HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1910-05-26, Page 3• A T111� WING i. A • TIMM, VAT 26, 1910 strong, rich super.glutened Flour fromi, hard Western Wheat Makes good bread. )l;iJ!!/Il mil/bm) All that the name implies ell Mill ro Company; .Li,mitet FOR SALE Bi KERR & BIRD, WINGHAM. King's Dog. One ui et disconsolate of the King's is his favorite dog, a rough h t rrrier, Caesar, which Was th ICI s `constant companion, going lab, irh him as well ae on his shorter' j • M, He is a singularly in. telligent : i•t• 1, and his conduct since $he deatu • master leavi no doubt iii Any met, at he pei't'eotly realizes what h.,s prized. He shared the $inty'e r., • t.eireyer he was, and now moves an. a rbe palace, fitfully and 108t14 -Bali • r lug in vain tor,, the fatal liar face. H has attached himself to a member o • t , household, who was, liko ;pimself, ct•t .' wtly with the kthg, and itis )lotto • .tri, Safi aatysnt and the dog keep each other company in grief. Many t;i ' " e 01'9 told of Orient:. At lunch alas d ,. at Biarritz, when Caesar was receivt .c his usual bone from' the King's hand a guest at the Royal table observed tbnt the dog should be getting familiar wild the language of the French slog, "I am afraid," said the King, "he gets along very' badly with ttietn. In fact, he is anything but a help to the entente oordlele." 'ie llospital for Sick Children THIS APPEAL IS TO YOU! REMEMBER That Every Sick Child 's G G in Ontario Whose Par- ents Cannot Afford to Pay for Treat- plent is Treated Free. Tile Hospital for Sick Children had lase year in ate cots and beds 1,155 patients- 383 of these were from 267 places in. the Province. Sixty- five per cent, were children of poor people who could not afford to pay. Since its organiza- tion the Institution TWO OLLIB FOOT cases has treated 15,613 IN PLASTER. children'11,550 11,550 of these unable to limy and were treated free. If you know of any child in your neighborhood w h 0 is sick or has any deformity send the name of the parent to the Secretary. The Hospital for Sick Children is not a local but a great Provincial Charity for the sick child of &spoor man in any GOING IIOEIE IN A WEEK part of Ontario has same claim upon its help as the child wholives °within the shade* of its walls in Toronto. Th ere Were 69 caeca of Club Feet treated i n MASSAGING{ A PATIENT. the Hospi- tal last year and 67 had perfect correction. ' t! i 1 1 1 1,, f6LI arrows anion J'tast drink of it ----Your money can help twilHospital to do the good work of tenin the crooked limbs and club g . i n. Phase helpas. mai little chaldre �"1Raaateltlt+i nd Contribtttitoris tad, Rogge stn, tiheirinstin, or to Douglals $0••�idaron. llia o. -Tremas,, The narwhalihilIlilitasChildrein,CollegeSt.," s'h'uts SUCH ACONVENIENTCOMET. [Exchange j For weeks she had asked him to dig np the yard And plant all the veg'table seed, But he pet couldn't seem to get energy up To dig up tbe tiniest Weed. "It's stratum" said his wife to a oaller ane day, „I don't know what makes Tim so slow," And the good little Daher replied, "Why my dear, It'e the fault of the comet, yon know." The baby was arose and the doctor said "teeth," But now she knew better than that! "The comet is coming," she told him, "that's why He it fretful and cross as a oat." The cook took French leave, and the nurse broke her arm, But mother smiled on, just the same, "We're none of ne natural just now," she deolared. The oomet, you know, is to blame!" So it goes-andthere's peace in the whole house, despite The troubles that come thick and fast, The weather is weird and the team does- n't win. 1 "' And the coalin the cellar won't last. There's nothing goes right from dawn nutil dusk, But nothing looks dreadfully blaok, For we My all the blame on the comet, you see- And the comet it doesn't talk bank. COWS AND HENS BUY PIANO. Ever hear of cows and hens buying pianos? Why no! you say; that's fooI- ishf What would