HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1910-05-19, Page 22 ' 4 T, ,..., , 191() Troubled • an it:etiaotiva seaar, cif the tivlld. dr+liKht r7�! /� �7 .F roubled Ith oflt, n0oug hos Iat lt3eu able to txplairz �LJ 1f l! lz1�L1'�V�RJ�1, 40TAki141419 1 ztRZ� .. what gooditdoes. pyopietofiY ,ab -tit, trt : International Newspaper 04• $"` �x�+ �% (�p��, Backache the For" vas rats, But there i:i no ot.e who dot's Bible RA>�Tlsr Qr�isu3l-.�ab>#atll l'ervioes at 11.4 Ti ��Uli>I�l;1RF Tim. - barR 44 1i zro n4 riK 7 P In, Ruzxda*ahoat a #3 POSHR1� Out know the o - ft teem end the cola tj Course 0:54. P In. Qeneral prayer meeting 41 00 New CQu s7 on '� 0040ada�' ave�Iiu0s, Rove W. AVERY THURSQAY MORNINQ ����+.�« p •zc,t i � utas do ••�-.Mpntraa# tVitnrse. a ,,,,,t,,:,Cnau� ! -___.._�,..M....__..._ I,, Sleeves, pastor, $. T, P. U. meets --AT— ' By The U00 Of I A REMARKAPLE PROPHEQy Saltiek4t, 1110110 f# lit the Lesson fou. SU111tlityl linty `:4, Mon day evenings 8p,lu. W.D Paingle, xt#@ �irl#eS Offi6dr. Sea $laek S,S, Superintendent, Ga.rden 7�1Ct4.t,>'T'S UI]]tiV'>R�' lE'IL1MS. ABOUT CANAQA. r4vc�xai �� t4 �t�ri+os o>F qneata�e►� 14F wlrrc}HaM, orlxA#z10, Mrs. W. 0. J)oecr, 13 Brighton St., ,__� ICY• !►r. iii n�co t. MUTHOD10OR"1 033-•S414bathservices Landon, Ont.. writes:,-,-" It is with _ at Xl a nit cud 7 p-xn, fua#day Sohool at ." pieasaze that thank dtl for thegood t.tyr tiles years: AKQ, ZTQn W. R, 1[ls l tpradivaoaartl use WltbGh9Oapprisht Aub 2'$0P Epwdrtlz Jagagu@every Mon- Tun?rsa,rbt7DacRtPxioa-0.09perannumIn ❑ (h�uTtl�rn c�n�rA+�n CANKER. yy tr c # i advance.$1.00Ifnotsopaid, pi* paper dlsoow � IQH l INN POTATO v1►1y1 ER. PaveDQan's Kidney, i11s have Ilona we, ' S a�vrrd, tb,n U S Senatrsr from Now , ..day evening. General Prayer meeting tinned till all arrears are paid, ozoopt at the have bcetl troubled with ave done for The Death of Jahn the Baptist,-,- S;reolfy the igoid that John aogom on wednosday evenings, l�m W. option of tlli P01lsher. York, made a anninler •tri,, to Canada p' I,. Rutledge, D.D , pastor, F. agoban- AOvpR,Xla1Np R,, wsa..- a Canada $ands Warning 4readed Ev.ro years, Nothing helped nig until a Friend r Mitt, xiv:l•12, Iiahad through his death, and what be an S.S. SgporintandeY;t. o ens ad orti ems I+:gal and Other art Scor Has Grgssed S. taught ma a box qF your Kidney Plus. a,,d antlud from arbdo Ga apsnd two Gaidea Text• -HA filet is slow tQ arisen ' a i v . e ntslgaperiVenpari0f31nOfpr pO u. gO ea, I t,dg:xti tCtake them and took four boxes, ulonttra art,lstog In the Gulf of St Golden is better t i wanld probably have. Accomplished Lead BAagnrTmitrAN CtHD$CH-,sabbath ser, fhatinsertiod, Dever 1144 for each enbeegneat The serious P4#at9 blight Known net e than the mighty, and 11e that he lived? insertion, and am glad to say that I au2 cured en- Lativ,c,nca and stoup the aersst of Labra- vices lot 11 a in and 7 p In. Sunday Advertisements In local coinmusarecharged "black sash," „Na ty disease" and "'pg+ tir�lu and atin da all my awn «otic and ; d;.,r. During his tri he a diary raleth his Spirit than lin that taketh a Yerse $-Td what ex ant d th $04001 At 2:30 p M. General prayer 10eta •Per line for ifrot insertion, and 5cent ,. p kept a d Y city. Prov. xvn:82. t nee a meetin on Wednesday evenings, Rep, per line for each 004equent insertion, a tato eanl�er, wbtCli has lavaged to feel as gop�i ;is I ttse,l to before taken sick. j g I am paaiftrd I)nan'a. Kidney Pills are from wlzFdh u wonderful prophecy al;dnt Steres i-ggiip was Herod the to- moral sentiment of a dglninanity hoop A, Pexrze, costar. Dr. A. J. Irwin fi,q Advertisements of Strayed, Irarme for sale Potato fields of Europe for thirteen, aI[ you alai a tlieii to be, and I advise Oan,,da hPa 1 sat been unearthed by traroh? seen from outward cin? Su erfntoudalit•. years, has Irwin, , arta #lent and similar, $3,p0 iqr equ three