HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1910-04-28, Page 6KERNELS FROM THE SANCTUM MILL 1 interesting Paragraphs from our Exchanges. A Riese of hot unlit ie oft;n a cure for ineorneine Bread will keep better in a wooden box than in tin. .d•htost /remarkable Case, "My face wee paralyzed, I oanld not (peek, fve doctors failed to help mo epd I a es in despair evben hearing of Dr. Cbiee's Nerve Tend I used this wonder- ful res t:wetfve treatment and beoame well and saund in every way. I would .not go beck to my former condition for all the gold in the oeuotry," writes Mr. Win. J Brenraan, Western Hill, St, Oatharinee, Ont. Mark, Twain died Thursday et hie 1zome at Redding, Conn, A few sorrelleavea added to a fish sialad will give $ piquant flavor. To keep it cork from sticking in a glue bottle, rub it well with vaaelfue, 'T'our tongue is coated. -your breath is foul. Headaches some and go, These symptoms show that your stow^ ooh is the trouble. To remove the oruse 3e the drat thing, and Obamberiain'a Stomach and Liver Tablets will do that,' Busy to take and most effective, Sold by all dealers, The lawlessness of the natives in Hunan province, O.eine, is spreading. People waste a lot of valuable time looking for things where they are not. The public debt of Germany is now $113,837,600. made up mostly of 3 and 314. per Dent. bonds. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA The lookout in the building trades tit Berlin will probably be settled in the clear future. A woman believed to be suffering from leprosy was found le a crowded tenement in New York. Owing to the rush of shareholders to unload, there has bean a drop in the price of rabbet shares in London. Every family and especially those who reside in the country should be provid- ed at all times with a bottle of Cham• berlein'aLiniment, There is no telling when it may be wanted in case of noel. dent or emergency. It is most excellent in all oases of rheumatism, sprains and bruises, Sold by all dealers. More than $12,000,000 worth of work- ingmen's sbirts and overalls are pro. ennead, annually in American prisons. Jewels valved at half a million dollars have been stolen from the Uspenski Cathedral, in the gremlin, at Moscow. Canada is the third best onatomer of the United States. Only Great Britain and Germany buy more than the Dom. inion does. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA The warship brake, invented by a Canadian, bas been tested on the United battleship Indiana and has proved a enc. nee8, This is a funny world just the same We no sooner hang up tho shovel and, poker than we take down the spade and the rake. Chamberlain', Stomach and Liver Tablets assist nature in driving all im- purities out of the system, insuring a free and regular condition and restoring the organs of the body to health and strength. Sold by all dealers. The purpose of store advertising is not merely to sell more goods—to make friends, bnild tip a patronage that will not stiek but grow. Newspapers reach the greatest number of people in the lar• mediate vicinity in the most natural wap at the least expense, and are there- fore the best of all rnedintes for stores. HEADACHE AND Burdock Blood Bitters. The presence of iaeadache nearly always toils us that there is another disease which, ultlioeeei we may not be aware of it, ie ::till cterting its baneful influence, and ;-,erhape awaiting an opportunity to a.;;•t'rt itself plainly. 13nrdeck Blood Hitters has, for years, been curing all kinds of headaches, and it you will only give it a trial we ere sure it will do for you what it has done for thou.. ♦lands of others, ♦+4 ++ Xl u r l f nohn Conner., TI d i writes:•-' 1 have been with head- ache and constipation foe a long tithe. After -++++4+++ trying different done tori ine<Iieineafriend asked me to try 13urtdoek Blood Hitters. 1 find I am eornpletety cured after" having taken three bottler. I can safely reco. mend it to all." Vet sale by all dealers. Manufactured only by The T. Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto, Qnt• ea ttc le and . Constipation,♦,,, Cured. t$'er--'' Why ko Fed, old miner' Dyrr--•"Sercebody promised to laud rue a fiver to day, iied I'vetorgotten who 9 wee,,,. George Nicbrls, son of a North Ox. ford farmer, was found in a field with big sknlr fraettsred and is not likely to reooner. The Lenton & Lake Erie Railway Company will run Sunday oars between Loudon and Port Stanley, beginning+ next Sunday, Flay years' experience of an Old Nurse MRS. WINSLOw's SopTITINt1 SYRUP la the prescription of one of the beat fe• male physicians and nurses in the United States,and has been need forfifty years with never.failing enooess by millions of mothers for their children. It relieves the child from pain, cures diarrhoea, griping in the bowels, and wind polio, By Riving health to the obild, it rests the ]pother. Twenty-five Dente a bottle, Freight rates in Cuba are legally sub- ject to disoriminatiag rebates on cow• modities such as sugar, tobacco, oral and fertilizers. Hon. A. J. Matheson is taking a trip for bis health. Daring his absence the Hon. I. B. Lucas will be Acting Provin- cial Treasurer. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTOR IA The birds were singing in the tree- tops this morning, and all nature was smiling, but not the man who got up and sew his neighbor's hens ,praoticing a two-step in his newly dug garden. Prompt relief in all oases of throat and lung• trouble if you use Chamber lain's Cough Remedy. Pleasant to take soothing and healing in effect. Sold by all dealers, There are in the Province of Pcines Edward Island 34,127 horses, 53,182 miloh cows, 61,116 other borned cattle, and 110,986 sheep. During the year About 90,000 sheep eking were exported ohitfiy to Ontario, Quebec and the United States. The shortest street railway in the world is said to be at Ocfeyviile, Ban R. C. Rollins, the owner, has jest filed this statement with the state board of railroad assessors: 'One street rail- road, 300 feet long, valve $300." Diarrhoea should be cured without loss of time and by a medicine which like Chamberlain's Oolio, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy not only cures promptly but produces no unpleasant after effects. It never fails and is pleasant and safe to take. Sold by all dealer,. Work on the new Ontario Reforma- tory at Guelph may now be said to have oommenced. All the original owners of the 800 acres, purchased for the site, havevaoated their farms and the same is now the property of the Province of Ontario. The votini in Markdale to raise $5000 for Continuation School purposes result- ed in the by-law being carried by a. substantial majority, and now the undertaking will be proceeded with vigorously. The total vote polled was 85 for and 42 against, CASTOR to For Infants and Children. The hind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of 9f#,"'"',2iZ4 tfl Examiners will be more strict than. ever this year. The High and Continn' anon school inspectors have reported that in some of the sohoolt under their charge the attainments of the pupils who have been admitted are detective and inadequate, and in their judgment the High school entranoe boarda comer- ned bane not set a proper standard in valuing the answer papers. One of the most important ruling,' ever made by a Canadian court of Taw, Jaye Bradstreet's, was handed out last week by (Thief Justice Sir Glenhohne Falcon - bridge. who diamisted witb poets the no. tion of Grant Hugh Browne, a New York financial man, against Henry Tian•. initis, of Montreal, to reo0ver $150,000 in oonneptton with a Cobalt mining deal. The effect of the ruling ib that an ,Am. erioan oompeny having no charter to do bl uinose in Ontario or in Canada cannot bting en lotion again*t a Canadian citizen tinder an agreement prepared rand signed in title country. It was claimed by oonntet that a foreign cern. parry operating In Canelo *intent a pr°vin°tut or Doininion charter, bad no etattt* in a C'lanadian court, and odtild not, therefore, take notion againm$ a Canadian citizen. Thisaoticn was tip. het th db the Murk and y the a tion x 4 d* w di*missed, err *unlet/, TUN W NOlai4M. TIM31 APRIL. 2 SOCIETY WOMEN'S HAIR A Simple Treatment that Will Make ' it Truly Fascinating, Walton McKinnon. Guarantees It Nowadaya every tip to date 'woman lute radiant hair. What a :eolith Creature, a woman would be it she lost the opportunity to. Odd to her atttaoticns. 