HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1910-05-19, Page 1WINGHAM TI VOL. XXXIL--NO, 1997. WINGRAM, ONTARIO, THURSDAY. MAY 19, 1910. Si A TEAR IN ADV..A.NCF ODORLESS Mothine Prevents and Destroys MOTHS Oau be dusted into Fare, Blankets Carpets, Conches, etc,, without the slightest injury to fabric. It has no odor, It doss not contain poisonous druge. Price 25 Cents. Walton McKibbon THE DRUGGIST Macdonald Block, Wingham. At 40 You will regret you did not attend one of Canada's High - Grade Business Colleges, lo. Gated at Peterborough Welland Orangeville Wingham Clinton Walkerton Now is a good time to enter. Our graduates, receive from $400 to $1500 per annum. Mail Courses in 100 different subjects. Write for particulars. WINGIAM BUSINESS COLLEGE GEO. SPOTTON, Principal CUT FLOWERS AND FLORAL DESIGNS T. C. GRAHAM & SON PONE lot. Wear Greer's Shoes and Rubbers House Wednesday On W y poet ten o'olook th Mr. Fred, Mowbra ham, took fire and burned to the gro succeeded in saving hie lose will be a tars es to the origii at hand. COMPLETE THRESHING OUTFIT. 3urned. corning about half - frame dwelling of , of Lower Wing- s short time was nd. Mr. Mowbray a few articles, but eavy one. Portion. of the fire are not KING'S for Mangles, Turnips and Corn. NEWEST and latest designs in wall paper at KNox'S. Struck Fll On Wednesday o H. Davidson with h fit, while operating Mr. Edward Haines, of the town, struck nine, clear water, at The water gushes c stream, rising about ground. This is t: kind struck here in give Mr. Haines an wing Well. last week, Mr. W. e well -drilling out - on the promisee of B. line, just north Sowing well of depth of 160 feet. t in a good. sized ve feet above the e first well of its any years, and will mple supply. Fresh fish every weekend, at T. FELLS' butcher shop. Parties wishing their gardens plowed should leave their orders early at Salt Block office. Mr. Chas. Donaldson, general agent Machine for the J. I Case Threshg Co., of Ranine, Wis., h:: for inspeo Lion at his residence, .orner Leopold and John streets, a thr ,thing outfit con - slating of a 45 horse • • wer engine and a 28 x 50 separator. ' • e Case firm is the largest man fact . ring concern of its kind in the w • 1. , the plant at Ranine covering about :rxty acres. An examin- ation of the Case grain separator would seem to suggest that perfeotion has been reached but only recently another step in advance has been made, that of the all -steel separator of whioh nearly three thousand were made last year. For the convenience of parties wishing to inspect this outfit, Mr. Donaldson will be home every Saturday and will be pleased have a oall from anyone interested, to whom he is prepared to demonstrate the utility and high standard of perfection of the Cage threshing outfit. Christie's Grocery PHONE 59. Now For Tomato Plants The Tea and Coffee Store Clydesda The imported et "Drumbnrle Chief W, King, will mak in adjacent towneh good stook should se breeding their ma Routes appear eleew Mr. King bas also young stallion, whio and general appearan a good account of hi e Stallions. lions, "Mascot" and " owned by Mr, J. the season of 1910 e. Parties wanting these horses before to any other. e in this paper. nrohased another from his breeding e, promises to give self. Read Willis & Co.'s adv. on page 8. Friday a Pu In compliance w iesuedin last Saturd Friday, May 201h, ( observed in Wiugha day and a day of this being the date quits of the late Arrangements bat' union memorial ser` conducted in the To a. m., by the real union ohoir will fi exercises, and the also be present. Ow' went, the service a place in St, Paul's oh drawn. Iic Holiday. sh the proolamation r'e Ontario Gazette, o•morrow) will be i as a pnblio holi- eneral mourning— the funeral obse- ing Edward VII. been made for a oe, whioh will be n Hall at 10 o'olook lent ministers. A rnieh the musical tizens' Band will g to this arrange- nounoed to take roh has been with. Good general eery nt want by let of June. Apply at oe to MRS, 0. M. WALKER. BRING ALONG YOUR SHOES.—We do repairing and we do it right. W, J. Greer. Home made bread—Try it. FRANK R. HowSON.. WANTED—Sonth African Scrip. High• est prioee paid. Apply at TIMES Office. Presbyteri On Tuesday, in there was held the meeting of the Mi Society. There was of delegates from the and the reports of t were very eatiefaotor dente of the good Interesting addresses Miss Isabel McIntosh, cry from China, and Formosa. Appropriat at the afternoon an Following aro the Society :—President, ham; treasurer, Mr secretary, Miss Miseton Band secret Luoknow; secretor J. J, Elliott, Win tary, Mre. Fergueo Garden The young people o will hold a garden of Mr. John A. I town, on Tuesday The proceeds are t purchase of a new church, and it is h large attendance the kind this seas young people in th I Society.