HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1910-05-26, Page 11P A.... h..O..w ... TSE WINGRAM M TIME, AWE 2, 121Q FREE DEMONSTRATI ON Don't throw away the gold chairs because they've lost their lustre and are very badly scratched up. Get the Especially adapted . tifying and '1 kinds o for beau - preserving all f furniture and wood- vork, such as: Baby Carriages Balusters Base Boards Bathrooms Bedsteads Doo'1c Cases Bureaus Cabinets Chairs Chiffoniers China Closets Commodes Counters Curtain Poles Desks Doors Drawers Hail Trees Ice Chests Japanese Trays Lawn Seats Lounges, Mantels Music Racks Picture Frames Porch, Furniture Rattan Ware Refrigerators Screen Frames Settees Sewing Machines Shelves Sideboards Sofaa Stools Tables Wainscoting Window Sills Wood Cei'.inge And Floors �,t• E HA IT and make old furniture and woodwork as good as new. "Lacqueret" has become the fashion in a majority of well. regulated households and doubtless you will find many uses for it in your home. What "Lacqueret" Is. ---It is neither paint, enamel, nor var. nish stain, but a brilliant transparent lacquer made with soluble permanent colors, combined with an elastic, hard - drying and lustrous. Liquid. "Lacq Beret" is easily applied, wears well and possesses rare and exquisite color richness, retaining its beauty and lustre for a long time. It does not cloud or disfigure the natural grain of the wood, but enhances its beauty. There are a.hundred and one uses for "Lacqueret" right now in your home. It cures all woodwork ailments= -- covers up all defects. A 15 cent can will convert a dingy old chair into a thing of Beauty -with "Lacqueret," Read over the list of articles and woodwork that "Lacqueret" will beautify. NOTE.-" LAOQUER, T " IS SOLD IN FULL IMPERIAL MEASURE PACKAGES ONLY. MADE IN CANADA. Manufacturers of all finds of High-class Varnishes, Stains, Enamels, Floor Finishes, etc. 2309 Don't fail to visit this RIG FREE DEMONSTRATION To be held all day TUESDAY, JUNE 7th, in the store of J. G. Stewart & Co., Wingham. A Sou%enir will be given to all- ladies and children visiting the `store on the day of this demonstration. How Do They Point. "Solomon" in the Furniture and 'Up. holstery Journal writes as follows; - "How do your feet point? In this oity some time ago a very ;effective adver- tisement was exploited by a local con- cern. The citizens awoke, one morning to find upon the sidewalk the stenoilled outlines of a pair of feet of enamel pro. portions that gave the impression that the city had been visited during the night by a legion of giants. The steps all led towards the centre of the pity and oouverged at a pertain store. Un. coneoiously one was led to follow or at least speculate upon the direction of the foot prints, and so the words of Selo - mon, "Remove thy foot from evil," Suggest the question at the commence- ment of this paragraph. When you find a man's foot turned in the direction of evil it needs not the foresight of a neer to say that he will wind up on the street or in the penitentiary. There is no such thing as chance. Every- thing depends upon the direotibn in which a man's boots point as to the goal the attains, It he sits down and twists bis legs about the rungs of an arm chair day after day his goal will be a corner in the almshouse. It his toes point in the direction of the saloon and gambling hell, his fortune will be that of the seedy individual looking for odd jobs, the blear -eyed, red -nosed soak or the close.cropped toiler who labors ander the disability of a ball and chain. Young man, have your feet jest began to point in the direotibn of that vesti- bule of hell where site the soariet wo- man? Are you herding with the giddy fools who follow the saran of the devil's band -wagon? You have Spent in the last two or three months muoh more than you have earned, and your feet aro already in the mire of debt. You have had thoughts lately that have fairly staggered your oonsotenee. Do yon ex- pect to stand this siege of the "prima polities and powers of darkness"? Fool! "Remove thy foot." If you have to leave your boots it the mud, pull out! If you have to out off the right foot and the left, too, and crawl out, delay not to make the sacrifice. There is lass hope for you in your present position than there was for Oronje and his command, when surrounded by the Sower of the British army. "Remove thy foot." ASK WALTON MCKJBBON Parisian Sage, the