service
with pleasing effeot.
Oonflrmation eery
St. Paul's ehuroh o
next, 20th inst.,
evening, as was an
It is reported
Boyle, of Christ
former reotor of St
the offer of the pro
history in a Toro
Mrs, Boyle left t
the old country.
'right, of Malone,.
lin solo at the Bap -
n Sunday evening,
e will be held in
Monday evening
stead of Tuesday
tined last week.
at Rev, Dr. T. S.
hnroh, Chatham, a
Paul's, has received
eesorehip of church
to 0o age. Dr. and
is week on a trip to
Daring the past
Huron there have
persons, seven ch
been consecrated a
dedicated. The S
$6,784 for the ye
before 1918, the ye
jubilee, to raise $
firm financial basis.
Four of the orga
ham Methodist Su
pated in a banquet
The classes repreee
Dr. Price, W. F
Rutledge and Mrs
pramme was of an
and' icoluded ins
Miss Sperling and
a quartette by
Miss Pearl Da
Wesley Ansley
vooal soloa by Mess
Gerrie Willis; a reo
land; and short ape
those present,the au
them. Rev. Dr. Rat
Rev. G. W. Rivers.
ley, was present and
dress. The tables
choice edibles, whi.
the company.
ear, in the Synod of
een confirmed 2,424
roll buildings have
d five new churches
•od has a surplus of
and it is proposed
r of Hnrou College'e
0,000 to put it on a
zed olaeses of Wiug.
day School prttci-
n Tuesday eveniug.
ted were those of
meant, Mre. (Rev.)
Morton. The pro -
informal oheraoter,
amental music by
Miss May Lloyd;
iso Ohapman and
•an, and Messrs.
ud Peroy Kerr;
Lloyd Awde and
Wien by Mies Oope-
ohes by several of
jaete being assigned
dge was chairman.
.A., B.D., of Rip -
delivered an ad -
were laden with
were enjoyed by
. At Hyme
A very quiet
at the home of Mr.
nett, Diagonal sire:
14th, at six o'oloc:•
third daughter, Ha
ed in the holy bon
Mr. Pater H. Deans
Bare. Thos. Deaus.
performed in the
immediate relative
p:trtias, Rev. D. P
sting clergyman.
in a lovely dress of
happy couple left o
train Wednesday,
and other places.
ling suit was of bl
blouse to match.
will reside on
Trams wishes Mr.
prosperity on th
matrimonial sea.
's Altar.
.dding took plane
nd Mrs. Woe. Gan-
, on Tuesday, Jnne
p. m., when their
riet Bella, was unit-
s of matrimony to
only son of Mr. and
The uerenony was.
enlace of only the
of the contracting
ria being the ofiloi-
he bride was attired
earl gray silk. The
the early morning
or Acton, Toronto,
The bride's travel -
striped serge with
n their return they
ranch) street. The
nd Mrs. Deane every
it journey over the
WANTED—Maid for small family in
Toronto. Apply to MRs. WOODS, 174
Carlton St.
A Creditabi Production.
The production of the cantata,
"Esther the Beautif 1 Queen," by local
talent in the opera h.use last Thursday
evening, under the a • spices of the Wing -
ham Y. M. 0. A.. w s a splendid success.
Those who took t e various parts did
themselves great or:dit, and it is worthy
of npte that there a e those in town cap-
able of taking up an bringing to so emin-
ently sncoesafnl a c • elusion a prodnotion
of his kind. There • as a large audience
present, and th performance was
thoroughly enjoysby all from its open-
ing to its closing . 'ene. The following
persons were repr:•ented:—Esther, The
Qneeu, Miss Alio Mann; Ahasuerus,
The King, Mr. J•s. Stalker; Haman.
The King's Oounee (or and Overseer of
the Realm, Mr. F... Hill; Mordecai, a
Jew, Mr. Robt. Maxwell; Zeroth,
Haman's Wife, M t.;R. Beattie; Mor-
decal's sister, MTs: Farquharson; Pro-
phetess, Mrs. W. . Willis; A Persian
Princess, Miss Pe • 1 Duncan; Soribe,
Mr. H. W. Mao •; Hegel, Mr. Roy
Mandy; High Pr est, Mr. F. R. How •
eon; Herald, M. R. G. Willis; Har-
bonah, Mr. E. A. ammond; Maida of
Honor, Miss Lill . n Roes, Bliss Florence
Orr. Besides, t ere were a large num-
ber of others representing Persians,
Jews, pages, go rde, etc. Mrs, J, Stalk-
er and Mr, J. H Christie ably performed
the duties of a••ompaniete, and Mr. G.
W, Cline acted as concluder. We nn'
derstand there e a request for a repeti•
tion of the Dant to from many who were
unable to atten • , and it is probable that
it may be tin on again in the near
future. We ha e no doubt that in Finch
a Dose there won d ben large attendance.
Those 'aerated in getting up the affair
ate deserving of the heartiest aongratti•
lationa on the neoess of their efforts.
As qr go to • see we learn that the
above performan.: will be :repeated
the Wlugham o • .t`a hoose on Friday
evening, June 24111:
East Huron W. men's Institute.
Meetings of the e • ovo Soelety for the
the discussion of Household Science
subjects, will be he as follows :—Ford-
wioh, Brown's Hal Wednesday, Juno
80; Molesworth Ora ge Hall, Saturday
July 2; Gerrie Tow ship Hall Monday
July 4; Jamestown, tetorta hall, Twee.
day July 5th; Bru..ele, Carnegie Hall
Wednesday, July 6 Walton A, 0. LT.
