HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1910-05-19, Page 61:44 rvolojv.1•41it TUM) Attkr M. 1pnv.
Positively cure Dyspepsia. Promote
Digestion. Money back if they fail to
At all Druggists or direct from
Q,54 14414,
& aysv M 1
w/ 7u
25c. a Box. COLEMAN MEDICINE CO., Toronto
een „este:nese esteA
— — •
There ere about 174,000 oil prodoo'
ing wells in the United 8tatee, reprep -
eating direotly andindireotly an outlay
of about $700,000 OCO,
Local History of the early Bins.
Itome from the "Times" Pyles.
(From, the TimEs of May 16, 1890.)
Mr g, F. *Webb, our townsman, has
been remodelling his residence and
The town assessor, Mr. John Forster,
Ilse completed work and returned the.
roll to the town clerk. It shows:
Real Personal Income Total
Ward 1—$98,540 835,230 $3,500 $137,270
" 2— 81,760 2,950 84,710
4-122 880 10,670 400 133 950
3-132,850 9,950 2,100 144,900
436,830 58,800 6,000 500,830
Mr., S. 5i onhill, while fishing on Mon-
day, succeeded in catching a speckled
trout twelve inches long. It was a
Mr. John MoCoo1, wbile working at
one of the saws in the Union faotory, on
Tuesday, had the misfortune to get the
middle finger of the left hand taken off
by the save.
Hawaii for the rhubarb, its sauce and
,its pies; we'll land the fine 'wine plant
clear up to the skies; who loves not the
pie plant that come in the spring is an
awful poor judge of a mighty nice
At the meeting of Court Maitland,
No. 25, Canadian Order of Foresters,
held on Friday evening last, Mr. D. M.
Gordon was elected as representative to
the High Court of the Order, which will
hold its annual meeting in Kingston, the
second week in June.
A meeting of those interested in get-
ting up a quoit club in town was held at
Paterson's hotel, on Monday evening
last. The following officers were ap-
pointed: — Mat. Brown, president;
Frank Paterson, viee.president; John
Inglis,,W.MCClymont, and J. MoAlpine,
oommitten of management. The club
starte with 19 members on the roll.
Mr, F. G. Sperling is tbis week mov.
ing into hie fine residence. on the com
ner of Patrick and Francis streets.
Shi1oh, ev
Mr. A. H. Musgrove and Mr. Thos
Gibson, the candidates for the Local
Hoose in the coming election held tbree
well attended meetings at Gorrie, Ford-
wicli, and Lakelet, on Wednesday,
Thursday and Friday of last week
These meetings were characterized by
their orderly conduct, which seems to
be due to the oourtecus and cool man-
ner in which the speakers dealt with
the questions of the day.
We regret to announce the death on
the 4th inst., of Mrs. Jas. Sanderson, of
the 6th con., after a ehort illness.
tiuickly Stops Coughs, mires calces, heals.
the throat and lungs. + ; S Ceuta
Logging by electricity, it is said,. will
seen lee the common, preotioe in. British
Columbia, where oleottioity oan boread-
ily obtained tom water power,
Lima CottleTr.
Frank J, Cheney makes oath that he
is senior eavtner of the firm of F. J.
Cheney ,X, Oo , doing business inthe , itv
of Toledo, County and State aforesaid,
and that eaid firm will pay the sum of
One Hundred Dollarsfor each and every
case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by
tee to et Hal1'tCatarrh Care. FRANK
Sworn to before me end subscribed in
my presence, this 6th day of December
A. D. 1886.
At the residence of Henry Richmond,
on the 4th inst., Janet Richmond, de
parted this life, at the age of 72 yeare.
She had been unwell for some time, but
dropsy was her final ailment.
HAINEs.—in Wingham, on the 9th
i nat•, the wife of Mr. W. H. Haines; a
Landeoape gardeners work by the
yard and chiropodieta by the foot.
There is always room at the top, but
success is a good bit like a greased pole.
Eczema Not A Blood Disease.
Eczema is a disease of the skin and
not of the blood. For this reason inter-
nal medicines have never been a suc-
cess in curing Eczema, Whatever the
cause local application is necessary to
heal the sores and restore the akin to a
healthfel natural condition. For this
reason Dr. Cbaeeel Ointment has a world
wide reputation as being without a rival
Pu t acure for Eczema.
C. A, Holden, keeper off a gambling
house at Winnipeg, was fined $500.
Do not seek in others what you con-
ceal in youreelf,
Mr. Malcolm G. Bremner, editor of
The London Free Frees, was found dead
ilk bed.
CIan ren .Ory
Seven Chatham, N. E., hotelkeepere
have gone on strike and closed their
Blood Was Bad.
From impure blood comes Pimples,
Boils, Ulcers, Tumors, Abscesses, Foster-
ing Soros, Rashes, Constipation, Head-
aches, etc,
Get pure blood and keep it pure by
removing every trace of impure morbid
matter from. the system by using
Present food prices are a form of
higher education.
English surveyors are paid 61 per
acre and ont•of-pooket expenses for
valuing land.
Many a man who boasts that he is
making history is really making it out
of the whole sloth.
(Seal.) A. W. GLEASON,
Notary Public.
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally
and sots dtreotly ou the blood and nmo
oue surfaces of the system. Send for
testimouiale free.
