HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1910-05-05, Page 2-. 4 T114 WINGH�.M '1'1MEB,, NAY 5, 1V10 - . .,.,.- 1Z .,..-.,.�. �_ ..._.R..T•_." _ _, a- T ----- o -- --, 0��1 EI1 INTd hLE�1 FQR f� wp CANADA PROSPECTIVE DOVER -- _ _ . Heart 'fauble �1u! ede NOR GENERAL ¢p� �-■ltidiarta Entomologist it v Interna 4.110 a Newspaper BAPTI¢T OIIuagR E3aulida services. at Esta Bad 1nee�+, 1l a m ane 7 p m. Sunday School at ik! l'1713I,isFi14U T3, �V. I)t)u{;lass, sttrti "e:,rn r e An interesting sketob of Bar! oarriog• • c [�Og y rCp x.:30 p m. GFenOxal prayer meeting.W-1 THURSDAY MORNING One cause or another a la,g R b 1 e Stud 4 / Course. . se • pu Wednesday evenings. Itay. W; EVERY T for Indlantt, who le tiff 1.91 tk•t' 1 * ori Through o are troubled with ton, who will likely be the aExt Govt r• i-� TACT Iriajorixy of lite people IJ, Sleeves, pastor, B, Y. 7'. U. meets every insect khat lives ort tri+ fil At atitIl m form of heart trouble, nor, General of Canada, appears in 3lmy Monday eveuiugs 8 P,m, W.D Petimle, ,The Times 0111001 Beaver Block foliage of the state and ill0 a s. l Oil 150mg comes run down, the Bae Man's Parbape it is his sincere s�rtlie>att l'oi>ttt>s in tiro JC�esso>!t for Sana+ay, >finy 8, 8,0. Superintendent. WiNc�s,aat, OrlmaKlO, i;rel'y agent that tends to rit"tt'u, .•uclu Therystern be y ' ti ai Pitates. you have weak and kindness and spontaneeus geniality that otyett tet i1 Series Or Questions by MRTHODIdTCBUR.cls-Sabbath services pests, is out with it plea to Ow fatcners+ heart P 1 a sttiotltertn^ feeling, cold 1 constitute Lord Carrington"' chief assets at 11 a m and 7 P uz. Sunday School at THxata or I3IInsenIl x1001 -$1.W per annum in and gardener's to protect t l,e ," niericbe algl dizz spells, o Y%ev, Dr. , y hands and feet, shortness, of con t _ l; clammy 1 eye. Iu the 2:30 p m.. Bpworth League every Mon- advance t1,50 if not so paid, IQo paper dteeon• load, or DIr BuPQ Arueri .ttnr, to of ins and needles, as a Person in the public . F accord woe vitlt ilia Qopyright,A ltt.t day evening. Genqlai prayer meeting tinned tilt all arrears are paid, except at the la o � to- ProteCf. breath, sensationP ; P0414 teroi In a eapltelt, In mal�ingNlr rea of blood to the head, etc, Hoare of Lards many a tedious debate on Wednesday evenings. Rev. W. option of the publisher. r e°pto with merriment.; eaenre to least our eyes Upon L. Rutledge, 1].D ,Pastor, F, Buphan• Anvarzxtslxta ItaTtis. Nosi slolineioe Insectnoaone has eve pt up %ped t°? Pre 1YlrerovOr there are sickly p Nervy ig birds, s enlivened by bre welcome merr . t. Temperance Lissati-Prov. xriti.. 29 of pl weak hearts Milburn s. Heart and he c nntr latforms, and at ITA- beautiful sights, Our ears Upon pleasant an, $,5. Superintendent. oas>xalsertto isemper OePer n lass. all the entitttslat: tic smuil. �' ill be found an elteetual medicine. on t 0 y P 36,TERIAli _ ath oar- first insertion, Be per line for ego subsequent rent legally k Ills w Elliott,ti, "I I,tberal Olab ban sets, his sesta Mrs. Wni, 4 Golden Teat, -At the last, it biteth sounds, and to inhale sweet odors? vi sena y a m and 'i $�mbbSnnday i Advertfseinente in local columna are charged 1iUy from l;illfnb ns many toads as he ♦++ ♦-�•••*♦ Angus, Out., writes: are inimitable. Apart from the series like a serpent, and stingeth like an Why? 10 ole per line for req int Insertion. and 6 Dente cares to. `Che plea will appear in the ♦ �' "Itis with the great- e'en -and not for Give a reasoned answer ap to whether Scheeler 2;30 g m. General prayer per line for eachenbsegaentinsertion. le v,ew point of his oris 1 wader Prov. sxiii: 82. meeting on Wednesday evenings. Rev, Advertisements o! Strayed, Farms for Salk annual report from the eutne togicnl. HeartTroub ♦ est of pleasure I write n - a moment is that serious purpose aban• Vers 83--vPhat is the genarai rule it fe ever right to be governed by our D Perrlo, pastor, Dr; A. J. Irwin, S.S. or to Rent and similar, tl.00 for first three department, which has ;;elle t° the �^ Cured, you stating the bee weeks. 