HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1910-05-26, Page 69 6 TWO WOQUAR TWOO, MAY 96, 0111 In New, 'Y'ork Antonio Mislana was ��t1��>11t1 �11��.# The stady of foreign Ionggageo to found Ruilty a the Black 91144 ogee of makin ra id FREE K P �rRE#xeaa is Gerwau. Fullness , atiemptiag to exhort woney fres► Qarui schools, Mget of the teachers -aro, na- �• ullness andBleatingAfter ArA ting? so the tenor. Abolish 1119 Oaueo,,. enc# NllsorX and. tive.bora Freii ob d• k pgliah« its' The 1►fililtA Departnaont At Ottawa Distress of lndt;gQstlon will. l/nrtieh While Glermon meat iR anbiecod to. DEMONS' � `y p"P"".'1°" 114Te adapted a nett/ uniform And hexa Anta•enortetn' find post-tiigrtam oicaintgit• dA,+nF,gNl�M � � � �i a#tEt the anfform: of all mounted troops Uan rad%Reetfon bs oared.2 iivadreds tion h1r Goyeriimont inspeotgr&, ,suety ' • ' +� „" es of tbugsaudsan; pee&ls. who suffer filen 1 you can literally transfigure w a �,. p •`{y,` of the Iloniluian will be of elle general: bslahina of gas; bfllqusstpa, aqui stool Piece of Went. approva4 being stamped, house" y * yt e� y e� pattern. t sr f tate nuthorities exorcise no .control over CR@#e �n' '+Fs�i2 ay decorations, 4>r � ;Sr•°. �� �ilre o>; your rnorley beak,, ash«. fallitei, ranusea, sktertn0as o>;furniture, 4 e: 5: brew h, bad taa.,� in mouth, fou► breath,. the meth.4a employed by the meat "pro• . -. Jolie T'tiapitefejtor would tzo broke "� At all lruddists or direct ficin it he rhuuld spend hie entire income try. nervottaatess vied ether distressiutr aywp' and ��d � t i� and 8 S' paring establishments, r �, taws, aro sakinf{ tboiaeslvrs that class• spick �. -span just a, rug to prePAre. a batter iiaodioiue than tion daily. Alum need in the ripeiog water Vill t with 2 ac. a bta�c« C i]i, M�iAI I ICIN CO., Toros#a Cliambc•Rlain'n o a l in, Qiaotera A&rl And If �hes0 game doubting dyspeptics prevent green from. fading. A hanei,uj good as oew, and a� � ���° �®�j �,"Q�t6 ��A4. D arxhuan Remedy for diarrlioea, dysen• 4 8 y i colli aalyraad ilia thousands at einoeru: of salt thrown into the xitlsiutx blue salves u.-cx ia� i.k p4 , Is ,lip 4ws ts>y or hpseel entr,platute, Itt is simPal' loners from people who once suffered sus should b§ used to set blue. TP e im"048141e, find so says every One that badly as they da now,. feat who 1#nve e Dow baa used it. Sold by all clgalers. been quickly and pormauentiv oared by Priote nye iaouked in atrcng sale water tb0 1100. of Mt-O•ua. Dbe, mighty dyspep- before washing they will keep the octcr ennui �. �y��.. `p« yc�, _qp,,,.,•„ „�,, � y " - ;Tohra k�rcdgex,. obnrgad wick ehcaot ng Dia remedy Hint oorea lav removing the baster., OsgaIl i0, good to use for gray IRA .,- �Y'!'r. and veounding Dfi+ta ,Elisabeth Fraplta. cense, !thFy K•onld go Ca Waitoa. Mp7ib>. and brown colors, AMI breaking fiitq'iier house near Icon- bo. t tills veryr day and get a large box of 111i•a n,% rabiers, and start thowsox of CarletonBannatt Rosamond Wps born in $ I+Oeal !I#Stox'y of the sax+Iy $(ls; qs" ;tA pill 6th, will be trieii at the on the Right r.Ond to health at once. . Place iu 1883, wag n Wooleq GC41j TWENTY [ARS AG01. Ittrms from time "Times " tyles, all Ase zee in October. The pri,ae cf di•e rein tablets is cuiy.60 manyPaoutnxer itt Almonte, and pr0e -� cents, and Waiton,UoKibbon guarantees dent Of Canadian A4anu#actarera' As. I'10 them to care indigestion. or money back. sooiation in 1890, He was mayor ]Place In tun Fa;nely, Thin or loan or scrawny people will. y r of (Front tiza Tiair s of flap 23, 1800, water, caught 