appeared an the dlgerigli>a1 weaka, an,f $� cents for each subsequent in 4rialT1111ey sufferers 'to give them a fair Bosv bfftu'o U%gnz.ne, The prophecy To what extent is the "fame," dr Does the mural seuttatent of a nom• ST. PAUL'S CHURCH, NP1,300FAI,_0ab. sertion, contlnent, in Newfoundland.' FArmes In I art nada as 4ollowt•: "I see in the maylugs, .or the indirect influence, munity have A healthful effect, and is a bath services at 11 a m and 7 p m. CONTRACTRArus•-The following table shows In the United States are warned. to b our far the insertion of advertisements what they have�tdone Ctrls do for thousands of 1 British North America, stretahiOX, as It of a good man, instrumental in doing man whQsa conduct is governed by $nnday School at 2:80p m. Rev, .17'1..$ far rates for periods;— 14011 out for it unci to make ever of y public sentiment a trul Oroly, B. A•, Rector ; 0, G. Van, tort to stamp it out at the first sign' others, they acre all farms Of kidney does as -ass the oogtipent from the p4ad, ad compared with his direct in- P y good man? Stena S. 8, Superintendent ; Thos. V. oneOotmm�Nr --, ,, I vn' a �t°. n zra lrs°, ga trou',le anti they cure to stay cured. I ahoros of Labrador and Newfoundland $uenge? At what stage, in the progress of these Robinson,. assistant Iduperluteudent. HaltOolutnn..., ,,w•,*0000 f4o.00 $22.50 88.00 of its appearance. The extraordina Price, 50 cents Per box or 3 boxes for 25,00 15,00 0.00 to Gh•� l' zai$a and arc upping a consider- Can events would Gad adjudge Herod ggtlt 841MATION ARMT--Service at 7 and 11 onar Inch --- _,,,- $0,00 32,50 7.50 8.00 rapidity with which the potato canker re ci at all dealers or mailed Mdirect on you recd! one or more galas ofOne Iunh , .,,,,„ ,, 6.90 8.00 0,00 3,25 has spread over nearly the whole oil Y taccfat. of nfiira by The T. Milburn Co,, tfib1A bait of the Tecnp rat,+ Zone, tra- apuveraian through words repeated of murder? a m and 8 slid 7 p m on Sunday, and Advertisement without specific direotios,s Limited, Toronto, Ont.` �+ „ versed t.qually wits the United States second hand? Verses 6.7 --Convivial and social fans• every evening during the week at It will be inserted till forbid. and chargedaccora• E, crepe alld the virulence of the dls, When ordering, specify Doan s, by the lakes, and anjoying the magni- what has the `,fame" of ,Jesus a000m• tions Create mental and nervous excite- o'clock P _ at the barracks, Rolla aTransient adverttaemenis must be paid ease combine to make the Canadian pushed? ment and inspire desires akin, to the OST OS8't011-OMCs boars from $a m THE JOB DEPARTifrsN I ie t department of agriculture fearful lest, a�. __ CicAnt ttborea of tl,e So L� mranoe, wltll P to 6:80 p sn. Open to box holders from ext ssaorromaut of all r isisaai with the infected seed. imported from acrosin, . itv thousands of ietands in the river and Verse 2 -Ts it a fact that bad men common seuttment of the g. p , paetmaBter. g p t tits sea to Newfoundland, should find TO A[3VI*Fi"t'ISERw gathering. 7 a m, to 9 tu. 7'. Vishax ins, affording to faolltties ,not equalled in the Wulf -a region grand enough for the dread the company of aggressive good Now in such a case, is it safe t4 comma PUBLIC LIBRART --Library and free iyp anfor d a tpi I uF o roe at class work. i,arge its mray southward and give the canker; Notice of changes must be 3etb at tli;r seat of a meq and if ac, who? �ar��lveS to any coarse of cotton, natii reading xoom in the Town Hall a is for anstyles of Peat - great empire. In its wheat. $ , will ere, Hand wills, oto., and the latent styles Of a foothold on lower Qanadiaa and' Office not litter than Saturdisy noon. Helsis in the wart, its broad ranges of Verses 8.4 -How mach good or harm we have got bash to oar normal eoacli. be open every afternoon from 2 to }nheioe fanny type for the lines Oaasses of print American soil. The cagy for Changes