HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1910-04-21, Page 6s ; LERNELS FROM THE SANCTUM MILL Interesting Paragraphs from our Exchanges, The C. P. R. will spend $2,000,000 on \. The man who i.e willing to work for nothing never bas to look for a job. It is stated in Montreal that Mr. R. Forget, M,P , may take the 65th. Regis, ment ter a trip to England and Frazee. We don't mind seeing other people get sin in the world, so long as they re. frain from using na as stepping stones. Mild exercise, such as drill, light dumb bell exercise, etc., is benefioial before going to bed, and alaobefore breakfast. A duck egg weigbing 1bj ounces and measuring seven inches one way and nine the other fs the story that comes from Clinton. irrigation work this year. A strike of silver Is reported from Pnelinob" township, near Guelph. The mines at Coal C eek are shut down owing to the scarcity of care. To Have a Ronul1t'ui Skin. About otie sixth of the watts matter discharged from the bnman body passes out through the pores of the than If the akin is to be kept beautiful the pores must be kept in healthful condition by bathing and by use of Dr. Chase's Clint. ment which overcomes all chafing and irritation of the skin and aures pimples, eruptions and the many forms of eczema. 4444.44.4,411144* .-.. The Observatory officials at Ottawa report that they have Been Halley's comet. Do not eat anything between meals except fruit carefully peeled and free *eta dust. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CAST'O RIA A little Windsor lad named House, who nt est a cup of tea over himself, was fatally scalded. When a man tries to drown his troubles it seems that he thinks that his trouble is in his stomach, Prompt relief in all oases of throat and lung trouble if you use Chamber. lain's Cough Remedy. Pleasant to take, soothing and beating in effect. Sold by all dealers. A small boy's idea of an entertainment le any kind of a gathering where re- freshments are served. There are in Argentina four broad gauge railroad*, three narrow gauge and two English gauge. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CTAS eLEO R I A The Grand Trunk Pacific promises To- ronto and Montreal connection with the west in a short time. In London fresh fish during the Tudor period was a luxury for the rich, beyond the means of the moor. Diarrhoea should be oured without lose of time and by a medioine which like Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy not only mires promptly but produces no unpleasant after effects. It never fails and is pleasant and safe to take. Sold by all deelere. Mrs. Jane Mapson of St. Thomas wan- dered out on the M. C. R. high bridge and wad out to pieces by a train. To freshen old worn black gloves, add a few drops of blackink to a little sweet oil, apply with a soft brush and dry. Now that the spring vegetables are here stoat women may have hope. They are said to clear the complexion also. m Fifty years' experience of an Old Nurse MRS. WINSLOW'S SOOTHING SYRUP 18 the preaoription of one of the best fe- male phyoioians and nurses in the United Statee,and has been used for fifty years with never -failing success by millions of mothers for their children. It relieves the child from pain, cures diarrhoea, griping in the bowels, and wind polio. By giving health to the {nhiid, it rest9 the mother. Twenty-five &snuff a bottle, In Ohient O a etrai: Oositi at "Most say fifty dentate. Served on the platter at restaurant rates it is worth two thou- sand dollare, besides the glue, oil tallow, drugs, leather brushes, fertilizer, combs, buttons and soap known only to the packer ES "velvet." The 'Optimist' wants to know "who gets the money?" Gentlemen you get only one guess. Troubled With Bet& ;'the For ears. Now Com pletoly Cured Dy The tee Of DOAN'S ZIDNEY PILLS. Mrs. 17. C, Doerr, 13 Brighton St., London, Ont., writes:" It is with pleasure that I thank you for the good your Iloan'a Kidney Pille have done me. Have been troubled with backache for years. 1. thing helped me until a friend brought me a boy of your Kidney Pills. I began to take them and took four hetes, and ani glad to say that I am cured en- tirely and can do all my own work and feel as good as I used to before taken sick. I tan positive Doan's Kidney Piffle era alt yen claim them to be, and I advise ell kidney sufferers to give them a fair trial: " Let 1)oan'n Kidney Pills de for you what they have done for thousands ei athero. /They cure all forma of kidney trouble and they cure to stay eared. Price, 50 eentsr box or .3 boxes for $1.25a ail dealers or mailed direct on receipt of price by The T. Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont. When ordering spongy "DOWN." HOW'd THIS? We offer One Hundred DollarsReward for any case of Catarrh that cannot be onred by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. Garment fie Co., Toledo, O. We the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and be lieve him perfeotly l;awourable in all business transactions and flnanoially able to carry out any obligations made by Me firm. WeLDING, KINNAN & MARVIN, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, 0, Hall's Catarrh Care is taken intern, &ly, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Test- imonials sent free. Price 750. per bot- tle. Sold by all druggists. Take Hall's Family Pills for constip- ation. _ n Every man who owns a single where of stock in a $1,000,000 corporation thinks he could run it better than the general manager. It was proved long ago that ants have the power of seeing the (to human beings) invisible rays of the ultra -violet portion of the spectrum. CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of On the 9th con, of Huron, five farmers viz: Duncan Campbell, Richard Robert- son, Harry Stevenson and James Need- ham raised eighty Dight pigs off five sows. The estimate of the population of Montreal made for the Board of Con- trol, shows 530,000 for the city proper, and 62,pee for the suburbs, a total of 392, 000, Your tongue is coated. Your breath is foul. Headaches come and go. These symptoms show that your etom- aoh is the trouble. To remove the cause is the first thing, and Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets will do that. Easy to take and most effective. Sold by all dealers. Olive oil is an excellent cleanser for aluminum ware. After washing the articles and drying them, rub with a cloth which has been saturated with oil. It will keep the ware bright and free from rust. The last statement of the interest- bearing debt of the United States makes the total $897,253,990, while the gross bonded indebtedness of New York city at its last statement was $605,260,115. The metropolis is carrying $8,006,125 more than the dation, FELL 011: THE STOVE. BABY IS BADLY BURNED. The young daughter of Alre, T. 5, Dougall, 028 Flora Avenue, Winnipeg, was arranging some of her doll's wash- ing on a mottles; raok, beside the stove, when: she felt, and bar hand, being th own out to try and saveherself, name in courant with the side of the bot stove. She sustained a serious barn, and her soreanis brought her mother quiokly to the spot, "I sent to the druagiet for the best remedy he had for borne," he says, "and he sent back a box of Zim•Buk, He said that there wile nothing to equal it. 1 applied this, and it soothed the pain so quickly that the child laughed through her teere. I bound up the hand in Zam Buk, and each day applied Zam- rink frequently and liberally, until the barn was quite cured.. "The little one was soon able to go on with her play, and we had no trouble with her during the tune the burn was being healed I wnnld recommend all mothers to keep Z rm•Bute haudy for smergenoles of tile. kind." All druggists and stores sell Zam Bak at fifty gents a box. Post free from Zam-Bak Co., Toronto, for prion, and you are warned against harmful imita- tions. —4444.4x'44444=4. Canadian immigration agents and °Mciats aavertised tor immigrants in several thousand newspapers and farm journals of the United States last year. Signs are not wanting to assure any one Shut every year single ohrysanthe- mums are steadily gaining in favor, mainly, of course, with those whose aim is to grow plants for general decoration and for supplying out blooms for their own table. To remove wallpaper, take warm wat- er softened with borax or ammonia and apply with a eponee . The paper will soon become soaked and blistered and may be easily stripped off. Ie is well to do this a day or so before 111e new paper is put on. DR. A. W. CHASE'S ft CATARRH POWDER is sent direct to the diseased parts by the Improved Blower, Heals the ulcers, clears the air passages, stops droppings in the throat and permanently. cures Catarrh and Fray Fever25c. blower free. Accept no substitutes. All dealers or Unloosen, nates & Co., Toronto. The marriage is anuouuced at Roches- ter, N. Y., of Annie Tangher, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. John Taughter of Tees - water, to Mr. Augustus Dolan, Roches- ter. Mr. Dolan's business card indi- cates that he is manager of the Rochester branch of the Century Heating and Ventilating Co. of Aaron, Ohio. • Necessary for the Family. If health is to be maiutained there must be at hand in every household a medicine which can be positively relied upon to regulate the liver, kidneys and bowels. Dr. Chase's KidneyLiver Pills have proven their right to first place in this regard and already hold a secure position in the great majority of homes. Unless the broom corn crop of the country is subjected to a plan