HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1910-05-26, Page 12THE HEAD O1m'XOEi TOI Q TQ Capital Stook (ell paid up) $4,C00,000 CO Reserve Fund and Ust divided Pcafite $5,400,000.00 Deposita by the pnbliv$44,000,00000 Total Aesete, over , , $59,0Q0,000,00 Bit &l Oliee AND AGENTS throughout Can- ada and the United States, A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED. Savings Department. (torrent 3stes et Interest allowed, and Deposita received of $1,00 Dud upwards. Farmers,' scale Notes Collected, and advances made on them at lowest rte of interest. WINCalAtt 'BRANCH -(seer john and Jusephiue Streets. W. R. GEIKIE, bi3NAGEa. R. VANs'roNE, Solicitor. TO ADVERTISERS Notice of changes must be left at this oflioe not later than Saturday noon. The dopy for ohanges must be left not later than Monday evening. Casual advertisements accepted np to noon Wednesday of each week, ESTABLISHED 187A THE TIItIES, $. B.ELL1OTT. Purassnnn AND PROPRIrTO? THURSDAY, JUNE 2, 1910 NOTES .AND COMMENTS Exports from the 'United States to Canada show a larger growth in the current fiscal year than those to any other of the important countries of the world. For the tea months ending with April, for which the bureau of statistics has jut prepared a detailed record of the commercial movements, the exports to Canada amounted to 1;174,500,000, against $129,000,000 in the correspond. bldg months of last year, and, for the month of April alone, V2,000,000, against $15,000,000 in April of last year. What better justification of the con• strnotion of the National Transcontin- ental Railway could be asked than the story which the Oanadfaa Press Asso- ciation 'brings back from Ooohrane? Here was a place which a year 'ago was the forest primeval, but now has a pop- ulation which provides a hundred chil- dren for the pnbiio school. The went is not the only part of Canada which is growing. Ontario is broadening out, too, thanks greatly to the pollee! ot Geo. .. W. Ross and Wilfrid Laurier Ottawa Free Press. .According to et report received by the Department of Trade and Oommeroe from t5anadian Trade Commissioner F. .A. C. Bickerdyke of Belfast, there is a probability of an early removal of the British embargo against the Canadian cattle. Mr. Bickerdyke reports that there is a growing feeling in Ireland that the embargo cannot be much longer maintained, and that cattle dealers in Belfast and Dublin are always consider• log the question of meeting the cense. quent increased competition from Can• ada by going into the dead meat trade. Itis not the Whip's fault if the party IN at sixes and sevens on every big issue that arises. Mr. Perley has no system of electrical rednotion for "or'a" which wiil•emelt its seven alternative policies on the naval question into one. Nor is Mr. Doherty an improvement on Mr. Foster. If there is really to be a rejnv-, onetime, it is still a thing of the fntnre As alive Opposition is one of the aids to good government, it is to be hoped that the efforts made to galvanize the Oon- servetive party at Ottawa do not come to naught, brit a unifying prcooas must precede rejuvenation. At present Mr. Borden's fcllotvera are about as nailed as if they had been abet at the political target our of a gon.--Toronto Star. MEETING OF THE HURON COUNTY COUNCIL. The Council of the County of Ettriirt7411 mete in the Council Chamber, in the Town or t.oderlch, on '11tattnax, xrXE 7Tu nAV or Jost ntxr,ut 3 O'cl ek. Accounts aitaiaet life County must be Placed with the 0lerir before the above date. W. LANE, Clerk. Dated enty OOed,1010. It taken by people In tropi. cal countries all the year round. It stops wasting and keeps up the Strength and vitaility ht summer as well fiutt iwlnter. AIL f511trd 14212 , T. UI WZNt"xI1Q)11 `t'1117 , JUNE 2, 1910. FORCING YOURSELF TO IAKF FOOD The Tortures of Indigestion Ban, ished by the Tonic Powers of Dr.