const be left rb=a dhAse at the north, its inexhanatabie did John accomplish by reproving Herod tion, and why? 5:30 o'clock and every evening from 7 , not later than Monday evenis g to 9:30 O'clock. Miss Lfzxie Attridge H. B. ELLIOTT, .this disease, wherever it Is permit Casual adverdf ements accepted up mwberlAnds•-.the most tateneive now of his sin? What inSuenoes induced Herod to Iibrarian. R kranrietozand Piblisher ted to establish itself, makes the sue - to noon Wednesday of each week. ratnaining on the glebe -its valuable, What can you say for, or against, the make this rash promise to, this girl? P 81CN • cessful cultivation of potatoes extreme- . TOWN (7opNaiL--WSIliatu Holmes, N1isDY, bi, D„ kf,O.P. s, p, 1 fishe,ies and Its yet undisturbed mineral Proposition, that it would have been in Examtue lac experience, or otherwise, Magor; Dr. A. J.'0 Irwin, Reeve ; ttp11,,M(elub fit the British y difficult. There is said to be no s +T3AL3t1EIND Isla ztepoeite. 1 see the elements of wealth, the intere$ta oP righteousness ff John the ballad dance, th Sq called round J• W. MoKibbon. $, $,ElIiott, Wt1ligm attanttoncoldtod fila ofM&Iole, sreoial hope of saying a crop that is once at: had Inept his month Closed Bone, Dr. Robert 0. Redmond ton, O!$oehoars . .,71.9p." E.J.,r In andOhita tacked, Moreover, when a crop is de- 1 find its inhabitants vigorous, hardy, Concerning dance, and the square dance, unci opacify Thomas Gregoryand D.E. McDonald, t0 4 p• in afro ed by this blight the ener ettc Herod's eta? their moral tendencies? Oganofllars; Jhn F. D. E. ,Clark and y � ground re- „ R , perfected, 1d9ODUNALD, The polfey of the United States is to If John could have foreseen the re• Verses 8 9 -Bq what process did this `Treasurer; Anson Dnlmage, Assessor, H. R,R LT11oTx. FuaLxsrtnR,ir,t,PFaPRt7trop propitiate and secure the allianca of Suit, what efi'e6t would that probably woman, Herodias, reach this deepest Board meets first Monday evening in ; � ' ` Canada while it is have find upon the act which cast him hell of emelt and revenge, of demand• each month at S O'clock, °entre strerrro J, ;y Yet young and in. P g g , . TFIURSDAY, MxY 19: I9L4 his life? in HIGH SaIlOCL BOARD.-- p17. F. Van, Wingham, VW,. r � Cartons of its talars. Sift on the other g the head of Jahn to .be brought to Stone (chairman), Wm, Nicholson, John caloric , � .; z band the paIioq whish the United States Shoaid a good man glwaya reprove a hex on a platter? tib oPilson, 0, P. Smith, W. J. HOWSOA' SDR c t �"1. =:otaallq pnrgaea is the infatuated one of bed man for his sins, and, if not, what Which #s the greater sin, to make a Joha A, McLean, frank Baghanan, Cgh1iJST - NOTES AND COMMENTS 2.-jaotinp and spurning vigorous, pecan. rale should he adopt in lila matter of bad promise or to keep it? Dudley Holmes, sedrotary. A. CoseII$, Physician, Surgeon, etc, Doti �, .mak'. nial and ever-growing Canada, while reproof? Verses IO.12--SPECIFY SOME OF treasurer. Board meets second Monday office-Maodonald Block over OP.Mol3ibbon s r � :. The Clinton Naw Era was recently weelzsn$ to establish feeble states out of When does reproof do more harm THE RESULTS OF GRATIFIED RE. evening In each month' Drugstore. Night oalls10'eVanswered M Mbboile oe .� offered an advertisement from a Toac,n- decaying Spanish provinces, on the g PUBLIC SCHOOL BOARD. -H. E. Isard dace in than cad? VENGE AND WHETHER IT BRINGS �I. "NM " 4 '' ` (Chairman), G. (1. Manners, Alex. Rosa, Ts .. y v� to dePRrtrr,Antal store but the proprietor coast and in the' islands of the Galt of What can be said for, or against, a HAPPINESS O R SORRUW? (This' W.J.Howsou; w D.Pria3;le, Win. Moore, �R' ROET• O.REAMOND, in. $,O,s, (Eng) ... `; �;, z Mexloo, man who marries the wife of his living L. Ii. O, P. LondpA, ( g refused it out of nascent to the feaIinl;a g question Must be answered in writing O•�+ Van$tane, P. dampball, Secretary; '., 1* s', of the home morobacta. Now there is "I $hall riot live to see it, but the man brother? by members of the club.) John F. Groves; Treasurer, J. B. PHYSICIAN and SU ? / ,t another side t:, that; question. Brother is already born who will sea the United What is the moral, or spiritual, differ. Lesson for Sunday, May 29th, 1910, Ferguson. Meetings second 9:aesday Rt IiON. u, 5 ' ,States mourn Over its stn once in marrying - evening in each month, Office, with Dr. ohishOlm. ,;�. } r� ,a''� �. r n5• ` t !Jit ' tr Kerr had an Op tQrtuhity to bring back pendens folly, q ng the wife of a living -The Multitudes Fad. Matt. xiv: t8- Hlga SasooL TEAosERs-J.G,Work- r: r; ? „ s, to Clinton sOnzg of the manes sane swag whish fa alis preparing the way for man with, or withoat, a divorce: 21, xv:29,89. man, B.A., principal; J. C. Smith, B.A„ z: lig the people there to the departmental ultimate danger and downfall. All Olassieal master; Mr. Forbes, B. A,, DR' MAROARET O, CALDER r3 ° l< 3 naatheinatical master ; Miss M. J. 5 r 2 ctazea. Ila could have spent the money eontharn political Stars moat eat, though atop and Death will come up with A Bkip 1910 EXAMINATION TIME- Baird, B. A, teacher Honor Ge orate of Toronto University t F , , x 4<<„ [ s=.t ,, - among the business moo of Ciinton and x-aang times they rise Again with dimin• r oP English and k Ontario college of Ph "':<:_. ^^_ and Surgeons. yeioians jump and hap; and when you are tae- TABLES, Moderne; Mies Anderson, fifth tsaaher Devotes apeciRl attention to diseases of Eye, ." 8i., canoed general rejoicing throughout the iehad splendor, But those whiohillam• nit that grisly old cuss, and looking PDBLIa 501300E 7'$AaBDRs.-Joseph Ear,NoeeaudT6roat, Eyesthor a hl ;.... -,* <•:t commanftq, What a golden oppaztui:• lasts the pole remain forever Shining, your last on the world and its foss, 'twill Stalker, Principal. Mi C}lassef Pr? ed. O s ytested ? P sit Brook, UH Kids -With Dr, Dr -Kennedy. 7 , ,s7";.,:.. ftp to bagaSt his fellows was thrustasido. forever inoreseltQ in splendor," brace you and °hear you, and let you Below are found the time•tabtes of the MissReynoids, Miss Farquharson, Mise ''MCe HOUTs-g to 5, 7 to 8 Fan, --beta iii OaBarver, down light, to know that you al:wags High School Entrance and Entranoe to Wilson, Miss Cummings, and Miss «,.xis 1 Model School and Pablle School Hawkins. ,va- "' GROWTH OF CAN stood n far the right; Grad• ;,.<.:. %> ,:::'. ... 1.4,::s?:�'#.,;'> _':::;, It is right that the Canadian who fits CANADA'S TRADE. P ght yan•'l1 make no BOARD OF HEALTS - DANBTON)3, ;::;:;» ;s'';::=.:z; ,;•r;;.s < excuse for I salon examination(!. Wm. Holmes R. 1.r: JJ/ ^!: - Y y ' h. ;• :iii=;; `iz Yt'" bran at the Country's head daring the �� the life gpn have lead, though (Chairman), George McKenzie, Wm. BARH.JISTRR, sonio]Tos sTa ." , �1 - yen:sof change should spare the time you've nc v7aY Of knawfn); haw long HIGH saEOOL ENTRdpE Feeeant, Itfohard Anderson. John F, Privatesna nom a ":�' ` <...`:a:::,; fora western tour and it is right that Canada's trade is Barely growing by you'll be delsd.-Walt Mason, Wednesday, Jane 22nd. Groves, Secretary; Dr. J. P. Kennedy, rate of interest, WanT tunasioloanatlowest ,., I ;;;,•,cx;.,..,ss=.' 5;,".� Nodical Health Omoor, property bought and 8011,0s' town and farm !' / ' y �� the reoeptioa given him befits his offioe, le and bounds. The figures for the ---- Morning- A �� fiscal year ending last month 8 46-940-Raadfn Office, Seaver Block. WIngham ,, ' R � In the wast are thousands of new Citf, g g reached if TnBtraatiottB Cir•' Z:>`: <a•• the record of $677,142,189. �'hia is an WILL USE OLD SUPPLY. gnlar67) -' V zeta who know the Prime Minister as STEADY " J. A''ORTON, � POTATO' BLIGHT. but a distant figura immured in his aifiCe inoraase of no less than $117,606,238 Over ' --- 9:G0 11 OOj-Comlyoeitfon. the