HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1910-05-05, Page 6Local History or the sari, son. NNyEAR1, ,AGO, Items from the "Times" tyles. EAS y til'row the TIMES of lhfay 2, 1890.) Lo0AL leleeSTe. Mr. Wm. Rteb. e, late of Bast Wa wa• lash, with bis fawily, removed to De - trait, A'licbe during the past week. A largely neel petition was forward- ed from town, last week, to the Ligenee Commiesionera'of this Riding, protest - log against granting a shop license for Wingham,. A. number of young men of the town purpose leaving early next week for different pointe in Manitoba and the West. Amongst others who intend going are; Messrs Walter Dunbar, J. Q. Currie, H. Green, and John Link. later. At the meeting of Court Maitland, No. 25, Canadian Order of Foresters, held on Friday night last, the following officers were elected for the evening term: —3. Gillespie, 0 R.; Wm. Smyth, V. C. R.; D. M. Gordon, F. S ; R. M. Robinson, Treas.; W. K, Loutit, R. S ; M, Beek - with, S. W. ; J. Kerr, J. W.; J. hwin, B. B ; T. Sznail, J. B. Wingham lost on Tuesday last another old pioneer in the person of Angus Morrison. He was well advanced in lif e, and in religion a member of the Roman Catholic church. The election in Ward No Lon Monday, to fill the vacancy caused by the magma - tion of Mr. R. M. Robinson, resulted in the election of Mr. George Green by a majority of eight. Tho vote stood as follows: George Green, 46; Saranel Youhill, 9$.. ° At the adjourned vestry meeting of wa 1 hcommittee as n hn aP 1 rt St. Pa s 9 , pointed to procure plans far the new church proposed to be built on the oor- ner of John and Centre street, and report to a meeting to be called. It ie proposed to build a church meting about $7with !s;ialnsive of grounds, a seating capacity of 400 to 500. Up wards of $5,000 have already been Otte, scribed. Mr. Joe Biedon, wboS''lgae'tfpiided u Wingham for upwards ex.stelelety-live years intends removing ` to Detroit, Michigan, In a short time. Mr. Riedon has been a smooch member of the. Can adieu Order of Forestate, and has held the cifloe of Recording Seoretary in Court Maitland ever since the inetitn- tion of the Court in 1878. MARRIED. McKay--Abraham,—At the residence of the bride's parents, on the 80th. April, by Rev. J. H. Moorehouse, Mr. Daniel McKay, to Mise Kate Abraham, all of Wingham. DEATHS. Morrison.—In Lower Wiugham, on the 28th of April, August Morrison, aged 72 years, Gotby. —At Doon, Ont., on the 29th of April, Wilmot Gotby, lately of Turn - berry, aged 47 years. Aloohol was discovered in the thir- teenth century. Ottawa Lioepse Commissioners cut off twelve licensee. Marvelous Healing Powers, The most severe test to which a heal- ing ointment is ever put is the cure of e^zema. So successful has Dr. Chase's Ointment proven in the cure of tortur- ing itchingeczema that many people refer to it's effects as magical and mar- vellous, After the first few applioatione it positively stops the dreadful itching and gradually and naturally heals up the sores. Don't kick if people distrust you. Who's to blame? Somehow we can't see the taint on money that Domes our way. Some people will take offence even when it doesn't belong to them. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of Smile every time yon get a chance, yon can't do it too often. Doubt is a good thing to forge through but a poor thing to fatten on. Never hesitate about giving Cham- berlain's Cough Remedy to ohildren. It contains no opium or other narcotics and Can be given with implicit confid- ence. Ae a quick cure for coughtr ei 4 colds to which children aro enlloeptilelOi ix is unsnriiaeQed, Sold by'.al uealers. 3vaew i3ictionary is to- be issued which will have 100,000 more words than Webster's. Probably it has added the baseball and stage vocabularies to the previous known words of the Eng• lieh language. His Friend Said "If They Don't Help or Cure Von I Will Stand The Price." +++444444 Mr. J. B. Rusk, } iivar + Orangeville, Ont., I Complaint 4- writes: I had been Cured. 4- troubled with I)ys- ¢• pepsia and Liver +++++++++ * f.1+-- --4 Complaint and tried many different re- medies but obtained little or no benefit. A friend advised me to give your taxa -Liver Pills a. trial, but I told him I had tried so many "cure ails" that I was tired paying out money for thin giving mete benefit. theydon'tt Ile said,if help,or cure of II 1 wilt stnd the rice.' So ging his faint' in the fills, I bought two vials, and I was not deceived, for they were the best I ever used. They gave relief which has had a more lasting effect than any medicine I have ever used, and the beauty about thein is, they are small and easy to take. I believe them to be the best medicine for Liver Trouble there is to be found." Price 25 cents a vial or 5 for $1.00, at all dealers, or will bo sent direct by mail ail sacci t of price. The 'T..Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont. MINISTER WHO TESTED ZAM-HUI Read Hie Deliberate Qpinienl Rey, P. F. L n iil, "The Mouse"' se Carp, Qat . writes "Somee oo s dera4 e time ago I began acing lam Buk with a view to teettng it thoroughly. I stn troubled with eczema, wbtak is always worse iu the early part at winter, end seemsto leave meabout tPr•ng I tried Zan -Duk immediately my hands started to break out, and ant pleased to say that it checked, the disease, wkiele is mare than I can say for ape thing T have ever before tried. We now have Zion-Buk house oonttnn uel o l ren inthe h u a he h d . T t use it for eoratohes, outs, and any shin injnry or disease, and I carry a smelt sample box In my pocket, Oae evening I happened to look in 'where an old man bad met with an-aooident.a week before, and had lost a finger `nail. His :wife was dress's g the wound. I drefeed it with %lam-Buk and left the little sample box with them for the next dressing. I have seen the old gentleman singe, and he has now the same high opinion of Zara-Buk as myself and my family have, "On another occasion a farmer called at 'the Manse,' and I noticed a rag ou his finger. Enquiring about the injury, I learned that he had somehow token a piece of fieeh off, and the wound had started to fester. Hewas afraid it would turn to blood -poisoning I pave him about a third of a box of Zam-Bak and be applied it. A few days later I saw hits, and he said. "That's great