'retro Oanada to•daty there are bun - ed E dr o a t o ea ndt of women v 'th harsh. faded,cbarnoterlesaheir who de not make aoy attempt to improve it, In Pavia most women latye beautiful. hair, and in Qauada all women, who into Parisi n Sage hove lustrous and lusur• taut hair. And any woman reader of the Times on have attractive and lustrous hair in a few Jaya' time by using this great hair rejuvenator, Parisian Sage. Walton ailoEtbbou sella a targe, bottle. for 50 dente and be guarantee, it to hau. ish daudroff, stop railing hair and irob, in scalp in two weeks or money back. Parisian Sage is an ideal hair tonic, not etioky or greasy, • HE RAS A RED and teary eye, Acrd oonahe a shrill and racking cough, And would you know the reason why? Because he t --k h-3 a 'nets off. Why is it that no one wants to live in the country any more? Cities are full of people who live from, "hand to month," and whose total weath is re. presented by the clothing they have on Years go by and these parsons never have a home. They lose that independ• ewe that the proud owner of a farm or country mechanic has, If there is one needed reform it is to keep the people on the farm and in the workshops and away from cities. How's THAN? We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for any case of Catarrh that cannot be oared by BaII's Catarrh Cure, F. J OHENEY & Co., Toledo, in We the undersigned, have known F. J. Cbeney for the iast 15 years, and be lieve him perfectly honourable in all business transaotions and financially able to (ltirry out any obligations made by his firm. WALDINe, KINNAN & MARTIN, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, 0, Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken intern ally, rioting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system, Test. imoniais sent free. Price 75o. per bot- tle. Sold by all druggists. Take Hall's Family Pills for comfit,. ation. While Halley's comet bas been identi- 'fled as a member of our system for over 2,000 years, certain charaoteristios of its orbit Lead us to believe that it has been with ns at least ten or perhaps 100 times as long as that, According to all ao- counts, it was a magnificent objeot at the time of the Norman conquest in 1066. Its head was equal to the full moon in size, and its tail increased to a wonderful length. An item has been going the rounds of the newspapers, etating that a tax of $2.00 will hereafter be levied on every dog in the province, and a tax of $5 on bitches. This is incorrect, The Bill, by Mr. Boyer, provides for a tax of $1 on the first dog owned or harbored, and $2 on each dog over one. The tax on the first bitch kept is $3 and $5 on each over one. One dog is enough' for any man to keep, and that is one too many if not worth $1 a year. A romance which will take a place among the interesting incidents of On- tario took plane at Paris, Ont, One day last week a young man secured employ. went at Penman Company, the big wet - len manufacturers. Looking over the factory girls of whom there are about a thousand, he singled out one, asked her address, called on her Friday night and married her Saturday afternoon, the con- ple leaving tbat evening for their new home in Seattle, Washington, where the young man, who gives his name as George 'West, is said to be a civil engin. ser.. The girl was Miss McMillan, who name out from England three weeks ago, The groom who &soured employ- ment merely to piok out his wife, refun- ded the Penman Oompany $60 passage money, whioh had been advanced to bring the girl to thie country, NervesWere Exhausted Wants others to know of her remark- able cure by use of DR. CHASE'S NERVE FOOD. Mrs. Martin's condition as deserib- ed iu her letter below gives some idea of the extraordinary reconstructive power of Dr. Chase's Nerve Food, Such cures as this have placed Dr. Chase's Nerve Pood where it stands today as the most popular and most effective nerve restorative that money will buy. Mrs, .Edwin Martin, Ayer's Cliff, Que., writes, --t 'Before I began nein g Dr. A. W. Chase's Nerve Pood I was in a terrible condition, Dizzy .spells would conte over ire and I would fall to the floor in a faint. T could not even sweep the floor without fainting and my nervous system seemed to be entire- ly exhausted. "Tire use of Dr. A, W. Chase's Nerve I`o od has built up my systole wonder- fully so that I can do my horsework and washing without any trouble, and I want others to know about it." In- sist on getting the genuine Dr. A. W. Chaco 5 Nerve Pood, 50 ets, A box, 6 base :t..ff s for .50, at all dealorei or Pd- rnanson, Hates do Co., Toronto: lo gonerni anti, eleotriaal