Hair Grower, is Now Sold in Canada on Money Back Plan. It's a mighty good thing for the wo- men of Canada that Parisian Sage can now be obtained in every town of con• eegnenoe. No preparation for the hair has done so much to atop falling hairanderadioate dandruff and make women's hair bean- tifni as Parisian Sage. Parisian Sage ie the only certain des- troyer of the dandruff miorobe which is the cause of 97 per aent of hair troubles. These pernicious, persistent and de- struetive little devils thrive on ordin- ary hair tonics. Parisian Sage is each an extraordinary and gotok noting rejuvenates that Wal- ton MMoliibbon who is the agent in Wing - ham guarantees it to Dare dandruff, stops falling hair and itching soalp in two weeke or money back, It is a magnificent dressing for wo- men who desire luxuriant, lustrous hair that compels admiration. • And a large bottle of Parisian Sage costs only 50 •cents at Walton McKibben% and all over Canada. HIS BEST. [S. E. Kiser.] He dM hie bust with all his might, 1 -Io laboured on year after year, And yet his world was seldom bright, The sky he viewed was seldom clear; He gave the beet he had to give, And merely won the right to live. Ha clnngtohope; with purpose grim He strove to win the world's applause; But few men ever noticed him, Or cared how dutiful he was; With all the oenrage of the bravo, The beat he had to give he gave. One day he learned to cease to care For rich r award or for applause ; Ile toiled for leve, and then and there The world found out how great he was, For love of what he did he strove, And straight way all his ventures throve,_ Auto Speeding Laws. "No motor vehicle shall be run upon any highway within any pity, town or incorporated village at a greater speed than ten miles an hour or upon any high- way outside of any town or incorporated village at a greater speed than fifteen miles per hoar. Notwithstanding the provisions of the above section, if any person drives a rooter on a publio highway recklessly or tegligently; or at a speed or in a man- ner whioh is dangeione to the publio, having regard to all the oironmstances of the case including the nature, conditions and the nae of the highway sad to the amount of traffic whioh aotnally at tbo time might reasonably be expected to be on the highway, that preen shall be guilty of ale offence tinder We aot. NO. 7. Says the Miller : "One day coming home I looked through the kitch- en window and saw Our grocer's wife baking bis- cuits, Sure enough, there was a bag of `CREAM Olt` THE WEST' flour, and the biscuits were just pip. ing hot -made my mouth water. "You bet 1 knew then how it was that grocer told so much Cream of the West' Flour He kttows hew good it 11 by the tasty things his wife makes . 'with it,, and he fuels sure in recommending it. " if every grocer would 'try his goods before selling theta it would bo e'good thing." The 'Campbell Milling Co,, Limbed, • 1 IT FOR SALE In 1 ERR & BIRD, WING$A'ItL, Toronto t € , _ ' .' w, ser - i • 1i15 FIRST NiGHT AWAY. . The tzeighbor lad bad teased, and so had be, TM mother sighed: "Well, if it line to bel" And faslothernll said:: "Sure! I,et him run It's so wronnear g," by, there's nothiug pau go. 13$ mother rolled his gown lute a lump Si, ahislloy thanb one leer throat held; Pot. Dum In with it; and he left, with joya• jump--. First time be stayed all night away Roil homel He choked a little when he bald good- night To strenusr-parents; and be sawn light Shining in his own lipase, two worlds ewey in the next Nook; then dreamed till dawning day That he wat•tsime homeless. At their break - He could nos eat, but made bis home: siok Sight Without adieux-. to him no anoint primo- When first he stayed away from home all night, And moth spreerad,et him with her,arms out - And in her loving bosom hid his head A long, long time while neither of them stirred Nor anybody said a single word. In her a pang old as maternity Forewarned her of long partings that must Dome; For him had ended all eternity - First time he'd stayed all night away from home l --Strickland W, Giililan, THE SPAN OF. LIFE, After we are dead, it probably will not concern ns whether we died at twenty or fifty or ninety, but jut now mast of us are intensely interested in the matter, and, being average persons la sound health, we oan figure out with certainly just what our ohanoes are of reaching any particular age. If we are just twenty yearn of