The Wingham Times, 1910-05-05, Page 5Impossible to be l ell
It is impossible ' to be well, simply impossible, if the ,
bowels are constipated. You must pay attention to the :
laws of nature, or suffer the consequences. Undigested '
material, waste products, poisonous substances, must be
removed from the body at least once each day, or there
will be trouble. A sluggish liver is responsible for an
immense amount of 'suffering and serious disease. Ask
your doctor about Ayer's Pills. He knows why they act
directly on the liver. Trust lam.serCo.. awe , a%s.
w 1:t' .41.44 TIMES,. M4X 5 114u.
For this week we are offering a line of
Men's and Youth's fine WORSTED
SUITS, at a price that should interest every
intending purchaser. They arestrictly up-
to-date in every particular, made of high-
grade English Worsted Cloths of the latest
3o Men's and Youth's Suits, in sizes
from 33 to 42. Special price
this week - - - $12.50
We .are agents for the celebrated Lion
Brand Suits and Knickers for Boys. Our
stock is complete. We ' have th•: goofs
that please the Boys.
.Thomas A. MoKeith, assosoor of the
•township of Ashfield, has finished his
.duties for this year. The following sta-
tistics are gathered from the roll: Value
of real property exclusive of buildings,
$1,971,750; valve of buildings, $5516,775;
total assessment, $2,479,175. Number
of persons resident, 2,693, or four more
than a year ago. Births 48, against 30
in 1909; deaths 17, spinet 23 in 1909,
'The stern messenger Death visited the
'home of Elieha MoVittio, let 15, oon.
15, Hallett, Wednesday, April 20th, and
called away the wife and mother of the
home. She had been in failing health.
for about a year; pernicious anemia be-
ing the cause. Deceased . was born in
Perth Co. 55 years ago, moving from
there to Grey township in. 1868, 28
years ago the subject of this notice was
united in marriage to her now bereft
.partner. The surviving children are:—
Mrs. S. Carter, Londesboro; George and
'Miss Ruby at home.
. After an illness of ova. two months,
Martin Cummins died at his home on
Trafalgar street, Goderioh, on Monday
.of last week. Deceased was born near
Kingeton seventyone year ago. While
he was quite yoang the family moved'
to Stratford and resided there for about
four years. Ie. 1857 they eettledrpn a
farm in West Wawanosh, near Westfield
and three years later Mr. Onmmia& went
to Arizona,where he wtas employed in the
mines for about twenty-five years. Re.
turning home in 1886 he was united in
marriage to Mise Mary Prendergast,
who survives him. They. continued to
lieinWeet W
anoeh until six years
ago when they moved to Godsrich w
they have resided. Deceased was of a
family of fourteen, only: two of whom
are now living, biz„ Thos, W., of West
Wawanoeh, end Mrs. Edward Hays, of
Ai014It 14..
Oaten."=i' r. xrh,ingnd for Date, FRANK
R. Roemer, Wiugdtam,
Arch. Nioaeleso nal family moved
this week t) 1!7ety °uteric.
Next meeting of Morris tnwnehip
Council will be held onMonaley May 9 b.
The farm of Mr'. J)seph Cle,tg, . 5.h
line, has been loaned by the Winch tar
Flax Oo., and its broad acres are now he•
ing turned over by the 10011 farmers
preparatory to theseed sowing by rhe
lessees. Farm has been in grase for
Years and its breaking up is being done
with the intention of seeding down
after a couple of grope, Front 61 to 80
notes of flax will be pat in this season.
Brneseln, Ethel and Milverton will he
grouped for District bonore in tit.' Waist.
ern Foot :Bull Assooiedou Iitermedttits
aeries this yeir.
.Monday of last week, following It late
lytio etroke ole the Saturday previons,
Mrs. alias Collinson died. at the h one
of her only. daughter, Mrr. 1 C. Hoch.
arde, Brunets, aged 76 years, 3 months
and 13 day*. DeDensed a tisiion name
was Eliza Vein Dns'n and she was born
in Prince Ed Beard Co.. Ont. About 6e
years ago she was married to the
late Ohas. Collinson and they lived
at Pioten, Ont , and Midland Otte
Michigan. Lest October the old folk
came to Brussels, Mr. Collinson pissing
away shortly after their arrival.
