HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1910-05-26, Page 14Oa
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T'lit: W11\lxtiA)41 TiMk.", JUNE 2. 1y1.0
M roe
IAN. 77S
tint y•„
Sour Stomach. and .Heartburn ?
At all Druggists or direct from
25c, a Bois,
WC; INN ammo
1114R WOMA01
William Gould et Goderioli towels°gip,
Ines the diatinotiouof being one of those
who matted in the reel'ption of the late
King Edward, when he visitedOapade
as the Prince of Wales. in 1800. Mr.
Gould was et that time belonged nge living in Heroin
ton and
to the
First Went-
worth Ouvelry. His compel -in wilethree dare on escort' duty, a000mpauy
iug the Prince's party,
the early
Items from the "Times" fyle;3•
(Enna the Veins of 1Stay 30, 1890.)
The bricklayers have commenced on
Mr John. Hanna's new residence on
John street.
Mr. John Hardy, of Onlross, left in
this office ou Wednesday, several stalks
of fall wheat which measure thirty
flinches. This is surely an extraordinary
growth for this season.
Mr. Wm, Forwent, of the firm of
Batton & Fessent, of the chair factory,
removed his family from Teeswater to
Wingham, this week.
A new scheme for oheating unwary
farmers is a ploughshare fake. A far-
mer receives on trial a new plough-
share. It it suits he signs what he
believes to be an agreement but whioh
turns out to be a note.
Mr. Jas. A. Cline was attacked with
inflammation of the bowels on Tnenday
morning last, and is in a very critical
Oa Wedrfesday afternoon, while work-
ing on the roof of Mr. J. R. Reynold's
house on Victoria street, Mr. John Gray
fell from the ridgeboard to. the ground
below, striking on hie head and should -
dere. He is injured internally, and suf.
fere intensely, but hopes are entertain-
ed of his recovery.
A number of the townspeople are im-
proving and beautifying their premises.
J. R. Reynolds, on Victoria street, has
planed a stubstautial stone foundation
under his residence and also given it a
goat of ehingie'.—Mr. Thos. Carruthers,
Lower Winghnm, bas torn down the old
shop that stood on leis place and has
ereoted a fence along the west side of
hie property. greatly improving its epi
pearenoe.-,Messrs. Neil and Angus Mc-
Gregor have brick veneered their resi•
d enoes.
Nobody Spared
Mita "Fenn' BrrporloUOB pt tan Oltl Nemo.
Mus, W1Ns1.OW's SoQTWNQ Sznun
the preseriptton of one of the beet fen
Ingle pbyeioiens gad nurset lie the
United. States,and has 'moused for fifty
yeare with reverent/Oleg sucoess by
millions o4 mothers for their children
It relieve§ the ohild from pain, guess
els n.
diarrhoea, griping in the bowels, d
wind collo. By giving health to the
Child, it rests the mother. Tweietyfive
oe$te a bottle,
Kidney Trouble Attack Wingham
Men and Women, Old and Young
Kidney ills seize yours and old.
Come. quickly with little warning.
Children suffer in their early years --a
Cannot control Lbs kidney seoretions.
Girls are languid, nervous, suffer
Women worry, can't do daily work.
Men have lams and aching hook'.
The acre for ina:t,woman or child,
Is to cure the oanse—the kidneys—
Booth's Kidney Piffle cure sine kid-
Cure all forme ot kidney suffering,
Wiughem testimony proves it,
Goo. Fretwell, of Minnie Se Victoria
St.. Wingham, Ont , Bays: "A dull,
heavy pain had settled items the small
of my beck from hip to hip. There was
a soreness and tenderness there that
would cause me to suffer both day and
night. There was an unusual scalding
in paesiug the urine and it was filled
with sediment of a high oolor. I had
need so many different remedies and
found no relief that I began to think
nothing would heeefit my condition.
Booth's Kidney Pills were arivertisod
and I procured a box at Mr, MoKibbon's
pharmacy. They did me so much good
I continued the treatment and the seg
.ond box entirely cleared the urine and
took away the Poalding. My bank
strengthened and the pain left it. The
rhenmatiPm with wbicb I have suffered
for over four years has aiso been greatly
relieved. I am stronger i.nd better than
in years previous and oan only thank
Booth's Kidney Fills "
Sold by Dealers. Price 50 cents. The
R. T. Booth Co., Ltd , Fort Erie, Ont.,
Sole Canadian Agents.
