HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1910-06-09, Page 6rr
will p u t t right
quickly and surely.
Money back if they
do not cure.
At all Drueeests.
6orr7F-iis sT
rr raat.na,n. direct fromaT0,6400e eon
25c. a Box..
)ii,-- V;-, ..111t4_ 11,.._ i4;_. i.... ili... ii...
R AM Local history of the early 1
T/EN YEARS Items from the 'Times" f les,
(F'rotn the TIMES of June 6, 1890,)
W. H. Day hag purchased the livery
business of Mr. Gea. Hardy, iu Tees -
Rev. John Scott is attending the Cote
ference at Stratford this week, and
there will be re service in the Method -
let church on Sabbath next.
A. sample of barley, from the field of
Mr. J Keefer, near Belmore, was left
in this office ort Tuesday last, es an
evidence of the great growth the past
few weeks. It was out lo lull dead,
Mr. Wm. Dore had a hive of bees
swarm on Monday. Mr. Jae. Miller
hived them in good shape for Mr. Dore.
This is the fleet swarm in Wingbam thio
The Bell Factory Band intend °hang.
ing their mueioal programme for the
summer months, by playing in Recrea-
tion Park every alternate Friday even -
Ing, and on Josephine atreet, as formerly,
every alternate Saturday.
Mr. W. E. Groves, the efficient prin-
oipaI of Wingham Public School for the
peat seven years, has sent in bis resigna•
tion, baying obtained the position of
first assistant in the Elverson sohool,
Toronto. Mr. Grovee has ever boen a
painstaking, fpithful and devoted teach-
er. He bee. by his efforts and Assist-
ed by enthusiastic aseietants, won for
Wingham Public School a place second
t0 noee iu the province.
Mrs. Fred. Wright and family, and
Miss. V. McLennan, left on Wedneeday
for Viotoria, B. C., per G. T. R.
Mr. John Motheral,for some time with
.1r. T. A. Mille, left today for his for-
mer place of abode, Waterloo.
Anderson --In East Wawanosh, on
the 1st inst., the wife of Mr. Wm.
Anderson; a son,
Cosens.-In Winghare, on Mag 29th,
the wife of Mr. Geo. Coeene; a son.
Peddle• -In East Wawanoeh, on May
31st, the wife of Mr. S. Peddle; a
Rabb -Moffat. --At the residence of
Mr. David Moffat, boundary betweer
Morrie and Turnberry, on Wednesday,
June 4th, by Rev. A. Y. Hartley, Mr.
Joseph Robb, Morrie, to Miss Elizabeth
Moffat, of Tnrnberry,
Interesting Paragraphs from our Exchanges.
Preston's tax is twenty two mills,
Windsor's tax rate is 2434 mills, the
same as last year.
The surface of the earth is said to bo
196,971,984 square miles.
Tired, Aching Feot,
How annoying to have the feet tired
and aching, sore and chafed about the
time you want to take a good long walla.
You can get a world of comfort by using
br. Chase's Ointment when the feet
give you trouble. It heals and soothes
the akin, makes it soft and natural and
prevents cornsand bunions.
Once in a great wbile a man's self-
respect keeps him from enjoying life.
In German cities food prices are now
about as high as in the United States.
The Grand Trunk has jest placed an
order for $2,000,00 worth ofnew oars and
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
Signature of
John Egeter received a fatal shook
while working on the Ontario power
transmission line near Niagara falls.
The power was supposed to be turned off.
Could Not Sleep
In The Dark.
Doctor Said kltea.rt and
Nercnoa Were Responsible.
There is many a man and woman toss.
ing night after night upon a sleepless bed.
Their eyes do not close in the sweet and
refreshing repose that comes to those
whose heart and nerves are right. Some
constitutional disturbanere worry or'
disease has so debilitated and irritated
the nervous system, ?hot it Cannot bo
Mrs. Calvin Stark, nor's:note Ont,
'writes: -"About two year ago I began
to be troubled with a smothering sense,
tion at night, when I would lie down. I
got so bad I could not sleep in the dark,
and would have to sit up and rub nay
limbs, th
ene s
o numb.
