HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1910-06-09, Page 2%
,. If. T Abl WIN6I3AM 1.l'l.MB1J, JUN4 0, 1910 "„
�► e e An obstra6t of Ehe baseness, of Inegr•International Newspaper ,�, t1t �s �% (; r -,..w
� oust i patios " 11 s In and p m4. S��day li services at
at / �lj i1 �Nri��� Tl��sv For the Best R4sulta a'wpe4p, Ct*ap '
once ig Csinada, based an the attested at, IS PUBLIORDI? Pod Is Neoossary.
�i' statements returned by the companies,. rQf t�3 +� O9:40 esdeen� prayer meeting
• "oYears., bas been iQsue4 by alts superintendent nil e. tVe p e #►gti RRIy. W. EVERY THURSDAY MORNING All Aukligrity as dairy matters r�-.
_ - of Insurance At Ottawa, L, Steeves, pastor, B. , Y, P. U. meets —Ar- gently visited, a farm tivhere the calves
An irregularity of the bowels is al- Ot the fire insararo oompanies doing 91►lieMit Poiris#:s tR the I,eFl+sgts folr Ill4tltly} tt>1t4; 2. Monday eveoiggq 8 p.m, W.D Pringle," Tl1q Times 0M08.: Ileageip $lock were in very poor cendilio ,A They
Y y S. Superintendent. WING%iApi, ANTARIt), looked as !f they bad been starved for
ways dangerous to your Health and baeipose (companies doing business an. Griwen Jlst n ,rites 4>'i (great pale► »►y MarsQDlSTO]M og-•-1$abbatheervloes a Ino th. When
feeding tline arrived
should be corrected at once for if this is der provincial Ipoorporation not being Rev, Ar. 4ilnacott. at 11 a lr} end 7 P in+ Sunda School a `"�` °
Tairsrs or sonsoalrTxoa- $1,U0 per annum iq the owner gAva them A good, gen,erapol
not done constipation and all sorts ai included), 28 are Canadian, 18 Are Brit, 2:80 p m.. Epworth League every Mon .
ish and 14 are United States Cpm 1 Reulytored In acoorrianoo: with the Copyrighti4co,1, da evening', . General ra er meetui advano0 $1,60 if notso paid, No paper disc os• feed. IID remart,ed that he did notI
diseases are lialalo to attack you. ponies, y p g ginned tin au arrears are paid, a:Dopy at rho
Milbura's Laxa-Liver Pills cure Can. The total net onah reoeived by these for The Cauannitith Woman. --•Arad•, xv: to the whole world ono Wednesday egQninge, Rev. W, option. of the pnblisper, know why his calves were not thrift'*,;j
sti erica and all Stomach Liver as Preminme last year was $17,058,848, as 21.28 a L• Rgttedge, D,D., pastor. F. Baghan• AnvonrislNcl RATIO. r. Legal and ether Be was surely givIll. Toed enough, unt11
p , d W;,ioh helps the general oaare of An. 13,8• Superintendent. I casual aavertiseruontslooperNoz arrelUnofor t was of the right kin4,
compared with $17,027,275 in 1908. The Golden Teat -`Great is thy faith; God most one who ttends strictly to, PxssByrzosrAN CHp>;pg-SaltbaEh ser- insertion. tion, 8o par line for eno�i subsequent ecleaned nor,
Bowel complaints. a Tile pen bad not been
Mr. Henry Pearce, 49 Standish Ave„ grass cash received for premiums, in be it auto thee even aa. thou wilt, Matt• his own particular work, and leaves the vices at 13 a m and 7 p m, Sunday Advertisements la local columns are charged a
�+ whioll",:are inolnded the a eats' Dom, xv: 28• rest to others or the one who, tries to School at 2;80 p m, Gieneral pxayer 10ots,•per line for itray insortton, Ana 5gouts bedded for some time. It was loc ted,
Owen Sound, Ont., writes:- Having I4 , per line for each subsequent insertion•
missions was $.21,982,970 in 1.908 As Verse 21 --Why had Jesse come to - spread himself over, all the want? meeting on Wednesday evoniugs. Rev. Advertisements of strayed Farms for le In a very inconvenient part of tbei
been troubled for years with constipation, ,
,arid trying various sq called remedies Against $32,06+8,764 in , 1908. British the coaRtq of Tyre and Sidon? (6qe Verses 24 27 W�qn a person ooares D. Perrie, pastor. Dr, A. J. Irwin, $,S. or toAeut,and similar, 41,66' for first three baric* The other parts of the premises -
weeks, arta 26 Dente for each sabsegaent in• were kept clean and bedded, bat that
which did we no good whatever, I was conrpnnies pre credited with consider- t':1a*k vii: 24) to Gad with great and pressing needs, ST, PAUL'a QHOROU, EPICROOPAL-.Sall- a4rtion.
