HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1910-04-21, Page 1THE WINGHAIVI TIMES.
VOL XXXII--KO, 1993.
Prevents and Destroys
Ceu be dusted into Furs, Blankets,
Carpets, Couches, eto., without the
slightest injury to fabrio.
It has no odor. It does
not contain poisonous drugs..
',Price 25 Cents.
Walton McKibbon
Macdonald Blook, . Wingham.
A Business Education is the
greatest legacy you can leave
your children. We get down
to the bed - rock foundation of
living business science, and as-
sist worthy graduates to the
choice positions.
Enter any day. Individual
instruction. Home s t u d y
courses in Senior Teachers,
Matriculation and Commercial
subjects. Send for particulars.
A fliated with Commercial
Educators' Association of Can-
Easter Term Opens
Match 29.
Write for particulars.
GEU. SPOTTON, Principal
Important t R Ladies.
It is not often an . pportn , ity moors
he lat:at Parisian
r Goods, yet
orenwend of
wn, and invitee
ese goods at his
erved at the Hotel.
styles, when prop•
of and ornament the
autify the expression
sequently tone up an
Be sure and see them
on Wednesday, May
at your door to see
and New York style
such is the case, as
Toronto is visiting t
your inspection of
private apartment
These Hair Goo
erly adjneted prot
head, soften and b
of the face, and o
aged appearance.
at Brunswick hot
in H
N EwEST and latest designs in wall
paper at Knox's..
Christie's Orocery
General Clean, up
Before the End
of Month.
89 tins Raspberries, Straw-
berries and Pine Apple,
Cash lOc per tin.
78 packets Jell'o. The goods
ate good but not moving
quick enough
Cash 7c per package.
6 jars Cairn's Dine Apple Mar.
malade. Cash 15c Jar.
110 packets Eddy's Safety
Matches, a splendid snatch,
brit value almost unknown.
Cash 4c per package.
The Tea and Coffee Store.;
Watited — Choice Butter and
Fresh Eggs.
PHONE 101.
Wear (beer's Shoes and Rubbers
New Cil
Mr. Ezra, Merkle,
apple butter, jelly a
he will install in
This will prove a
the farmers in tI
many have to go to
plant, The plant
and modern and w
about $1500 to Met
er Mill.
has purchased an
d oider plant, which
is chopping mill.
eat oonvenienoe to
s neighborhood, as
dietanoee to anon a
11 be perfectly new
1 oust Mr. Merkley
CALL IN and have a look at Knox's
new 1910 wall papers,
New Telep
A number of Bell
men came to town
and are now engagE
oroes•arms on the p
ham to Harriston,
Wingham is direct
present line is very
nese from Gerrie,
wioh and this new
satisfactory eervicej
one Line.
elephone Co, work -
n Mcnday evening
i in putting on new
le line from Wing-
ith a, view to giving
ire to Toronto. The
ften in use for buei-
Oroxeter and Ford•
ine will give a more
FOR RENT.—Brink cottage on Minnie
street. Apply to Mrs. (Dr.) Tamlyn.
Womb s Institute.
The Wingham anoh of the Women'o
Institute will m et in the Chisholm
hall, Thursday Ap it 28th, at 2.30 p.m.
Subjects for discus ion:—"Compare the
seed sown in the gr and with the seed
sown in the home,' by Mise J. Waddell;
and "Cleanliness of ome surroundings,"
by Mrs. Abner Co ens. Membere all
requested to attend. Visitor)] welcome,
Mrs. Chas. Gillespi , Secretary.
Home made bread --Try it.
FRANK R. Howson.
Sudden Deat
Mr. Tim Oorbet
years proprietor of
Lucknow, droppe
morning. Mr, Co
was canted by hea
was well-known in
fore going to Look
the hotel business
prior to that resided
remains were taken
at Lucknow.
for the past few
the pain Hotel at
dead on Monday
ett's sudden death
failure. Deceased
his district and be -
w was engaged in
t Teeswater, and
in Seaforth. The
Seaforth for in -
TRUNKS and VALISES,—The best kind
and at Motet prices. W. J. GREER.
