HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1910-05-26, Page 2.--,.,I,.,,,, ,.....
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elopae between. thea*, ,. + __ , _ , ._. . -.— _ ,. .., _ .._. Y.. - —....,.,_,. _. -_ .e..-_. , _.�.,_,. _ T.a . .,.,..
res All Ran ;�� l ��r 1 �►11��;{��.'U1�.�'. t:t TAB1,1BRtl1z 1079 PECULIAR ACCIDENTS, .
TrottiuK anti Ptagin Meets -11n ba
bald oa: three dayie in nay calandac weak, -- �{*% �r j Tins, -�-- ^-
]'�leigiteid1256t1, 'r 1• . L` i�azl:�� Ua�uxu--oaupatta attrvagae txt.tfii f tit14�''fha "'ironX of i,ifo" lltustratod 1.rt
A4ra�>.pW We11ie l$�,; and mnaG llgt tiggragate ingre than foul•
i I. a in and 7 p in. rsunday Soklool At ib VV13)A$a3IA stories; of Fells..
_ tggn dayry of racing tU emir galegdar 'StudyCourse, 000 P M. ed eaWr uliuVrayor E seting H U RSCI Y ( iN '" The "'irony of Ifre" tans strill14gly,
Mrs, X. XFI:c ann,, Debec Junction,.N.B,, 5 Har' .r g t v KY T 11�C1 N . O
writesr�"'I wish tq tell fou avlzat lYlii. Th i ziaw ltiw now prohibits.
L. 8"oKY,+d, pnot.a,r k3 )( P 1-7 tneots .,..Ay• illustrated recently in the news of sr,
burn's Heart and ?r*eras l'iRls have done t• Tile bttairiasa of n@ ori tin ata b '' i �?t x►C 'n tales. itt I q ey t , , �iRllday rvaritccfo
wi 8 p,m, W,D P-,-tuie, '(Tics 'ryas Utlivil BgRVor Blvd rustic witq slipped rt'oai n six burr
et g b y G $O >4 fin. sim4 ft , i 1,11 211t
for me. Thrga years. ago I was eo run handbook tang, oq atraes, s)r ally obhar 4xIXHAt 1lXt Ilk isrtei� I►f. Q�I>t4wttliottel b S.S tltipr•rint�jtulKtie bate anti broke bis neck and lir ails
dawn I could not (to tiny own work. X 3' 1121sx1aanldrQliutcgtl- Sabbatt�eservires wlNcatlaln, utv2 �:�icr, Italian Aeronaut who fell 1,000 toot
went to a doctor, and he told me I had : public places, o. an, raga. tracks. ltclti". iDif• .tiiric�eQ t,, eat ll a m and 7 p w, Sunday Snhool 4ks " with lits. collapsed balloon with no
heart troulale and that my nerveswere<all 2 Tile liublioatiou of tips and the _ - • _ �; 0 in. E wgrth every ?').tt .r ua �renyotecrriuiv ta.twpvx annumin worse result than a spraiued ankle.
f3 p t K j*tstoraa to raar3ancao with the (7a1>grlght.Act, t (fay V6tuu ,� (}qn@rel Longue prayer � It cerin tdv,wep, s1,aq lz not so paid. Nu p$por diaoon- A 1! reticlitvgtitau, Mine. !►lore}, 821st.
