HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1910-05-19, Page 8TUX "W t`1u}Ii4M TIM' kin MAT 19, 11W MINOR LOCALS, •�-lt'i gardening time. Thursday, May 19th. —Tho TIMES given the neva. --Don't be. a "Knocker 1" Vote roti the Loyd by.lav,•. —The railwaya clear: ince Single fare rates for Victoria Day, —•'Boost—dcn't knock 1" Vote for the Loyd by•law on the 20th. Listowt•111ae 1t total weesentent of $925,417 and a populetinn of 2275. —Mr. Joseph E. Mutoh, formerly of Wingham, has pgrchaeed a barbering bnsinees. in Q•iA6o11, .—Sabbath Sohool Institute in St. Andrews' Oherch to•morrow (Friday) Sessious at 2.30 and 7.30 p. m. —In a W. F. A. match at Brussels Monday evening, the home team defeat- ed Listowel by the soore of 3 to 0. —The drapings on the post office and town hall have been showing the effects of the high winds of the past day or two. —Mrs. B. Holmes of Turnberry wishes to thank her many friends who so kindly helped her to .put in the spring crop. —Ritchie & Cosens report this week the sale of Mr. F, H. Walley's house and lot on Centre street to Mr. 3. Walton MoKibbon. —Jane is the mouth of weddings, The TIMES Is prepared for it with a stook of the latest in invitations and Tisiting cards. • —Mr. Malcolm G. Bremner, for many years editor of the London Free Press, died very soddenly at his home last Fri- day morning. —Court of Revision on the assessment roll of the town will be held in the Connell Chamber on Monday, May 30th, et 8 o'clock p. m. —A welcome rain fell throughout ilma teba and Saskatchewan Sunday iI$tstiio0li and Hight, ishich will mjan, millions tb the West. —Charles fel, Clams hers, a newspaper man of T,onden, Ont,, has been appoint• ed publicity agent for the city, at e salary of $1,200 a year. —The Wingham lodge A. 0. U. W, have received the cheque for $2000 00 payable to the widow of the Iate brother Duncan Mo0rimmon, member of there lodge. —The Wingham Lawn Bowling Club has been enlarging and extending the greens, and intend having a grand open. ing day on May 24th. Playing all day; everybody welcome. —Court of Revision on the aseees- meat roll for Turnberry will he held at Binevale on May 30th at 1.30 oolook p.m.; and for East Wawanosh, at Bel - grave, on the 26th of May at 10 o'clock A. m. —Dr. John D. Wilson, a medical prac- titioner, and ex -mayor of London, Ont., died at his home on Monday morning after five weeks of a battle with septic poisoning contracted while operating on the tonsils of a little girl, —The anneal meeting of the Wing - ham branch of the Women's Institute 'will beheld in the Chisholm Hall, Thurs. day, May 26th, at 2.30 p.m. All mem- bars are requested to attend, as there will be the election of officers, annual • reports and renewal of membership. TINSMITHS WANTED. Six good Tinsmiths, steady 00300Y - meet, wages $1 50 per day of eight hours. Oorreslroud B O. Sheet Metal. Works. 245 Barnard Se., Vancouver,, B. O., A, P Stewart, manager. TENDERS WANTED, Tenders will be received the under- signed up to May 80th, fo the building of a cueurate platsar u a trentof sohool building of 5, S N .. , Morris (Ocoee school) Fan parte Lars can be had on applioatioa to 3. D. IM+lcE WEN, Secretary,. Box 15, Wingham, Ont. -TOWN OF WINGHAM COURT OF RFVISIO` The first sittings of , e Court of Revision, for the rev si. , of the Assess- ment Roll of the n of Wingham for the year 1910, will be held in the Connell Chamber, on Monday, the 80th day of May, at 8 o'olook p. m. All parties interested will please take notice and govern themselves aeoording- ly. By order. JOHN F. GROVES, Clerk. Wingham, May 16th, 1910. PERSONAL. COURT OF REVISION. Wanted! Take notice that the Court of Revis- ion of the Assessment Roll of the Township of Turnberry will be held in the Clerk's office, Blnevale, on the 80th day of May, 1910, at 1.30 o'clock p m. All parties interested will govern themselves accordingly, 13v order JOHN BURGESS, Clerk. Dated, Bluevale, May 5, 1910. TO BRIDGE CONTRACTORS YOUNG AMEN Tenders