HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1910-06-09, Page 8`x111 1 'ViblOHAM. TID0ES, JUNE 9, n 1() The vh*tkn h1, --dill Sit, Up and Thinks Bill Blue wee. eaten a grumbly sort We cantos him "OLD SIL., GROUCH" for Ebert, Since short he was in speech and look Ann soon got short in pocketbook, Said 13111, "This town is on the bum, ,its stores are- punk, its climate rum, And then the people he ran down Made Bili look bummer than the town. His business they put on the blink, And this made Sill sit up and think. "THE MAN WHO KNOCKS," said he, "'Ss plain, GETS HIS by being knocked again," Bill changed his tune that very day. Since then the world has come his way. His coffers soon began to fill. Now we're all friends of "Booster Bill." MINOR LOCALS. —The Pablto Sohoot Board will meet on Tuesday evening next. —Regular meetien of CourtMeitland. Canadian Order of Foresters on Friday evening of this week. —White Star Line excursion to De- troit on Saturday, 18th inst. See advt. on page 5 for partionlarr. —Samuel B. Westervelt for 26 years prior to 1896 Prinoipal of Mount Forest Public School, is dead. --Chester has a oitizen in the person of John McCurdy, who will celebrate his 102nd birthday in a few day?. —The Hene911 Rough Riders football team were defeated by the Brnoefield Rovers at the latter place on Saturday by2goals to0. —W. Plohard set Son, who have been engaged in the dry goods business at Seaforth for a rumber of yeara,are mov- ing to Calgary. —Dr. Redmond is this week moving to hie new reeidenee on Patrick street, which he recently purchased from Dr. Chisholm, M. P. —Mr. Geo. Sowler has sold his 100 - acre farm on the 6th line of East We- wanash to ?Ir. Robert Uetiry, who will take possession this month. —Mr. W. J. Henderson, of the Blue. vale road, near Wingham, has had a new cement silo built at his farm. Mr. Jas, A. Leaver did the work. —Miss Luella Stalker will take the position as assistant in the Wingham post office, made vacant by the removal of Miss Fannie Paterson to Toronto. --Miss Dorothy Diokson, who was op• mated on at the Hospital three weeks ago, was able to return to her home in 'Wroxeter this week, fully recovered, —Mr. 0 A. Rintoul shipped a car of horses to Winnipeg on Monday. Anoth- er car went went on Wednesday, which were purchased by Mr. J. 0. Onrrie. —The regular meeting of the Chapter will ba held in the Orange Hall, on Tuesday evening, Jane 14th, at 8 o'olooli. All members are requested to attend. —The Farmers' Institute excursion to Guelph on Wednesday was fairly well patronized by people from np the line. Fifty six tickets were sold at the Wing - ham etation. —Mise Kilpatrick, who was soserione- ly inja.red in the run -away a week ago Sunday evening, was able to leave the Hospital on Tuesday for tame. She does not expect to rename her sohool duties until after holidays. —The chair factory of the Canada Varnittire Mannfaoturers watt the scene Of an incipientlent blaze on Sunday evening ng about t) 30 o'clock. The fire had not gained =eh headway before being noticed and was extingniehed in a few minutes. —Prefeseor Goldwin Smith, education- 1st and philanthropist, died' at his hone "The Grange," Toronte, on Tuesday afternoon, at the advanced age of 87 years. Dr. Smith had a worldwide reputation as a writer of the English language. --Mr, W. M. Davie of Berlin, who hag had charge of the engineering work for the Whigham sewer and Wate3Works, has been appointed engineer at the oitq of Prinoo Rupert at a salary of $5 000 Mr. Davie goes to the west about the let of August.. —The death took plane in Montreal