age, our chance of living to or beyond thirty are nearly 12 to 1; of living to be forty, 5% to 1; to be; fifty, 3 to 1; to be sixty, 1% to 1. Of Iiving to be seveuty we have leas than one chancre in 2,),:!,; to be eighty, less than one chance in 5%, and to be ninety, lees than one chance in 100. If we have reached thirty our chances to•reaoh forty are neeriv 11 to 1; to be fifty. nearly 4% to 1; to be sixty, 2%, to 1; to be seventy, 43 chances in 10; to be eighty, one chance in sIA; to be nine- ty, one chance in 100. The average man of forty has 8% chances to 1 of reaching his fiftieth birthday; 2% chances to 1 of attaining sixty, 5 chances oat' of 10 of reaching seventy. DR. WOOD'S NORWAY PINE SYRUP. Is Specially Calculated To Cure All Dis- eases of the Throat and Lungs. Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis, Sore Throat, Hoarseness, Croup, Pain or Tightness, in the Chest; and all 'Bronchial Troubles yield quickly to the curative powers of this prince of pectoral remedies. It contains all the virtues of the world famous Norway pine tree, combined with Wild Cherry Bark, and the soothing healing and expectorant properties of other excellent herbs and barks. ♦ $Mrs. John PeIch, Windsor, Ontario, ♦ writes: -"I was trobled wit♦ ♦ ty tthackingll cough ¢ for the past six + ¢ months ot different re- �'a$�`i" lot e medies but they did me no good. At last I was advised by a friend to try Dr.'Wood's Norway Pine Syrup and with the first few doses I found great relief and to -day my hack- ing cough has entirely disappeared and I am never without Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup in the house." The .price of Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup is 25 cents per bottle. It is put up in a yellow wrapper, three pine trees the trade mark, so be sure and accept none of the ,many substitutes of the original "Norway Pine Syrup " Manufactured only by The T. Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont. Nasty Hacking Cough. Cured. DURING A COLD IN CAMP. Taking "cold" is a very popular Damp method of feeling bad, The man who least owhile in oamp, not at 0a t n09 m d0,Pr etnil himself full of a good old-fashioned "bold" feels that he has been cheated out of a part of the enjoyment of his onting, l?or the benefit of those of his companions who do not appreciate his "barking" in season and Ont, the follow- ing rules are snggeeted: First take a bath; it may be painful bat ueoeeeary. Second, asaiet overworked eliminants to remove the debris that has aconmtilated by reason Of the ordinary prbo03ses of waste removal. This Dan be dent very nicely with a hcrole dose of calomel; by heroic abort three grains it meant. Follow tip the, calomel with several five grain dotes of pheuaoetine or until the patient is in a profuse perspiration, roll him in warm: blanket's, and awalt developments. A, oarotnl obeervanOo of the foregoing will annihilate an able•"bodied "odd" on earth. -In 3nne Outing. Get 19usY•l The world !rolls on, from day to day, and idle men are in the way; the loafing grail will never pay; get busy, them, get i?tsaiy 1 The man who loiter4 in the Shade, to waten Ilio bray men's parade, will find his hopes of fortune fade; get busy, then, get boil! If you in feeble style depend upon assistanoe from a friend, you're ante to tall before the end -get busy, then, get busy! Make up sour mind that you will paok your bur, den on your own broad back, and, brave and buoyant, hit the treek-got husy, thea, get busy? J'ue1 feel that you're of equal worth with any doggone man on earth, regardless of bis age or birth; And, having made your mind up quite, @how by your Gots that yon are right! Oat grass, out grass, by day and night f Get busy, 0 pet busy ---Walt Mason CARTERSMIS &VER FILLS. 