will be received by the under- signed at tile. otli56 of lied' .Clerk of the Towoe'nip of Turnberry up to 2.30 p. m„ on Monday, May 30th, for the furnish• ing of material and building two con - orate abutments for an iron bridge on the River Maitland, at Lot 1, Con. 6, aleo for the taking down of the old wooden bridge and piling where direct- ed by Inspector, No good timber to be cut or broken up. A marked cheque for 10 per Dent. of tender mast be attached to tender. No tender necessarily ao• oepted. Plans and speoifloations oan be Been at the Township Clerk's office, Blnevale, Dated May 4th, 1910 JOHN BURGESS, Township Olerk. Distance from railway stations: Wroxeter, O.P.R., 3 miles; Wingham, G.T.R,, 6 miles; Bluevale, 5 miles. Mr. H. B. Elliott was in Toronto for a few days, attending the annual meeting of the Canadian Press Association, Mrs. A. G. McDonald, of Goderioh, spent a few days of the past week in town, and attended the funeral of her uncle, the late Robert Currie. Mr. Elgin Currie, son of John T. Cur- rie, of East Wawanoah, who recently suffered an attack of typhoid fever while pursuing his studies at Toronto, has recovered, and name home last week. Mr, Alex. Finnan, of Killarney, Man., spent a few days of the post week with his brother, Mr. Theo. Finnen, of Turn- berry. Alex. is a former resident of thieplaoe, but left for the west thirty years ago this spring, and this is his first visit to this part since then. Rev. 3. O. McCracken, of Thorndale; Mr. Thos. MoCraokon, of London; Mrs S.MpLean,lDauphin, Man; Mrs. Geddes, Detroit; Mrs. Taylor, London,are at the parental home owing to the serious illness of their father, Mr. John Mo,. °recken- 4. Spring is' here and with 1 it has come the same old t story, "Want something $ to eat that we never ••1• 4. heard tell of. Come in + to Malcolm's and you'll find something to tempt .•r. every appetite. Try our 4. ASPARAGUS T I P S , + 3' they're delicious or a can ,; .fit• of ROAST BEEF, VEAL $ 110U1S, WonicitAE,--In Wingham, on May 'ith, to Mr. and Mrs. J, G. Workman; e daughter, DICES0 •— In Culross, on May. 8, 1910, to Mr, and Mrs. Charles Dickson, a daughter. CAvt'aerr.,—In Toronto, on May' 12th. 10 14ir.a1d Mrs. Colin A. Campbell formerly of Wingham ; a son. rtr,er - 7n Hingham „n the lard inst., to Mr, and Mrs. A. J. Pilon ; a daughter. DIED uante eengTrn, on May 14th, 3iobert Currie, his l ne MCCrtrs<nY.--Near Lucknow, on May 1. Agnes Weir, relict of the late John McClos- key, agedb3 yens, 5 mos. 10 dare. Nice 100th.—In A sidled on May 0, Mary Mc. line, Unloved wife of U. T. MoKenz.e, aged G9 years, liar.uwrv.—At Lanes, en May 9th lane Pat- terson, beloved wife of John 0. Bald' win. aged '78 years. Barc1t11..-At Wentchell, Washington State, on MA 0 K. 0th, Oscar Percy, third son, of John and Mcs. Baker, of Grey township, in hi! 26th year, TO LEARN THE MOULDING. Go d wages from start under competent instructor. A splendid opportunity for young rnen to learn a trade,. Apply to W. D. VAREY, Superintendent of WESTERN FOUNDRY, Wingham, Ont. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Notice is hereby given pursuant t• R. S 0 rwee:bap.120, Seo. 08, that all per . s having claims against the estate of za Bosman, late:ofthe Town of Wi ham in the County of Huron, Wi • w, d eased, who died on or about the ec. 1 day of May, A. D., 1910, are requir •o send by post pro. paid or to deliver to 1 , anstone, Solicitor for the Executor of the said deceased, on or before the 13th day of June, A. D. 1010, their names, addresses, and descriptions and a full statement of particulars of their claims and the nature of the security (if any) held by them duly certified, and that after the said day the Executor will proceed to . distri- bute the assets of the deceased among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which he shall then have notice. Dated this 18th day of May, A. D. 1910. R. VANSTONE, Wingham P. 0., Solicitor for Executors. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. 