of con- servation there will be a further shortage and the prioe of the ordinary house bro. om will go higher, according to state- ments made at the sessions of the Nat- ional Association of Broommakers of America last week. It was said that the crop this year would fall behind that of last year. every family and eepeoially those who reside in the country should be provid. ed at all times with a bottle of Oham- berlain's Liniment. There is no telling when it may be wanted in case of acci- dent or emergency. It is most excellent in all oases of 'rheumatism, sprains and bruises. Sold by all dealers. By a recent order of the beautiful de. means and walls at Moore Abbey; Mone- stervean, the family seat of the Earls of Drogheda, have been closed to the public. The grounds bad been avail• able for public recreation for time im• memorial it is stated. The wheat fields look well this spring. There does not seem to have been much winter -killed wheat. The steady snow covering and the good days sinoe have been good for it. We may not be out of the woods yet, but so far, prospects are good for a bumper crop. Rev. Thos. L, Frame), pastor of the Clark Avenue Friends' ()hutch,. Cleve- land. Ohio, has contributed his salary of $15 a week to pay off the mortgage on his church while he earns a living for himself and family by working as a mechanic in a motor oar works. ley lrtay 1, $1,500 must be raided. The Orangeville High School Beard is asking the town eonnoil to grant $5,000 to enlargethe school building in order 56 establish a branch of Ogricnl. tare, If such a branch is established the government will give an annual grant of $1200 and the county of Duffer• in will silro give a grant of $500, making a yearly revenue of $1700 from this .ouroe alone, GP WI4W-D MEI CURES .CATARRH, 'ASTHMA, Bronchitis, Croup, Coughs and Colds, or money bask. Sold and guaranteed by WALTON MOKIBBON. -----..r— The Board of License Commissioners for. Centre .Bruce will meet in Manus on the 25th instant. Five licenses will be dropped, four by local option by-laws (3 in Ol±eeley and one in Bervie) and no license will be granted for the Enniekil- len hotel. The proprietor Louis Yack, died a few weeks ago, the Commissioners will not continue a license there. %%as WANtiliAtd, INIXel APRIL 211 it 1U Getting a Hebit. When I was but a little laid I used to watch the men 1111 up their trusty briar pipes, and smoke, and smoke again. ""Man's highest aunt:," I thought, "is just to make tobg000 burp;" and eo I swiped an old olay pipe, and start"d to to. learn. Ods Ileh I the anguish I milks. ed l The gaspiutr, .choking breathe! I ourted me up behind the barn, and died a hundred deaths; and father found me writhing there, and stood me 00 mY head, and lammed me with a barrel stave till I was nearly aped; and mother shamed me sore, and said; "The world for ruin's ripe, ,ince I've• become the Parent of a fiend who stuokee a pipe." Yet dauntless was their noble boy, un- tamed and undismayed. I quickly got another pipe—when can my glory fade? I cried eland, snstaiued and soothed by an unswerving trust,: "I am the cap- tain of my eru1, and I will smoke or bust." And so the day of triumph came, and I could smoke, and smoke, without becoming so distressed that I was fit to oroak, Ah, many weary years sinoe then have fie an with ruthless speed, and I've burned up a million pipes and ninety tons of weed; and I have tried so hard to q lit—and I have tried in vain; and so the email boy's courage gives the veteran a pain.—Walt Mason, 44-4.444,444114.444444.44 The April Rod and Gun. The manifold delights of the day's with the rod and line, the season for which is now so near at band, finds some able exponents in the April number. of Rod and Gun in Canada, published by W. J. Taylor, Woodstock, Ont. The immense advantages of Algonquin Park Por fishing vacations, and descriptions of some of its many wonderful lakes is giv en prominence in a beautifully illustrated article, the writer having bad the pri- vilege 01 accompanying the hardy Ran- gers on some of their rounds. The veteran angler, Mr. O. W. Young, gives an account of some new waters aping the line of the new Transcontinental in Northern Qaebeo and many a fisherman will hope that during the coming sum- mer he may possibly repeat Mr, Young's delightful experiences. The wander- ings of a fiehing party lost iu the Rook les are well sold by Mr. E M. Allworth, the story illustrating the difference between fishing in the north and in the west. Mr. Allworth and his party had to walk home from the mountains to their prairie town, A defence of the catfish will be read with interest. Two good bear stories, one of dnok hunting, a tale cf a good dog and game bird hunt.' ing by motor oar add variety and give 'increased interest to an