„ Williams' Pink. Pills, Viotime of indigestion have snail. eludes between two evils -on the one hand a starvation diet, which means great weakness and depression of spirits and on the other hand forcing them- eelvee to take nourishment in spite of the ante anfferiag taflioted by 00011 meal, In the seara11 far a mire they dud common medloiaes upset the stomach and render the food more difiioalt to digest. Laxatives are violent and weak- ening, and so -o al l e d "pre•digeeted foods" merely evade the cause of the trouble and the stomach steadily grows weaker, The common sense way of oaring in- digestion is the Dr, Williams' way -the making new, rioh blood by Dr. Wit - Hams' Pink Pills that giv s tone to the weakened system and vigoratee the distressed digestive o ans, Dr. Wil- liams' Pink Pills here oared thousands of the worst oasgqs �o�� ndigestlon through their simple tctn1b treatment and one excellent examplfdd of these aures is the ease of Miss M. Y. O, Roberge, Sorel, Que., who says: --"For upwards of nine years I suffered almost pontinnonaly the tortures of indigestion. At times I had no appetite; at othere there was a grav- ing for food, but whatever I took cane. ed me the greatest pangs. As the result of the trouble 1. suffered from headaches end I grew pale and weak, I tried many different medioinee; ammo gave me a little relief, but none gave me any per. manent benefit until I began using Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. I had only taken these a few weeke when I found such help as I had not found before. The pains after eating gradually disappear- ed, my appetite grew better, and after using the Pills for a couple of months I found myself completely cured; and have not since had a twinge of the trouble. I greatly recommend Dr. Williams' Pink Pills to all who suffer from any form ot indigestion." Through their action on the blood Dr. Williams' Pink Pills care such troubles as anaemia, indigestion, sick headaches, rheumatism and all forme of nervous troubles such as neuralgia, St. Vitus dance, and partial paralysis, These Pills are especially valuable to growing girls and women and cure the headaches, sideaches and other pains known only to them. Sold by all medi. cine dealers or by mail at 50., Dente a box or six boxes for $2.50 from The Dr. Wil - tiaras' Medicine Co., Brookville, Oat. HONESTY REWARDED. [Milwaukee Journal.) ' Ddes honesty in politics pay? It does, in Canada. Look what has happened to W. S. Fielding, next to Sir Wilfrid Laurier the biggest man in the Liberal party in the Dominion. What happened to him? Oh, nothing -only the presentation of a purse of $120,000, made np by members of the party who think he is splendid. Nothing approaching the magnitude of this popular testimonial has been seen on this continent since the presentation of a house and lot to Admiral Dewey. And the Canadian personage's achieve. ments were in peace, not war, making the gift the more noteworthy in that it was made in cold blood. In the last fonrteon years Fielding has been minister of finance of the Domin- ion. He has always been a modest, un- tiring worker, and is one of the men who have not become rich in pnblio life in Canada. He need not fear the wolf at the door now. Fielding is a Nova Scotia newspaper man. By merit he worked himself up to the head of the Government of his