HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1910-04-21, Page 8MINOR LQCALS.. McLean of Tiverton is a ;pat, lent in the hospital. --hour thousand emigrants landed at $alitttlr on Saturday last, -- Three unabrellaa are awaiting own - Mai et the Wingham post cillos, —Tbe garallaeroiAl Hotel at Wiarton was totally destroyed by fire. an Monday Teeming. ---M4`• Iiugh 3• Ramsay, who recently {soil his livery bueiuess at Einoardiee has moved to Brussels. --?fir. R. A. Douglass, formerly of 'Wingham, bas been appointed Magis- trate for the town of Matheson. —Mr. Thos. Code has been appointed clerk 0 the division court at Blyth, to succeed Mr. 3, G. Ei igh, who has re. signed, l'or twentyi'our years Yapo-Cresolene has been extensively used for all forms of throat and bronchial troubles.. All Druggists. —David Forsythe died at Dundee on 'Friday, aged $2 years. He was born blind and lived all hie life under that aiffliotien. —Mr. Edward Holtzman, of Palmer-. atcn, has taken a positron with Mr. R. Maxwell, tailor, and will move Me family to town. —Mre. d', 0. McGregor, who was operated on at the hospital for appen• @ioitea last week by Dr. Kennedy ie vonvaleeing rapidly, .--Mr. Robt. Carrie, or, and Mrs. Sadler, two of Wingham's old and respected residents have been seriously ill during the past week. --Messrs Ritchie & Oosene, real estate agents have this week sold Mrs. R. Kerr's two vacant lots on Catherine street to Dr. 3. P. Kennedy. —The many friends of Mrs. McGavin who underwent a very serious operation at the hospital last Saturday, will be pleased to learn that is naw considered outof danger. —Mr. 3. W. Mills, who last week underwent an operation for appendicitis at the Wingbam hospital is doing nicely and his many friends hope to see him a- bout in a few days. —At the end of the month two hon. tired and forty licensed bars in the Pro- vinoe of Ontario will close. This is the direst result of the recent campaigns for local option and license reduction. Mr. J. Williams and family, who have been residents of Wingham for some time left on Tuesday for their new home in, Alberta and will take with them the best wishes of a Iarge cirola of friends. —Mr. T. A. Mills is having the front of his store fitted up by having prisin glass put in at the top 0 the windows. This will make a great improvement and give a great deal more light in the store. —The rain during the past week was badly needed. The land was getting very dry and there was very little grow- th. Fine warm weather 18 needed now to bring along the grass and newly sown grain. —A special practice for those who are taking part in the , cantata "Queen Esther," wilI be held in the Y. M. C. A. rooms this (Thursday) evening, at 8 o'olock. Mr. Cline requests 'every mem- ber to be present. —The firm of Morrish & Vanatter, grocers, Goderich, Is dissolved. Mr, Vanatter retiring, and J. H. McClinton, of Westfield, entering into partnership' with Mr. Morrish to carry on the bus- iness Hider the firm name Morrish & McCintOn. —S. H. Smith, an extensive dealer in live stook, and the owner of a large farm near Clinton, died at his home early Saturday morning, after a linger- ing illness 0 over a year. Deceased formerly lived in North Toronto. He leaves a wife olid one son. --Last Thursday night some parties made things lively at Whitechurch by firing Shots at a residence in that vil- lage. Tbo matter was placed in Prow• iucial Conotable Phippen'a hands on Friday and he has since investigated and it is likely to be a court case before the matter is settled. —Mayor Holmes and ]y 2r, Geo. Mo. Eenzie were in Seafortll and Otinton last week looking into the systems haOpted in these towns In the Way 0 flryr earth closets and the disposal of garbage, err, Their report will be pre. Santeci to the Board of Health at its next meeting for o;lucideration, --;`,Ir. 1. V. li', r:, who has been Xccat manager for the BoII Telephone nom. pally at Seaforth for a number of years, has, owing to hin going west, given up the managetnent 0 the °Moe, ',Che.. Seaforth office has now bean mad, a first class office tinder the management of Mr, 1J, 7nnrooiie, manager of the Stratford afoot, The Stratford Beacon has entered its 20th year tinder the ownership and managership of Wm. O'Beirne. The `Beacon ie one of the very beast paperay in Western Ontario arid Mr, O'Beirne is sit cyst to the (rant is keeping his paper itt the front rank. Oontinned ituooeee to the Ileum and its genial pablieliet le the bet Wish tit the YTOM% PERSONAL. Miss B. Sent was visiting With p1iu. ton friends last week, Mrp. 3. 