unstrung, I took his medicine, as hq Qi??er to zve tips an raginl� events• ai` g p y g t,aruc,l till, all araouM axe pptd, sxot, ttst biro
I the . to to do, but it did ur's hood, 3 '.Cha publication d d 'bra f b `rhe Maltitadee F,id,•_,Katt, A ,13• dint ► e f t on Wednesday evenings, 14ov. W option of rue l,ubUahar, p her daughter, while climbing in the
I then started to take IililGurn's heart .find zstrt .fou y a e some o. he avidenoea thio L. R"W"dt-i, 1) D , pasta
ngygy a 21, xv:20 30 #• F. Baaht>it• Auvzyii%,101NO RATRt3, — i.bbc,rI and other AQps, ,tear Zermatt, fall a distance oL►
and Nerve Pills, and had only taken one p Pers, special, racing sllgots or by GEod does nothing with exact agatatn, an, 3. 1. rgnl)exinLH,TidanG. ossmsindvurttseiabntal,Oeljor. onpparloclinafor 1X00 feet, not znneh lgss than a 9Uai"•
bjx before I stattied to feel better, so I telegrapit, telephone or express, of infor- Golden Text,—Je$as said unto them and perfect order, and that we should FRNSITYTA41AN OHUiccJI— ab , ffrgt.tur,erttazr.. tk+par Mite fox oaehkabaeanaut ter @ dalthough he mot e
S back ser. 4naervsso to of a mile, and, # mother
coatiniied their use until 1 bad taken matioa iatanded to m9iet in gatnbling or I am the bread of life, John vt:35, follow Phe pattern he. thus sots? vices at 11 a m and 7 p M. Sunday �dvtr taoiurnta to loti�t awluaru,s era char ed rt as klitetl on the s ot, her daughtelc
aseveral boxes, and I ani now strong an Verse I s P
well, and able to do my awn work When betting. 3, -Why hacl Jesus refixed What is the benefit of nskinx a b'ese. School at 2;$0 p ni, Qgneral prayer Perlin for ea h dobae a ut lnaternlu ll, 5 er,xts escaped with a fele braises. Mr~
I commenced taking your, pills I,wcighed 4, Telegraphing informstion Exam into, this d-sart plaoe? keg an oqr ford when we eat? meetingon Wednesday evenings, Rev, Advertieemohte, o; tura t f?artn o K ii'ilywper, the famous mountainoerK
Why are gagastoqs of. retirement, or I9 ft ar net h"� r'q D" Perxie, panto;. Dr. A. Traria, 8, 8, or to Rout, and similar, S3.Oo for tlra3thxla had tt similarly miraculous deliveraaCe
1:5 pounds, turd now weigh 185 and bare tasao freaks during raping meets, to pool, , t duty of a Oh i tiara, Superintendent. weeks and •25 cents ter each for p i
gi•.ea birth, to a love! ^ young daugliter; r,soma eta , all over the coanfr or tura solitude, Rood for the soul9 whaq eating aG tin hor,Pl, far Hxympte, ST, PxuL'al 4?utuz.aa. F.PtsooP -. a9rtiou, quonb in• from what seemed to be certain deatltit
What does the voice ot'hi$tor sa is . to give thanks to'God o , a� Sab' 4OXT1`iAaT XATss�-Tho oliowl % b t�'r1eu scaling the 1llatterkorn. Igsingr
which ryas a happy t ing in the family, y' ; elf table altotva ,
1Vhezi I commenced tilting 1liilburn's oouttuent, intaadsd for use in batting y y :G d s That khcaa stn, bath a School
at kl ani and 7 P Ito our rates top the insertion of advertfsamauN ills rooting, he fell from rock to rock
I£ezrt :incl :terve Pills, I could not go and gambling, answer to the question, whether a man ting r ith him may obaerve the act? gandtby Sahoel Eft 2;300 m. Rev, E ,Ii for speciflod p„riaris;•- i
r Oroiy, B A„ Roetor ; O G Vau to the 'bottom or a precipitous gulllt,i
tiltstnirs without resting Le€ore T got to IL permits the soiling 'of bookmaking with a- �meeaage from G(id, is always , Z area 20, -Whop God feeds a man, stone S ai:Aatt, i xa, 0 oto, sato, imp 100 yards in depth, only to recover hi,8
q S SuptiT.intdndent , T1}oa. E. HalfcolumA.., .M..fi70,00 $90.00 $22.50 �s,ua feet with no worse damns@ than a`
the tom I can now go up without any privileges, , sought a.ter by the mtiltstuds? Hither with spsritnal Or phvsioak food, Robinson, assistant Land i t ; Tlios onecolamn ...,., «., 40,00 45.00 12.50 a,uo t
trou rte. It permits poofaelting and bookmaking' Verse 14, -What fa the master passion what is the effHot upon the moo? gnartar(7oimmu ,,,,, 2e,0() 14,411 7,so g,0o badly cut head. , And A.I. Parville, a
p Sai veTiO, t#itntY-Service at 7 and 11 One Inch .. ..•,,,. 5.00 g,q0 2.00 1.24 - French writer, tells the story of aR ,
The rice of illilburn's Heart and; Nerve
Ia'.illa is 60 cents per box, or 3 bases for on Glia rape track daring the raoint~'meet of a ixreat and Rcod many Verse 21. It we. hoard both stories a nit and 3 and 7 p m on Sunday, mud Advertiaentaute without spRai � di 1 � '
$I.•3$ at :ill dealers or mailed direct On on runes actually in progress. Would Jasue have had the sante pain• 1. for the first tuts of feeding five thous• every evening during the week at 8 will be inserted till forbid and ar ryo ors, East Iililf.ifi living iII the island Qt'"
xecec;tt of price , The T. Milburn Co., Ia effect, pool selling and book -mak. passion an this multitude, if he bad only and then besides woman and children o'clock Lit the barracks. ingly, R'ranalant sdvortisements menet be Paid Qghiu who fell over a precipice 1,000
toranadvauca• feet sleep with no more serious can-
Toronto, Ont. ' in are now expressly been a gaud man, aqd not diving? an five 11avec and testi 8+hes, and of POST p in, BO Office hours from 8r irt' Tisa Tan DACARAMIXT is atooked with an sequence than a good shaking,• his fall'
ff p q prohibited, any-
� - t S•
where but on the rage. track daring a Why getting ton, thousand. feet of lumber a .30 p in, Upon Ga box halQeas tram extensive asacrtmeut of all requisitesfor print.
