HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1910-04-28, Page 5i Tao Wf N`x AJll TI $, APRIL 28 1919 o• CLOTHING FOR THE BOYS. The New Russian Models to fit the Little Chaps • Sailors in the newest models are . smart]iSuits for Boys', ages 5 to 10 years. The College Suits with Bloomer Knickers, a cor suit for Canadian Boys. 1 sect Boys', like Men want the latest thing in Clothes. We sell the best to be had. Quality, choice of materials and tailoring considered, :a' Boys' Furnishings. i • MSCONO A choice assortment!of Caps, Hats, Shirts, A ,,,Collars, Gloves, Ties, etc., in the latest lug »u spring styles in stock now. ,m --41/ � . & C CLOTHIERS AND MEN'S FURNISHERS. eee'mmosEneullemommilimunlinffillinGOONIMMINSINNOWIll Wa3I ' OHU5iuU, The Qreamery will open for the season Qn Monday next. The drawers will be on the road for the first time that day and patrons are requested to have oream ready for Opening day.. Mr. and Mre. Ben Paterson wish to heartily thank their neighbors and. friends for their many seta of kindness and help during their recent Meese. Several new telephones will be instal- led in the village this week by the North Baron Telephone Co,. eiLUEVALE, Oatmeal exchanged for oats. FRANK R. Howsoet, Wingham, Messrs. Johnston see Duff, of this place have purchased the Grand Champion. Filly "Prinoeae Gartley. This filly, although not four yenta old, weighs close to 1,900 lbs., and is pronoauoed by expert judges to be one of the choicest in Qanada, The following is a list of her winnings; -tat and silver medal at Exeter; let at Zurioh; let at Seaforth fall fair; 1st and special at Clinton: lot and silver medal at Seaforth spring fair, 1909; 2nd at Toronto; let and sweep. stakes at London; lot and sweepstakes at Seaforth fall fair; let and silver med- al at Seaforth, 1910; let and special at Olinton. IIOwICK. On Tuesday morning of last week -about six o'clock, fire broke out in the dwelling of Jaok Ball, Lot 18, con. 0, Howiok, which destroyed the entire building along with all his household effeata, also consumed about $200 in cash which was in the building at the time. So suddenly did the fire break out that the oocnpante had barely time to get their clothes on and make their exit, and it was with difficulty that Mr. Ball got Ms aged mother out. There was no insurance on the building and the loss will amount to over $1,000. Mr. Ball has the sympathy of the entire ,Community in his severe setback. -•mss--- Great Britain is a heavy buyer of 4'wood-$145,000,000 worth in 1908. Nor- way and Sweden supplied $41,000,000 worth, Russia the same amount, and the 'United States $21,500,000 worth. JAMESTOWN. Mr. Mason of Wingham took charge of the service last Sunday evening. Messrs. Sykes of Toronto and Eames of Clinton will preaoh next Sunday evening. Mr. Norman Mulligan, of Molesworth visited Jamestown friends on Sunday last. Mr. Wm. Mo$elvie, of Brussels was e visitor at Wm. Holt's on Friday last. Miss Jnneve Taylor and Mies Myrtle Wilson, of Brussels, visited friends at Jamestown on Saturday last. Mr. and Mrs. D. MaoDonald and Mise Denalda spent Sunday afternoon at Mr. A, Pollock's, We are pleased to state that Mre. B. Payne is much improved in health and hope she may continue doing so. Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Jermyn San- dayed at Mr. W. H. Wright's. To -yl c or triaiudant ? There is an ilnmense difference between a tonic and a stimulant. Up one day, way back the next; that's a stimulant. Steady progress day by day toward perfect health; that's a tonic. Ayer's Sarsaparilla is a. tonic, a strong tonic. The only Sarsaparilla entirely free from alcohol. Do not stimulate unless your doctor says so. He knows. Ask him. Do as he says. J. C Ayer Co., Lowell,Mass. Constipation is the one great cause of sick -headache, biliousness, indigestion, bad breath, debility, nervousness. Has your doctor ever recommended Ayer's Pills to you? 0 •TBANSFORDIATIONB SWITOHES isOMPADOURB OLDSTER-OtJRt,S OMING !' of. Dorenwend OF TORONTO the well-known Bair Goods Artist, will visit WING.HAWI At Brunswick Hotel 'ednesciay, May 4th Darinthis visit he will be showing the latest Parisian and New York styles, You a epartionlarly invited to call, in - :meet and try on any of these:creations. EAST W tWANOSK. Oatmeal exchanged for oats. FRANK R. Howsox, Wingham. After an illness extending over several months, Ellen Leiahman, beloved wife Mr.Jae. Dow jr, passed away