ably more than one -halt the not prem. proper P CONTRACTRA't'Ae•—The following table shows
calf pen was always neglected.
persuaded to try Milburn s. Laxa-Liver Y p Why is to er rest its important a and with a soul filled with worshipful bath services at 11; a m and 7 p m. our rates for the insertion of advertisements The calves would seldom lie down
Pills. I have found them most bene- isms for last year, getting $9,730,366, duty As necessary work? feeling, what reason is there to believe Sunday School aE 2.80pm, Rev, E. ,H for specified porlods;—
ficiai; they are, indeed, a splendid pill, while the share of the Canadian com• Versa 2b,. -pan you give any evidence that C{qd alaways inclines tc gaoh a Oroly' B. A., Rector ; O. G. Van- sp�pr; 1 Yli, a xo. 8 nto, 11ro. and then only when completely ex
and I can, hearth recommend thein to all paniee was $3,743,351 and that of the that God ties always loved all Stone, $, S. Superintendent ; Thos. E. onecoimm� , _ haunted. They were always restless
y person? , Robinson, assistant Superintendent. Half Column.._-,- X404000 $a6:o°00 $i5:oo $o:oo and uneasy. The ovvner'rs attention
those who suffer from constipation," United States companies $3,564,126. The nations alike, sad that to day, all men, Why is it that Gad often seems so SeLv4TfoN Aiin[Y--Service at 7 and 11 Ona terColumn-_- 24.00 12.5,0 7.56 8166 was called to this. The pen was clean: -
net amount h' w-•• 5.06 8,00 2.00 1,26
Price 25 cents a vial or 5 for $1,00 paid for losses during the w ite and black, rich and poor are severe to those whom he loves best? a w and 8 and 7 p m on Sunday, and Advortiee�eate wathoat a eolflo directions ed and beaded,, That afternoon everg,�
at all dealers, at sent direct Co.,eceipt year was $8,639,760, as compared with equally dear to him? . Why was this woman not disoaur• every evening during the week At 8
will be inserted till forbid enc} oher¢ed accord- Calf was found lying down and seemed':
of rice b i rte". Kilburn Limited o o'ltack at the barraoira. ingly. Transient advertisementp mast be paid to be perfectly at home.
Toronto, Ont. ' ' $10.279 456 fa 190$. Of last year's total Why did this woman aft Jesn. to. peed with the apparent severity of for in advance.
losses British companies paid $4,848,388, have mercy on her, when the tro ble Jeeuq? POST OFF]COX-Office hours from 84 In Tin Jowl DxPART"XT' 1s stocked with an The nest morning the pen was a.gain;i
Canadian companies $2,117,141;. and was with her daughter? WHEN GOD HIDES HIMSELF FO, to 6,30 p m, Open to box holders from extensive assortment of all requisites for print• cleaned nod bedded, and this was`.
__ To what enfant is 7 a m, to 9 P in, P. Fisher, postmaster, Ingot fording facilities not equalled in the thereafter made a regular practice. Ai
TO ADVERTISERS United States companies $1,673,731, prayer for a needy A TIME FROiId Ti3E FAITHFUL pm, to LIBRpre, Y-Libr ir orturning outfirptclasswork. Largo
one effectaml, unless we reap cry and free type and ax Fills,
etc. Date for allatest of post• the end of two weeks there was An ea.
N'otiee of changes must be raft at this The total amoout of, ttnsattted claims at y feel the SOUL, WHAT I3, ITS S PURPOSE, reading room. in the Town Hall ere, Haza ins eta, and the latest styles of tirely different looking bunch of calves;.
office not later than Saturdaynoon, the end oP Inst +wig choice fancy type for the Ozer classes or rint to the pen. The tired look was gone.