on Sunday, of Andrew Colvin, formerly of Teeswator. The deceased was a brother of Mrs. W. J. Howson, of this town, and had been fn 11l•health foraconeider- able length of time. The remains were taken to 'I."eeewater, where interment took place Wodnesday. - Exeterhae always had the reputation of being iii real solid old Devonshire town, rod people le w ith real Old Englinh antes seem tohepopular here. Per . haps you haven't notiood it. but it is naverthetees, hid that onr t town fathers. are called to sopa by thoone Tai There tk a Reeve Oh4liatri Manion. Councillors Wiliitttil feairfan Wflliafn TAYett, Wflliatia 13alkeellf fend. fiiitliazn Walper.•Dleter Advocate, —Mr. and Niro Fred. N,. Rush, of Toronto, formerly of Wiugbatn, mourn the toes of their little five•year-old dauteleter, Merle, whose death took place ea Sunday last, following ao attagk of soarlet fever. The el'tnpathy of pnacy ftienda in town will go out to the be - reeved. ones, —A. rumour is being oiroulated to the effect that the local factories of the Ca- nada Furniture Meonfaetnrera are likely to close down shortly for an indefinite period. Tots is entirely without founds • tree The fact is that the fnruitnre trade to rather better than testae'. At the Union factory Baine new lines are to be made, and exteneive improvements to provide for an increase in the output are ooutemplared Beyond the usual clos- ing down fur stook taking, there will be no lengtbv oeaaation of operations so far AR the Wiogham factories aro con. corned, PERSONAL. Mr. Jas. McManne, of Mitchell spent Sunday with his family in town. Warden Irwin is in Goderioh attend. ing the meeting of the Clonnty Council. Mr. John McKenzie, of Forest called upon his niece, Mrs. 0 Gillespie, last week. Mr, B, Kling, of Dayton, Ohio, is spending a few days with Wingham. friends. Prof. Odium, of Vancouver, B, 0„ is ou a visit to his nnole, Mr, George Mo- Keezie, of this town, —Mitchell & Todd, publishers of the Goderioh Star, contemplate immediate dissolution of partnership. Mr. R. M. Thomas has returned to Toronto after spending two weeks, at the home of Mr. J. Et. Beemer, Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Beemer and daughter Merle of Gerrie, are spending a few days at their parental home. Mr. Henry T. Thomson, of South- ampton was visiting for over Sunday with Wingham relatives and friends. Dr. Margaret 0. Calder was in Toren. to last week attending the annual meet. ing of the Dominion Medical Associa- tion. • Rev. E. H. Oroly, B. A., and Messrs. B. Scott and Wm. Moore are in London this week, attending the meeting of the Synod. Mr. Joseph Jenkins, of Alpena, Mich., visited for over Sunday with his par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Thee. Jenkins, Blue - vale road. Mrs (Dr.) 3. P. Kennedy and daughter, Miss Irlma, returned from London and Strathroy Saturday last where they have been visiting. Mr. Austin Campbell, of the staff of the Sodbury Mining News, and a gra- duate of the Trees office, is spending a few holidays at the parental home in East Wawanosh. Mise F. Paterson who has for some years been an efficient and obliging as- sistant in the Wingham post c8ice, in. tends leaving this week for Toronto, whitherthe family removed a few weeks ago. Mise Paterson was on Monday evening presented with a beautiful dia. mond ring, by the members of St. An- drew's Church choir, of which she has been a valued member for some time. The very best wishes of a large circle of friends will go with Mise Paterson to her new home in the Qaeen Oity. .BORN. TnomAs,—In Turnberry, on May 27th, to Mr. and Mrs, Bert Thomas; a son, BRYANs.