7 a wt, to 9 p in. P. Fisher, postmaster, 1itK, affording taeilitfatr not agnalied in the Going btokCu by the dense vegetation
TO ADVERTI$ RS :acing most, and then only on, races Verse 16, -Were thane disciples too fro alittle acorn, which would appear PuBL10 LI$SASY-Library and frog tauetaude utniNgoattrratoleaework. Lunge which grow at the foot ot'the ellff.
Notice of changes meat b@ left at this agtnally being ran, officious, or did they do perfectly right the more wonderful event and whq; reading room in the Town gall, will era Hand $11ts; ecv� aurgif th.11
s lea °f Yaet• While climbing a waterworks tower
_ _ __ , nhoioe fanny t ao etyloa of
ot3igo not later than Saturday Haan. to remind Jaene of lila apparent duty, Chap sv:29 3i, -Has Jesus to -day be open every afternoon from d to ypu tar Oke final atasees of print •'40 feet high in Chicago a steeple
The copy for changes must, be left GEORGE THE FIFTH. and why? lost Any Of his comliassion for the sick 5:30 O'olook, east every evening from. 7 .ing' jack dislodged it loose stone and wa's,
apt later than Monday evening. What is the use of reminding God, and suffering and if not. how do you_to J:3u o'clock, Miss Ltzaie Attridge pr g let,orandPdu usher precipitated to the ground from s
Oasual advertisements Roo@grad up Io the Daae of George V. thane is and our hied Father, or what he already account for the fact that he doa,I not;
freight of 175 feet, fortunately strlk
to noon Wednesday of oaah weelx, has beau no round fora apprehension, nor TOWN pclvNals--William • U-11mes J P RENNICOY, kl.'D„ X.O.P. s. O• In, telegraph wires forty feet abovei,
B pp knoW0 wa need, miraculously cure them of their ail- ddavox; Ur, A, J. Irwin Reeve : tion, Newberg
indeed for anything other than favour' Verse 16, -How cinch virtue is there menta as in that day? in Medicine. Special the street and thus breaking his fall,•
C3TABI.IA£{E 1x74 able expectations, says The New York y J, W, MoMbbon, H. B.Elliatt. William attontionpaidrt,diseasesofWe-nonand(!nild The spectators gasped with horror as
y in asking. (Ind Go do, for our fellows, WHAT WOULD BE THE PROS- Bone, Dr. Robert C. Redmond, ren, otBoehogra-itodp,m.;7tosp,m, they seta the mau drop swiftly to der
Tribune. That is so for various reasons, what we have power to do for them? ABLE EFFE4T UPON THE FRO• Thomas Gregory and..D, H. Mo1C)7¢ald structiow A rash was made to pick [NUAN TIMES. His inheritance lyse good, His early If you can � Councillors; John P. Groves, Clerk and
A y give yams examples of . GRESS AND WELL OF THE Treasurer; Anson Duimage, Assessor. R' MACDONALD, up his shattered remains only to dim
training and a9aoasmtione in the court of God sofa for us, or ethers, what WORLD, IF GOT? WERE TO MAKE Board meats first Monday evening• in gayer that he was practically qtr:
H.$.ELLIOTT.PunnT$tr�11RARAPR01�Rri§TaA his grandmother, and the home of his g , Centra $freer
w@ Have the power to do for ourselves? PERMANENT T H E METHOD OF each month at 8 o clock. harmed. Not .a bone was broken, and
is parents were in the highest degree ad, Verses 17.15 -Name your reason for, MIRACLES, (Phis question mast be Wingbsm, a week later he was walking about as
� HIGH Svxaor, Boaxn.- W. F, Van- Ontario. THURSDAY', mtT 26, 1910 mtrable. His habits in mature life, as or against, the belief that If we use the Anew red is writing by members of the Stone (chairman), Win, Nicholson, John if nothing had happened. -•" t
s husband and father have been eeemp powers we have, or may acquire, we club,) Wilson, U, P. Smith, W. J. i3awsou, �• �G ��i ore remarktible and indeed"` a1
John A. UcLaau, Prank Baeha,nau, , most incredible was the experience of.
