HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1910-05-26, Page 8MINOR LOCALS, —04013e day in town, • •Theirafia)y, 'May 6th. -Thu excareton eeaecu la here- ---Rent the a:'vobtisoments in the --Huron, Coast, Council will meet et f:}oda.ricil oti Teeeday June '41.1, —Brussels hes a population of 1 072, and a total seni tof $390,005. --It is reported diet wire worms are destroying the crops around Stratford. —Tnrnberry Council will meet in the Clerks ofi'ice >At Bluevale on )1/Looney next. —The Grand Orange Lodge of British America i8 in eessiofl at Brantford this week. —Court Maitland, Canadian Order of Foresters, meets to -morrow (Friday) ev- ening. --Kieoardine baseball nine defeated the local team at Brussels on Tuesday by 6 runs to 2. —Wingham Court of Revision will moot in the Council Chamber nest Mon- day evening, —Good summer weather and showers tiering the pest week have helped the growing crops. --The anneal I. 0. 0. F. exoursion to Sarnia and Detroit will be held on Sa- day, August 1311'. TUX. rn WtN0I1,4M TIMEli1 MAT 20, 1.91Q- TINSMITHS WANTED wanted ! Six good Tinsmith meth, wages $4.50 P hours, Correspond - Works, 245 Barnard I.i, 0., A, P. Stewart, steady employ- day mployday of eight 0. Sheet Metal St., YanPQ.nYer, onager. TENDERS Tenders will be reoei signed up to May 30th, or a couorete platform building of 5. S. No, eo11oo1) kali particula applfcatioiJ. D. MoE Box 1 --Brussels and Ethel football teams played a tie game at the former plane on Tuesday, neither team scoring. —The annual meeting of the North 31nron Liberal Association will hold in Wingham on Tnesday, June 21st. —Saturday, June 18111, is the date of the annual Goderich•to-Detroit excur- sions per White Star steamer Greyhound. TOWN OF ANTED, d by the under or the butidiug frost of school , Morris (atone s carr be had on N, Secretary, W iugham, Oat. INGHAM COURT OF EVISION. YOUNG MEN' The first sittings of the Court of Revision, for the re''sion of the Assess. ment Roll of the own of Wingham for the year 1010 will be held 1n the Council Chamb- , on Monday, the 80th day of May. at 8 o'clock p. to. All parties interest: • will please take notice and govern t emselves according- ly. By order. JOHN GROVES, Clerk. Wingham, May 16 i. , 1910, —A scheme is on foot in Goderich to bane the dust on the business streets laid by means of oiling instead of water- ing. —Deputy Reeve Hainetock, of Ho• wick has been seriously i11 for some days, He was stricken with paralysis on Tuesday of last week. —Mr. Wm. Maxwell, of the Bluevale road has sold his team of black horses to Mr. Law, livery man at Brussels, and has purohl sed a Bingle driver from Mr. Law. —The Grand Camp of the Sons of Scotland sent a letter of condolence to The Most GracionsMayesty, Sing George N. on the occasion of the death of King Edward. —We are pleased to note that. Mr. W. J. Mo$enzie, who recently underwent a anrgloal operation at the hospital here, is making satisfactory progress toward recovery. —Mr, W. 5. Bell, of Pine River, Was in town Saturday inspecting the J. 1. • Case threshing outfit at Mr. Chas. Don- aldson's, and has given his order for a similar outfit. COURT 0 REVISION. Take notice that ion of the Ass Township of Turn the Clerk's office, dap of May, 1910, All parties int themselves socardi B J the Court of Bevis - meta Roll of the erry will be held in luevale, on the 30th t 1.30 o'clock p m, ested will govern glee order 11N BURGESS, Clerk. y 5, 1910. TO LEARN THE MOULDING. Go d wages from start ; under competent instructor. A splendid opportunity for young men to learn a trade. Dated, Bluevale, M TO BRIDGE C NTRACTORS Tenders will be r signed at the office Township of Turnb on Monday, May 30 ing of material and crate abntments for the River Maitland, also for the taking wooden bridge and pi ed by Inspector. No out or broken up. A 10 per Dent. of 'tender to tender. No tende copted. Plane and specifioati et the Township Clerk Dated May 4111, 1910 JOH T Apply to