at the home of her mother, Mrs. Leishman, at Marnoch, ou Monday in her 31st year. Mrs. Dow was born in this township and°had lived here all her life, being held in hig11 esteem by all her friends. In May 1907 she was married to her now bereft husband, who with one child are left to mourn. The bereaved will have the sympathy of many friends. The funeral takes place tbis(Thursday) after- noon to the Wingham cemetery. �(It11Ua';.il:0a;. Dr. Tailing, of Toronto, formerly of Lendon, line been euga ed for a month to oonduot the seretees n Knox Obarob, The vacancy was paused by the death of Dr, Awdereon, 1, Last week was ono of the battiest at the harbor for years, The, Beaverton broke all reoords for early arrivals. The milergaiuere which arrived and unloaded derive the week were; The Meant Stephen, Empress. of Midland, Wiuona,. Turret Chief, Dundee and Doric. IsELGR, ,VE, Oatmeal exchanged ter mite, F118Nir R, HOWSON, Wingham. Mrs. Orr is spending a few days with her daughter, Mrs. Patland, of Wing - ham. Mr. and Mrs. Milton Watson will shortly move to Ooohrane and take up a farm. Wm, Geddes has had a new smoke- stack erected on his mill; it is 65 feet high. Mrs J. Soandrett is visiting her youn- gest sister at Saginaw, Michigan, who is seriously i11. Mr, A. Nioholer n and sons leave for Ooobrane, New Ontario, in a few days, where they will take up a blook of land, Mr. Joyoe MCLsan, G T. R. operator of Capetown, is visiting his parents be• fore going to Brandon, where he has tenured a position ou the 0 P. R, Mr. Ed, Nicholson, brother of James Nioholeon, 4th line of Morris, is leaviog for a town between Calgary and B;dmon- ton, where he will couduot a bakery business. Mrs. John Owens, while walking across the floor one day recently, slipped and fell, dielooatinrz her shoolder. which has ennead her lunch pain. Dr. Stewart assisted by Dr. Redmond, succeeded in replacing the distention. Mrs. Owens le quite aged and veru etont, which made it all the more serious. Qanada`s Growing Trade, An official bulletin of .the Department of Trade and Ouluweroe•nctes that "the exPenOtee of Osuadian t►ade contiouen to break all prpview' rraord$, For the twelye months ended February 28 1910, the aggregate trade of Qanada wee $663 749,268. This amount surpassed that for the twelve months ended February 28, 1908, when the aggregate trade was $042,728 065, by $21,021,208 Anal) zing these figures still further, is will be seen from the statement that the exports of merobandiz # in the above period inoreas. ed from $260180,167 to $294 977 863, being au Morose of $34 797 690, The itnpotts of rnerobandize inoreased from $358.170.800 to $060 287 027, being an in• oreaee of $2,116 197. Similarly it will be seen that the agorae for the eleven. mouths waded February last inoreased oehsiderably oyer the same period in 1608 The total trade in merohandise inoreased from $567,064.221 in 1908 to $602. 008,775 in 1910, being an increase of $35 244,553, Iaoloding coin and but - lion 1t will be seen that the total trade of Oaneda daring the eleven moothe period mentioned inoreased from $589,- 775,974 to $610,577 981. In all the above oomparisions the periods for 1910 are compared with the same periode in 1908, as the latter was the greatest year in the history of Canadian trade, 'R. T. Walker, a veteran grain buyer and pioneer of Kincardine, is very i11 from an attaok of blood -poisoning. The London and Lake Erie Railway Oo. ran Sunday cars between London and Port Stanley for the first time last Sunday. Brantford License Commissioners have declared that conviction for one sale during prohibited hours will cancel a license. Edmonton is to have its first sky- scraper thie year, when a ten -story build- ing will be erected at a cost of $106,000. Liverpool cotton firms are said to have been defrauded out of two and one- half million dollars by fraudulent bills of lading. The Dorenwend Saniary Patent Toupee 1,1 tedit or Gentlemen who are bald, is a head covering dr superior in both style and durability to any Sher manufactured, At the present day over .000 of these are in use throughout Canada d the United States. Call and have free bnstration. Remember -One Day Only The Dorenwend Co. bf \ Toronto, Lilnited 103.105 VONGE sTntnT. d WNW ",MME11111111110 THE SUBSCRIPTION LIST OPENS AT THE OFFICE OF THF. GUARDIAN TRUST COMPANY, LTD., TORONTO, ON MONDAY APRIL 25th, 1910, AND WILL BE CLOSED ON OR BEFORE MONDAY', THE 9th