engineering (eateries in the Uuittd. Kingdom aver MOW yeomen are employed. Many a girl would die of enlarge^ went of the heart if she really levet/ every young plan she thinks she does A medical expert announcee that he hue diseevorod that there is au efilnity between alcohol arid oonsunaptiou• The avidity with which tome men ceeeume aicahol aillrns the discovery, ii7oh4 'I ofarci lystaps Paushs, cures colds, heals the throat and tongs.. "S cantrt, On Thursday last there passed away at bis bom;e in Toronto, Thoznaa M Higgins, barrister et -law, Ile was barn at Rruoefiel.i forty -eine years ago, and is well remembered is that diatriot and in Oliuton• Modern researoh has acoordipg to a oplanet report, proved oarrion oroWs to be disseminators of disesase instead of useful scavengers, and they are no longer to be protected in the towns of British Guiana. "A man came to my store the other day.'' said the obenoiet, "wed handed zee seven presortptlons toput up. ^" Phese, I see, are all for the cure of a cold," I remarked to him casually, 'Yee,' he re. turned, 'wad of theb cured by code last widter, but 1'b haged if I cad rebeber. which watt,' " fPWAVIN7f11%//0/Y-a111) CURES CATARRH, ASTHMA, Brone o,, Croup, Coughs and Colds, or money back. Sold and guaranteed by WALTON M0KII3BON Prof, Thos, Shaw, writing in the American Agrioultarist, very truly says that special care is necessary when cat- tle are passing from winter to spring feeding 000ditiona. Ia, no case should the change be suddenly made from dry feed to pasture. If this be done an un- duly laxative condition is oreated with the result of lowered vitality in the an. imal and loss of productive power. As a preparation for spring feeding, roots and silage should be freely used as these tend to keep the bowels open. IL Dr. Chases °int ment is a certain an d guaranteed oureforeaoh and every form of itching, bleeding and protruding piles. See testimonials in the press and ask Your neighbors anent it. Yon can use it and et oar mor,ey back if not satisfled. sot, at all ors.:; EDMANSON. BATZS&Co., Toronto. 9R. CHASE'S OINTMENT. The death of an old resident of Kin- oardine in the person of Robert Fitz- gerald, aged 79 years, occurred on Tues. day, April 19th, at his residence on the south aide. Deceased has been ailing during the winter and gradually grew worse until death relieved him. The late Mr. Fitzgerald was of Irish descent and was born in Burlington, Ont, He came to Huron about 57 years ago and. first took up land on 4th concession on the lake shore. He then moved to the 6th Huron and from there to the 4th again. Retiring from farming he mov. ed to Kincardine about 19 years ago. He was married twine and is survived by his widow. Cold on the Lungs, This letter gives some idea of the con- fidence placed in Dr. Chase's Syrup of Linseed and Turpentine by people who know by experience of its exceptional merit. Mrs, R. D. Tamer, Broadview, N. W. T., writes; "We have seven children and have rtsed Dr, Chase's Syrup of Linseed and Turpentine for all when troubled with cold on the lunge. We buy four bottles at a time and always keep it in the house, believ- ing there is nothing so good for coughs and colds." A case that will mean considerable' to township councils was settled in Ash- field when the oonneil had to settle for the horse lost by Mr. Wm. McConnell stage driver between Kincardine and Goderioh. During the winter, he lost a horsethrough the road blockading and the animal getting down. The path - master was notified that the road was impassable and nothing was done to Op- en it. The stage line carrying the mail had to make an attempt with the testirt that itltot7onnei cost a valuable horse. The °pundit bas settled with the stage driver for the boast, The question now is, will et municipality have to keep a toad open or be held respontlible?