HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1910-06-09, Page 1HAM TIMES.
VOL, XXX1X..-NO. 2000.
Prevents and Destroys
Oan be dusted into Furth Blankets,
Carpets, els Oonohee, eto,, without hoot t
slightest injury to fabrio.
It has no odor, It does
not contain poisonous drugs.
Price 25 Cents.
Walton McKihbon
The r Sew -
Macdonald Blook, Wingham,
At 40
You will regret you did not
attend one of Canada's High -
Grade Business Colleges, lo•
cated at
Peterborough Welland
Orangeville Wingham
Clinton Walkerton.
Now is a good time to enter.
Our graduates receive from
$400 to $1500 per annum.
Mail Courses in 100 different
Write for particulars.
GEO, SPOTTON, Principal
Christie's Grocery
It is our one aim to always keep in.
stook this classof goods, and
results only prove the wis•
dom of this policy. THE
15c Per Tin
Try a tin of Lynn. Valle( Peaohes,
They are done up in a fine syrup and
ready for nae. This brand always
measures np to the full standard of
10c Per Tin
We only have a few tins and
they're a regular tit bit Everybody
likes pears and at 106 per tin should
be quick sellers, THEY'RE GOOD.
Canned Fresh Herring
Herring in Tomatoe
and Salmon
° Here's three litres that for Bummer
use can't be beat; There need be no
hesitancy in ttsing canned goods when
the quality is the best.
Fresh Herring, per tin • 100
Herring in Tomato, tin - 15o
Salmon, tin • 100, 15o, 20c
It is almost impassible to say what
will d far as % ice 1
k i be r d
outlook w
too have p h
oonoerned. 'Wholesalers ad
Setae most nnexpeoted breaks, 'What
stock er
had had been exoeil
L6 yitS1". P Intt 11 IO S ORDItRS Ar
The Tea and Coffee Store
PHONE 1e1,
Grass's Shoos and Rubbers Home made bread -Try it.
Killed in Briti
Mrs. James McGee
Morris, received the
the death of her so
which resulted from
graph pole,en Mon
MoAuley was en e
Oolumbia Electric
had been in the we.
years, The remai
Wingham for buria
h Columbia.
, of the that line,
ad intelligence of
, John MoAuley,
a fall from te tele.
ay morning, rnin , Mr.
loyeeofthe British
Railway Co., and
for a number of
will bo brought to
On Tuesday, Ju
of North Huron
oonvention in the
The meeting is oe
and it is hoped t
resentation of de
of the riding. 0
and general bnsi
inent members
present and deli
e 210, the Liberals
will meet in r uncal
own Hall, W g
led for 2 o'clock, p,m,,
ere will be a large rep
egates from every part
Boers are to be elected,
ase transacted. Prom.
f the party will be
r addsses.
Seem's for Mingles, Turnips and
By advertisemen
it will be seen ti
oeived up to Tneed
oonstrnotion of tru
in the town of Wii
fioations and all i
the proposed wort
office of the Town
of W. M. Davis, 0.
al led For.
in another oolpmn
at tenders will be re.
y„21st inst, for the
k and lateral sewers
ham, Plans, speoi-
artioulars regarding
may be had at the
)lark, or at the offioe
E„ Berlin,
TRUNKS and VALISES. -The heat kind
and at lowest prices. W, J. GREER.
A Ne
In the West Indi
long worn cotton a
the bot weather
wool homespun° at
agreeable. The He
of Amherst, N. S.,
trade very sue
might do well to
e people who have
d linen clothing in
re now using pure
find them most
wson wollen people
are developing this
esfnlly, , Canadians
ar more homespunn
in Summer.
DR. RiED CusrnoN SHoe,-The easiest
Shoe' on Earth; Makes walking a pleas -
tire. See them,. W. 3. GREER, sole
agent. -
Wingham to D
The fare from W
and return on Saturd
date of the Wingham
Star line excision, is
popular eating Rives
chance to visit Detroi
day there, Excursion
regular morning train
at 6.40, Saturday, Jun
at Clinton for Gode
Goderioh at 9 30 a. m
particulars as to time
for the round trip
of this* paper.
roit, $2 40.
gbam to Detroit
y, Jnne 18th, the
TIMES and White*
only $2.40., Thie
trons a splendid
and spend a Sun -
ate wilt take the
eaving Wingham
181h. connecting
'ch. Boat leaves
for Detroit. Full
f trains and boat
e given on page 5
WANTED -Maid for small family in
Toronto. Apply to MRS. WOODS, 174
Carlton St.