26 cents for each Subsequent in - 9' fit T have received by donee -Perhaps his special fangEfon is concerning the firer personal effects of senses? r Superintendent. section, state printer and, which AlasS t'• lla large in Milburn's Heart that of sottenia the aeparites of pro- r good thine are they generally Verse 82, -Specify some o4' the; things ST, PAUL'S CHURCH, BPI COPAL -Sob- CoNTne°T ReTas•-Thefollowingtablo shows hopes to hitve in the hands of a large �' ugrail from t B bad, o g g , m• number of farmers and gardeners by and Nerve Fills, I suffered g Y r vinoial Radicalism, and of ooavfnoing pleasant or otherwise? Give some which drink does for a man? bath services at 11, a m and 7 P for peas for the insertion of advertisements heart trouble, weakness and sm°therms furca as irenta atter social fame D3soribe soma of the , h°rfors of de- Sunday School at 2:80pm• Rev. E •H forepeoifledperloda:- the time early spring preparations b0- spells. 1 used a great deal of doctor a dtsappo P examples. Uro}y, B. A,, Rector ; a, G, Van- erAO>t, i YR. 0 etc, 8 oto. leto. iii for the 1910 crops. 1 but received no benefit. A that a peer may really be a good fallow. Why is it.that God haA ea arranged livium tremens? Stone, S. S. Superinttibndent ; Thos, E. oneoolnma ,-._�-.S7o.00 $40,00 822.50 t8.00 �• aye Mr medichies Half Column - --- 40,00 25,00 15,00 0.00 "As a murrey of fact. f rioud advised me to buy a box of y°Ar In hie, yonog days, when h0 proved nature, that some of the, most dangerous In ooneidarfng as sot, or a. habit Robinson, assistant Superintendent, Qnartoroolnma 2o.W 12.50 7.50 8.0o Douglass, ,,the common toad dues more Pills, which I did, and soon found great himself to be one of the most charming thiugs look so p'easmut, and taste so should we be governed by its present SALVATION ARMY-Servioe at 7 and 11 One Inch - -. 5.00 8.00 2A0 One to rid our fields and gardens of noxious r1.26 elief. I highly recommend these pills own men of the court, sweet? or its ultimate results? Why? a m and 8 and 7 p m on Sunday, and Advertisements without specific direotionsinsects accord - to anyone suiiering from heart trouble. and pleasant y B that none of ne Verse 83, -Is the drink habit gen• every evening during. the week at 8 ingly, s Transientiadvertse eats must pad sou stershoP which we hear so much. Price50 cents per box, or 3 boxes on Lord Carrington was chosen to scram- Verse 29 - Whv is it Ve o'clock at the, barracks. for in advance. But 25 at all dealers, or mailed direr pany the ging, then, Prince of Wales, are exempt from trouble? orally or even a single vice, or dose it any simply that he is ugly -emphatic - $1.25, ' � T Milburn Co., And woe in rho effect POST CfFFIdR-OfSOe hours from 8a In Tira Jon I)aPARTecaNT is stocked. with an receipt o. Trice by The , on his famous tour through Indio. What is the differs always engender other vloes„ and, if so, to 6:30 p m. Open to box holders from extensive assortment of all requisites for print• any and most unmistakaltly ugly -the Limited, Toronto, Ont. there on all sides, he made hoots of of trouble caused by our own sine, and what are they? 7 m m. to 9 p M. P. Fisher, postmaster, ins, affording raoi lit first not ss worequallk. in the toad has all manner of defamation and oeant,ytor rainingg out first Dines work. Large libel heaped upon 'him, Yriands, In 1S86, when the Earl was trouble which comes from providential When any kind Of sensual.' temptation PUBLIC LIBRARy—Library and free type and a propriate oats for all styles of Post- .. TO ADVERTISERS sent but to be Governor of New South causes? assails aroan, or a woman; ander the reading room in the Town Hall, will choiefa cytyIllspeforthe finer classehe s of print "Eawiriy superstitions have clous quail - drink, the Wales, he found the prevailing tone of Is a eelf.in$ioted wound worse than influence of drink what are;the be be open every afternoon from 2 to Ing, toad with about all the vicious quail: Notice of changes must be left at this 5:30 o'clock, and every evening from 7 i H. B. ELLIOTT, tins possible for one creature to pos- of(ioe not later than Saturday noon. Australian statesmen was one of