—In Grey, on May 12th, to Mr, and Mrs, John Bryans; a daughter, DIED BATEMAN•—In Grey. on Tuesday, May 31st, Jesse Bateman, in his 42nd year. FOwr.ER•—In Huron Township, on May 28, John Fowler, aged 00 years, 5 months. CAMPBELL.—In Lucknow, on May 20th, Mar- garet Armstrong, 'relict of late Malcolm Camp- bell, aged 78years, 1 month, 8 days, TENDERS FOR SEWERS. Sealed tenders addressed to the under. signed and marked "Tender for Sew- ers." will be received np to 6 o'clock p. m.. on Tuesday, Jane 21s 910, for the construction of Trun and Lateral Sewers in the Town of Wingham. Plans and specifi ati s can be seen at the Town Olerk' on, Wingham, and at the office of W. Mahlon Davis, 0. B., BerlinOnt, Contractor to Tarnish all material. Tho lowest or any tender not neeesearlly accepted. Each tender must be accompanied by a marked ohegne payable to the Oorpor• ation of Wingham, for 5 per cent. of the amount of tender Bich will be return . ed in ease tender iw s not accepted. JOHN F. GROVES, Town Clerk. ROUND TRIP SUMMER TOURIST TICKETS AT LOW RATES Sone 1st to September 30th to Portland and Astoria, Ore., Seat; tie, Tacoma, Everett and Belling- ham, Wash„ V ietoria, Vancouver and Now Westminster, B. O., San li'raneisco, los Angeles and San Diego Cal, Return limlt Oet. 31st, 1910, Homeseekers Excursions to Western Canada. Vitt o May 31June and u 14. Via a Nor h r and Sonia ar a t e n Navigation Oompany, Steamer leaves Sarnia 3.30p. ni M h , May 30t n •, y and Mine ,.Gth, t'or tickets ander furtherInformation tall on W. Henry, Depot Agent or address J. D. McDonald, D. P. A., Toronto. Wanted 1 YOUNG MEN TO LEARN THE MOULDING. Go d wages from start ; under competent instructor, A splendid opportunity for young men to learn a trade. Apply to W. D. VA.REY, Superintendent of WESTERN Farina'.', Wingham, Ont. WINGHAM CHOPPING MILL, Having contracted for Bran. Shorts, Flour, Feed, etc., to be shipped in oar lots, I will be able to supply these at all Mune; in any gaantitiee. Also all kinds of Chop for sale in large or small quan- tities. Marketprioes paid for all kindsof grain. EZRA MERrr.EY Proprietor. Richelieu and Ontario Navigation Company STEAMER "1BELLTILLE" Leaves HAMILTON 12,00 Noon, TORONTO 7.30 P. M., Tuesday's, for BAY OF QUINTE, 1000 ISLANDS, MONTREAL and intermediate ports. Toronto-ltlontread Line STEAMERS "TORONTO AND "KINGSTON" Commencing Jnne first, Steamers leave Toronto 9.00 P M. daily except Sunday. From July first daily, for ROOHESTER, 1000 ISLANDS, run- ning RAPIDS ST, LAWRENCE TO MONTREAL, QUEBEC and SAGU- ENAY RIVER POINTS. For folders, rates, eto., apply to H. FOSTER CHAFFEE;, A.G P.A. Toronto, Ont. WINOHAM MACHINE SHOP Baby Carriages and Go -Carts re -tired and repaired. General repair work of all kinds. See our new Combination Stock Rack Bargains in Bioyoles•and sundries. Plow Points sharpened and made as good as new at 10c each, W. A. CURRIE Phone 21. PROPRIETOR' CENTRAL STRATFORD. ONT. The great practical training school of Ontario. Three departments, Commercial, Shorthand or Telegraphy. We sestet gradnatee to positions, The demand upon ns for trained help greatly exceeds the supply. The Three most recently placed are re- ceiving $40 00, $50.00 and $100.00 per month respectively, Business men Mate our graduates are the best. Enter our classes now. Get our free catalogue. 1111 01T & McLACHLAN PRINCIPALS. 