• Andrew's Church, w�entysixth annual Vend Presbyterial large attendance. iifferent branches, e various officers and gave evi• ork being done. sere delivered by returned mission - re. Gould, from music was given evening sessions. ffi c e r s of the .Mrs. Perrie, Wing. . Tait, Teeswater; .ther, Kincardine; ry, Mrs. McKerrol, of supplies, Mre. am; Tidings seine- Beigrave. Party. the Babtist Church rty at the residence elly, adjoining the vening, May 31st, be devoted to the pipe organ for the ped there will be a t the first event of t, to encourage the r laudable effort. CALL IN and have a look at Knox's new 1910 wall papers. WANTED. -- A stationary engineer; must have certificate. Apply to WEST- ERN FOUNDRY CO., Wingham. Not Nece sarily So. There are some go d people who think that because the edit r oritiiozes a pub- lio man he must be .' t daggers drawn" with him, which is n t the case. It is merely a difference f opinion between the editor and the blio man, Sorely husband and wife ar ; not "at daggers drawn" simply began they happen to differ in opinion 000ae ovally. The very fact that they do diff in opinion is in- deed proof that the not only possess brains, but that they leo do their own thinking. WANTED—Maid for small family in Toronto. Apply to MRs. Woons, 174 Carlton St. TRUNKS and VALISES.—The beet kind and at lowest prides. W. J. GREER, Must Clan Closets. A special meetin of the Town Conn. oil was held on Fri, ay evening last with all the members pr ent except Council- llorsrs Gregory and oKibbon. Ab by-law aw Was passed making it compulsory onall owners of property to have all closet pits and cess pools p operly cleaned out within two months • fter the passing of be done .. •I This • ork to by the by-law. aw the property own: 8. After the first cleaning the by -la • provides that closet pits and Dees pools re to be oleaned crit ones a month from the let of May to the let of November a•, twine during the filet h :. remainder of the y r. After the cleaning the dry ear h system is to he established and it wi 1 not be lawful in future to put in oese .Dols in the Town of 'Wingham. The y.law provides for Nine in the same regulation as are in to the towns of Seale . h and Clinton and the bylaw was e • t owed by the Wing. ham Board of H:. • th. WALL PAPER from 5o, to $1.00 per roll, at KNon's. Drs. A. J. Irwin and W. J. Price will close their dental offices every Wednes- day afternoon from the 1st of May to the let of October. Delivery Bert McLean, a y ploy of Mr. • Thos. ,•. trained injuries in a day morning, which not more serious. E delivery Dart and wi of Mr. S. Mitchell's some way overturn thrown out and his 1 wheels. In this posit' some distance, but be; and a shaking up, hit serious. The cart damaged, the ho g but j a scratch. J y Injured. ung lad in the era - ells, butohes, sus. accident s- o ident on Tne it is fortunate were e was driving the n in the vicinity sidenoe the rig in d, the boy being s catching in the n he was dragged and a few bruises injuries are not was somewhat se escaped without c ped PASTtitE,have 160 gores eR gra es land and wipasture (tattle at $5 per head fof Beason. Plenty of water. DONLEV, Whiteahnroh F. O. Ladies' Oxfords, Ties, Pumps and Slippers in the handsomest models that ever graced a Shoe Store. $1.75, $2.25 up to $3.00 or $3,50. W. J. GREER. WANTED. -500 bushels oats at; the Wingham chopping mill. Rolled oats, bran, shorts, flour, eto. for sale. Mill running every day. Also oatmeal and rolled wheat for sale or exchange for grain. EZRA MERKLEY. Support T e By.Law. wINGHAM, MAY 12th, 1910, TO THE PROPERTY OWNERS t k' wINGHAM:— We desire to submit f . your consideration the following reasons why the Lloyd by-law alio ' ld be supported:— 1. The removal of this ind • etry will take twenty or more reef. m dents from town, and throw Site �n workmen out of employment. p yment 2, Should the by-law oar will, at least, be doubled, tune workmen, supporting at least fi not lees than $20,00 in taxes, or Town treasury, besides being p y, the capacity of the present factory wing employment to thirty or more sen families, eaoh of whioh would pay a total of $300.00 eaoh year into the sible takers of light and water. 