ming- any other? Why, or why not?, of its being resisted Or yieldM to. to 9:30 o'clock. Mies Lizxie Attridge Proprietor and Publisher tress. Some oP these traditions, how: The copy for changes must be left 1•td dislike and contempt for all that per- Verse 30. -What is the effect upon sow much confidence can yon place librarian. ever, are of such a nature as to render not later than Monday evening. rained to Downing street, and also that the individual, his family, and the coca- in a promise, or me opinion, or a septi- TOWN OOUNOIL—William Aolmes T P HENNERY, M.D., British M.C.P. S. 0, act al advertisements accepted up e! . Member o! the 13rltieh Medical Aseooia- the toad an individual to be avoided P each week, they were apt to vent their dislike of ninniry when a man tarries long at the ' meat, uttered by a man ander the Mayor; Dr, A. J. Irwin, Reeve ; tion, Gold Medallist in Medicine. Speolal rather than to be sought and killed.. to noon Wednesday o influence of drink? ' J. W. McKibben, H. B,Elliott, William attention paid to diseases Women and mChild the Colonial Office upontha Governors. wine? Lint in spite of his'uglincss the little What is the effect when a man drinks Verse 34. -How does a man not a Bone, Dr, Robert; O. Redmond animal Is about as harmless as any we Without any roc apparent effort Lord Thomas Gregory and D, E. McDonald, call find in onr woods and fields, and 9STABLI' HUD 1872 Carrington won all hearts in Sidney, the wine in so called moderation? sailor, feel on "the top of a mast," and Councillors; John F. Groves, Clerk•and TR, MACDONALD, ' T popularity thus gained becoming a Verse 3l. -What proportion er the what analogy is there bet6an such Treasurer; Anson Dulmage, Assessor. L be a destroyer of•inseyo his value has VY �i\��A �����,�� standard to which recent Governors vfotime of drink, have deliberately feelings and the sensatious Oi a drunk. Board meets first Monday evening in Centre Atreat Leen established beyond a doubt. THE have been expected r conform. He started out to become drunkards? aid? each month at 8 o'clock. , Ninety-eight per cent of the food of HIiiH SCHOOL BOAiID.- W, F. Van- Wingham, " Ontario. the toad consists of animal matter. ]3.R.ELLIOTT,PUBLISHER AND PaatRlHToa WHAT ARE THE FIRST STEPS Verse 35,-Oompare some o0neolons , • was long remembered as the most enc• Stone (chairman), J, A. Morton,. John and of this the greater part is injuri ceseful representative of the Crown who TO THE LIFE AND DESTINY OFA and unconscious harts, either spiritual Wilson, 0. P. Smith,, W. J. Howson, . DR. AGkF_W DRUNKARD? (This question must be n e our insects•" T1;ITJRSDAY, MAY 5, 1910 had ever been sant to Australia. or physical, and say which gra the more John A. Mclean, Frank Buchanan, Dir, Douglass advances the idea that answered in writing by members of the dangerous? Dudley Holmes, seoretary. A. �fOsens, Physician, Surgeon, etc. farmers and gardeners should provide . club ) What is the fascination, or the Dense, treasurer. Board meets eeoond Monday Offloe-MaodonaldBlock:;over W.MoHibbon's artificial ponds or water places'in their Whish is the wiser, and stronger man evening in each month. Drugstore, Night oalle answered attheoffice. NOTES AND COMMENTS THE MILLING INDUSTRY and vvby-the one who shuns the first which fnfiuenaee drinkers td keep on in PUBLIC SCHOOL BQARD.-H. E. Isard '4 fields andT gardens where the toad may the rouges which they know is ruining lireed. The little animal possesses the (chairman), G. 0, Manners, Alex. Rose, home instinct and when taken from ---- approach of a temptation, or the one 71R. ROBT. o. REDMOND, M. R.C.s. (Eng) Some esteemed contemporaries are Ontario is certainly going to play a who carefully looks at it, and deliber• both body and soul? W.J.Howsou, W.D.Piingle, Win. Moore, iJ L. R. C. P. London, the ponds or creeks and placed in a asking naralonely why so m�uy On very prominent part in the future of the ately feels its unarm, an then refuses Leeson for Sunday, May 15, 1910-1t7.G VauSCone, P. Cagipbell, Seoretarv, g q Growing Hatred to Jesus, Matt. xii: John F. Or, Treasurer, J. B. PHYSICIAN