Merryfield In Wingham, on the
24th instant, the wife of Mr. Samuel
Merry field ; a son,
Legatt.—In East Wawanoth, on the
27th ipstant, the wife of Mr, John Leg-
gatt; a son.
Deyell.—In Wingham, on the 28th
instant, the wife of Mr. Wm. Dayell; a
The painter who falls from a ladder
went down .in flyipg colours..
The Attitude of Sing George towards
horse raging and his intentionsin regard
thereto. have been. the anbjeot of oan-
tradtoto>iv epeoulations. The Daily Ex,
primal makes the definite statement for
which it claims to have the b Ri'h e
e t
authority, that. his Majesty will patro-
nise raging. on the emote soale as did
King Edward, whose stables at New-
market and stud at Sandringham will
not be dispersed,
Paella who pass the entrance exam•
illation next June will earn their honor',.
A oiroular has b'ten oat by the Minister
of Eduoation stating that entrance
board%, while they are at liberty to
make spooial provieiou for admission in
special provision for admission in speoial
individosl oases, they are not at liberty,.
withottt coneerrenoe of the minister, to
lower the 40 per cent. minimum in any
anbjeot or. the GO per cent maximum of
aggregate, In arithmativ absolute ow'
curacy will bo insisted upon. Nothing
will be allowed for a partially correct
Mason—Harrison.—In Trinity church,
Blyth, on Saturday, May 241h, by Rev.
G. W. Racey, Mark Fenwick, sou of
Mr. William Mason, of the township of
East Wawanosh, to Ann Jane, daughter
of Mr. James Harrison, of the township
of Morris,
Interesting Paragraphs from. our Exchanges.
Cabs were first intodnoed into London
on April 23, 1823.
Beware of your victims. You can't
trust a victim out of eight.
How to Beep Young.
Keep in the sunshine. Avoid excesses
of all kinds. Eat moderately at regular
intervals. Cultivate a spirit of content-
ment, and keep the bowels regular and
liver active by using Dr. Chase's Kidney
and Liver Pills. No treatment is so
definite and so satisfactory for this pur-
pose. None so trustworthy and econ-
One hundred and ninety-seven Bar-
nardo children sailed for Canada on
Show me a man who says anything
against women, as women, and I boldly
declare he ie not a man.—Dickens,
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
Signature of
The only animal that is really dumb is
the giraffe, whioh is unable to express
itself by any sound whatever,
Suffered FT. .11,,
idai� �i
r®r Iaino
;1z •
Tor 1.1.Mteche, Lame Or Weak Blick --
one of the commonest and most distressing
symptoms of kidney inaction, there is no
remedy equal to Do,in's Kidney Pills for
taking out the stitches, twitches and
twinges, limbering up the stiff hack, and
giving perfect comfort.
A medicine that strengthens the kid.
Heys so that they are enabled to extract
the blood
u G
nous ri
t p°x
and prevent the chief cause of Rheuma-
Mr. Dougald A. McIsaac, Broad Cove
Banks, ;ti.:i., writes: "I was troubled
with my kidneys for nine months, and
suffered with such terrible pains across
the small of my back all the time that I
could hardly get atoned. After taking
two boxes of Dome's 1{idney Pills I began
to feel better, and by the time' had taken
three I was completely crired."
Price 50 tents per box, or 3 for
all dealers
or mailed direct on rerreipteof
Ode by The T. Milburn CO., Limited,
Toronto, Ont. +rl�0an's,"
When ordering specify
The Rutherford Government of Al-
berta has resigned, and Chief Justice
Sifton has been galled on to form a new
A quiet but interesting event took
plane at the home of Mr. and Mre, John
Sproat, Tuokersmith, e,t noon on Satur-
day 21st nit., when their daughter, Mies
Helena, of Detroit, was united in mar -
nage to Mr. Ralph C. Voken, an enter.
prising young man of that city.