THE FLY AN "EPIDEMIC", ;tarp, Fife bearing as a Prince and hekr shall Bever lack the ability, nor the op. : Verses 32.39,• -=-Why did Jesus feed Dudley Holmes, seoreeary, A. 0osena,• '' Physlotan, Snrgaon, eta. Charles Woolcot when he was making
. iapparent both towards his father's court portunsty, of doing all God wishes us this multitude miraoalonaly? What treasurer. Board meets second Monday' Office-MaodonaldBloat ,over W.Mo$ibben'a a parachute descent In Venezuela. At
land toward the nation and.Empi:e, has to do? was its effect then, and what has it been evening in each month, Drugstore. Night 0slIsauawerodattheoffiu's a height of 3,000 feet Woolcot flung
The Sarney, fn commce
enting on Dr, H. j be@n irreproachable, He is commonly What is the benefit to be derived from since? PUELIU SCHOOL BoARbb,-•H, H. Isard himself oft his balloon into space;
G Beyor's statement at a recent oqn- accredited with a more conservative and bringing all our y (ehairman),.G•• C Manners, Alex, Rosa, when, to the horror of the thousands
propene and all our How saes Gad in these saga, as ef• W.J.Howson, W D,1'ringle, Wtxi, ,Moore, a- ROBT,O,RE,OMOND, M: R,O;s. (Eng!
ter°Hoa aP the New �`qk Academy of lean domoorat a temperament than life powers and Ir them at the feet o! feaGnallp feed the L. R. 0.1'. London. of onlookers, the parachute failed to
B pain@ ne he did in C h Ver. Gro, P. Campbell, r, J, tarp, of o The man dropped like i atone.
Medicine that the iia ss,"nae merely a father possessed, yet tie was a prima fav Jesse? • that day through• this miracle? . 'E;�� Jahn F. Groves; Treasurer J, B. PHYSICIAN and f317R(OiION. with terrible speed until when about
pest but as epidemic," shys: orite with hfs shipmates in the navy and Verse 19,• --In what order did Jesus' Leason for Sunday, Jana 6,',1101"077 F' ergug0m, Meetings second Tuesday
One fly Iays 120 eggs iu the season, he has never Iaoked unaffected affability have the multitude sits down? See Jesus Walks on the Soft, ' Matt. viv:22• eveninS in saah mouth. Office, with Dr. Chisholm, 200 feet from the earth, the parachute
and as, each of these eggs;,takes but tan towards all with whom he has coma in HIGH SCHOOL TEaoHERs-J.G. Work- flew open and at once coifapse(L H6
Mark ai:39.40. 36. mem 13. A. was dashed to the ground, his right
days to reach maturity, it has been cam• goutaot, while he hag more than once , principal J. C Smith, S.A zi. MARGARRT O. CALDER thigh and hip were broken, both anklet
- • r , ,1 classical maater; Mr. b`orbes, B: A., l r
prated that t+velve flies surviving the publicly dwelt apse the necessity of /t gq mathematical ; master ; rilias ffi, J. Honor graduate of'1'orbnto Univeraitr and knees were badly crushed, and 'hitt
winter will prodaae 40,000 the following sympathy between rel@re and ruled. If An English Chemist Mas LAW IN A `NU 1'SHELL, Bxird, B. A., teacher of. English and Honor
of toofOntario College of Phgeieians spinal column was dislocated, and yeti
o g and votes spas, after a year spent in hospital, Woolson
anmauer, When to this eatimats of he has not always displayed the alert --.}-- Moderns; Mian Andersen, fifth'teacher Devotes s eclat attention to diaoasoa of Eye,
numbers is added the t•xpertmentally and versatile interests which so engag-
Discovered How t0 . A note msda by n miaar is vaid. PUBLIC SCHOOL TaAoHSi;d,—•Jaeeph CEilgsN° Prol2e lyfitted�yesthoronghlytested. \CiS restored to aaandmeSS of 1sDlb aftr
proved fact that one fir carries upon his ingly characterized his father, he has F i Stalker, Principal. Miss Brook, Or1<iCR-With Dr, Kennedy. er surely the most terrible adventure!
legs alone anywhere between one and manifested a sagacity and a sobriety, of "GroiN Nair. It is a fraud to concent a fraud. MiseReynolds, Miss FaignhEuaom, asieti • tfllee Houra-3 to 6, 7 to g pan, of which any man has 13ved to feu tffi
In England the ladies have entire- A note dated On Sunday is void, Wilson, Miss Cummiz*s, and Miss . . . story,
six million bacteria, there seems little judgement which are most reassuring ly abandoned wearing rate, which is Hawkins, But it is in the history of ballooning
exaggeration in Dr. Beyer's character. -and eonapieious. Two personal facts, A contract wish a minor is void. BOARD OF HEALTH • Wm, Holmes Ro VANSTONB,
due entirely to this new discovery, that one encounters the moat remark-
fzation. moreover, greatly endear him to the It is illegal to compound a felony, � (chairman), George Mckenzie, • Wm. BARRISTER; SOLICITOR, ETC able cases of sensational drops frons'.
