HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1910-05-26, Page 44 vas wiNgtovit TIKES, MAY 201 191.0 THE Dominion Bank 1.1E,41.1) Q.FEiQnt TORONTO Capital Stook (ell psi 1 up) 0,00,000 00 Reserve Pen,i and U•i• divided !soothe ,. -.. $5,400,000,00 Deposits by the public.., $44 000,000 00 Total Assets, over.., . • ... $59,000,000.00 BltaNC11s fi AND A13L^NTS thropRheut Oan- adaand runt U ,rated St•Ntrs. A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTELL Savings Department, Current 1 eget. of Interest ell • ' vett, and Deoneite received or $1,00 and • upwards Farmers' gale Notes C llented, and advances merle on them at.lowest rete of iatereat. WINGIIA..t RRavou—Oarner jam and Joeepblue Sareete W. R. GEIKIE, MANAGER. R. 4 ANSTQNIC, Solioitor. • WOES OF WOMANHOOD. wedding took pace et West Isabel:um Dona , when Mtae Canto 13. Rt leteu, beoame the bride of Fred G Waseaan et Nolan, Tew Mexico, apo of Mr and Mrs d F Waeniau, ot 011uton, formerly. of Rtuevi►le. The happy couple were the guestsof the groom's parent; before golug to their future home at Nelms, abating at Ohioago, Denver, and other cities en route. air. Waaman bee fpr a few year; haeu engaged as oommerotal traveller, bat has now decided to tarn hie, ettentinu to farming, in the land of enoehiue, as the reeidente of New Mori, On We to pall their State. Until with, in the pest' few years it was thought there was too little rainfall them to per. mit the sncoessfnl onitivatiou of the soil, but owing to the new process of "Dry 1'armiug" good crops are being raised. When Mr. Woman boated at Nolan, there was not a hnnee in eight and naw the land is all taken up and be Woke forward to a bright fat,are for agriculture, in that State. The unrner- ous friends of the groom, in this local. ity wish slim and his bride many years ot happy wedded life, WeaknrS3 and Suffering Banished by pr. Williams' PinkPills• Dr. Wilbanale Pink Pills are good ftr men and wohien, and growing !soya and Lurie, but they are good in a special way for women. At epeoial times a woman needs a inedioine to enrich and regulate leer blood eapply, or her life will; be oue round of waning That is when Dr, wiliiams' Pink pil1e are worth their weight in gold, for tbey aotuaily make new bier d. There is no; a month in her life from fifteen to fifty that 17r. Wit, ;lams' Pink Pale are not a boon to every woman. They help the growing girl aately over the critical time when her Wood is rvertax>d by new demande To the woman ot middle life they bring relief and briog her strength for her tittle of change And daring the thirty odd years that lie between, Dr Wil Hams' Pipk Pills fill q woman's lite with the happiness of health, giving her strength and energy for every funotion A woman', surest protootion against all the ills that come to her be case of her sex, is to set her blond rig at once by a course of Dr Williams Pink Pills— and then to keep the lood right by taking the. pa's opc sionaify, litre Eliza ()toothier, St, erome, Glue , is one of the man n fortunate sufferers ret tored to healt Dr, Williams' Pink Pills. She eels: • Is would be eifii.onit for me to say ho mneh I suffered. I was tormented by headaches and back aches; my appetite failed and I 'wasted away to soca an extent that I Was able to do housework. I was oonatently taking medicine, bat it did not belp me eny. Oce day is friend urged me to try Dr Williams' Pink Pills and T procured a couple of boxes By the time these were done I felt aoine improvement, and thus encouraged. I continued the use of the Pills, gaining strength day by day, until after I had taken six or seven boxes. I was again well and strong, and 1 have since continued in the best of health. I can strongly recommend these Pills to all weak and ailing wo- men," TO ADVERTISERS • Notice of changes mast be left at this otfioe not later