Dr. Hackett, a prominent Grimsby
physician, was found dead in bed at his
home by his wife. Dr. Hackett was 55
years old. Heart disease was the cause.
To stop a leak in a gas or water pipe,
beat some whitening up into some yen
low soap, well rubit into the leak, and
you will find it will stop it when other
things have failed. •
. "It oared me," or "It saved the life
of my ohild," are the expressions you
hear every day about Chamberlain's
Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy.
This is true the world over where this
valuable remedy has been introduced.
No other meedoine in use for diarrhoea
or bowel complaints has received such
general approval. The seoret of the
success of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera
and Diarrhoea Remedy is that it aures.
Sold by all dealers.
All gape and jugs should occasionally
be scrubbed round the handles with a
well soaped brush. If this is not done
they are apt to get a grimy appearance
that isnot appetizing.
It is reported that Sir William Van
Horne will leave shortly for Australia
to adviee the Government regarding the
eonstruotion of a railway aoroes the con-
tinent, with exteneive irrigation works.
Children Cry
Children Cry
Two Irishmen were in a city bank re•
candy, waiting their turn at the cashier's
window. "Thie reminds me of Finns•
gan," remarked one. "What about
Finnegan?" inquired the other. " 'Tie
a story that Finnegan died, and when
he greeted Si. Peter, he said, 'It's a fine
job you've had here for a loug time.'
'Well, Finnegan,' said St. Peter, 'here
we count a million years as a minute
anda mIllion dollars as n cent.' 'Ahl'
said Finneg.+n, 'I'm needing gash.
'Lend mea oeut.' 'Sure.' said St. Pater
Suet wait a miuute."
According to the recent municipal
census, Exeter has a population of 1.606
The town contains 1,044 acres; the'value
of the land is $128,637, and of buildings,
$391,896. , The property exempt from
taxation is valued at $3.4,050, while the
income is $8,463 and the business assess-
ment $41,877. _
Healing rower a Marvel.
So remarkable is the healing power of
Dr. Chase's Ointment that the results of
a single application are often a marvel
to persons who witness them for the
first time. Mre. 0. Hopkins, St. George,
Ont , tells how her son was cured of
poisoning which got started in a wound
received at a threshing, Relief was
prompt and cure effected by three
is sent direct to the diseased parts by the
Improved Blower. IIeals the
ulcers, clears the air passages.
stops droppings in the throat and
ppermanently cures Catarrh and
Ilay 1, vnr. 25c. blower free.
Accept no substitutes. All dealers
or gammon, Sate. & Co., Toronto.
fatal accident goon c
A sad and
Londesboro on Tuesday afternoon of
last week, when Isabella, the three•year-
old daughter of Mr. Thomas Little, who
resides on a farm near the village, was
struck by a train and killed. At the
point where the aooident occurred there
is a sharp salve in the track. The little
girl had been in the field with her
father. She wandered onto the track,
there being a private crossing at this
point. She sat down on the crossing
and was playing with stones. Sudden-
ly the fast express train shot around the
curve. The .engineer saw the little one
and applied the emergency brakes. She
was directly between the rails, however,
and was crushed to pieces, being in.
stantly killed.
Children Cry
When a Blenheim, Kent County, phy-
sician was called to attend a woman
enfforing from high fever, he heard the
"sheep" of newly hatched chinks. A
search throughout, the room was un-
availing, when suddenly, to the dootorts
surprise, several newly -hatched chicks
emerged from ander the coverlet of the
bed. Tho farmer, having heard that
high fever ran three weeks, and eggs
taking the same time to hatch, conceived
the idea of utilizing the fever heat for
hatohinlr. A general olean'np dieoloeed
piles of egg shells in the bed.
Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver
Tablets will brace np the nerves, banish
sink headaohe, prevent despondency and
invigorate the whole system. Sold by
all dealera.
In England and Wales, to every 100,-
000 of population, there are annually'
granted two divorces; in Ireland, less
than one; in Italy, three; in Soot -
land, four; in Germany, fifteen; in
Frena twenty. three ; and in the United
States, seventy-three.