Ie. 3, CHemor & O0„ Toledo, 0
Sold by ell Drosgisto. 75c.
Take Hall's Family Pills for oonatip.
The Grand Jury at Whitby returned
a true bill in the case of Arch. Mao-
Leohlan of Uxbridge, charged with the
murder of his wife and two children.
is sent direct to the diseased parts by the
Improved Blower. lIcals the
ulcers, clears the air passages,
stops droppings in the throat and
permanently. cures Catarrh and
Hay Fever. 25c, blower free.
Accept no substitutes. All dealers
or Gdmanson, Bates & Co., Toronto.
Although the first Amarioan patent for
a metal pen was granted a Baltimorean
in 1810, it was half a century later that
tho industry began to ficurish.
Seine people have been badly"etung"
by getting bittwtitutes for Zein-Bnk•
When whey have asked fora box of Zane -
Bak the dealer lute produced Bome line
ou whish he realms more profit, and.
talked about 'lest as good end cheaper"
or "Q"Ie of my own. and I Know Wbat'e
in it," or +'1e.eelty, the same thing for
half the iuouity " etc„ etc, Wheu tes-
ted thiel obeap, substitute bete, of (nurse
felled to do enythi ig Ithe what Ztnt
lents doer, but the beyer has nevertbe•
less parted with hie money 1 Yon will
have to get Zinn 13ulr eventually,
Don't wat:te money on n,telees substitutes
'lhe mens' Zsm null" is protected by
law. See it on every packet before pee -
ing It your local dealer should be out
of stock, wtite ' Zam•Buk, Toronto•"
We mall ii, by return.
A Woman Made Happy.
"I could scarcely get about the house
to attend to my work and felt miser-
able nearly all the time." writes Mre.
Alex. Bubhat en, Ielond Brook, Qin!,
"After using Dr, A. W. Obese's Nerve
Food my system is wonderfully bniltup.
There is no further trouble from dizzy
spells and stomach weakness; and with
health and strength restored, life has a
new pleasure for me,"
The sea kale used es a food in China
comes largely from the coast of Sag-
halien, where the leaves average ono
foot in width and forty-five feet in
Fifty years' experience of an' 01d Nurse
the prescription of one of •the best fe-
male physioians and nurses in the
United States,and has been used for fifty
yeare with never -failing en(ceos • by
millions of mothers for their children.
It relieves the child from pain, cures
diarrhoea, griping in the bowels, and
wind colic. By giving health to the
child, it rests the mother. Twenty-five
oents a bottle.
A shovel, with high, sharp edges and
with a hinged blade that lifts away
from the front, bas been patented by a
New Jersey resident to cut and lift
The man with personal megnetiem 1 The Dominion Government has order-
ed every public building in Canada to
be draped in mourning, and will pro-
claim a public holiday on the day of the
King's funeral.
makes almost as many friends as the
man with money.
It is caloulated that the men and
women of to -day are nearly 2 inches tal-
ler than their ancestors.
The splendid work of Chamberlain's
Stomach and Liver Tablets is daily
Doming to light. No snob grand rem-
edy for liver and bowel troubles wad
ever known before. Thoueaude bleee
them for constipation, nick headache,
biliousness, jaundioe and indigestion.
This is the time of the year when the
office boy's grandmother Beeme to . have
very little to live for.
All through Manchuria the country
people live in 'villages and go out from
the villages to their work in the fields.
Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver
Tablets will clear the sour stomach,
sweeten the breath and create a healthy
appetite. They promote the flow of
warm digestion pica,
Sold by all dee ers. endogood
The perquieites allowed officers in the
U. S. navy will aggregate nearly three -
quarter's of a million of dollars in 1911.
In New York proposed extensiong of
the subway are contemplated which
repreeent an expenditure of $100,000,•
Austrian policemen must know how
BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS. to swim and how to nee a boat, They
Mrs. Fred.B ge, Kingston, are also required to understand teleg.
writes: --"I was completely run clown, I raphy.
Fourteen graduates of Anrertoten vet•
erinary colleges and one graduate from
the Ontario Veterinary Coilege recently
went up for qualifying examinations in
Minueapolis. The fourteen Amadora
graduates were all plucked, while the
graduate from the Ontario Veterinary
College got througb.
Tho 28th alt• was the 10th anniversary
of the relief of Ladysmith. Twenty
nine yeare ago, on the 26111 alt., , the
battle of Mejabn was fought where so
many Britons fell in fighting with the
Boere. About 19 years after the battle
of Peurdt,burg took place, with eignal
enocese to the Initial arms,
Bronchitis, Croups Coughs and Colds, or'
money back. Sold and guaranteed by
A series of interesting experiments
are, says the Standard of Empire, to be
made in Natal with a view of ascertain-
ing the suitability of sugar cane spirit
ae• a form of fuel for motor engines. If
the experiments are suocessful it is
hoped a largo export trade oan be built
up with Great Britain in the article.
A tonob of rheumatism, or a twinge
of neuralgia, whatever the trouble is,
Chamberlain's Liniment drives away the
pain at onoe and cures the complaint
quickly. First application gives relief.
Sold by all dealers.
It was learned on good authority that
Dr, Hodgette, secretary of the Provin-
cial Board of Health, • has ac-
cepted an appointment at Ottawa, as
publio health expert on the Dominion
Commission on Conservation. Dr.