and SURGEON. garden or field is likely to desert his Ferguson, Meetings, second Tuesday new quarters and return to. the old. tario people are leaving Ontario, the Milling industry in Canada. According its solicitation? not, ? evening in each month. Office, with Dr, Ohisholm. To obviate this Mr. Douglass believes land of fulfillment, to go to the Canadian to leading Milling interests, it is only a Is it, or not, always a legitimate source 22 82, 88'42• HIGH SCHOOL TRAO�ERS-J.G. Work- the gardeners and farmers should West, the land of promise. There is no matter of time when all the argeet mills - man, B.A., principal; J. C. Smith, B.A., It, MARGARET C, CALDER provide breeding places in order to y ALFALFA A GOLD MINE Fertilizers containing phosphate have P make the fields and gardens the actual cause for worry. Their places will be in the country will be sit at differ• given the best granite. When a field classical master; Mr, I!'orbes, B. A., D P TO ONTARIO FARMERS. mathematical master , Mise M. J. Honor ate of Graduate poi age of Lys taken here by neweomare. The vacant ant points about the lakes t t surround of alfalfa is lowed down the sarfcooe Licentiate of Ontario IJonege of Physicians home of the toads. farms in Ontario are being picked up by the province, mainly beeane nch sites P Baird, s; is leaders a, English and end Surgeons., In addition to ttie good which may old country farmers and the young men seem to have some advantagl )ver any soil is oompleeelp filled with roots rich moderns; Miss Anderson, fifth teacher Devotes special oattention.Eyto diseases of Eye, result from baving lite toads feel. at Ear, Nose and Throat. Eyes thoroughly tasted. The YnllOwing bulletin has been is- in fertile elements. PUBLIC ,SCHOOL TBAORERS.--Joseph Glasses properly fitted. home in the fields an c� gardens, Mr. of the Ontario farms are every year others that may be selaotedn any other Douglass sees another' good learning that scientific farming in Oil part of the oonntry. It may be •bat for sued by J. Lookie Wilson of the On. It is to be hoped that every farmer in Stalker, Principal. Mise Brock, �1$ce Houratt2to s 7 io 8 p,m. in the Ontario whOhaa suitable :well drained Miss Reynolds, Miss Farquharson, Mise hatchery idea -that of robbing the tario is both profitable and pleasant. the small local market that surrt nde a tario Agricultural Department: Wilson, Miss Cummings, and Mise children of their propensity for slay - re Ontario farmere who have gone into Boil will put in a field of this most deeir• Hawkins, VANSTONR, More and more young men in Ontario mill there map be other Dints jeer as at- 'p Ing the toads whenever they find them. are taking courses at the Guelph Agri, tractive, but when it comes to building alfalfa experiments generally have able Drop. BOARD Or HIDALTIi -• Wm. Holmes R. (chairman), George' Mogenzie, Wm, BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, RTC He believes that the average boy, by cultural College and reaping the benefit a great big mill that must look to the proved beyond the shadow of a doubt - • Fessant, Richard Anderson. John F. Private and Companyfunds to loan at lowest watching the development of the lit of its teaching on their farms. Distant export as well as to the home market, that this is the best paying fodder crop A Dft('I���� CUR . Grouse, Secretary; Dr. J. P. Kennedy, rate of interest. and Sol . tows and farm tie animal through the tadpole stage P g that an a fonitariet can grow. H POSITIVE 'Medical Health Offioix. property bought and sold. to that of the adult toad, will soon fields look green, but already men who in order to be able to dispose of its large , Office, Beaver BtooY. Wia¢hem have money out west are looking bank carpet, officials of different companies AlanW6 been known since 490 B.O, ' • r(lp '11DIuG� 1 ION have a scientific interest in the toad to Ontario, good old Ontario, for old are practically agreed that these Ontario and was successfully grown in Greece' �•IJii fl VGN which will insure it life and olotes- points are the most advantageous of all. and Rome nearly 