0 EING'S FOR BARGAINS 1 ! WE WANT YOUR TRADE« KING'S TITh BUSY STORE WOOL We want 50,000 lbs. and are prepared to pay the highest cash or trade prices. ' If you need goods of any kind bring along your wooL AND EXCHANGE IT FOR Yarns, Blankets • and Sheetings A complete range. Staples. Flannelettes, Towellings, Denims, etc., etc. Dress Goods. The most complete stock to be seen. Clothing. One of the largest and finest stocks of Men's and Boys' Clothing shown. All new styles, best patterns, no old stock. Bring your WOOL and see the goods. Bargains. Clearing lines on which you can save big money in all departments. • WANTED.—Large quantities Butter and Eggs (2oc) (FOOD GOODS G. E.- KING. 0 HEAP PRICES i 0.0 ••••00.0••@••*0•••••••00 v.•00o••••A0_•04.001•••••••04 O • • HIGH - CLASS •• • • Ladies' • and Gents' Tailor; • • • •' e 0 o' • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ; E. C. • • E. C. WHITE You get here what you like, and like what you get at E. C. WHITE'S. No•other tailoring establishment offers such a wide selection of very fine and fashionable woolens, Nowhere else aro clothes made with. such style, precision, individuality and refined taste. Nowhere else are prices near as low for such values as we offer. We are doing a High -Class Tailoring Business on a. new plan :— BUYING FOR CASH 1 SELLING FOR CASH 1 Doing business in this way I can save you dollars, Come in and see what I can do for you. LADIES' GARMENTS made in the latest, up. to.date styles, and satisfaction guaranteed. • s • d • • • .• ••• • ••• 2 • WHITE - - - WINGHAM, ONT.• IN THE JOHN WILSON BLOCK • • •••••••••**•*••o••••••••••• •••••••.••t••••••i€••••••••• NOTICE TO �► ' EDITORS. '��. 4' ' " 'it '+ ' .'0'�'�'t"l:4".4"+',":++ + 3 4. 0 0• a •k •i• H• • Pinea. qle 4. n 4. T. This week is the best • ♦ % time for PINE. I ' APPLES d• * . Notice is hereby given p rsuant to 15. S. 0 180, Chap. 129, Sec. 88, that .11 persons having claims against the estate of Eliza Bosman, late of the 'Town of Ingham in the County of Huron, Widow, t eceased, who died on or about the seeo'd day of May, A. p„ 1010, are required to send bypost pre paid or to deliver to E. Va .. stone, Solicitor for the Executor of the Se d deceased, on or before the 10th day of J • e, A.D. 1910, their names, addresses, and descriptions and a full statement of particulars .f their claims and the nature of the seeurl y (if any) held by them duly certified, and that after the said day the Executor wil proceed to distri. bute the assets of the . eceased among the parties entitled t,itl ed thereto, having regard only to the claims of whieh he ,; . all then have notice. Dated this 18th day of May, A. D. 1010. lt, VANSTUNE,, Winghant P. O., 1101101 for Executor. NOTICE TO t ]EDITORS. Zr otic:e is h#rc•l,ygg veh r tretiSnt to R. El. O. 1007, Chap. Id), See. 88, th ail persons having claims against the estat t of Aria Sadler, late of the Town of Wingham, in .tile County of Intron, Mow, deceased, who 'lied on or about the 24th 'lay of April, A. D. 3.010 are recut ed to, send by post frepaid or to it deliver to Vsnstone, Solicitor or the Executors of the s id deceased, on or be- fore the kith day1 of [Tan D. 0!0 their u e i ams D.1010. e, addresses, olid descripti . ns And a full state• molt of particulars of . telt claims and the nature of the security ( aHyl held b�t them dulycertified, and that fter the said as the I: eotttors will wi i liroeptcl rliatribute the ascots of the deceased among the parties entitled thereto having regard r ly to the elating of which they shellthen ha a notice. Dated this 18th day of ay, A, D.1010. 