The following is a lint of the vacant
of the W. M. S. of the Methodist
churoh, Brunel*, for the atlti•,tng veer:
—Hon. Pres., Mrs. J. L. Kerr; Pres
Mrs. A. J. Lowry; let Vine, Pestoi's
wife; 2nd Vier', Mra. J. T. Woo ',Trees.,
Mrs. R..1.seetherdale; C3er. S»o., Mina
orlon • lt�•c. Seo . Mrs. 1.L L J t ,kaon :
Supt. S ntereatic Giving, Mrs. Pune
Total amount of Oesh railed last year
was $100 50. Besidee this a bele of
clothing wise sent to the Deanonese Borne
Toronto, veined tit $140 00. The So.
elety is in gond heart.
Wi OXtUTExt.
Members of Montana Ledge of the
Independent Qrder of Oddfellows atten•
ded divine service in the Methodist
Church on Sunday afternoon last, when
the pastor, Rev, Bro. Q, W. McKenzie,
delivered an inspiring and helpful VW -
moo, based upon the words in Oen, 4;
9; —„Am I my brother's keeper." The
members of the local lodge were rein.
forced by a. contingent from Wleghaut
and Gerrie. Oa returning to the hall
the usual votes of thank, were extended,.
5w. HELEN'S,
The annual meeting of the Church
benefit Society, oounected with the Eng.
lieh Ohuroh was held at the home of Mre,
Joseph Gaunt, It was a splendid meet.
ing and well attended. It was deoided
to have another garden party this year,
on or about June 24th. The following
officers were eleoted for this year. Hqn-
orery Pres,, Mise Richardson of Luck -
now; Prosident,Mrs, George MgRoberts;
Vioe Pres., Mrs, Edward Haines; Seoy.,
Mre, John McQuillan; Assistant Seoy..
Miss Myrtle Phillips; Treasurer, Mrs,
Sam Durnin; Assistant trade., Miss Lot-
tie Haines,
Oatmeal exchanged for oats. FRANK
R. Howson, Wingham.
The following is the report for S. S.
No.9:—Jr, V. Gwendolyn Currie 230,
slaty Ourrie 157. Sr.. IV. Maggie P000ck
Ile, Earnest Shiell 162, Harold Walker
160. Sr. III Maudie Rintonl 217, Leona
1J ea co 217, Helen Deacon 211. Jr. III
Belau P000ck 267, Ena McDougall 918,
I- •„ i- }3 erobifl 205, George Pocock 173.
Sr It 1' acv Shiell 297, Tommie Currie
2.s7, 0 ,tr1ii Currie 212 Alex. Leaver 206,
V. 41 K 'r 205. Jr. II Kathleen Kerr
247 Jlux Purdue 223. Pt. II. David Dente
„n ire P . I Sr. ,Tao. Taylor 105,
rl rtruriA Benet 411 Pt. I Jr. Chester
Ri tut, Lyle L • aver Rachel Ourrie,Price
Nayl rr
Average attendance 25
Templer, A L LAWRENCE.
newton 15.,.n1 px^h••nren kr oats. FHA 15A
It. How. -ON Wipghetn.
Mrs Swift and her two children of
Coronto are sp•udtng rt few weeks at
the horns of Ma. Jo. Hamilton.
Mrs. Case.) D. li gra returned to her
home then wee).
el este J shu Lononhv of Toronto and
Wm H Harem of W0)0 11+113 m spent lion•
day trout' fi•btng iu this vicinity.
R v. ,4 t•. Simmone,13 A., a graduate
of K lux 0 liege, otoupiect the pulpit in
he Presby tartan Oauseh'here last Sun-
Mies Emilie Edwardr spent Sunday at
her home iu God's.
MI Wye L ,very met with an unci
cleat fn Wtnguarn isRt week. While at
the st stints hie horses took fright and
ren away C)uaulerallas damage was
done to the haruees but otherwise no
hero' was done. 0 rnei'leiing the num
her of runaways in this vicinity, nate
must be very plentiful.
D. C ►rt', who rdu ,rltty opened an off
ioe st Clinton, has Accepted animpnrtont
punition on the stetf of rhe State Veter-
inary College, Celtforni t, and will re-
move there with his family.
5 A. P,plestone. of the well known
mercauttte firm of Mexsra Poplestoue t4,
Girdtner, hal purchened the cosy
and well located re,idenoe of Dr Ling
and will get possesntou in the Clear
future. It IS v. deeisable spot
Oouooiilor and Mrs, Oats and Joseph
Coombes attended the wedding of Miss
Annie C iamb 3s and ;Lia. Merritt ar, the
befde'a parental horse, Listowel, West -
needier of la+r, week. Tne bride ie s
niece t, Mr. Oatt andgraud•danghter of
Mr. Comber).