year was $849,790, of need as if it were par own? AND WHAT SI3QULD BE THE AT- be open every alfiernoon ixom 2 to in¢, P
The copy for changes must be left which $54,377 was restated, Which, as a rule, are the greater TITUDE OF SUCH SOUL DURING 5,80 o'clock, and Every evening from 7 H. B, BLLIOTT, A good bed, tight, cleanliness and
not latex .than. Monday evening, Canadian lite Insurance companies suffere'ra, persons who have the aotnal T 11 E DARKNESS? (This gneation to
b 9800 Wolook. Miss Ltzxie Attridge Proprietor and Publisher fresh air Add much to the contentment
Casual advertisements accepted up last year wrofie $17,440.900, es a
to noon Wednesday of each weak. gaieat troubles or those who love them? mast be answered in writing by mem- Towx COpNOIL--Wltliam Holmen J P RRNNBDY, M. D„ M,C.P, 8, O, of live stock. Contentment is just as
. $7,476,859 by United States companies Verse'23—Jesu9 At first did not an. bere of the' pleb.) Mayos; Dr, A. J. Irwin Ro me , tion. MOrabor of the British Medical Assoola• essential as good feed In the success -
and $1,689.99{ b + , (nolo todiaes in women Child ful care of live stock. Unless content-
ftBTABLI8Ei74D 1872 p British companies, O! ewer, or pap asp attention to this When God seems to sot severely as J. W. Mo$ibbon, H. B.EllicEt. William rOAsnt�mn �ahnnre it eo d °imW„• Ito a ndChild ed they will not make the desired
]a ( policies in force at the end of last year woman's prayer. Why did he so act? in the case of this wemmn, does 'he t{ke Bone, Dr. .Robert C. Redmond,
'!1 ANlli1H111 �M�',� ezm_405.464 were those � oP Canadian oom• and why is it that God often aoto in a to have us debate the matter with him, Thomas Gregory and D. E, McDonald, p . gains.
a ICouncillors; John F. Droves, Clerk and lJR, MACDONALD,
IN panies, 4964,801 were United States, and similar manner with earnest prayer. as she did, giving expression to our hon- Treasurer; Anson Dulmage, Assessor. PROFIT IN SPRING PIGS.
H. R. ELLIOTT, PunwattiJR ANDPaoPnyuTon 23,105 British, the Increase in the total Wby did the disciples beseech him to, est views? Give your reasons. Board meets first Monday evenfug in PROFIT
street over 1908 being 141,346, The net answer this woman? Verse 28 -Give a reasoned opinion ne each month at 8 o'olook. Wingham, By Judicious Management They Caw
THURSDAY, JUNE 9, 1910 amount of Hts insurance in force Dec. Did they do wall, or ill, in Interfering 'to whether Jesus method helped this HIGH SCHOOL BOARD:- W;, F. Van. Ontario,
Be Kept Growing Continually.
ember Sist, 1909, was $780,370,232 -an with Jesus' pians? , woman much more -thin if he bad re- Stone (chairman), Wm. NiohoIson, John
increase over the preceding year of $60,• Verse 24 -Is there any reason to oeived her kindly,. and Wilson' C, P„ Smith, W. J. Howson, If a Contract were taken to raise '
IMMIGRATION REGULATION. i greeted her re- John A. McLean, Frank Buchanan, DR• AGNP-W, certain number of pounds of pork in
864 218 Of the total $518,415,437 wag believe that God ever appoints ascan quest, at the first? Dudley Holmes, seoretary. A. Oosens, . Ph a. surgeon, oto. season it would be much wiser to pro..
