HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1910-05-19, Page 44 Till... Qo�iiiion Bau'K Haan Oz?1't04: ToRal;TQ Capital Stock (call pain up) $4,000,000 CO Heaerve Fund and Ua. divided l?rufits ... $6,400,000.00 Deposita by the puhllo... $14.000,000 00 Total Assets, over $59,000,000.00 BnaxclW $ ANlt ActENTs throu,Khoat Can- ada and the U•tited States. A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED. Savings Department, Current ft•.tt•s et Interest *11,) Red, and Depssita received of $100 and upwards THS WIN0144M. 'Tie ki, MAX 1.9, ty1Q OW -MOH NOTES. Wioaham District meeting tit the Methodist Chnroh was held et Ripiev oe Toetdav mut Vi'elot(tatty of this work. 14'►aitiend Presbytery Haat in St. An. draw's Choteh on Tateda,y Ofii)ial re- port of erect edipge will: be given to our next Lame. Rev 0 M.,Oraoken, of Tborndale, cenduoted the servinee in St Paul's °hutch. on Sunday lest, the rector, Rev Edgar H. °rely taking Mr. Mo Oraokeu's work at Thorudale Next Sunday, beim; Trinity Sunday, a own - mordent service will be held in S. Peul'a ohuroh at 11 a, in Farmette elle Note Collected, et d advances made on them at lowest. ease of interest. WINcH iE BRANCH —Corner John and Josephine Streete, W. R. GEIKIE, i1i:�NAGER. R. VTANsTONE. S�lioitor. TO ADVERTISERS Notion of changes must be left at this office not later than Saturday noon. The Dopy for changes mast bo left not later than Monday evening. Casual advertisements accepted up to noon Wednesday of each week. lVSTABLISHED 1872 THE VANUA TIMES. B.ELL1CTT. PuBLIBH1111 AND PROPRIETOR THURSDAY, MAY 19, 1910 NOTES AND COMMENTS COMPELLED TO ABANDON WORK A Very Severe Case of St, Vitus Dance Cured by Dr, Wil Hams Pink Pills, • T'•E LLOYD BY-LAW, In the mower letter issued by the Board of Trade iu n msec lun with the Lloyd. By law, and whtoh is publisbed in another =lame, are given a number of good reasons why the by law should be supported. Tu, e. era oomtueeded to the thonghttul eouetderation of every property -owner who desired to do what he can for the gt u••rat welfare and up bnildit g of the town. L.asking at the propoettion fairly, it cannot but be a good one for the town, and the foot that it has had the unanimous ednoraement of the Board of Trade should' have con- siderable weight. We do not waut a dead town, .there- fore let all pull together and assist in retaining the industries we already have, and look for others VOE FOR THS BY LAW. A novel departure in British banking will be inaugurated ssiortly with the op. ening or a woman's bank officered and oondnoted exclusively by women and catering only to women customers. The only man permitted on the premises will be the messenger, and one of his fund. tions will be to keep other men away. No man may be a depositor or transact business with the new institution, Sir Wilfrid Leader's political tour of Western Canada will begin during the first week in July and will last sixty days, daring which the Premier will visit all the important centres in the West from Port Arthur to Prince Ru- pert. The exact itinerary has not yet been arranged nor the dates fixed, bat it is settled that Sir Wilfrid, a000m-- panied by Hon Geo. P. Graham, Mr. E. M. Macdonald, M. P., and. Mr, F. F. Pardee, M. P., Chief Liberal Whip, will leave Ottawa on July 7 or 8, speaking the following day at Port Arthur or Fort William. A oonple of days or so will be spent in Winnipeg, and during the following three weeks meetings will be held at various pointe in the Prairie Provinces, including Brandon, Moose Jaw, Saskatoon, Weyburn, Yorkton, Regina, Calgary, Edmonton, Medicine Hat, Lethbridge and other pointe in Al- berta. Vancouver will be reached early in Anguat, and a couple of days will be spent there and in Victoria. The party will go as far north as Prince Rupert Patience Personified. Andrew Downie, the owner and train- er of the company of educated doge, ponies, goats and monkeys, who are to exhibit in Wingham under their commo- dious waterproof tents ,Thursday, May 26th, is said to be a young man, and post sabred of an unlimited amount of patience; of the latter feat there can be no doubt when 11 becomes known that it required eight months of constant labor to teach one little dog a single not; what this sot is, and whether it will be appreciated or not, remains to be seen when the snow arrives In addition to the long list of equine and canine favor- ites seen before, Andrew Downie prom- isee several new and never -before -at• tempted features which are said to be a distinct novelty in the trained animal line. The prices of admission are, child- ren 253te., adults shote. 'Watch tor the noonday parade. a - The Beet as Food. The beet beats all. It is one of the most valuable of cultivated plants. The sugar beet is a main source of sugar and alcohol. The large forage beets supply an excellent food for cattle, and the red garden varieties provide savory table vegetables. The usefulness of this valu- able food has been inoreaoed by the pro- dnotion of an edible flour from sugar beets. The desiccation of elided sugar beets is practiced in Germany on an ei- teneive soale, but the product is employ- ed exclusively as fodder for cattle. In Belgium a meal is made from dried beets. It is entirely free from the dis- tinctive flavor of the beet and is suitable for cakes, puddings and pastry. As it oontains about 65 per Dent of sugar, ;it oan often be substituted with advan- tage for angor in somewhat larger quasi - tides. The processes of desiccation and grinding not only cost leas than the ex traction of sugar, but preserve all the sugar of the beet, part of which is re. jeoted in the form of molasses in the process of sugar making. St. Vitus danoe is a 013101011 disease in children end is also found in highly strung mei; and women The only mere s i lent of : blood 1le n plenty pure because pure blood is the lite food of the nerves And Dr. Williams' Pink. Pille is the'enly medicine to snake this life food, because they Contain the elements that aotually make new, rloh, red blood. Tide state- ment has been proven over and over again, and pow from. Port Maitland, N S., oomee another remarkable piece of evidence of the power ot Dr. Williams' Piuk Pillaover eiaease Mr, Lyndou E. Porter, is one of the beet known res;. dents of that town, He suffered from a severe attaok of St Vitus donee, and got no help from medicine until he be. gen using Dr. Williams' Pink says: --"My case was nuusua was oompelled to abandon it impossible to sleep, a night would toes about reoeiving medical atte of the careful trey grew worse. y twitched to an not Dross the ' oor without falling or coming in contact with some piece of furniture. I could not raise a glass of water to my lips so badly did my hands and arms tremble and shake. I cannot imagine more severe suffering an incon- venience than one endures who has 1St. Vitae Danoe. My father being a drug- gist knew of the many cares effeoted by Dr, Williams' Pink Pills, and advised me to try them. I did so, and with the moat happy results. In less than two montbe from the time I .began the nee of the pills I was a well man, and I have not since had the slightest symptom of the trouble." All over the world Dr. Williams Pink Pills are making just such cures as Mr. Porter's. They go right down to the manse of the disease in the blood. In this way they have proved in thousands of oases to care, anaemia, headache and baokaohes, rheumatism, lumbago, neu- ralgia, nervousness. indigestion, deoline and special ailments of growing girls and women. Sold by all medicine deal- ers or by mail at 60 cents a box or six boxes for $2 60 from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brookville, Ont. Day of General Mourning. The Official Gazette publishes a pro - detention appointing May 20, the day of King Edward's funeral, as a day of general mourning throughout the United Kingdom. It is known that seven kings besides George V. will attend the funeral of Eeward VII. They are: The