Crushed silk may be •smoothed out
and restored to something like its orig•
that freshness by being sponged with
gum arabic water. Sponge on the right
side of the silk and wheu almost dry
iron it on the reverse side. Do not
use a really hot iron or you will make
the silk stiff and papery.
We offer One Hundred Dollars Re-
ward for any case of Catarrh that can-
not be oured by Hall's Catarrh Cure.
F.J. CHENEY & 00., Toledo, 0.
We, the undersigned, have known F.
J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and
believe him perfectly honorable in .all
business transactions and financially
able to oatry out any obligations made
by his firm. -,y
WALKING, .o.inne'N' & MAUVIN,
Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, 0.
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internal-
ly, acting directly on the blood and
mucous surfaces of the system. Testi-
menials sent free. Pride 75 cents per
bottle Sold by a,1 Drnrtgiste.
Lame shoulder is almost invariably
caused by• rheumatism of the muscles
and yields quickly to the free replication
of Chamberlain's Liniment. This lini-
ment is not only prompt and effectual,
but in uo way disagreeable to use. Sold
by all dealers.
A statement preparid by the census
and statistics branch of the agriculture
shows that among wheat producing
countries of the world, Canada ranks
fifth. In 1908 Canada ranked tenth.
The total production of wheat in Can-
ada last year is given as 166,744,000
.bushels as compared with 112,434,000
bushels in 1908. Last year the wheat
production by countries was as follows:
Russia,- 786,472,363 bushels; United
States, 713,286,923 bushels; France,
361,050,500 bushels; British India, 253,-
592,377 bushels; Canada, 166,744,000
bushels; Italy, 155,711,230 bushels;
Spain, 144,511,581 bushels; Germany,
138,399,277 bushels; Argentina, 133,581,-
000 bushels; Australia, 82,328,514 bush-
els; Great Britain and Ireland, 64,525,-
212 bushels. In 1908 the order of pre-
cedence in respect to produotion was as
follows: United States, Russia, France,
British India, Hungary, Argentina,
Italy, Germany, Canada and Australia.
Two epeeist trains bearing delegates
from the Brotherhood of Locomotive
Engineers' convention at Detroit to Nia-
gara Falls, and running half an hour
apart on Saturday morning made runs
which for the size of the trains and the
stretch of road covered are said to be
world's records. No etops were made
on the 224•mile trip, but there were three
slowdowns, one to pass through St.
Thomas and the others for draw -bridges.
The first train covered: the distanoe in
224 minutes, a mile a minute, while the
second one did it in 217 minutes. Eaoh
train had twelve coaohee.
Salyia, the New American
Hair Vigor.
Ladies oan now have a luxuriant head
of real fluffy, sparkling hair free from
Dandruff, by using new English Ameri-
can Hair Vigour, SALVIA. Go to
Mr. Walley's drug store and purchase a
500 bottle. A guarantee goeswithevery
SALVIA contains jdenna and Sage.
SALVIA is used by the elite, of New
Dandruff can be oured in ten days.
The hair is made soft and fluffy.
SALVIA will grow hair in abundance.
A non -sticky, daintily perfumed hair
'A large bottle only coat 50 cents and
a money book proposition.
The ratepayers of St. Marys have
passed a bylaw guaranteeing the bonds
of the new cement company to the
amount of $40,000.
When the spider's web on the grass
oan be seen thickly covered with morn-
ing dew, and the dandelions open fully
their golden petals before eight O'clock
in the morning, it is a very sure sign
that the day will be fair; but if the dan-
delions remain olOsed until nine o'olook,
Take Hall's Family fills for ° nets. l rain may be expected,
39 in New Brunswick, 62 in Nova SQOtria John Hogg, of OarriP,lt, has a bunch
of trained hogs. When Mr. Hogg goes
to the piggery to feed the hogs he oraoke
a whip and the hogs come in from the
yard and stand in a row with their
basks to the feed which he puts
in the trough, then gees and gets the
Water and mixes it up, Alt the time
this proceeding is going on nota hog
steps Out of line. When the feed is
and the
heannounces dinnerg
maroh to the trough,—Mildmay Gazette
ria jigs now 02 newspapers,
of patient 1f you are not satisfied after using nu-
'� cording to direotions two•thirda of a bot -
12 in Prince Edwaftl ts1an8, TO itl Mani-
toba, 25 in Alberta and itAskatohewan,
and 83 in British dolunibie.=Moncton
Ohaniberlain's ()Muth Remedy is Sold
On a gnarantoe that if you are not satis-
atinfled after using two-thirds of a bottle
accordingto directions, your money will
be tetunded. It is up to yon to try.