Hodgetts recently turned down an offer
from the city to succeed Dr. Sheard as
medical health officer.
While 000upyieg the pastorate of a
western church in his early Career, Dr.
George H. Ferris had a deacon whose
oharaoter had always been above re-
proach until a certain prayer meeting
which followed a sermon during which
the elder had soundly slumbered. "Will
Brother Jones kindly lead," was asked
by the pastor at the beginning of the
prayer servioe. Waking with a start at
the mention of his name, the deacon al-
most broke up the service by replying:
"I led last time; it's your turn. What's
Children Cry
Ms estimated that the Toss to the
state from forest fires in Massachnaette
in 1909 amounts to $236,478.There
were 1,531 differenttres, and the num-
ber of acres burned over was 42,808.
Never hesitate about giving Cham-
berlain's Cough Remedy to children.
It contains no opium or other narcotic.
and can be given with implicit' confid-
ence. As a quick cure for coughs and
colds to which children :are susceptible,
it is unsurpassed. Sold by all dealers.
The catch of fish in Canadian Waters
by Canadian fishermen, including reale
and all fish products, in 1908 was valned
at $25,451,085. The industry required a
Robing fleet of 14,114 vesicle,
my blood was out of order, and I used to
Fat so weak I would be compelled to stay
to bed for weeks at a time. I could not
eat, was pale and thin; every, one thought
I woe going,into consuin tion. I tried
p t
. f n d
everything and different t oeora until a
friend advised me so use Burdock Blood ' President Tait has asked Congress for
Bitters. I did not have one bottle a Bed appropriation of $50,000 to cover
used when my appetite Began to improve. p
I used siX bottles. I alned ten pounds the expenses of making an investigation
only' weighed ninety-three pounds. It
just seemed to pull Inc from the grave as I
never expected to be strong again. I
will tell every sufferer of your wonderful
For sale by all dealers.
lifanufactured only by The T. Milburn
Co., Limited, Toronto. Ont,
Children Cry
in two weeks. When began to take it in regard to cancer in fish and the poss-
ible transmission of the disease from fish
to the human race. Fish, he says, are
frequently swept away by an epidemic
of this disease and be has every reason
to believe that a oloee investigation of
cancer .in doh may give light upon thio
dreadful human scourge,
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Sought
Bears the
Signature of
x ....,j .++.x.W a:.+ -veru;,, M••--, v-4.0ww :+,•wA + cuiwn-MMMw I`*,R,.
(Bonar. j
Thy way, not mine, OLord,
However dark it be; •
Lead rue by Thine own hand,
Choose out the path for me;
Smooth let it be or rough,
It will be still the beat,
Winding or straight, it leads
Right Onward to Thy rest.
I dare not ohgoss my lot,
1 would not it I might
Ohootie Thea for me, my God,
So shall I want' aright'
The kingdom that I seek
Thine; so let the way
That leads to it be Thine,
File I most surely stray.
Not mine, not urine the choice,
In things of great or smell,
Be Thou my guide, my etrena2th,
My wisdom and my all.
,...-... . .-.,• ' r
The Canadian Conservation Commis,
cion, in We latest bulletin, indicates one
method by whioh the farmers, of the
country on practioe conservation,
Canada; being a nation of farmore,
has to pay a very large seed bill each
yoar. Lest year our crops oalled for
33,000,000 bushels aeon grain, wheat,
oats and barley—and we are oonstantly
inoreasing oar agricultural acreage.
The economy of sowing good olean peed
is apparent, The advantages to be de-
rived from it are like the proceeds of a
sum of money laid out at compound
interest—they are cumulative in their
effect and grow in ever•inoreasing
Soma yeare ago a competition was
carried on in some 450 places in Canada
to sec just what the actual result of us.
lug (lean pure seed would be, Reason-
ing from the results obtained from it,
it is found tbat Canada's grain yield last
year would have been increased by
190,000,000 bushels had clean, vigoreue
seed been Bowed on every acre under
cultivation. Now, 190,000,000.bnshele
of grain would 1111 1,500 miles of railway
grain oars. This information should
fall like good seed on the mind of every
farmer, and should bring results.
Since its introduction into Canada the
sales of Parisian Sage have been phe-
nomenal. This success has led to many
imitations similar in name. Look out
for them; they are tot the genuine.
See that the girl with the Auburn hair
is on every package. You can always
get the genuine at Walton MoKibbon's.
Parisian Sage is the quickest acting
and most efficient hair tonic in the•
It is made to conform to Dr. Sanger-
bond's (of Paris) proven theory that
dandruff, falling hair, baldness and
scalp itch are caused by germs.
Parisian. Sage kills these dandruff
germs and removes all trade of dandruff
in two weeks, or money back; it stops
falling hair and itching scalp and pre-
vents baldness.
And remember that baldness is caused
by dandruff germs, those little hard
working, persistent devils that day and
night do nothing but,dig into the route
of the hair and destroy its vitality.
Parisian Sage is a daintily . perfumed
hair dressing, not stinky or greasy, and
any woman who desires luxteriant and
bewitching hair oan get it in two weeks
by using it. 50 cents a large bottle.
The town Of Cartago, Costa Bios, Was
destroyed on Thursday by an earth,
quake, and it is believed that 1,500
are dead and personsmany hundreds in.
lured, Iu 1828 the population of Car-
tago was 80,000, When it was all but
destroyed by an earthquake. In 1908
the population was 4,800.