salve of yours; my finger is now doing fine.' " This, is a Scotobman's opinion; it has taken a good while to convince him, but he wanted to make sure of Zam Buk's merit before endorsing it. " It is well worth recommending," This is exactly the kind of testimony we moat appreciate. Teat Zem•Bak! Don't go by hearsay ! You will find it gives the best results in all oases of eczema, ringworm, festering some, piles. outs, burns, fade sores, eruptions, and all akin diseasee. All druggists and stores, 50o box, or from Zam-Bnk Co., Toronto, for prioe. but refuse cheap and harmful substitutes and imitations. Being horn a politician Is generally equivalent to being born rioh. A touch of rheumatism. or a twinge of neuralgia, whatever the trouble is, Chamberlain's Liniment drives away the pain at once and cures the complaint quickly. First application gives relief. Sold by all dealers. Marquettes• linen, homespnns, all now appear to checks, both gun club and shepherd. You can't make a bit by being select fish, because you will bave too ranch competition. The splendid work of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets is daily coming to. light, No such grand rem- edy for liver and bowel troubles was ever known before. Thousands bless them for constipation, sink headache, biliousness, jaundice and indigestion, Sold by all dealers. You lack courage if you aren't will. ing to submit to measure with all comers. Widowers have just as much right to marry their housekeepers as widows have to marry their hired men. Berlin, Ont., public sohool trustees have deoided to use the Morang Primers in the school's. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTO R I A You can't make all the people admire you all the time, so you. may as well make up your mind to grin and bear it. P2r; Keefer 9f Dugn:fillet Qat, has l';iugltt out J. J. S.el{y of the Morgan' House, Kincardine, and will take pos- session about the 23rd of May. John D. Rockefeller would ,140 broke if he should spend his entire income try- leg rying to prepare a better medicine than Chamberlain's Colt o, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy for diarrhoea, dysen- tery or bowel complaints. It is simply impossible, and so says every one that has used it. Sold by all dealers. The aerial Derby from London to Manchester was won by Louis Paulhan, 'who covered the 186 miles between the two cities with but a single stop. Several subscribers have enquired as to the Change of the inoome tax law. An increase was made in the exemption on personal earnings, from $1,000 to $1,200 for householders, and from $700 to $900 for non householders. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S' CASTORIA The amount paid for expenses of License Oommisaioners, salary of Inspeo- tor, stationery, ptintieg and legal expen. see in South trace from Moist 1908 to May let 1909 Was $775.11. In Centre Brune the amount was $709.84 and in North $ruse $1102.83. Lnoknow reedy - ed during the same license year $328 18 as their proportion of the license money, Teeawater $328.18. Walkertot! 0077..13 Culross $62.50, Carrick $367.60, Brant $210, and, Kinloss $62,50, Wiarton's tax rate this year is thirty mills. Families of Chicago, in greater num- bers than ever before are storing their furniture and going to live in boarding hooses or in the oountry, a000rding to managers of storage and van companies. They assign this condition of affairs to the increased Dost of living. Cured When Doctors Failed. Mr. Felix Villeneuve, Clarence Creek. One., writes: ' I was a great sufferer from kidney disease, inflammation of the bowels and liver troubles and doo- tore could not help me muoh. Could not sleep, water contained sediment, had frequent desire to urinate and often passed blood. Had dreadful headaches, one side almost paral5 zed and was deaf in Ieft ear for eight years. Dr. Chase's Kidney•Liver Pills cured me and I am very grateful. I want to thank you." • Recent despatches relate that the original village blacksmith of Long- fellow is dead at the age of 76. As the poem was written nearly fifty years ago, and as the village blacksmith had then a grown up daughter, "singing in the vil- lage choir," all we can say is that he must have married young. DR. A. W.CHASE'S CATARRH POWDER Cs is sent direct to the diseased parts by the Improved Blower. Heals the ulcers, clears the air passages, stops droppings in the throat and permanently cures Catarrh and Hay Fever. 55c. blower free. Accept no substitutes, All dealers or Edmanson, Bates & 00., Toronto. At a meeting of the Kincardine Bowl- ing club officers were elected for 1910 as follower—President, Robert Ross; vice- president, James Malcolm; secretary, P. A. Maloolmson; treasurer, W. P. Roper; managing committee, J.J. Hunt- er, J. D. Miller, Dr. W. J. Brune; skips, Messrs. Harvey, Miller, Ross, McDon- ald, Stewart, Smith, A1alooimson, Hay, McPherson and Bruce. A Bit of Advice W1NG.44M =Mt MAT 5. A farmer-downitl Wellington count' dispovered'liver ite * port bole but his growing orops look e0 good that he re- fuses all, inducement to lease hit land tor any silver mhos and take chances of Spoiling the gold mine on the surface. On Wedne4lay morning of last week at 0aperfaet ,Ont the home of the bride's parents, the marriage took place of Miss Catherine MacKeezie,third daughter of Mr, and Mrs. R, D. Moken• So., i Mr. Swan,BA,cid o�+. atW est Ion of 11Ire. George wan,Rinaardine, Bev, W. A. Bremner of Knelt 0hnroh officiating clergyman, Mr, Malcom Carrie, who passed away Alex. at .the, home. of his. brother, Mr. A ...s. Currie of Ripley was one of the pioneers of Huron township. The deoeaeed was a bachelor, a very inoffensive man with a sympathetio word for everybody, He was born inthe township of Oro aud game to Huron township with hie broth er fail 65 years ago. Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets will clear the sour stomach, sweeten the breath and create a healthy appetite. They promote the flow of gastric juice, thereby inducing good digestion. Sold by all dealers. A popular yo.ing Kincardine man, Mr. W. 0. Swan, was united in marriage to Miss Katharine McKenzie, daughter of Mr, and Aire. R. McKeuzie, et their residence in Ripley on Wednesday morning, the 27th nit. Mr. and Mrs Swan left for British Columbia amid the best wishes of a. host of friends, both being highly esteemed, First—Don't Delay. Second—Don't Experiment. If yon suffer from backache; head- aohe or dizzy spells; if you relit poorly and are languid in the morning; if the kidney secretions are irregular and stn. natural in appearance, do not delay. The kidneys are calling for help. Slight symptoms of kidney troubles are but forerunners of more serious complaints. They should be given attention before it is too late. Booth's Kidney Pills mire kidney trouble. They are recommended by thousands. Can• Wingham residents desire more convincing proof than the statement Of a Wingham citizen. Wm. Dore, of Shuter St,, Wingham, Ont., Bays: "I had suffered with at- tacks of lumbago across my bank for many years. It would dome on me after taking cold or being in the damp to any extent, settling in the small of my book in the regton of the kidneys Med extending into my eider. I was unable to stoop over or lift anything and could scarcely straighten myself up. The urine was highly colored and would contain an amount of sand like sedi- ment, . colored and odor u . a e Y had een using different remedies for years but had not found the desired results until on advice of our druggist, Mr. AleKibbon, I used Booth's Kidney Pills. They quiokly relieved me. My bank strengthened and the dell, heavy pains soon had gene. The urine cleared t0 its natural color. 1 am stronger and better in every Way and could not hesitate to recommend Booth's Kidney Pills," Sold by Dealers. Price 50 Dente, The R. T. tooth Co,. Ltd., Fort Erie, Ont., Sole Deflection Agt ntt. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA Her waist begins just below her neck. Her hips have been planed off even with the rest of her body. She is usually buttoned up the back and around her neck ebe wears a section of barbed wire covered with lane. She Wears on her head a blonde haystack of hair, and ou the top of this a central dome, with rings about the same size as those of Saturn. She is swathed in her gown like an Indian Papoose, and on the end of her feet are dabs of patent leather, She walks on stilt -like heels with the expert - nese of a tight -rope dancer. The pores of her skin are full of fine, white pow- der. This is a woman. — Harper's Weekly. The residence of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Paulin wag the scene on Monday after- noon of last week of a very interesting wedding ceremony. The occasion was the marriage of the second daughter of the house, Mies Lottie Alberta Paulin, to Mr. Willie Ludger Downs, of St. Marys. When the bride and groom entered the parlor they were proceeded by little Eunice, who acted as flower girl, and Ida Paulin and Mise Mary Oattanaoh, of Fordwich. who. Acted as bridesmaids, and Mr. W. Hyde of St. Marys, and Roy Oattanaoh of Fordwioh, who acted as groomsmen. Mies Jean- ette Black played the wedding march, and Rev. 0. W. McKenzie tied the nuptial knot. STATE OF OHIO, CITY OF TOLEDO ) es. LUCAS COUNTY. Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he is senior partner of the firm of F. J. Cheney & Co., doing business in the city of Toledo, County and State aforesaid, and that said firm will pay the sem of One Hundred Dollars for eaoh and every case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by the nee of Hall's Catarrh Cure. FRANK J. CHENEY. Sworn to before me and stibsoribed in my presence,, this 6th day of December A. D. 1886. (Seal.) A. W. GLEASON, Notary Pablio. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally - and acts directly on the blood and muo one surfaces of the system. Send for testimonials free. ' F. J, OHENEY & Co., Toledo, 0. Sold by ail Druggists, 76o. Take Hall's Family Pills for constip- ation. INDUSTRIAL ACCIDENTS. When the artisan leaves home for his daily work, he is subject to as many risks of accident as Shylock con• sidered that ABteuie'a argosies were liable to, Daring the calendar year 1908, a000rdtng to statistics compiled by the Department of Labor, there were 1,272 fatal industrial accidents. These take account only of injuries to working men while engaged in their regular oc- oupations, and not to accidents of the general public. The following table gives the aooidents reported for the several industries mentioned: Industry Fatal Non-fatal Railway service .........826 Agriculture 223 Mining 148 Lumbering , 123 Navigation .... 84 Unskilled labor, ...... , , 71 Metal trades , 63 General transport.— „ 55 Braiding traded46 Fishing and hunting27 IT .16 WORTH WHi4.S. Is it worth while that we.' jostle a brother Bearing bit load on the roogh road of lite? Is it worth while that we jeer at eaoh other It blauknest of heart? --that we war the nit to a k. e,.a God pity us all to our pitiful strtfa, G.id pity us all as we jostle eaoh other. God pardon us all tor the triumphs wehfd+ h When a Olio goes down; poor heart- broken brother, Potted to the h. ort; words .aro keener than steel, And mightier, far, for woe and for weal, Were it not. well IP this brief little journey On over the isthmus, down into the tide, We gave him a fish instead of a serpent, Ere folding the hands to be and abide For ever and aye; in the dust at hied side? 316 219 187 115 62 130 364 132 219 1/ 1 CURS .,CATARRI,-ASTHMA, FrforEfiltfg, Cr0ttP, Coughs And t:aidr, er moiety ttsd. Said and guaranteed 6y WALTON McKt11BON, Look at the roses saluting each other; Look at the herds all at peace op the plain — Man, and man only, makes war on his brother— And dotes in his heart on his peril and pain— Shamed by the brutes that go down on the plain.. —Joaquin Miller in Los Angeles Times, 170h CLldv quickly stops coughs, cures colds, heals the throat and lungs. - - 25 cents. Marriage a Failure. [Prose Poem by Walt Mason. J Her life is a failure, the whole world knows; bar illusions have gone to smash, for she married a cane and a snit of clothes, and.a smile and a blonde monstaohe. . When first she was bound to wed I talked to her long in vain: "The man you have chosen is cheap," I said, "Maria Samantha Jane. I've known him well since he was a lad, in days of the long ago; he grieves his mother and slights bis dad, and that's all I need to know. Just write it down in your new spring bat, Maria Samantha Jane, that man is mean as a Norway rat who causes his parents pain; I know he's slick as a bunoo man; you