At a meet b iptism't1 service at the
borne of Jao. Vuroent, Blyth, at which
the baby daughter received the rite
ooupled with the name of Ruth Bentley
,Vincent, there were four generations
represented, viz., Miss Ruth, her proud
papa, Menuo Vtooent, of East Wawa -
nosh father of the hast andMre. John
Bentley, the great grandmother. A
photo group of Ibis interesting quar-
tette will. enable the shadow to be pre-
served before the enbstrtnoe fades away,
Raw, W H. 0 toper, Methodist minister,
oils Bated at the biptiam.
R iv. W. II. Bartley, the highly ea.
teemed rentor, her mode the.nnweleou,e
that he had been a oin-
ted by the Bishop to Durham and that
Sunday, Daly 23 id, would be hitt last
ROI Vice ns iuounrbeat of Trinity ohnroh.
R'v and Mire. EI irnlay owns to. B yth
4,14 year); ago from S:tnd;vioh and have
mode 'an enviable record here. Tide
reverend gentlernaa hes proven Mine ilf
fo baagod
ora3"het', afaithful legator.
a wise counsellor and an energetio week.
Or Li all dap tram 3uts of church work.
Hie good lady h to ably seconded him
and in the Sabbath School, A, Y P. A.
and Guild has rendered most efloient
and elleotive service. Their removal
from Btyih will not only be a source of
regret to Trinity ohuroh, Belgrave and
Aubnru cm gregationa btttwill be teltIt
by the community geheralty with whom
Rev, and Mrs. Hartley deservedly hold
so high a place. The new charge will
afford a wider acid in a more detnpaot
Mrs. Dnepr, Gagnon. L'Islet
Station, +Qqe., nye:—+•I believe
Baby.'e Own Tablets the best
medtotne in the world for little
0110P, 1 have given them to my
baby for 00110, eenetleetton and
sometimes for breaking up a f et',
and I have never known in to
fail in giving prompt re et, Be-
fore I began the use of e Tablets
my baby was ver th and cried
oontlnnally, Sin hen elle halt
grown apleudidl ar4r'j, to plump
and healthy. I woo the Tab•
lata $o my tsar years 61d child
Who suifet6d frEgaently from
oonvnittions and they Made a p,r•
mantnt cure. Ween I have
Baby's Own Tablets iu the house T
feel safe, and I advise other
mothers also to keep them' on
hand " Sold by medicine dealers
or by mail at 25 Dente a box from
The Dr, Williams' Msdioiue (3o.,
Z Brockville, Ont.
Rey, Mr. Andrews of Blnevale will
occupy the pulpit in this place next Sun•
day evening.
Mre. A. P,Alock spent Sunday with
her mother, Mrs. Gibson:
Mr. and 'mire. D. MaoDanald and
Mits Denalda visited Brussels friends on
Miss Mina Smith leaven next Monday
for Saskatoon, Saskatohewan, where
she hes eeoured a eitnation. We wish
her a safe journey..
The Union Sabbath Schools meeting
in the school houses in S. S. Noe. 1 and
and 3 resumed operations last Sunday
afternoon. Mise Bella Botz and P..„.A.
McArthur have rendered loyal service
as the respective Superintendents.
Few people are spared to see as many
years as Thomas Looking, who passed
away at his home, lot 23, con. 12, Grey,
on Thursday evening, April 21st, in his
100th year. He was up for dinner the
same day and walked as far as the barn
and was apparently about as well as
usual. Deceased was born at Louth,
Lincolnshire, Eastland, and Dame to
Canada 55 years ago, locating near Tor-
onto. His wife was Miss June Littre, of
York tpwnship, died on Deo. 11th, 1903.
,egad 77 years. They were married 46
years. Mr. and Mrs. Locking and fam-
ily lived in Grey township for 27 years
dad are well known and highly reepeot-
e'l. Three sons, Albert, of Galt, and
Wiliam end Robert of this township,
enrvlve Mr. Looking enjoyed splendid
health and knew very little of sickness.
the wan n Liberal in politics and Metho-
dist in ralir;ton and was a quiet turned
win +. ho. *as esteemed by a large cirole
of.etsq t ii.ntanoes.
EAST Wd:W4 1U$Ei.
3'. Mills and Mrs. D. Qraig, a000 npan•
fed by George Wallace and Miss Martha'
Wallace, drove to the penma go at
Auburn on Wednesday, April 20th, and
returned bueban4 and wife. The bride.
was becomingly attired, in a navy blue
travelling east with blue bat with white
Alamo. Before returning to tbegrown's'
farm near Ebeuersr, they propeeded to
the home of George Wallace, where a
datntJ luncheon was prepared for them.
We wish Mr. and Mrs. Mills many
years of happy wedded We,
Attlee i.,4tiiea Carr was visiting Blyth
friends last weed'..