W. Hall Thursd•y, Jnly 7. These
meetings will be of :penial interest to all
women. Gentle •• on will be wel-
oome to the eve •ing meetings. The
meetingswill be ado reseed by Miss E. H.
Smilio of Toronto who is a trained
nurse with oonaidelrabte practical exper-
ience in her profession end has Mao had
the advantage of ane aeaeon'd Women'd
Institute work,
Unfevoroble we
the foot that th
excitement at the
ed against a lag
Anneal meeting
Liberal Aeeooiatio
afternoon of last
Trade room, Goder
was a very good re
large gathering, ev
the riding being rep
In the absence of
J. Morrie who is
Iowa, John Fingla
presidents was voted
Letters from Mr
Prondfoot, K, 0
their inability to be
Mr. Proudfoot'a ab
an acute attack of r
The statement o
auditor, showing a s
on hand, was read a
The following reso
to el adopted:
motley y p
Moved by Joseph
J. W. Yeo, that
first meeting of on
the death of our late
Edward VII, to p1
appreoiation of tho
which made him t
and beet•belovad sov
and we further deoir
present sovereign Ge
nod loyalty to his cro
Moved. by Thos. M
by William Baillie, th
:els of West Huron, i
assembled, desire to pl
continued appreoiation
progressive legislation
Lanrier Government
year. That we are he
with their naval polioy
what they have been a
with respect to bette
with respeot with our
bore That eve would
the Government to
upon the statute boo
legielation calculated
er of all combines
increase the prioee o
life and the require
consuming public. -
Thos. McMillan
motion made an, ex
ing with the transp
naval policies of t
emphatically sudor
Government in t
Canadian navy, an
ed against the sta
era of Canada w
The officers
The question
candidate to co
next election w
deoided to recom
that a conventio
ber of this year
then conditions, and
re is little po'itiosl
resent time, militat-
attendenpe et the
f the West Huron
, held on Monday
ek iu the Board of
oh. However, there
esentation, if not a
ry municipality of
e president, Harry
away on a trip p t •o
d one of the vice -
to the chair.
Morrie and W.
, P. P,, regretting
resent, were read.
encs was owing to
the treasurer and
all balance of oash
utions were unani-
ell, seconded by
desire at this the
Association eine
beloved sovereign,
oe on record our
kingly qualities
greatest, wises',
reign of his time;
to pledge to our
ge V , our oontin-
u and person.
Millan, seconded
t we, the Mbar -
annual meeting
oe on reoord our
of the wise and
u the part of the
nricg the past
rtily in accord
and appreciate
e to accomplish
trade relations
southern neigh-
espectfnlly urge
continue plaoing
of the Dominion
o break the pow -
ending to unduly
,the necessaries of
ante' of the great
in presenting his
llent address, deal-
rtation, trade and
e Government. He
ed the policy of the
e inauguration of a
as a farmer protest-
ment that the farm•
e opposed to such et
last year were re -
the nomination of a
est the riding at the
discussed, and it was
end to the exeontive
be called in Septem-
r this pnrpose.
GIRLS WANTED.— For work qn
power sewing machines in knitting men
or on day work. Clean steady work iud
good wages. Apply, TOE WATSON Mfg.
00. Limited Paris, Ont. •
The General Asee
terian Church has
Halifax for the pa
report on church s
year showed that th
$741,984, an anion
$1,000,000 from the
$200,000 from the ea
Assembly as newts
ceeded the previon
$100,000, the large
year in the histor
Apart from oongrog
and larger towns—t
reached by moder
menta—the multit
gations are still unt
on the old way and
Temperance, ga
servanoe, the sec
problems, the Presb
Moral and Social
moral literature a
reading worse in e
subjects treated
Board of Moral
waiting to be de
lines. The defloi
1, 1909, has boo
the receipts up t
574,20, and expe
estimates for 191
total $12,000.
By a vote of 1
adopted the fo
()hutch anion:—
...their approval of
upon by the Join
ripen whioh the
bly of the Presby-
resbybeen meeting in
t two weeks. The
ernes for the Iast
receipts had been
t far short of the
eetern seotion, and
the Methodist.
Ohurphes, and the
resolution, along
tioned documents'
Presbyteries for t
the Barrier Ao1. in
Clerks to report th
to the Olerk of 1
not later than May
bly is of the opinio
the returns from
ing further etepa
direotion of union,
will prooeed to con tilt newtons and con,
&re art n
a se ardin the whole a tweeter."
The most pressing need of the Presby-
terian church in Oa• • da is more minis-
ters and more stud.. to in the Divinity
Halls of the colleges Rev. 0. W. Gor-
don (Ralph Conno ), in an eddreels
pointed out that the shuroh must mop,
next autumn, 250 p :aching stations in
the West, while o ly 57 students in
theology have grade ted thio year from
various Presbyteria colleges. As the
church open& $250,''0 a year maintain-
ing oollegea each radnatinit student
costs about $5 000. he Assemb y anth•
orized the establ s ment of a Presby-
terian College in A •erta,
ud Congregational
bey direot that .thio
ith the above•men.
be transmitted to
eir judgment udder
truottng Presbrtery
decision arrived at
General Assembly
1, 1911, The Arsem--
that in the event of
reebyterioe warrant-
eing takenin the
he Assembly of 1911
WANTED. — A stationary engineer;
must have certificate. Apply to WEST-
ERN FOUNDRY Co., Wingham.
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4 to 78 the Assembly
lowing resolution re
be documents agreed
Committee as ft basis
hot% may nnite with
We have two good Houses to
iences. Immediate possession.
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Also some bArgains in Real
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Ritchie 86 Cosens
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8ole Agents tor Meer Ara lalster and inviottel
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