think he is free from guile; but you will find it a risky plan to marry a dazzling smile. His parent a hearts he has tried to break; he's worriett them all his life; and he'll be mean as p one -eyed snake to you when you are hie wife. Oh, turn him down, you have the chance! Don't fall for his bridal wreath 1 Don't marry a hat and a pair of pants, and a set of gold-filled teeth!" She shooed me off from her garden gate, and oalled me a bird of prey, and soon hooked up with that smiling skate, and threw her young heart away. I hold it true that the wayward lad whose mother has wept and sighed, who has no love for his patient dad, will goldbrick his blushing bride. Fifty years' experience of an Old Nurse MRS, WINSLOW'S Soormxo SYRUP is the prescription of one of the best fe- male physicians and nurses in the United States,and has beenneed for fifty years with never -failing success by millions of mothers for their children. It relieves the child from pain, aures diarrhoea, griping in the bowels, and wind oolio. By giving health to the child, it rests the mother. Twenty-five cents it bottle. Tell me not in mournful numbers that the town is fall of gloom, for the man's a Drank that elnmbers in these bustling towns of boom. Life is real, life is earn- est and the grave is not the goal, every dollar that thou turned helps to make the old town roll. But enjoyment and not sorrow is our destined or way; if you have no money borrow --buy a corner lot eaoh day! Lives of great men all remind us we eau, win imrhortal fame. Let us leave the chumps behind us and we'll get there jest the same, Ill the world's bread battle, in the bivouac of life, let ns make the dry bones rattle -- buy it corner for'yonr wife! Let ns then be up and doing with a heart for any fate: still achieving, still pursuing booming early, booming late. ..,.0.,..111..,. +111.111 Eczema's Tortures Ali treatments failed for three long years—Cure complete with DR. CHASE'S 01NTMENT. Mrs. Link, 12 Walker St., llalifax, N. S., 'writes: "After three years of miserable torture and sleepless nights with terrible eczema, and after trying over a dozen remedies without obtain• Mg anything but slight temporary relief, I have been perfectly and entirely cured by Dr. Chase !ii; Ointment. After the third or fourth application of this grand ointment I obtained relief, and a few boxes wore stif11eient to make a h ince ' rants' r it� SIX 0 thorough Cn e. It I was freed of this wretched skin dig° ease, and as there has been nm return of the trouble I consider the cure a perm- anent one.'i Such aures are not brought about by imitations and substitutes for Dr. Chase'' Ointment. It is therefore necessary for you to be certain that the portrait rind signature of A. W. Chase, M. D., the famous Receipt nook author,. ateon the box en bu. 60 ate, a y box, S'. at all dealers or Bdlmanson Dates & Co.. Toronto. Write for a free copy tit Dr. Chaso'i llecipes. THE LAST RESORT When all else failed, the Doctors said, "try Frnit•a1ivos" And" Fruii-a-tives" cured Mrs1 Cadieux PLANTAOUNET, 0n ,, JANUARY 81,Or, 1910. "About March 1st 1009, I was ,taken deathly sick with Stomach Troubles, Backache and General Breakdown. I failed from 125 pounds down to 80 pounds,. was confined to bed for eight weeks, and was unable to eat, or keep anything ou my stomach, vomiting nearly all the time. I expected to die, and took manyremedies• as well as employing different physicians. The doctors said they could do nothing; for me and, as a last resort, one of the doctors told me "to try Fi rciF-a-lives—if• they would not cure me, nothing would". Ary husband bought "Fruit-a-tives"' from Mr. Arthur Roleau, merchant of Plantagenet, and Istarted taking them at once, and inside of ten days, I was able to leave my bed. My stomach got strong and I could eat and retain my food. I gained rapidly and son had my usual good health back again, and. today I weigh as much as ever, 125 pounds." MDE. LAUREL T CAD/EDW.. Even the doctors are recommending• "Fruit-a-tives". They realize now' that these wonderful fruit juice tablets, will positively cure all Stomach. Troubles, Indigestion and Dyspepsia— and they are t—ing "Fruit-a-tives" in their practice. Few people realize the vital impor- tance of keeping their blood pure, Moe LAURENT CADIEUX Impure blood is the chief cause of Stomach Trouble, because it is from the blood that the stomach obtains the fluid which digests food. When the blood is laden with impurities, the disolving fluid (or Gastric Juice) will be impure. These impurities may come from a congested liver, from Constipation, from weak kidneys, from an inactive skin,' or from all four. Naturally, the ordinary "digestive powders" and "pepsin tablets" will not cure the trouble, because they only help to dissolve the food—they do not go to the seat of the trouble. "Fruit-• a-tives" is the greatest remedy ever discovered for all forms of Indigestion, Dyspepsia and other Stomach L;sorders, because "Fruit-a-tives" is unequalled as. a blood -purifying medicine. "Isruit-a-tives" acts directly on the liver, regulates. the bowels, strengthens the kidneys, stimulates the skin, and thus rids the whole. system of all impurities. "Fruit-a-tives" will positively cure you of any kind of Indigestion. "Fruit -a -Lives" is sold by all dealers at 50c a box, 6 for $2.50 or' trial size, 25c. If you are unable to obtain "Fruit-a-tives" conveniently, do not. accept substitutes but send to "Fruit-a-tives" Limited, Ottawa and the regular size packages will be mailed you, postpaid, on receipt of price. A man isn't necessarily a sharper, be- oanse he has an axe to grind. The trade territory of a town is not all dependent upon the distance to neigh- boring trade points. The trade territory depends upon the enterprise of the mer- chants and the residents of a town. If a town does not reach after its trade it will oome only as fast as it has to, and it will grow as it ie forced to. But if the business men go after business in the surrounding country, advertising in every possible way and making good every word of their advertising, trade will come from an ever increasing radios, the town will gain a reputation for be. ing awake and it will forge to the front. It is the man in the town, and not alto- gether the men living within a certain number of miles from it that