80 speckled beauties, some If you and. your #amiiy were obliged find ,in It4f,o•na, a umber of flesh and Aitnonte for a toren, and was olooted to ' g to depend an one medioinN, what would blood, because it causes the stomaoh to the. Hortae of Commons IJeaomber, 15+31, , of them upwards of .a foot in 1s�ngth. extract lucre nutritious'natterfcom the ' Dont confuse "LaC ueret" with the ordinary"spongy," "sticky!" I poII choose? It is not diiliaadt co guess for North Llsnark, re-elected in 1806 and LooaL ;i?vrs• A largo meeting of the Reformers of what medicine Mrs. Jas. Gray, $artello, food, wblah gaict:ly enriches the blood. decorative materials that 'you have ,sometimes bought on suspicioiA iu 1040., Messrs C. Lloyd fu tions shipped a car the town was held in McitOnzla'0 Block, N, B., would choose, for ails writes;— _ and used with disgust. • it something altogether different. "t c" For five years my husbaud and I brave $ nett' dapnrturepas been made by at quoret" is neither paint, enamel, nor varnislm stain, but a brilliant load of docro to Wincigeg, on Saturday , on Monday evening, Mr, S. Graoey, the used Dr, Ohaeo's kidney and LiverFilie Ntne seta a# calors given by the least elle Ltmeriosu,irAnohor, Instead of transparent % ' soluble e last, vice prasfdent of Cha Liberal Asaoetatign, for Kidney traablea; bi22iouanesg and p lacquer made with so ub e p rmanent colors, combined de - occupied the chair. patron and les, them indra cue.. Daughters of the Eva ire to the Toronto buying steers for summer feeding lie has a e, . cousti p n' with elastic, hard -drying and lustrous liquid. Lacqueret is de� The Rev. Mr. Moorboasa preached at ably as a family medicine," public school cadets will be presented to bleu buying light cows rand young Signed for beautifying and preserving old furniture, marred and y last, the services at g heifers, Ile has bought 7b01b. heifers Ingersoll on Sunda A special meeting of fire School Beard _ the warless oOrps . ty Earl Gray aft0r a soiled woodwork, dingy and dirt -stained floors, and a hundred and. at y�4.G0 and 000 -lb, cow at $4 80,, both St Pant's church befog. conducted by Was held on Thursday evening last to parade on Empire Day. His lordship One furnishing odds and ends that --worn' and marked --disfigure the Rev, Mr, Wright. receive the resignation of Miss Franklin, The Amagama,ted Association of Iron the bishop of Toronto will perform the bre, nr to be bred. As soon is the the living rooms, or "clutter" the Storeroom' or attic. "Laccuere 'o' Prosent—Messrs. Bell, Morton, Petty- `pin and Steel Workers of the United ceremony of bleba ng the colors, females have raised a calf the old stook covers up original defects of wood surfaces, blots out the' frays I4Ir• R. C Sparlic9 shipped a oar load piece, Inglis, Abraham and Moore. States, at their annual convention, went will be fattened and sold to the butcher and Scars Of usage and enhances the beauty g Of 0298 to Montreal on Wednesday, and '; Children �I ,n y of the statural ruin • on record with A demand for removal of Chi 1 d i e n Cry as this rancher has•discovgred that there' 8s well as restoring original tone and tint. S oar of potatoes to the same place on the United States tariff on beef. FOR FLETGIIER'S is a good market rn the Eaet for lows. Thursday, bath by G, T. R, � '.Cha provision for raising calves from "Lacqueret" is especially adapted for beautifying `and preserving BIRTHS. CAS T O R I The annt of the meeting is the uroh was j OHIO,� � �•o° caws, intended for the bntolrar after �l kinds of -furniture and woodwork, such as District of the Methodist Oharoh was f , inst., 'h wife f Mr. n on the meth STATa of uoAs Sher or aoLEDo sa A decree of the Minteter of Labor of calving, would seem t Baby Carriages China Closets Lawn Seats SewingMachiniltn fust,, he wife of Mr. Andrew Holmes; J. Cas Cheney misY. t;• q point to incises balusters Commodes Lounges Shelve held at Teaswater on Tuesday and teed• Frank J. Ckenoy makes oath that he Prance prohibits night work by seam• ed production in cattle ]titer on, but ae Base Boards Counters Mantels Sideboards A daughter, is senior partner of the firm of F, J. tresses and other working girls after against this to mentioned the fact that Bathrooms Curtain Poles Music Racks Sofas. neaday of this week, The Rev. Jahn e Scott, M. A,, presided, Miller.—In St• Helena, on Sunday 4th Cheney & Co., doing business in the city June 30, It' Roma dresmmaking'estab• thousands of bred cows have, because of Bedsteads Desks. Picture Frames Stools of Toledo, County and State aforesaid, the keen demand for secondary Book Cases Doors Porch Furniture Tables Mr, Samuel .Grigg, formerly o' this net , the wife of Mr, R. ] ,Miller; a and that said firm will a the sum of° fishm0nte the girls work until eleven qualities daughter. One Hundred Dollars for each and every O'clock, and during the rash season of of bee#, gene to rho butcher. Bureaus Drawers Rattan Ware Wainscoting town, and latterly of the Grigg Hones, Cabinets Hall 'frees Refrigerators Window Sills London, has been appointed. Manager of DEATss. case of Catarrh that cannot be oared by American patronage they -work all night Chairs Ice Chests Screen Frames Wood Ceilings* the Northfield, Mass,, summer resort the use of Ha11'bCatarrh !Jure, FRArR in four-hour ehiftr?, nn CCyy��s�l C ChiSoniers Japanese frays Settees And FLOORS Wedlwood.—in Lower, Wingham, ou J Crrsr,EY• WOMEN'S WaGQ owned by evangelist Moody. Sunday, the 18th May, Jane Wellwood, Sworn to before me end subscribed in Ryder Haggard, the novelist, when V NOTE.--'' LACQt/E,R T" is said in full .I serial measure packages only Mr. James Miller, an Tuesday, while reliot of the late John Weliwood, eged A Dr1886.e' this 6th dap of December naked recently why he did not contest a fishing between \Vingham and Toes. aged 71 years. 3 months and 1 day. A. W. GLEAsox Consistnency for the British Parliament, Whigham Women are finding Relief MADE 1N CANADA . ` (Seal.) said the reason Was a financial one. a ` Notary Pablic. The average QOet Of contesting a county at Last. Hall's Catarrh Care is taken internally and acts directly on the blood and mno constrtuengp he said was $10,000 while It does seem that women have more ons sarfapes of the system, Send for nursing the oonatdtaen0y in advance than a fair share of rho no as and KRELS � pi SANCTUM taetimF.J, free. Dost on an average of $2,500 tt year, Pains thata�us b attend t; dutiesmust InTORONTO"0 [BONI THE MILL F. J, t7narRY QCs Co„ Toledo, O, k0epi up,"usual attend to duties iu Sold by all Druggists, 76c, Alfalfa will do more to oheapen 'the spite of constantly aching backs, or Manufacturers of all kinds of High-class Varnishea; Take Hall's Family Pills for eonstip• cost of pork production than any other headaches,, dizzy spells, bearing•down Stains, Enamels, Floor Finishes, etc.l 23a; ation. crop that Can be grown. With no other Pains; they must stoop over when to stoop means torture. They must walk A Free Demonstration will be held in the store of J. G. STEWARt crop either'can batter be so cheaply pro• and bend and work