Young Ma Promoted.
The TIERS is ple ed to announce this
week that Mr. He b. Walsh hae been
appointed as local onager of Gonne'
Limited in their pr duce business here,
as successor to Mr. . J. Graham, who
intends leaving Wi gham for London.
Mr. Walsh has bee for a number of
years with this oo pany and we are
sure he will make a ooess in his more
responsible position. He hall our very
best wishes.
WANTED—SonthAfrican Sorip. High-
est prices paid. Apply at TIMES Offioe.
Farm Labor
Farmers are spea
the excellent claw o
ere G. H. Mooney 1
rural distriots. The
the land in the old
val noble assets to
any of our readers
who is a skilled far
man accustomed to
write Mr. Mooney
men arriving. every
s Arriving.
[ng veru highly of
young farm labor -
distributing in the
come direct from
inntry, and will be
the Dominion, If
ant a married man
laborer, or a young
horses, they should
t Ripley. He has
King's for all kinds Choice Seeds—
Alsike and Lucerne Clover, Tim-
othy, etc.
Died at
Word was reoeiv
of the death at Wil
April 9th, of Mrs,
of lifts. Alex.
Wingham, The
in poor health for
canoe of death
Mrs. Mellen wi
many of our re
Wingham for "00
here will be sorr
and the bereave
of Wingham fr
d in town last week
nipeg, on Saturday,
lex. A1oKe11, mother
White, formerly of
leeeased lady had been
some weeks and the
was angina peotorne,
be remembered by
dem • as she "resided in
ie time. Her Mende
to hear of her death
Dill have the sympathy
Read Willis 8 Co,'s adv. on page 8,
Josephine S
The Street Comm
job made of oleanin
All the rubbish and I
off and the street no
we have seen it for s�
it not be a good idea
the habit of throwin
rubbish on the street
assist in keeping our
speotable shape? '
eet Cleaned,
tee has hada good
Josephine street,
rase has been taken
looks better than
e years, Would
or people to quit
paper and other
and in this way
root street in re,
BRING ALONG YOUR 0 - ;s. --We do
repairing and we do gtit.
1. O. O. F. C urch Service,
The Oddfellows Wingham, together
with the members f Minerva Enoamp•
ment, will attend vine service in St.
Paul's church on 5 nday afternoon next
at 3.30 o'clock, w en the rector, Rev,
Bro. Edgar H. Or ly, B. A., will de-
liver a sermon on behalf of the Order.
The brethren wil meet in their hall
Wilson Block, at 3 o'alook, for the pur-
pose of attending t e service. All Odd -
fellows, whether embers of the local
lodge or not, are rdially invited to be
Forties wishing their gardens plowed
should leave their orders early at Salt
Block office.
Accident It
Mr. Wm. Elli
brickyard, met wi
Monday afternoon
oolt and the anim
able and Mr. Elli
rig. In doing so h
to break one of hi
This accident com
Mr. Elliott as he w
shape for the sea
hope to see him soon
to superintend the w
tile yard.
1, of the boundary
h a bad accident on
He was driving a
became unmanage-
1 jumped from the
had the misfortune
lege at the ankle.
at a bad season for
s getting things in
n's Madness. We
able to be around
rk at his brick and
Ladies' Oxfords, Ties, Pumps and
Slippers in the handsomest models that.
ever graced a Shoe Store. $1.75,$2.26
up to $3.00 or $3,60.