Observation has ahawn that the fiy is British people. One is that he has been I6 has been proven that Henna Fessaut, Richard Anderson. John F. prlvateand compan7 tense to lona at lowest the clouds. When liar, Wise, a famous
leaves contain the ingredients that IRaaranoe of law excuses no one, z Grouse; Searetaxy; Dr, J. P. Kennedy, rate nr lueerest. aicriga ea, town and warm .aeronaut of the early nineteenth cels
omnsvbronE and ubiquitous and that, a aaiIor'Prinoe. intimatslyand creditably will positively A contract made with a lunatic is Medical. Health Ofitcor, property bought and aaicl.
certriin unsanitary conditions being ful- associated with that service which is p y grow haft, That they Office, Beaver Bieck, Wingham tury, was once making an ascent his.
contain eve long -looked -for article void. -- " -- • balloon exploded at an altitude of W
filled, wherever the fly, is, Chars also are traditianaIly dearest to the British heart. is proven every day. Signatures>fn le�dcpenoii'are good in 000 feet and began to drop swiftly ter
disease diseases, Ia regard d rheas The other is that he happily married The Americans ale now placing on law. STEADY r A• NORTON,
v . khe earth, mare than a couple oC
diseases ilio meet sbutliug evidence i Co Dna ve tine mass admired and beloved thEt market a p y y BARRIBTBR, age• miles below. "The descent at first watt
given far typhoid, but careful capers of native English Princesaea, preparation contain. A receipt for mons is legally con rapid," IR1r, Wise writes, "`and accom-
mante have shown that no lees than tart Eng the having
from Henna leaves, elusive. EMPLOYMENT y
wingham, Ont,
which is havia a phenomenal sale. panted b a fearful moaningnoise
others, among them tuberculosis, car PRISON POPULATION. Principals are responsible for their . , caused by air rushing through the net-
Thie preparation is netted SAL• wort; and the as escaping from about
bnnola, cholera, tapeworn and nommen ag°ate R. L. DresrxsoN g A• g
diarrhoea, have been spread b flies, and """ VIA, and is being sold with.. a guar- for a reliable Local Salesman repre• Duunxy HOTAMS
p y A recent government return shows grow The seta of one partner binds all the senting r In another moment I felt slight shoe
there is cod r@aeon to believe that lz aurae to caro Dandruff and to ro k
a others. (s n r DICKINSON & HUMES and, looking up to see what caused lt.
smallpox, leprosy and diphtheria might that in the as fiscal
penitentiaries a hair i e abSALVIe. Being daintily "Canada's Oldest and Greatest I discovered that the balloon was cant
Burin the tact fiaaaI ear there was a perfumed, SALVIA makes a most The law eaenpele no one to do im ae•BARRISTRRS, sOLICITOR9, Eto.
be added to the last, g y Ptug over, being nicely doubled in, the!
daily average attendance of 1,525, The pleasant hair dressing. Mr, Walley, sibilities. Nurseries"MoNRY To. LOAtr, lower half into the
Tt is the omufuorousneea of tri@ 8y, g upper."
total number on the registers your druggist, is the first to import An agreement without consideration in Winght in and adjoining country. 07-011: Meyer Block, Winghsm. The balloon had in fact, formed 1V
together with his choice of breeding g ors was 1,766, ,
which should be regarded as a ver this preparation into Wingham and is void. . self into a parachute and, oselliating
places, that makes him a manse@ Co 8 y , You will and there is a good demand Wildly,
health. A fruitful source of disease good showing when the` population of a large generous battle. can be purchased Contracts made on Sunday cannot be for nursery Stock oil account of the RTHUR J. I$WIN, D, D g ,Las, struck tie earth via2entjen �1
bacteria is damp decaying organic mat- Canada is considered. for 500• enforced, high prices that growers have realized A t f.
p g g .r. � on their fruit this season. Doctor ofDentaiSurgeryofthePennsylvania the aeronaut ten yards ant of the car.
t@r, sad it ie just such matter, asuaIlq Farther tables show that of the total Written contracts cb oernin land Oat salesmen are turning in bi busi- Dental College and Licoatiste of the Royal The car had turned bottom upward,
number of prisoners, 1,426 are serving FASHION'NOTES. mast be tinder seal, P g year. Be one of them IInMa donaldBlocal k WinghamOntario. Office and there I stood," says Gtr, Wiee,
stable refuse, that is used for a breeding A ness to urs this
place by fixes. Experiments with ban first Germ; 231 second terms, and 65 "a - and earn good wages through the winter Office closed every Wednesday afternoon "congratulating myself and tri@ v
P P young A note obtained by fraud�or from one months. from May let to Oct, let. spiration ronin
flies freak from the breeding ground third feriae . There is one case snob of g down viy forehead,ig
10th to 12th and The terms. aseh c A thing that is very noticeable in the intoxicated is void, Territory reserved. Pay weekly, profusion." --St, Louie post bis atcli.