with racking paica & CO,, Wingbam, on TUESDAY, JUNE 7th --- all day., Sir Richard Burton was dispatched dueed. Alfalfa should not, however, and many aches from kidney ilia. Kid. Everybody should attend. A Son%enir will be given. on a mission to the King of Dahomey be pastnred, but cat and fed green or neys cavae more suffering than any to all ladies and children visiting the store on Interesting Paragraphs :from our Exchanges, in 1863. Queen Victoria sent her fel• fed into hay, other organ of the body. Keep the low•monareh a crimson silk tent, a The Federal Government has reached tained.kidneye Rend of aand erelmedy easily eys e d this dein Ostia .' o tion, richly embossed silver pipe, two silver an agreement with Alberta and Sae. only that helps and onres the kidneys t at o i waiters, a coat of mail and a and is endorsed by people You know. A mutton bone carelessly thrown out ' Steps will soon be taken by U.S. Com. " pair of katcliewan for continuing for five yenrr Mrs. dorseddlyr, of Leopold . Aman who kills time. murders oppor- gra g PP g gauntlets. longer the Royal Northwest Mounted Wingham Ont., says: "Isuffered with of A railway dining oar near Vienna in• miasioner of Internal Revenue Cabell tIIuim g George has approve the deaf n , for the first postage stamp of his reign, Z. Police service in the west. Each Pro• an attack of,pleurisy which had greatly jured a little girl so badly that she died. to bring into government ooffers kpme Rev. Robert Gray, a retired minister a haff•cant stamp and a five•cent sgamp wince writ oontribute$78,OOOtowards the weakened me And left a bad effect The parents have been awarded —0366 $250;000 a year, which doesn't go there. for Newfoundland, , H across the small part of my back. A damages against rho railroad company now, but which he believes rightfully of the Presbyterian Church, diad at his Lame Back Painfni St�tclies expense of maintaining the force, serosa pain settled in the raglan of the home in Toronto, in his 84th year. ( Luted . in Ten Days o[ One pound of water lime to a Balton kidneys and extended around my sides, and the attendant who threw the bone belongs there. The $260,000 il$to come, • Children Cry ty � I could 8oarcely stoop or straighten my- ?las been sent to prison. from whiskey people who make a pracw Your Monod Back of milk k. T a good whitewash that self up. HeadaofieeAnd spelfeoPdizziness Oartains are folded or roiled. Lace tice of "recovering" whiskey from, it's worry that Betts, FOR FCE`€CiiER'$ ! will stick. Them must be geniW were frequent and my eyes were weals Nothing so wastes the vital nerve S "�"' The moment you suspect any Md. .stirred and used'immedrately, It stir and painful: Booth's Kidney Pills overs curtains need along roll on which to staves of old whiskey barrels, There are+ forge as worry. Nothing eq certainly soy or Urinary disorder, or feel Rhea• red too much it will harden and if Al. recommended and I tried them. They rest them over summer. Lose expensive mora than 30 concerns in the country retards restoration''to Health. Got out The University of Caloutia is said to coati° Pains, begin taking Towed to stand it will harden, It ahonld nese loft me soon relieved aniih he and tender• Plain a drawer, materials are folded and placed which recover `Rpirits from whiskey into the sunshine, be cheerful, use Dr. be the largest educational coy eadaches and or rehang, and invariably barrel staves. Mr', Cabell estimates that A. W. Chase's Nerve Food to rebuild the corporation is be applied with a broad, flat brush, dizziness