3. The pay roll of the proposed new factory will be about $15,000 per year, or $300,00 wee • ly, nearly all of which will be spent in town. 4. The sum of twelve or hirteen thousand dollars will be spent on the building and egnipmen of the new plant, and most of this will be spent in town this aumm r. 5, The actual Dost to the t.wn would be only $138.38 eaoh year for twenty years, or about eeven+ :en cents on an assessment of $1000,. 6. Against this we would , are estimated receipts as follows :— Sohool tax on $6000 at 9 ., nils $ 54.00 Regular Tax on $2000 at 6 mills .... 82 00 Electric Light 50 00 Taxes on fifteen dwelling: as mentioned above, 300 00 Total .... $436,00 Total expense 138.38 Net yearly dire t gain to Town $297,62 '1. In addition to the above dvantages, the C. P. R. would erect a freight shed and plane a man in ' a arge, for the a000mmodation of,all the fagtorfes in town, as well as th general public. 8. This proposition has had he unanimous endorsement of the Board of Trade, composed of about one hundred of the leading business men in town. 1 'WHAT INDUSTRIES ME Trade for the MERCHANT; Cont ment for the TRADESMEN Goo ed revenue from Water and ight, More property to assess; Mote Inc Money; More Business; A LIVE WHAT LACK OF INDU vacant stores—discouraged mer for improving the town—idle wor -higher taxes—no trade—no mo VOTE EARLY! VOTE ward in which the voter has pro We are assured by the fi by-law carries, they will at o machinery for which has alread Signed on behalf of the R. CLEGG GEO. MOKENZ S. BENNETT 3. A. MOLEAN H. B. ELLIOTT W. 3. GREER :—Tenants for the LANDLORD; acts for the BUILDER; Employ' times for EVERYBODY; Increase Increase in value of Real Estate; e for the town; More Work; More WN. RIES MEANS:—Empty houses— ants—neglected streets—no money men —decrease in value of property ey—no enterprise—A DEAD TOWN. FTEN! (a vote may be polled in eaoh erty). VOTE FOR THE BY-LAW! of O. Lloyd & Son, that in case the oe proceed to ereot the new factory, been pnrchaeed. and of Trade— MITTEE .... A. H. MUSGROVE R. VANSTONE DR. REDMOND JNO. RITCHIE ABNER COSENS. Maitland At the meeting of bytery held in Wini a call to Rev. E. 11 S field to Pine River arrangements made ft Rev. Mr. Sawyer int Belmore and Molntos tended a call to Rev., reoently graduated, b tained. Chesiey to emain "Dry." Chief Justine • eredith on Monday refused to quash th local option by.law 1 carried seed at Cheele pa y he by-law by exactly a two•t.‘rds majority, and ten votes were attac::d. It was claim. ed that the vote w:; invalid, because taken on Good Fri. ay. "Whatever some people may say a: to this being an unfortunate day to ta:a a vote, it is not an illegal day," dolor • d the court, It was claimed that wro • • lists were used, and that at least tw dead men were impersonated. ]lis L o rdship, however, �.tit outna e off. "1 mo fused toone re protest against the g••ss negligence of the offloere in charge," he satd,indiamis. sing the motion. esbytery. he Maitland Pres - ham on Tuesday wyer from Bruoe- s sustained, and the induction of his new charge. congregations ex - r. McLeod, who t it was not ens- Girl wanted. for house ork, Apply y to Mils. KNOX, Wingham. Men's f=ashion Hint, So many having inquired about lessons in olub swinging, Miss Sperling has de- cided to open a blase. Any desiring to join, kindly oall at her home, Minnie Street, between 4 and 6 p. m. Saturday, May 28th. Summer homeepnn3 are going 10 be much worn by both ladles and gentle. men this year—at least this Is 'the view et One of the Hewson Woolen Mill tray eters who had an order book well filled With Spring business the Other day. Police Magi.trate's Court. A case which ha excited considerable local interest w s concluded before Police Magistrate . A. Morton on Wed- nesday last. A yo • ng roan named Ross Reid hired a horse rom Beattie's livery on Sunday, April 1 •th. On the return of the animal its oo• dition indicated that it had been abused, '••hereupon the own- er proceeded to neve ely reprimand the guilty party. A oh ge was laid against Reid for abasing the horse, who retell. ated with a writ : gainst Beattie for assault. After hear ng a good deal of evidence, some of w ioh was very con- tradictory, the M.:iitrate imposed a fine upon Reid f '$20, and costs of $21.95. Call at KNO`B'S and look at the best wall paper value ever shown in Wing -ham. DIt. RIED CUSHION Suoe.