5oiice is hereby given pursuant to 0. 1897, Chap, 129, Sec. 88, that all perso.: having claims against the estate of J •e Sadler, late of the Tow cf Wi • ram, in the County of Rurol W. ow, deceased. who died on or a •u e 24th day of red to; send by post dpri1, A D. 1910, are prepaid or to deliver o R. Vanatone. 5 olicitor for the Executors of the said deceased, on or be- fore the 13th day of June A 1).1010, their names, addresses, and descriptions and .a full state- ment of particulars of 'their claims and the nature of the security (if any) held by them duly certified, and that after the said day the Executors will proceed to distribute the assets of the deceased among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which they shall then have notice. Dated this 18th day of May, A. D. 1910 li. VANSTONE. Wingham P. 0., Solicitor for Executors. or TONGUE. Have .;. you had a bottle of our a• M4.ustard Pickles also + sweet and sour •I. 4. Ail kinds of Ganned I 4. Vegetables, C o f f e e s, .z.Teas and Fresh Grocer- ••'r1• 4 . .. - 4.IeS. •'1i• .31. —. ,.J. Malcolm 4. Phone 54. 4. •+l• Produce Wanted. 4. 3�3.•pd•3.3•�3.3�3•••£••b3••f•3,•1^•A3.3.3•• •i••l••i++ POPULAR STALLIONS. WINGHAM MACHINE SHOP Baby Carriages and Go•Carte re•tired• and repaired. General repair work of all kinds. The Imported Clydesdale Stallion, " Mascot" will snake the season of 1910 as folloWs:— Monday—Leave hie owner's 'stable, Blnevale, for Alex. Moffatt s, 'Lia miles east of Bluevale, for noon; north to T irton Bros„' eon. 5, Turn - berry, for night. Tuesday—Alex. McPherson's, eon. 7, Turnherry, noon; and to Bluevale for night. Wednesday— To Wm. Elston's, eon. 2, Morris, for night. Thursday—Jos. J. Kerr'e con. 18, East WaWanoeh, noon ; and to Dennis' feed stables, opp. Cement Works Wingham, and remain until Saturday morning. eater- day—To his owner's stable, Bluevale, and re. main until Monday morning.HMG, Prbpi ietbr. eiSaloChief,” nilltitak imported t 1010 as follows:-- Monday—Leave his owner's stable, BIuCtale, for And. Douglas , gravel road, noon' and to Andrew Ireland's for night. Tuesday—Bar. iiePaenesCOO. Gro, noon' and Mo• Tarins, gravel road, night. Wednesday-To Jas. Spelt's, Con. 0, Morris, noon and .Tas Nichols'. Con. 0, night. ThursdayaTo Jas. l'hedden'C, Cen 4, Morrie, for noon; and to Hill's Hetet stables, Belgravo, for night Friday --To Jas. Miller's Con. 8, alorria, and remain until Saturday morning. Saturday.., To Robert W arwiek's,Coh. 8 • Morris, for noon; then to We owoner's stable, Bbleeale, and re- main until Monday morning. DAY, J.W. litters, Manager. Prollitietbr, See onr new Combination Stock Rack. Bargains in Bicycles and eundrioe. Plow Pointe sharpened andmade good as new at 10c each. W. A, CURRIE BEI Phone 21. PROPRIETOR' CENTRAL STRATFORD ONT. The great praotioal training school of Ontario. Three departments, Commercial, Shorthand or Telegraphy. We assist graduates to positions. The demand upon us for trained help greatly exceeds the supply. The. Three most recently planed are re- ceiving $40.00, $50.00 and $100,00 per month reepeotively. Baeinese men state onr graduates are the best. Enter our classes now. Get our free oatalogne. ELLIOTT & &LACHLAN PRINCIPALS.. 1 CANADIAN PAC -IF IC. GREAT LAKES NAVIGATION NOW OPEN Regular battings as follow s. MONDAY i .'. B. S. "ATHHABASCA" TUESDAY. ... S. S. "I EFWA'r1N" T HDNESbAY , S, S. "ALBEIiTL" Tnt1I1SDAV .. S. S. " MANITODA" SATVTt17A• , • S, S, "ASStNInoxti" Tho le. . most ploa_d ant and eT spear route to Winnipeg and West. HOMESEEKERS May Through train to Winnipeg and West front Toronto 2.00 p.m. on above date. 3. R. BIIEME1II, Agent, Wingltain. IN(Q'S FOR BARGAINS ► WI: WANT OUR =al KIN -GS ' ' day tBUSY STORE WASH GOODS.— We are showing a beautiful range of these materials for Summer Suits, etc. It is safe saying there's nothing nicer for the warm weather than, a nice Wash Suit—we have the goods. REPPS, INDIAN HEAD, FOULARDE, BROOK- LANDS, Etc.