figures for the previous year or over The head o ging posts will not sp. of 1I 10.11.55 -Spelling BARRISTl;$ &.' c mains Infected, so that for at least at O e and ea they will be fdnnd anxious essary pear on the ooind or postage stamps at Afternoon- EMPLOYMENT six years it is impossible to grow a to see and hoar him, it ie not Leon id tcIt is ger nett, . Wingham, ont, crop of potatoes, r to be a poIltfcal supporter to be at It fB more than $26,000,000 Over the Canada before the end of the year, The 1 80 8.30 -Geography. highest previous figuresof 1907.8. At likeness of Edward the peacemaker will Thursday, June 23rd « Where the disease Is prevalent prac. miter of the man Laurier. He fa by ar, continue on the currency and stamps of 1t. L. DId$xNSOtV . tically no healthy tubers will develm- the present time the monthly increases Morning for a reliable LOCAL Salesman copra• DurtiER Rolm 8 The tubers, When lifted, show signs ds the moat pin year years; figure in C7the old Canada for another six months at least. Renting jAUtp(l+t1A� ' gf j Some a¢ public life in years; a fighter aP the old of trade amount to $10,000,00U a month 9,00.11,30-Arithmet{o. p Li11111ti3tE1'r / p various degrees o! injury. over the corresponding In the case of the postage stamps any Afternoon-- `Canada's oldest and Greatest N��MES pear on casual examination to be School, ,a finished orator, having the P tI Period last design may be used, bat it is the custom BARRISTERiI, 8oI,ICriTOM Eto. poand. But the "eyes" a the inhere. manners of a grand seignior and the year, to nava the Monarch's head on the two. 1'80 3.30•-Readfng.(examination paper) Nur$eries,r The total imparts for the year were Friday, June 24th, MONAT To LOAN, should be carefully examined, Those; Vote life tastes of the habitant. The ort- cant stamp, which is the one' .most In Moralwz- in Wtagham and adjoining country. OrrICR: Meier Btook, wlnaham, are the places where the disease tq Vote ilia of Sir Wilfrid, exposed almost; $375'783.663, an increase of $77,669,868, a$e, The dap�rtmont has a six -menthe' aB much as his public career, had alwtts ever 1908.9. Exports of domestic pro. 9.00 -11.00 -English Grammar. You will find there is a good demand first noticeable. The eyes of affected' q totalled supply on hand, and these will be used 11,10.12.00-writiAg. 'for nursery Stock on scocaut of the tubers show an abnormal development' been nthutifani, which and wholesome. $36,67,951fo $279,21me p io increase of up while dies are beingt 1iTH111i J. I1tVPIN, D. D, s., L. ij+S. of the dormant shoot. A careful un. The enthusiasm whfoh attendB his Pull- $36,607,95I for the same period. Prepared for the Afternoon-- high prices that Brewers have resifted .tl trained observer can Basil tern P new issue of George V. Stamps. Oral Reading on their fruit this eaaaan, Doctor atDeutatBargeryotthePennsplvania y lie appearances back, east will follow Exp°its of foreign product totalled g may be taken either on Our Salesmen are turning in big Basi- Dental O011ege aua I.loenttate of tin Ra al the presence aP the disease in this w22,146,J92, an increase of $3,288,419. Charging the design of the metal our- Friday afternoon or bt such other hours Dees to us this year, Be dna of them incMRodonaDentallock v�ingbs°m Ontario , Oa he Stage. At the same time it is in this, the' Premier to the west. -Saskatoon rannq i$ aiBo a matter of time, Designs satire convenient, ,; and earn cad a as throe h file winter Pres$. The total duty collected for the year g Wages g OM. erased every °waduesdby afternoon condition that the disease is most like• have to be prepared and approved in months, irons IYIap lot to Oct. 1st. ly to escape detection and to be sgFead amounted to $61,010,489, an increase of ENTRANCE TO ,MODEL SCHOOLS AND PUB• Territory reserved. Pa weekly, The demon dor is in fall sorest upon in32,969,475. both Canada and Great