HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1910-04-21, Page 44 Dominion Bank Ua4 Onion: TORON7.`O Opti Stick (all paid up) $4,C00,0Q0 00 Reserve Fund and Va. divided Pretce ., $5,400,000,00 Deposita by leo public... $44,000,000 00 Total Assets, over„, , , , , , $59,000,000.00 BRANCHiS AND AQE\xs throughout Can• Ott ttn,1 too 'jetted States, A GENERAL EMNKINQ BUSINESS TRANSACTED, Savings Department. Ourreut ft' Cod rf Interest 410010d, sad Depesire received ived of $1,00 end upwards. Farmers' elle Nates Collected, and advances mads on them at lowest titre of interest, WINGIIASI BRANCH —Corner John and J eiepbine Streets W. R. GL'J[CIN 1 R VANSTONE. Solicitor, TO ADVERTISERS Notioe of changes must beleft• at this ofdoe not later than Saturday noon. The copy for changes must be left not Iater than Monday evening. Casual advertisements accepted up to noon Wednesday of eaoh week. lu'STABLIBHED 187:1 WINAlt TIMES. H. B eiLLIOTTeerramenaneenennoenr teoe THURSDAY. APRIL 21, 1910 NOTES AND COMMENTS Brantford police are investigating a case at the Indian reserve, where a wo- man ie teemed of placing a baby on the hot stove. The Ooaeervative canons decided to postpone the proposed Dominion con- vention, which way to have bean held this year in June; no definite date was. set, but the convention is not Iikely to be held before 1911. The Ameriran immigration to Canada is said to amount to 500 people every day of the week. Each week there are approximately five hundred oars of settlers' effects. The rush through Portal has become so great that the Canadian Pacific have men at work lay- ing four additional traoks there. The Miller Bill, dealing with horse racing and gambling passed in the Honce. of Commons last Friday, The Bill nra. vides for the limitation of race meetings to seven days duration. Associations may hold two meetings yearly. Book- makers allowed to operate on racetracks. No new tracks will be permitted. Hand- book men tipsters are prohibited, as are newspaper advertisements of tips, and transmission of news for handbook pur- poses by wire. Trotting meets will be limited to two days in any single week and no more than 14 days per year. The usurer's clerks of Toronto, fined 5200 and costs each for illegally squeez- ing needy workmen, will not forget their experience. By the way, they and their case will advertise a fart that is not generally known, namely, that the employe will not be held guiltless if he, or she, engages in an illegal business, The firm that got a lien on a poor fel- love's salary to the extent of $81.50, and only lifted it when, $45 60 had been paid. simply practiced extortion, The lesson of the hour is that the law does not excuse anyone who commits a crime in the name of another. — Kingston whir, Plenty of fresh air, sleeping out -doors and a plain, nourishing diet are all: good and helpful, but the most important of all is, • Scott's Emulsion It is the standard treat- melt prescribed by phy. sicians all over the world for this dread disease. It is the ideal food-nliedi• cine to heal the Lungs anti build up the wasting body. FOE SALE Illi ALL XJ1 t GGISTS 11{” �t'ejp Intl I BSe C a paw )t ekd nd C6fi d r a n eh.1: 3c. tool bet,k Ceiai*1 s s (}04 Lad,: r,,efu ', scorr & 13Otelet 1 ', i:ewe: t St„ West. Teem*. ben The shareholders of the defunct Bank of Ontario will be .called upon to Mr double liability on the number of ebaree they held of bank stook, accord ing to a decision of the Court er Appeal.. The (lgte was au appeal frond the judg. trent ei gr. Juetioe Britton, confirming t to ruling of the referee, Kapelle, which held that the batik of Montreal was entitled to rank Re a creditor of the Qatari+) Bank for amounts advaooed under the agreement by •whioh the Flank .of Montreal Carried oat the liquid• ation of the Oatario Bank. The' case was taken to the Court of Appeal by W J. McFarland and other sliarehold• ers, The carrying put at the agree- ment involves a shortage of about 5678,000, for which the ebereholdert of the Qotario