Before the P
On a recent Su
service was in pro
East Wawanoeh,
men busied them
tail and' otherwi
belonging to Mr
matter was plao
vinoial Mutable
in a very short ti
guilty parties a
On Friday last t
before Polioe Ma
and all pleaded g
allowed $13.00 d
the lade were to
lice Magistrate.
ay afternoon while
ess in Calvin Church,
number of young.
elves in docking the
e disfiguring a horse
James McGee, The
in, the hands of Pro -
Geo. A. Phippen, and
e he looated the five
had them arrested.
e gnintette appeared
istrate J. A. Morton,
ilty. Mr. McGee was
ages, and in addition
d $1.00 each and, $7.60
Ontario Fa
The greater nu
ere who are this
to the Ontario 0
offioe for help o
the year round,.
portion want a
family. The w
$10 to $15 for i
for partly skille
month for those
This inoludes bo
in many oases
provided, some o
vegetables, milk
gration officials
the demand, whl
and insistent fro
mers Want Help.
ber of Ontario farm•
ear making application
vernment immigration
er to give men work
d quite a large gro-
an with a wife and
es offered run from
experienced men, $15
, and $20 to $25 per
who are experienced,
rd and washing, and
house or oottage is
eying to put in fuel,
nd fruit. The immi-
sh they could supply
is especially heavy
western Ontario.
SamNLGES—Having purchased a large
quantity of British Oolutnbia Shingles,
from one of the best manufacturers on
the coast, previous to the advance in
price, I am prepared to sell at close
prices. Parties in need of shingles would
do well to call and get quotations.
A. McLean.
The followin;
forth Expositor
a former Win
the Egmondvi
evening last,
Seaforth, was
Mies Mary All
B. A, The he
in a handsome
fon duobete e
all over lace.
hat with t
travelling dies
skirt and "bilk t
bilk coat. The
morning for 17e
other points, a
good wishes.
ingham to Weds.
from last week's Sea-
efers to the Marriage of
am young man: -"At
le manse 00 Thursday
tr, Frank M. Kling, of
united in marriage to
nr by Rev. • N. Sliave,
e Was beautifully attired
own Of pearl grey chit-
in, trimmed with silver
She wore a large blank
willow pinnies. Hee`
was a black broadcloth
let waist and black moire
iappy couple left, next
oll, Dayton, Ohio, and
lid showers of sloe and
New Tailor Shop.
Mr. E, O. White, ate of Lancaster
was in Wingham on uesday arranging
to open a tailor shop ere, He has ren-
ted the vacant store i the Wilson block
and will have hit sto, of tweeds, wors-
teds, eto., here in a short time and be
ready for business..
PASTURE.—I have 160 aoree
land andwill pasture o: ttl:
head for season, Plenty
Jas. D0NLn'r, W'
t $5 per
O water.
eohnroh P. 0.
Huron County
The, South Huron
sionere will meet at
23rd. Last year Cher
and no shop license
This year there are 1
tavern lioeneee, Two
will be out off, owin
carrying in Tucker=i
ever, repealed local op
two applications for li
there is applioation 1
license in Exeter and
The North Huron Ci
meet at Wingham of
this riding there were
in force this year, and
For the Doming year 1
faMeuse Commis-
Hensall on April
were 17 licensee
in this district,
I applications for
f the old licenses
to looal option
h, Henson how,
ion and there are
Hees there, while
r one additional
ne ' in Bayfield.
mmiseioners will
April 23rd. In
1 tavern lioeneee
o shop licenses.
here are applies.
tions for 12 tavern 1 oenses, the addi-
tional one being for ' roxeter.
Shoe on Earth; Makes
are. See them. W
00. he easiest
ing a pleas-
. GREER, sole
Breeders Of Pu
'The Branch of the
stoner at Ottawa h
edition of the Direct
pure bred live stook
ing to the preface
compilation of i
through oorrespo
in all the provino
of their breeding
of males and f
breeds they hay
ory is;prepared
ting herds,, .stud
speotive neighb
provinoes from
may be proonre
Directory that
ranohmen, stock
farmers' institu
ties, live stock a
who may apply
Bred Stock.
ve Stook Commis,
issued a revised
ry of breeders of
Canada. Accord.
ge the work is a
formation received
ence from breeders
in regard to the size
erds, and the number
Males of the several
for sale. The Direct•
assist persons in looa-
nnd;;looks in their re-
hodds,°"or in distant
high pure bred animals
. It is stated in the
opies will be sent to
readers, seoretaries of
s, agricultural eooie-
sooiations, and others
r them.
