HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1910-05-12, Page 4TUE WINCvll4lK TIMES, MAY 12, 1910
Dominion Bank
1-1441) OFEIOR: T010 To
Capital Steo*r (011 pari up) $4,C00,0Q0 CO.
Reserve fund and Vtl.
dividedProfits .,$5,430,000,00
Deposits by the pnblto. , $44,000,000 00
Total Assets, over.... $59,030,000,00
BRANCHES EiN S A.ivia METS throughout Caw
oda anti tufa United. States,
Savings Department,
Qarreat R•ilea of Interest allowed, and
Deposita reneivHd of 61,00 and
Farmers' Sala Notes Coliooted, and
advances made on them et lowest
rate of interest,
Wx cuuac F,RA.?vail—Corner Jahn and
Jettepbiue Streets.
R VA,NSTONE. Sol€c4tor.
Notice of changes mast be left at this
office not later than Saturday noon.
The copy for changes must be left
not later than Monday evening.
Casual advertisements aoeepted up
to noon 'W'ednesday of eaoh week.
H. B.BLL1OTT. PIIHLTsnsn &NnPnoxnraxoR
THURSDAY, MAY 12, 1910
It is eemi•offieially announced that
Canada's next Governor Gaueral will be
a action of the royalty, the Duke of Con-
naught, brother of the late King Edward.
If this prove true Hie Royal Highness
will ba weloomed by all classes of Gana -
diem, not alone for our late King's sake,
but his own. Such an appointment will
be no small honor to this country, for it
will be the first time that a Royal Prince
has been sent to govern an oversea do.
The prorogation of The Dominion Pari,
'lament Thursday afternoon was marked
with the unusual feature of the preaen•
tetion of an address to Earl Grey on the
eve of hie retirement from the office of
Governor-General. The address, which
included. Lady Grey and the family, was
replied to by his Excellency in a very
felioitous speech. There was the usual
military display at the prorogation
The militia °M.oera turned out in uni-
form, and a Sainte was fired from Ne•
pean Point. Hie Exaellenoy in the
speech from the throne had a large
amount of real legislative work and
achievement to refer to. Tho session
just closed has been one of the most
fruitful in the amount of useful and im-
portant legislation put through,
Hailey's Comet.
Ha11ey'a Comet will be risible to
the naked eye in Wingham. and oan be
seen by those who will take the trouble
to rise early as follows:—Mac 14, 2 40
a. m. ; May 16, 3 08 a. m. The comet is
to transmit the fade of the sun during
the night of May 18. The exact time
that this will take place is a little un-
certain, but the latest calculations seem
to show that the comet will be 4 or 5
degrees north of the centre of the sun's
disk about 11.20 p. m., Eastern Stand-
ard time. The beat view of the comet
should be about May 20 to 24, bet an -
fortunately the moon ie full on May 23.
Comet sets. Sun sets,
May 20 . 8:11 p m. 7:11 p tri.
May 21.,.,.. ,9:12 pm 7:12p.tn
May 22 .... 0:5 fi p.m. 7:13 p.m.
1iiay23 ..... 10:24 pm. 7:14p m.
May 24........'.x.10:35 p m, 7: to p m.
May 25 ... — 10:56 p.ru, 7:16 p ui
May 26 ....11:07 p.m. 7:17 p,w,
May27 ..11:17 p m, 7:17 p.m.
May 28 11:23 p m. 7:18 p.m
May 29 . 11:13 p m. 7:18 p,th.
May 30 11:09 p,m 7:19 p nl.
The o sm t'a brightness on May 20 is
desiguesed as 27, it gradually redact! to
10 by May 94, and 2 05 on May 30
The insurance companies have already
began the payment to business leen of
$1 500 000 in policies carried on the life
of Ring Edward. Many of these poli.
cies were written in the hast week of the
tate niter's life, the vreminnls going as
hieh ad 60 per cent.
in spring and summer, it's
the natural time to store up
health aitd vitality for thee
Scott's Emulsion
it Nat *re's 'batt and qui «
tit het .. All Mattis*
In the Methodtet f,?#iurolz on Sundi y
next, the pastor, Rev. Pr, Rutledge, will
pay tribute to the memory of the tate
Sing Edward VII.