GIRLS WANTED.- FO` work on
power sewing machines ' knitting mill
or on day work. a steady work and
good wages Appl THE WATSON Mfg.
00. Limited Paris, Ont. ,
Death of Malcolm McDonald.
The remains of th
Donald, who died at
day,were interred in
tery on Tuesday aftt
taking place from thi
N. Voiliok, sister of
oolm McDonald was
County some fifty -et'
moved with his pare.
while still oniy a lad
reside here until abo
Mr. McDonald's life
suit of a fall when
vented bis fall me
He spent the past ten
late Malcolm Mc•
Orillia on Satur•
he Balaclava come -
•noon, the funeral
residence of Mrs.
he deceased. Mal-
aorn in Wellington
ht years ago, and
is to this township
nd he continued to
twelve years ago.
as blighted as a re -
baby, which pre-
tal development.
yeare at an Instit-
ntion at Offline, wh re he was beloved
by all the inmates, a d was given special
privileges by the of l era in charge, He
was a harmless good natured men, and
made many friends. His four brothers,
John of Teeewater onald of Wingham,
and Dougal and Ja es of Toronto, at-
tended the funeral. Mildmay Gazette.
WANTED. - A stationary engineer;
must have certificate. Apply to WEST-
ERN FOUNDRY Co., Wingham,
Ladies' Oxfords, Tied, Pump; and
Slippers in the handsomest models that
aver graced a Shoe Store. $1,75, $2 26
up to $3,00 or $3,50.
Pickerel fo
An interesting
especially to the 10
Walton, will bo fo
on Saturday last
in the 'Maitland r'
mill dam about flf
try, ten days old,
hatoheries tit Sar
yet heard many in
Beason for thisape
and there will not
oatehes from the
length at tirdo t
these fish may b
had from the fat
three years hefo
ed sit inohea in
law to, to
under fifteen
en e
the pond is in
requests, and pi
the Most likely t
Following the on
places, theLadies'
General Hospital b
a "Tag Day.' in
selected is Tneed
town will be divi
arrangements are.
vas of every ho
who will be ani
ladies are euteri
scheme, and bop
returns for their
will of coarse, be
the hospital.
the Maitland.
tem of information,
al disciples of Isaac
nd in the faot that
ere were deposited
Cr above the upper
thousand pickerel
om the government
i0. We have not
niriee AN to the close
Ms of the finny tribe,
can be many "big"
ond. An idea of the
at will elapse before
lawfully taken can be
that 11 will be about
e th
l h ve reach.
en th• and it id against
:eickerel measuring
hoe. Tho stocking of
eeponse to numerous
erel was judged to be
thrive in there waters,
Day." a:7
tom. in many other
xiliary of Wingham
ve decided to have
ingham, The date
July 121h. The
d into districts and
u g`made for a eau'
se by tag vendors,
rmly attired. The
g heartily into the
to realize handsome
orts. The proceeds
evoted to the uses of
Fis Story.
They are tellin a good fish story on
Harvey Shane an a conple of friends in
Wingham,. The arose bright and early
one morning an, went to a farmer's pre.
serve near Belm. e. They fished for a
couple of hours.. nd had Sino look with
the speckled be. ties. Having secured
what they thong • t they could use they
were about to de •art, when the farmer
came among th..• took the fish and
thanked them fo having saved him the
trouble of catch ng such a fine string,
He was also 0o tesy personified and
showed them the . hortest way to their
rig. The fishers : wore one another to
seereoy, but the b med thing leaked out
and the friends of the three young men
are having conoid arable fun with them.
-Kinoardine Re••rter.
Dr. Nelson Tait, of 498=incline ave.,
Toronto, will be at the a aeen's Hotel,
Wingham, all day riday, June 24th,
for oonsuitation in i iseases of Eye, Ear,
Nose and Throat. Glasses fitted.