they do with a piano?? Well, foolish or not, the cows And hens of a family near • Owen Sound ate 'tally buying a piano. Not fo themselves, but for the family. Here's the story. One day recently a local agent of a piano Co., was out in the suburbs. He called at one plane; but though the lady said they would like a piano, she did not want to close a deal. As he was going away the agent noticed that they had a big flock of chickens and several cows. Turning to the lady he said half jokingly: "Tell you what I'll do. I'll sell yon de piano, and take the price in butter and eggs." The proposition naught the lady's fanoy. In short order t he deal was closed -a $450.00 piano for so many pounds of batter and so many dozen eggs, delivered es convenient, at m arket price. And the agent returned You Blame theStomach But chronic Indigestion will disappear when the liver, kidneys and bow - eta are set right by DR. A. W. CHASE'S KIDNEY AND LIVER PILLS You are skeptical. For you have tried .many medicines and still suffer from indigestion with all its annoying symptoms. Take a new line. Leave the stomach alone, for the soureo of trouble is in the intestines, and healthful digestion can be restored. by the use of Dr. A. W. Chase's •Kid- noy and Liver Pills. Mr. 0. D. Bennett, Maple .Otove, Megantie Co., Que., writes: -"r had.: dyspepsia. very bad. The food Would sour, my stomach would :swell up. 1 suffered a great deal and maid not sleep. As the result of using Dr, Chase's Kidney -Liver Pills I am now entirety cures) and can eat any kind of food. They have made a new man and y Dun e ino nie and.I cannot grman f sov too nmehtheir r+rafse.' D.r. A. W. Chase's ICillney and Liver Pills, one pill a dose, 25 cents a box, at all dealers or Ldmansin, Bates 8t Co., Toronto. - to town that evening with the first in stellment- fifty dozen egp,s and fltty pounds of butter -in his buggy, Every- one perfectly satisfied. The parohaser got a piano an thlt easiest possible terms; and the agent got what is Pat as good as the Dash these days -if not a little better, Now if the Dose and the hens didn't buy that piano, who did? -Owen Sound San, CONCRETE T4iOUGHS. They Are Durable and Healthful For the Stock. Ao the equipment Of the farm and, dairy takes on an air of permanence commensurate with the well estab- !lathed plan of thew and dairy opera- doua instituted by industrious busi- Hess farmers tile dual profits of the place are distinctly increased. Perma- nent material costs more at first than perishable c•oustruction, but where the business is to follow a fairly settled policy durability far more than repays the little extra first cost it necessi- tates. Of all exaslieratiug, short lived things on the dairy farm cheap wood- en water troughs and -tanks are among the worst. Couc-rete tanks are prac- tically indestructible and never, leak.' from age or from exposure to the sun. The- first cost is practically the last of this artificial stone tank, so that the foresight to install it works an appre- ciable reduction in the anttial ex- penses'of dairy. 4araii uiferatiuu. • The conditions for making a trough Water tight are, first, n richer mixture tor ordi- naryCOOeI'G'te CI1:1 II IS required l) nary work: set•uu(t.s*+,i"otigu anter in mixing to give a sloppy cunrrE te. and. third, the placing or all concrete at ane operation. It is ea tieuaely dil:ii'uit tfa make, any structure water tight Unless- all nlessall three of the above conditions are complied with. -. o The hest of rot^rete should be used. %fix one part of good eemeut to one and n .half parts of clean, coarse sand to three darts of screened gravel or broken stones. The amount of excava- tion necessary for the foundation de- pends upon the size. Place a two and a half inch layer.of concrete in the form and immediately MOM D >t ING P ZOM 00NO81rTU TROTS IL. after placing rind before the concrete has set place a sheet o1 woven fence wire or some other wire fabric over the concrete, bending it up So' that it will coins to within an inch of the top of the forms at the sides and cads. Place two and a quarter inches more of the concrete in the bottom rind rani lightly to bring the mortar to the sure face and smooth it 01Y evenly. The time to remove the forms depends upon Conditions, such as the wetliessa of the ,:oiicrete, the weather and the temperature. Paint the inside surface with pure poltland cement mixed as thick as Cream.. ABSOLUTE $ECUR1TYI Genuine Carter's Little Liver Pills Must Bear.Slgnature of See Fao.Slmile Wrapper Below. 