John D. Hoekefeller would go broke
if he should spend hie entire income try.
ing to prepare a hater medicine than
Ohamberlain'l 010110, Oholbra and
Diarrhoea Remedy for diarrhoea, dysen•
tory or bowel complaints. it is simply
' haImpoleis used it, a Sold by ell deal ey s, one that
You Will Never Have It as Long as
You Have Dyspepsia
Just as long as you have dyspepsia
your food will not properly digest, and
the nutritious elements in the food will
not be extracted or absorbed, and im-
poverished or watery blood will follow.
This condition may not be apparent at
first, but it will come just as sure as the
sun will rise again.
Any stomach ailment, including all
forms of indigestion, can be promptly
oared by using Mi-o-na tablets, a scien-
tific treatment anenrpaesed.
It etops fermentation, belching of gas
and taste of sour food almost at once.
The mighty power of Mi-nna to invig-
orate and restoae the stomach to perfect
condition is known everywhere.
Mi-o-na cures by building up—by
banishing the canoe. For thin people it
is a great flesh builder, because it causes
the stomach to give more and purer nu-
trition to the blood. It cures sea and
oar sickness and vomiting of pregnancy
almost immediately. Walton MoKibbon
Belle Mi-o-na for 50 teats a large box
and guarantees it to sure or money
Earl Grey On Canada.
The Governor General of Canada,
Earl Grey, whose term of office will ex-
pire thea year was presented with an ad-
dress by the members of the Senate and
House of Commons before prorogation.
During the course of His Excellency's
reply he said—"I have had abundant
opportunity, probably more abundant
than bas ever been vouchsafed to man,
o make myself closely acquainted with
he high hopes and confident beliefs of
he Canadian people, and to form a
more or less adequate estimate of yoar
remendous potentialities, When I re -
Ilea on the vastness of your area, the
fertility of your soil, the unlimited
wealth of your natural •rasonroes, the
nvigorating nature of yield climate, and
on the strenuous character of your peo-
ple, I feel as convinced as I am that to-
morrow's sun will rise, that nothing
oan prevent you from becoming, per-
haps before the close of the present sten-
tory, not only the granary but the heart
and soul and rudder of the empire."
Pigs Should Work.
For mezi•mum and moot,, eoonomioal
gains the pig west have exercise. It is
necessary that the growing pig get enr-
olee in order that his respiratory and
digestive organs be kept in the beet oon-
ditien, When the pig gets its enrolee
it nen and does eat more food. The
exercise gives it an appetite. If for any
reason :pigs are taken from a pasture,
field and placed in a pig pen where they
do not get exprciee the food ration
should be out down accordingly, It io
largely on account of the look of neoer-
nary exeroiee that the fall pig coats more
to raise than Mies the opting pig, Exer
oiee increaser the totitzittes of the rel.
Oratory and digestive organs, and thus
increases the arm:r ant of feed the pig can
tied economically, The moral of this 10
to give the pig all the ezerels° possible
and make it aroty as cheaply rte Mott per•
sibiy eon, It will mean more money in
your oWn pocket. - c alnadian Paean.
Had Ecze-{,.a
as Cancer of the Stomach
Thought the Disease was
"For many years I suffered torture from Indigestion and Dyspepsia. Two,
years ago, I was so bad that I vomited my food constantly. The agony I endured
all these years, I cannot describe and I lost over 25 pounds in weight. I also
suffered with Constipation which made the stomach trouble worse. I consulted
physicians, as I was afraid the disease was cancer but medicine gave only
temporary relief and then the disease was as bad as ever.
• I read in the "Maritime raptist" about "Fruit-a-tives" and the cures this
medicine was making and I decided to try it. After taking three boxes, I found
a great change for the better and now I can say "Fruit -a -fives'' has entirely cured
me when every other treatme::t failed, and I reverently say 'Thank God for
Fruit-a-tives' ! !" BDWIN GRAM, SR..
"Fruit-a-tives" sweetens the stomach, increases the flow of gastric juice,
strengthens the stomach muscles, and insures sound digestion. The wonderful
powers of this famous fruit medicine are never more clearly shown than in
curingthe apparently hopeless cases of Dyspepsia and Constipation. 5oc a box,
6 for $2.5o, or trial size, 250. At dealers or from Fruit-a-tives Limited, Ottawa.
A well-known merchant near "Tren-
ton, Ont., for the first time in his bnsi-
ness career, left a sum of money in the
till over night recently. In the morn-
ing he discovered that $25 in bills was
missing, and oonolnded that Beale one
meet have taken it, although doors and
windows showed no evidence- that any
person could have entered the building
during the night, A few days later in
another part of the building, a mouse
nest was found, and among other torn
papers were found the bills, ohewed and
torn almost beyond recognition. A few
bills were so badly mutilated that their
numbers ,could not be found. It was
certainly a costly neat.
Within five years Uruguay will have
140,000 olive trees, capable of producing
2,000,000 pounds of olives and 50,000
gallons of oil.