excellent num- ber. Not merely no fisherman but no sportsman should be wilhont its bright, imfcrmative companionship, 4 NowCured of Rheumatism Nature Tells You As Many a Wingham Reader Knows Too Well. When the kidneys are sick, Nature tells you all about it. The urine is nature's calendar. Infrequent or too frequent notion; Any urinary troubles tell of kidney ills. Booth's Kidney Pills core all kidney i Is. Wingham people testify to this. A. S. Murray, of Victoria St., Wing - ham, Ont., says: "My back had been ore and tender for years and stooping r lifting would cause me much suffer- 'ng and it would take many seconds to traigten up again. My rest was broken everal times each night with the fre- quent and irregular secretions of the kidneys and the trine was of a high olor and filled with a brick dust sedi- ment. Taking cold would usually ansa this and I would often awake as fired as on going to bed. I had tried numerous remedies without any appar- nt results. 'Booth's Kidney Pills were dvertised and procuring a box at Mr. MoKibbon's Pharmacy I commenced testament. My baok Boon strengthened and the pain had not returned. The ecretions were brought to normal and he urine cleared. I believe Booth's Kidney Pills the best and most reliable of all remedies and will gladly recom- mend them." Sold by dealers. Price 50 cents. The R. T. Booth Co , Ltd., Fort Erie, Ont„ Sole Canadian Agents Cost him $100.00 for medicines which failed—Cured by DR. CHASE'S KIDNEY -LIVER' PILLS. Mr. James Clark, Maidstone, Sask., writes: "I suffered for four years with rheumatism in my shoulders and could net lift my arms above the head. I tried nearly all the advertised 'rano- dies but none of them gave me re- lief. It cost rite at least $100.00 for medicines before T used Dr. Chase's Itidney.Liv'er Pills. "With the use of this medicine, I soon found relief. I followed up tide treatment for Si?; months and was then quite free from rheumatism. 'While using Dr. Chase la Itidney-Liver Pills T also used Dr. Chase's Backaeke Plaster when so stiff that T could scarcely bend. They always found the weak spot and gave relief while the internal treatment was bringing about a thorough cure," The sueeess of Dr: Cbase't Kidney- Liter Pills h n n a) been phoncrno al. One pill a dere, 25 cent) a box, at all dealers or Edntauson, Battle & Co., Tor- onto. Dr. Chase's Recipes will be sent free on request. Canadian Citizens Who are Not British. There is a lot of talk in Parliament about what is best put, at; "a British subject I was born and a British snbjeot I will die." It Is a very nice sentiment.. but it is one that Canada cannot give away—for instance—to Sir Thomas Shaughnessy. Sir Thomas is not a Brit. lab citizen, notwithstanding the fact he King t bestowed the accolade upon him. He was naturalized in Can, ads and is a Canadian citizen, but he was born in Milwaukee, .o Canadian naturalization does not make him a British eitizen. Under British law Sir Thomas would have to reside five years in Great Britain before he could be naturalized as a British citizen. J. Cue- tell Nuking, the Toronto rampant fin. perialist, is another. He. was born in Ohio. The late cion. John Charlton was another, In 1915 it is probable that there will be one, perhaps two hundred thousand naturalized Americana in the Dominion but while Canadian citizens, they will not be British citizens, Unless the ,British law on the subject is oltan• god. One earl hardly wonder if these naturalized Canadians 'will have but little sympathy with the Imperial cult when it means nothing 5a thein,—NOW Glasgow Chronicle,. • The Hotel Question. The following from the Railroad News and. Commercial Traveler, 80 fully coincides with the opinion of the TIMES, that we give it -,prominent piece In our oolumnsc The keeping of a licensed hotel is a legitimate business, legalized by the lnw, unfortunately a large per. oeutsge of hotelmen are not business men. If they were, they would con. scantly aim at avoiding everything that would be detrimental to the permanency or interests of ,their bneinee$, The groper who adulterates .his goods and gives short weight and nwasures does not prosper for long, and eventually finds his buaiuess bee slipped away from him, Shrewd bnetneee men have found thdt straightforward dealing with the public ,is the only course that pays and siestas success. Th0 hotelman has an easy oareer powpared with other busi- ness men, because well.defined laws have been laid down by the Govern- ment for MO guidance, laws which goy ern every phase of his occupation, So long as, he observes striotly the rules thus laid . down for ,bine, no one can complain of the business conducted by the hctelman. Instead of anathemizing the, -encroachments of local option, and doing all rin'his power to hasten its ad- vent by selling liquor after hours, sell- ing to minors, confirmed drunkards and those on the prohibition list,, the hotel. man has only to avoid snob infringe- ments both in the letter and the spirit of the law, to continue hie vocation un- molested..