DAY OF MAY, 1910, AT 3 P.M. CAWTHRA MULOCK & CO. OWN AND OFFER FOR SALE AT :P A.R,, X100 PSR ST-1CAR] $2,000,000 of the 7 p.c. Cumulative Preferred Stock, with a bonus of 25 p.c. Common Stock, of apie Leaf Milling Company limited (Incorporated under the Laws of the Province of Ontario). HEAD OFFICE, - TORONTO, CANADA CAPITAL STOCK, Issued and Fully Paid Up. PREFERRED (7% Cumulative) - - - . $2,500,000 COMMON - - - - - - • - 2,500,000 $5,000,000 THE COMPANY HAS NO GONDS ISSUED OR AUTHORIZED. GUARDIAN TRUST COMPANY, Limited is prepared to receive subscriptions for $2,000,000 of the above seven per cent. cumulative preferred stock at the price of $100 for each share, with a bonus of common stock equal in par value to 25 per cent. of the par value of the preferred stock allotted, to be delivered on payment of subscription in full. The dividends on the preferred stock, accrue from April 6th, 1910. Subscriptions will be payable as follows: 10 per cent. on .Application, and 90 per cent. on Allotment. 109 per cent. or In Instalments a follows, in which case interest at the rate of 6 pel- cent. will be ged. 10 per cent. on Applicatio 15 per cent. on Allotm 25 per cent. on let Ju 25 per cent. on 1st 25 • r cent. on 1st 100 • er cent. 1910. ly, 1910, and ugust, 1910. The right is reserved to allot only such subset. ptions nd fo uch amounts as may be approved and to close the subscription book without notice. unties of the Company will be made for the listing of the sec on The Toronto Stock Exchange. BANKERS OF COMPANY -Imperial Bank of Canada and Bank of Montreal BOARD OF DIRECTORS D. C. CAMERON, Winnipeg, President. JOHN I. A. HUNT, London. President Rat Portage Lumber Company, Limited. President Goderich Elevator & Transit Co. CAWTWRA MULOCK, Toronto, Vice President. Vice -President Hunt Bros.. Limited, Millers. Director. Imperial Bank of Canada, Director Con -CHARLES WU nt NationalLE, Toronto. federation Life Association. Vice -President Iron Works, Limited. JOHN CARRICK, Toronto. CHARLES W. BAND, Toronto. Secretary The Maple Leaf Flour Mills Co., Limited. Vice -President' James Carruthers Company, Lim- HEDLEY 5 HAW, Toronto. ited, Grain Exporters. • Managing Director Maple Leaf Milling Co., Limited. NEW COMPANY A GOING CONCERN. Maple Leaf Milling Company, Limited, is a new Company which has taken over the whole ' undertaking as a going concern of the Maple Leaf Flour Mills Company Limited, including therein that of the Hedley Shaw Milling Company Lim- ited. The company has mills at Kenora, Thorold, St. Catharines, Welland, and Port Colborne (the last named in course of construction) in the Province of Ontario and at Brandon in the Province of Manitoba. When the construction at present under way at Port Colborne is com- pleted the company will have a total milling capacity of 12,800 barrels per day. The com- pany has at present thirty-five elevators situated throughout the Western Wheat Belt, and fifteen additional ones are being added at the present time. A million bushel elevator is being con- structed next to the new mill at Port Colborne. The company has also warehouses and offices at Toronto, Winnipeg, Kingston, Ottawa, and Mont- real, MARKET FOR OUTPUT. The rapid growth of the business of the two companies taken over has long made apparent the necessity of additional milling capacity. Fur- ther, the tremendous increase in the total out- put from the Western Wheat Belt makes it absolutely necessary to have more mills in Canada to handle it. Last year this output amounted to about 125,000,000 bushels, and experienced men estimate that by the end of the year 1920 Canada will be producing fully 600,000,000 bushels an- nually. A great proportion of this will of neces- sity find its way into Canadian mills. Larger demands are bound to come• as the population of the country increases, and the enquiry for the Canadian product, both from Great Britain and from the foreign markets of the world, will increase. The chain of mills now controlled by the new company will enable it to secure its full share of the trade . of every section of Canada, as well as of Great Britain and foreign countries. SECURITY AND EARNING POWER: The assets of the old Companies taken over as above stand in excess of all liabilities and without any allowance for good -will, trade marks, etc., at $3,770,524.11, this amount being ascertained on the basis of an appraisal by the Canadian -American Appraisal