Wingham Bard of Trade.
The annual mee ing of the Wingham
Board of Trade w s held in the Oounoil
Chamber. on Thur day evening last and
was well attended considering the die•
agreeable wea.the . A.' number of ac•.
counts for snpplie: w re ordered to be
paid, Mr. R. 01e•. ho has made en
exoellent Preeiden again aooepted the
position on the co • dition that the mem-
bers attend the me tinge more regularly.
Other officers wer: elected as follows: -
1st Vice President W. J. Greer; 2nd
Vice. President, • bner Oosons; Secre-
tary; Theo. Hall Treasurer, A. E.
Smith; Council - agars. J. A. McLean,
John Ritohie, Ge McKenzie, 0. N.
Griffin, F. Van -tone, D, Bell. The
question of aeonri. • a Carnegie Library
building for Wi • gham was discussed
and a committee ,, as appointed to wait
on the Town Co i cll. The matter of
day electric pow: was also discussed
and a committee --as appointed to oan-
vas the town an see to what extent
day'power would • e used. A live Board
of Trade can d• a great deal of good
work and every • tizen who has an in-
terest in the to n should attend the
meetings and gi • what assistance ha
& Oo., London, Ont.
Company for Camp,
The iooal voluntee company .of the
33rd Regiment will o into oamp at
London on Monday ext, under com•
mend of Oapt 0 G. anStone There
are still a few vaoanoi a in the Company,
and anyone desirous enlistingshould
make applioatign at once,
Watohes, °lecke, silverware and jewel-
lery slaughtered at Kxox'S this month.
Kill The
For every fly killedff
be 1;728.000 fewer ilial
authority. Arm th.
household with a ro
and set her altar then
good and useful exert
lotion of July fly savi
in mathematics. ,
to•dav there will
in July, eays en
daughter of the
ed np newspaper
Not only . N y is it a
se, but the calors.
gs is fine exeroisp
WOOL WANTED, -50,000 lbs; highest
prima, dash or trade.
The Non•J ry Sittings.
Tho non -jury ei ings of the High
Oourt were, held .. the court house,
Goderioh, on Mond • y and Tuesday of
last week. They w re presided over by
Sir William Muloo.• Chief Justine of
tbe'Exohequer Div ion. The case of
Wakeford vs. Wakord, an notion for
alimony, was heard first. The defen-
dant,r ak: ford, is a farmer
George W nr
a e
livinin the towneh p of Hulett, and
the plaintiff, Cath rine Wakeford, is
his wife. It was al :ged that on account
of the husband's or. elty Mre. Wakeford
was obliged to lefty , her husband some
time after they • ere married, The
hearing of evideno: was hold behind
closed doors. Tho otion was dismissed,
allowing the plaint snoh costs as the
Consolidated Rules entitled her to. W.
Prondfoot, K. 0 , a • d A. G. Campbell
(Harriston), for pia ntiff; Anson .Spot -
ton (Herriston), f defendant. The
only other case dea with was Gibson
vs, Hamilton et al. The pleiutiff was
of Howiok, and the defendants Martha
Hamilton and W• lfam George Kerr
Hamilton, executorof the estate of the
late William Jame: Hamilton, who own
and,operate a toil in the village of
For'dwiob, below 11 e lands of the plain.
tiff. It was ;claim:d by the plaintiff
that the Maitland ' fiver, which flows
through hie propert , had been dammed
rely the defendants t• such a height as to
flood 'a oonsiderab a portion of hie
lands. In eettlem: nt the defondants
agreed to pay the p nintiff $200 before
December 1st next, nd $40 to be paid
on the first of Ja nary 1911, and of
en000eding years b them or their sum
ceeaors in title, head of 8 feet '9
inches, and not th le the height of the
present capacity %f the overflow, may
be maintained a their preeent dam.
The defendants h. ve the privilege of
paying the plaint if $4 00 in fall satin•
faotibn for all uture payments and
shall be entitled o a oonveyanoe of the
eaeetnentagreed 'upon. A moniimeilt
is to be erected the property to indi.•
gate the level w ere the water will be.
h r ov tflo ,
ginto escape t the agent e w
T plaintiff a' defendants aro Cao
h to
The n
pay dnaha lf of the cost of erection. It.