--Kin• sardine Reporter. During the past fiscal year the Pro. vinoe received ft n e a amounting to $34,850 25 fat infractions of the Liquor License Arlt in license or non lieenue dtatriet* and 26,940 from local option municipalities. The Temigleaming diatriot, where Cobalt, Elk C1ty, Gow• ganda, eto„ are aitttr ted, furnished the largest rlmotint from "blind pigs," $s,48$. The city of "Toronto name second With $2,400, Ei'amitton Was third With $1,450; Kingston fourth with $1,260; Prescott, $1,263, and Lohdon, $1,180, There were 458 oonvietio'ns in livenee dietriota against license*, and 146 aoquittate, and 868 °°emotions against non -licensee,', and 192 distni*. eine. tip 10 date there have been tented Only 1,868 tavern and 246 *hop license*, ft redaction of 140 Over last year. This Hint Might Save You Money, Very often the obenpeat and poorest production ylelda most profit, Saltie dealers with their own profit in view try to ",poet." inferior preparations wtn-gyp Zatst-Buk is rooked for. They Iatk about 'lost se good," or "praoticaliy the Kitten" etc. Not one dealer known what is in Zein BultI Ie •any dealer tette you that snnething else is et s goad," a*k him how he !tows! I3estdea, the imitation 1e never as good ea the genuine ortiele. When buying. Zeal -Bolt, therefore, beaare yon see the name on the paoket The natio is pro• tooted by lavv, apt/ therein lies your safety. Theory and Practice, (English Paper, The theory of education touches hones lossono and authorities lay down lutes as to the length, nature and relative diff. oulty of these domestio tasks. Gener- ally teachers are inetructed not 50 mako theta too difldoult, but sometimes the reasons prove fpr more diflionit than the teacher antiolpates• For instance, a teacher recently received this pommnni- cation from as elisions and worried parent. "Sir, will you in the future give my some easier Sonne to do at niter- This is what he's brought honor two or three niter back. If fore gallius of bore will Hill thirty -to, pint bottles, bow many pints and half bottles will nine gallica of berg fill? Well we tried and aonld make nothing of it et )it and my boy cried and laffed and said he didn' dare go book in the morning without doing It. So I had to go and buy a nine gailin key of here, which 1 oonnrd ill afford to do, and then he went and borrowed n lot of wine and brandy bottles. We filed them, and my boy put the answer down, I don't known whether it is right or not as we apilled some while doing it. "P. S—Please let the next be in, water, as I am not able to buy more bere." WRINKLES. Worry continues to be easily the best antt-fat. Sin may be ugly, but it often takes to beauty onitnre. A man's opinion of himself is far from'being imperial, If yon moat make your mark, use chalk—it will ruts off. Most men have ambition, but it's ap- plication that counts. Love makes the world go round be- oause it intoxicates a fellow. Het is a fortunate man who never knows when hen/tete the worst of it. It is easy to laugh at misfortune until you get a personal introduction. The world owes you a living, but you meet be your own debt -collector. The man who has had the most trouble living_ generally worries most about dying. You can't judge of a man's import: azure from the noise he makes at the telephone. Any fool oan learn from experience. but it is only the wise man profits from the experience of others. At the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Graham, Ontreen Street, Lnoknow, was solemnized op Tnesday, the 19th inet., the marriage of their ascend youngest daughter, Mary, to Mr. 3, L. Falls of Chicago. Only immediate members of the family were present. At eleven o'clock the ceremony was performed, by Rev. 3. E. Ford. After partaking of a wedding dinner, the happy' ootiple Ieft on the 2 p, m. train for Buffalo, New York and other places, previous to taking up their final abode in the Metropolis of the West. The bride was one of Luokn°w's pretty and popular ladies; and the groom occupies one of the enviable positions in the American business world, being Manager of the Mailing Department of Swift & Co, Suffered Terrible Pciins Front Ser Kidneys For Nino Months, For Backache, Lame or Weak Back— one of the cuurnaonest and most distressing symptoms of kidney inaction, there is no remedy dont to Doan's Kidney fills for taking out the stitches, twitches and twinges, litnbering up the stiff back, and giving perfect eomfort. edieine that strengthens the kid- neys so that they are enabled to extract the poisonous uric acid from the blood and prevent the chief cause of Rheutna-. tisite, Mr.b angatd A. i4lcTsaac, Broad Cove tanks,N.S, writes. ---""I wan trembled with my kidneysnine for atbid months; and suffered with such tetrible pains across the small of my back all the time that I could hardly get around, After taking two boxes of Doan's Kidney Pills 1 began to feel