Sold by
The eating of dandy, even the highly
colored kinds that are in vogue flows
, -
days, would seem to be a comparatively
Sate experiment. Out of 140 samples
examined by the Dominion Analyst, dol.
eterioos matter was found in only one.
A moderate amount of candy, or sugar
in some other palatable form, Is not only
allowable, but advisable as an article bf
diet. Many good euthorttten are of
opinioti that it sat1eflet aiatttrai cravings
whish would otherwit.e demand aloolioi
Or other drugs,
g'rosdniOr, Croup, tougta and Colds, bir
Moder bath Sold ant guarentredby
tle of Chamberlain's Stoma° an
Tablets, you can have your money back.
Tho tablets cleanse and invigorate ,the
stomach, improve the digestion, mu.,
late the bewele. Give them a trial and
get well. Sold by all dealere.
baring April industrial aodidents Oa
=reed to 340 individual workmen in
Canada, of whioh 94 were fatal, and
246 resulted in serious injury, The
railway, service leads the list with 16
killed and 40 injured, and the lumber•
ing industry Homos Seoond with 16 kt11
ed and 11 injured.
Mr. John Sterling of Little England,
has something of a curiosity in his
ohiolten yard, A. few Weeks ago Mr.
Sterling, in walking 'through the river
flats, found the egg eta wild goose.
Taking it home he set it under lig hen
and the other day a small gosling emerg•,
ed from the shell and is making itself
Cotte at home mord a family of
When all else fIetI, the Doctors
said, "try Fruii•a•tives°
And" FruitaBves"cued Ms Cadieux
"About March. 1st 1009, I was taken deathly sick with Stomach Trouble;
Backache and General k
failed from 125 pounds down
n to 80 poun
was confined to bed for eight weeks, and was unable to eat or keep anything on my
stomach, vomitingnearly all the time, I expected to die, and took many remedies
as well as employing different physicians. The doctors said they could do nothing
for me and, as a last resort, one of the doctors told me "k try Ili uit-a•lives—if
they would not cure me, nothing would". My husband bought-"Fruit-a-tives"
from Mr. Arthur Roleau, merchant o£1
Plantagenet, and I started taking them
at once, and inside of ten days, I was
• able to leave my bed. My stomach got
strong and I could eat and retain my
food, I gained rapidly and neon had
my usual good health back again, avid
today I weigh as much as ever, 125
Even the doctors are recommending
"Fruit-a-tives". They realize now
that these wonderful fruit juice tablets,
will positively cure all Stomach.
Troubles, Indigestion and Dyspepsia—
and they are using "fruit-a-tives" in
their practice.
Pew people realize the vital impor-
tance of keeping- their blood pure.
Impure blood is the chief cause of
Stomach Trouble, because it is from
the blood that the stomach obtains the fluid which digests food. When the blood.
is laden with impurities, the disolving fluid (or Gastric Juice) will be impure..
These impurities may come from a congested liver, from Constipation, from weak.
kidneys, from an inactive skin, or from all four. Naturally, the ordinary
"digestive powders" and "pepsin tablets" will not cure the trouble, because they
only help to dissolve the food—they do not go to the seat of the trouble. "Fruit-
a-tives" is the greatest remedy ever discovered for all forms of Indigestion,
Dyspepsia and other Stomach Disorders, because "Fruit-a-tives" is unequalled as
a blood -purifying medicine. "Fruit-a-tives" acts directly on the liver, regulates
the bowels, strengthens the kidneys, stimulates the skin, and thus rids the whole
system of all impurities. "Fruit-a-tives" will positively cure you of any kind of '
Indigestion. "Fruit-a-tives" is sold by all dealers at 50c a box, 6 for $2.50 or
trial size, 25c. If you are unable to obtain "Fruit-a-tives" conveniently, do not
accept substitutes but send to "Fruit-a-tives" Limited, Ottawa and the regular
size packages will be mailed you, postpaid, on receipt of price.