11. VANSTtlyl . Winahant P. 0., 8.ileiter for el:teeatoes. Try Malcolm's for '• I CHOICE fie •i• .T FRUIT i. 1. J. Malcolm I Phone 54, Produce Wanted, GOING TO BE MARRIED THIS MONTH Well June certainly is the month of weddings, and unless all signs fait this June will be lao•eaception•-13ut before we proeeed allow us to state that this ad, is written for the men only, and we refer the ladies to our ad, in the "Advance", The 5 oung man has undoubtedly an advantage over the young lady in one respect and that is while he may show attention to. the young lady, the latter cannot do likewise without being consider- ed a little forward, and still we have noticed a number of marriageable young men around Wingham who either lack the nerve or are wait- ing for the young lady to make the necessary advance, To the above young man referred to our advice is to "get busy", and t0 the young man whose "dough is cooked" our advice is— whatever your wedding outfit may consist of there is one thing that is more important than anything else in the way of dress, and that item is GOOD FOOTWEAR. It seems to us quite unnecessary to remind you that our selec. tion of Footwear for men is fully equal to the best of city stores, and the prices are fully as low and in many cases lower. Patent Leather Shoes are undoubtedly the most fashionable for special occasions, and in these our selection is really "superb." Gun Metal Shoes aro also very fashionable and give splendid service, ., • MOS Space will not permit us to enumerate the many styles we have In stock, but we herewith describe 4 lines of special merit. NO. 1—Patent Colt Blucher Boot, fairly high heel —oak tan soles, goodyear welted—high swing toe. .Fully guaranteed price $5,00. NO, 2—Button Boots, the very same style, Price $5.00, NO, 3—Gun,MetaI, same style. Price $4.50. NO. 4—Gun Metal and Patent Oxfords, same styles. Price $4.00 and $4.50. Other Patent Colt and Gun Metal Shoes at $3,00 and $4.00, WILLIS & CO. THE SHOE STORE. Sole Agents for A for Ladies. Sole Agents for the "Astoria " Shoes for Men, !V'XrITYIVVI!Y,N!VVyR".I1Ker'4!I_M-V. NYWVV;►4�!V.YV"I:�Wd.7��Lo��3701 1" Q IWOOL 3 WOOL WANTED' t 50,000 lbs. Wool wanted, cash or trade. We have in stock for :tf the wool season the best BLANKETS, SHEETS, SHEETING and aii YARN made from our best wool by Howe & Co,, of Wroxeter. N. A We also have the beat range of [1, and Linoleums, shown in Windham. Genuine Scotell Linoieums arrived from the manufacturer, a; special price, Clothing We have one the best stocks of Men's Ready -Made Suits ever shown in this store. , Boys' 2 and 3.piece Suits Of the . latest cuts and styles from $2,75 to $5.0C each, it will pay you to see these snits before buying elsewhere. Dress Goods. Ladies' Suitings in all the newest shades, from 50e per yard up Ladies' Wash Suit Materials in all the leading shades. See our Ladies' White Lawn Waists and Whitewear, Carpets, Rugs, etc. 4 Carpets and Rugs, Oilcloths and English Floor Oils, just whieh we are offering at Arrimoommo Umbrellas, Men's Fine and Coarse Straw Hats, Shirts and t Shirtin gs of all kinds. tWe will give 10 per cent off all the above goods in exchange for w o ' N ..�. Don't forget that we are selling No. 1 Sugar at $5,45 pe ewt. cash, and augers are advancing, tot grades of:Flour always on hand, A;Att. RINDS I' D9 O l' holo cn tl WANTED. T. A40 MIL.LS ? ONE 89. WINGEAIVI, ONT. viergy+rtsmv+r. !+tt te.to xv.r..vtrity rrrr_rw r,ymyyvirwiry s CANADIAN ,. PAC1 FSI C. GREAT LAKES NAVIGATION NOW OPEN .ttegular battings as follows: UOXDAl .... S. S, "ATIIAnASCA" T"UESDAY.... S, S. ICEEWATly �y�" WEDNESDAY AY . S. S. "ALBERTA" TTHURSDAY . , S. S. "MANITOBA" SATUR AY .. S. S, " "AIS1N1'ROIA" The most pleasant and cheapest route to Winnipeg and West. y HCMESI;EKERS May 31 EXCURSION, in l 1 Through Trete to Winnipeg and 1 West from Toronto 2.00 pant. I Ott above date. 11. l§kls,MlsIt, Agent. Wingltant. 