WANTED. -500 bushels oats at the
Wingbam chopping mill. Rolled oats,
bran, shorts, flour, eta. for sale. Mill
running every day. Also oatmeal and
rolled wheat for sale or exchange for
grain, EzRA filERI LEY.
Canada Flax
Mr. Amos Tiplin
Canada Flax Fibre C
is meeting with sple
canvas for land on w
and he hopes to hay
ber of sores before tl
A oar load of flax se
is being distribute
Mill's seed store.
branch of the Cana
business in Wingba
arable to the town
company is able ea
quired amount of
triot it will mean e
the Wingham flax
to tweutyfive woi
fax pulling seaso
ber will employe
company able to
centre, thus giv
flourishing indu
Fibre Co.
, manager for the
o., reports that he
idid sucoess in his
iioh to grow flax,
the required num-
close of the season.
d has arrived and
from Mr. T. A.
he establishing of a
a Flax `Fibre Co.,
will mean oonsid-
1n 1 district, If the
h year to get the re -
ix grown in this dia.
eady employment at
ills for from twenty
men and during the
a ranch larger num-
We hope to sae rho
sake this a profitable
g Wingham another
Dr. Nelson Tait, of 498 Sp a ave.,
Toronto, will be at sh en's Hotel,
Wingham, all day, Fr , April 29th,
for consultation in die )see of Eye, Ear,
Nose and Throat. Glasses fitted,
U. S. F
James J. Hill, p
drily on farming
continent, has eti
few years the Mt
pelled to import
quotes statistics
population is i
than the product
draws the coned
years the 'Unitec
ing. He also eti
the great prodnc
century and the
flour which the
will be secured
In this oonneoti
notice that fr
American farm
Oanadian West every year and souring
land, which wi 1 yet grow wheat that ie
to supply their neighbors to the south.
od Supply.
rhaps the best oath -
railroading on this
ed that within a very
ed States will be corn.
heat And flour. He
show the ratio of the
creasing much faster
on of food stuffs, and
Mu that in a very few
States will be import-
es that Canada will be
ng ocnntry of the 20th
much of the grain and
Americans will import
n the Oanadlan West.
n, it is Interesting to
ni 100,000 to 200,000
is ate crossing into the
Mrs, Thomas Hi
fal accident on E
She bad been oallir
in coming oat of tk
thesteps and in th
of her shouldered
bks met with a pain
pturday evening last,
at neighbor's and
e door missed one of
fall dislocated one
The injury was
promptly attendeq to and Mrs. Hicks
has been getting a ng nicely,
WALL PAPER from 5o. to $1.00 per
roll, at KNOx'S.
North Huron
The North Huro
making ready for
this season. A large
was received this w
half miles of pole lit
the 2nd concession
company will proce
other sections of tt[
ing Wingham at o
any of the to'
Wingham and w
neotion with the
formation at the
Telephone Co. is
development work
hipment of supplies
lek and two and a
e has been built on
of Culross. The
d with the work in
e district surround -
es. Parties living In
nships surrounding
wish telephone con -
own, MD get all in-
rntEs office.
Call at Knox's and look at the best
wall paper value ever shown in Wing -
Patronize Ho
We hear a great d
getting new Indus
which would be a g
is one way you oan
help yourself at th
by patronizing you
instead of sending o
clothes and often pa
wool() have to at ho
number of hands an
bonus either, and t
we reoeive the more
ploy, who spend the
and help to keep thi
guarantee to give
every particular, in
ship and material.
clothes any way yo
all the frills, butt
down to your knees
back, or nice, neat
ments, designed for
York and Paris.
living, and to help
Help tie and yourse
al these days about
ies to our town,
od thing, but there
elp the town and
same time, that is
own town tailor,
t of town for yo
mg mare than
do .01 k for a
or patronage
money in the town
a going We will
on eatiefaction in
tyle, fit, workman -
e can make your
want them, with
ne, fronts of coats
mi backs up your
e are ,not here ex -
tune, but an honest
uild up the town.
by giving us your
The undersigned is prepared to take
care of lots in the Wingham 'cemetery
during the summer months and guaran-
tee to give satisfaction. Price for
season is $1. per lot. Orders left with
John F. Groves, Town Clerk,will receive
prompt attention.