[W, J. Lampton in New York Tribune.]
Did anybody here see Halley,
Halley with a. great long tail?
Did anybody here see Halley,
And suddenly turn pale?
Did anybody here see Halley,
Halley, they said, was It?
Did anybody hate see Halley,
And throw a comet fit?
Did anybody here see Halley,
Halley, that starry josh?
Did anybody here see Halley,
And feel his passing wash?
Did anybody here see Halley,
Halley, whom all of no know?
Did anybody here see Halley,
Halley and his bobtail show?
Did anybody here see Halley,
Halley they'd billed to some
With a show that was worth the 'money
But, oh I say, wasn't it bum?
Did anybody here see Halley;
If anybody did, by beck?
He ought to be bounced if he didn't
Hand him one in the neok.
Everybody Dissatisfied.
"I'd like to be a doctor and ours np
human ills, and dope my friends and
neighbors with gutta peroha pills," re-
marked the hardware merchant, grown
weary of his store, of all the tiresome
labors he'd known so oft before. "I'd
like to deal in hardware," the fagged -
out doctor wails, "and dish up runty
razors, and bolts and boneless nails, for
I am tired of going on journeys night
and day, of sawing people's lege off
and waiting for nay pay," "I'd like to
be a banker," the downcast farmer
cries, "and sit behind a railing and look
profoundly wise, and watch my hire-
lings shovel the gold into a bin, and
see folks come and grovel to gain e
friendly grin. I'm tired of chasing
roosters and herding geese and ducks,
I want to be a banker and deal in shin-
ing bucket." "I'd like to be a farmer,"
the sad -eyed banker sighs, "and raise
big jack-o'-lanterns and feed on pump-
kin pies. I'd like to curry horses and
hitch them to a cart; I'd like to jump
the town and get next to nature's heart.
For I am tired of money and,stooks and
bonds and notes; I fain would seek the
farmyard and mingle with the goats."
Oh, is there any pilgrim who doesn't
wail and sob, no matter what his snap
ie, to find another job? No matter
what' Dame Fortune has generously
sent, it always is the winter of human
discontent.—Walt Mason.
hen Sleep
Fails You
Sermons in Sentences.
(From the Chicago Tribune,)
There are no great snacessea without'
great eaorifioes.
The religion that coats you. nothing'
cote too much,
Some think that a virtue is simply an.
extinct vice.
He oan worship nowhere who cannot.
worship anywhere.
The larger the heart the easier in
travels the narrow way.
A man never learns much when he is
afraid ofhis mistakes.
The richest man in this world is
the one who takes must joy in human
Try to have kindly thoughts of peo-
ple and the kind words will take care of
bring rest, comfort and vitality by
building up the nerves.
Mr. Jas. Wesley 'Weaver, a veteran
of the Fenian Raid, fort Dalhousie,
Ont., writes:—"Por years I was af-
flicted with nervousness and dreaded
insomnia, so that I never know for
three years what a full hour's sleep
was, never more than dosing for a
few minutes at a time. Heart pains
Baud headaelies almost drove me wild.
I bad spells of weakness and tramps in
stomach and limbs.
"Though I tried several doctors, it
was money uselessly spent, finally
Dr. Chase's Nerve Deed was brought
to lite and eight boxes cured int. 1t
is simply wonderful: what benefit I
have obtained from this treatment."
fileeplessness and headaches are
warnings , of approaching 'nervous col-
1apse. You can positively remove these
symptoms end prevent prostration or
paralysis by the use Of Dr, Chase's
Nerve Vend, 50 cents a bat, 6 for
t2.50 at all dealers or Bilmanson,
Bates es Co,, Toronto, Writs for fres
dopy of Dr. Mese Ivecipes,
The Right Kind
of Printing
The kind that is neat, attractive and
up-to-date, costs you no more money
here than the inferior article does
Quality Counts.
° in printing as in other things, and the
TlhiEs is, in a position to turn out'first-
class work at very reasonable prices.
Try this office with your next order.
The Times