R,or. 14r. Maxwell, of Brantford and
formerly of Ripley bee accepted the °all
,recently Attended to him by a Presby.
terien Qhuroii in Toronto.
Crop Conditions.
The census and statistics' office issued
Tuesday its. May bulletin on the condi-
tion of crops and live stook for Canada
The repgrts made at the end of April
shoe that good progress had been made
with spring seeding in Ontario and the
Wsatern provinoee, but that in Quebec)
and the Maritime Provinces little more
than a beginning had been made_. Oa -
tette and Alberta arein the lead with
spring wheat and oats, the farmer with
89.34 per cent, of the spring wheat, and
74 74 per oat, of the oats in the ground,
and the latter with 97.50 of the wheat,
and 7313 of the nate. Ontario had also
72 94 per cant of the barley seeded, and
Alberta only 39.17 per cent. Manitoba
and Saskatchewan had nearly equal pro-
portions of the wheat laud finished, the
former with 90,68 per oent., and the
latter with 92 60 per cent., but both
were elow with oats and barley,
Looks Like a Hold up,
The laspector of Weights and Meas-
ures palled on many of our business
men reoontly, tested their scales, and
exaoted his tee ranging anywhere be-
tween one and five dollars, Has any
person yet disoovered why gropers and
others should have to pay this fee every
time the Inspector calls on a visit of in.
apeotion? It would be understandable
if the fee were collected from only those
whose scales are discovered to turn to
the advantage of the owner, but wby
any other person should pay the fee is
diffloult to find oat. Hundreds of
people have scales that they bay and
sell from and no inspection le made.
The regular inspection and the arbitrary
collection of fees is reserved for the bus-
iness men on business streets. If the
public must be protected against light
weight scales let the Governmet pay for
the inspeotion,
Canada's Fire Losses.
The Monetary Times' estimate of
Canada's fire losses for the month of
April is $1,717,237, an increase of $640,-
984 over the previous month and an in-
crease of $996,587 over the same month
last year, when the waste was $720,650.
They show a slight decrease :compared
with the average monthly waste of 1909,
which was $1,750,461. The total num-
ber of fires exoeeding$10,000 was twenty-
seven, representing a loss of $1,285,000.
Three of these fires amount for over 50
per cent. of total. The following is the
estimate of the April losses: --Fires ex-
ceeding $10,000, $1,285,000; small fires,
$208,250; fifteen per cent. for unreported
fires, $223,987, Total $1,717,237, At
the rate of three every two working
days, the fire fiend burned the lives of
37 Canadian residents during April.
This total is the highest since the Mone-
tary Times commenced to keep these
records, The following are some of the
canoes of these fatalities: --Smoking in
bed, 2; burning house, 4; bonfires, 3;
over-tnrned lamp, 3; playing with
matches, 2.
The wheat in southern Alberta is said
to be dying for Want of rain,
Timothy Candy has confessed to shoat.
Ing two Montreal policemen—O'Oonuell
and Fortin,
Many sheep and cattle were bitten by
a mad dog near Denfield and had to be
The safe in A. Harder's etore et Plum
Coulee, Man., was robbed of seven or
eight hundred dollars
An explosion in 'a mine at Alabama
hes entombed, it is estimated, 135 men,
45 of whom are white and 90 colored,
One miner 200 yards from the mouth of
the mine was instantly killed.
An old man named Felix Corr died hi
a wretched little room off his situp at
837 Queen Street Weds, Toronto, ap-
parently in great poverty, On his
death -bed, however, he said he had
$30,000 in the bank,
Tett persons were killed by an exploelon
of virate in the fabtory of the General
ExplosivesCompany as Hall. The shriek
broke a lot of glass in Ottawa, and the
people of bothoities weregreatly alarmed.