V4nr one in ham rtor plaintiff;intif,
H, H, Dewart, K.' 0. (Toronto), 'and A.
G. Campbell (Harr1otoie)`, for donna.
Honors for Wi
The TIMES notes
success of a number o
the recent examine
University. Miss
daughter 61 Mr. D.
with honors and was
in Biology; Mr„ W 3.
grave. and Mr. Thos.
their first year in medi
We heartily congratul
who are all former p
High School, and wis
ith pleasure the
Winghemites at
ions at Toronto
arjorie Gordon,
Gordon, passed
oond in the class
cLean, of Bel-
. Wilson, passed
ins with honors.
to these students,
ifs of Wingham
them continued
repairing and we do it right. W J.
Baptists in ssion..
The twetnythird a . • nal meeting of
the Walkerton Aeaoc tion of Baptist
Churohes is being he d in Wingham
this week. The meetl g convened on
Tuesday morning at r 30 o'clock with
'largeattendance of •legatee present,
and the Moderator. •M . Abner Oosene,
presiding. Rev. W. L Steeves weloom•
ed the rielegat€g; and a suitable reply
was made by Mr. J J Cock of Mount
Forest. Tha election • 1 officers resulted
in Rev , W. F. Price o Listowel being
chosen ee Moderator, a d Mr J. J Cook
was re.elected Clerk, The remainder of
the morning session s taken up with
rontine business; In he afternoon ad•
dresses wekr'r lgivere, by Rev. G.• W.
Young, Kenilworth; ', v. J. M. Warner
Wal (erten ; Rev. 0. R. Jones, Goderioh,
and Rev. Dr. Johnston, Tiverton .There
was an exceptionally • rge attendance
at the evening session, • d an able ad-
dress an Foreign Mieeio s was delivered
by Rev. 3. G. Brown he musical ex•
eroisea were excellently • endered by an
efficient choir under the leadership of J
Henry Christie. The s•.sio newere con•
tinned on Wednesday and a ladies
meeting was held in th afternoon. The
TIMES goes to press t o early to give
a further report.
On and after Thursday, .,d~ane 9th,
night calls will be sp iSd to at my
new residence adjoinirlg'the office.
• London Conference Notes.
The London Conference of the Metho.
diet Church has been meeting in Chat-
ham airing the past week and was large.
ly attended by ministers acrd laymen.
Rev. W. L Rutledge and Messrs. F.
Buchanan and W. T. Hall were in at-
tendance from Wingham. Rev. Reuben
Millyard of Goderioh, for forty years a
member of the London Conference, and
one of the most widely known ministers
in western Ontario, 'is the new Presi-
dent of the Conference. Special legis-
lation was passed to permit Rev. Dr.
Gundy, formerly of Wingham, to re-
main as pastor of Grace Church, St.
Thomas, for the fifth year. Rev. Dr.
Allen, home missionary secretary, gave
some very interesting°ting
foots concerningrnin
the work in Canada. In 1907 there
were in Ontario 102 young men need as
summer supplies at coat of $7,000. In
1908, there were 132 at a cost of $10,000,
and in 1909 there were 147 ata cost of
$12,000. The first draft of the Station-
ing Committee gave the following as
the report for Wingham Dietriot:-
Wiughom, W. L. Rutledge; Kincardine,
H. T. Ferguson; Luoknow, W. 3. Jo-
11iffe; Brussels, H. Currie; Teeewater,
R. S. Baker; Ethel, H. J. Wren; Ford.
wioh, 3. Ball; Gorrie, Hector W. MO-
Tavieh; Wroxeter, C. W. McKenzie;
Blnevale, J. W. Andrews; Ashfield, T.