makes the town. Maillote or tights are modish, made of" jersey or of silk or woollen woven goods. A banker going home to his dinner - saw a ten dollar bill on the kerbstone. He picked it up, noted the number, and' went home to his dinner. While at° home his wife remarked the butcher" had sent a bill amounting to ten dollars; The only money he had with him was the ten dollars he had found, whioh he gave to her, and she paid the butcher:. The botcher paid it to a farmer for n. calf, and he paid it to a merchant, who'' in turn paid it to a washer -woman, and) she, owing the banker a' note of ten dol- lars, went to the bank and paid the, note. The banker recognized the bill aol the one he had found, and whioh up to' that time had paid fifty dollars of deb". On. careful investigation he disoovered that the bill was counterfeit. Did any- body lose in this transaotion? The Right Kind of Printinsj The kind that is neat, attractive and up-to-date, costs you no more money here ' than the inferior article does elsewhere. • Quality Counts in printing as in other things, and the TIMES is in a position to turn out first- class work at very reasonable prices. Try this office with your next order. The Tirnes WINGHAM ONTARIO KERNELS FRONS THE SANCTUM MILL Interesting Paragraphs from our Exchanges. Aloohol was discovered in the thir- teenth century. Ottawa Lioepse Commissioners cut off twelve licensee. Marvelous Healing Powers, The most severe test to which a heal- ing ointment is ever put is the cure of e^zema. So successful has Dr. Chase's Ointment proven in the cure of tortur- ing itchingeczema that many people refer to it's effects as magical and mar- vellous, After the first few applioatione it positively stops the dreadful itching and gradually and naturally heals up the sores. Don't kick if people distrust you. Who's to blame? Somehow we can't see the taint on money that Domes our way. Some people will take offence even when it doesn't belong to them. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of Smile every time yon get a chance, yon can't do it too often. Doubt is a good thing to forge through but a poor thing to fatten on. Never hesitate about giving Cham- berlain's Cough Remedy to ohildren. It contains no opium or other narcotics and Can be given with implicit confid- ence. Ae a quick cure for coughtr ei 4 colds to which children aro enlloeptilelOi ix is unsnriiaeQed, Sold by'.al uealers. 3vaew i3ictionary is to- be issued which will have 100,000 more words than Webster's. Probably it has added the baseball and stage vocabularies to the previous known words of the Eng• lieh language. His Friend Said "If They Don't Help or Cure Von I Will Stand The Price." +++444444 Mr. J. B. Rusk, } iivar + Orangeville, Ont., I Complaint 4- writes: I had been Cured. 4- troubled with I)ys- ¢• pepsia and Liver +++++++++ * f.1+-- --4 Complaint and tried many different re- medies but obtained little or no benefit. A friend advised me to give your taxa -Liver Pills a. trial, but I told him I had tried so many "cure ails" that I was tired paying out money for thin giving mete benefit. theydon'tt Ile said,if help,or cure of II 1 wilt stnd the rice.' So ging his faint' in the fills, I bought two vials, and I was not deceived, for they were the best I ever used. They gave relief which has had a more lasting effect than any medicine I have ever used, and the beauty about thein is, they are small and easy to take. I believe them to be the best medicine for Liver Trouble there is to be found." Price 25 cents a vial or 5 for $1.00, at all dealers, or will bo sent direct by mail ail sacci t of price. The 'T..Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont. MINISTER WHO TESTED ZAM-HUI Read Hie Deliberate Qpinienl Rey, P. F. L n iil, "The Mouse"' se Carp, Qat . writes "Somee oo s dera4 e time ago I began acing lam Buk with a view to teettng it thoroughly. I stn troubled with eczema, wbtak is always worse iu the early part at winter, end seemsto leave meabout tPr•ng I tried Zan -Duk immediately my hands started to break out, and ant pleased to say that it checked, the disease, wkiele is mare than I can say for ape thing T have ever before tried. We now have Zion-Buk house oonttnn uel o l ren inthe h u a he h d . T t use it for eoratohes, outs, and any shin injnry or disease, and I carry a smelt sample box In my pocket, Oae evening I happened to look in 'where an old man bad met with an-aooident.a week before, and had lost a finger `nail. His :wife was dress's g the wound. I drefeed it with %lam-Buk and left the little sample box with them for the next dressing. I have seen the old gentleman singe, and he has now the same high opinion of Zara-Buk as myself and my family have, "On another occasion a farmer called at 'the Manse,' and I noticed a rag ou his finger. Enquiring about the injury, I learned that he had somehow token a piece of fieeh off, and the wound had started to fester. Hewas afraid it would turn to blood -poisoning I pave him about a third of a box of Zam-Bak and be applied it. A few days later I saw hits, and he said. "That's great salve of yours; my finger is now doing fine.' " This, is a Scotobman's opinion; it has taken a good while to convince him, but he wanted to make sure of Zam Buk's merit before endorsing it. " It is well worth recommending," This is exactly the kind of testimony we moat appreciate. Teat Zem•Bak! Don't go by hearsay ! You will find it gives the best results in all oases of eczema, ringworm, festering some, piles. outs, burns, fade sores, eruptions, and all akin diseasee. All druggists and stores, 50o box, or from Zam-Bnk Co., Toronto, for prioe. but refuse cheap and harmful substitutes and imitations. Being horn a politician Is generally equivalent to being born rioh. A touch of rheumatism. or a twinge of neuralgia, whatever the trouble is, Chamberlain's Liniment drives away the pain at once and cures the complaint quickly. First application gives relief. Sold by all dealers. Marquettes• linen, homespnns, all now appear to checks, both gun club and shepherd. You can't make a bit by being select fish, because you will bave too ranch competition. The splendid work of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets is daily coming to. light, No such grand rem- edy for liver and bowel troubles was ever known before. Thousands bless them for constipation, sink headache, biliousness, jaundice and indigestion, Sold by all dealers. You lack courage if you aren't will. ing to submit to measure with all comers. Widowers have just as much right to marry their housekeepers as widows have to marry their hired men. Berlin, Ont., public sohool trustees have deoided to use the Morang Primers in the school's. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTO R I A You can't make all the people admire you all the time, so you. may as well make up your mind to grin and bear it. P2r; Keefer 9f Dugn:fillet Qat, has l';iugltt out J. J. S.el{y of the Morgan' House, Kincardine, and will take pos- session about the 23rd of May. John D. Rockefeller would ,140 broke if he should spend his entire income try- leg rying to prepare a better medicine than Chamberlain's Colt o, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy for diarrhoea, dysen- tery or bowel complaints. It is simply impossible, and so says every one that has used it. Sold by all dealers. The aerial Derby from London to Manchester was won by Louis Paulhan, 'who covered the 186 miles between the two cities with but a single stop. Several subscribers have enquired as to the Change of the inoome tax law. An increase was made in the exemption on personal earnings, from $1,000 to $1,200 for householders, and from $700 to $900 for non householders. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S' CASTORIA The amount paid for expenses of License Oommisaioners, salary of Inspeo- tor, stationery, ptintieg and legal expen. see in South trace from Moist 1908 to May let 1909 Was $775.11. In Centre Brune the amount was $709.84 and in North $ruse $1102.83. Lnoknow reedy - ed during the same license year $328 18 as their proportion of the license money, Teeawater $328.18. Walkertot! 0077..13 Culross $62.50, Carrick $367.60, Brant $210, and, Kinloss $62,50, Wiarton's tax rate this year is thirty mills. Families of Chicago, in greater num- bers than ever before are storing their furniture and going to live in boarding hooses or in the oountry, a000rding to managers of storage and van companies. They assign this condition of affairs to the increased Dost of living. Cured When Doctors Failed. Mr. Felix Villeneuve, Clarence Creek. One., writes: ' I was a great sufferer from kidney disease, inflammation of the bowels and liver troubles and doo- tore could not help me muoh. Could not sleep, water contained sediment, had frequent desire to urinate and often passed blood. Had dreadful headaches, one side almost paral5 zed and was deaf in Ieft ear for eight years. Dr. Chase's Kidney•Liver Pills cured me and I am very grateful. I want to thank you." • Recent despatches relate that the original village blacksmith of Long- fellow is dead at the age of 76. As the poem was written nearly fifty years ago, and as the village blacksmith had then a grown up daughter, "singing in the vil- lage choir," all we can say is that he must have married young. DR. A. W.CHASE'S CATARRH POWDER Cs is sent direct to the diseased parts by the Improved Blower. Heals the ulcers, clears the air passages, stops droppings in the throat and permanently cures Catarrh and Hay Fever. 55c. blower free. Accept no substitutes, All dealers or Edmanson, Bates & 00., Toronto. At a meeting of the Kincardine Bowl- ing club officers were elected for 1910 as follower—President, Robert Ross; vice- president, James Malcolm; secretary, P. A. Maloolmson; treasurer, W. P. Roper; managing committee, J.J. Hunt- er, J. D. Miller, Dr. W. J. Brune; skips, Messrs. Harvey, Miller, Ross, McDon- ald, Stewart, Smith, A1alooimson, Hay, McPherson and Bruce. A Bit of Advice W1NG.44M =Mt MAT 5. A farmer-downitl Wellington count' dispovered'liver ite * port bole but his growing orops look e0 good that he re- fuses all, inducement to lease hit land tor any silver mhos and take chances of Spoiling the gold mine on the surface. On Wedne4lay morning of last week at 0aperfaet ,Ont the home of the bride's parents, the marriage took place of Miss Catherine MacKeezie,third daughter of Mr, and Mrs. R, D. Moken• So., i Mr. Swan,BA,cid o�+. atW est Ion of 11Ire. George wan,Rinaardine, Bev, W. A. Bremner of Knelt 0hnroh officiating clergyman, Mr, Malcom Carrie, who passed away Alex. at .the, home. of his. brother, Mr. A ...s. Currie of Ripley was one of the pioneers of Huron township. The deoeaeed was a bachelor, a very inoffensive man with a sympathetio word for everybody, He was born inthe township of Oro aud game to Huron township with hie broth er fail 65 years ago. Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets will clear the sour stomach, sweeten the breath and create a healthy appetite. They promote the flow of gastric juice, thereby inducing good digestion. Sold by all dealers. A popular yo.ing Kincardine man, Mr. W. 0. Swan, was united in marriage to Miss Katharine McKenzie, daughter of Mr, and Aire. R. McKeuzie, et their residence in Ripley on Wednesday morning, the 27th nit. Mr. and Mrs Swan left for British Columbia amid the best wishes of a. host of friends, both being highly esteemed, First—Don't Delay. Second—Don't Experiment. If yon suffer from backache; head- aohe or dizzy spells; if you relit poorly and are languid in the morning; if the kidney secretions are irregular and stn. natural in appearance, do not delay. The kidneys are calling for help. Slight symptoms of kidney troubles are but forerunners of more serious complaints. They should be given attention before it is too late. Booth's Kidney Pills mire kidney trouble. They are recommended by thousands. Can• Wingham residents desire more convincing proof than the statement Of a Wingham citizen. Wm. Dore, of Shuter St,, Wingham, Ont., Bays: "I had suffered with at- tacks of lumbago across my bank for many years. It would dome on me after taking cold or being in the damp to any extent, settling in the small of my book in the regton of the kidneys Med extending into my eider. I was unable to stoop over or lift anything and could scarcely straighten myself up. The urine was highly colored and would contain an amount of sand like sedi- ment, . colored and odor u . a e Y had een using different remedies for years but had not found the desired results until on advice of our druggist, Mr. AleKibbon, I used Booth's Kidney Pills. They quiokly relieved me. My bank strengthened and the dell, heavy pains soon had gene. The urine cleared t0 its natural color. 