0‘ Smith, Frances Street, is. visiting friendsin Chatsworth, Mr. Jos • Fi Metoli, of Landon vlaited in Wingham for a few daya last week. Rev, C. E. Deakins 0 London- was oalliug err Winghaut friends on Tues. day. Dr. P. Dfaodonald, 0 London was calling ou old Wingham friends ou Mn'o day. Mr, Thos. Brandon, 0 Stratford was galling on old friends its Wingham last week. Mrs. Oormaok and daughter, Mise Jean, of Maple Wood, visited for a teW days at the home 0 Mr. A, 3. Malcolm. Miss 1•lorenoe VanNorman, 0 God- erioh was visiting for over Sunday with her parents, Mr, and Mrs, V, R. Van Normae. Dr, Margaret C. Calder, who bas been pursuing a special course at the Chicago Eye, Eiir, Nose and Throat Postgradu- ate Hospital, is expected home in a week or ten days. County Engineer l:'attereon was in town on Monday and while here, in company with Councillor Kelly, drove mit into Turnberry and inspected two 0 the township bridges, Mr, John Kerr has returned holt° after spending some weeks in California and British Columbia. We are pleased to report that Mr, lKerr is very much. improved in health, and we ase pleased to see him back in bis old plane behind the counter. Mr. John T. Currie was in Toronto for a few days at the bedside of his son Mr. Elgin Currie, who has been seriously ill with typhoid fever, We are pleased to report that the young man is now im- proving and we hope he may soon be re- stored to good health, Mr. and Mrs. T. Hall returned home yesterday after spending the past few months in California. A large oircle of friends are pleased to welcome them book to Windham 'and we trust the change 0 climate has given renewed health to both Mr. and Mrs. Hall. Mr, Geo. 0, Manners left on Tuesday for Tofield, Alta, where he will visit fur the next two months. His numerous friends will wish him a pleasant trip and a complete restoration to good health. Mr. Manners wenn accompanied by his neige, Mise F. Beattie. His daughter, Mrs. Hoffman, who has been here for for the past few weeks, accompanied him as far as Chicago. St Catharines License Commissioners reduced the number of licenses in the oity from sixteen to ten. The C. P. R. steamer Assiniboia left Owen Sound for Fort William on Satur- day, opening the season for that com- pany's line. su1x. WAt1t n.—In Wingham, on the 18th inst., to Mr, and Mrs C, M. Walker; a daughter. WBEELBO.-1n Turnberry, on the loth inst., to Mr, and Mrs. George Wheeler; a daughter. LATiG.—At Berlin on April /5, 1910, to Mr. and Mrs. Claude Leslie Laing; a son. CnA1,11,1oN,—In Turnberry, on April 19th, to Mr. and Mrs. Fred. Champion ; a son. BLA.BItIED Cooire—Osrin.—At 49 Melbourne avenue, Moose Jaw, by the Rov. W. A Cooke, B. A., president of the Manitoba Conference, Edgar B. Cooke, of Moose Jaw. to Mrs, Rae J. Oster, of Gorrie. JEEMYN—WBIGHT —At the residence of the bride's brother, W. Ti. Wright, on April 0th, bp Rev. I,. Perrin of Wroxeter, Miss BerthaM. Wright, of Perrin, to Wesley 99 Jermyn, of Morris townsh,p, Dr.SID DtMENT —In Bluevale, on April 19th, Susan Yeo, relict of the late John L)iment, in her 87th year, The funeral will take place from her late residence on Friday afternoon at 2.80 o'clock for Bluevale cemetery. Service at house at 2 o'clock. ITovr —IN Fordwich, en April 7th, Mrs. Anthony Holt, sr., aged 03 years,,0 months and 20 days. 1FScQu2LaAx: In West Wawanosh, on April 10, Elizabeth Andrew, beloved wife of Edward McQuillan, aged 09 years, 7 months and 12 days, Mcltxtt..--In Winnipeg, on April 9th, Mrs, Aleir. MciKell. mother of Sirs. Alex. Ritchie, formerly of Wingham, aged 51 years. TINSMITHS WANTED. Six good Tins iths, ,efeady employ- ment, wages $4 not day of eight hours. Corresp d,, 0. Sheet Metal Work, 245 Ba pard St., Vancouver, B. 0„ A. P. Ste rt, manager. TENDERS ANTED. Sealed tenders with w rd "Tender" plaeed on corner of envelope, ill be received by the undersigned up to Mon ay, April 25th for the building of a brick er , onerete vault in the Wingham Town Hall. pecificatlona and full particulars can be obta ted at diceGit0.JOHN F. ES, flown Clerk. 