2600 years ago. In STEA®Y J A. MORTON, tion. This protection, the entomologist homesteads, where they may spend the =-- • observes, is something the farmer and remainder of their days amid the famil• And so it is that wo find that the new the State of Kansas there were in 1891 BARRISTER, 8so. It you have indigestion, your food EMPLOYMENT gardener cannot afford to disregard in far eeeuea of youth. There is no occas- big Ontario milling, concern which will 30,000 sores grown, while last year ferments in the stomach and bowels. It E� v Windham, out, these days of constant and rapid in- ion to worry about the exodus to the be known as the Maple Leat Milling Co-, nearly a million sores Of alfalfa were does more: it decays, mud the nutritious M crease of insects which prey upon farm west. These in right themselves. Limited, and will absorb the Maple Leaf under crop,' resulting in untold finan• matter which should go to make new and garden products. -Brookville Times. Flour Mille Co„ Ltd., and with it the tial benefit to the farmers of this state. blood impoverished s witCond 6[an ofla it, and f the blood, for a reliable Locals leads to ' Salesman rep E L. DIQSIN80N DtlntaY HaIaIHe H6dley Shaw Milling Co., has already There are five different varieties;:, viz., to nervousness, billiousness, constipa. senting DICKINSON & HO'LMES . OUR 1909 BUMPER CROP. Interesting Events in 1910. under way the construction of a 6.000- Amerionn, TuskeStan, Arabian, Peru- , tion, sick headache, bad breath which "Canada's Oldest and Greatest BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, Etc. barrel mill, a million bushel elevator, vian and German, but. for Ontario the disgusts your friends, and other die- " MONEY TO LOAN. How it Would Look In Bulk Alongside Quite a number of novel and inter- and storage warehouses out on the new American variety is beat suited. ;agreeable and unpleasant causconded Nurseries a a City Skyscraper. And all this trouble is caused by the orgies: Mayor 131ock,Win¢ham. eating things ase promised for 1910. To piers that have been constructed at Port Alfalfa, unlike many other crops, en- ' food that doesn't digest, but ferments in Wingham and adjoining country. Last year's crops in America, while begin with we are to have Haliey's Colborne, Naturally it takes a pile Of ricbee the soil rather than impoverish- and oftimes rots in the stomach, you will find there is a good demand 4 not establishing a record, were 'consid. comet with us' again. It will not be money to carry through such big under- as it. ' The roots extend into the earth And fermentation is caused by the for nursery Stook on 8000unt of the RTHUR J. IRWIN, D. D. S., L. D, S, erably in excess of the previous year., P takings, mud the men who are at the from -five to twelve feet, reaching down stomach not being strong enough and high prices that growers have realized -M The corn was the bulkiest of the prod mach in evidence till April 29th, when ewer clic enangh t0 thoronghly mix the Doctor of Dental :err of the Pennsylvania it will be 94,000,000 miles away, and head of the new Company, including and bringing to the surface nitrogen food with the digestive jaioes. on thou fruit this eeiiean. Centel College and nsofLicentiate t the Royal tion Next to corn came the f n ar, M•I.O N.A. is responsible for tens of Oar salesmen are. turning in big bassi• College of Dental Surgeons o! Ontario. Office tion of oats with a huge total of Hees coming our way at the rate of 135,000 Mr. Cawthrm Mulock, of Toronto; Mr. and other valuable minaret plant food. ness to us this year: Be one of them in Macdonald Block, W+,14ham. mires an hoar. It will beat its bright* Hedley Shaw, founder and head of the It has been grown continuously on a thousands of cures. In tact, it is such and earn good wages'through the winter fromMay closed to Oct. istry vvednesday afternoon '44r r, iz r �� x t ; Hedley Shaw Milling Co., and Mr, D.O. farm in one of the counties of the pro- a positive cure for indigestion and all months. 1 est between May 10th and 18th, when it stomach troubles that it is guaranteed Tereitory reserved. Pay weekly. 