0 EING'S FOR BARGAINS 1 ! WE WANT YOUR TRADE« KING'S TITh BUSY STORE WOOL We want 50,000 lbs. and are prepared to pay the highest cash or trade prices. ' If you need goods of any kind bring along your wooL AND EXCHANGE IT FOR Yarns, Blankets • and Sheetings A complete range. Staples. Flannelettes, Towellings, Denims, etc., etc. Dress Goods. The most complete stock to be seen. Clothing. One of the largest and finest stocks of Men's and Boys' Clothing shown. All new styles, best patterns, no old stock. Bring your WOOL and see the goods. Bargains. Clearing lines on which you can save big money in all departments. • WANTED.—Large quantities Butter and Eggs (2oc) (FOOD GOODS G. E.- KING. 0 HEAP PRICES i 0.0 ••••00.0••@••*0•••••••00 v.•00o••••A0_•04.001•••••••04 O • • HIGH - CLASS •• • • Ladies' • and Gents' Tailor; • • • •' e 0 o' • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ; E. C. • • E. C. WHITE You get here what you like, and like what you get at E. C. WHITE'S. No•other tailoring establishment offers such a wide selection of very fine and fashionable woolens, Nowhere else aro clothes made with. such style, precision, individuality and refined taste. Nowhere else are prices near as low for such values as we offer. We are doing a High -Class Tailoring Business on a. new plan :— BUYING FOR CASH 1 SELLING FOR CASH 1 Doing business in this way I can save you dollars, Come in and see what I can do for you. LADIES' GARMENTS made in the latest, up. to.date styles, and satisfaction guaranteed. • s • d • • • .• ••• • ••• 2 • WHITE - - - WINGHAM, ONT.• IN THE JOHN WILSON BLOCK • • •••••••••**•*••o••••••••••• •••••••.••t••••••i€••••••••• NOTICE TO �► ' EDITORS. '��. 4' ' " 'it '+ ' .'0'�'�'t"l:4".4"+',":++ + 3 4. 0 0• a •k •i• H• • Pinea. qle 4. n 4. T. This week is the best • ♦ % time for PINE. I ' APPLES d• * . Notice is hereby given p rsuant to 15. S. 0 180, Chap. 129, Sec. 88, that .11 persons having claims against the estate of Eliza Bosman, late of the 'Town of Ingham in the County of Huron, Widow, t eceased, who died on or about the seeo'd day of May, A. p„ 1010, are required to send bypost pre paid or to deliver to E. Va .. stone, Solicitor for the Executor of the Se d deceased, on or before the 10th day of J • e, A.D. 1910, their names, addresses, and descriptions and a full statement of particulars .f their claims and the nature of the seeurl y (if any) held by them duly certified, and that after the said day the Executor wil proceed to distri. bute the assets of the . eceased among the parties entitled t,itl ed thereto, having regard only to the claims of whieh he ,; . all then have notice. Dated this 18th day of May, A. D. 1010. lt, VANSTUNE,, Winghant P. O., 1101101 for Executor. NOTICE TO t ]EDITORS. Zr otic:e is h#rc•l,ygg veh r tretiSnt to R. El. O. 1007, Chap. Id), See. 88, th ail persons having claims against the estat t of Aria Sadler, late of the Town of Wingham, in .tile County of Intron, Mow, deceased, who 'lied on or about the 24th 'lay of April, A. D. 3.010 are recut ed to, send by post frepaid or to it deliver to Vsnstone, Solicitor or the Executors of the s id deceased, on or be- fore the kith day1 of [Tan D. 0!0 their u e i ams D.1010. e, addresses, olid descripti . ns And a full state• molt of particulars of . telt claims and the nature of the security ( aHyl held b�t them dulycertified, and that fter the said as the I: eotttors will wi i liroeptcl rliatribute the ascots of the deceased among the parties entitled thereto having regard r ly to the elating of which they shellthen ha a notice. Dated this 18th day of ay, A, D.1010. 