E Sawyer; Salem, J. Hayley; Bethel,
M. D. Moeladden; Ripley, G. W, Riv-
ers; Berrie, W. M. Pomeroy; Tiverton,
J. H. Mundy; Belgrave, J, 3'. Durant,
The officers of the laymen's aesoole.
tion are: --President, W. Is Lawrence,
of Sarnia; vice-president, J. J. Mason,
of Stratford; seeretarytreasurer, Israel
Taylor, of Loudon; executive commit-
tee. 3. 0, Hay, of Listowel; W.H Kerr,
of Brussels; J. IL Chapman, of London;
W. 5. Dingman, of Stratford; E, S
Naylor, of Essex, end the retiring preei•
dent, E. 5, Hunt, of Sootsville.
Among the lay delegates elected to
the General Conference are W. H Kerr,
Brussels; 3. 0 Hay. Listowel, and Geo.
Thompson, Goderioh.
The following minietere were elected
to represent the conferenoe at the gen,
eral conference in Vietorta, B 0, ; Bev,
Messrs. R. ° Millvard, Goderieli: A. K
Birks, London; James: Livingston, Mit.
ohell; J E. Ford, Lnoknow; W. J.
Ford, Watford. W. G. A, McAllister,
• t
Blenheim, It D. Elamilton, Listowel,
and Joseph Philp. of Essex..
brh the bb
total es i ofIi
Made n at
49 -
churches is 50,025,road
encu aP
962 in fall membership, and 661 on pro.
s ` Is adeorea e t 654 since s o
ti on.
last year. The conference will meet
next year in the (central Methodist
°hnroh at Stratford.
The regular mo
Town Council we
evening with all
and Mayor p Holmes
utee of last regular
were read and appr
A. communication
R. Vaunorman, Chi
requesting the Conn
300 Leet of new h
Connie Elliott and R
was referred to the
Tal& Firemen mad
balepot $35 paid to
On motion of
Reeve Irwin, $25
siok fund of the Fir
A petition was sea
tout asking for an e
main ou Leopold sir
Oowes. Elliott and
was refereed to the
a request to proceed
the petition is suffici
thly meetingof the
held on Monday
e membere press-ut
residing. Thein•
ea ug. m
nd epeoral meetings
Petitions for sewer
streets were read: -
Oa both sides of
Josephine street to th
On both sides of P
from Josephine to F
north on Francis t0 lut
Josephine 'to Leopold s
Oa both sides Of
Josephine to Shuler.
Oa both aides of 0
Patrick to Maple etre
On Josephine stree
to tae Dinsley House
On motion of Oou
Elliott the petitions
Speoial Committee t
at Revision and t
Ooun. MoDonald
drainton Midnte str
iuterestea are arra
the matter was all
Conn. Redmond
Special Oommitte
Eagineer had finish
cations for the mai
and septic tanks an
was now prepared t
dere tor the work,
for the maiu sewer
in the neighborhoo
Eagtueer oleo reoo
claming of one and a
ou the bank of the riv
tanke and filtering bed
On motion of Oowe
Bone the Speaial Com
ed to advertise for ten
The Clerk gave hi
that the Lloyd by-law
approved by the ratep
of Oouns. Elliott and
No. 605 was passed as
The Finance Comm
ed payment of followi
D. C. McDonald, lobo
A. Sanderson, wateri
'• " team
was read from In
f of Fire Brigade,
it to furnish 260 to
e. Oa motion of
dmond, the matter
re and Light Com-
a request for a re.
hall rent, recently
MIDS. Elliott and
as granted to the
from W. H. Rio-
epeion of the water
et. Oa motion of
Bose, the petition
ommissioners with
with the work if
ntly signed.
on the following
ohn street from
easterly limit.
riok street, cast
nois street, and
74, West from
apie street
ntre street
from Alfred street
s. MoKibbon and
ere referred to the
fix date for Oourt
proceed with the
eked for advice re a
et and as the parties
ing for a settlement
wed to stand.