1 �"" $ will be only a email matter of 12,600,000 Cameron, the Western lumberman who vince for nearly thirty, years and still by J. Walton, McKibben to cure or " . �. Y away. Evlipees, too will be in Free sample outfit, etc. gT J. PRICE, B. S. A., L. D. S., D. D. S ��*Y� miles organized the Maple Leat Flour Mille prodncea good crops. It can be grown money back. The price of a large box Write for partiaularS. Yy w ':,' r two " sand heavy clay loam of Mi•o•na tablets is 50, cents, and they Licentiate of the Royal College o! Dental ?y %> i' f. c 5 vogue. There is going to be four, Co„ Ltd., have supplied $1,000.000 a. successfully on y, STONE 8a WIE,LLiNQTON �,.: additional Dash capital, which besides are sure to promptly relieve the worst Surgeons of Ontario, and Graduate of Uni• ., f �� * N &0-1. . of the can and two of the moon. The or on nearly any variety of soil properly apse of indigestion or gestri6is, Try voretty of Toronto. ��� t Bret solar one scheduled is May 9th, but permitting of the completion of the an- drained. 1. Successful experiments with them. Foothill Nurseries office ; Beaver aleck. ��� (850). Office closed every Wednesday afternoon Y=� # ' � i�aY • it will require a trip to Australia to see tire new plant already under way at it have been conducted on a limited = TORONTO, CANADA. from May 1st to Oct let. ,. i,�,y�� fi " r��'� e aZ it. Canada will hold one on. November scale with success in nearly every part Port Colborne, and the construction of y . REPORT OF THE SWINE COM- �'� �'°v",X let, but the first row of seats will be in some 15 new elevators throughout the o#Untario, both with' and without a T` `F �t . MISSION. //�� r'-%,.-� ' �� ` I Alaska. The lutrar eclipse will be co per- West, will proviae the new Company nursing crop. Spring sowing has given F/`rOR1Y1 ER5 Wingham General Hospital �` g -t ?�� fectly Rood display on May 23rd and with farther working capital to go right best results. If sown with a nursing 2, ; $ � `.'. I 24th. It will start at 10 46 p. m., and ahead and get rte ftr1I chars of the larger crop, barley at the roto of One bushel The report of the. Commission sent rs (Under Government inspection) ��,' ill be fully eclipsed about 12 o'etook. g y er wore ie con excellent one for this par- and anyone having live stook or other �? " �c� v 1y' w P business that is offering, not owl p last year by the Dominign Government artioies thea wish to die,pDee o!, ehonld saver- !''rw :` t Vit, Quads per Euro a to stud the swine rearing in- rise the same for sale in pthe TIMae. Onr large tin I . _ .. 1, " "` x� Should an one happen to miss this cue throughout Canada, but more especially pose. Eighteen or twenty p P to g y S y B circulation tells and it will be etraage indeed if I Pieassntly Situated.'; Beant 1 y fur•:« i;.::� a:r, make a note of November 16th, The in Great Britain and various foreign acre of alfalfa is the proper quantity of dustry has been issued. It consists o, a `• °' '.. 1 on do notgetaonstomer.. Webaatgnaranboe niched. Open to all regularly licensed "'' � performance will be repeated on that markets Seed. From three to four crops can be pamphlet of sixty pages of printed mat- khat oawill salt tockbeot than may ask more h eiofane, RATES FOR PATIENT$— date 1910 is a year of double holidays, ror rife article m stook than it to worth. send P y just whet the elevator capacity of harvested fa one season and the coverage .ter and a large number of striking your advertisement to the Titers and try this (which Include board and nursing), $3.60 ouR suatpElr 1909 CROP. most of the festivals coming on Sunday Canada ie Ruing to be a few years hence height of a plant rnhe from 14 to 20 illustrations, pten of disposing of your stook and other to $15.00 per week according to location ly a billion bushels, while wheat came a6toles, e; of room. For further information, nest, sufficient to supply every man„ and Monday. Best of all, there is an it is almost impossible to say, but some inehep. The countries visited were England, address a woman and child In this country with' extra Saturday in