Death oame on Sunday, Mal' 8th, to•
one of the oldest among the residents of:
Kinloss Township—Agnes George Wier,
aged more than 83 yeare. Deceased was
born in the County of Antrim, Ireland,
in 1827. At the age of 22 she was mar-
ried in Greenock, Scotland, to dr. John
McClusky. In 1851 she, with her hus-
band, emigrated to Canada, and settled,,
in Nasseguay. From there they remov-
ed, first to Ashfield, near Hope church
and again to the farm on the Boundry,
near Luoknow, where, after another re-
moval to the home of her daughter,,
following the death of her husband sold
their farm—she remained until her
According to a Belgian newspaper state--
ment acommission of cavalry and utile
lery ofiioers is shortly going to Irelands '
to purohaee saddle horse..
Treatment prencribed had no effect—.
made thorough cure.
Mrs. Oscar , Vancott, St. Antoine,
Sack., writes:—"I have found Dr.
Chase's Ointment to be a permanent
erre for I ezeina and other skin die-
tetics. Ono son, while nursing, brake
out with running watery sores all over
his lioad and around the oars. Many
salvos were prescribed to no effect.
The child's head became a mass of
seabs and he suffered agony, untold.
11e became weak and frail and would
not eat and we thought wo would
1 e hint.
° i of tr.
}:110videntially we heard
Chase's Ointment and it soon thor-
oughly cured him, He is seven years
ctbL now and strong and well. An older
boy was also Cured of ceeotha by this
Ointment and we hope more people
will learn about it so tbat their little.
ones nin r be saved front suffering."
As it euro for eczema and itehiett
skin disease there is no treatrneitt to
be eontpitrod to The A. W. Obase's
Ointment, 60 Otte it box, at all deal-
ers of Edmanson,. Bates ne Co., Tort
MHO, Dr. Cltn:!e's Itoe]poeant face.
The Right Kind
of PrintinA
The kind that is neat, attractive and
up-to-date, costs you no more ' money
here than the inferior article does
Quality Counts
in printing as in other things, ' and the
TIMES is in a position to turn out first-
class work at very reasonable prices.
Try this office with your next order.
The Times
Interesting Paragraphs from our Exchanges.
Landeoape gardeners work by the
yard and chiropodieta by the foot.
There is always room at the top, but
success is a good bit like a greased pole.
Eczema Not A Blood Disease.
Eczema is a disease of the skin and
not of the blood. For this reason inter-
nal medicines have never been a suc-
cess in curing Eczema, Whatever the
cause local application is necessary to
heal the sores and restore the akin to a
healthfel natural condition. For this
reason Dr. Cbaeeel Ointment has a world
wide reputation as being without a rival
Pu t acure for Eczema.
C. A, Holden, keeper off a gambling
house at Winnipeg, was fined $500.
Do not seek in others what you con-
ceal in youreelf,
Mr. Malcolm G. Bremner, editor of
The London Free Frees, was found dead
ilk bed.
CIan ren .Ory
Seven Chatham, N. E., hotelkeepere
have gone on strike and closed their
Blood Was Bad.
From impure blood comes Pimples,
Boils, Ulcers, Tumors, Abscesses, Foster-
ing Soros, Rashes, Constipation, Head-
aches, etc,
Get pure blood and keep it pure by
removing every trace of impure morbid
matter from. the system by using
Present food prices are a form of
higher education.
English surveyors are paid 61 per
acre and ont•of-pooket expenses for
valuing land.
Many a man who boasts that he is
making history is really making it out
of the whole sloth.
(Seal.) A. W. GLEASON,
Notary Public.
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally
and sots dtreotly ou the blood and nmo
oue surfaces of the system. Send for
testimouiale free.
Ie. 3, CHemor & O0„ Toledo, 0
Sold by ell Drosgisto. 75c.
Take Hall's Family Pills for oonatip.
The Grand Jury at Whitby returned
a true bill in the case of Arch. Mao-
Leohlan of Uxbridge, charged with the
murder of his wife and two children.
is sent direct to the diseased parts by the
Improved Blower. lIcals the
ulcers, clears the air passages,
stops droppings in the throat and
permanently. cures Catarrh and
Hay Fever. 25c, blower free.
Accept no substitutes. All dealers
or Gdmanson, Bates & Co., Toronto.
Although the first Amarioan patent for
a metal pen was granted a Baltimorean
in 1810, it was half a century later that
tho industry began to ficurish.
Seine people have been badly"etung"
by getting bittwtitutes for Zein-Bnk•
When whey have asked fora box of Zane -
Bak the dealer lute produced Bome line
ou whish he realms more profit, and.
talked about 'lest as good end cheaper"
or "Q"Ie of my own. and I Know Wbat'e
in it," or +'1e.eelty, the same thing for
half the iuouity " etc„ etc, Wheu tes-
ted thiel obeap, substitute bete, of (nurse
felled to do enythi ig Ithe what Ztnt
lents doer, but the beyer has nevertbe•
less parted with hie money 1 Yon will
have to get Zinn 13ulr eventually,
Don't wat:te money on n,telees substitutes
'lhe mens' Zsm null" is protected by
law. See it on every packet before pee -
ing It your local dealer should be out
of stock, wtite ' Zam•Buk, Toronto•"
We mall ii, by return.
A Woman Made Happy.
"I could scarcely get about the house
to attend to my work and felt miser-
able nearly all the time." writes Mre.
Alex. Bubhat en, Ielond Brook, Qin!,
"After using Dr, A. W. Obese's Nerve
Food my system is wonderfully bniltup.