showed Chem to have live bacteria either " prison- now Coate is that the linimg is almost in•- It a nota be lost or stolen it deet not Free sample outfit, eta. � A
on the outside of their bodies or in the ers might well be regarded as incorrig• variably of a contrasting color. Write for particulars. ry J. PRICE, B. S. A., L. D. S., D. D, S. t
ible. y g r3teft" the m%ker, 130 must pap it. Just Satisfied Herself. `\
digestive treats. This lama decayed or- Coarse blue linen frooke embroidered `STONE & WELLINGTON Lfeentlate of the Royal College of Dental People of all sorts weigh themselves
gamic matter is also the food of the fly, Of Rif the prisoners in Canada, but 66 r Each individual in partnership is re• surgeons of Ontario, and Graduate of Uni•
with blue, are made for young girls. aponaibie for th@ whole a Foathitl Nurseries versity of Toronto. on the penny In the slot maehinee
but with true democracy of taste he is are serving. life terms. Few are in for mount of the (860), Ofdas : Beaver Sloeir found widely distributed ..fn ublfe
R r more than seven years and the length of These are worn with dace gnimps, and firm, TORONTO, Office closed every Wednesday afternoon p
lad to shave mans food also and it is B CANADA.. from May, 1st to Oct 1st. f �y _. places, but never before had this man,
are eptlatIeso.
this willingness to take his dessert oat sentence of most of Lhem ranges Exam An endorser of a note is exempt from anyway, seen anybody weigh on ons
of the sugar bowl after a dinner of de two to five. On many of the lingerie dresses Eng- liability it not served ivith a notice of cApnA of them anything but himself or hex-
cayed fish than constitutes his chief dan- The majority of the prisoners are lieh eyelet embroidery is used. It is its dishonor within 24 hours of its non. ��R� �RS Wli�pham. General N�Splt l self as tis weigher, a woman, did td
ger to man. single, 12 being recorded as married and combined with cotton veils, much in de. payment, -. Wingham it i a subwaystation. _
57 ae widowers. The percentage of wand now, because it does not crumple (Under Government inspection) � She came in carrying; in One hand s
and an one having lire P%ook or other t muff' and In the other a box of polished
GAMBLING AY RACES, young is regrettably large, about ten easily, articles they wish to dispose of, should adver-
tla. the same for sale in the TiitBs. Our tare * oak that was narrow and proportion.
`— per cant. being Cruder 20 years of age, - A separate blouse mast be in every circulation tells and it will be Strange Indeed if Pleasantly situated, Beautifully fur- ately high and maybe a foot in length.
Of the total 774 Are between twenty and one's possession. The newest model is oudonot etacn$tomer. Wocon'tgaarantee niched, Open to all regularly licensed That the baa; was heavy hat on will esti because you racy eek more vy W86 shown
The foltowia(( titer@stent has been thirty, and 447 are between thirty and formed of ribbon the same color As the for the article or stooge than it is worth. Send physicians, RAVES Box PATIENTS- by the fact that the leather handlel
preps -ed a6 to the Iaw whish was repent fatty, material of the skirt, and is worn over youradvertleement to the TIM89and trythi$ (Which include hoarsens Wareing), $;,50 had been stretched somewhat b
fy peaces with reference to gambling AC plan of disposing of your stook and other t0 $1t,Op y iib
g g As to occupation, 603 classes as a lace underelip. articles per week according to location ivelght
Of ream, For further information, ,And *apparently its present caniert
rao3a .laborers, and 129 are entered as farmers. Atiov@r embroidery in colors to mtitoh r assn@sa heel found it heavy axis was enrtbntl
Running Race MHets--•May lath for The percentage of illiterate convicts is the suits to good. Miss L, MATTEMWS,
sWvsic taHt•k days. Only two such meets fifteen. That intemperance has some- Superintendent, about its weight, for now she set the+
Sleeves on blouses are either three- OUTSIDE Bog 223, ygfagliam (}rat, boK oil the platform of one of thads
o must thing to do with ortmti seems pretty! gnarter laagth or the Other extreme, wefghfng imartbines and dropped a pens
in a year, and at least 20 dap �` clearly established, as 40per c@rat, of the ray in the slot, It weighed covering the knuckles of the beads. /► / i t i r , g ed ten . poundV4
convict, admit h intoxicating
been intemperate' The ded•fn effect hiss given ewe to H V t 'y RAILWAY TIME TABUS. certainly a Iie$vy hos to carry. R'tiaf
4� �in in Lite ne@ of iatoxfoatfng!ignore, while y � ,, was all she wanted to know-+-fj"Pt,•
S%PJ a a only seventeen per combpzw. claim to have
the bandgd•in idea, 'Wide hands draw Orders for the insertion of advertisements �t BAND TAVXx RAILWAY sYgTBX, weigh herself. She just. picked the bad.