B tsar wits be called not u to pay, under the doable liability clause in the Btnking Aot, NEW$ NOTES, The Imperial Bank will Waste $1,000,, 000 of new took Pat a few grains of rine in each salt shaker to keep the salt from caking Montreal Street Railway Company has granted an increase of pay to motor- men and conduotore. Vesselmen are taking contracts for wheat at one pent per bushel from Fort William to Buffalo. A majority of Congregational church- es, so far as heard from, have voted in favor of Oharoh union, 11Ir. MoNioholl of the 0. P. R, expects that the mechanics of the eastern shops will accept terms as the western men did, Alex. Olark, a well-known printer of Calgary, died in the hospital there. It is reported he was assaulted and robbed, Provincial Constable Lane dropped dead at Mission, B 0 , after R fight with a lot of tramps, who boarded a passeuger train. Bert Hunter, said to be a ¢Canadian horse dealer, shot the landlord of an inn at Stoke Newington, Engiand, wounded the landlord's wife and then committed suicide. David E Sproal, of West Wawanoeh, near Dungannon, Hold fourteen hogs the other day which netted him $292,50. The hogs were six and a•half months old and weighed 3,000 lbs, A. passenger balloon is soon to fly be- tween Paris and London. It is intend- ed to carry -twenty passengers, two pilots two meobanioa, 700 lbs, of petrol and 410 ibe, of ballast, The car is 100 ft. long and the motors eaoh 125 horse power. The total lifting power of the balloon is 7,700 The., exclusive of the car and motors. A. mail train on the Southern Pacific was held by masked men who, after seizing the mail sacks, cat the engine loose from the train and sent it off wild with the throtle open, A passenger train stood in the way, but a cool-headed Operator, prevented a tragedy by open- ing a switch and throwing the wild en- gine into a ditch. To remove dark perspiration stains from white Dorset rovers, caused by wearing a black silk waist, boil the corset cover in one half gallon of water with a handful of green peach leaves. This will entirely remove the statue, lent it will be necessary to wait, of course, until the fruit season comae in. ' The valve of the mineral output of Canada last year was $90,000.000, an increase of 50 per cent. in five years. The value of mineral output of Ontario alone ia$40,000,000,, four times what it was ten years ago and nearly half that of all Canada. This, however, is believ- ed to be merely a beginning, as in ad- dition to the ricbes of New Ontario, Canada has 1,600 miles of rooky monn- taing and from this range in Mexico and the United States about 53,000 000 worth of precious metal is produced to the mile. `DeE VANITY OF WEALTH, IS. E. Kiser,! Ile has fifty million dollars—more than that, some people say; I could live a year in comfort on his in. come for a day. fie has had a deten auto* and a yacht and private car; He has servants tvho are richer than the greatest soholare are, But his wife is oft the 'abject of rude ;nate among her "friends," And he has the kind of fingers that are blunted at the end,. Ne can travel where he pleases, he stn come and go et wilt; Ito can leave his work to others, and his profits pile up still; There are bone to give him orders, none to bid him go or stay.; When the monthly bilis are brcnghl him they produce no new dismay; Bat he has a cherished daughter living under alien sties, Where her titled hueband beasts her for the sake of exercise. Re had fifty million dollars—fully that, and maybe mere; When he bathes s servant rube him; there's a footman at hie door; But bit wife will seldom stiffer hint to And beoften tosses wildlyhtWhen he ought to sleep at night; He Oen purchase land* and oastlee; he But he�oan i'wdi Or tloa bontenst m' bnt to re. side within his vest. TUE WING '4111 and , APRIL 21, XIiQ 11.8001010.001$000010.110100004060 ir•10116•i0N8110• r00011.11140r*00 INJURES HEALTH What You Need in Spring is, a Wood Building Tonic. A spring ;medicine is as actual ne- cessity to roost