1 am stronger and better in every Way and could not hesitate to recommend Booth's Kidney Pills," Sold by Dealers. Price 50 Dente, The R. T. tooth Co,. Ltd., Fort Erie, Ont., Sole Deflection Agt ntt. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA Her waist begins just below her neck. Her hips have been planed off even with the rest of her body. She is usually buttoned up the back and around her neck ebe wears a section of barbed wire covered with lane. She Wears on her head a blonde haystack of hair, and ou the top of this a central dome, with rings about the same size as those of Saturn. She is swathed in her gown like an Indian Papoose, and on the end of her feet are dabs of patent leather, She walks on stilt -like heels with the expert - nese of a tight -rope dancer. The pores of her skin are full of fine, white pow- der. This is a woman. — Harper's Weekly. The residence of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Paulin wag the scene on Monday after- noon of last week of a very interesting wedding ceremony. The occasion was the marriage of the second daughter of the house, Mies Lottie Alberta Paulin, to Mr. Willie Ludger Downs, of St. Marys. When the bride and groom entered the parlor they were proceeded by little Eunice, who acted as flower girl, and Ida Paulin and Mise Mary Oattanaoh, of Fordwich. who. Acted as bridesmaids, and Mr. W. Hyde of St. Marys, and Roy Oattanaoh of Fordwioh, who acted as groomsmen. Mies Jean- ette Black played the wedding march, and Rev. 0. W. McKenzie tied the nuptial knot. STATE OF OHIO, CITY OF TOLEDO ) es. LUCAS COUNTY. Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he is senior partner of the firm of F. J. Cheney & Co., doing business in the city of Toledo, County and State aforesaid, and that said firm will pay the sem of One Hundred Dollars for eaoh and every case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by the nee of Hall's Catarrh Cure. FRANK J. CHENEY. Sworn to before me and stibsoribed in my presence,, this 6th day of December A. D. 1886. (Seal.) A. W. GLEASON, Notary Pablio. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally - and acts directly on the blood and muo one surfaces of the system. Send for testimonials free. ' F. J, OHENEY & Co., Toledo, 0. Sold by ail Druggists, 76o. Take Hall's Family Pills for constip- ation. INDUSTRIAL ACCIDENTS. When the artisan leaves home for his daily work, he is subject to as many risks of accident as Shylock con• sidered that ABteuie'a argosies were liable to, Daring the calendar year 1908, a000rdtng to statistics compiled by the Department of Labor, there were 1,272 fatal industrial accidents. These take account only of injuries to working men while engaged in their regular oc- oupations, and not to accidents of the general public. The following table gives the aooidents reported for the several industries mentioned: Industry Fatal Non-fatal Railway service .........826 Agriculture 223 Mining 148 Lumbering , 123 Navigation .... 84 Unskilled labor, ...... , , 71 Metal trades , 63 General transport.— „ 55 Braiding traded46 Fishing and hunting27 IT .16 WORTH WHi4.S. Is it worth while that we.' jostle a brother Bearing bit load on the roogh road of lite? Is it worth while that we jeer at eaoh other It blauknest of heart? --that we war the nit to a k. e,.a God pity us all to our pitiful strtfa, G.id pity us all as we jostle eaoh other. God pardon us all tor the triumphs wehfd+ h When a Olio goes down; poor heart- broken brother, Potted to the h. ort; words .aro keener than steel, And mightier, far, for woe and for weal, Were it not. well IP this brief little journey On over the isthmus, down into the tide, We gave him a fish instead of a serpent, Ere folding the hands to be and abide For ever and aye; in the dust at hied side? 316 219 187 115 62 130 364 132 219 1/ 1 CURS .,CATARRI,-ASTHMA, FrforEfiltfg, Cr0ttP, Coughs And t:aidr, er moiety ttsd. Said and guaranteed 6y WALTON McKt11BON, Look at the roses saluting each other; Look at the herds all at peace op the plain — Man, and man only, makes war on his brother— And dotes in his heart on his peril and pain— Shamed by the brutes that go down on the plain.. —Joaquin Miller in Los Angeles Times, 170h CLldv quickly stops coughs, cures colds, heals the throat and lungs. - - 25 cents. Marriage a Failure. [Prose Poem by Walt Mason. J Her life is a failure, the whole world knows; bar illusions have gone to smash, for she married a cane and a snit of clothes, and.a smile and a blonde monstaohe. . When first she was bound to wed I talked to her long in vain: "The man you have chosen is cheap," I said, "Maria Samantha Jane. I've known him well since he was a lad, in days of the long ago; he grieves his mother and slights bis dad, and that's all I need to know. Just write it down in your new spring bat, Maria Samantha Jane, that man is mean as a Norway rat who causes his parents pain; I know he's slick as a bunoo man; you think he is free from guile; but you will find it a risky plan to marry a dazzling smile. His parent a hearts he has tried to break; he's worriett them all his life; and he'll be mean as p one -eyed snake to you when you are hie wife. Oh, turn him down, you have the chance! Don't fall for his bridal wreath 1 Don't marry a hat and a pair of pants, and a set of gold-filled teeth!" She shooed me off from her garden gate, and oalled me a bird of prey, and soon hooked up with that smiling skate, and threw her young heart away. I hold it true that the wayward lad whose mother has wept and sighed, who has no love for his patient dad, will goldbrick his blushing bride. Fifty years' experience of an Old Nurse MRS, WINSLOW'S Soormxo SYRUP is the prescription of one of the best fe- male physicians and nurses in the United States,and has beenneed for fifty years with never -failing success by millions of mothers for their children. It relieves the child from pain, aures diarrhoea, griping in the bowels, and wind oolio. By giving health to the child, it rests the mother. Twenty-five cents it bottle. Tell me not in mournful numbers that the town is fall of gloom, for the man's a Drank that elnmbers in these bustling