The Disadvanta of Late Hours
A man who keep late hours had a
queer adventure 'a ew nights ago, in
telling which he sa : "The joke might
house which is one a number exactly
alike in appearano and when he un-
locked the front do r at 1 a. m. he had
no idea that he wa entering the home
of his next.door eighbor. The hall
was dark—an nuns al occurrence, as he
remembered later and "my hat fell to
the floor," he said because there was no
hook where I tho ht there was one, I
left it there and arted upstairs. On
the first landing heard a baby ory, and
as there never w a baby in our family,
came to and star ed back. I was in
hat on the floor here it had fallen and
where next day was evidence against
me. How man more houses I can get
into with that k I don't know, but I do
know that the 1 ok on my door was
changed before oon the next day.—
New York Trib e.
King's for all kinds Choice Seeds—
Alsike and Lucerne Clover, Tim-
othy, etc.
Coloring Por
Prof. Graham of
it clear that the col°
largely controlled b
and milk will pro
while eorn will giv
A report froni Ger
Hoard's Dairyman
demonetration ha
given in connectio
In Germany the t
ported for teed is le
ed for the use of bre
to prevent the barl
low rate of duty f
breweries, it is oolo
with erison. In so
of the coloring mat
the result was th
colored betrley no
pathos, but the
feed had a reddis
was experienced
coloring Material
by Feeding.
of poultry orsn be
feeding. Oatmeal
oe a white flesh,
it a yellow tinge.
any, pnblished by
ays that a similar
been rmoidentally
with hog feeding.
riff on barley im-
than that intend,
tries, and in order
imported at the
m being used in
ed by sprinkling it
e omit too rot&
ial was put in, and
t hogs fed on the
only lost their ap,
ork Made from the
color. No trouble
ere the artiontit of
d was moderate.
A special meetin of the Town Coun-
cil was bed en Iday evening with
all the members present and Mayor
Holmes presiding.
The Property Co Entails reported that
Messrs C. Lloyd eon would build a
factory and equip at a oost of from
$12,000 to $14,000 a d employ from 80 to
85 hands in the ma ufacturing of doors
in consideration of 1,800 with whioh to
purchase the tonne y site and a fixed
rate of assessment $2,000 and a lease
of what is known a the Davidson lot at
a nominal rental.
On motion of Co ne. Elliott and Red-
mond, the clerk wa instructed to pre-
pare a by-law to be s bmitted to the rate-
payers providing, fo the raising of $1,-
800 and fixing the ra e assessment of C.
Lloyd & Son at $2,00 , except for sohool
taxes and that a spec al meeting of the
Connoil be held nex Tuesday evening
to give the by-law i n first and second
A communication ne read from the
Light and Water Co missioners asking
authority from the onnoil to 'fettle
With Mrs, King for and belonging to
her, which the oorpor tion is said to be
using. On motion of ono& MoKibbon
and Bone, the matter as left with the
A petition, largely si ned by the prop-
erty owners and basine smen on Joseph-
ine street wee presente to the Council
asking that one half of he cost of water-
ing the streets be char ed as a frontage
tax on the properties o Joeepnine street
nd that the other half be paid ont of the
general fund of the co poration.
On motion of Court . Bone and Mo-
donald, the petition of T. Fells, and oth-
ers re street waterin was referred to
the Street Committee nd if found to be
by-law in amordanoe herewith.
On motion, the Con oil then adjourn-
ed to meet again on esday evening.
The Town Council et Tuesday even-
ing as per motion of djournment with
all the members pre ent except Reeve
Irwin and Conn. Red ond.