The W. M. S. aurilinriet of the Wei-'
field and Donnybrook Methodist church.
os bold their annual business meetings
during the past few days to wind up the ”Cleaninggbneineeefor the year and elect new offie.
OILSIii` Ir.
Ia the removal of Henryensmore and.
two daughters Misses Annie and Phoebe
to Wingham this vicinity loser' an old
and respected oitizao. Although of a
quiet retiring disposition he will be very
much missed by all who knew him,
having been a resident here for some
years. His daughters, too, will be
much missed here by their many Mende,
Minutes of Council meeting held in
the Clerk's office, Biuevale, on Monday,
May 2, 1010 Members of Council all
p^eeeur; the Reeve in the chair. The
ininuteaof last meeting were read and
nth -wed, on motion 0f Messrs. K»lly and
hlulvoy. •
Ritherford •
— Kelly —That we send
road natio/line to Pater Hastings' side
road to gradeit'/ miles of road.— Ca.
Re'herford—Kelly.—That we engage
hir. R •id's engine to work greeter on
ei'teroad at $8.00 per day, he to provide
The following accounts were passed
and checks issued: ` Robert Dwell,;
hnrviow do„ and work on road, $1.50:
D ry (I Deakin, repairing grader, $7 80;
W. A. Haid, work with engine on
grader, 553.50; Thos, Weir, working
grader, 518 90.
Belly—Wheeler.—That this meeting
do now aejonrn to meet in the Oterk's
oil's ,e 0 t My 30, at 10 o'olook it. in and
ae a Court of Revision of the assessment
roll at 1. I) p. m. on same date —06,
The following is the report for S.
S. N.. 1l, for the month of April.,
Grose abient from any exam. In irked(*)
—Sr IV —Total 400, Alfred L-iokridge
,er IV—Total
3i1 L t 400. Ildionte
Siuudere 362, Jessie Currie 860, Alvin
t.lruvea 337. Jr. IV—Total 400 Susie
Sheriff 3U5 Vernon Allenby 263, Myrtle
L ,,kriege 247. Sr. III—Total 400—
Franc •1is L tokridge 360, Milton Groves
344. detudred Mercer 298,Ethel Finley 99*,
Ross k'orayth 94*, Gordon Ransom 80*,
.1 111 —Wilfred McGregor. Sr. Ii —
TOW 290.MaryAdella 179,W
ilea lw 145,Earnest Johnston 140,R
Paiute 138, JimmieSeli 136,IeabelAus-
tin 66*. Jr. II -Total 200. Onva Grov•
ea 19), S immie Lookeridge 90', Grace
0 tlh,uo 41*. Pt. II—Total 100. Gertie
Groves, 9'l Eddie Shrigley 44, Tommy
Orniksbank 32, Frank King 20, Isabel
Simmons*, Earl Hart*. Srrl-1 oy Fin•
lay, Mayne Hatt, Howard Finley, Tommy,
Lockridga, Gordon McGregor, Richard
Clark. Jr. Ist---Mandie Sell, Donald
Cleghorn, Margaret Linklater, Lizzie
Cruikshank, Mayne Finley. Class A.
Alma Lookridge, Freddie Sell, Charlie
Lookeridge, Nellie Clark, Gertie Sint•
mons, Thomas Calvert, Walter Look -
ridge, Calvert Ornikshank, he -Austin.
bd. WAts1I, Teaoher.
Over a hundred boats' are reported to
be.waiting for it (+anise to •leek through
the canal at the See.
The cream wagons made their initial
trip Monday.
Gordon Newton of North Bay is visit-
ing at the Manse.
We are sorry to report little ehaoge in
Mr. J. Mc0raoken, sr.
Mrs. Masters and family left for
Calgary on Wednesday.
Postmaster Messer is on the sick list.
We wish Mm a speedy recovery.
Mr. Jas. Cleghorn is relieving the sec-
tion•foreinan at Holstein for a few
Little Jessie Gray, who has 'been suf-
fering from inflammatory rheumatism
is recovering slowly.
Miss Annie Stewart has been appoint-
ed as Organist in the Methodist church,
duties to commence next Sunday.