in Canadian companies, $217,956,341 in to a specific work, so that it is wrong What is your view as to whether such treaaurer, Board meets second Monday• 011108-MaodonaldBlock over WMogibbon a duce it with spring pigs weighing)
(forken Staff e United States companies, $46,998,444 in for him to step Aside and help in some faith, as this,woman had, to possible for evening in each month. Drugstore, Night oa118auavrered at theof8oe. when finished not to exceed 150 poundal
Objection is taken by the British Col- British. Tke total assets of all Cana. other good work? everybody, and,' it so, how may it be PUBLIC SCHOOL BOA$D.-Ek E. Isard than with fall pigs that should Ilett
Dalai Office to the new regulation for (chairman), G. C, U%ugero, Alex Rose, made to weigh 300 to 350 Bounds, says,
than lite companies are $153,934,330,19, It what Jeans here states is to be taken acquired? R, ROST.0. REDMOND. M. R;C.9• (Eng)
immigration into Canada, namely, that W.J.Howsoa, W D.Priagle, Wm, Moore, D L. R. O. P. London, a popular breeder. It should be then'
all immigrantsionin save those namely,
t to and the liabilities, including the reserve, literally, that he was sent in person ex. Leeson for Sunday, Jane 19th, 191.0. C,(i' VauStons, P. Campbell, Seoretary; aim of every farmer to get his spring
farm employment shall, se destine to but not capital stook, $135,414,968.82, elusively to the house of Israel, does -The Parable of the Sower, Matt. Far neon. Groves;
Treasurer, J. B. PHYSICIAN and 8URGBoN. pigs to the 150 pound mark as soon aro
The capital stock of these oompAntes is that narrow, or limit; Ilia great mission xiii:l 9, 1823. g Meetings second Tuesday
being ticketed. have $25 in cash and a . a evening in each month. O>Lioe, with Dr, Ohleholtei • possible. The one thing to keep ltd
proportionate amoaat Por each member $4,b77,027,30. There was paid out by HIGH SCHOOL TEAOUBRS—J.G.Work. mind Is that the best prollt is the Cq -+-
Canadian companies in death claims last tinuous growth, and by judicious Imh-I
of their families, WESTERN FAIR. man, B.A., principal; J, C. Smith, B.A!, R. MARGARET C, OALDEI;
It is true that the regulation is not a year $4 982,034.25, by United Staten A GENEROUS OFFER classical master • Mr. Forbes B. A. D edi
Sept. 9th to 17th London, Ont. , agement this weight map be secur
perfect teat. It will admit some ande- companies $2,269,162.04, and by British mathematical master ; Mies M. J. Honor Graduate of Toronto University In five or six months. -
Lioentiate a. pntario• College Of Physicians Full bloods of
erratic immigrants and exotnde some companies $801,073 22. — Baird, B. A., teacher of English and and Surgeons. high grades ivake tb4t
desirable ones, But as it is impossible to The many and varied uses to which Walton McKcbbon ,Will Refund Your . Mlfderna; Mies Anderson, fl[th teacher Devotes special attention to diseases of Eye, best growth and profit. And it should(
Analyze Eyes thoroughly tested.
analyze Ehe character at every newoom• The Ladles of Wing May Cement is applied at the present time, Y if Parisian Sage poem t Ph. Grasser proporiyiitted, be borne {n mind that it is not feed.
er, certain rough expedients are Adopted D l y different kinds of maohin- Banish DandrihfF Stalker, Principal, miss Brook, OFFIe$-With Dr. Kennedy, alone that guarantees success. Tho
Hair. and the man c ttiice $dura -6 to, b, 7 to 8
g P P Now Have Beautiful Hair. Milson, olds, Mise Cummings,
ar and
Miss P m• man who does not cultivate a love for
to prevent the arrival of persons alio cry need in its manufacture and con- ---•---- Wilson, Mise Cummings, and Mies r
may become a charge on the country. _, stsaotion work, has proven to fihe man- Pretty strop talk erba s you'll say, Hawkins. stock and does not feed and care for'
g Mr. Walla Has the Article P g P P BOARD of HEALTH -• Wm. Holmes R. VANBTONB, them properly cannot expect the high
Such an expedient to the distinction f* agement of the Western Fair the neeea- but its honest talk, every word of it, (chairman), George MoBeazie, Wm. BARRIBTBR, SOLICITOR, BTC est success. To make sows pay th6
P And Guarantees it to Grout because l Walton t he dioII was not best dividends they should be watched[
drawn between persons destined for Rity of providing suitable mocommoda• absolutely certain; the did not know Peasant, lttohard,.Andereon. Jolts F. Private and CamRan7 fends to login at lowest
farm employment mud those who hope tion for such exhibits. They have from actual results obtained he could proves, Seoretwy; Dr. J. P, Kennedy, rate of
latereat. "' , ea town and farm closely and bred again as soon as nos•
to find occupation in cities and towns. Hair• therefore erected this year a new build- not make each a generou offer, Medical Health Ofl9ear. Property bought and solar. sibie after farrowing. As a general!