the year, which means idea of how it is going to increase may When about one-third of the crop is Scotland, Ireland, Danmark and Hol. " Miss L. MATTHEWS, a loaf and a half of bread per day that for many people there will be be gathered from from the remark of in bloom is an excellent time to start land, Denmark and Iieland, being the - Saperihtondent, The Unites States led the world in fifty-three pay envelopes instead Of fitly- Mr. Wm. Whyte, the Vice -President of cutting, as it then posseeS its greatest strongest competitors of Canada in the OUTSIDE Box x23, Wingham Ont, the production of corn. two. the Can, Pacific Ry., to the effect that food value. The cutting should be done British market; received most attention, Q �'1 The previous year Itussia's oat pro- _ _:� � -' while the Western country was now - is the forenoon, when the dew is off the The report described clearly how the /� D Y E 1 1T I SI N Ll RAILWAY TI>HE TABLES. duction was greater, but last yearb producing at the rate of about 136,000,• grass and the tedder Should fallow im• hogs are bred and reared, and the ver- /'1 estimate was 176,600,000" bushels more ■ rt OOb of wheal, that by the end of 1915 ft mediately and,be kept at wore until tone steps taken to develop the export RAND TRUNK RAILWAY SYSTEM. for the United States than that of 1908.' Orders for the insertion of advertisements „ L th will have increased to over five hundred late in the afternoon anfl the Crop left in bacon trade, The far famed coopers such he teachers wanted, business chances, . TRAINS LSAva Toa bushels, and that it would not be windzowe. Thin process should be tive system, as applied by the Dauer to mechanics wanted, articles for sale, or iii feet London ,.....---- 8,40 a,m__ 8,80p.m, Dairy Profits. mMica ba , I any kind of an'advt• in any of the Toronto he ntoo or 'Toronto BcEast11.O8a.m.. 6.45...__ 2.40p.m, Profits In dairying do not depend 90 very long after that before Canada is repeated the following day and the hay the breeding and rearing of the swine, other city papers. maybe, left ginuardine...11.57 a.m... 2,Up.p-m__ 9,15p,m, �� � Back more wheat than all of tri in coils and left for several days. the aekin and marking, is full dee. office, This work will receive Prompt attention ARRIva #noes touch upon the number of cows kept., producing even p P g g y and Will save Peoria the trouble of remitting Rincardine 040a.m_11,0pa.m__ 2.40 p.m. but upon the kind, This fact is being Pain, holplegandss and suffering are When it is remem• bould not be out too close to the cribed, Co-operative feed buying; for and forwarding advertisements. Lowest London:... .,:--- MR A.M.... 7.85 P.m, realised more and more as the dairy 17R, CHASE'S the United States. W It a rates will be quoted on application, Leave Palmerston 10.90 a.m. overcome by r d that last year our neighbors to the round, as the plant ma be in'ared which fnvolves•the urohme of over six"' KI ON EY' -LIVER PILLS. baa y g y P oe sendbrour neat work of this kind to the Toronto 8a Be"..East.:...... a.os p.m_ _ e.la p,in, industry increases. One way to fn - hundred million pounds of grain, oil- 'L'jrxjgs orrxe °3. Win�Qftiatlsr W. HENRY, Agent, Wingham. crease the acreage of. a form is to in- 1�2rs. crank Bloom, hardwood Calcar South prodnoed somewhat °ver seven thereby. p , rr hundred thousand bushels, it will be The yield per acre of green crop iS Date, etc., a year, ie #ally dealt with. /^CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY, crease the fertility of the soil of thO Ont. writes. want to tell you of C TitAtxa LaAvi. Toia farm: Similarly ll great benefit I found in the use seen that the milia of Canada will have about 20 tone, and of dry hay fiv9, It .' A valuable feature of the report I# the ....,�.- - - - - - • - y one 'away to increase tile ea Toronto and East 8.87 a.m,, – 0.24 P.M..a dairy herd is to increase the Iowa' of Dr. Chase's Xidney-Liver Pills. I all they can do to cope with the Western should not be allowed to remain rob attention given to the method# Yellowed Teeewater _.: RRIV . 