than Saturday noon. The copy for changes meat be left not later than Monday evening. Casual advertisements accepted up to noon Wedneedav of each week. ESTABLISHED 1872 THE \1 INF liA11 TIMES. H.B.ELLIOTT.Pnnx snanANDPROPRIETOP THURSDAY, MAY 26, 19L0 NOTES AND COMMENTS The complete financial statement of the Intercoloniel Railway for the fiscal year ending March 31st has been isened. The total revenue was $9,268,237.99, and the total operating expenditure $8,- 645,070 33, leaving a surplus of $623,- 164 06. Included in the expenditure chargeable to revenue was $300,000 for renewal of equipment and $150,000 for rail renewal. Expenditure on capital account totalled $1,278,409.45, Of the revenue two-thirds was from freight earnings and one third from passenger, mail and express receipts. Thn bountiful rains by which the Northwest generally has been visited Constitute a fitting rebuke to those croakers who were groaning over drought and predioting all kinds of irreparable disaster, Croakers there alwaye heve been, and croakers there always will be; but croaking has noth- ing to do with outside circumstances— it arises from the temperament of a man, and is purely subjective. This is clear- ly sho+An by the fact that the real croaker always begins to croak before anything untoward really ocoura; he anticipates disaster and acts as thongb he had a spite against Providence. -- Winnipeg Telegram. Sir Wilfred will be given a generous weloome on his arrival and au attentive hearing on any occasion when he chooses to speak, for it is worth consideration that in this western country there are a large number of people from Earope, the United States and the British Isles, who have not landed themselves politically, and for whom the old political struggles between the Conservative and the Re- form parties of Canada are things scarcely known. Hero are thonsanda of people who are studying the Government as a business organiz.ticn who are interested in seeing and knowing what in is endeav- oring to do in the way of building rail- roads and of allowing them to get their goods into the country and to ship their grain and stock out of the country atthe least possible cost in tranaportation char- gee and in tariffs.—Saskatoon Daily Pheontx. Howiose. On Tuesday morning of last week the house of Ur. W. J. Mitchell narrowly escaped being set on fire. Mr, Mitchell was away in New Ontario at the time, and bis mother, who lives with him, bad according to her usual custom, taken some ashes from the etove and put in a pail, placing it outside the house near some cedar wood piled against the back kitohen. About a quarter of an hour atterward her attention was aroused by a crackling noise, and looking to see whence the sound proceeded she found t0 her great fright and dismay that the pile of cedar was burning and the flames had extended to the side of the house and had reaohed even to the 'shingles on the roof. The strong wind blowing at the time had upset the pail, the ashes igniting the wood. Although nnprao. tioed in the nee of the telephoue; which had recently been sat np in the house,. she succeeded in arousing the nearer neighbors and ethers along the line, and in a very short time several men were gathered who speedily extinguished the fire. No further damage was done than the partial burning of the pile of wood, the tops of a few shingles and the dis- figuring of the side of the house. Mr, Mitchell must be congratulated that greater injury was not. done to the house, and which at one time appeared so imminent. atEtETT. Tuesday of lest week, Reopen Scott, a well known resident of the 10th con., passed away at the ripe oil age of 69 years, 9 months and 20 days, The fun. eral took place from his late home, Lot 22, on Thursday afternoon, interment being made in Barna' cemetery. The body of the man who registered