4 RiCfit 01268014 Itlllt Agents r Wingitatn TENDERS WANTED, Teudera will be received by the under. Signed up to Vile ath of May for raising, brioitiog, shingling, putting in founds - tion and basement and, probably moving sohool house in S. $ No. 3, Oulross.. Plano and specifications and full patti- oulars pan be bad by ,applying to• JOS, WEI,WOOD, Secretary, Wtn.gbamL P 0, Lot 25, (lou, 2, onlross. NOTICE TQ CREDITORS. Notice is hereby given pursuant to R. 8 O. 1897, Chap: 129, Sec 38, that all persQcs having claims against the estate of George Casemore, late of the Township of Morris, yaruter, de- ceased, who died on or about the h day of March, it D. 1910, are required . send by post prepaid or to deliver to 1i. Ve.: one. Solicitor for the Executor of the said ceased, on or be- fore the 17th day of llIay • •.1910, their names, addresses, and deso •ipti..8 and a fu1L state- ment of particular of lair claims and the nature of the secu (if any) held by them duly certified, and at after the said day the Executor will proceed to distribute the assets of the deceased among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which he shall then have notice. Fated this 18th day of April A. D. 1910 R• VANSTO1'E, Wingha,,, P. O , Solicitor for Executor. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Notice Is hereby given pursuant R 8 O. 1807, Chap. 129, Sec. 38, that all per ne having claims against the estate et A ur Helfer. late of the Township of T berry in the Counts of Huron, Yeoman, ceased, who died on or about the •twetjty ' st day of March, A. D., 1910 are requir o send by post pre- paid or to deliver to 114!Vanstone, Solicitor for the Administrator of the said deceased, on or before the 17th day of May, A. D. 1910, their names, addresses, acid descriptions and a full statement of particulars of their claims and the nature of the security (if any) held by them duly certified, and that after the said day the Administrator will proceed to distri- bute the assets of the deceased among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which he shalt then have notice. Dated this 18th day of April. A. D. 1910. R. VANSTONE, Win ham P. 0., Solicitor for Administrator. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Notice is hereby given pursuant to R. S. O. 1897, Ohap. 129, Sect, 88, that alt persons having claims against the Estate of David Rintoul, late of the Township of Kinloss in the Oouhty of Bruce, Laborer, deceased, who died on or about the 81st day of July, A. D. 1909, are re- quired to send by post prepaid or to deliver to l . Vanetone of the Town of Wingham in the t ounty of Huron, Solicitor for the Admin- strator for the said deceased, on or before the 25th day of April A. D. 1910, their names, ad- dresses mid descriptions and a full statement of particulars of their claims and the nature of the security (if any`, held by them duly certified, and after the said day the Adminis- trator will proceed to distribute the assets of the deceased among the parties entitled there- to, having regard only to the claims of which he shall then have notice, .Dated this 28th day of March, A. D. 1910. R. VANSTONE, Wingham P. 0. Solicitor for Administrator. j WINGHAM MACHINE SHOP Baby Carriages and Go•Oarts retired and repaired. General repair work of all kinds. See our new Combination Stock Rack. TUVI WING t.4M Tl k S, APRIL Si, 1910. iltias. a KING'S FiOUSJ.-GLEANING TIN1F! This is the busiest season in house -keeping and with it conte the necessary replenishing of the Home Furnishings. ;We have a complete range of the necessary articles for the purpose, CURTAINS—Madras Curtaining all colors, Fancy Drap- eries, etc., etc. CARPETS, --Ingrains, Tapestries, Brussels, Unions, etc. in a. fine range of colors and designs. RUGS AND SQUARES.—Velvets, Axminster, Tapestry and Unions. LINOLEUMS AND FLOOR OILS.