people. Nature demands it as an aid in carrying off the tmparn ties that have accumulated la the blood during indoor lire of winter. But WI* fortnoately thousands of people who do recognize, the necessity of a spring Medi• pine do not know what is beet to take and done themselves with harsh, griping purgative, This is a serious mistake. Ask any doctor and he will tell you that the nae of purgative esedioine weakensthe system bat does not our disease. In the spricg the system needs banding up— purgatives cannot do this—they you still more. The blood t!1 wade rich, redand pure, a Fonio 'medioine pan do this ' The best blood building, nerve re oring tonic medical scienoe has yet discovered is Dr. Williawe Pink Pil . Every dose of this medicine ac n Iy makes new, rich :blood. This ne loud strengthens every organ, every nerve and every part of the hody. This is why Dr, Williams' Pink Pills cure headaches and baok- aobes, rheumatism and neuralgia, banish pimples and eruptions, and give a glow of health to the meet sallow skin. Men, women and growlnn boys and gide who take Dr. Williams' Pink Pills eat well, sleep well and feel bright, active and strong, Ifyouneed a medicine this spring—and most likely you do—try this great reviving tonic, and see the new health and new strength it will put into you. Sold by all medicine dealers or by mail'at 50 dente a box, or six boxes for 52.50, from. The Dr. Williams' Medicine Oo.i Brookville, Ont. , aken old he only a Sparrows and Swallows.. "Some years ago," says a writer in the Standard of Empire, "a pair of swal- lows built their nest above .the window of the bedroom I then occupied . . . I could see the red -brown forehead and. throat of the hen as she eat on the nest while performing my toilet, and I watch- ed her hatoh out four remarkably flee yonugsters. In a week or two they eat,, with their white waistooats and black naps, huddled along the top of the neat, and in a few days they would have flown. And then one evening I Dame home to find four pathetic little corpses on the ground below and the sparrows in possession of the neat. A nest supposed to be that of the wild pigeon, for which a reward of $1,000 is offered, sent to Dr. Clifton Hodge, of Clarke University, Worcester Mass,, lay a man in Middiemies, Ont. proved t0 be that of a mourning dove. Even if it had been a passenger pigeon nest, however, the sender would have lost the reward, as it is stipulated that the hest must be undisturbed until seen by Dr. Hodge. 1 ave Stook Markets. Toronto, April 18 —Union Stook Yards.—Trade was very activeto-day, particularly for butoher oattie. Al- though there was a moderately heavy run, the wholesale butchers were taking no chances by deferring baying in the week -end markets. Almost everything offering was bought up for the butoher trade, whioh meant that there was netts- login ethlogin the light export class left available for to -morrow's regular export market. The heaviest export oattie were held over, drovers in many cases refusing good bids. As ;a result of the active baying, the market held quite firm and strong at last week's top prices, which at the close of the week were a good 40o to 50o higher than the week before. Choicest butcher or light export cattle old freely at $6 75 to $7 25. The ordin- ary run of good butchers, 1,000 to 1,050 ibe., firm at $6 to $6 50; good butcher cows, firm, at $4.75 to $5,75; oommon butcher Cows, $4.25 to$4 50; good hutch. er bulls, $5 25 to $6. Sheep and lambs, firm and steady at Iamb*, $7.50 to $8.75; sheep, $5 50 to $6 50; spring Iambs, 54 to $8. Hogs—Market weak, and 20e to 25o lower, at $91. o. b., and $9.25 fed and watered at Toronto. The following are the grotatlona: Exporters' cattle-- Per 100 ibe. Ohoiee .. , . .. ... , $7 00 $7 50 Medium ...... . ...... 5 50 5 75 Bulls S 00 s eo Light $ 25 6 75 Cows ... ,, 4 75 5 50 Feeders -- beat 1000 pounds and ap- wardt 300 3 50 Stockers choice 3 00 4 00 Butchers'bulla, . .... - L 50 2 00 Picked 6 50 7 25 Medium • • 5 50 5 65 Cows.. 4 25 5 25 Bnlia,,......... 