better, end by the time I had taken three I eves completely eared," Price 50 cents per box, er 3 for $1.25, 1. all dealers or mailed direct on receipt of price by The T. Milbure Co., Limited, Limited , Toronto, Ont. Wlienort/er ordering specify •ify "Dean's," r TWENTY VEARS A60. Weal tllstoz'y of the early SOS iterrin l'#'0111 1110 "Tinley" fylo (Frani the `I'Islg8 of April 25, 1890,). wok, paws, The dust of the fore pars of the week was alm ootunbearable, Some provision should be Wade for watering the streets. We underet and that Mr, J, A, Cline has resigned the position of leader in the Presbyterian Church, after a great many years' .erviae. The electric light failed to illunaioate on Saturday night last, something hay^ ing gone wrong with the >naohlnery.. Oo Monday night it wet aIi right again. Mr, A, J. Conover is banding a large abed and stable in connection with "hie hotel, We understand he has leased his hotel to Mr. FI, Graham, his eon.in' low, who will conduct 15 in the future, Mr, Walter Slo10 nose ocoasianelly soon on the an streets ors crutches, He ie enjoying good health and looks well, Mr, Wrn. Dore will ship two buggies to Boisseyain, Manitoba, next week, Wingham manufactures Sud their way to distant parte. Messrs,. A. Roe and "Toe, Agnew were judges on ligbt and heavy horses respectively at the Bast Huron Show at Beuesela on Friday last. Mr. Thee, Bell shipped a carload of furniture to Winnipeg on Tnesday, and on Wednesday one to Regina, N. W. T. He has au order from Victoria, British Colombia, for nearly $2,000 worth of furniture, which will be shipped early next week: Mr. W. H, Day has disposed of laic livery business to a gentleman named Beattie, from Clinton, Mr. Robt Paterson who has the con- tract of building the new town hall, ex' peots to move to town next week, and work will be commenced on the build. ing. Mr, F. Unghes, who has the eon. iraot of excavating, is pushing along the. work well, and will aot►n levo his job completed, On lil;oucley evening last, the Amnia• tions of a Catrdidate to till the vacancy in Ward No, 1, caused by theresigns, tion of Mr, R, M..Bobinson, was bold in the Council Chamber, The follow, lull noulinetions were mode: George Green, by Wm. Moore, seconded by John Fianna;; Samuel Youhill, nominee - ed by 5 J, Smith, eeoonded by S. limit; John Neelencle, nominated by W. B. Towler, seoended by Robt, Molndoo; W. F, 13rookenah0re, norni:iated by R. F loonmex, eeeoru1ed by hobs, Aitkene. Voting will take pleas an Monday,. Messrs, Neelends and Brookenahire have retired end the contest is now between Masers, Youbill and Green, Mr. Geo. Pocook, or, has moved into, town, Monday's G;obe contained this item r Peter Z,iltioo, private banker, of Listow, el has suspended payment, owing, it is said, to his baying two mnc•"h money locked up in real estate, He is suppos.. ed to have about $30,000 deposits in islet institution, , 'k3I rub Gillespie. — I.h Wingham, on April' 19th, the wife of Mr, John Gillespie; a daughter, MARRIED. Nicholson—Drullet, At the Metho- diet parsonage, Walton, on the 9th. inst., by the Rev, Mr, Torrance, Mr. Wm. Nicholson, of MoKillop, to Miss Harriet Drallet, of Morrie, DEATHS, Williamson. --1n East Wawanosh on the 21st., inst.. Robert Williamson, aged 77 years. THE PRESS. • Of all that helps mankind to rise This oft used term much implies Than many seem to geese; It takes so ranch of mind and will And vital strength to rightly fill' This one great term "The Press." .Behind the paper, type and ink There most be one with power to think And bear the strain and etrees; And when life's deepest springs abound, Amongst true workers will be found The man behind The Press. The life that strengthens other lives Must be a life that bravely strives To make' earth's sorrows less; And though unseen may be his hands, Where help is needed most there stands The man behind The Preen Behind) the words so strong and free A living thinker there must be Whose thoughts the mind address; And precious truths themselves repeal, When mind impressed by mind can feel The man behind The Press. T. Watson, Granthnret, Ont„ 1910. ' THE WOMAN AT HOME. When patting vegetables to cook in boiling water, use water that is freshly boiled. Discarded felt hate are good to make felt soles for slippers and rubber boots. If there fa a little rice left over, it may be need to good