My dotter said my heart and nerves were
responsible, I saw lililburn's heart and
Nerve Piffle advertised and got a box to
try then. I took three boxes and tan
now lie down and sleep without the light
burning laid cit,n rest well. I can recent -
mend them highly to ell nervous and run
down women."
Price i() eente per Moir or 3 for $1.23
at all detlers ear mailed direct on receipt
of', dee. he tits''. eriil,nrn Co., Limited,
k ut utas, Ont.
Lavender and rose perfumes are
credited with the virtue of being mi-
crobe killers.
Rev. Dr. Teasdale, a retired Methodist
clergyman of the Maritime Provinces,
died at London, Ont.
John Manning, near Shelburne, is the
owner of a hen's egg that measured 83/
by seven inches.
The Oddfellows, home near Oakville
has been Bold to Mr. McKendrie, of To-
ronto for $36,000.
"It cured me," or "It saved the life
of my child," are the expreesiona you
hear every day about Chamberlain's
Colin, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy.
This is true the world over where tbia
valuable remedy has been introduced.
No other mecioin° in use for diarrhoea
or bowel complaints has received such
general approval. The secret of the
suooees of Chamberlain's Collo, Cholera
anis Diarrhoea Remedy is that it cures.
Sold by all dealers.
Dominion analysts have found that
about one sample in four of the pepper
Bold in Toronto is adulterated.
The Stayner Council has purchased
ten barrels of road oil tole) used insprink.
ling the Main Street during the summer,
Luigi Rosso was fined fifty dollars at
Niagara Falls for assisting his brother,
a prohibited immigrant to enter Can-
If you are not satiated after using ac-
cording to directions two.thirds of a tots
tle of Chamberlain's Stotnnoh and Liver
Tablets, yon oan have vonr money back.
The tabiete Cleanse and invigorate ,the
stomach, improve the digestion, too -
late the bowels. Gino them a trial and
get well, Sold by all dealers.
OVon Moltke at 70 won tho battle of
Sedan, while Thiers, President ofFrance'
was 80 when he achieved his diplomatic
victory over Biemerok.
New York is experimenting with
street cars driven by electric motors
which get their power from gas engines
mounted below the floor of the oars.
Children Cry
CAS1' OR 1 A
Last Fourth of Jaly in the United
States 215 boya and girls were killed,
children lost
an arm
or a
hared, 36 children lost an eye, 16 chitd&
rot lost both eyes, in all 5,1307 portions
were ]tilled, blinded Or maimed, ell
for the sake of celebrating the birth-
day of the ttephblic, An army of the
youth of the States is being saorifloed
every year to this god of fire and noise,
'Why give ehildrenthe opportunity to
maim end wound themseives with ex-
A man who believed in the old say -
Ink, ►'See a pin, and pleb it lip, and all
day you'll have gentt lues" eaw , pin
in front of the pastofllee the other dry.
Bending down to get it, his•hat tumbled
off and rolled into, the gutter; his eye-
glass fell and bloke on the pavement;
his suspenders gave way behind; he
burst the buttonhole on the beak of his
shirt collar, and ell but lost his new
front teeth -hut he got the pin, -Ex,
Nine times in ten, etomaoh derauge-
ments are responsible for eallow now.
pinion, dull eyes and thin body,
It is the stowaoil that euppliee nourish.
ing blood to the wneolee, the nerves,
and akin. if tiro etomaoh is healthy,
plenty of nutritious matter will be ab-
sorbed by the blood, It it is not healthy,
the food will ferment, aid nndrgeeted,
will pass along through the bowels,
furnishing so little matter that the blood
becomes impoverished, nod the glow of
health vanishes.
If you suffer from nervousness, sick
headache, belohiug of gas, sour taste in
the month, heavioees after eating, or
any other miserable stomach disturb•
once, you need Mi o-na, and the sooner
you get it the quicker yon will be health•
ler and happier.
It will relieve any distressed etomaoh
condition almost immediately. It will
core if used according to direotiuro.