3 50 4 50 Hogg- Beat 9 25 Lights 0 00 Sheep -- Export. ewes - 5 50 !i 50 400 00 On11s...,..., ... 400 5 000 Spring Lambs eaoh, 4 00 800 Calvet. each "..........3 50 750 WINInIfAM MARE= iil1PoRT8 Wingham, Apr. 20th, 11)10. Mtn rper 100 lbs........, 2 75 to 3 25 Fadi Wheat .,... ...... 1 08 to 1 08 Oats,..... .»...»»» 4,441.4,.0 37 to 0 37 Barley ... .... ...... 0 50 to 0 50 Peas..„,.......»..078 to''0 78 Batter dairy ........, .... 0 20 to 022 Ego per dos ........ ... 0 18 to 0 20 Wood per oord .,.....4.. a 50 to 2 50 Bay, per ton, , .. , �.:.. i8 OO to 14 00 Potatoe., perbtuhel,...... 0 i5 to 0 80 Lard0 20 110 0 20 Line f4ttirri '�Owi....,.. 0 5o too 75 • • • • • • Canada Flax Fibre Co., Ltd. • • • • IMPORTANT NQTICE TO FARMERS. ' We are prepared to rent land for grow- ing Flax, at $ 10.00 per acre ; and will buy any quantity of Flax, pulled, clean, dry, and delivered at the Wingharri Mills, for which we will pay $i Loo per ton. Flax Seed can be obtainqd at T. A. MILLS' Seed Store, Wingham. • e A • • •• • a • • MONTREAL, QUE. • Y • AMOS TIPLING•, Manager, Wingham. a S•SStS•e•••p.l...•!••11••.M li••••r•••$S•••$w•i•A•••r®f, VVeNtaVVWVWWVWVVWVVVVV wYYVVV VV VVVVVVVWwyVv' C BE HANGED! i 1 BEFORE JULY 1st, 1910 1 c �C tS c iTO c 0 A I I 20 Thousand Rolls ? } 1 C - OF — jWALL PAPER1 `` j ` ? Just. Received' the Largest Stock of Wall Paper ever shown in Wingham 3 a From 5c. to $1.00 Per Roll r 1 } Weetsfel.VVVVt/Wy1itVVVVV_V.VVVVVV KNOX Opposite Brunswick Hotel vvvvvvVWVW.W,VVWVWVWW c WINGHAIII, ONT. AAAAAAAAA1 AAMAAAAAAAAAAAA I. • Spring, Hats and Caps See our line of Stylish Spring Hats and Caps — they are right up.to date. The "Sterling” Christy for men, 52.25. 1211111111111111111111•1111.1111111111•4111111 THE PEOPLE'S POPULAR STORE, WINGHAM KERB & BIRD Housecleaning Sale FOR A LIMITED TIME WE AR GOING TO GIVE A 25 per cent. discount on Carpet, Stair Carpet & Rugs We hatre a beautiful range of Wool and Union Carpets in various patterns. Our special is an All -wool 4 -ply, at only 56e. a yard. It will pay you to see this before buying. Splendid value in daint3" Tapestries. Japanese Matting, 25c & 35c a yd. LINOLEUM AND OILCLOTH Genuine Scotch Linoleums, very neat patterns, both doral and block 1 and 2 yards wide. Floor Oilcloths—all widths, popular patterns. LACE CURTAINS We have a large stock of dainty Lace Curtains, well bound, "Hang Easy" tops, and all new patterns, from 750 to 53,50. ROLLER BLINDS AND CURTAIN POLES • First quality Roller Blinds, lace and insertion, 50c, to 51,00. Curtain Poles •in all styles. 4 PURE SEEDS We have Rennie's and Ferry's Package Seeds, Field Seed, Corn, Turnip, Mangel, etc, Lawn Grass Seed. Flower Seeds of all kinds. Peas, 1 C. N. Griffin GENERAL AGENT FIRE LIst ACCIDENT PLATE GLASS WEATHER Wad Coupled with a REAL ESTATE and MONEY LOANING Business. Issuer of Marriage Licenses. Ofdoe over Malcolm's Grooery, A. E. SMITH BANKER WINGHAn, bDl'rrllt.IO, Partners who want horses, cattle, or hogs to teed money or for to can have it on reasonable terms. Notes disoonnted for tradesmen, mer- chants or agents, on favorable terms. rates Loans on real estate at the lowest go Alebrzerpompaihrimmennuismaeummicetnealtr The Man With a Bank Account is Prepared for Emergencies. , Those who spend all they earn seldom get on in the world. Therecordes a time, in the life of almost every man, when through loss of employment or some other reverse, he is re- duced to the necessity of draw- ing upon his reserve fund, or failing such a fund, of an ap- peal to friends. A natural desire for inde- pendence should prompt the acquisition of a Savings Ac- count, as a means of providing against the uncertainties of life. One dollar will start an ac- count in the BANK OF HA MIL- Torr; and interest --at highest current rate—will be credited every six months. W1 NCHAM BRANCH C. P. SMITH, AGENT. rol min l'APS:114 ;11'1 Ileac! Office -HAMILTON Capital Paid-up W • observe and 'Undivided Profit' ;Z'sbO00D Tole! Mute a ,. l,o06,000 ever !!ll�,Obt1,b00t 4,444,