Province, Premier Laurier claimed him for the cabinet, where he has rendered conapionous servioe not alone to his party but to the whole country, and has become known as much for his integrity as for hie ability. SIXTH. A 13. Carr was elected to represent Blyth Methodtst Church at the London Ooeference to be held at Chatham the first week in June. Jno. Wilford is a reserve delegate. Henry Menthes, of Deloraine, Man., is here on a holiday visit and is a wel. some visitor. It is 28 yearn since he Went West, where his More have been rewarded, we are glad to state. Preset Wheeler and eon, of Vancouver, 13. 0., are renewing old acquaintances in and around Blyth. It is 5 y+eare since Salt Wheeler left Blyth and he looks as if the dish breezes of the Pacifies agree with him. Wednesday, 18th nit., John B. O'00n nar, ot Queen street, Blyth, paid Nat ttiee's debt at the early age of 24 years and 6 menthe.. 'rhe tattered took piece Saturday morning, service being 000 ducted in the 2t. 0. tihnrdh et 0,80 o'clock by Rot Fr. Banton. Debeaned Was the third ton of Dennie O'bo'nnor, vrho .fornterly tided In Morrie' township, but on gelling hie Win moved to toton. I tlbercuiosie was the oatise of death, Re is enrvlied by his father, two broth, ere and two ilatere. iastr t 1IA.V 1 rir. It V, Andeteon, of Toledo, Ohio, spent- last weak visiting with his par. tints, Mr. end MOS F. Arniereon end his eteter, Mrr. Brooks M Oentteltr. Mrli. bal. Taylor And family; Mr, and Mrs, F. Anderson; Mrs. Alex. tide- Gowan and eon Finlay, visited last week with Mr, and Mrr. Brooke. et Qentrelie. Roy Wheeler, of Vaaoonver, who is visiting here with leis father, bee gone East to New York for a few days. $oy is in the employ of the 0, P. R, and !tats a station at the drat divisional point Bait of Vancouver, Worth Rend, on the Fraser Canyon, Wm. Wray has received word of the death of his sister, Mre, T. 11. Miller, of Virden, Man, Mrs, Miller visited in Belgravo last slimmer, and wap present at a family reunion. She spent last winter with her two daughters at Los Angeles, and had arrived at the home at her son, Ed, Miller, of Roblin, Man , in her usual good health, when she took sick and passed away very snddonly, of heat failure. Live steely garnets. Toronto, May 31 -City Cattle Market -Trade aotive and prices steady and firm at a general advanoe of 10o to 15o over last week. Altogether there weis a good run, foliowiug yesterday's .heavy run at the other market. The demand for both botcher and export cattle was quite aotive, and everything offering was readily disposed ot. The export trade was oonfiaed to a feveloads of light shippers, selling around $7.10 to $7.25, Of heavy export cattle' there were practically none available, though the demand for good heavy ex- port cattle is aotive. The total run was 93 oars, with 1,348 head of cattle, 399 sheep and lambs, 600 hogs, and 812 calves, The following . are The quotations: Exporters' cattle- Per 100 lbs. Ohoice $7 00 $7 50 Medium 5 50 5 75 Bulls 5 00 6 00 Light , 6 25 6 75 Cows 5 00 5 85 Feeders. - best 1000 pounds and up. wards 8 00 3 50 Stockers choice 3 00 4 00 " bulls 1 60 2 00 Butchers' -,- Picked 6 60 7 00 Medium 5 50 5 65 Cows...... 4 25 5 25 Bulls 8 50 4 50 Hogs - Best . 9 75 Lights 9 40 Sheep - Export ewes .... 4 00 4 50 Bunks 3 75 4 25 Culls .. .. 3 75 4 25 Spring Lambs each.: 3 50 6 50 Calves. each .. , . 3 50 6 50 WINGHAut MARKET REPORTS Wingham, Jane 1st, 1910, Flet r per 100 iba.......... 2 40 to 3 10 Fall Wheat ,... 0 85 to 0 85 Oats .,.,.. 0 84 to 0 34 Barley .... ..... ........ 0 48 to 0 48 Peas 0 68 to 0 68 Butter dairy 0 17 to 0 18 Eggs per dos 0 18 to 0 18 Wood per cord ...... 