- Not content with the legi- timate profits, too many hotelazen in greed become unscrupulous, and furnish liquor at all times to all who possess the requisite pride. In every centre of population there are` men, sometimes prominent men, the best of citizens, orainarily, who r.eriodioally break loose on a more or less prolonged "spree." Instead of refusing such a man any more liquor when it is plainly evident that he is on the verge of intoxication, or already intoxicated, too many liquor - sellers have not auffoient farsighted self-respect for she interests of their business to furnish any more drink to a man in such a condition. The most effectual way of heading off local option legislation is in the hands of the men who hold liquor licenses. If all engag- ed in the business were to get together and organize in a federation binding themselves to strictly, conscientiously and impartially observe every require- ment of tike liquor licenee laws, and themselves actively assist in enforoing them, their business would be no longer endangered by prohibitory measures, and the business of keeping hotel and furnishing spirituous refreshments un- der decent and temperate conditions would speedily rank with all other honorable occupations in point of re- speotability. Helen continues to retain its popular- ty as a name for girls. Not long ago it was voted the favorite name by the stu- dents of r men's college, and it has been discovered as the result of a canvas of the homes of the students in Smith Col• ege, that more than a hundred of the total of sixteen hundred bear that name. Mary, with less than ninety comes next. Margaret, Ruth, Florence and Elizabeth follow in the same order. The good old-fashioned womanly names have for- tunately dieplaoed the fanoy names of a generation or So ago. Mr. Wm'; Ballantyne, Seaforth assess. or, has finished hie duties for this year. From the roll we take the following statistics: Number of acres assessed, 550; value of real property, exclusive of buildings, $684,645; value of taxable real property, $735,390; value of real property liable for school tax only, $11,000; business assessment liable for sohool tax only, $15,000; valve of real property exempt from taxation or liable for local improvements only, $95,100; business asaeesment, $70,292; taxable income, $8,150; total assessment, $936,. 532. The total population is 2,142, or three lees than last year. Number, of births, 25; deaths, 15; number of 'dogs 89. • BAD STOMACH Many in Wingham are Being Thor. oughly Purified by,Miona, the Guar- anteed Cure for Indigestion. People of Wingham who suffer from dyspepsia and other stomach troubles are getting tired of taking preparations containing pepsin, because papain simply digests the food artificially. Pepsin re. lieves, it never aures, .And remember, pepsin only, digests animal food; it has no effect on etarohy food, such as potatoes, rice, bread, etc. Mee -net cleanses and purifies the stomach and bowels, and tones up and puts energy into the stomach wails, so that they properly mix the feod with the natural digestive juices of the atom. soh. Mi•o-na tablets quickly arouse the etomaoh from its inaction, and in a few days it is able to do its work easily and without exertion, There will be no more eonr etomaoh, fermentation of food, dizziness, sick, headache, belching of gar, or foul breath. MI-o"na only costs 60 cents a large box, and is guaranteed by J. Walton McKibben to cure dyspepsia, sea or car sickness, vomitingof pre nanoy, and stomach .knbs resulting oh ove- indulgenoe of the night before, or money back, ANOTHER MIRACLE IN NOVA SCOTIA Thought the Disease was Cancer of the Stomach f RU T A TIVES Cured Him SYDNEY MINES, N. S., JANUARY 251'$ 1910 "For many years t suffered torture from Indigestion and Dyspepsia. Two' years ago, I was so bad that I vomited my food constantly. The agony I endured. all these years, I cannot describe and I lost over 25 pounds in weight. I also' suffered with -Constipation which made the stomach trouble worse. I consulted. physicians, as I was afraid the disease was cancer -but medicine gave only• temporary relief and then the disease was as bad as ever. I read in the "Maritime.,Daptist" about "Pruit-a-tives" and the cures this medicine was making and I decided to try it. After taking three boxes, I found a great change for the better and now I can say"Fruit-a-tives" has entirely cured me when every other treatment failed, and I reverently say 'Thank God for: Fruit-a-tives' ! 