in It hotel at Toronto, as JohnThomp- son, and later committed suicide, has been found to be that of J. D. Hall, of Them:aloft. OC is almost the worst think for consumptives. Many of the "just -as -good" preparations contain as much as 20% of alcohol; Scott's £mulsiots not a drop. Insist on having scoff's Emulsion 1! OIt 5 it t $1r ALL natillatera Wile= Scott, four yeer•oid eon of Mrs. Martha Scott of Windsor, was kidnapped by two men and a woman with a big automobile, and, although a police officer followed the party in another automobile, he had to give up the ohaee at Ridgetown, Live Stook Markets. The following are bite quotations: Exporters' cattle-- Per 100 lbs. Ohaice . . $7 00 $7 50 Medium........ ... 6. 50 7 00 Bulls 6 00 6 00 Light 6 25 6 75 Cows 5 50 6 00 Feeders-- " best 1000 pounds andup.00 $ 50 wards , . Stockers choice 3 00 4 00 " bulls ..., .. 1 50 2 00 Butchers', Picked 6 25 Medium 5 90 C9ws, 3 75 Bulls 3 00 flogs— Best 9 50 Lights , 9 25 Sheep— Export ewes 5 00 Bucks.... 4 00 Calla „ 4 00 Spring Lambe eaoh,. 3 00 Calves. each, 3 00 6 65 6 00 4 25 3 25 5 50 4 50 4 50 6 50 7 50 WINGHAM MARKET REPORTS Wingham, May 18th, 1910. Flor r per 100the. ... 2 75 to 3 25 Fall Wheat .... 0 95 to 1 00 Oats, , 0 34 to 0 84 'Barley .., 0 48 to 0 48 Peas ...•.... 0 70 to 0 70 Butter dairy ........ 0 22 to 0 22 Eggs per dos 0 19 to 0 20 Wood per cord, 2 GO to 2 50 Hay, per ton 13 00 to 14 00 Potatoes, per bushel 0 80 to • 0 85 Lard ... 0 20 to 0 20 Live Hogs; per oast 9 ,25 to 9 25 a3LIIEVALE. Miss Alice Pant spent Victoria Day at Lucknow, Mr. Robt, Musgrove made a business trip to Toronto last week. Mr. A. O. Dames, of Brussels shipped a oar of cattle from here Saturday. Mr. Fred Haney, of Toronto, ,pent a few days at his home here thia week. Mr, Thos; Stewart and son, Howard, spent Viotoria Day with friends at Lon- don, Quite a number from here spent Vic - tone day at Brussels and report a good time. Mr. Melvin Anderson, of Dungannon, spent a few days with his uncle, Jos. Smith this week. Mrs. Robe. McPherson and Mies Mary Scott of Monkton spent a few days with Mrs, 0 R Bringer last week. The Sacrament of the Lord's Supper was observed on the 22nd of May, when the names of 23 members were added to the communion roll. The teats left for Teesweter where they will conduct evangelistic services this week, Mr. William Gallagher has quite a curiosity in the farm of a chicken, wbioh has four perfectly formed lege, the bird is about two weeks old acid is doing as well as any of the °there of the flack. This is nO fish story but a real true one. Very helpful evangelistic pervicee were conducted during last week ip Knox Church by Rev. Mr. Robintol, Mr. Ude and Mr, Matheson Of the Knox College Gospel team. 13y theireernest- neee and zeal they lett ft good impress Bion. Rev, W..1. West leaves on the 30113 to attend the General Assembly at Halifax, which begins on the 1st ,'nue, and to attend the High Court of 0.0,13'. of wbioh he is High Chaplain, which opens on the 14th /'one In Montreal. Word has been received Of the tier= rugs et the horde of the bride's patents, West Lebanon 13a., b1 Mies Oarrle B. .Ralston and Fred G.Wasman of &tan, Near Metle°, ion of •4'. It, And Mrr, Was - Malay former residents Of thin pinus, bat now of Mitten, On Wednesday',, May 4th, 'a quiet GAND: TRUNK SYS EM ROUND TRIP SUMMER TOURIST TICKETS AT LOW RATES June Tet to September 30th to Portland and A storia, Ore., Seat- tle, Tacoma, Everett and Belling- ham, Weab„ Victoria, Vancouver and New Westminster, B. C., San Francisco, Los Angeles and San Diego Cal. Return limit Oot. 31st, 1910. Homeseekers Excursions to Western Canada. Via Chicago, May 31 and June 14, Via Sarnia and Northern Navigation Company, Steamer leaves Sarnia 3,30 p. m' , May 80th and June 15th. For ticket, and further information call on