6Ic&r Headache and relieve all the tronbles inci- dent to a bilior t state of the system, each n9 Dizziness, Baum, Drowsiness, Distress after` eating, Pain in the Bide &c. While their most remarkable success has'becaBhown in caring Beadache, yet Carter's Little Liver Pills aro equally valuablo 1 a Constipation, curing and pre- venting this annoying complaint. while theyaleo correct all disordersol'the stomach, stlmu.atethe liver euti regulate the bowels, E.:0111 heyonly erred Achethey would be almost pricckeu to those who culler from this distressing complaint; but fortu- nately tholrgood nose (loos not end hem:midthese who once try them will find these little pill, vale. able in so many wa3•s that they rill not bo wil- ling to do withoutthem. But after alleles heat :s the bane of so many lives the hero to where we make our great boast, Our pills cum it while others do not. Carter's Little Liver Pills are very small and very easy to take, Oneor Lwo pills make a dose. They are strictly vegetable and do not gripe or pare, but by their gentle action please all who use them. c • TE8 t11 D1gt11fl co., VW YODB. MIL Mibi lma11 Davi End Ea SOME PREDICTIONS BY MR. EDiSON. Thomas A, Edison will have an article, "The'To•marrows of Electricity and Invention," in the Jnue issue of Popular Eleottioity. In it the inventor says thatelectricity is the only thing that has become cheaper in the last few yeare. He thinks the high ooet of living comes from the coat of deliver- ing small quantities to the ultimate oousumer. The chances for a successful career in the eleotricai Reid, says 11ir. Edison, are better than ever before. Electrical inventions .are not all made, by any means, He predicts that the time will come when "all the Chores" will be done by motors. Mr. Edison thinks that we shall have easily $50,000,000,000 of money in the eleotrioai service in 1925, and that five times as many persons as at present will then be employed in electricity. Horses have no place iu the city streets, Mr. Edison observes. He says: "There is absolutely no reason why horses should ,be allowed within the city limits, for between the gasoline and eleoric car no zoom is left for them. A higher publio ideal of health and cleanli- ness is working toward snob a banish- ment swiftly, then we shall have decent streets, instead of stables made of cobble - Stones bordered by sidewalks. "I believe," Mr. Edison remarks, "a family could live.the year around with- out nring anything but good peokage food. What is needed is to carry that a step further and devise automatic+ stores where the distributing coat is brought down to a minimum on every artfole handled. A few electro -magnets con- trolling ohntes and hoppers, and the thing is done." The inventor takes occasion to say a good word for the cheapness and dur- ability of cement houses molded by his system, HEADACHE AND Burdock Blood Bitters. The presence of headache nearly always' toils us that there is another disease whioh, although we may not be aware of it, is still exerting its baneful influence, and perhaps awaiting an opportunity to assert itself plainly. Burdock Blood. Bitters has, for years, been curing all kinds of headaches, and it you will only give it a trial we are sure it will do for you what it has done for thou- sands of others. lilts. Jolts Centers, 13ttr1ingtonN.8,, Heandhe writes:--"Ihavebeen + Constipation troubled with head- Cured. ache and constipation for a long time. After +-44-H.-44-4 trying different doe• tors' medicine a friend asked rue to try Burdock Blood Bitters. 1 find 1 am completely cured after having taken three bottles. I can safely reeoru. mend it to all." For sale by all dealers. Manufabtutred only by The T.'Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont. , ft SWIM M cLlJBBING RATES FOR. 190 - 10, I • • • The TI14IEs will receive .ub2ctil.iii;ns at the r tE. • for any of the following publications : • Times and Daily (xlobe..,,...... 4.50 Times and Daily Mail and En pire. 4.5(3 • Times and Daily World,.., •..,....,,........ 3.1.0 • Time and Toronto Daily News,.,,, ,,,,,,,,,,, 2.30 I Times atld Torpnto Daily Star ..............,,.. 2 30 • Times and Daily Ad.xertiser 2.85 • Times and Toronto Saturday Night 3.35 Times and Weekly Globe . ............... 1.60 • Times and Weekly Mail and Empire.,.,. ..,. 1,60 • • Times and Family FIPTald and Weekly Star....... 1.85 • 'Times and Canadian Farm (weekly)..,.,,,.,,...,. 1,60 • Times and Weekly Witness .................. , , 1.85 • Times and London Free Press (weekly)........... 1.80 • Times and London Advertiser (weekly) 1.60 • Times and Toronto Weekly Sun . , ... 1, 70 • • Times and World Wide .. , . 2 20 • Times and Northern Messenger- - . . ... ......... 1,35 • Times and Farmers' Advocate2.35 • We specially recon: mend our reaeegstosubscribe • • to the Farmers' Advocate and Horne Magazine. : Times and Presbyterian .....,., 2.25 • Times and. Westminster ,..... ............ 2,25 Tunes and Presbyterian and 'Westminster. ...., 3.25 • Times and Christian Guardian (Toronto) .. ... , 2.40 i Times and Canadian Magazine (monthly)..... . , , , 2.90 • • Times and Sabbath Reading, New York ... , ..... 