1" EDWIN ORAM, SR. " Fruit -a -Lives" sweetens the stomach, increases the flow of gastricuice,. strengthens the stomach muscles, and insures sound digestion. The wonderful powers of this famous fruit medicine are never more clearly shown than in curing the apparently hopeless cases of Dyspepsia and Constipation. roc a box, 6 for 52.5o, or trial' size, 25c. At dealers or from Frait-a-tives Limited, Ottawa. TWENTY YEARS AGO. Local History of the early 80s. Items from the "Times" fyles. (From the TIems of April 18, 1890.) LOOAL NEWS. The fall wheat in this -section looks well, having come through the winter better than was expected. Kincardine is now lit up by electricity, the Ball Electric Light Company having recently put in a plant there. Mr. Philip McKibben who bas not been very well for some time, is now occasionally seen on our streets. Mr. F. Hughes, wlio has. the oontraot for the excavation for the newtown hall, has a gang of men`busy on the job now. Messrs. Wm. Kincaid, Joseph Kin. oaid and Ed. Cummings left on Monday last -for Chicago, where they expect to work for a time at their trade. After the abeenoe of several weeks, spent in South Carolina, Mr. Robt. Orr returned on Wedueeday night, much improved in health. Mr. T. A. Mille, one day last week, purchased the residence at present ocore pied by Mr. E, R. Talbot, and two lots in connection, as a site for the proposed new Episcopal church. Weare pleased to see that Mr. Jas. R. Macdonald, son of Dr. Macdonald, M.P., took firet.olass'honors at Trinity Uni- versity, Toronto, at his final examina- tion for the degree of M. D., 0. M., and the silver medal at Trinity College for the degree of "Fellowship" of the Col- lege. We are glad to learn that the buai. nese of the Union Factory Is steadily increasing. A little over a year ago, the number of workmen employed by this firm was 48: Now the number over 90, The demand for their goods is now so great that many orders have to be de. alined. BLU`RveLE. The village streets are dry again, and the' "village green" alive with sports. All are glad' to see Miller Herbert at his poet again after his severe illness. Mr. James Timmins is about to open another store in Winchester, near Mont. real. He will not himself, however, leave Bluevale. Tenders are advertised for already, for the ereotion of the new Methodist Church. From reports there will be considerable competition for the con— treat. MORRIS. I Mr. Joseph Goliey, who graduated a•• short time ago at the Ontario Veterin- ary College, Toronto, has entered into partnership with Mr. J. D. Warwiok, of Brussels. GLENANNAN. The man behind the plough is now the order of the day. There is a consider- able breadth of land to tarn over in this, distriot yet. The day, however, is now. long, and with good April weather it: will be prosecuted assiduously and most. ly overtaken before the usual seedtime. After a most delicate operation, man- ipulated by Dr. Chisholm upon Arthur Lincoln, of the 10th con., about three pints of water was taken off the left. lung. We are happy to chronicle that he is doing well, Miss A. Weir, formerly teacher in S. S. No, 3, and now student of Clinton Collegiate, was last week the guest of Mr. 3, Scott. BIRTIHS' Ferguson.—In Wingham, on the 15th inst., the wife of Mr. R. B. Ferguson;. a daughter. Dreaver.—In Wingham, on the 14th inst., the wife of Mr. R. Dreaver; a. son. DEATHS. Sanderson.—In Wingham, on the 11th inst., William Sanderson, father-in-law of Mr, Richard Green, aged 52 years, 3 months and 11 days. White. — In Morrie, on April 5511, Agnes White, aged 21 years, 8 months and 15 days. The late Henrietta McDonald came to the Township of duron in 1852, with her husband, the late Norman McLean, and settled on Lot 22 in 1110 7511 con, on whioh she resided until her death, Her ago. predeceased here thine years The deceased was favourably known and highly reaPby hl ected all who knew her. She was friendly and cheerful in her her.. She was a member of the Presbyterian Churoh, and wasoonneeted With Knox Church, Ripley, until she passed ober to become a member of the "Chnroh Triumphant." She was one oftthe led of the Huron Pioneers, of 1869. She was much beloved by her lone and daughter.. Of the thirteen greatest ports in the. world two are south of the equator and in the New World, They are Baenog, Aired and Montevideo, the former rank. ing thirteenth and the latter seventh it3 the world's commerce. The trade of the 'United Kingdom in the year that hail just ended resulted in total. of $3,120 000,000 for exports. Thiel was an inoroate o$er the premed• ing g year in both the in and and gw ontward trade, We the Springfield Re. publican, but at the sante the time the totals were .till below the record figures of 1907 when imports reached $8,280,'. 000,000, in value, and expert.$2,080,000.. 000,