advantage for thicken. ing soup. Do not put salt in the water in which peas are cooked, as it will pause the skin to -crack. When boiling fresh potatoes or peas, a sprig of mint in the water gives a de. Mimeo flavor. Never let a fine mirror stand in the sunlight, as the banking will aoften and become clouded. Sugar should be added to turnips, beets, peas, corn, equesh and pumpkins, When gleaning furniture try wiping it over first with a cloth Wrung out of very hot water, and qou will be stir• prided how easily it will polish, , If a grtiel pot is allowed to stand on stones or something gold tor a minute or two after 000king, it will not cool the contents very mull and will make stinking lees probable Paint the floor* of clothes presses 000asionelly" 50 keep MOthsaway, 'push the +woodwork with strong bolt Water with alunt added to kits Ineeots, 11 any eplashea on the polished wood, remove at once with a damp cloth and dry at once. This is ten exoullant treatment for old WOoden bedstead* also. It is not generally known that vase - line will stain if left in a material for any length of time. Pivot soak the gar. nlent3n clear warrIn water :for a short time, then in a strong ammonia water, Take Oat and Wash in soap suds and the stain twill entirely disappear. This, of course, would be the method Of treat. nient for white goods only, A pinch Of soda added to the boiling Water in which cabbage or 0atrli.fower it oobked impr°ves the flavor of the Vegetables. THE NEW GIRL. [T. A. Daly, in Oatbolio Standard and Times.] Since we've been keeping house we've bad All aorta of servant maids, And some were really not so bad, Though most of them were "jades." Soule couldn't sweep, some couldn,t cook, Some wouldn't nook who could,. And some of them by stealth forsook Our quiet neighborhood And left ns mutely to deplore, When they had taken • wings More holes in our depleted store. Of silverware and things, Yet we were never hard to please, And would I'm free to may, Have gladly kept the worst of theta. But none of them would stay. But now, at last, my wife and I'„ Who couldn't keep a girl, Have got a perfeot treasure! My t' She's just a gem, a pearl! She doesn't storm, or sulk, or swear Or keep us 0n the rack. And wages? Pshaw! she doesn't care;_ She never answers back, Nor thinks to say an ugly word: • Or even wear a frown, Our greatest joy in life occurred' When she dropped into town. She brightened all our hopes and alma. When she arrived today. She weighs twelve pounds, the doctor claims, And she is here to stay. TO POLISH SILVER. Have you ever used block magnesia to - clean silver? The floor -like substance is not gritty and it can be used dry to rub up pieces of silver that are not badly tarnished. Apply with a soft cotton cloth and rub to a polish with chamois, Mixing the silver powder with alcohol instead of water will give a more bril- liant lustre with less work, Keep one of the rougedchamois skins in the pantry for emergency polishing. A hasty rub will give a brilliant shine. When used on a part that must go to the month rinse the silver in boiling water atter polishing with the chamois. .Silver should be boiled occasionally in water in which a small lump of washing soda has been dissolved. Every year or two silver that is in constant use ehonid be taken to the jeweler far rebnrnishing and the removal. Of scratches, This can be done with, little lose of weight„ If there la no regular day for silver cleaning the hostess wilt frequently be tnortifiedby that sign of bad housekeep- ing, dingy table silver. SOUR STOMACH It An Almost Certain Sign of Acute Indigestion. It you occasionally have a taste of solar food in your month, it snrely shown that the food you are eating le not being digested, but instead, is fernienting and giving °tit poisonous gallas. Bachieg of gas is a common symptom at s ooh tiniest, _s, and also that lump of lead feeling, ae if your stomach was berrying a much greater load than it could stand. If you want prompt relief and .per-- roaaent ears, go to 3'. Walton bon's and get a large tin box of Mi-o-nta tablets for 50 cents. 3. Walton MoKibbon knows that Mi- o-na is a highly reoommended enlentifio reinedy, and that is why he is ready to return your Money if it fail* to ours acid itomach,belchiiig Of gas, dit.ziueeu, billiottenesa, alok headache, fool breath end all stomach troubled. tine nec