R Oill oe, Beaver Block, Win hum
White these rales sometimes work Mr. Walley backed up by the mann- Ing, 44x120 feet, for this purpose. It is Parisian Sage, which can now be ob. ¢ thing, this is in about two weeks.
n room structure, well li tained in ever town in Canada, !s also rc
harshly, there is no real kindness in in. faotarers of SALVIA, the Great Hair y ghted and It is of the utmost importance to
discriminate immigration. A few ears (Trower, ventilated with Cement floor, and guaranteed scalp.
to titop ..lalling hair and STEADY �
y , guarantees it to grow.°hair, , itching Boal J A• MORTON, guard against indigestion both in the'
ago large numbers of immigrants were SALVIA destroys Dandruff in ten everything adapted for the purpose It is the ideal, delightful, rejavenating BARRISTHR, sac• sows and pigs. This condition is oftew
walking the streets of Toronto and bag- days. for which it was erected. This building hair dressing that makes hair grow in EMPLOYMENT
ging for employment at shovelling snow The roots uf the hair are so nourished will ease the congestion there hoe m
abandanoe. Parisian Sage Is a pri
been favorite with women, because it keeps
or any other odd job that could be and fed that A new crop of hair springs is the Machinery Hall in the past, and the hair brilliant and fascinating, is `
found. In the depth of a severe winter up, to the amazsment and delight of the Exhibitors may be assured that every. daintily perfumed, and is not sticky, or for a reliable Looml „Salesman repre• H. L. Dias txsox I , DoDray HoLugs �m� ' --
families w a r a housed !n' wretched user. The hair is made soft and fluffy. g possible will be done for their g ca g . ""...iq' '•'
thin greasy, sent{n `;t,i ".
checks, suffering for want of fuel and Like all American preparations SALVIA comfort. Any firms wishing ansae The price fora large bottle only (� ' } , , ,y .t:.1!t
60 orate at Walton Mcgibbon e, who Canada S Dldest and Greatest BARE4IST$R8, SOLICITORS, Etc. a+l. 1
food, and taxfug all the resources of is daintily perfumed. It is hard to find should communicate with the Secretary guarantees it. Sold everywhere, orI q:
charity. An actress who does not Vise SALVIA I at once in order that arrangements may direot, all chargek prepaid. .by the Can. Nurseries M4RstY TO Lear, 1 - `i
Olrrxob• Meyer Brook, ,
In the course of time a more inteili• continually. be made, The exhibits in the Main adieu makers, Giroux Mtg., Co„ ort is Wingha and ad joining country, r win tram, r 7- {
gent and flexible system maybe develop- Ladies of sooiety and influence use Building wfli be changed somewhat
Erie, Ont. _ Yon will find there're a good demand F + ` �� '
ed, In the United Kingdom it is neoes• no other. . this year end made i! possible more At. Ser nnraerp Stook on aoaonnE of the `'
ear to banish the notice that migration SALVIA is a non sticky preparation, y space required there INDUSTRIAL DISPUTES INVESI high prices that �rowere, ave realized RT$l7R J. ISW1N, D. D. B., L. D.S. r� pew + tt {�- 1: 1 . +
y t tra0tire. An h Doctor of Dentalsu eryotthePenns lvanla
is a cure-all, that a now climate sad + .should be applied CATIONS. on their fruit this season. g y i� ' . 4 +}iii �', , + . , , ti``� 'i "
and is the ladtea favorite, A large, . Pp 'ed :or soon as it is being Oar salesmen are turning Dental Conege and Licentiate of the Ro a1 „z .:
environment will creat thrift, and men, generous bottle, 600. The Soobell Drug allotted fast. All Information will be I - seas to ns this year. Be cachet therm n alfa soma sic g Qhs$Ontario, O> oe
til and physical fitness. On this side Co , St. Catharines, Canadian distribu- given by A. M, Haat, Secretary, Lon. The Industrial Disputes Investigation and earn good wages through the winter Office elosed.,every Wednesday afternoon . A WELL BA -WPM PIG,
P frdra Ma ` +ae` induced by feeding the animals too
there might be an examination of the tura, don, Ontario. Aot of 1907 is declared by cow stent months. , y let to Oct, let,
newcomers by a board having consider. Tyerritorp reserved, Pap weekly. t>lnah sour swirl. To overfeed is as bad
Able discretionary-'^+• and disinterested authorities to be the Free sample outfit, etc.
newer, not b g the REMOVAL OF CATTLE EMBARGO. wisest legislation tot the settlement of Write for partloulars. �tx�r s. PRICE, B. S. A., L. D. 8., D. D. S. as to feed too little. Thls,is especlaUy,
quality n! the Immigrant not by one - _ Happy Farmers. Yr • true after the sow has farrowed.