Britain. Where LIC SbeooiaxADtTATYON Free sample outfit, eta, y y' by means of infected tubers used for aur few passable country roads, and the the head of the Sing appears on a coin P seed. In the Infectearnestages of the f o The tots! trade far the mouth of his a approval p Before candidates be $ Write for articular$. • s. Pliit7E, B• s.'A„ L D 8•, 1b, D. S. ease the eyes will be Pound to be permanent dwellers and the summer March last was $66,664 208, an fnnraase special a royal df,the portrait has begin writing on residents are alike it tetrnr of what is to be obtained. The 8inana$ Dapart• theft first paper, the Presiding dffioar, at 'TONE WELLINGTON Licentiate of the Royal college of Dental slightly protruding in the form of a� of $12,963,475 over last year, ment has for some time been• looking it• 11,00.11,10 a,m.;vhall read and etpiafa tb P'onthiil Nnreerit b Surgeons f°T Ontario, and Graduate of Uni- single or compound group °P small sooner or later dura to happen, It may Imports for March were $48,391,991, nodules varying be only a little dog crushed that has ° . to the gUORtion of designs for the new them the "IastractfOns to Candidates. (850)• Oface : Beaver Block. from the size of s an increase of shoat $10,000,000 neer the TORONTO, Office closed every Wednesday. afternoon plc's head to that of a pea, been Loup Ioved for aesnafatfons with same month last year, gold coinage of Canada, and on there (Instructions No. 5.) CANADA. from May 1st to Oat 1st, Tuesday Jane 21st • �J ••4 When a grower finds his crop at: times and pFaple that are pane. It may _ Exports of domestic products for the head of King George Will appear, tacked he may hesitate t4 destroy po- next be a toddler whom the utmost vigi- March totalled $22,199,270, as compared but the first of January will probably Morning-- � /e �j� ��� tacthtes he appear sound a but lit. lance has not sncoAadad in keeping pat with $18,1397,974 is Marsh of Iastyear. be the date of their Inauguration, 11,10•i 40—Elementary Science /'"'91T1 W�� �j rjj General �ospttil fle affeWhichcted, although total destruction Of the highway. In any caws those who . This utprecedettad prosperity ander _ Afternoon- would be the bast means of preventing have such cares find the spaotou$ .free• the Laurier Adruiniatration is the best y - 2,00 4.00 -Algebra and Geometry, and anTone having ztvs stock or other (Vader Government inspection) the spread of the disease, yet those LENGTH OF REIGNS WednosdayJnne22ad artloleothey wish to die 008 Of, shouldadver• - tubers may ba collected, boiled and dom which rural Conditions should give evidence possible that the people do not Morning tise the same for sate in = Tigno. Oar Isr8a be fell to tht,moOaiplEtalgstolen from them and OF BRITISH SOVEREIGNS, g. 0iroulationtelleandltwillbestrangeirideedif pleasantlyBttnbted. Beautifully far. pigs` Under no C1xCllIn- r desire or require any change in govern. 9.00.11,00 -English Composition and endo notgit ei1 slteooauee Weoan'tgahrantse Wished. Open to all re Marl licensedstances should unbofled , or decayed replaced k,q a life of ceaseless Anxioae went, Evarythina points td the currant ehat✓pawil you may ask more i3 y y g PP i ymat a total trade Points to the eight � e t Writing. for t10 article or stock than it is worth. send physicians, RATzcs Von PATIENTS-- Potatoes be gl*n as food, not only, watnhiutl, lest. tornethlo terrible ha els t your advertisement to the Truss and try this (which include board and aura ing)$8,50 because the feeding value is a s• 11,10.1240 --.$ookks0piug tend $n$i• rt[o1ee. aisnnsinv of your stack and other to $15.00 per week according t , be reduced sure t , and $It becati:�e finita are madmen vvtsr, hut,dred million dollar mark, and the Williein the t7angaeror , 3f think they have a right to aweep the totr,i revenue will not be for short Cf William IT__ .,,. , or ., nese'Papers. g O location , but mainly because t'he Of xoom, For farther information, spores are stili capable of germinatlag, .. •.., :... 