a Chairman of the
reported that the
d plans and speoi&
and lateral sewers
that the committee
advertise tor ten -
he estimated octet
d septic tanks was
of $6,000. The
mended the pur•
all aorea of land
where the septic
are to be located,
McKibben and
'ttee wasihstrnc'
re for the sewer
report showing
o, 605 had been
ers. On motion
edmond, by-law
tee reoommend•
g accounts:-
$ 7.95
streets... 31.85
ork 4 20
T. Hall, printing, - 45.65
Geo. Carr, snit for o, • of 20.00
Annie McLeod, sornb sing hall3.50
Ford & Featherston,ault door51.50
T. I. Gillespie, vault door 15 00
H B. Elliott, printink . 11 75
W, H Rintonl, bail ing vault... 250 00
Thos. Groves, work n vault 6 00
L. W. Hanson, meal for tramps.75
Electric Light Co ., band hall
lights ,. 8.70
R. H. Saint. drawin eshea ' 1.00
W. A. Currie, repair 1 10
Wm Stokes, buryio doge .50
R Rankin, salary... • 7 50
E. Lewis, " .. 20 00
Geo. Allen, " ... . ... 22.50
John F. Groves. gala y & postage 55 60
" " exp. oyd by-law 26.00
Municipal World, su plies 4 87
Bell Telephone Co., essage .30
W. G. Gray, freight nd cartage 2 81
J. A. McLean, lnmbe =•rand coal., 13.07
Geo. Mason, supplies 3.16
J. G. Stewart, " 1.15
Richardson & Rae, a plies,... .. .72
Ball Tel. Co., pho e, Chief's
house . '1'0.00
... , ...
OI motion of Oonn:, MoKibbon and
Elliott, the report of ho Finance Com-
mittee was adopted.
On motion of Oon • . Redmond and
Reeve Irwin, Engine:. Davis was paid
$200 00 on account.
Messrs. Wm. Ma
and W. 3. Currie we
ed for a grant for the
and on motion of Re
McDonald the fair w
On motion of Conn
Donald, Mr. L F. Bi
for hie work in .repai
hoisting flag.
On motion of Co
Redmond, $350.00
credit of the Pablio
The matter of pa
Western Foundry
cussed, but no anti
On motion of R
Redmond, Connoi
Friday evening of
ell• W. J. Greer
present and ask
Ingham fall fair,
ve Irvin and Conn.
a granted $25.
Elliott and Me-
kley was paid $10
ng flag pole and
s, McDonald and
as placed to the
oheel Board.
Ing water main to
o.'e works was Ole-
n taken.
ve Irwin end Coons,
adjourned to meet on
this week.
Greatest bargaini Over even in jewel-
lery at KNoE'S Jnne Sale,
The Lard 13ish
the rite of Conl
Church on TOOt
At the Sabram
drew's Presbyte
morning a large
Were hers w`e e x ace'
Professor Jo
Oo to
1 e Toren
went the oh
eraGnre and ex
Church Collet;
trent was mad
at Edinburgh.
dinbur h.
Standing of the
P, S. for the month
Maximum; 490
missed one or more
npils Of Wingham
f Mav,
Those marked (*)
L Bottrell 198, , Oantelon 264, T.
Filter 247, L. rrammond 181, A.
Weames 219. G. Jo. nt 274 M. Ntnholls
299, G. Nicholson 2 8 R Hardy 145 E
Campbell 87*, Al. McPherson 313, L,
Davidson 359, W. aMott 243 H Willis
216, R Bloomfield 79 M Regime 150,
F Maguire 846 S Donaldson 270, L
Hingston 219, Ho and Guest 174, G.
Patterson 177, D tiler 264. 3, Black.
hall 149,laSmial2: J. Stapleton 250
H. Mathews 290. L Bower
238, L
Maddison 314 F. B - rber 313, A. Wilson
358, 0, MoPh'rPon 225, 0 Angus 231
F MoDonald 141, . Perris 305. A Mn.
Ritohie 377, M. Iaa d 297, N. Smith 846,
H. Buchanan 161*, A Foster 137*, F.
Groves 75*, G. Ola k 120*.
Senior Seotion, arks obtainab14 725
Willie Hinsoliffe t 5 Kathleen Pringle
660, Florence Moro. 655, Harold Gould
650, Marian Johnsto • 610, Willie MoOool
595, Verus MoDo•aid 570 Spencer
Johnston 560, Nelli: Bennett 655, Win-
fred Morden 555, ohn MoNevin 535,
Theo McDonald 5 0, Maggie P000ck
525, Bertha Bliokh.11525, Gerrie New-
man 520, Harold M guire 515, Olarenoe
Thornton 510. St. ling ,Reading 500,
Frank Moore 470. I e Bich 460, Phoebe
Bloomfield 450. Ev • Paterson 440, Paul
Gillespie 425, Oarri . Wilson 415, Cora
Hingston 410, Clair •rewford 370, Ezra
P0000k 300, Lexie : uffman 195, Gladys
Dear 140.