There is no further trouble from dizzy
spells and stomach weakness; and with
health and strength restored, life has a
new pleasure for me,"
The sea kale used es a food in China
comes largely from the coast of Sag-
halien, where the leaves average ono
foot in width and forty-five feet in
Fifty years' experience of an' 01d Nurse
the prescription of one of •the best fe-
male physioians and nurses in the
United States,and has been used for fifty
yeare with never -failing en(ceos • by
millions of mothers for their children.
It relieves the child from pain, cures
diarrhoea, griping in the bowels, and
wind colic. By giving health to the
child, it rests the mother. Twenty-five
oents a bottle.
A shovel, with high, sharp edges and
with a hinged blade that lifts away
from the front, bas been patented by a
New Jersey resident to cut and lift
The man with personal megnetiem 1 The Dominion Government has order-
ed every public building in Canada to
be draped in mourning, and will pro-
claim a public holiday on the day of the
King's funeral.
makes almost as many friends as the
man with money.
It is caloulated that the men and
women of to -day are nearly 2 inches tal-
ler than their ancestors.
The splendid work of Chamberlain's
Stomach and Liver Tablets is daily
Doming to light. No snob grand rem-
edy for liver and bowel troubles wad
ever known before. Thoueaude bleee
them for constipation, nick headache,
biliousness, jaundioe and indigestion.
This is the time of the year when the
office boy's grandmother Beeme to . have
very little to live for.
All through Manchuria the country
people live in 'villages and go out from
the villages to their work in the fields.
Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver
Tablets will clear the sour stomach,
sweeten the breath and create a healthy
appetite. They promote the flow of
warm digestion pica,
Sold by all dee ers. endogood
The perquieites allowed officers in the
U. S. navy will aggregate nearly three -
quarter's of a million of dollars in 1911.
In New York proposed extensiong of
the subway are contemplated which
repreeent an expenditure of $100,000,•
Austrian policemen must know how
BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS. to swim and how to nee a boat, They
Mrs. Fred.B ge, Kingston, are also required to understand teleg.
writes: --"I was completely run clown, I raphy.
Fourteen graduates of Anrertoten vet•
erinary colleges and one graduate from
the Ontario Veterinary Coilege recently
went up for qualifying examinations in
Minueapolis. The fourteen Amadora
graduates were all plucked, while the
graduate from the Ontario Veterinary
College got througb.
Tho 28th alt• was the 10th anniversary
of the relief of Ladysmith. Twenty
nine yeare ago, on the 26111 alt., , the
battle of Mejabn was fought where so
many Britons fell in fighting with the
Boere. About 19 years after the battle
of Peurdt,burg took place, with eignal
enocese to the Initial arms,
Bronchitis, Croups Coughs and Colds, or'
money back. Sold and guaranteed by
A series of interesting experiments
are, says the Standard of Empire, to be
made in Natal with a view of ascertain-
ing the suitability of sugar cane spirit
ae• a form of fuel for motor engines. If
the experiments are suocessful it is
hoped a largo export trade oan be built
up with Great Britain in the article.
A tonob of rheumatism, or a twinge
of neuralgia, whatever the trouble is,
Chamberlain's Liniment drives away the
pain at onoe and cures the complaint
quickly. First application gives relief.
Sold by all dealers.
It was learned on good authority that
Dr, Hodgette, secretary of the Provin-
cial Board of Health, • has ac-
cepted an appointment at Ottawa, as
publio health expert on the Dominion
Commission on Conservation. Dr.
Hodgetts recently turned down an offer
from the city to succeed Dr. Sheard as
medical health officer.
While 000upyieg the pastorate of a
western church in his early Career, Dr.
George H. Ferris had a deacon whose
oharaoter had always been above re-
proach until a certain prayer meeting
which followed a sermon during which
the elder had soundly slumbered. "Will
Brother Jones kindly lead," was asked
by the pastor at the beginning of the
prayer servioe. Waking with a start at
the mention of his name, the deacon al-
most broke up the service by replying:
"I led last time; it's your turn. What's
Children Cry
Ms estimated that the Toss to the
state from forest fires in Massachnaette
in 1909 amounts to $236,478.There
were 1,531 differenttres, and the num-
ber of acres burned over was 42,808.
Never hesitate about giving Cham-
berlain's Cough Remedy to children.
It contains no opium or other narcotic.
and can be given with implicit' confid-
ence. As a quick cure for coughs and
colds to which children :are susceptible,
it is unsurpassed. Sold by all dealers.
The catch of fish in Canadian Waters
by Canadian fishermen, including reale
and all fish products, in 1908 was valned
at $25,451,085. The industry required a
Robing fleet of 14,114 vesicle,
my blood was out of order, and I used to
Fat so weak I would be compelled to stay
to bed for weeks at a time. I could not
eat, was pale and thin; every, one thought
I woe going,into consuin tion. I tried
p t
. f n d
everything and different t oeora until a
friend advised me so use Burdock Blood ' President Tait has asked Congress for
Bitters. I did not have one bottle a Bed appropriation of $50,000 to cover
used when my appetite Began to improve. p
I used siX bottles. I alned ten pounds the expenses of making an investigation
only' weighed ninety-three pounds. It
just seemed to pull Inc from the grave as I
never expected to be strong again. I
will tell every sufferer of your wonderful
For sale by all dealers.
lifanufactured only by The T. Milburn
Co., Limited, Toronto. Ont,
Children Cry
in two weeks. When began to take it in regard to cancer in fish and the poss-
ible transmission of the disease from fish
to the human race. Fish, he says, are
frequently swept away by an epidemic
of this disease and be has every reason
to believe that a oloee investigation of
cancer .in doh may give light upon thio
dreadful human scourge,
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Sought
Bears the
Signature of
x ....,j .++.x.W a:.+ -veru;,, M••--, v-4.0ww :+,•wA + cuiwn-MMMw I`*,R,.