1.95 • Times and Outdoor Canada (monthly, Toronto)... 185 • • Times and Michigan Farmer • ... , , 2,15 Times and T9oman's Home Companion 2.25 'Gimes and Country Gentleman 2,60 Times and Delineator.... ...... . . . . . . . .... , 2.9 5 Times and Boston Cooking School Magazine, ... , , 1.95 Times and Green's Fruit Grower 1.55 Times and Good Housekeeping 2 30 Times and. McCall's Magazine ,, 1.70 Times and American Illustrated Alagazine 2,30 Times and American Boy Magazine.. 1.90 Times and What to Eat t 1,90 Times and Business Man's Magaiine. 2.15 Times and Cosmopolitan 2.15 Times and Ladies' Home Journal. 2.75 Times and Saturday Evening Post 2.75 Times and Success 2 �5 Times and Hoard's Dairyman 2.40 Times and McClure's Magazine 2.40 Times and Munsey's Magazine 20 Times and Vick's Magazine 1.60 Times and Home Herald 2.60 Times and Travel Magazine 2.25 Times and Practical Farmer .. 2.10 Times and Home Journal, Toronto 1.60 Times and Designer 1.75 Times and Everybody's 2.80 Times and Western Home Monthly, Winnipeg1.60 Times and Canadian Pictorial 1,60 k.elow • 4. • • d• • 4• • • 4. • • • F M • • M d• -i• • • • The above prices include postaee on American publications to any '2� .I, address in Canada. If the TIMES is to he pent to an American address, add 4. 50 cents for postage, and where American publications are to be sent MEN American addresses a reduction will he made in price, We could extend this list. If the paper or magazine yen want is not in • the list, call at thi; effier, or drop e card and we will give you priers On the • paper you want, We club with all the leading newspapers and mel azrnes. • When premiums are given with any of above papers, subscribers veil 3 • pec re such premiums when ordering through ns, same as ordering direct • from publishers. det These low rates mean a considerable saving to snbeeribers, and are • • s STRICTLY CASH IN ADVANCE. Send remittances by postal note, post omce or express money order, addressing 1l 9 ea• aM,nWstmiumatmteB•WtesessalRi) least0n•ato•Bsia.BSBs.i...a TIMES OFFICE, WINGHAM, ONTARIO. p. r.o-,te,-I, 'P?�a: -.. !, ..... 4�•:•:lP:da,. YOU PiY WHEN C:a� Drs. Kt & K. TAKE ; •.LL, RISKS 44, Cured by the New Method Treatment PIO NAMES OR PHOTOS USED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT t NERVOUS DEBILITY Thousands of young and middle-aged men aro annually Swept to a pr ematui+ f:: tee through Early indiscretions, Excesses and Blond Dioceses. If you have any 68 t`'o Z01- ' lowing symptoms consult us before it is too laic. Are you nervous and weal:, a s; c h- ! dent and gloomy, specksbefore the eyes, with dark Circus undo them. wu..k b. kidneys irritable, palpitation of the heart, bashful, dreams and to st + Lluirlem., t t pimples on the face eyes sunken, hollow cheeks, ear swore enpressi i . 110‘ t o c, lifeless, distrttstful, lack energy and strength, tired mornings, restless Li. .ht + i ....,...tb,e moods, weak tnamcod, premature decay, bone pains, hair loo," erre tb o,,,t, etc, YOU WILL BE A WII.ECI: Our New Method Treatment can cure you and make a man of you. Under its ir.:,u- f' eneo the brain becomes active, the blood purified, so that all pimples, hiotehrs and ul.,us °disappear, the nerves become strong as steel, so that nervousness, bashfulness and des• poudeney vanish, the eye becomes bright, the face full and clear, energy retori: to the body and the moral, physical and sexual systems are invigorated: all drains tc.,t'( :x, more vital waste from tit.+ cursysteem.you ar Don'tnb letpay.acks and fakirs rob you of y. Lard earned dollars. We wilt quyou. EVERYTNINGG PRIVATE AND CONFIDENT/AL ' REAttet No matter who has treated you, write for an honest opinion Free et Chxrce. Books Free ---"'rhe uwotden Monitor" (litustrated% on Secret Diseases of Men. QUESTION LIST FOR NOME TREATMENT SENT ON REie.ULa1' 1 ENNE01f&KENNE6Y Cor. Michigan Ave. and Oriwold'St,, Detroit, Mlle. 11 ®Tior All letters from Canada roust be addressed G to our Canadian Correspondence Depart. sionisairetassolus meat in 'Windsor, Ont. If you desire to see us personally call at our Medical Institute in Detroit as we seeazid treat. no patients in our Windsor offices which are for Correspondence end 'Laboratory for Canadian business only. Address all letters as follows DRS. KENNEDY & KENNEDY, Windsor, Ont. Write for our priVateaddress.. t