Walton Moliibbon sells it for E0 cents a
large box, and he thinks enough of it to
guarantee it to cure indigestion.
Winnipeg's assessment is $158,000 000
this year, an inorease of $50,000.000,
Land its assessed et int full selling value.
Victoria MOTaggart, an aged woman,
fractured her skull in jumping from the
prison van at Montreal, and died aeortly
UIe Was .Paralyzed.
Mr. Wm, J. Brennan, Western Hill,
St. Catharines, Ont., tette what it reels
like to be paralyzed. He lost power o!'
epeenh, face was drawn out of shape,
lost flesh, could not sleep. Five doctors
failed to help him. Electricity proved
ineffective. He used Dr. A. W. Chase's
Nerve Food until his former good health
was restored, Fame was restored to
shape, power of speech returned, and he
gaiued in weight, Says he would not
return to former condition for all the
gold in the °wintry.
The Mount Forest Confederate figures
it out that it costs about $1.20 a yard to
put crushed stone on the road. A cord
of unbroken stone will produce 4 2 8
loads (or yards) of broken stone.
A new English safety oil lamp for
miners is lighted without removing the
protecting gauze by a platinum wire
through which a current of eleotrioity
is passed from a storage battery.
We offer One Hundred Dollars Re.
ward for any Daae of Catarrh that can-
not be oured by Hall's Catarrh Cure.
F.J. CHENEY & CO„ Toledo, O.
We, the undersigned, have known F.
J. Cheney for the last 15 years. and
believe him perfectly honorable in all
business transactions and finanoialiy
able to carry out any obligations made
by his firm.
Wholesale Druggist,, Toledo, O.
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internal.
ly, acting directly on the blood and
mucous surfaces of the system. Testi-
monials sent free, Price 75 cents per
bottle. Sold by ail Druggists.
Take Hall's Family Pills for consti-
Menelik II. of Abyssinia has in his
possession more than a thousand locks
of human hair, of every shade of ooIonr
and texture; each of these is carefully
labelled with the date and other partici.
niers of its acquisition,
Children Cry
One of the old pioneers of Huron Tp.
passed away on May 28th, in the person
of Mr. John Fowler, aged 90 years. The
deceased was a man highly respected in
the community. In religion he was a
Presbyterian, and a consistent church
member. He was known for his many
kind Pete to his neighbors in the early
pioneer days,
Nerves at
i HTe b E o
uiic�h4 e).tra strain mantas Collapse -
'Restoration obtained by ttsingDR.
The sileee3%fnl men and women are
often of the high-strung nervous typo
-keen and active -'-but with too littlo
reserve force.
A little extra worry and anxiety and
snap goes the nervous system. Weeks
and months are often regUirod before
energy and vigor are regained.
Best helps, so does fresh air ali4
exereise, but the blood must also be
made rich and red by use of Dr. A. W.
aq ,
e q Nerve e11 0 '
I ootl,
m 11
1 ictnri ;ih
it, Ont., ?rites: -MY ii9rvous
seemed all unstrung. .i could not sleep,
bad no appetite, nay digestion was
poor and I had ;jerking of the litnbs.
I)r. Chase's Nemo Food helped me and
I continued until I had taken twenty-
four boxes. This treatment has made
a radieal change in nay condition, build-
ing up the system and strengthening
the nerves." Dr. Chase's Nerve food,
50 cents a boy, all dealers or Edelen-
dman-to i, :flutes & Co., Toronto.
is the best, remedy
known for sunburn,
beat. rashes, eczema
sore feet►, stiln$s and
blisters. A. skin food!
.tl? Dru plate sad ,$?arta,-40q,
A Iweuty live milliondoliarstepl mere
er bee boon form tat H'Tultltoo, tAking
in the tfarni'Cnn Steel Works, the +fan.
ads Sorer Onrnpuny; rhe Montreal Roll
ing Mills and the Canada Bolt & No
Trade ratarns for 1909 show that Bd..
twin's total trade with foreign countries
amounted to n811 106 552; with the Col-
onies, i778$,123 571; imports from the
Colonies,? £145 251 93e; exports, £t27,•
Mr. Hendesern, a farmer, of Beet Nis•
aonri, near Thamesfoid, 55 years of age,
was crushed by a Dolt he was leading in-
to a stall. He suffered a rupture of the
bowels and is in a oritioal eoadition.