W. Henry, Depot Agent or address J. D. McDonald, D. P. A., Toronto. J. S. SMITH Rupture Specialist of STRATFORD, ONT., will be at BRUNSWICK HOTEL IN WINGHAM Monday, May 30 TILL 3 P. WI It 11 a fact that thousands of peo- ple have lost their lives from What teemed to be a harmless hernia, or rupture, yon may have been rupture for some time, and not noticed an/ change fee better Or worse, But remember no rnptnre Stands still, Even if not getting longer, the bowel le growing fast to the halides. It ie not necessary to Meet with a serious accident. but a misstep, a little Blip may throw a rupture 001, bantling strangulation, History tells ds that two out of every ten operated on for etrangalatiOn hernia Survive the operation. .Act at once, 'cine and see rife, I can oure the worst ease of rupture without operation or lobe of tune. What 1 have done for otbers I oan do for y00. My oharget ore within reach of alt. COME EA.lt1L'Y'. THE J, I, CASE THRESHING MACHINE CO.'S OUTFITS are guaranteed to do more and better work than any other make of equal size and proportions. See the sample outfit at Wingham. Write for catologue or call on CHAS. DONALDSON, travelling salesman, Wingham; Ont. • VV VVVWVYVVV4WVVVVVVVVVVVV VVvvWVVVVW,WVVVVVVVVVvvw 5 S C 4 c e c ( c c ( C TO B E HAN.GEDj BEFORE JULY 1st, 1910 C f AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA Rolls f 20 Thousand R o OF WALL PAPERI MINIMMINIMMOMMEMI Just Received the Largest Stock of iWaI1 Paperever shown in Wingham 2, ? } From 5c.to $1.00 Per Roll tu C j} vVWVVWvVW,WVVVVVWWVVV A ? 3 i R. K -N 0 X 0 ., 1 Opposite Brunswick Hotel WINGHAM, ONT. I c VwWvvvvvVWWVWVVWVWW AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA 1 THE PEOP'LE'S POPULAR STORE, WINGHAMVM I-lollne Journal Patterns. KERB &BIRD CARPET DEPARTMENT We are making things .hurl in our Carpet Department, and are still giving a discount of 25 per cent, on any piece of Carpet. We will lay any Linoleum bought here, Genuine Scotch Linoleum 4 yards wide, extra fine patterns $2.0o per yard. I piece 2 yards wide at $I,00 per yard. DRESS GOODS, Just a word about Dress Goods. We have the most complete stock of dainty Dress Goods with some of the most popular and winsome weaves, that we have ever shown and they are here for your inspection. Lunch, A House-Cleafflug No one has time to cook, we supply the table dainties, Peanut Butter, Canned Haddie, Putted Ham, and the new Smoked Herring in Bouillon. We have the Famous English Sugar Syrup, direct from the Old Land, at only 6c per lb. Ask for June Ladies' Home Journal, 15c. C. N. Griffin GENERAL AGENT FIRE LIFE ACCIDENT PLATE GLASS WEATHER Insurance Coupled with a RE&L ESTATE and MONEY LOANING Business. Issuer of Marriage Licenses. OMoe over Malcolm's GrooeryQ A. E. SMITi ill BANKER. WINGHAAI, ONTARIO. Farmers who want money to bay horses, cattle, or hogs to feed for market oan have it on reasonable terms. Notes disoounted for tradesmen, mer- chants or agents, on favorable terms. Loans on real estate at the lowest rates going. Exercise Care in the Selection• of a Bank for the Safeguarding of Your Savings When r ou realize that over THIRTY-FIVE MILLION DOLLARS are entrusted to the BANK OF HAMILTON, you will recognize its ,position in the public con- fidetice. When you learn that this vast sum has been gradually gathered from a small be- ginning, over thirty years ago, you will understand that, back of this steady progress, there must be sound management. By modern, yet conserva- tive, methods, the BANK OF HAMILTON has proven itself a worthy custodian of the peo- ple's savings. Interest—at highest current rate—credited halt -yearly, on deposits of $1,o0 and up- wards. WINGHAM BRANCH C. P. SMITH, AGENT. Heed Office, IIAMIL7`ON Capita Paid-up w $2,800,000 'Reeerve sect Undivided Profits • 2,900,606 Astiefe w ., over 611,000,000 `!'ot •