11. VANSTtlyl . Winahant P. 0., 8.ileiter for el:teeatoes. Try Malcolm's for '• I CHOICE fie •i• .T FRUIT i. 1. J. Malcolm I Phone 54, Produce Wanted, GOING TO BE MARRIED THIS MONTH Well June certainly is the month of weddings, and unless all signs fait this June will be lao•eaception•-13ut before we proeeed allow us to state that this ad, is written for the men only, and we refer the ladies to our ad, in the "Advance", The 5 oung man has undoubtedly an advantage over the young lady in one respect and that is while he may show attention to. the young lady, the latter cannot do likewise without being consider- ed a little forward, and still we have noticed a number of marriageable young men around Wingham who either lack the nerve or are wait- ing for the young lady to make the necessary advance, To the above young man referred to our advice is to "get busy", and t0 the young man whose "dough is cooked" our advice is— whatever your wedding outfit may consist of there is one thing that is more important than anything else in the way of dress, and that item is GOOD FOOTWEAR. It seems to us quite unnecessary to remind you that our selec. tion of Footwear for men is fully equal to the best of city stores, and the prices are fully as low and in many cases lower. Patent Leather Shoes are undoubtedly the most fashionable for special occasions, and in these our selection is really "superb." Gun Metal Shoes aro also very fashionable and give splendid service, ., • MOS Space will not permit us to enumerate the many styles we have In stock, but we herewith describe 4 lines of special merit. NO. 1—Patent Colt Blucher Boot, fairly high heel —oak tan soles, goodyear welted—high swing toe. .Fully guaranteed price $5,00. NO, 2—Button Boots, the very same style, Price $5.00, NO, 3—Gun,MetaI, same style. Price $4.50. NO. 4—Gun Metal and Patent Oxfords, same styles. Price $4.00 and $4.50. Other Patent Colt and Gun Metal Shoes at $3,00 and $4.00, WILLIS & CO. THE SHOE STORE. Sole Agents for A for Ladies. Sole Agents for the "Astoria " Shoes for Men, !V'XrITYIVVI!Y,N!VVyR".I1Ker'4!I_M-V. NYWVV;►4�!V.YV"I:�Wd.7��Lo��3701 1" Q IWOOL 3 WOOL WANTED' t 50,000 lbs. Wool wanted, cash or trade. We have in stock for :tf the wool season the best BLANKETS, SHEETS, SHEETING and aii YARN made from our best wool by Howe & Co,, of Wroxeter. N. A We also have the beat range of [1, and Linoleums, shown in Windham. Genuine Scotell Linoieums arrived from the manufacturer, a; special price, Clothing We have one the best stocks of Men's Ready -Made Suits ever shown in this store. , Boys' 2 and 3.piece Suits Of the . latest cuts and styles from $2,75 to $5.0C each, it will pay you to see these snits before buying elsewhere. Dress Goods. Ladies' Suitings in all the newest shades, from 50e per yard up Ladies' Wash Suit Materials in all the leading shades. See our Ladies' White Lawn Waists and Whitewear, Carpets, Rugs, etc. 4 Carpets and Rugs, Oilcloths and English Floor Oils, just whieh we are offering at Arrimoommo Umbrellas, Men's Fine and Coarse Straw Hats, Shirts and t Shirtin gs of all kinds. tWe will give 10 per cent off all the above goods in exchange for w o ' N ..�. Don't forget that we are selling No. 1 Sugar at $5,45 pe ewt. cash, and augers are advancing, tot grades of:Flour always on hand, A;Att. RINDS I' D9 O l' holo cn tl WANTED. T. A40 MIL.LS ? ONE 89. WINGEAIVI, ONT. viergy+rtsmv+r. !+tt te.to xv.r..vtrity rrrr_rw r,ymyyvirwiry s