—The easiest Shoe on Earth; Makes walking a pleas- ure. See them. W. 3. GREER, sole agent. Homeseekert' E C Through the thence via Dulut through Chicago t g oli and s 'Via Serbia and company. Steam p. m., May 30th further informati• Agents. cursion To nada. etropolis oP Chicago, and Fort Frannie, or n files of d thetwin n 1 t. St. P May s til, a y 3 Northern Navigation r leayee Sarnia 3 30 Secure, tickets and from Grand Trunk Western Stinit.O ,s- Ha Itiantity of Briti. trees ono of the st re the boatt, p vio Of 10,1, 1 am pre prigs. Parties i do well to call an ng purobased a large Columbia Shingles, eat manntaoturers en it to the advance in tired to sell at oloee need of shin,.leewould get geotattane. J, A. Mclean. Publ The followi Times contains and the Turns. of it:—"Col. made Southam citizens of that vices by turning chair and electin nameless butcher to say that he is Toronto, where remnant of his da Colonel deserved his fellows than h a sad but assure the pnblio has eve The founder of W ed among the wild the maker of Sout die poor among The Colonel was a history f B oY o Bruce, er in the Cons Provincial Gover a public service Is rior a job." c Ingratitude. g from the Walkerton ore truth than poetry, an endorse every word either, the man who ton, and whom the wn repaid for hie ser- im out of the Mayor's in his stead an almost has written the Times oving this month to eillekeout the e. That the gallant Iter at the hands of has been getting, is faot. Working for been athankless job. lkerton died neglect - of Manitoulin, and ampton bide fair to trangers in Toronto. o a big factor in the d a prominent work- rvative party. The ment would be doing giving the old war- THE TATE TtBERT OIIRRTE. AN EARLY ETTLER GONE, Robert Currie, f.r 66 Years a Resi- dent of this Section, Passes Away at - 'pe Old Age. In the early hon ing last, the epir well-known and dent of this;place, world beyond, the at the home of his Wilson. Up to a Currie had been in recently the weight tell upon him. He to be up and about, ing eat up until a conversing with me Heart failure was t den demiee. In th of Saturday morn - of Robert Currie, a ghiy esteemed resi- ookite flight to the ad event occurring n -in-law, Dr. John hort time ago Mr. s usual health, but of years began to was, however, able ad on Friday even out eleven o'olook bens of the family. e cause of his end removal of the late Mr. Currie, this section of Huron Coun- ty loses its earliest settler. He was a native of Scotland, having been born in the vicinity of. Kirkcudbright in the year 1829. When about twenty years of age he, ' ith three brothers, name to Canada, fi at settling in Guelph township, where ey remained until 1853. In that yea. r. Carrie and two of his brothers oa ' to East• Wawanosh and bought land, ttling permanently on it in 1854. Th. `original cost of the land to Mr. Ourri. was $2 00 per acre, and an evidence of the advancement made ie to be fo, nd in the fact that at present the ea .- e land is assessed at about thirty tim:s that amount. There were no other settlers in this section when Mr„ Onrr a Dame in, but in the fall of 1854 a M . Thompson located on the ninth oonoes ion of Turnberry. The country was li le but a dense forest, and Mr. Currie ould Sell many an in- teresting story o its development into a progressive and prosperous agrioultnral community, anof the hardships and inconveniences o pioneer life. , r f er Mr. Currie's arrival Three years a the site for the to n of Wingham was surveyed, the firsq settlers of Wingham proper being the ornyn families, • Municipal hots rs in large measure r. Currie. He sat at Wawanosh for the as deputy -reeve in v e in 18864.65 66. divided into two 17, and Mr. Carrie f East Wawanosh, d for a number cf last of the 0 a ent- r P re ty Council of the Enron and Bruce. bjeot of this notice rest, and was a firm rinoiples of Liberal - dent reader, and was ereed in the leading ay. In religion he anat. avelled quite exten- wo occasions visited made several trips t summer he spent PASTURE—Part es requiring good pato tare for cattle for the season can secure same by applying to W. J. Deyell, Wingham. • Irish immigran numbered 3,043, a A deputation we ment at Ottawa to oents a pound on r Mrs. Robert Joh was ran over and crossing at Gauen Fort Frances oiti ing and passe. against allowing in - B power to build up ries, —A London ep exercise should b- hours. IJon't br. wife,orshe may the morning and breakfast. —Farmers thr• r reporting rtingg e atd by the white gra eo universal that good ground for signs fall the ha be far below the farmers aro plong and will sow gnu their cattle. the following trib Cattle :—"On April 2 search of a water' Robert