'Very email and as easy t0 take ee.angan, t FOR READACRE. FOR DIZZINESS. FOR BILIOUSNESS. FORaTORPID LIVEN. FOR,CONSTIPATION FOR SAUCY/SKIN: FORfTNE COMPLEXION rote . G13rVi]INIrt MU.THAVt 7s�y XATUR[, 25 c 'Purely Vegetable.i,t1Y� CARTERS rTTLE IVER PILLS. CUBE SICK HEADACHE,, The name of C. Montrose Wright, who married Mise Florence Kinrade, was dropped at the Brantford Methodist eistrtot annual meeting as a probationer for the ministry. On Tuesday noon of last week James Wright's house on the 16th concession of Howick, took fire and was oompletely destroyed. The origin of the fire is somewhat of a mystery, although it is thought the chimney was accountable for the conflagration. It was a frame building veneered with tin, and it burn- ed so rapidly that nothing upstairs was saved. DR. WOOD'S NORWAY PINE SYRUP. H LPFUI,. NEIGHBORS. Whe41 am sick I might endure it, it I could nurse my ii1 alone; but neighbors tell me how to mire it, and fill my soul with grlet and groan, Corns ]curt my foot --1 thought they'd spoil iit--the neighbors hastened to my door; "out of you toot," they said, "mod bail it, and you will bane thecorns no more," I had a dose of lniiuenzy---have you e'er' had that blamed disease? It fairly drives you to a frenzy; yon gasp, and Dough, and choke, and aneez,e; you Whistle when you breathe, and smother, lungs seem fullof carpet tacks, And oft you wish some kindly brother Would hit YOU with a bsttleaze. And while I howled around ip sorrow, one neighbor said: "Drink kerosene, and you'll be pranoing round to -morrow as chipper as a colt, 1 wean," Another said: "Mix lye and whiskey, and drink a gallon, smoking hot; in half an hour you'll feel BO frisky, they'll have to hold you down, I wot." Another Dame, a bearded Druid, who through his snowy whiskers hissed: "Fill np with good embalming fluid, and you will be all right, I wiet." Oh, oftentimes I feel like thunder, my works seem always out of plumb; at such times, tai it any wonder 1 hate to see the neighbors oome?-Walt Mason, Is Specially Calculated To Cure All DM - eases of the Throat and Lungs. Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis, Sore Throat, Hoarseness, Croup, Pain or Tightness in* the Chest; and all Bronchial Troubles yield quickly to the curative powers of this prince of pectoral remedies. It contains all the virtues of the world famous Norway pine tree, combined with Wild Cherry Bark, and the soothing, healing and expectorant properties of other excellent herbs and barks. +Mrs. John fetch, Windsor, Ontario, + Nasty ♦ t oublcd with a nose ♦ Ilaeking + ty hacking cough }Cured. $ for the past s i x t++++++44- mouths and used a lot of different re- medics but they me no good.At I was advised by a friehd to try Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup and with the first few doses I found great relief and to -day my hack- ing cough has entirely disappeared and I am never without Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup in the house." The price of Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup is 25 eents per r e bottle. bot le. It is put up in ay ellow wrapper, or threepine trees the trade mark, so be sure and accept none of the many substitutes of the original "Norway Pine Syrup." Manufactured only by The T. Uiiburo Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont, Would You Provide for the Care of Canada's Needy Consumptives it THEN SEND YOUR 0 NT RIBUTI N> i0 me MUSKOKA FREE HOSPITAL. 