—In the new and popular shades and FAST COLORS. - LADIES' WAISTS.— A large selection to choose from in Wain tailored and fancy embroidered effects at all prices. DRESS GOODS AND TRIMMINGS•—As usual this • department is well stocked with all, the new and staple goods, and at present we have one of the most complete stocks of Dress Goods to be seen. HOUSE FURNISHINGS.—Carpets, Art Squares, Mat- tings, Linoleums, Floor Oils, Curtains, Madras, Art Muslins, etc., etc. A very large range which we will be pleased to show you, TO CLEAR. -5 pieces Lawn, wide width, fine cloth, to clear 8c, WANTED.—Large quantities Butter and Eggs (22c) o0..oma,®nos4•:e.t.,01••t...s.�... s•• .....•lass �•xmvat❖oo • i Opelliilg Announcement ••• • • New store New goods • Spring and Summer• Sea• son • • • • ILIO, Inspection Invited. All work Guaranteed. • GOOD GOODS Go E. KING. I CHEAP PRICES e••••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••O•••••••••• CURTAINS! CURTAINS! • • e Have you seen` the New Curtains at (Gordon's? The new Fish Net e • 'Curtains with double borders, also Nottingham, Batten- • burg and •Irish Point. • •. • • • • • • • : In all colors suitable for diningrooms and dens, also in white and s • cream for bedrooms and drawmgrooms. • •---.,— • Wash Suitings. • In the fashionable new Cotton Repps, Serges and Piques, also • ® Ginghams and Zephyrs, and the new plain and Mercerized • • Mulls in all the pastel shades. • • • I/ • c • • • McCall Patterns. •• • • • We a.re agents for the celebrated •McCall Patterns—a large stock e • to choose from. McCall Magazine regular price 10c, •• but you can get it here at 5e.• • • We take Butter and Eggs in exchange for these New Goods. • i • •M. GORDONI • •••••••••••••N•••••••.•••• ••O•••••••••••••••••••••••. • • Madras Muslins. • i E. C. WHITE High-Claas Ladies' and Gents' Tailor NEW OXFORDS FOR-OftEN IN PATENT KID AND PATENT COLT IN GUN METAL VICI KID AND PATENT PONY We have just opened up the nicest assortment of "Queen � sxality" OXFO RDS - it has ever been our pleasure to inspect, NEW SHAPES -NEW STYLES LOOK AT DISPLAY OF THESE SHOES IN NORTH WINDOW Prices of Queen Quality Oxfords $3.00, $3.50 and $4.00 WILLIS & CO. THE SHOE STORE. Sole Agents for areeei- for Ladies. SHOE! Sole Agents for the "Astoria " Shoes for Men. 1► House Cleaning irmy'�r www..m•vvwrat4'vrettnk'wv ire'�vrrrYITYTIMT IIMV:vYa. 44 43, 411- House Furnishingsj: Means 4 I Warm spring days suggest house cleaning and house cleaning means a new Carpet for a certain room, a certain room needs new Curtains and 24 a certain room needs a new Linoleum or Oil Cloth Japanese Matting, Floor Oils Scotch Linoloums, Rugs, a. 0.4 ot CARPET SQUARES IN TAPESTRY BRUSSELS ,<,,. o AND VELVET. is MIP. MI 21 IN o You will realize substantial savings if you buy your Spring House Furnishings from us. •n • S1 ;C X have much pleasure ill announcing to the •v people of Wingham and vicinity that I am opening • up a high'class tailoring establishment, You will 2 find here the finest line of Imported Woollens in Mal 1ilartJns, Fancy Worsted airs Tweed S ultin Cs Lrngiish 7rrouseringa. The Ifinfiflshor black Sr blue Worsteds, Serges, Cheviots, Vicunas, , • SS Lama Cloths, etc. . • It is an acknowledged feet that these cloths • are the best produced in the World—the cloth that wears well and gives entire satisfaction. My establishment will be found replete with ' the latest novelties in materials for gentlemen's , , wear, and 1 trust you will pay me an early visit. LADIES' GARMENTS made in the latest, up•to- date styles, and satisfaction guaranteed. Sincerely yours, _ E. Co �yWHITE Wilson Block WIl1i1>tlFiAlilC, 'ONT+ $441•444. ..44:00;00:4ittkowtso.4.44.1t CARPET SQUARES $6.00 10 $30100 A NUMBER OF SMALL ENDS CARPET CHEAP t See g our line of Ladies' Suitings in latest colors. our Ladies Ready-to•Wear Waists. No. t Sugar $5,35 per cwt cash. ALL ICINDO Ov 1,1tODUCE WANTED. Alir MILLS PEO B 89. YY INGEA,1Y1, ONT. V41 i, . _ '►niga—ATAAIA,i, AZ AAAlAkieAAAli AA &AAAI 41AAAA*.