to Lha fuitaeos o! renin or skirt toward l3f TRAINS tAAVA frog e,
��", been total abstainers. such as teachers wanted, business ohanaes. Up again, this time rovltb a atoll !listed
�"` the bottom. This i$ striven for even oft mechanics wanted, articles for sale, or in foot London ,.......... g,40 a,m__ 9 went aboard the train..:+New York
_1., the fanny tailored carts, �, any kind of an advt. in any of the Toronto or Toronto d�Es$til.O8a m. ;9.90 d.m... g.40p.imn Baum.
other city Papers, maj,will
left at the Tinton Sincardine,.11,57 a,m... ,,.08 p•m , 02.40im,
f3rttggiit ativised DR. A.W. CHASE'S office. This work -
NENV'E FOf)l)-Curb oomplattr A5 To Rapid 13rpati ing. Shoes' have fancy buckles of somlekind andwflleatapeo�fie the tronbie of teinitttn Antirviti ROX
for and forwarding advertisements. Lowest Lanoardine ..9.40a,m.lLbOa.fn�,. $, p,,n 'rhe Arnaaeiba.
nr+l lasting. Scientists of Europe have tatelq been land are Worn with gayly colored stock. 1 rates will be quoted on ap ltcation. Leave London......,.,,.,.,,,..•.11.54 e.1n— , 7,05 ,m �`li ,
Mfrs. J. D. Palmer, li$ Park St., Ata• In r, PaImerston .ti,......:, 10.90a,an, p e Mo@ba (Greek `Cha s
str�rd4w, IJ. 1'',, writes: ,,When tri* conducting experiments la the art of ' g ae eendyoiir abict Wont of t1i�s kind to the !Toronto dt )leaf..... ,.., 2,08p.m_ � 0 supposed ion ' j` the
GP. Mg:lBY, Agent, 'GWtn .l5 , ' p ser rho line of Livlilg.
Years of lige my boy began to have fits. bteathfng, and sea result have diseov. _ The newest liocket handkerobiefs are TIM10,14 OPP110E. W insltnin ttham. forms, Is a nuked rnass of living.
ANADIANPAQi>fiIC BAILVPA'2. ler, or protoplasm Bo mitt
They come on in site night. IIs vroiild ergs some inter@etittg conclusions. ''Tile tiny, With the colored border very deep. 1�ppl� zaiti_$ttk fo aIt _... < pis wing bat In frit
matte strange noises, stiffen out, froth th@oryflr advanced that by abnormal Toronto andlTkArns UILVI7 a � directions in "blunt prOcesses;' and
at mouth, face would twitch and some- woundx afid V*es anti •'90u 9.16 p.m, th@ endless
control of the bteathin . " 81btstsr 1'eeaivater _ .........:1,00Ij,iTM�. f0.24 p,an, ly varying forst has earned
times turned purple. After tltti fit h@ 8 lyowers, the friars itovv ni ARRIVIt irnox for the simple adimal the nlltti
roul(1 not talic, breath be}ug held for air itnusitally long Cost Of Postage Now ahs "!`hen: ' t$(? YlrARB ' 'ite0$water ................8.87a,tn.,,.�., 8 )
I 'The family physician said nII he time,'a person may ascend into the a r A letter is noW conveyed 11 000 artissg t6XPERiENCE Torarita and $bet ....1.00 p,in . I 'le Ti'm, AMG O! "amoeba" to B
st al > , mites briri Last. It -• 0.24 p.m, 'lam u itniinitkCtr
could (Io was to keel) them down 'some• realtfio and afnmuna ith for a gnu Correspondence , t , dopa L%t. gIt trovers the _ ,T. H. BRICKHR, Anent,witieham. _ . Inc)• They are all ti lhute but me
what. The second physician pronounted C yr things-hlaher. p y. C7 t espondence ryas WOund with a 4 -tet Or pta. , . """ distinctly visible' d �
tb alit tlnaided eye,
troBble JeilFcrsonian epilepsy, but could up. due ot'thti solenitets claims to have a costly luxury lees than a century nap, ttxtivt balm, �t11s all � The jeilylikt+ crfl!a
i, IT h ttitie flows stlbng the
rant l=ure him. Fla sulferCd for sire years clemoastrated that sapid bf@dtkiiva of In 13I5 '�filiazri Wilberforce recorder In g'crnsaL'e#d'y in tine tivottsitl, ss>1f surt'ace of stotle
or plant .by Lite ,do*
before beginttfug rite use of t)r. A. pate air acro ail an anae'tlhetlo .and rens' hie story thg teaetpt of a note ,,from, . prtrvtab otfikr3 tiiferinp. Its tith protrtts#oft Of Its ever ..