Citizen. -Why don't you go to work?
Tramp. --Don't have to. The world
owes me a living, Citiz'n. -Then wby
don't you oolleot it? Tramp. -Can't.
The world has too many 'referred ored..
?tors.-Chloago Daily News,
Leine shoulder is almost invariably
caused by rheumatism of the musoles
and yields gelioitly to the free epplioation
of Cbanlberlain'e Liniment, This line
went isnot oa'y prompt and tffeotnal.
but to r'o way disagreeable to use. Sold
by all dealers.
Many people will be surprised to learn
Utast the temperature for the month of
May has been n little less than one de.
gree cooler than the average of former
years, the mean temperature for the
month being 52 4. The rainfall has
been 2 73 inches or one-tenth of an icoh
below the average of former years.
A ',draw Carnegie has offered Owen
Sound a gift of $25 000 for a free library,
Several years ago Mr. Carnegie offered
the town $17,500 for the purpose, but
Owen Sound planned for something
more elaborate than thip. A by-law
sanctioning the proposal will be submit -
ed to the ratepayers at an early date.
Dr. Chase's Oint
curoforeach and
every form of
itching, bleeding
and protruding
piles. See testimonials in the press and ask
your neighbors about ft, You can use it and
at our money back if notsatisrled,
Toronto60c, at all
alere E>;ataxsox, I1nTles & Co., .
Immigration for April reached record
proportions, totalling about one-quarter
of last year'a whole immigration. It is
estimated at about 50,000, of whom
nearly one half were American settlers
Doming into the Canadian West. Immi-
gration for the month is about double
that of April of last year.
When a domeetlo servant was put
under the X rays at the Royal Berk.
shire Hospital, Reading, Eng„ it was
found that her heart was 4i4 inches out
of its proper position, and that her
shoulder -blades numbered four instead
of two.
Fifty Years' Experience of an Old .Nurse,
the prescription of one of the best fe-
male physicians and nurses in the
United States,and hart been used for fifty
yearn with never -failing success by
millions of mothers for their children.
It relieves the child from pain, cures
diarrhoea, griping in the bowels, and
wind collo. By giving health to the
child, it rests the mother. Twenty-five•
cents a bottle,
The newspaper goes right into the
reader's house -goes in sits down be.
side him. It is on the table when he
eats and in his hand when he is amok.
ing after the mac], It reaches him
when he is in au approaohebie condition.
The newspaper cannot be outdone by
any other advertising scheme contrived
by the brightest. brains working along
that line,
ChFOR FildLrETCHen, ER'S Cry
In some parts of the prairie• ptovinoea
there were seven degrees Of frost Tues.
day night, and the light garden sniff has
been adversely affected, but it le not
thought that the great wheat crops are
seriously damaged.
GViltiarn Jennings, 'Bryan, the great
American says: "The fellow who tries
to attract business without advertising
is like the yonng man Who throws his
sweetheart it silent kiss in the dark
He knows what he is doing -but no one
91ae does,'"
Arrange j'obr work to take an ocean -
long holiday. 9,
d It need an
e not beex
pensive one b
but the
p dailyswim; v Rh
life's treadmill requires a spell Of fest,
change end freedom from sometimes
exhaustive tasks. An enjoyable opting
will promote health and broaden your
horizon and tend to the sweetening of
life, Some 8o-oalled vaoatiorta ate
miscalled as they occasion more work
and worry than to stay at your regular
job. Take a holiday and prolong jrbgr
Glenn. 11. Caraiee flew from Albany,
'Y, to Machetten Isiend, a Mateyo.
of 197 miles in .163 niuotes, beating the
time of the fastest trains between the
same paints by ever half au hope, Re's
another of those fsllowa having a fly
The Cgstatpa revenue continues to
portray the trade expansion of the Dom.
inion, The r,.nelipta for the month of
May were $5,779,329,51, es atonal; $4,-
296 660.01, an inerFaae of $1,482,660 41,
For the two menthe of the fiscal year
the reoeipts have been $10 894.097 97,
an increase of X2,575.768.94.