(Bonar. j
Thy way, not mine, OLord,
However dark it be; •
Lead rue by Thine own hand,
Choose out the path for me;
Smooth let it be or rough,
It will be still the beat,
Winding or straight, it leads
Right Onward to Thy rest.
I dare not ohgoss my lot,
1 would not it I might
Ohootie Thea for me, my God,
So shall I want' aright'
The kingdom that I seek
Thine; so let the way
That leads to it be Thine,
File I most surely stray.
Not mine, not urine the choice,
In things of great or smell,
Be Thou my guide, my etrena2th,
My wisdom and my all.
,...-... . .-.,• ' r
The Canadian Conservation Commis,
cion, in We latest bulletin, indicates one
method by whioh the farmers, of the
country on practioe conservation,
Canada; being a nation of farmore,
has to pay a very large seed bill each
yoar. Lest year our crops oalled for
33,000,000 bushels aeon grain, wheat,
oats and barley—and we are oonstantly
inoreasing oar agricultural acreage.
The economy of sowing good olean peed
is apparent, The advantages to be de-
rived from it are like the proceeds of a
sum of money laid out at compound
interest—they are cumulative in their
effect and grow in ever•inoreasing
Soma yeare ago a competition was
carried on in some 450 places in Canada
to sec just what the actual result of us.
lug (lean pure seed would be, Reason-
ing from the results obtained from it,
it is found tbat Canada's grain yield last
year would have been increased by
190,000,000 bushels had clean, vigoreue
seed been Bowed on every acre under
cultivation. Now, 190,000,000.bnshele
of grain would 1111 1,500 miles of railway
grain oars. This information should
fall like good seed on the mind of every
farmer, and should bring results.
Since its introduction into Canada the
sales of Parisian Sage have been phe-
nomenal. This success has led to many
imitations similar in name. Look out
for them; they are tot the genuine.
See that the girl with the Auburn hair
is on every package. You can always
get the genuine at Walton MoKibbon's.
Parisian Sage is the quickest acting
and most efficient hair tonic in the•
It is made to conform to Dr. Sanger-
bond's (of Paris) proven theory that
dandruff, falling hair, baldness and
scalp itch are caused by germs.
Parisian. Sage kills these dandruff
germs and removes all trade of dandruff
in two weeks, or money back; it stops
falling hair and itching scalp and pre-
vents baldness.
And remember that baldness is caused
by dandruff germs, those little hard
working, persistent devils that day and
night do nothing but,dig into the route
of the hair and destroy its vitality.
Parisian Sage is a daintily . perfumed
hair dressing, not stinky or greasy, and
any woman who desires luxteriant and
bewitching hair oan get it in two weeks
by using it. 50 cents a large bottle.
The town Of Cartago, Costa Bios, Was
destroyed on Thursday by an earth,
quake, and it is believed that 1,500
are dead and personsmany hundreds in.
lured, Iu 1828 the population of Car-
tago was 80,000, When it was all but
destroyed by an earthquake. In 1908
the population was 4,800.
John D. Hoekefeller would go broke
if he should spend hie entire income try.
ing to prepare a hater medicine than
Ohamberlain'l 010110, Oholbra and
Diarrhoea Remedy for diarrhoea, dysen•
tory or bowel complaints. it is simply
' haImpoleis used it, a Sold by ell deal ey s, one that
You Will Never Have It as Long as
You Have Dyspepsia
Just as long as you have dyspepsia
your food will not properly digest, and
the nutritious elements in the food will
not be extracted or absorbed, and im-
poverished or watery blood will follow.
This condition may not be apparent at
first, but it will come just as sure as the
sun will rise again.
Any stomach ailment, including all
forms of indigestion, can be promptly
oared by using Mi-o-na tablets, a scien-
tific treatment anenrpaesed.
It etops fermentation, belching of gas
and taste of sour food almost at once.
The mighty power of Mi-nna to invig-
orate and restoae the stomach to perfect
condition is known everywhere.
Mi-o-na cures by building up—by
banishing the canoe. For thin people it
is a great flesh builder, because it causes
the stomach to give more and purer nu-
trition to the blood. It cures sea and
oar sickness and vomiting of pregnancy
almost immediately. Walton MoKibbon
Belle Mi-o-na for 50 teats a large box
and guarantees it to sure or money
Earl Grey On Canada.
The Governor General of Canada,
Earl Grey, whose term of office will ex-
pire thea year was presented with an ad-
dress by the members of the Senate and
House of Commons before prorogation.