18. Afternoon— addresB roads Rt a Mile I" mfnntd and in on damptI0.000,W0. William IIt, after passing• through the body of iufi . • - . • • • . , .... • •.... • . 13 _ 2.00 4.00-C;}eogreptiy, MISS L. M TllUws, animal. In removing the to fill;.vrrybody's premises thick with ,it took the Conservative Government King Stephan....,..,...: ,.,,,, ,.., lg g pbiatoetl lilitzh.fal dr�ttt Though everyone Lt€;s efgbtaen year$ to inoraase the total trade ging Joha ......... , , Thursday June 23td, O U ` SIDE Superintendent, from. the field the greatest precaution „ ,.•,... 17. Mornita- i Bax0MWinghamOut. ®- - - $66,000.000, Compare this with last Henry 1, ,. 36 9 00,11.(10•-�:Arithmetle t,,r •., and -04enenr• - ... ea��G�t o. r {y(t.M1t* ., yyAar'Sincr�aseof$t17,000,000, In other Henxyii, ,. , . ,. ((�\��`Q`�`j t 3G boon t.Jf Y i..: 1 1 I I .. y ',ic �, ,,,J words, ander the peasant gavernmett HenryTT. .,,,.... 6ti Ii.10.12.00 Spelling EIAILWAY TxF TABLES. ;;r;< � a0f M '�, ;QX triode inaxeased nearly doable in tine HenryIlIi7:. , � T 6* ty. 1. + ,+ Afternoon—Orders Ok atvertisem6ntdj R'4N17 T817N$ RAILWAY sY$'PE14F. 14 ro year over amount of increase secured henry V„....,..... .% 9 2 00 4 00 --English T,tteiature, such hanio9 teachers ariiales Lor business or lit filet e ��; �'I • • TRairrs nmav>r nos aft owbq the fJansorvativesin afghtaea .gears. Henry Vi, .,, g +Locdon ...,......,rr:..0 s,loa.mr~:, s. ,.� ”' .. 3 Friday, done 34th tiny hind of an advt, to any of the TQr0ui`O Or tb- s', Henry VIi. , :., , , , , , Other ottl* Papers, map be left at the TIMEa Ttnnat619t'nalt11.osa.m.. 8.45 It. . 2.40p.m. Bact;c4lson rzrita tlrcd feetlrigie tel bt "" •• •• 24 Mor'ning�- piRae. This+riarkwtltreceive promPtatte11tlon 1i ardicb.:i1.57a,m...2.08p•m , c HenryIIT. 0.15p,m, °,. vi0,11 k klclpoy action-F'rampt ra.Y y ::.•.................. 88 940-Ii,OO -English Gr, andivillsave Pa4 le the tr0chl6 4f remittinqq�� entz>pta rnoai ° ..?.11 ., ;w f� 3 r ileo byr a a(rlp•CS[ , ,W,GWASE'S Whlf0 You're Livings ammarr for attd forwarding advbi•tibemente. LQweaf $inoardine �f 6,ioa,m_1r 9a,m,.., g.401y m. I - KIDNEY ANO LIVER PILLS Edward T • 83 11:10.12,40• -•-Art. r rates will be quoted on apppiiaatiair, Leave London,:... Y.:.... 11.54 e,m..� 7.85 nAbL>t Dlsati Edward TI, ,,,,, .. y. t, .. 30 orsecdyourniextworkofEHiekttdtbthb Paimerstou -:..,,,1..30,s0a'= P"ixi' 62bTungss, '1'I,exe is no frCafntet,t for kidney ltd good in the World AB you 're pranging ,Edward TIT, . , , . , . , . Afternoon— Toronto & East ........: 2.08 p.m . y 9,15 disease �vhiel, Will afiozd y4tt relief so . g p • • ., ... , . , ; 49 00 4.00—History (i;ritietti and GL►nY Tx'� OFF 19, Wirt)1t$1i VV, gft'7RYr Agent, ppicghamra, should be trlkaYt to cleatz thorong qufCltly as I)r, A. w, Cltasa'd ICiducy dltrta and thrcW the harpoon error EdwardTG.,... r.,,,., 22 adian), CANADIAN and d#.infect one's bobta and the.fC littet Liver PIIS and sono which will so and Wrong; and always remember the Edward V..:: (m s) Cp'A llplo SAILWAT. colts and Implements star ecrtainly Cttar3 tl,o xnOst i Cmplfaated luau with a $obWI is dears arta Janke Edward i • • "• "(menthe) 2 Saturdays, .lane a6tlZ TRAitvs ruins trod The to s used, Toeswatebd8aet.,,.,.b.g7a.m.. S=I6p,m. Process of disinfecting trap ba faring of tl.ts diseasc. p VI•. Y. • , ......+..,. d Morning Taesa►ater .....r,...,...: 3,p0 P,b -_10.24 p.,n;. carried oat do boards + Y'I here is it reason for this. Dr, A. and dumb as all pawl; the man who is Richard10 g 00:11 - gb YEdlts3• iitnlvlt rRair a cls laid on the Bei 00 F`renolx Otatumar. Teeawater., 6 b7 a.tn. r.-108,2118 . $,lo so that no relafectibn k , 1'l, i,a t s Kidney and Liver Pills 3ayoaS fi1iB others With jay, acct people Ttiehatd #l, .,r.., d2 AftertiobiY-- b �Y . " takes Place silt .... 