Kaiser, Emperor William of Ger- many and King of Prussia. Frederick VIII. of Denmark. Haakon VII. of Norway. Alfonso XIII. ot Spain. Albert of Belgium. George I. of Greece. Frederick of Denmark was King Edward's brother-in-law. The Kaiser is the late King's nephew, his mother having been a sister of his majesty. The King of Norway is a son of a bro- ther 01 the queen mother, Alexandra. King .Alfonso of Spain is married to a daughter of Princess Beatrice, sister of the late King. King George of Greece is a brother to Queen Alexandra, King Albert of Belgium is a nephew of the late Leopold II., who was an unolo of Viotorie, King Edward's mother. O'her mourners will bo the Queen of Norway, ,Archduke Verdicts/ad, repro. eating the Emperor of Austria; Dowager Empresa Marie Feodorovna Aosta, who Will represent the King of Italy, S .MU'ISION is the only emulsion imi• tated. The reason is plain— it's the best. Insist upon having Seott,the world's standard flesh and tstrength builder. ALL DRIlddtglt Ole, (He bad. I rk. Ifound night after bed. I was on, but in spite stint I gradually limbs jerked and n extent that I mould •,, • •e.* Suss; at esssSeeeSee� ••. O.N..ts .IaAr Sr WSSSM t s IMPORTANT NOTICE 1 TO FARMERS. 1 • • i Rain has checked the forest fires in Minnesota. s• O'Nei1'e mills at Kenilworth were wrecked by a boiler explosion. The Manufacture of Pins. In 1775 a prize was given to the colon- ist of Carolina who produced the first native pine and needles. During the war of 1812, when, owing to restrictions. upon commerce, the price of pins rose to the enormous sum of $1 per paper, the manufacture was actually started in the United States, but does not seem to have met with suooess, as the enterprise was soon abandoned. The early pies in this oonntry, as in England, were made with globular heade of fine twisted wire, made separately, and secured to the shank by compression from a falling* block and die These old pins had the misfortune of often parting with their heads. It was to overcome this difficul- ty that the attention of early inventors was directed. The solid -headed pin, in common use to day, took the place of the old form about 1840. G'AND TRUNK SYSEM Victoria Day AT Single Fare For round trip between all stations in Canada, also to Niagara Falls and Buffalo, N. Y., Detroit and Port Huron, Mioh. Tickets good going May 23 and 24, Return limit May 26th. UPPER LAKE STEAMERS Sailing of passenger stomata from Sarnia for Soo and Port Arthur every Wednesday and Saturday at 8.80 porn. Also additional sailings on on Friday, May 20th, Monday, May 30th and for Dnlnth, May 20th. Sailing" from Oollingwood 180 p.m., and Owen Sound 11.46 p. m. Wednesdays and Saturdays for Soo and Georgian Bay porta. For tickets and further information call on W. Henry,Depot Agent or address .T. D. McDonald, D. P. A., Toronto. a • N • It is said to be the intention to an- nually trap 1,000 beaver in Algonquin Park and to sell the skins. -----— •• I • • • • • • • • 86•011.1110000.0111004111100•111•11111111 We are prepared to rent land for grow- ing Flax, at $10.00 per acre ; and will buy any quantity of Flax, pulled, clean, dry, and delivered at the Wingham Mills, for which we will pay $11,00 per ton. Flax Seed can be obtained at T, A. MILLS' Seed Store, Wingham, Canada Flax Fibre Co., Ltd. MONTREAL, QUE, AMOS TIPLING, Manager, Wingham. Live Stock Markets. Toronto, May 16.—Union Stock Yards. —There was a record run of osttle re- oeived at this market to -day, comprising all told 183 yards, with 3,829 head of cattle, 62 calves, 148 hogs and 60 sheep and lambs. A large proportion of the receipts were export cattle., including 12 oars of distillery fed cattle. latter purchased by Swift & Co. at $7.50 the reported prioe. There were also 14 oars of North- West cattle in the market. Trade was a little slow, but prioea generally were well maintained at the quotations for butcher and export cattle in the early markets last week, but a little easter than they were at the close of the week. There was a large contingent of buyers in to-day,/'s market, and though there was a disposition to hold baok for to. morrow's market the prospects were for active business in the export trade at last week's prices. Sheep and yearling lambs are not in very good demand, and prices are in- clined to shade off. Spring lambs are in good demand and firm at from $3 to $7.50 each, or an aver- age of about 9eio per lb. Hog market is firm at $9.25 f. o. b. and $9.50 to $9.60 fed and watered. 