Junior Section, " , rke obtainable 625.
-Jack Maxwell 560 Kent Smith 516,
Miriam Smith 468. (live Rintonl 465,
Vera Webb 440, Se a Hamilton 416,
Pat Holmes 410. ., ark Ousels 408,
Arthur Adatne 370. r ins Haugh 340,
Ella Rogers 315, El a Cooke 306, Effie
Erskine 283, Harvey rs ennis 200, Nellie
Vanalatyne 244, Alb: to Taylor 200.
Senior Section. Marks obtainable
1043. -- Gertle Oa talon 872. Nettie
Obristie 816, Heloiee Kennedy 790, Vic-
toria Peterson 788, Eileen Dore 788,
Irene Hewer 775, r orma MoRitchie
754, Sara MoLean 8, Etta Hart 724,
Jean Currie 718, May ' ending 692, Tillie
Bottrell 660, Vera D.vidson 640, Earl
Mills 616, Ado kwell 615, Hugh
Angus 566, Lila Bell 52, Annie David-
son 525, Solari Niobol , 526, Edith. Jarvis
516, Loretta Sturdy 506, Cecil Anglia
377, Winifred Welke 357.
Junior Section M. res obtainable 770.
-Jean Christie 616, i izz e Oarria 603,
Neil MoLean 595, hyllis Johns 590,
Archie Witliamson 5, 7, Chris Newman
584. Willie Dear r65. Raby Hewer
537, Lottie Zarbrigg 36, George Allen
510, Vera Strioker • 89. Charlie Smith
441, Fred Starch" 439. Clayton Maxwell
417, Howard " McDo • ald 415, Stanley
Bell 399, 0lende Sda well 397, Teresa
Hickey 356, Nellie Irw'n 329.
of Huron will confer
matron in St. Pant's
y evening, 21et Inst.
ntal service in St. An -
tall Ohnroh on Sunday
r of new mem-
E. Moradyen of Knox
b;has aooep
art app
it of 01d Testament lit•
Obis Bls in the United Free
Glasgow.appy the General Assembly
Senior Seotion. Mar: s obtainable 728.
-Margaret Piper 661, sane Paton 644,
Linda McLeod 633, oel Drummond
588, Florence Diamond. 549, Earle Huff-
man 542, Oharlte Ieard 634, May Allen
473, Frank Robinson 46, Henry Aitchi-
son 466, Teddy Murch • 59. Oecil Merk
ley 458, Harold Mann 457, Ooze Wild
448, Reggie Smith 435, "allaoe Aitchi
son 375, Willie Anst u 340, Charlie
Lloyd 336, Florence Hin•cliffe 329, Mae
Passmore 325, Eva Hay es 321, Harold
Hamilton 301, Obarite B:11 217.
Junior Section. Mark: obtainable 587.
--Grace Irvine 524, P.roy Joynt 521,
Edna Musgrove 495, Ev lyn Angus 486,
Elizabeth Hamilton 4 1, George Fry
439, Ruth Anderson 411 , Harry Angus
414, Mary Oonites 407, ildred Walker
405, James Dobie 390, Leonard Jarvis
349, Charlie P0000k 338, Thelma Sand-
erson 331, Rollo Send° son 303, Hazel
Misiner 290, Oarl Dick n 290, Velma
Johnston 254, Lilian 0a emore 218.