labor troubles to be found• on the eta• STONE d6 WELLINGTO Licentiate of the Royal College of Dental Meager rations of thin
arbitrary teat, but by all those' which a It is reported that the embargo on There is no reason why farmers should tute book o! any oonatry to -day, The surgeons of Ontario, and Graduate of Uni• g gruel should
man Haas in the conduct of his own beer- g not be the kindest and most cultivated " principle le publicity, and the method is Fonthill Nor arias °ameba °f Toronto.
to6lr; be the rule for the first few days, tel
nese, Canadian cattle shipped to British porta P p11 y. (85p),
At the immigration conference in Is vet shortly to be removed. The an- of men. There fe nothing in plowing conoilatiou, based upon a clear setting TORONTO, office Closed every tfedaosday afternoon be increased as the pigs and tblt
y g P B , ClANADA. from may 1st to Oat let. - . strength of the dam warrant. This
London it wits suggested that there uouneement will come as welcome news the fields to malre men arose or ornel, forth of the !mots. On Maroh 22nd last, gruel siionld be made of bran audi
should be more extensive co-operation not only to Canadian raisers and shippers To look upon the sunny slope@ covered the law had been in force three years . .. shorts and fed warm. The sow-thatn,$
between the central and colonial Gov of cattle but to British consumers no with roses does noi'tend to make men The official Orgatl of the Labor Depart. FARM ERS Wingham" 'ilenerali0s�ltal conies to the trough hungry and de-
ernments, and that a system of labor well, unjust. Happiness should be the object meat, by which this Act is administered ti , wands more feed is the healthy One,, "
exchanges covering the whole Emp, In detailing the evil effect of the eta• of life, and if lite on the farm Den be cbntAins a 4Eatemeat setting forth the (Under Government inspection) Watch the bowels closely to ascertain;
g P and anyoab having iiia atobk or other
might be organized. Here there looms bargo, the Toronto Globe says: --"The made really happy, the children will work done under the Act, The classes articles they wish to dispose of,shouldadver- the condition of heaith. They should'
flee the same for ease in th• Tints. Our largeever be allowed to become tonsti.
Up a possibility of conflict between the scheduling of Oanadlan cattle for alaugh- grow 'up in love with the meadows and '01 labor concerned in disputes Which oiroulation tells and it will beatrauga indeed if . Pleasantly situated. 'Be' an 3
you do not etaonatomer, Webaa' t fully far• gated, for an animal afflicted thus can.
g ser shortly atter arrival was entirely a the streams. Elie groves and Ehe old those adwinieteriag the neVv. law have tguarantee nished.. Open to all regularly licensed
employing e1a996S and the labor or an• that on w i sell because you may ask more sat da well.
lz-dons, which often have widely differ. protectionist meaSIIt6. It prevented the homes. Around the farm will cluster attempted to .settle may be bulked as for tZe article or stock than it is worth. Send . physicians, . RATES FOR, PATXBNTS---
P necessity importing of Canadian store cattle for the happy ma ties of delightful p p your Advertisement to the TINES and try this ,(whichinoludeboardmudnnraingl,13.60 The Pi$'a• need exercise, and if the
eClt opinions as to the neoees t `tor a ntQ 8 yeatr+. tollovVe: Transportation, 88 disputes; articles. nfdisposing of your eto•k and other to $16,00 per weak a000rding to ioe$tloa weather will permit they should be let
fattening in Britain, and compelled the The boys will not feel that oaltivating mining, 40 disputes; miscellaneous, 4of room. Fee 4006 d information run heroutars pe,as soon a the hgbe
supply of labor is a given occupation. r
importers of cattle fattened at greater the soil is intellectually degrading, disputes. In all 8$ applications wets address ' inclinatlon to so, Suhshine 1s essen is
The problem WitI aiwaps he a difficult P
one, and the boat system that human expense on this side of t %e Atlantic, to. They will know that nothing emu be ,received for boards of conciliation, slid Miss L. MATTHEWS, , to their health, 19,case of Be . r
slaughter before the animals were on. nobler than to be useful and that 74 boards were actually appointed, . Of tnperintendenE, pigs, mix two ons 1rrV
Ingenuity ens devise will be open Eo Ad• OUTSIDE
1, 1 T ' i't C' pounds of Sour With
Etrely recovered from the effects o! the idleness is not respectable. Renters can these casae, 68 were settled and strikes `,,/ t,J i D G '. Box 2A3, Wingham Ont, water and give to the sow. If the first
versa criticism. p
voyage. The grass-fed battle" of the hardly be called, farmers, There Den be ended or Averted. But even in the ADVERTISING feed does not check the malady sivd
two or three time!;.