6 Good to ohoioe butcher cattle are steady to firm at $6 to $6.66. Calves firm at 5o to 7c per ib. The following are the quotations: Exporters' cattle— Per 100 lbs. Choice ..... $7 00 $7 60 Medium... 6.50 7 00 Bulls 5 00 6 00 Light 6 25 6 75 °owe 6 50 6 00 Feeders— best 1000 pounds and up- wards 8 00 8 60 Stockers ohoioe 3 00 4 00 bulls1 50 2 00 Butchers'— Picked . - 6 25 6 65 Medium........... 6 90 6 00 Cows........ ... 3 76 4 25 3 00 3 25 • 0 • 0 • • • • • • • • • • • • 0•• • •• • • ••111••••i•••••••••••••••••11 Vkala VVVYVWVVVVVVVVVVVVVV VVVVVVVVVVWWVVVVVVVVVVVC c c HANGEDI ITO c c c BEFORE JULY lst, 1910 AAAAAAAAAAAAAAMAAAAAAAAAA 20 Thousand Rolls — OF — ;WALL PAPER] Bulls Ho . Bgseat. ................. 9 60 Lights 9 25 Sheep -- Export ewe"5 00 5 50 Backs,400 4 50 4 00 4 "50 Spring Lambe each.. 8 00 6 50 Calves. each . , .. , .... , , . 8 00 7 50 Just Received the Largest Stock of } Wall Paper ever shown in Wingham 7 c ' From 5c. to $1.00 Per Roll VV►dirVVVVVV16OV_VVVVVOi_�O.VVV.VVV1 WINOITAM MARKET REPOII'rS Wingham, May l8th. 1910. Plot r per 1001b"..,. ,,..,. 2 75 to 3 25 Fall Wheat .............. 0 95 to 100 Oats, - 0 34 to 0 34' Barley ..r ..... :.r..,0 48 to 0 48 Peas ... ,. ......... 0 70 to 0 70 Butter dairy ,....... 0 22 to 0 22 Eggs per dos . , , ..... 0 19 to 0 20 Wood per mord ...... 2" 60 10 2 50 Hay, per ton, ...........18 00 to 14 00 Potatoes, per knitted, .... , . 0 $0 to 0 85 Lard y....... 02010020 Live Hogs, per Owt........ 0 05 to 0 25 RKNOX Opposite Brunswick Hotel WINGFIAM, ONT. v'VVaNOVVVVVVVYVVV,VVYVVVVVW AA AAMAAAAAMMMIAAMMMI lit PEOPLE'S POPULAR STORE, STORE, WINGHA Home Journal Patterns KERR . BIRD Wash Goods For Ladies' and Children's Summer Wear. We have an exceptionally fine range MUSLINS AND GINGHAMS (plain and check patterns.) . CHAMBRAYS, COTTON REPP, COTTON CORDIVAN, Etc. The most popular and attractive shades we have ever shown A Novel Linen Suiting with neat stripe, a pew effect at only, per yard - - 20 cents. SEE OUR STOCK OF COTTON, LINEN AND DRESS SUITINCS Many dainty patterns. We think Our Line is more artistic and more exclusive than any other, you will, think so too, when you see it. We are selling the famous "SUNKIST" ORANGES Save the wrappers , they are valuable. Ilhoommy 1111111111111 1•1111111111111111111‘11 C. N.. Griffin GENERAL AGENT FIRE otroMt o LIPS insuipcee WEATHER ACCIDENT PLATE GLASS Coupled with a REAL ESTATE and r".ONEY LOANING Business. Issuer of Marriage Licenses. Office over Malcolm's Grocery. A. E. SMITH BANKER WINGHAhi, ONTARIO. Farmers who want money to buy horses, cattle, or hogs to feed for market oan have it on reasonable terms. Notes dismounted for tradesmen, mer- chants or agents, on favorable terms. Loans on real estate at the lowest rates going. Start a Savings No matter when, or for what purpose, you may need honey, you will have it at band—if you have regularly saved. Incidents are certain to rise from time to time, making de- mands that your regular in- come cannot meet. The possibility of illness, or temporary loss of employment, Account Now renders it necessary to, lay aside all money not needed for current living, expenses. The safest, most convenient place to keep such sums, as they accumulate, is in a chart- ered bank. Start an account, to -day ---it only with one Dollar—in the SANK OF HAMILTON. WINGHAM BRANCH C. P. SMITH, AGENT. Head Office, HAMILTON Caltiftal Palft6op - .. $2,500,000 Reserve and Undivided Profits - 2,900,000 Total Assets •. over 51,000,000