W. Chase Is Nerve Fond had three itts fn ICA1,1og tbarigto fx ti
>tatolihrd telling itahai exolemixs ibeKl trails PAYS ass@s find in tfats Way sets a pbroon immtYne to pain as roan etdt g tine that a letter :from
about iia@ days. Our d�uagist reeoin it iBuiettiiaitted'. of ttanrse, atter this t s7ti Weighing eighty�dve ounces had �a tht bottmsl IWb tl koi: _1 Dtol l ak ; toad. It ig`i111 stonlaC a t><roithd'ittl
mended Iii. A. �: , 't bas@" sTcrt+@ i'aod. It twondetfet s8otrt tfnie Any t Of tt
Ire bas taken seven bases and hao not 'i+apitl tnhalattbns aeasg the pain �ilritl be Dome for ling bad vans charged £E9 IOC., 111e aotmd>bI hexlcdt C01%VRiBRT6 &&- taking holt! of and dll�g the toed
had the symptom of a fit since. :flier felts B " alt ate t n and that he h - YAH' &IMS ip grit f. ed to . vn r anaoseart . our aria onfree * ttoamar that tiaAtZ@n6 to Co
t rat ldit a petsba may . ad refused to take fti tn, cul . y tin m telt p t ee rr�ieiher en mb M taontiot via
I>Y,itatldolne.ert►orincnros Bsenresnd rlaventrnleprobably pat�ata tmm�ntea•� %� �%? Il��ly� it t)tltlttainin i
rotor has 'greatly ffiprOv2d, he Is ,not, Indnce'sonatl Mlgep by deep lltrd id. I`bb Gletlerall'aot (ffitie very handsome, - ltetthe reetthtti , i< i b n b PCoo ^" 1 a +MrA R 1J
., - ttdneetrlcil oonndenttaL AMDfi�IlllonPatenq 1LI amoellll rI g t9 t7nattiWnni IWt9 t1th1
110tvOug attd irritable like, he used to be a on sec $alm•Ea rt printed sent ldoetaaeneytoreocnrtnk ata.. tahWS ILett3ll'
And we canalder luy rune ctlm Itlte.r, breathing. tot a tory ti tt nUtt.•-�Atxrw'drs ty ttrtder thti penti�1311r otraYlms%atyoes cfi` .n oc6e�re, a�`do ril°a� a reoi�ae. Reines Patenm t"on throe h Mann & t.0. rreCSNq to i11it 1 �itl�a�
pgiete and Ytorce or IYpeeldLnot4pe.withoa60harre,lmLhd w� rr cr to tvi'o datrjttitt9r ttnluebeis, Ntieti'
rSneh imultx etre oltly obfShied by the ••+..i _. the oase lot me Off Me itpeppetaornof to., �f 1lh.B c ao,,'Tomhto. ''j.� i
{{��.. iii Li11 �A Whtt'li toatittio half`
to .a/d fla s of Orb flbbthAr #
I' tel@ae• xtt�, aria e • . .
'Java 1'aacll= trot front tmlttitiono ar ThEt clod attettnf it's fact owttt tat tine tar ottoumeta bob +Vtatir ha t , sr Il ftaadaomNr tit t'tr"tea wetsttAat44 sir• ash � otf�� t11ltttll trt
n. e o t b esulne Dr. A. W. Chatse,# which f ether! tasty pity. 'r>se Pent.
Y g1f t t ho letter i urian of en>..ecarmaao 011W T or lblt Iti **60,11 L"etiti0W the eih09 **
ttttltrta.ttteti. 5fi fetito g buff, alI doaTeh t9tsd of this serdnd year; it ip b il, at 16 Iraiit ed to the 0161rothdilt tot trio #tboll• ..4. a rr ar•t' mepaid„ °�"'i % � Imilt f"k4jond, t,t f t�
or FArdanson, Bates ti Co., Torotdo. '$cairn, Aftd 661400 11*6t beyolah 90 yotltiU, • tlon of nitg*try. M - " 0tMaetYsl'lit, 10e ' • i9t"Owfl "'d lNpit"odga" ' IbeNii'.•+=�P61
'!forte snit