111. I.:. �Xp liiENC Toronto and tid$$�' !- It b, Ir,m.� 10,?4 p,rn� erWard:. The grdti+ec should . nwat:en tl,4 Action ci the irvez acid brill 4911 him a peil4h of b boy, Oh live Richard lit ,_ :,....... ,.,...... : R, direhro,Wtaaham, c ld then pro- bdwels an well as the kidneys and there- c M10 yoa're living, Arid hold tip your Mary Y... 8 1:'00'11.00=-Preneh Composition .,..:I coed to dig it 11410 in the field and collect b;" effect a thorough el,,atsing and •4.. ..`..I. ti head, for acorn never knows just hoax nil refuse from the vines and al! .oils 1 tteell E'lizbbeth......... ., rC,+ttilatis,g of tlsa t�:�:cretary $yatern. , . , , ... , .:. 44-�"•^�^-� eased tubers. Elie qtr. S; a. Argue Kate, (larleton, Cd., long he'll be dead! ibrivo out 411 that's Jainds I................. be Potato straw should 23 PerhbpiY the rMldetat resident of i eltera. destroyed by Are, but thb tubdt*- I.. , being tea wet nYtt.) tvtrteq:-•'T Sava Suffered a greiit visions arittmean frbiii vont' intttl; be#"ahletillY.,,,.f...f..i,lY,.Y...,,... IT PAYS to hurt ma dial wtb kidney troubles and p,.11 ss in h:,naet and under and faithful and load; f7harleB 1 .,,.. It Odtarlo pAeded away bt'J'illiQlnbrct(f lost 'iRAbk 111lNItK with its y be dm11t Vic small of lite Isack and have trial , 28 weelf In the fellows- rho hnlb thin bait • ' s •,, , • penton of Mrr: >lfargarbt bebleNit. ; been dug must be i st goo(I many remedies Witbont Obtain• ad3n t orfttctB$ pillleiine tylia +rtbndar tJharlee IT.,.,,.,., ,w.. ... ,. <, f. 24 tifalione at t copyAtaiottr&tl,. big enough to hold 2.,i, very mitch betleilt, ,,I wish to say, ntray, but jolly theta back to the 7`r he rbrlden a of her dough- Xistoa6rexdinttAsk6febanadeeari tlonmsy till the tube rs doiTec Queen Anng ...... . ;,, . , Y r«,. f ... 11 tet, Meir ntorl nboertain, Rr 00.,111011 tree wether rn Utl C tkti, It should then; haiaert x, that f carr heartily raeOntmCnri $ttaittilt ma#tdty why; don't Murray"� at a ,Ergs of I03 inreac 4 is pro, o �{,�tpr cmmttnioa Obered with :t grumble Caleotge I......, . t ttotttetrtoi canaaentfA tl On TO � i laydr sif anahrb Dr. 40111ee's xidnoy+•River Tills as is around When ybu'rddoin your ..........• •, Y,Y..... 13 lrebrr, the lady, till"old badit tla rentfroeMilde4l; ono xoA1se i .teas Y 9RTIt��„i deep of unSltikk g y C#edr a ti, , of tlt4 toe d lime, theii ii pbritdlt splendstl ittrtlt Val as 'hey lisve lsr4wen. g 11" • Y.. Y., , .... r 0. ? Y. Y...f.. 33 I1nti$ual 'dl8titietibll'of hOV16g Itted liar'• rikeru+somtur. wtetiout, to Bunn "a�4)'fool" b rs ma be r, but kinknpyouriietlirlikeaobitoistof GlaorgeTtT,,.,,,..,..,.,,, ,,,,, e,iathdg tllroawiltitolid df very l!4sol walso t4 ice. 80 Ing the fdign 6f tifir rttocesrlt'e k►'verY e4vored hg a114ther la et Dr. Cl:cas+�'B 1Cirincy and Met' fills tladrs; gatt►llAt pleasure you can, far Georgo IV:,, ,•• # I rim" R 1' oy Unatakg& One ill a ilnse Rt t , .Y Y.,.:•..Y.+...Y.... l0 blonr- tiamEllp, C,iebr ,$. 0006 I iverica ' 'r Iltner olid so flit till the bolt) to -a eeiits tt box at 2 whei9 all el done and said lk mato haver 'Vilillfam 1 ,,...,. as ff"06orgd IV" tcu'tat WWrnoiy ciiuetratedrree +jf fillMl7 ileal a, or l.rinlailkPfl,y Nate$ & Gd,r knb*o $ttet Lott lbt ghe'll bit dead t Sts i3 �fllibtli I�f., �deeli �I�toritt, ?fid#br ' � >G+rte.t ars he bast IAt . iebduld be yf6tWedt of ate - r. , ., ,.,,, ,.. , .. , d i0falaaads 76 w �Nt.ptl � �Tcros 1by 061wao, by 'the hilts, In this i Toronto. 7LCfns4 enilettttltee. tiCitin V Idt4ria,. Y.. , ., , . , . r... r... 04 Vit, %nd atorgs 'Vi•. lie£ dbnth *," title b 4 , t11f1 tubers tibalo in th0 fritato y6tar~ r6*160thig 11'111 9600d V1t..,..., i, Y..... , .., , , , r g � bid a#6. �A l!�►tlbra . Ara but out of hlla'fii'N *' ( 11 01114 1't T I NIES UhdQr40 elrrttmstiittees ihoUld 7 al: r.lit„ �+rorihset4r, _ + .r ar 140 Altbtd!-tf lft.1141NA60d ,06D b t