1,00 p.m__10.24 p.m, suffered so badly with kidney disease long in the hot eon, aS the leaves core in the different countries for maintain- 6fl YEllltB� Teeswater Au..... racer producing power. that when I lay down I could not get crop- ...••. ..,s.87a,m,_ 8.10 p,m, As Robert Meighen, of the Lake of liable to become dry and break off, and ing harmony between packet's and farm. XIoERiENCE Toronto and East -_ .._1.00 P.m__10.24 p,m, up without help. I was completely lard X. H. BeEMER, A¢ent,Win¢ham. An Aged Hen. tip with lame aching back. I read the QVoods, #ometimes says. "Up to they contain most valuable nutrients. ere, and the Securing of iii nnilorm supply At Hazellitirst, Maas., there was bur, about Dr. Chasers Kidney -Liver Pills the resent tithe the amount of the Seed ie produced best from oither first, of pig#, Co-operation, riot only betweeff, r fes with appropriate 'Ceremonies by' in tine almanac of them and the P 1 ' g y available laude ander Cnttivatlon does : orsecond castings and averages Sue farmers, but between packers and farm• .'. Digs, Miles Cannon and lief children eured me of kidney disease anti back• with excellent respite. � T PAYS their favorite hen, Polly, seventeen aclle. not exceed the smonnt of lead that has' bnehels per date, although it #ometime# ars, is credited' 'Ing husband had dreadful pains in been set aside for road#," rune to Mith as ten, ,'This is especially true in Ern xland iii years old. She was believed to be the his sides and obtained cure by using Incidentally, Toronto will benfit by Alfalfa hay contains 'about 50 pat' , bacon Oaring vicinities, Tbnbt IGNSK� oldest hen in the world. According Dr. Chase's Kidne -Liver fills, These D¢sratS I to Polly's owner, she laid inure than y the oe anizatien of the new big million Gent. more digestible protein than hay After acerin(# with the various phases' �oMrarat+•I•s Vic,' )tills are the best on thO market and i f? Arlyeaeeeeainpaeketehanddescrt i timet" + 9,000 eggs and raised thirty'-fiife brb&U Compsny, as it will have its head office made from rod clover, it hates a of prodaotion in the different oonntrie#, ldttiokt n it Ip ob bur opinion bt1sierCe�aci,er an •� •� r�•t YY�v am glad to raeorntnend diem. 1 Its with one a lendid sciage for horse# and hogs, a chapter is devoted to E'ngltth bacon 't�1'on°:ii on it an°nbeaet>'tFa�iRhU9'8bK°oneui un Lie. T� ADERT,LSL� of chickens. lyr, Chase's KldnayLivex Y'ille arc it that City, while all t r p P Sent free, I este onoytorescann atenee., definite an certain in action enliven exception, ate situated within the Prov- but dare 'i# required when sheep 'or oat• trade and antltlier ttl leleon# for tlana patents ratan t rousb Mann tea. treaain D;esry lsroclut it bf bane#. the lifer and bowels na well as the kilt- P ` addition to the Port tie are turned id, as there It tendency dish farmere and paokerl. the report joetpij,pf1Er,w'tbour,a stat a �� ►IrTft � France pea#else# 50,000,000 head 6f fuer o, Ontario, in ad �DO �t�cr ��� ' $W'000,600, And than iii• tieysl are Testingly benCflefal and rco• dotborne mill, the locations being to bloat it allowed to eat too 'nittoh, i1 otlmpreh®nbive and. praotitlal, stud � cattle, worth nomtcal, 1Tut to obtain these traStl%4 ;von rdult get the gc%nuina Dr. A. `� , St. Cattlarindo, Thorold, Welland, and espeoislly when the grass 11 set, there#ore of value to ev6ry swine raiser A �iodai-01lay amt no f�oarecnl'al. Term l�oe ilusttles of raising thaA sand thele' " ills. One ill a S norm, The only taill at present Otit• An application of about 12 loads of . ill Caliads, Copies may" be proonred saw 7c *7 Cdr by ' i) Edicts, Stich iia milk, thi marl a_1 Chase a Kidney Liveti P P e r butter, taaiaiaia abtlut ytsi!'ttrtt'iitl11R" dose, 25 eents it box, at all aealers, or side the pttlW m Is the ono at Briindofl, batnyafrd manure 'poi acre every ftlnr free by writing the 'tl,ive Mock Cloiri• $Hill teobilei ro a YA1TIME dmansoti, Dater .dr Co., Toronto, lYlanitotia. yeAVE hits pfr6*611 gory 'laillt"llor r trl1#66tia" at l0tt,%*84 .Z�f"� ' °01` . ' ` . _t.j y 4 dM%>I�Iltw►Mltle>stoen. _ . a t0°t_..... _._, ., s*_,Zrr..�'q^. sj e {,•