The telephone line men have been at
work in this vicinity for a week extend-
ing the Bell line to Fordwlch and Har-
Rev, W. J. West, M. A., attended the
Synod of Hamilton and London meet-
ing at Stratford on Tuesday and Wed-
nesday of last week,
Mr. John Diment and Mrs, Diment
were in the village attending the funer-
al of the former's mother on Friday,
April 22nd. Mr. Diment returned to
Toronto on Saturday, 23rd. Mrs. Di•
went and daughter, Mrs. MoNight of
Toronto, spent .last weak with friends,
The annual meeting of the Women's
Institute will be held at the home of
Mrs. Harry Diment on Thursday, • May
12th, at 2.30 p. m. Mre. Armetrong of
Corrie will be present and give an ad-
dress: All the members are requested
to be present as this is a very important
Oa Friday evening last a large number
of friends of Mre. Masters gathered to-
gether in school room of the Methodist
church and spent a very enjoyable able even-
together. Lunch was served and
Mrs Manors was presented with a set
of sliver knives and forks and Miss
Olive with a mahogany mesio Cabinet.
Following is the copy of addresses:—
MRS. MASTERS,— We. the willing
walkers of the Binevale Methodist
cnurh on the eve
of your departure,
tette this opoortnnity of showing our
laving appreciation of the zeal and
energy war i eeted by you in cunneotion
with our Society. We regret that
friendship'R tie whioh so long and
1. vin;tly bnutid us is about to be broken.
Life is made nu of meetings, associa-
tion. and of partings. Wo have met
together, the have associated 'with each
other. and now we are about to separate.
We feel Oki separation keenly. You
will be missed in the Sunday School,
League and Praver-tneetr*g, as well as
missed in churoh cirelee, and to keep
you in memory of n d • friends, ne a
token of esteem for von we ask von to
accept this small gift nocumranied by
the best wishes of one society. Oar
earnest prayer is that God'R richest bless..
lull mew met and abide with yon and
your household wherever a our lot inay he
oast ell the days of your life, end when
the journey here hi ended an abundant
entrance mnv be urantt•d to yon and to
them into His Eternal rent.
Signed, Mrs. 3' Rolph, President, Mrs.
Jos Curtis, Seoretary.
Methodist chnroh
1 Alatho
' e
s of the Blneva
d r
to• night
v enable here 'r have as
fted Whet B
on the eve of your departure from Our
midst, to express our appreciation of
your services as organist of the churoh
for the past two years, and desire to say
that yon have been very faithful in the
discharge of your duty. You have ever
been prompt and faithful, and we wish
to express in some tangible way our
gratitude. Wo therefore ask yon to
aooept this Oabinet not for its intrinaio
valve bat ae a slight expression of our
thanks to yon for your kinduees to us,
and your labor of love.
Signed on behalf of °belch and choir,
Rev. J. W. Andrews, L W. Rrattan ,
,choir lender, J. Robb, choir manager.
George B. Reeves, former General
Manager of the Grand Trunk 'Railway;.
died at his home in California,
The Lord's Day Alliance Will appeal
to the Railway Commission to stop
the running of Sunday bars on, the Lon.
1 don & Lake Erle Railway.
To Brighten up the House You Will Need
We are after all the trade there is this season in Car.
pets and Rugs. Our stock is much larger to begin with
this season than ever before If you want to tone things
up at little expense, come and see what we call value in
all kinds of Floor Coverings and House Furnishings.
Speois1 vaine in Window Blinds
and Curtain Poles, "city
prices are not in it." See
our Opsque Linen Blinds,
oomplete only -• 25e
Cottage Poles - - - 10o
A large stock of New Raga in all
sizes, in Ttpestry. Brussels,
Weston, Velvet and Wool.
ea,Prioes begin at • - $5.00
Japan Mattiug in all the new pat-
terns, special value et 15n,
300 and 25c Jepeueee hint -
ting and Sgnaree, flee for
bedrooms, all good prstterns,
seamless, a bargaiu, only - 11.50
Curtains and Certain Material in
great variety., RPO oar new
patterns in 1.tadrnu, r•pr oit•.1 25e
Lace °attains 2t7o no to $6 00 pair,
• •
• •
yards to be cleared, reg. 15c for i lc per yard.
H .
1sts, i
These Skirts are all new up-to-date goods—blues,
blacks and browns.
Fancy checks, this season's newest patterns, 15o
Men's FNegIigeShirts
nem on two moo venom mo • • d•
1 2 dozen Hose. Special line this week.
pair for 25c.
In dark greys, college collars,
is the time to save money on
$lose and $12.00 Raincoats,
fancy stripes, now
buying a Raincoat,
sale price $8 00.
• Sizes 14 to 16%. These Shirts are odds and
ends of different lines, regular $r.00 and $I 25.
Z - Special onl ; 75c•
Blue Striped. Overalls, the same as you always
pay 75c for, good Overalls for summer wear
only 3 dozen, sale price so.
& CO
s A11 kinds of Produce taken as Cash. PRONE 70.
iii+++ki+*i****+f_iirr+fiir: .444++++++++.04...+44++++.++.*