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is sold
on a Ruaieetee that if yet; are not satis-
fied after using two. birds of a.. bottle
according to directions, your rnouey will
be refundedIt id up to you to try.
Sold by ail dealers. .
A very quiet but pleasant event ;wee
witneeaed 4t the home ad Mr, and Mrs,
.'sauce Ilaniilton, of Living Springs,
0n Wednesday etternoou, May 20tb, at
3 o'elootr, when their two daughters, the
Misses More. and Amy L„ were married
to Mr. Allan Weaver, of Imamate, and
Mr, Chester Ntobolson, of Mt. Forest,
Broacfi}ds, Croup, Coughs and Colds, or
»ey back. Sold and goaraute d by
WALTON bicK1.l3I30N.
The population of France is given es
88 trillions; Germany, 63 millions;
Austria, 46 millions; Italy, 32 millions,
Britain, 42 millions; as compared with
Is to 91 aril ens in the United States.
Cure Backache, Bladder
and Kidney Troubles
A few' doses of FIG PILLS will oon-
vinoe you that a few more will cure
you, Every box of FIG PILL'S is
guaranteed. It they don't eure all Bierl-
der, Kidney, Rheumatism and Liver
Trouble, yonr money will be refunded.
25 cents a box, at all loading drug
In these days of high-priced food it is
gratifying to know that there is one
staple article of diet which brie not soar -
e3 beyond reach of the' most limited
pocket book. While the prides of beef,
pork, eggs, butter, wheat, etc. have gone
kiting skyward, that mealy tuber,
that toothsome delicacy, the Irish Lemon
remains at a level that is well within
the means of the poorest family in the
bailiwick, and so long as Paddy's Pratte
can be had at 40 or 50 cents a bag no
honest man need go hungry.
Are You
I can cure the worst case of
Rupture from infancy to old age,
without operation or loss of' time.
and remove the daily danger of
strangulation. Fill in coupon
and send to Dept. J:
88 Caledonia St,
Age Time Rap . ..
Single or double
Satisfaction guaranteed.
The Imported Clydesdale Stallion, 'ft iltascoi+'
will snake the season of 1010 as follows:-
Monday -Leave his owner's stable, Bluevate,
for Alex, Moffatt's, 214 miles east of Blucvale,
for noon; north to learton Bros.,' eon. 6, Turn -
berry, for night. ?Tuesday -Alex. McPherson's,
con. 7, Turnberry, noon: and to eluevale for
night. Wednesday.- To Wm. Elston's, con. 2,
Morris, for night. Thursday -Jos, J. Kerr's
eon. 18 Fast Wowanosh, noon ; And to Dennis'
feed stables, opp. Lenient Works Winghanl,
and remain until Saturday morning, Satur-'
day -To his owner's stable, Blnevale, and re-
main until Monday morning.
J. W. Xrxo, Proprietor.
the Imported
dale Staltoa win mare the s asohof 191
as folloaVs:--
Monday --Leave his owner's stable, Biaovalc,
for Atka pretence', gravel road, noon • and to
Andrew Ireland's for night. Tuesday --Ber-
nice Paynes, Con. 2, Grey, aeon ; and G. Me-
Farlene's, gravel road, night. Wednesday --To
las. i3 cir's, Con. 6, Morris, noon; and .tits,Nichols', Con. 0, night, nhursday-To .Ins.
1hedden's, Con, 4,Morris. for noon; and to
kftll's Hotel stales, Belgrevo, for night
Priday--To .las. Miller's Con. 8, Morris, and
remain until. Saturday morning. Saturday, -
To Robert Warwick's,Con. 8, Morris, for noon;
thea to his owner's stable, BIuovale, and te-
rrible until reoaday morning.
DAY, J. W. lcuna,
Manager. Proprietor.