W est, naturally tender, are in a bad no Ruch thing in the highest sense as a eases not aotually settled, the fnvesti• RAILWAY TIl$ TA$L$S� '
condition atter the long rail haul rnd home 11111614 you own it, There must Ration and dibo11agion helped toward an
Backache sea voyage. '$filled in that condition, be an ino6otive to plant trees, to beentr• nuderstartding, As the disputes dealt Orders ior the Insertion of adver•tiesm1.ents c RAND'1'RbNS RAILWATi BY8T1tIY1. How to Wash $utter:
they have entirely discredited Canadian fy the orad@ to reserve and fm rove with in the year endingMarch 8l 1910, such As teachers wanted, business chances, � The d6Partzhent of agriculture' CBIW.
■ P P i + mechanics wanted, articles for sale, or in fact Lbndoa WRAINB L,tk 9 �r a m_ � g, attention to a new method employe
f°� � beef in th6 British market. The limit. No•farmer in this tiountry should be in nvolved,. directly Or indirectly, 80,000 any kind of an advb in any of the Toronto of London &B...... � m• !it
■ ■ other arty papers, maybe left At the Trugg OSm.., e.t5. m__ 2,40p,m, Great Britain of washing btittB$
Ing of the trade to certain north With fa debt. A murtgARe oaeEe a gloom over persons, an idea way be Rained of the office. This work will redeive rom 't At Sinoardizre.,11.57 a.m.., 2.69 p.m A,I with s
cod that has been teutinn ARRIVII raolr 6P•m. separator sktmwiik twist, pass
A. wonderful medicine fir this tnan'r ailitiea foe Immediate slaughter rim@ pro• the ennnie4t field, All the improved g gained under this end vrill, are neo le the Iron leo remittlap ginbarrliife �..e.4o s.m tourtzed
deacriptionof DR. CHASE'S KID- P y [or cad rorvdard�'ng hdvertiaemeate. L4vresE - monopolisticrd,give will A.m 7.85 p.m. are said to be r
_,� braend"�olrraestworkotthiakiadtothe Palineretbn. kr, ., 10.80a,m, educed t0' one•Sft1r
stilts of protection, and the trade baa Ieitare to read, and play and study, Toronto & Baet,......... AAb p.m.,., tele p,m, their original number, and this is .
Itr•. Vred, Glunmer, Lillies Ont. I W, HB iRY, Agent, Win ham. Practical wa
r , lett th6 Ione ct the strengthening rn• He ehettild be the baht informed man in ''llmr..$1 oripitell. '1DD'is[A•hater r ,_._.. y of Avoidingthe
Writes: c'I Can h�er Pills
say that Dr. Advisadtfie Judge. 1, ANADLlNPAdI111Ci RAIL,w,s� impure wafer it on asp OI
Chase's KidneyLiver Pills aro x won= finenoel of freedom. The 6mbarao has the community with books enc! papers TR a happens to bay*
arm 1 A colored Iran wag brought TRAINS UAVs TOR !t
erfui medicine, l'or six weeks last P y accomplished in a cono6aled svay and liberty o! intellect, $e is fn part• ght before a 'PoroaE4an4East.,.-„,. 6.818110,..,
8.10 P.M.
fall I n, th • bank a walk around for what other nations boldly And COufea40d• nership with -..nature. Ile lives with Police judge, charged with • eteAlfng Teeswata - ••1,-« 6;00 p,m.,�16,24 p,m
pains. rR- the bank and lege, and was ly Aocomplibh by a tax, It has inflicted nature, He lives with flowers and ohfokenb, Hepleadedgailt audreoelved I .66 YEAV1841 At:Rlvlt Imolf What the Cow• Drink
almost Completely unfit for work. y Teeairater..........,, 6,87a.h2_. &.le %m. AV t ' r.