0FOR CONSUMPTIVES MUSKOKA FREE HOSPITAL FOR CONSUMPTIVES. MAIN BUILDING FOR PATIENTS. A. national institution that accepts patients from all parts of Canada. Here is one of hundreds of letters being received daily John D. McNaughton, New Lis- keard, Ont. : A young pian not be- longing here, and suffering from,' it is believed, consumption, is being kept by one of the hotels here. He has no means and has been refused admission to our hospital, The conditions where he iv offer him no chance. Could he be admitted to your Free Hos- pital for Consumptives? If not, could you inform me where he can be sent, and what steps are neces- sary to secure prompt admittance? NOT A SINGLE PATIENT HAS OVER BEEN REFUSED ADMISSION TO THE MUSKOKA FREE HOSPITAL BECAUSE OF HIE OR HER INABILITY TO PAY. Since the hospital was opened in April, 1902, one thousand five hundred and twenty-four patients have been treated in this one insti- tution, representing people from every province in the Dominion. For the week ending November 20th, 1909, one hundred and twenty- five patients were in residence. Ninety-six of these are not paying a copper for their maintenance -absolutely free. The other twenty-nine paid from '$2.00 to $1.90 a week. No one pays more than $4.90. Suitable cases are admitted promptly on completion of appli- cation papers. A GRATEFUL PATIENT Norah P. Canham: Enclosed you will find receipt for my ticket from Gravenhuret, hoping that you will be able to.oblige.me with the fare. I was at your Sanatorium ten months, and I was sent away from there as an apparent cure. I am now working in the city, and I am feeling fine. I was most thankful for the care I got from the doctors and staff, and I must say that I spent the time of my life while I was,there. , TAK15O THE CURE IN .WINTER AT MUSKOKA FREE HOSPITAL FOR CONSUMPTIVES. The Muskoka Free Hospital for Consumptives is dependent on the Acid -will and gifts of the Canadian public, Money is urgently needed at the present time to make it possible to care for the large and increasing* number of patients that are entering the institution. Will you help ? Where greater urgency ? tuiYtCa greatest reatest charity. Contributions may be sent to W. 3. Gage, Esq., 81 Spadiria Ave., or J. S. Robertson, Sec'y.Treas. Mi,tiona.1 Sanitarium Association, 1317 King St., W7., Toronto, Canada. Ski#N...... _ ...... 114.0000015 CLUBBING 4 RATES FOR 1909 • 10. 1.11111111111101iimwmatimmos The TIMES will receive subscriptions at the tabs below t • • Times and Daily- Globe, ..... .,,,,,.,..,.,.,;, 4,50 • Times and Daily Mall and Empire ... . , . , . 4,50 Tildes and Daily World 3.10 ITimes and Toronto Daily News.,,...,,*..,,,.,, 2.30 Times and Toronto Daily Star........,..,.,,,., 2.30 O Times and Daily Advertiser, ... , .. .... . .. . . . . . . 2,85 • Times and Toronto Saturday Night ...:......... 3,35 • • Times and Weekly Globe . i .8060 • Times and Weekly Mail and Empire..........., 1.60 • • •• Times and Family Herald and Weekly Star 1,.85 • Times and Canadian Farm (weekly).. • „ 1 Times and Weekly Witness ,' } 1.85 • Times and London Free Press (weekly) 1.80 • TTimes and London Advertiser (weekly) .. .. . ... . , 1.,64 v Times and Toronto Weekly Sun...,...,...,1,70 • Times and World Wide 2.20 a Times and Northern Messenger,.........,..„. , 1.35 • Timge and Farmers' Advocate , ........... .. 2.35 • We speoially recommend our readers to subscribe • to the Farmers' Advocate and Home Magazine, Times and Presbyterian 2,25 Times and__...._.._.. 2.25 Times and Presbyterian and Westminster 3.25 • • Times and Christian Guardian (Toronto) ... 2.40 • Times and Canadian Magazine (monthly),., 2,90 • • • Times and Sabbath Reading, New York 1,95 • • Times and Outdoor Canada (monthly, Toronto)1,85 Times and Michigan'Farmer .. , .... , , , , , . , 2,15 Times and Womans Home Companion ... 