Company, Limited, as of March 17th, 1910, of the capital assets taken over, and the certificate of Messrs. Price, Waterhouse & Company, as of February 28th, 1910, as to current assets and curre nt liabilities, with a liberal allowance for all contin- gencies. There has also been placed in the Treasury =1,000,000 of additional cash, which, besides permitting of the completion of a 6,000 barrel mill and a million bushel elevator and storage warehouse at Port Colborne, and of fifteen additional elevators in the West, will provide the new Company with further working capital. As per certificate of Messrs, Price, Waterhouse & Com pany, of London, quoted below, the earnings of the old Company on the present plant amounted from September 25th, 1908, to. August 200, 1909, to .... $218,843.38 And from August 21st, 1909, to February 28th, 1916, to. $166,793.29 being for the latter period at a rate equal to over 13 per cent. en the preferred stock of the Company. LOCATION OF MILLS AND MANAGEMENT. Mr. Hedley Shaw and Mr. D. C. Cameron, under w hose direction the properties of the old companies have been developed, will retain large interests in and be actively identified tvith the new Company, Mr. Bedley Shaw as Managing Director, The location of the new 6,000 barrel mill at Part Colborne is without exception the best In Canada. A complete report on the advantages of the Port Colborne site, prepared by Mr. Hedley Shaw, will be found in the prospectus. Prospectuses and forms of application may be ermined at any branch of the Imperial Bank of Canada or The Royal Bank of Canada, from Guardian Trust Company, Limited, 'Toronto, and from Cawthra Mulock and Company, Toronto. APPLICATIONS FOR SHARES SHOULD BE MADE UPON THE FOAM ACCOMPANYING THE PROSPECTUS AND SHOULD BE SENT TOGETHER WITH THE REMITTANCE DUE ON APPLICA- TION TOi ANY BRANCH OF GUARDIAN TRUST COMPANY, Limifd, Toronto Ole TO CAWTBRA MULOCK,& CO., Members Toronto Stock Exrchahye ROYAL BANK BLDG., TORONTO; ONT. THE IMPERIAL BANK OF CANADA OR ROYAL BANK OF CANADA llw House -Cleaning Thwe is Here To Brighten up the House You Will Need NEW BLINDS, NEW CURTAINS, NEW CARPETS, NEW RUGS, NEW OILCLOTHS, NEW MATTINGS, NEW LINOLEUMS, NEW `DRAPERIES, ETC. We are after all the trade there is this season in Car- pets and Rugs. Our stock is much larger to begin with this season than ever before If you want to tone things up at little expense, come and see what we call value in all kinds of Floor Coverings and House Furnishings. CARPET DEPARTMENT ON SECOND FLOOR BLINDS. Special valve in Window Blinds and Curtain Poles, "city prices are not in it," See our Opaque Linen Blinds, oomplete only - Cottage Poles - 25o ,10o RUGS. A large stook of New Rage in ail sizes, in Tapestry, Brussels, Welton, Velvet and Wool. Prices begin at $5.00 La E. ISARD &_C0.1 ,.,.,... MATTING. Japan Matting in all the new pat- terns, special value et 150, 200 and 25e Japanese Mat- ting and Squares, fins for bedrooms, all good patterns, seamless, a bargain, only - $1 50 LACE CURTAINS. Onrtains and Curtain Material in great variety. see our new patterns in Madras, speoial 25e Lace Curtains 210 up to $6 00 pair. 4 Sizes 26 to ;q. These Suits are tweeds and sezges, double-breasted, good wearing suits. Prices are right from $2.00 to $5.00. 15 Men's Suits on Sale • ♦ • A ♦ • • • To be sold at reduced prices. We have a big •♦l stock of new Spring Suits for Men and Boys'. We also have the agency for the "Fit Reform" • high-class tailored Suits and Overcoats. ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ Men's Boys' and Children's Caps, Hats and Tams, G 3lf and Eton shapes to suit all boys. Hats and Caps i • ♦ ♦ ♦ House Furnishings Ladies who wants New Net WaLts. We are + clearing four lines of New Nets at a price -blue, Z brown, white and cream, regular $1.5o for $1.10; t regular,r75c for 50c per yard. ♦ •♦ • Rugs, Carpets, Linoleums, Oilcloth, Madras, Lace and Tapestry Curtains -we want your spring busi- i • ness. Five dozen window shades, green, regular tt 3oc, sale price 22c. MOS IWhitewear! Whitewear! Ladies Gowns, Drawers, Corset Covers, Under- skirts, fancy and plain tailored. Waists. We would like to show you our Whitewear, of best quality for the spring trade. ♦ ••♦ • • We Want Your Grocery Trade Phone No. 70 when you have an order. • •• • •• • • IHANNA & cO.1 • Ali kinds of Produne taken is Cash. Min7(l. ' • • 444.+44.44444.4•••••••••••••• ♦4444+++++++1N+4.4.44X+t