—The largest and most superb range shown. Come in and let us show you the goods. TO CLEAR 1200 yards Flannelette—Ends 2 to to yards, reg, 12%c and 15c, to clear 7c per yard. 25 dozen Ladies' Black Cotton Hose, regular 15c per pair, to clear at loc. BUTTER 25c, EGGS 22c (20c CASH) GOOD G• E KING • CHEAP GOODS PRIpES. giumwomuommsnammarimmionmeassommaimiums ••••••••••••••••••tial•••••• '•••••••••0•••••••••••••••• ISpring_Dress ' Goods • Bargains in Bicycles and sundries. • H•ardly el er has a Spring season produced such a wealth of • • beautiful colorings and weaves as this, and for no former • as • season have we made such preparations with the very • choicest shades and effects. .And what's most in our favor • •is • that we've earned the verdict we most desire—that every • • piece in the display is thoroughly practical and desirable. • • Newest weaves in Wool, Linen and Cotton Suitings. • •• • W. A. CURRIE j • ••• • Plow Points sharpened and made good as new at l0c each. Auction and store room in Kent block. See me if you have anything to sell by auction. Phone 21. PROPRIETOR, CEND1A . d STRATFORD,. ONT. The great practical training school of Ontario. Three departments, Commercial, Shorthand or Telegraphy. We assist gradnatee to positions. The demand upon us for trained help greatly exceeds the onpply. The Three most recently placed are re- ceiVing $40 00) $50.00 and $10c o0 per month respectively. Business men state our graduates are the best. Enter our classes now, Get our free oatalOgue, ELLIOTT & McIACHIAN PRINOXPALS, likeekDIAN GREAT LAKES NA,TION NOW PEN tyI l'DA'x' t , J'r ,Sr 'iAT1TAnAstJA llegu1 ha ugs as follows: M t y, y S. s. "ILEI WATIN" W"EnxEst AY , S. S. "AlaSEnxA" TITTi1tsDAY , S. 8, "ittA, IT013A" SATURDAY S. S, "ASSINxoOrA" The host pleasant and cheaitest route to Winnipeg and West. 110118F,1! May 3 Thr'ottglt Frain to Winnipeg and West from "reroute 2.00 on above date, J. Ts. nituMEV, Agent, 'Witfgltam. SHIRT WAISTS • 0 We have one of the finest ranges of Shirt Waists that we have shown for some years—all styles and prices. CURTAINS AND * MADRASSES • • • • • • • Curtains from 25c up to $8.00 per pair, all newest designs • • and patterns, • •• Madras—White, ecru and colors, in the popular stained •is : glass effects, • • oWe take Butter and Eggs in exchange for these new goods. •• • jD,. GORDON.I •••*••••••••*••••••.••••.• ••••.•.•••••••••.•..••••••• Dr. Rudd of Woodstock was tossed by a bull and severely injured. Twenty-five men were overwhelmed by a landslide on the National Trans- continental at 000c000aohe, Sae., and killed. Toronto and • Return $365 From WINGITAM with 50o added for admission to Canadian National Horse Show, Tiokets good going April 25th. Return limit May 2nd. rorrsonolmladorm HOMESEEKERS EXCURSIONS Winnipeg and return $$2,00 Ednxonton and return $42,50 Via C7hic4(0 of Sarnia and North' ern Navigation Company. Dor tiokettand further information. Call an W. Henry, Depot Agent of address d'. Li, Morionald, D. P. A. Toronto. •i. $ Spring is here and with it has come the same old • story, "Want ant something to eat that we never t heard tell of. Come in *, to MaIcoIm's and you'll 1.4 find something to tempt every appetite. Try our 4 ASPARAGUS TIPS T. they're delicious or a can of ROAST BEEP, VEAL or TONGUE. Have 4. you had a bottle of our ,t. Mustard Pickles also .i. sweet and sour • All kinds of Gamed Vegetables, Coffees, Teas and Fresh Grocer- res. r wrirr,.r. A J Malcolm t Phone 1;4, • ,Prodliee Wanted, MAlA SALE ... .TU STWO 1J I T YEARS SINCE "FV'I., STARTED BUSINESS IN WINGTIAI, AND WI!; INTEND CELEBRATING IT ON Friday' Evoiiing next at 7 o'clock WHEN WE WILL OFFER A BARGAIN TO THE LADIES HERETOFORE UNEQUALLED 66 pairs Victoria and Peerless High Shoes PATENT AND DONGOLA LEATHERS AND ALL PERFECT REGULAR $3.00 AND $3.50 SHOES FOR $E.66 PER PAIR Samples in South Window, and remember the time of sale - 7 O'CLOCK NEXT FRIDAY EVENING. WILLIS & CO. THE SHOE STORE. . 'Sole Agents for 1, SHOE! for Ladies. Sole Agents for the "Astoria" Shoes for Men. , vvvir W_ALV_rentrU'vrwst:t'vr7r?ao:V'1yy, v Yvv. I.vws.`0 ••Vvilmorr, '!' VrAM 1. . 4 -louse Cleaning E - Means 1 4 Aj House Furnishings f 04m 0' 1 Warrn spring days suggest house cleaning and house cleaning means a new Carpet for a certain room; a certain room needs new Curtains and a certain room needs , a new Linoleum or Oil Cloth Japanese Matting, Floor Oily, Scotch Linoleums, Rugs, CARPET SQUARES IN TAPESTRY BRUSSELS AND VELVET. Ce,, You will realize substantial savings if you buy your Spring House Furnishings from us. G mime CARPET SQUARES $stow to $30.00 E A NUMBER OF SMALL ENOS CARPET CHEAP , +f 2 F' See our line of Ladies' Suitings itt latest colors. Also 1, our Ladies' Resdy.to.Wpar Waists. No, t Sugar .$5,35 per cwt°Icash. ALL TUNAS 011 i'Ttoritjcg•" WA1ctTE1J. Ts Asi MILLS r • :floNt 89. WINGEAM, ONT. • VEWA 'ESAVASA IiAiR` t ;+►1k"LA C . ' „ Ast.tAiNAAlkAAAWAAIVAISA 1 Aift7 1