were likewise quickly lisped- they should be pressed into long narrow wasted nervous system, and yon will be the world. It examines more than 10,• FIG PILLS led. I believe Booth's Kidney Pills to folds and then lapped once across their more than 500,000•gallone .is recover,9d, surprised how quickly there will be a 000 students annually, Mr. J. LOakis Wilson, Superintendent be an exceptional remedy and will not length, every year. change for the better, This advice wiII• FIG PILLS are sold with a guarantee of Agricultural Societies for the Ontario 1hasitate to recommend them.,, be • better than gold to you if yon will It is estimated that there are about to ogre all Kidney,Bladder or Liver Government, left last week for England, . Sold by Dealers. PAce 50 cents. The but follow it. eleven thousand professional thieves in troubles, Indigestion and all Stomach where he will spend nig weeks iii the in R. T. Booth Co., Ltd., :Fort Erie, out., New York. City, Those Who steal only Disorders. terests of the Province. He will take Sale Canadian Agents. when the opportunity is offered have FIG PILLS are sold at all leading all kinds of booklets and literature raja. Coney Inland next season will brava in not been estimated, if The May Rod and Gun. one immense fireproof building nearly drug stores at 25c a box, or fivefor $1.00. Live to Ontario and its agricultural While fishing :oaoupiea prominent everything possible in the way of amuse Never hesitate about giving Cham- "�'—"—` oPPortntiitiea, and Will distribute this positions in the May number of Rad Mont. berlain's Cough Remedy to children, literature at the #arra and elsewhere It contains no opium or other narcotics Ballet girls in European cities are through the Old Country. He also will and TayGanlor, is Canada, published there W. Am :or. chaeos oint and can be given with implicit confid. taken at a tender age and held like ap• visit the agricultural oentret of Great J. Taylor, Woodatook, Ont., there ie omentisacertain once. As a quick care for coughs and prentioes for several years, under the Britain, for the purpose of gathering in- no spor ofvariety, articles appealing�^y ane guaranteed calla n which children ere ll deal tible, aevereaG dieCiplire. They era housed formation on intaneive #arming for nen to sportsmen of alltastes appearing' � � i e Ri lllllll � ■ cureforeaehand it fa unsurpassed. Sold by all dealers, ��""--•�� V Query germ of in this issue. Anglers who aro arrang• 46 itching, bleeding and fed by the master and miatresa;their this Province, $e will hold me nd " and protnudin ing.their spring outings will find ample piles. Seo tcstimoniula in the press and as When an orator says there is a''bright teachers. ings in the rural districts of Scotland l,; yourneig orkey bent it: You can use it azd future ahead" of the oonntrp, does he Chambsrlaia's Stomach and Livor will Provision inor t air entertainment and t Dim money back it notsat"Co s0e, at all presenting the opportunities rn tintari0 Printin.6) e�leix�a:'�uarrso',l3axasS CoToronto. fancypeople think it is behind? Where Tablets will clear the sour stomach, . pital,oriels of good &@hiag ®'°��"� �INTMiENT. else could the future be if not ahead'? for mt n whit fimitad as trips told bytheir fortunate brethren.Osweeten the breath and create a Healthy �_., j • Only tan Russian survivors of the de. appetite. They promote the flow of Mr. 8031 +Oastle Ba1e16 studles of Wild b fence of Sebastopol attended the fifty�� gastric isles, thereby inducing goad USEFUL HINTS. Ducks iuCanada will interest