W. D. VAREY, Superintendent of WESTERN FOUNDRY, Wingham, Ont. eived by the under - the Clerk of the ry up to 2.30 p. m., h, for the furnish - building two con- n iron bridge on t Lot 1, Con. 6, own of the old 'ng where direot- ood timber to be arked Cheque for net be attaohed necessarily so - NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Notice ishereby given pursuant to R. S 0 1897, Chap. 120, Sec. 88, that all persons having claims against the estate of Eliza Bosman, late of the Town of Wingham in the County of Huron, Widow, deceased, who died on or about the second day of 1May, A. D., 1910, are required to send by post pre- paid or to deliver to R. Vanstonc+, Solicitor for the Executor of the said deceased, on or before the 13th day of June, A.D. 1010, their. names, addresses, and descriptions and a full statement of particulars of their claims and the nature of the security (if any) held by them duly certified, and that after the said day the Executor will proceed uto distri- bute the assets of the deceased among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which he shall then have notice. Dated this 18th day of May, A. D. 1910. R. VANSTONE, Wingham P. 0., Solicitor for Executor. —Tuesday evening, May 31st, is the date of the garden party to be held by the Baptist young people at Mr. John A. Kelly's home. A good time is in store for those who attend. —Stewart, the 14 -year-old son of Mr. Chas. Donaldson, while splitting wood on Monday morning had the misfortune to make a gash in one of his toes, which required three stitches t0 close. —Before a big Crowd and with the thermometer anywhere over 80 degrees the Listowel high school football team successfully defended the Hough cup at Listowel 071 Saturday, defeating Strat- aford 0.1.4to1. —The Bell Telephone Company will establish a central energy system in Berlin the first week in June. The oompany'sfine new building will then be occupied. Berlin and Waterloo will be served by one central office. • —Reg. Clark, who has been brakes - man on the G. T. R. between Kincar- dine and Palmerston during the past few years, has severed his connection with the company and leaves for the West where he will do similar duty on the C. N. R. —Meinberk of the Wingham branch of the Women's Institute are again re- minded of the annual meeting to be held in the Chisholm hall this (Thnraday) afternoon at 2.30 e'oleek. Election of effioers, receiving of reports, renewal of membership, etc. ns Can be seen office, Bluevale. BURGESS, wnship Clerk. Distance from ra Tway stations: Wroxeter, O.P.R., 3 in les; Wingham, G,T.R., 6 miles; Bl • evale, G.T.R. 5 miles. . • • Pines Ies . pp C This week is the best • 4. time for PINE- 4. 4.APPLES 4• .1- + 4. • Try Malcolm's for ' NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Notice is hereby given pursuant to 12. S. O. 1897, Chap. 129. Sec. 88, that all persons having claims against the estate of Jane Sadler, late of the Town of Wingham, in the County of Huron, Widow, deceased,. who died on or about the 24th day of April, A D. 1910, are required to, send by post prepaid or to deliver to R. Vanstone, Solicitor for the Executors of the said deceased, on or be- fore the 18th day of June A D. 1010, their names, addresses, and descriptions and a full state- ment of particulars of their claims and the nature of the security (if any) held by them duly certified, and that after the said day the Executors thetdeceased proceedtothe distribute the thereto having regard only to the claims of which they shall then have notice. Dated this 18th day of M 910 11. VA. AN'STONE. Wingham P. O., Solicitor for Executors. WINGHAM MACHINE SHOP 11 SING'S FOR BARGAINS 1 W1 WANT YOVR TRADE j Tlitli BUSY STORE Baby Carriages and Go-Oarts re -tired and repaired. General repair work of all kinds. See our new Combination Stook Raok. Bargains hi Bioyolee and sundries. Plow Points sharpened and made as good as now at 100 each. W.. A. CURRIE Phone 21. PROPRIETOR' CHOICE FRUIT• I. J. Malcolm I 4• Phone 54. 