2 50 to 2 60 Hay, per ton 13 00 to 14 00 Potatoes, per bushel, . 0 25 to 0 80 Lard, .. 0 20 to 0 20 Live Hogs, Per cwt 9 25 to 9 25 GAND TRUNK sYs EM ROUND TRIP SUMMER TOURIST TICKETS AT - LOW RATES June let to September 30th to Portland and Astoria, Ore., Seat- tle, Tacoma, Everett and Belling- ham, Wash,. Victoria, Vancouver and New Westminster, B. 0., San Franoisoo, Los Angeles and San Diego Cal, ' Return limit Oot. 31st, 1910, Homeseekers Excursions to Western Canada. Via Ohioago, May 31 and June 14. Via Sarnia and Northern Navigation Company. Steamer leaves Sarnia 8.30 p. m., May 30th and June 15th. For tickets and further information call on W. Henry, Depot Agent or address J. D. McDonald, D. P. A., Toronto. Are You Ruptured T can euro the Worst case of Rupture from infancy to old age, without operation or loss of time. ACT AT ONCE and remove the daily danger of strangulation, rill in coupon and send to Dept. J. S. SMITH, 88 Caledonia St, STrtArroItb, ONT. Name 4 .................0..4. Address. 0.. 0 . . 4 ..... 4 ... Y .'. 4 . Age...*.. Mile -Pup .. a' 4, • Single or doable ....., 414 wee of ; Atiefaetfon guttran"teedt One se for Coughs Children cough at night? Give them Ayer's Cherry Pec. tool. Often a single dose at bedtime will completely control the cough. Good for any one with a cold or cough. Good for easy cases, hard cases; good for acute cases, chronic cases. Ask your doctor to tell you, honestly and frankly, just what he thinksof this old standard remedy. No alcohol in this cough medicine. I. C :Ayer Co. Lmorll, njass A lazy liver makes a lazy boy, An active brain demands an active liver. No better laxative for boys and girls than Ayer's lilts. Ask your doctor about them, Ile knows. Silas Martin of Dundas was killed by falling down stairs at Salvation Army lodging -hernia at U imiltOn. The soeroity of labor in British Cols umbia is compelling the railways to modify their construction plans, AAAMMAAAAAMAAAMAAAAAAA • AAAAAAAAAAMMMAMAMAAAA ANNUAL JUNE SALE c 7OF iWatches, Clocks` Jewelry1C Silverware, etc, ENDING THURSDAY, JUNE 30 COMMENCING SATURDAY, JUNE 4. c WATCHES. JEWELRY. C• 14 k. soligold ladies' Watch, 15 C Jewel Waltham. Movement reg, $40 00. June Sale.$30.00 Ladies' 14 k. 25 -year gold-filled, 15 Jewel Waltham Watches, reg. $16.00. Jana Sale.,$12.00 Ladies' 14 k. 25 -year, gold -fitted, 7 Jewel Waltham Watoh. reg. $12.00. June Sale ...$9.00 Ladies' Silver Watches, reg. $5.00 Juue,Sale. . . . ... .......$3.110 e • Gents' 18 size, open face, 14 k. 25 -year gold-filled case, 21 Jewel Waltham Watches. y reg. $40 00. Jane Sale..$30.00 j Gents' 18 size, open facto, 14 k. 3 25 -year gold-filled case, 17 . Jewel Waltham, reg. $30 00. June Sale.... $22.00 ? Fancy Mantle Menhleized (look. 2 reg. $9.00. June Sale ... .$5.75 8 day Oak or Walnut Mantle Clock, reg. $•1.00. June Sale $2.75 Alarm Clocks, reg. $2.50. June Sale .... ..... ...$1.60 Alarm Olook, reg, $1.00. ' June Sale 69c SILVERWARE. Having a large stook of Silver- ware we are offering it below cost, now is your opportunity. JEWELRY. Ladies' long Gold Chains, reg. $8 00. June Sale $4.95 CLOCKS. 3 1 c /c • Ladies' long Gold Chains, reg. C $5.00. Jane Sale $2.95 C • Gents' gold filled Watch Chains. c reg. $10.00. June Sale $0.25 reg. $8.00. " 4.75 reg. $5.00. " • 2.95 C reg. $3.00. 44 • 1.75 I C Gents' 18 size, open face, 20 -year gold-filled ease, 17 Jewel P. S. Bartlett Waltham Watch. reg. $t7.00. June Sale ..