Senior Section. - fie Hamilton,
Catharine Adams, S
to ley Robinson,
Albert Bloomfield, Sara) Brown, Willie
MoNevin, Lorne Bia6kwell, Clara
Hardy, Ella Dobie, Kenneth Nichol,
Hilda Adams, Kathleen Wilkinson,
Joseph Saint, Laurie banoan, George
Boyd, Alex. Taylor, ordon Tedford,
Aileen Kennedy, John augher, Cheater
Stapleton, Madeline Walker, Eddie
Junior Section.- A nes Williamson,
Eva Rintoul, Gavin Holmes, Harry
Gannett, Franklin Co ke, William Po.
cook, John Davidson, Irene Day, Mar-
guerite Dalgleish, Ja es Allen, Annie
Blackball, Madeline i noate, Lawreno•n
Lennox, Willie Ontri , Shirley Donald-
son, Alba Galbraith, Diokie Madigan,
Arthur Sturdy, Tom y Rich, Iaabe le
Reid, Lithe ,Eliacedt, Allan Goold„
Dowoeie Lvnett, Frakie,Spariing, Alfie
Showers, Nelson Odor en,
By H. S. .R
Last Wednesday e
and exciting football
between our boys
football team, multi
in favor pf the High
On Saturday last
football team journey
game with the Se
Institute, Seaforth b
defeated Clinton O
winning the Clinton
our boys proved mor: than a snatch for
theeaforth eleven. S l sen. AC half time there,
was no score but in t • e second half both
teams went forth to • in and to Pater
MoEwen fell the ho or of snoring the
first goal. Not cent:. t with this, Reid.
spored another goal and the score re-
mained 2-0 till the • nigh, By winning
hool bays brought'
rophy cup which
follows: - Goal,
neon, Weir; half-
en, Ansley; for-
ee, Reid, Moffatt,.
ring a very fast.
atoh1was a played
a e_
d the Wroxeter
g in a .poise 1-0
''col, •
he High ',Sohool
d to Oliatnp for a.
forth. Collegiate
d just previously
liegiate thereby
trophy oup, but
this game the. High
home the. Clinton
they will hold for a s
The line-up was
Gallagher; backs,
backs, Muir, MoE
wards, Lloyd, Mo
Peanuts are still
riling at 5o. per
CLEARING Sq.d of Millinery at redhe-
ad prices. E. MCKENZIE.
Charlie Armour, GO don Oruiokehank,
Mentie Reid, Jarvis Luton, Olifferd
Robertson, Howard Huffman, Laura
Ellacott, Derie Fella, 1`targuerite Johns,
Jennie Ards), Freddie piper, Edith Hart,
Edith Kew, Albert eohnston, George
Misener. Verna ,Joynt Earl Wild, Carrie
Hingston, John Hayle
Junior Section. -Je nVanstone, Clay-
layton Zurbrigg, Herod Mills. David
Petrie, James Forbes, Svdney Holmes,
Helen Wilson, Willi Aligns, Charlie
Hendetson, 'Lorca iokdon, Lizzetta
Johnston. Eleanor Irwin, Kirkwood
Hutton, Eddie Hit , Aaron Brown,
Cyril Hrnry, Fiore oe Potook, Annie
Fatale, Marie Louch ad, Walton Nioh'
` lif
Olson Viola rolar.Nide Rogers,
r an
Ob k Lorne S
ford Claeemdre, Sao 0 ,
We have two good Houses to
rent, with all modern con% en-
iences. Immediate possession.
Real Estate.
Also some bargains is Real
Estate in town for quick sale.
The Sillick property in .Lower
Wingham is again on the market
and will be sold right. This is a
most desirable place, having all
the advantages of town, and only
paying township taxes,
Ritchie & Cosecs
Fresh fish every weekend, at T.
rails' butehor Shop.
Why it Pays to
Buy Invictus Shoes
It may cost you a little - more to
get really good shoes-INVICTUS
Shoes -but it will pay you in the end,
Because you'll get a heater lit,
newer styles and very mush better
and longer wear.
In INVICTUS Shoes yolt'lI get
genuine oak tanned sole leather --a
leather that is used only in high
grade shoes
The vamps and tops of these shoos
are made of the finest selected leather
money and experience can procure,
Every hide that goes int° the IN-
VICTUS Shoe Factory has to pass
the inspection of an expert judge of
lea tiler,
No trouble or expense is spared
to make INVICPUJS Shoes the beat
it's possible to produce.
W. J. iriREE .
Solo ARelite for Hagar andslitter and laveselms for ladies
find Geula. /