4. 4 Produce Wanted. 4' • •1• Owxni . In' urnberry, on the 13111 inst., to Mr. and Mrs. P. Owens; a son, Cnt'nt,Ai .–In Turnberry, on the Kith inst., to Mr, and Mrs, Percy Copeland; a daughter. Bn[ra. Tu Teeswatcr, en May 111th, 1010, to ler. and. Mrs. S. R. Brill, a daughter, WEVA1arrin.--in Blyth, au Monday March 16 to Mr..and Mrs. Jena Weymouth, a (laughter. MARlill8D Tt[ouslly- birrrltEr.r..—ln Winnipeg, tin Thursday May 12th, by Rev, Mr. Crummly, Mr.Hugh 9'homson, of Mezenod, kiosk ,to Miss Beg de, llattghter of Mr. and Mrs. John G. Mitchell, of Molesworth. Dian Dlt11i1tAS'.—Itl Toronto, on the 23rd inst., Dr. Murray, Mary Kean wits of Iiev. J. I,. Dft formerly of Kincardine. Satemm.—In Grey, on Slay 11th. teolttn Smith, in his 88rd. year. 44443••1!••t: MEETING OF THE HtJR ON COUNTY COUNCI The Council of the .'.Cant littren will meet in the G cunei 1 ha in the Town et (3aadericll, on Tilts)"7''rr1 fat eV JtiNtl'' 148x7, at .i o'clock. tthletedbe nlacei Wit eCrk epithet rhe ve W. LANZ, Clerk. Tatted Miky'28rd,1910. POPULAR STALLIONS. /� /C�E2'�T�RAALL STRATFORD ONT. The great praotieal training school of Ontario. Three departments, Commercial, Shorthand or Telegraphy. We assist graduates to positions. The demand upon ns for trained help greatly exceeds the supply. The Three most', recently placed are re- ceiving $40.00, $50.00 and $100.00 per month respectively. Business rnen state our graduates are the best. Enter our classes now. Get our free catalogue. ELLIOTT & McLACHAN PRINCIPALS. WASH GOODS.— We are showing a beautiful range of these materials for Summer Suits, etc. It is safe saying there's nothing nicer for the warm weather than a nice Wash Suit—we have the goods. R'EPPS, INDIAN HEAD, FOULARDE, BROOK - LANDS, Etc.—In 'the new and popular shades and FAST COLORS. LADIES' WAISTS.— A large selection to choose from • in plain tailored and fancy embroidered effects at all prices. DRESS GOODS AND TRIMMINGS.—As usual this department is well stocked' with all the new and staple goods, and at present we have one of the most complete stocks of Dress Goods to be seen. HOUSE FURNISHINGS.—Carpets, Art Squares, Mat- tings, Linoleums, Floor Oils, Curtains, Madras, Art Muslins, etc., etc. A very large range which we will be pleased to show you. TO CLEAR. -5 pieces Lawn, wide width, fine cloth, to clear 8c, WANTED.—Large quantities Butter. and Eggs (22c) GOOD GOODS G. Eae KING. eggesinentefillta C HEAP PRICES Have You Tender Feet ? A great many people have, and TH4 GREAT MAJORITY can be relieved --yes, completely cured— from this uncom- tertable affiletion by buying the right. kind of Shoes, The. Dr. Cook Cushion Sole Shoe for Men Will take away that tired, aching feeling, All sizes and widths. Price $5,00 per pair. •....•••..•••••••.tf.'+i•.•••• A..••...•••.0..........••: i CU RTAINS r CURTAINS :Have you seen the New Curtains at Gordon's? The new Fish Net •• Curtains with double borders, also Nottingham, Batten - •burg and Irish Point, . • • •• •Madras Muslins. • :In all colors suitable for diningrooms and dens, also •cream for bedrooms and drawingrooms.+ • o The Imported Oiyde'dale Stallion, " Mascot" will make the season of 1910 ae follows:-- Monday—Leave his owner's stable,Bluevate, for Alex.Mofatt's, 21 i miles east of Bluevale, for noon : north to Kirton Bros.,' eon. 5, Turn- i,erry,for night. Tuesday--aAlleto BPhersoonor ion.,, xnrnherry, noon; night_ Wednesday— To Wm. Eiston's, con. 2, Morris, for night. Thursday–Jos. J. Kerr's son 1' aa,t Watvanosh, noon ; and to Dennis' feed s attic.;, Dnp. cement Works Wingham, and remain until Saturday morning. Satur- day—To his owner's stable, Bluevale, and re- matnuntil Dfonrlay mo . W g1iTNC1, Proprietor. noirOior "Drumburle Chief," the Imported Cfydes- dalo Stallion will make the season of 1910 as fo11ows:--- Monday-Leave his owner's stable, Bluevale, for And. Douglas',gravel read, noon find to ar- h . Tee gc�a 8 rni t y r land's fo Andrew Payne g, COP. 2, (ire noon • anti et Me- Farlano's, gravel rend night. Wednesday" -To Jag Speirs, Con. 6, Morris, noon; and Tae Nichols', Con. 0, night, Thursday—To Jas, Sheddena, Con 4,Morris, for noon; and to Hill's Hotel ateblcg, Belgrfivo, for flight Dri<l e y—To UN. Miliera Con. 8, Motels, and remain unfit iietnraay morniug. lieturday=- To Robert Warwiek',l,Con. 8 Morrie, for rieoli I then to hie owner's ilteble, Blnevale, and re• Mehl until Monder morning, 11,,T. t Ain, . 