During the course of His Excellency's
reply he said—"I have had abundant
opportunity, probably more abundant
than bas ever been vouchsafed to man,
o make myself closely acquainted with
he high hopes and confident beliefs of
he Canadian people, and to form a
more or less adequate estimate of yoar
remendous potentialities, When I re -
Ilea on the vastness of your area, the
fertility of your soil, the unlimited
wealth of your natural •rasonroes, the
nvigorating nature of yield climate, and
on the strenuous character of your peo-
ple, I feel as convinced as I am that to-
morrow's sun will rise, that nothing
oan prevent you from becoming, per-
haps before the close of the present sten-
tory, not only the granary but the heart
and soul and rudder of the empire."
Pigs Should Work.
For mezi•mum and moot,, eoonomioal
gains the pig west have exercise. It is
necessary that the growing pig get enr-
olee in order that his respiratory and
digestive organs be kept in the beet oon-
ditien, When the pig gets its enrolee
it nen and does eat more food. The
exercise gives it an appetite. If for any
reason :pigs are taken from a pasture,
field and placed in a pig pen where they
do not get exprciee the food ration
should be out down accordingly, It io
largely on account of the look of neoer-
nary exeroiee that the fall pig coats more
to raise than Mies the opting pig, Exer
oiee increaser the totitzittes of the rel.
Oratory and digestive organs, and thus
increases the arm:r ant of feed the pig can
tied economically, The moral of this 10
to give the pig all the ezerels° possible
and make it aroty as cheaply rte Mott per•
sibiy eon, It will mean more money in
your oWn pocket. - c alnadian Paean.
Had Ecze-{,.a
as Cancer of the Stomach
Thought the Disease was
"For many years I suffered torture from Indigestion and Dyspepsia. Two,
years ago, I was so bad that I vomited my food constantly. The agony I endured
all these years, I cannot describe and I lost over 25 pounds in weight. I also
suffered with Constipation which made the stomach trouble worse. I consulted
physicians, as I was afraid the disease was cancer but medicine gave only
temporary relief and then the disease was as bad as ever.
• I read in the "Maritime raptist" about "Fruit-a-tives" and the cures this
medicine was making and I decided to try it. After taking three boxes, I found
a great change for the better and now I can say "Fruit -a -fives'' has entirely cured
me when every other treatme::t failed, and I reverently say 'Thank God for
Fruit-a-tives' ! !" BDWIN GRAM, SR..
"Fruit-a-tives" sweetens the stomach, increases the flow of gastric juice,
strengthens the stomach muscles, and insures sound digestion. The wonderful
powers of this famous fruit medicine are never more clearly shown than in
curingthe apparently hopeless cases of Dyspepsia and Constipation. 5oc a box,
6 for $2.5o, or trial size, 250. At dealers or from Fruit-a-tives Limited, Ottawa.
A well-known merchant near "Tren-
ton, Ont., for the first time in his bnsi-
ness career, left a sum of money in the
till over night recently. In the morn-
ing he discovered that $25 in bills was
missing, and oonolnded that Beale one
meet have taken it, although doors and
windows showed no evidence- that any
person could have entered the building
during the night, A few days later in
another part of the building, a mouse
nest was found, and among other torn
papers were found the bills, ohewed and
torn almost beyond recognition. A few
bills were so badly mutilated that their
numbers ,could not be found. It was
certainly a costly neat.
Within five years Uruguay will have
140,000 olive trees, capable of producing
2,000,000 pounds of olives and 50,000
gallons of oil.
Death oame on Sunday, Mal' 8th, to•
one of the oldest among the residents of:
Kinloss Township—Agnes George Wier,
aged more than 83 yeare. Deceased was
born in the County of Antrim, Ireland,
in 1827. At the age of 22 she was mar-
ried in Greenock, Sootland, to dr. John
MoOlnsky. In 1851 she, with her hus-
band, emigrated to Canada, and settled,,
in Nasseguay. From there they remov-
ed, first to Ashfield, near Hope church
and again to the farm on the Boundry,
near Luoknow, where, after another re-
moval to the home of her daughter,,
following the death of her husband sold
their farm—she remained until her
According to a Belgian newspaper state--
ment acommission of cavalry and utile
lery ofiioers is shortly going to Irelands '
to purohaee saddle horse..
Treatment prencribed had no effect—.
made thorough cure.
Mrs. Oscar , Vancott, St. Antoine,
Sack., writes:—"I have found Dr.
Chase's Ointment to be a permanent
erre for I ezeina and other skin die-
tetics. Ono son, while nursing, brake
out with running watery sores all over
his lioad and around the oars. Many
salvos were prescribed to no effect.
The child's head became a mass of
seabs and he suffered agony, untold.
11e became weak and frail and would
not eat and we thought wo would
1 e hint.
° i of tr.
}:110videntially we heard
Chase's Ointment and it soon thor-
oughly cured him, He is seven years
ctbL now and strong and well. An older
boy was also Cured of ceeotha by this
Ointment and we hope more people
will learn about it so tbat their little.
ones nin r be saved front suffering."
As it euro for eczema and itehiett
skin disease there is no treatrneitt to
be eontpitrod to The A. W. Obase's
Ointment, 60 Otte it box, at all deal-
ers of Edmanson,. Bates ne Co., Tort
MHO, Dr. Cltn:!e's Itoe]poeant face.
The Right Kind
of PrintinA
The kind that is neat, attractive and
up-to-date, costs you no more ' money
here than the inferior article does
Quality Counts
in printing as in other things, ' and the
TIMES is in a position to turn out first-
class work at very reasonable prices.
Try this office with your next order.
The Times