$11.5O Gents' 18 size, open fade, 20 -year gold-filled ease, 15 Jewel 3 Waltham Watch, reg. $15 00 June Sale..;. $9.75 3. gents' 16 size open face, 25.year gold-fi) d gesso, 17 Jewel Wa • am, reg. $24.00. Jane 5 e, $17.75 Is' 16 size, open face, 20 year gold-filled case, 15 Jewel Waltham, reg. $18 00, June Sale $12.75 3 Gents' Silver Watch, 17 Jewel Waltham Movement, reg. $17.00. June Sale $12.50 Gents' 17 Jewel Waltham Watch in nickle case, reg. $12.00 June Sale $8.25'; Gents' 7 Jewel Waltham Watch in nickel case, rag. $7,00.. 3 June Sale $3.00 Boys' Watches, reg. $1.50. June Sale 89e Ladies' Extention Bracelets, reg. $8.00. June Sale . .,55.00 3' reg. $5.00, Jane Sale.... $2.95 , Ladies' solid gold Pearl Pendants. reg, $25 00 June Sale ..$17.25 5 reg. $15.00 June Sale.. $10.75 2 reg, $11.00, June Sale...58.75 Ladies' Gold Signet Rings. reg. $6.00. Jane Sale....$3.75 j reg. $4.00, June Sale, ...$2.75 s 3 Gents' Gold Signet Rings. reg. $8.00. Jane Sale .... $5.75 reg. $6.00. Jane Sale ....$3.75 Ladies' and Gents' Stone Set Rings at exceptionally Iow • prices. Speoial June prices in Lockets, Locket Chains, Gents' ,and Ladies' Fobs, Br000hes, Scarf PIM, Oaff Links, Out Glass, etc. R. KNOX � ,I OPPOSITE BRUNSWIOE HOTEL. 1 DOOR NORTH KING'S 3 titie0WWW/WVVVVVVWVW1lWW 'K AAAAAAAAAAA1AAAAAAAAAAAA 1 The Peoples Popular Store We are agents for THE LADIES' HOME JOURNAL PATTERNS, the most fashion- able ashionable and up-to-date patterns on themarket, and we can guarantee satisfaction. They are used by all leading dressmakers and are a very special aid to the home dressmaker, HOSIERY Ladies' Black Cashmere, spliced ankles, triple heels, per pair 35c Ladies' Black Cashmere (Llama) high spliced heels, 'per pair .. • . • • 50c Ladies' Tan Cashmere, 3 -ply heels and toes, seamless, per pair ... , 25c Infants' Sox and Stockings, pure Cashmere, in tan, black, red, pink, cream and sky blue.., 25c HAIR GOODS Back Combs and Barrettes to match ; dainty de- signs, with brilliant settings - something new and stylish. We also have the new Turban Pins, plain and with brilliant settings. Also an exceptionally dainty line with a neat gold scroll. Barrettes with the new barred effect. LUNCHEON 444 This week we have a- fresh stock of very tasty Biscuits, ioc to 20c per lb. Also Olives, Pickles, Peanut Butter, Canned Haddie, Canned Herring,&c • Try a gem of Pure Homemade Marmalade. KERR & BIRD WINGHAM - ONTARIO atimmorgemmirwarasionimagingri C. N. Griffin GENERAL AGENT FIRE LIFE ACCIDENT PLATE GLASS WEATHER a'nalun"a� Insurance Wki74071,91 Coupled with a REAL ESTATE and MONEY LOANING Business. Issuer of Marriage Licenses, Office over Malcolm's Grooery. A. E. SMITH BANKER IVINGHAOr, ONTARIO. Farmers who want money to bay horses, cattle, or hogs to feed for market mein have it on reasonable terms. Notes dlaoounted for tradesmen, mer- chants or agents, on favorable terms. Loans on real estate at the lowest rates going. Many Notably Successful Men Owe Their First Start in Business To a Small Savings Account The habit of laying aside regularly a small amount from the weekly wage, is one of the most valuable habits a man or woman can acquire. The amount is not missed, the sunt rapidly increases, in- terest accumulates steadily; and soon you have enough to start a small business of your own. The BANK OF HAMILTON welcomes and encourages the account of the small depositor. All formality has been dis- pensed with. Inquire for the Manager, at any one of the Bank's hun- dred branches. Beyond your own signature for future identi- fication wh'en withdrawing money, routine is eliminated, WINGHAM BRANCH C. P. SMITH, AGENTS Wag office. HAMILTON Capital Jeal&up- .. 22,200,000 'user*e rad thdivided Profits ... 2,000,000 Total Assets ., 0 0 our B1,000,000