avast aum- fifth anniversarydinner digestion. Sold by all dealers, __ bar of peop]e,and sportsmen particularly given in St. will find their knowledge of a fine game Petersburg. For Infants and Children, While veryserious damage has been Bags of heated salt arc excellent to bird mach increased by a perueai of this The kind that is neat, attf aCtl}re and � The Kind feu Nalre Always Bought -done to the fruit crop in the 14Zidala relieve neuralgia„ article. Catching Kids of Mountain _ , west the country between the .Rockies Goats and White lArater Men of the tip -to -date, costs yOu no more motley ^; White pepper is perferable to black St. Maurice are stories none should miss, Bears the �j and the Pacific promises a good yield, for ssasotiiug chicken soup. Big game hunting and protective work + quickly crops cos ;hs, cures voids Deals ✓T ` Owing to the shortage in the Middle west receive much attention, while camping iters than the Inferior article does k the tarn 1f and iLnaS, • 25` cents Signature of Criep celory should be served with and mountaineering barye their dellghtg Though Russia's witeat•growing sail is goad prices for that which is produced R ate expected, cold meat. Itis a nerve tonic, pleasantly pictured, For variety and - elsawhere. }� calmest the most fertile in existence, yet Organizations representing more than If a knife is slightly heated, it will out interest the number is excellent through- ithe quip raises 8 bushels to the sore, 2 000 f3awatian %vGmen sent a Cablegram y yearx ex silence tlf an Old 2laree out and sportsmen should gee to ft that na ' bread and cake much more easily, a against 20 cn the British Islands. Fitt ' r Y copy accompanied them, an every to the Hawaiian delegate to congress,, ' MRS- WIS-BLOW'S SoaTRIJi t SFRt;i' is Flour sprinkled generously door east trip* asking hie support for the cause of the prescription of one of the best fe• it Z' EA AC will make the chopping process sim- ,K 1F 1�r $�•eLsi' Raman suffrage, made Physicians and nurses in the PIer. �+ r g United States,and hasbeenused for fifty Left -Over cereals need not 'be wasted. SufferedQuality CC)li�1tS AND The splendid an work of lets is rIa fly years s Of never•failing success by 1l'iCgriat Sex' The and Liver Tablets fe daily millions of znotharg for their Children. The etre expellent fried like mush- and ►�+ • coming to light, No such grand rem. It relieves the child from eaten with syrup or honey. Terrible paid, curse y p lesz' ffrrel ever known before. Thonasnde b' se diarrhoea, griping fn rho Desists, and A tesepconfnl of glycerine r: �p wind oolle. By r given in tt t!r€�dDC Blood �l�t is Y , themedy for or liver and bowel troubles wds giving health is the li�tsxli i r The prE:scnee rf headache clearly always bilionsneasponati constipation Rick h dachechild, it rests the mother, Twenty five Wlacgla8s of hot milk, will relieve a ffT priTlting as in other thin S jaundice and indigestion' cents a bottle. severe paroxysm of coughing. , to 'Tn� tie tells us that theca is another disease_I:tII; Ig in aIOSItIdn t0 ' whiell, although we may not Ile aware of The total rata on grain from Poii C11096 Wrapped in wag a rand at For Backache' lie: ', cllr3B out first- ii atilt exerting its baneful influenc., P 15 s awe 7u�xtlr�» ' In the refrigerator will keep for a Week O`7COftt cern 46 .�* +.,.., v and l,rrhalas anaii an opportunity to William to Liverpool, according to In- George Appleford, a gardenerworkin s •.,�3tua .,,a, tr 5t re ,ir, class work at ver i assert itr7etf plainly, dustrial Canada, is 8,13o.