2,25 Times and Country Gentleman ......... 2.60 Times and Delineator..... �" 2.95 .•1. Timms and Boston Cooking School Magazine1.95 4. 'l` Times and Green's Fruit Grower 1.55 Times and Good Housekeeping . 2.30 4, , Times and McCall's Magazine 1.70 Times and American Illustrated Magazine2.30 + Times and American Boy Magazine....',... , ... , 1.90 'Times and What to Eat 1.,90 Times and Business Man's Magazine. ..., 2.15 Times and Cosmopolitan 2.15 4. • Times and Ladies' Home'Journal 2.75 Times and Saturday Evening Post 2,75 Times and Success 2.25 + Times and Hoard's Dairyman 2.40 a Times and McClure's Magazine 2,40 Times and Munsey's Magazine.... ,2.50 Times and Viek's Magazine 1.60 4. Times and Home Herald.. , 2.60 +Times and Travel Magazine 2.25 '1' Times and Practical Farmer 2.10 4 Times and Home Journal, Toronto 1.60 Times and Designer 1.75 '' Times and Everybody's 2.80 4. + Times and Western Home Monthly, TVinnipeg...... 1.6U 4. Times and Canadian Pictorial 1,60 for any of the fallowing publications :. + 4. 4. 4. 4. The above prices include postage on American publications to any' •1' address in Canada. If the TINES is to be sent to an American address, add f'i"• e• 50 cents for postage, and where American publications are to be sent tor% • American addresses a reduction •will be made in price, • • We could extend this list. If the paper or magazine you wantis not in • the list, call at this office, or drop a cerd and we will give yon pries s on tbe • • paper you want. We club with all the leading newspapers and magazines. r •When p remiums are given with any of above papers, subscribers e r wil w al secure such premiums when ordering through ns same as ordering direct •l • from publishers. • •• These low rates mean a considerable raving to subscribers, and are 2 STRICTLY CASH IN ADVANCE. Send remittances by postal note, post w 111 office or express money order, addressing - •• :w • • • • • • :oae••®ole000dlwilfrnell•••eb 0.044111111111•411011111000.0001.4111: • •V TIMES OFFICE, WINGHAM, - ONTARIO. w • MEN -YOU NEED NERVE EARLY INDISCRETIONS AND EXCESSES HAVE UNDER- MINED YOUR SYSTEM , Tho nerves control all actions of the body so tat ;la •• thing that debilitates them will weaken 011 tho system. Early Indiscretions and EN.ecns.,e :1 ruined thousands of promising young men. 1„ 7tnntur:.a Drains sap their vigor and vitality and theynev.•r*1 to a proper condition of manhood. They rete; is ti ]lags, mentally, physically and se:.ually. Hove you fes.? Are you nervous and weal:, despondent mil ;;1. +,.,ay, ; specks before the eyes with dark 01701,5 un.!.•r weak back, kidneys irritable, palpitatlon of t. ;r heart, bashful, debilitating dreams, sediment in trine pimples on the face, eyes sunken, hollow checks, L te'torn ex. pression, poor memory, lifeless, distrustful 1 ,ek energy '; and strength, tired mornings, restless tights, change- able moods, premature decay, bone pains, hair loose, eta This is the conditionour New Method Treatment is GUARANTEED TO CURE 'we have treated Diseases of Mnefor almost a life- tam and do not have to experiment. Cousult us FREE OF CHARGE and we will telt you whether you are curable or not. Wo guarantee curable cases of NERVOUS DEBILITY, VARICOSE VEINS, BLOOD " AND SKIN DISEASES, GLEET, BLADDER URINARY AND KIDNEY COMPLAINTS Free Booklet on Dice res foMen. If unable to call Wonderful Nervous System " QUESTION LIST Volt HOME TREATMENT DRs.KENNEDY&KENNFDY Cor. Michigan Ave. and Griswold St., Detroit, 'fch. NOTICE 01" I c E All, letters front C nada must lu aalrlressed to our Canadian C:orrespondoueetllepart- 1;; merit in Windsor, Otlt. If you desire to see us personally call at our Medical lttstitutc iu Detroit as we see and treat no patients in our Windsor offices which are for Correspondence and Laboratory for Canadian business only. Address all letters as follows DRS. KENNEDY & KENNEDY, Windsor, Ont. Write for our brivate address. 1