"Lacqueret " is the right
thing for renewing the beauty of
floors that are dell and lustreless.
There are so many uses for "I,acquerct" in the home that the
marvel is that any well -regulated household should be without
it, "I,acqueret" beautifies everything to which it is applied -
makes old furniture look like new and acids a lustre to worn floors
that gratifies the particular housewife,
KIew to apply °L,acqueret" to floors.
Remove nil dust, dirt and grease from the floor, Use one coat of colorer'
Lacqueret' for refinishing ,worn, ;tallied and soiled wood floors. 11 the sur.,
face is badly worn and requires a second coat, use clear "Leequeret" after the
colored coating is thoroughly dry, Two cents of colored "Lacqueret" is opt
to produce loo dark a finish, Stained, natural wood, painted oilcloth and
linoleum floors that arc in good order but simply dull and lustreless only
require one coat of elcar "Laegtieret, ' This retains tit original color effect.
Write for our Free Booklet, "Dainty Decorator," and
learn for yourself the many uses of this household
The xeost prominent Hardware and Print
Dealers sell "Lacqueret "
International Varnish Co.
Toronto -Winnipeg 2393
packages only
NOTE.-" L.AOQUE?ET " is sold hi full Imperial measure
List,wel, as Well as a few other places
in Oauada, oan boast of having o. oitizen
who has lived under six British soy-
ereigns, says the Standard, 011 Mr,
?McTaggart now in his ninety -filth year,
was born in Emerald Iele during the
renal of George III and has lived under
George IV , Wm. IV., Queen Viotoria,
Edward VII, and judging from his
sprightliness will probably live to cele-
brate his hundred aunivereary nuder our
new ging, George V.
The need of an Old Boys' and Girls'
Re•unlon-and a permanent one at
that -for Kinloss Township was never
better emphasized than by a series of
figures taken from the aeeenner's state-
ments for the past ten years. In the
year 1900, the population of Kinloss
Township was 2,262 In 1905, it was
2,004, In 1910 it is 1,690. Represent-
ing a decrease in the past ten years of
five hundred and seventy-two.
Following are a few particulars of
Hay Township, taken from the assess.
went roll for 1910, recently completed
by' Assessor Lipphardt: Acres in town-
ship, 52,486; cleared, 43,708; woodland,
2,147; slash land, 230, swamp land,
6,406; value of land 8,537,657.00;
buildings, $864,755 00; exemptions $46,-
250 00; business, $21,786 00; income
$1,850.00; total assessment $2,471,789.00.
Population 3,071, births 56, deaths 20.
Edward f3'opwen, thought to beithe
smallest man in Canada, died on the
27th -nit, at hie home in Allenbnry,
Nova Scotia. He was 88 years of age,
and was only two feet nine inches tall.
He weighed 30 pounds. He possessed a,
good education, was a constant reader,,
and was well posted on public gneetiona,.
Both he and his parents were opposed to.
hie appearing on exhibition, and he earne
ed a living by pursuing mutt labor as he -
could perform. During the construotion
of the public wharf of Lockport, he was•
employed as0time.keoper and gave gen- •
oral satisfaction.
Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver.
Tablets will brace up the nerves, banish
sick headache, prevent despondency and
invigorate the whole system. Sold by -
all dealers.
She was a stern, hatchet-faced woman
and from the confident way in which.
she demanded to see the proprietor of the,
establishment the young clerk felt sore•
she had been there before, and would,
take no denial. He therefore elid off his
stool and went into the governor's pri-
vate office, "There's a lady wishes to.
speak to you, sir." "Good look.
ing?" "Yes, sir." "A nice judge of
beauty you are I mast any t "said the in- -
dignant employer on his return a few
minutes later, "You see sir, I didn't
know but what the lady might be your
wife," replied the olerk. "So she is,"
said the employer.
The Right Kind
of Printing
The kind that is neat, attractive and
up-to-date, costs you no more money
here than the inferior article does
Quality Counts
in printing as in other things, and the
TIMES is in a position to turn out first-
class work at very reasonable prices.
Try this office with your next order,
The Times