•per bushel, of at Niagara, ort. the•T,ake narrowly� and look ar:if freahiy out, sy:rug ly er � kir t, �+� i� a, �, �t,er� i P'r y � ireaSOrialtle ,prices. Durrlock I3100d hitters IM, for years. , is charged for nisi p rp stcly t rgtr ' fi7; s l ,.,;,ry r ,,,,.,-,v : Try , Which 3.4p ' shipment ed deAth at the Niagara Electrical To ko9p the ttibee of tnacArotri from takcL'g al, c.<e ru fit;4�4. tLvi>hoe s; -ad f"jt this GIf�ICO Wltt� been aurins alt kinds of hcadaehra and if from Fort William to 1Yfontrea1. Hones+ fie received 1 .- 4 abUr next brier, you will Only give it a trial we are�stire it stroking together the Water mtut be °wing I c,Gst'�'t. ? r;x s,ry i w O rt , r,, +. 2,000 volts Of t l: kept at a galloping boll, ae With rice, giving l erf � esu+t;: t'$ spf wit cls for you what it has Jena for thou• �y e0trdoity through his body, and was A rn6,&ci ,� Randa of'otf,ers, V ] 1 C . r e tL Y' thrown to the ground unoobaosoas, For wa9bing coarse clotheo, tort goAb {✓ �C:#v°° $i+l+', i;� df+ Fy4� iL ,� tF3rfcs � b°$�!► infra. John Con POR POR FLETCNER'S A new treatment for the tilaepingsrok» Is the bear, and has the etclvabtage of ° tl pr' s-.,r,+x?t,;� ari�li fah j i Headache ♦ B u r I i n fi t o n, l�,S,, ,.�.; liege Is called,the cold otire, and requires going further than yellow toxp> atlt r ger"� '`� cllt+ff 7?t �` rind ♦ w%rites: W`•Iliavebeea ttarr.. Constiprition troubled %vith heady a refrigerator with a hospital Ward in• 13400A At r441 be sAvecX said 'bse+l fide A!r 1�''' • �' 4" ache and constipation In Norway every Parliament lasts fol stalled in ii. fibs room is fry fish itt, It 1,x.r.r t , , jec R: 5I ,e, S�i',s j ,rlw • Cured. painted white', Riven th4 firli A R :r. .... a, t,, .•_.. "yt+. "r'b�tt,l+3r) Saver ta,t: r, , k,�R ri>k f6g s: M , , ¢ far a loner time. After three years and tib matter what mfg• devoid of carpet, but n ode Comfortable + slid keeps it from failfil ai,,1 :itrs,itatat, ,' .:- $ Q• 4 trying cfiftprent dory igterlAl crinis map Brise there eau inti` ice 4►i b a I af?a ,�^; � r�,{1% >; • The, Times tors medic,iie a friend t able, a deck chair and nit electric If a tiny Pinch Of soda Ii I t i, 3Y rf ` `t'1�. ly>=, in r astced rue far try Burdock 131aad 13,ttcrs, dissolutigti befdre the appointed time. light. The 1?atient who subin tan intdt dl i , , , , I;!iek ell chis ,f sstlti lxs%t f rw+ It find I am completely Corea fitter Navin Where Me no bye•oleotrons even darrii I its to the 0epael In which fruit iii being t fker,%, iii di'ntifi `: A,trx !l . g festinant sits for hours tat b tune in the ed, jell Ungar will be n tor,'i-xi m 4,F t'jUirl' iiiririr Iii• taken three bottle s. I can safely reeom., the life a parilainent, bechule in Addr• eeded. to � e� � 'k its 1' int! ;ilii mend it to alt. ward, �vhfeh is leapt at temperature bt fi, er�f+ i'i;etP6r; atld?3y tilt tiff%1t3 kliod`ta c>ir i A RIO tion to the members sleeted,' ialternaies from 10 W 20 degrees beloW freezr6 Tea rand r {'" � f IVDA ` 'i%Itt let;,r eui�ed; z p'or Bele by all dealers, tore voted far at the delve Ilene and in point: The room is 19 islet a g onnd ootfad ahatyld bit ' ,,fi testa .a1 I1rir, ni+ fur $£ la, L111 ted, Q only by The T+ Y<lilbuiti Cess of deeth of a member his alternate and hat da:*ble by 0 feet, eithor in a tin or gaits vessel, rpdyv i "ti31"A';t„�6L�t +,b i'ec�tipa I' Co., Litillted,,'porant0, Ont. wooden welts, the tipeo0 With s lid, Aad ahattld gij*gyx Dry t , W im ` t�e.,,Wf# d , > ii i + taker his IilactS, hetrtesn Wing packed *Ith oollo b, oat+iiketd, �'` - A r ,