Sir WM, Van Horne has imported
eight CJlydesdales for his farm near
Montreal. It it understood that of the
eight animals none are worth , less than
$2,000. Ono horse is said to- have dolt
The Loudon correspondent of the Stain
and of Empire gays a general eteotion. in
Great Britain is estimated to involve en
expenditure to candidates and party .ae-
+toetationa of not lees than one and one.
half million pounds sterling, if, there.
fore, another general election takes
place during the present !Witmer it will
MOOR a Mai otithay Of three Million
pound*, over anti aho,e the not¢iaal et.
penditnre, by parties and their aline,.
dated in tweiYe ttenthe,
Just a tittle More Rich, Rd
Blood Cures Most Aliments
The lack of suli5oieat red, health,
giving blood doesn't end merely in A.
pale completion Ii is much more
serious. Bloodless people are, the tired,
rnu dawn fall who Heuer have
a bit of enjoyment is life. Food does
not nourian, there's indigestion, heart
palpitation, headache, backache, some.,
time fainting lite and always nervous.
ness. If anaemia or bloodlessness be
neglected too long a decline Is sure to
follow. Jost more rich, red Well then
abounding health and vitality and pleas•
are in life. To get more blood the remedy
is Dr Williams' Pink Pills No other
medicine inorcases the blood supply so
surety. The °urn actually begins with
the first close, though naturally it is not
noticeable, This is not. a mere claim.
Dr. Williams' fink Pille have been
doing this over and over again le Can-
ada for year?. This is why thousands
of people always bays a good word to
say about this medicine. The follow-
ing is the ezperieuoe of one of the many
who prates this medic' e, Mrs. J. J.
Thibodeau, Bathurst illage, N. B.,
says: "Some years a o while teaching
school I became s run down T oould
hardly walk, My reath was short and
I had failed in fight and loot color
I had to rest e v al times on my way 50
sohool and do 'ng school hours 1t took
more tban all my strength to fulfil my
Baty. My dootor advised me to give up
teaching and take a long rest, But at
this time a friend persuaded me to try
Dr, Williams' Pink Pills and I got six
boxes. I hadn't finished the first hex
when I felt a little better and by the
time I bad used the six boxes I was
fully recovered and enjoying the beet of
health. At a later date I was troubled
with eczema and my faith in Pink Pill!
led me to try them again, and 1 was not
disappointed, as they cured this trouble
also. I can't praise Dr, Williams' Pink
Pills too much tor they have done me a
power of good,"
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are sold by
all medicine, dealers or will be sent by
mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for
$2.50 by The Dr. Williams' Medicine
Co„ Brockville, Oat.
Mr. Edward J. B. Pause, ex -M. P. P„
and publisher of The Kingston Whig,
died suddenly.
Mrs, Sarah Clarkson committed mi.
aide at London Ont., by drowning her.
self in a rain barrel.
Live Stock Markets..
Toronto, May 9 --Union Stook Yards.
--The heavy run at this market to -day
seemed to contradict the reports of late
to the effect that there are not many
cattle in the country. The total receipts
were 141 oars, with 2,928 head of cattle.
105 sheep and lambs, 99 hogs, and 111
calves. There was a good attendance
of prospective buyers, preaent, but ow-
ing to the large run, whioh induced
a feeling that prices might be lower,
bidding was not very votive during the
early hours of the market, and for the
time being it looked like a very dull
market. Things, however, began to
move more briskly, and it was found
that prices were not going off so muck
as had been expected. The demand for
export cattle proved to be strong, and
when a couple of loads of choice steers
averaging 1,800 Ibe, sold for $7 25, and
several other loads sold at $7 prices
all around steadied, and a decline of
10c to 15a on botcher cattle in the ear.
tier trading pioked up again Inter, the
market closing steady to firm at last
week's prices. Good to ohoioe butchers
sold steady at $5 50 to $6 60, good butch-
er cows sold at $5 to $5 80, good bulls at
$5 to $5 90, and common mixed butcher
at $4 to $4.25,
Calves were firmer, and a quarter
Sheep and lambs steady and unohang•
ed at $8 to $8 50 for yearlings, ewes at
$5.50 to $6.
Hogs—The hog market is again firm
on the lighter receipts, and the firmer
foreign markets. Quotations are 156
higher MSS 90,f. 0. b. and $9.15 fed and
The following are site quotations:
Exporters' cattle— Per 100 lbs.