Currie burro dary line. 1 asked show me the govern he replied 'with pie minutes he piloted woods, showing me eleotrio power howl the site of the pres Currie was one of th most auooessful farm of Huron. He was e the early settlers wit toes, Oto., and wait day 'after harvest.' found him a gener Magistrate, he to mercy, and always disputes without c of books and trove amnion very moo to the late Mr. th, 1$60, %bile in • wer, I saw Mr.: ng near the bona. hint if he could t will site, and sure.' In a few me through the a tree where the now stands, then t mill dam. Mr., beet known and re in the County er ready to supply seed grain, pots- patiently tilt pay The poor always: us 'friend. Aa a erect justice with: ndeavored to settle t9, He was a lover , and enjoyed a die- , 1 would not envy 'the shorn lamb if not posted. Mr. Currie was a t pioal Soot, . who did much to make th found it. Ravin him for the past personal one to in e world better than he been assooiated with fty years, the loss is a ." At a chapel in was occupied one minister from a few days later the copy of the local attention was dra Item: "The Rev pulpit at the Co last Sunday, and t be closed three week e to Canada in 1909 increase of 512. ted on the Govern• ak for a duty of five W wool. ston of Woodburn, killed at a railway qua. else held a Maes meet - strong reeolntions he export of eleotrio United States indust, .oialiet says that no taken after working k this news to your sit you toget up in eat the carpet before fell to the lot of 1 the council board years 1857.58.59, 1860.61, and r e e The township wa, municipalities in 18! was the first reeve a position he oocupi years. He was the atives of the Oon united counties of In politics the s took an active int supporter of the IBID. He was an a consequently well questions of the was a Oongregatio Mr. Currie had t eively, having on his native land, an to the West. La some time in Seatt In July, 1856, M partner in life A them was bora a and one daughter, Robert, William of East Wawano. Columbia; jamE MTs. John Wile Arch,Ilennedy ghOut Middlesex are maga to the pastures The complaints are here seems to be Nome o complaint, Unless crop will, as a result, verage. e, Some of the • ing tip their meadows Arian and millet for 1, Yorkshire the pulpit unday morning by 'a ighboring town. A preacher received a ekly paper, and his n to the following supplied the gregational Church ohuroh will now for repairs." Carrie took as his n Linklater, and to family of eeven sons e follows;—John T., ., Andrew and David, i; George, of British H., (deceased), and h in , of Wgham, Mrs. s an adopted daughter, The Call of The West. Every man in the West is a boom - liter. He finds himself in a big coautry and hie ideas t xpand pro- portionately, but let us not forget that Ontario is still the premier Province. Far off fields always look green and many a man in the West is look- ing forward to the time when he can sell out and come "home" to Qu- tario. The West is a good place to make money—or lose it, but Ontario is HOME, with all that word means, Huron County land is as good as any in the world, and there is no investment on earth so safe as the earth itself. Call and, see our list of fine farms for sale. Ritchie &I Cosens REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE Mrs. Currie qkyin October, 1905. The late NS. Currie was a man of strict integrity honorable and upright, the oommnnit res Died in and highly eY i3 y sided. The fun - Oral hi which he so ong resided. Oral took plao on Monday afternoon, and was largel attended. The remains were laid in the family l cemetery, the in the .neva a Dom lotY, plot, casket being 13 me by 'the five sons and son.in.law of ' o deceased. Impressive services were ondneted by Rov. Mr, Gerry, Oongre notal minister of Strut. turd, and Re N. 5. Rnrwash, Wing. ham. 1klr, P,tar 1'isher, postmaster, send, Stylish Oxfords R0 Man or Woman's Wardrobe will be complete this Summer, Low Cut Shoes to pair of C withou. With our Low Cut Footwear, there's no slipping or gaping, for the Shoes are shaped. correctly. ,. �)L Lb lr alit 1110 U P.1J1 I Our Oxfords were chosen frons among the best Makers' best. Our Men's $3.00, $3.50 or $4.00 our Wo mens L,50 q rds and o � . fo 0, $2.00 or $3,00 Oxfords cannot be duplicated for these priees, else.. where. But do not judge of our Shoe rices for alt Shoe sby our prices, , priers sound alike. Loon at our Oxfords—and then judge, W. J. GREER Solo Agent., for Hagar and Meter mid lnviotus 111mes f.,r Lad,es tinct Heats,