towns of boom. Life is real, life is earn- est and the grave is not the goal, every dollar that thou turned helps to make the old town roll. But enjoyment and not sorrow is our destined or way; if you have no money borrow --buy a corner lot eaoh day! Lives of great men all remind us we eau, win imrhortal fame. Let us leave the chumps behind us and we'll get there jest the same, Ill the world's bread battle, in the bivouac of life, let ns make the dry bones rattle -- buy it corner for'yonr wife! Let ns then be up and doing with a heart for any fate: still achieving, still pursuing booming early, booming late. ..,.0.,..111..,. +111.111 Eczema's Tortures Ali treatments failed for three long years—Cure complete with DR. CHASE'S 01NTMENT. Mrs. Link, 12 Walker St., llalifax, N. S., 'writes: "After three years of miserable torture and sleepless nights with terrible eczema, and after trying over a dozen remedies without obtain• Mg anything but slight temporary relief, I have been perfectly and entirely cured by Dr. Chase !ii; Ointment. After the third or fourth application of this grand ointment I obtained relief, and a few boxes wore stif11eient to make a h ince ' rants' r it� SIX 0 thorough Cn e. It I was freed of this wretched skin dig° ease, and as there has been nm return of the trouble I consider the cure a perm- anent one.'i Such aures are not brought about by imitations and substitutes for Dr. Chase'' Ointment. It is therefore necessary for you to be certain that the portrait rind signature of A. W. Chase, M. D., the famous Receipt nook author,. ateon the box en bu. 60 ate, a y box, S'. at all dealers or Bdlmanson Dates & Co.. Toronto. Write for a free copy tit Dr. Chaso'i llecipes. THE LAST RESORT When all else failed, the Doctors said, "try Frnit•a1ivos" And" Fruii-a-tives" cured Mrs1 Cadieux PLANTAOUNET, 0n ,, JANUARY 81,Or, 1910. "About March 1st 1009, I was ,taken deathly sick with Stomach Troubles, Backache and General Breakdown. I failed from 125 pounds down to 80 pounds,. was confined to bed for eight weeks, and was unable to eat, or keep anything ou my stomach, vomiting nearly all the time. I expected to die, and took manyremedies• as well as employing different physicians. The doctors said they could do nothing; for me and, as a last resort, one of the doctors told me "to try Fi rciF-a-lives—if• they would not cure me, nothing would". Ary husband bought "Fruit-a-tives"' from Mr. Arthur Roleau, merchant of Plantagenet, and Istarted taking them at once, and inside of ten days, I was able to leave my bed. My stomach got strong and I could eat and retain my food. I gained rapidly and son had my usual good health back again, and. today I weigh as much as ever, 125 pounds." MDE. LAUREL T CAD/EDW.. Even the doctors are recommending• "Fruit-a-tives". They realize now' that these wonderful fruit juice tablets, will positively cure all Stomach. Troubles, Indigestion and Dyspepsia— and they are t—ing "Fruit-a-tives" in their practice. Few people realize the vital impor- tance of keeping their blood pure, Moe LAURENT CADIEUX Impure blood is the chief cause of Stomach Trouble, because it is from the blood that the stomach obtains the fluid which digests food. When the blood is laden with impurities, the disolving fluid (or Gastric Juice) will be impure. These impurities may come from a congested liver, from Constipation, from weak kidneys, from an inactive skin,' or from all four. Naturally, the ordinary "digestive powders" and "pepsin tablets" will not cure the trouble, because they only help to dissolve the food—they do not go to the seat of the trouble. "Fruit-• a-tives" is the greatest remedy ever discovered for all forms of Indigestion, Dyspepsia and other Stomach L;sorders, because "Fruit-a-tives" is unequalled as. a blood -purifying medicine. "Isruit-a-tives" acts directly on the liver, regulates. the bowels, strengthens the kidneys, stimulates the skin, and thus rids the whole. system of all impurities. "Fruit-a-tives" will positively cure you of any kind of Indigestion. "Fruit -a -Lives" is sold by all dealers at 50c a box, 6 for $2.50 or' trial size, 25c. If you are unable to obtain "Fruit-a-tives" conveniently, do not. accept substitutes but send to "Fruit-a-tives" Limited, Ottawa and the regular size packages will be mailed you, postpaid, on receipt of price. A man isn't necessarily a sharper, be- oanse he has an axe to grind. The trade territory of a town is not all dependent upon the distance to neigh- boring trade points. The trade territory depends upon the enterprise of the mer- chants and the residents of a town. If a town does not reach after its trade it will oome only as fast as it has to, and it will grow as it ie forced to. But if the business men go after business in the surrounding country, advertising in every possible way and making good every word of their advertising, trade will come from an ever increasing radios, the town will gain a reputation for be. ing awake and it will forge to the front. It is the man in the town, and not alto- gether the men living within a certain number of miles from it that makes the town. Maillote or tights are modish, made of" jersey or of silk or woollen woven goods. A banker going home to his dinner - saw a ten dollar bill on the kerbstone. He picked it up, noted the number, and' went home to his dinner. While at° home his wife remarked the butcher" had sent a bill amounting to ten dollars; The only money he had with him was the ten dollars he had found, whioh he gave to her, and she paid the butcher:. The botcher paid it to a farmer for n. calf, and he paid it to a merchant, who'' in turn paid it to a washer -woman, and) she, owing the banker a' note of ten dol- lars, went to the bank and paid the, note. The banker recognized the bill aol the one he had found, and whioh up to' that time had paid fifty dollars of deb". On. careful investigation he disoovered that the bill was counterfeit. Did any- body lose in this transaotion? The Right Kind of Printinsj The kind that is neat, attractive and up-to-date, costs you no more money here ' than the inferior article does elsewhere. • Quality Counts in printing as in other things, and the TIMES is in a position to turn out first- class work at very reasonable prices. Try this office with your next order. The Tirnes WINGHAM ONTARIO