Choice .... .......... 37 00 $7 25
Mediu 6 50 7 OO
Bulls .... 5 00 6 00
Light , ..... 6 25 6 75
Cows 5 60 6 00
Feeders --
best 1000 pounds and tip.
wards 3 00 3 50
Stockers ohoioe 3 00 4 00
" bulls. .. ' 1 50 2 00
Picked...,.. , 6 80 6 60
5 50 5 75
Oows:..... 4. 3 76 4 25
BaI1e............. 3 00 s 25
9 90
Export ()wed.. .. 5 50 6 00
Buis 4.446. 1,441 500 600
Chnlla...t,5 00. 5 00
Spring Lambs each., 8 00 l00
delves, each, .4........
Wi?N(1k1•Ali1manatT REI'OIOTM
Wingham, May.4th, 1913.
Plot r per loo lbu...4 ...... 2 76 so 3 25
Fall whoa, .......Y...... 0 95 to 1 00
0atii,..,,......4.....,.,., 0 34 to 0 84
Barley ... ..w..... 0 48 too 48
Peat ...... . ..... .....40.a. 0 70 ttr fF 70
Butter dairy .., ...4 ,... 0 21 to 0 28
E ge pet dos .. , ......... 0 18 to 0 20
Wo�µayrrdperoord r..Y.......a .9y.60e50 2 50
May, per ton.........,..413 00 tee 14 00
Potatoes, pe>~lliidhel,,,.4,, 025 to 03/0
Lard, .......... .....4., 0 20 to 0 20
Live l oge, Iter a wi.... Y.. 3 /5 to 91711
maiesieseNMwM* el_st0000000•00 r 000060esse011eee•9ea11s0eae
Flax Seed can be obtained at T. A.
• MILLS' Seed Store, Wingham.
We are prepared to rent land for grow=
ing Flax, at $10.00 per acre ; and will
buy any quantity of Flax, pulled, clean,
dry, and delivered at. the Wingham
Mills, for which we will pay $I1,00
per ton.
Canada Flax Fibre Co., Ltd.
AMOS TIPLING, Manager, Wingham.
•••••••••••••••••••••••••• •es••Yte•••••••••t4/ot1•$i•••0
1 BEFORE JULY 1st, 1910 1
i C
1 20 Thousand Rolls
Just Received the Largest Stock of
Wall, Paper ever shown in Wingham
i• s
to $1.00 Per Roll l
Oppositca Brunswick Hotel - WINGI-IAM, ONT.
1From 5c.
Journal KE‘RR &
Home BIRD.
Linen Suitings.
Dainty Suitings, Linen colored with neat blue stripe, also
plain, pink, mauve, blue, etc., a very special assort-
ment of seasonable goods. Our Cotton Suitings
have a rich silky appearance and make
charming summer suits, a ,superb
selection of colorings.
Our new Trimmings are indeed very beautiful, in plain
white and cream, in colored effects, and also in the
new two tone designs, just the thing to improve
and beautify suitings of any kind or color.
New Stationery
This Week
A large range of Scribblers, Pencils, Inks, Mucilage,
Erasers, School Bags, etc. Very popular prices.
Tan Oxfords.
Men's Tan Oxfords, a splendid wearing shoe, well made,
regular $4.00, now only $3.25.
Sterling Christie
Men, wear the Sterling Christie, a neat stylish Hat $2.25.
C. N. Griffin
Coupled with a
Issuer of Marriage Licenses.
Office over Malcolm', Grocery.
Farmers who want money to buy
horses, mettle, or hogs to feed for market
can have it on reasonable terms.
Notes dtloounted for tradesmen, mer-
chants or agents, on favorable terms.
Loans on real estate at the lowest
rates going,
Saving is a Duty ---to Yourself and
to Those Depending on You.
Every man and woman ---
earning a small weekly wage,
or enjoying= a largo income—
should as a matter of duty, as
well as of comn]on sense, lay
aside some portion regularly,
for the future.
If you have not yet learned
this valuable habit Of saving,
commence to -day, by opening
an account in the "BANK or
Here the account of the
small depositor is welcomed,
Simplicity and convenience
Characterize the system,
Your Savings will rapidly
accumulate interest being
paid at highest current rate of
'interest; and money may be
withdrawn whenever desired.
C. P. Arm, m, AGENT.
Heidi Office, flAMYL'1`ON
Capital Paid-up $2,500,000
Reterye and tial vwc,l Profits ,000,000
total Assets y ovmr 86,000,000