a logs equal to About $15 pet head in the breathes the sweet air of the fields, , when the judge lilted 'how XPER1SNCK Toronto and Bast - ww1.00 p.m__10.2a he Geneva (1V, Y.) 6a' erlmet:f:
Though I 'tried sevcral tnedteineg I got the sentence y g ,r. H. BEBliigft, Altent,Winaham. p'"i' station it Was louud p
cattle trade bettreon Canada and Brlisin. ilia nights are filled with eloep and it was he managed to lift those ohiotena •� dr that Jersey tows
no bgttcr. I caw bre CliaaCas Tflilney' - ink the mos i
Liver • Pills advertised and bought iiv6 and beth oonatrle4 have aiifteered fn bon- rest. Us fit rioh in all that It tala%b% right ander the window of the ownereo e . `1, { t' ' 263 pounds of Water
boxes. After I lista used Oreo boxes I q p i o one pound Of milk produced; theft
so uence• Ado tedd first ab n means of and ehduld have money, too, Although house when ih6re web a looks dog in the F Guernse e
was greatly improved and by the time 9 eamo next, the Shertfiiorlid,�(f
I had theta all taken ,felt as well ray Y preventing the introdnetion of pleuro• gold to not his object. It ib better to yard. '�Rtt wtluiautt woo use i dge,,, Devotes, llolat
T PAYS thein i an$ Ayzsllires aftele
eves did. I would Advise Itto u e 6uf- pneumonia, 14 '906, bbime of the 'cattle• dig wheat And health troth the will aAid the luau "to try to'eplAfn tilts thing n dlmWshftt
1tlAott MAwitel tows will drink g order, Mfrtinir
Chase from krclnoy disease to 11so Dr, raise#a a tabta of the lttonopo114ticadvan• than gold. Whets Otis locks upon the to you all. Bf you Ira#tis try it 1W' lfk6 .. DICSIONG . er cent Chas6tS Kidney -Liver Pills, Wr that, dfy on" p °t more ianlN
"AVO have also Used Dr. Chag6rs tageaofprbteoEibn,and they have sought raga6d Inc11ntainb, treeless, fiowerleaa, as not would got Your tilde fall of shot, Aaybaeaendin A6keta�d" icttT1*1110
" and. bt nb ohikeae huther, t hanaeeeort�ttetany .
Syru)i of Lin:3CCd and Turpentine for na atm ty to Perpbtnste the resttiotfbn. ehrublesa, wfthont even 11spire 416' grass, k F,f ycia �° eniroaiOiTfconbab'►'r opinlgg`�n roe whet6ar.an ti •�� ►.�tt
bad colds and Soto throat alta would The retiserAl of the embafgo will r6, it beams ab If gold had the thine . "sant to engage in air' :raaoalit u` ttbnseriot��'�onaa• i�'ete:�'!i8 �ap, on�iaanr� TO :A 1) Y RR 11S' III* Abuse of t ,
m effect,
_ y y doer aentiree,(alde.t enorforedoaiin4t ears, M$CII bag t'U+ayb"
not b6 without theso 'tines fpr halt in a material ralae In the'7alt,e of upon the cduntry that holds it as upon 1'0' better stick to dp benoh v►hstr yo''sm e•leau taken e6trou h.lttana cw`tir site said regaraln
titeeta"4ae,wlthoo0o�i 'tat , ,use slid vett' little *b6Ut the ablieo ofd
anything,rr 0fibAdlan OAtile, The British maskdt, the matt who lives and labors Only for ' famltif r.ir y * °yx I it. 11 i the C:f •
lr. C1£RRe'ri RiBhey L1ver Pills, 0110 with all barrl6ra removed, will beoonie that. It at`fobts the Idnd as it riche Ehe $*11110 J11, : A� e 'J trYtonlb. Some Horses aboto
hilt iti r7oae, 85 Cents n tax, at all deal. �"" ' AlAnd, •rytlraittrittedweetcb acefr, jtltver have a curryrcmb " t
A prolltaible one. There should be A tioiah Vitt reeves the Heart barrdn, with• BawtnA' 2I oa a y;.o,snune iommal� :or A � ob
era or Noma nRott, Bates A Co., Toronto,, nvi a rateps�rers oetrrfed 6116 Q
s r•ar,polt•ae rr+natd, s'lOia Dyr wed edttiCob lfi 1Na1mo .
Write far Is hOO •Co)ty of Dr. Chagas Feat 66116116 all Around, following the Out al flower Of kindngs4, Without a blot• b 16OW AA1116 for iii triol f!A d va
9aeip6 Boole, g u ps1 owner. 1 " ad �. Iti -
. _ ., Anntsllmant'oi swk 410 "110pd1111t1d mmucre, wra of pity. � (j� �lilllr4ildYY�r, �� �� 'OtOd tot 1tt * 11iv*,tit'+hO.-1 *;=
rhlp of ihd elbetrlc 11ght 1siNnt• 1tt>N bt.'elrwttoitt� . � TIME
Sri .by. .. ° ' ....... ... .........
.. .