4. W. knot, , Manager, • • • CANADIAN Pei c F-1 C. GREAT LAKES NAVIGATION NOW OPEN ,tissular Satiings its follows: UO DAY Y ... S, Si ''AT)L'BASCA" titt7E.9D.'AY... • S. S. 1tg-riEWATIN" ) D.ILSDAY c S, S. "ALBERTA." THURSDAY . S. S, 'MANITOBA." i4iAN' ITOBA 17 SATURDA'if��11.. S. S. "ASSrNTi30IA." The Most Winnipeg and West. route "i.gfiRsfIrtRs. May nni o and to Wi g rafn n Through h �' iC west f an above date,00 pan. T. lI. let RIMER., Agent, 'V tnghanl. • In • • • • • • Wash Suitings. • • • •• •• • ••• • • in white and • • O • • the fashionable new Cotton Repps, Serges and Piques, also Ginghams and Zephyrs, and the new plain and Mercerized • Mulls in all the pastel shades. ••• • • McCall Patterns. We are agents for the celebrated McCall Patterns—a large to choose from. McCall Magazine regular price 10c, • s� but you can get it here at 5c. • • — We take Butter and Eggs in exchange for these New Goods. Equal to the best made The " Queen Quality " Cushion Sole For Women e • • stock • ••• . • • • • • • • • • • •••, • • • A • .•*..•..••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••• M. CORDON ....4)0••••••1444S0414•••••• OpdniRg Allh1011llOeIl1011t are superior to all other Cushion Sole Shoes. All sizes and widths. Price $4.50 Per Pair. Have you Bunions ? If so, you can get immediate relief by wearing our Bunion Protectors. Price 45 cents each. Perhaps you need Arch Supports We keep " Schol's," — THE BEST THAT IS. Price, with rubber cushion heel as those sold at $'1• per pair. Let us assist you in procuring Foot Comfort. WILLIS & CO. THE SHOE STORE. Sole Agents for for Ladies. Sole Agents for the "Astoria " Shoes for Men. 0 a•t•••.••••.••.•• N.•0.4 ••••• • f ...�. - E. C. WHITE • , New StOre High-Claas Ladies' and Gents' Tailor ZNew goods• • 1 have much pleasure in announcing to the • • • people of Wingham and vicinity that I am opening : • Sprin and lip a bigh•class tailoring establishment. You will find here the finest line of Imported Woollens in 1Kartlna, Pitney Worsted and. Tweed Suitinga Summer LMno.h. xrouserings; The Kingfisher black SC • bias Worsteds, Servos, Oltevlot8, Vieunag, • • Season tains Cloths, etc. It is an acknowledged fact that these cloths i •' 1910• ' are the best produeed in the world—the cloth that •ion. " act atl('f wears well and'gives entire s Ms' establishment will be found replete with ink ectlon gentlemen's • � the :latest novelties In ,materials for . • d wear and 1 trust you well pay me an early visit, r �nV�ted� • LADIES' GARIV1 NT9 made in the latest, 'appto•' ' date styles, and satisfaction guaranteed. Sincerely yours, C. WHITE • Willie d.AM, ONT.. t+ • E. X 44.444:41.44.00444:04.44.44 0:4 ,4 Aa . 1 ....._t_�►..li 0' a `• tHouse C 4 tit 4; et a Means IN 1 Furnishingsl House ...4 • • •• • Warm spring days suggest house cleaning and house cleaning means a new Carpet for a certain room, a. certain room needs new Curtains and Pi a certain room needs a new 01 I., Japauese Matting, ' Floor Oils, 0. itPt so i. Scotch LiRoloums,_Rugs. it CARPET SQUARES IN TAPESTRY BRUSSELS t AND VELVET. s` l' You will realize substantial savings if you buy your Spring House Furnishings from us. Linoleum or Oil Cloth All Wort Guaranteed, anise d, N'ilion Eloot CARPET SQUARES A NUMBER OF SMALL. $6.00 to $3otaD ENDS CARPET CHEAP � our line of Ladies' Suitings in latest colors. See our Ladies' Ready -to -Wear Waists, tor No, r Sugar $5.85 per cwt Cash, 2,, Also • ALL 1 INIA OP i'BOD11OE WANTED. T., A., ..L.'. PlION'E 89.. WINGTIAlvf, ONT. ,