A oommunication as read from the
necessary to apply to t e Board of Rail -
pipe under the compei y's track on Jose-
phine street.
On motion of Count. McDonald and
Bone, the Clerk was idstruoted to write
the Board of Railw
asking them to instrn
Co. to have a drain pi
traok on Josephine str
Provincial Treasure
showing that Wingh
y Commissioners
e laid under their
s read from the
's Department
m's share of the
railway tax was $109. 8 and that $105.90
had been deducted ftor the care of an
insane patient from this municipality.—
By-law No. 603, pril,viding for the pay-
ment of half the cost isf street watering
'by frontage tax and half from the gen-
eral fund was given tbree readings and
was on motion of Cou e. McDonald and
Bone, passed as read.
Messrs. 0. Lloyd & Son presented a
written proposition t the council, in
which they asked for $ ,800 for the pur-
ohase of what is know as the tannery
property and a fixed ra of aesesement
at $2,000; a lease of the avidson and V
Iota for a term of 21 ve rs at an annual
rental of $1 for eaoh lot and the privi-
lege of putting a railw y crossing over
Albert street. In retur for these con -
erect and equip a door otory at a cost
of not less than $10,000, exclusive of the
cost of the land and ill employ as
many hands as their in reseed business
will warrant.
Moved by Conn. MU 1. seconded by
Coon, Gregory, that th s Connoil grant
a lease to O. Lloyd Son, of what is
known as the Deride n lot and V lot
for a term of 21 ye rs at an annual
rental of $1 for each 10 , and the right-
of-way to put a 'nth over Albert
street, the Connell re erving the right
to sink one or more artesian wells on
either of the lots. Thee° privileges to
be granted providing 14 -lave to be 'lob-
taitted to the ratepaye6 is carried,
The yeas and nava h
motion all the Con
the resolution.
On motion of Oonn
pointed as Medinel Et
ty-law No. 004 t
ot No. 002 so s to do army with
the $100.00 bond re ired from a
dr taking out Hee se and making the
requirement that the license holder
racist have a $500,00 assesinnent Woe
read three times knd on motion of
Donna. Elliott and Bone was patted.
On motion the iderinell adjourned
until Friday evenin# when the bylaw
to be stibmitted to the ratepayere Will
he considered,
ing taken on this
Mors ettpported
McDonald and
lth Officer dor.
3. R. Maodon-
Wingham District
held In the Methodi
on May 17th and 18t
ing will be held on
first day.
The London Conte
dist church will be
Chatham this year,
day, June 2nd, at
usually an attendan
about half the num
At a recent meet%
of Belmore and Mo
oided to pay $900 of
'niter whom they raa
Rev. Wm. Pat
Cook's Church, T
his pastorate at P
enter into evangelis
ender the General
Next Sabbath eve
Church there will
congregational sing
Alexander Hymnal
service. The past
subject: "The
Everybody made v
The services in c
induction of Rev.
as Rector of St. Pa
held on Wednesd
week, commencing
able Arch Deacon R
will conduct the
invitation is erten
isttend this service.
meeting will he
()Minh. Ripley,
A public] meet,
e evening of the
nee of the Methos
Id in the inity et
ro. There is
of upwards of 300,
the oongregatione
ntosli churches de -
salary to the min-
rson, formerly Or
onto, has resigned
ladelphia and will
io work in Canada
eembly of the Dom-
ing at the %paid
be fifteen minutes
g from the Torrey -
before the reviler
will have for his
wer of a habit."
y welcome.
nneotion with the
l's Cnuroh will be
y evening of next
charclson, of London
d to the public) to
On the first day of May we shall
have completed our third year under
the firm name of Ritohie Oosens,
and we desire to thank all onr friends
for their loyal support during that
We think we understand the In-
surance bneinees, and spare no pains
to please our polioy holden+. When
a loss emirs we are on the spot at
once, and stony() an early and satis-
factory settlement. We have mo nn-
adjnsted. claims on our books, eith
lite, fire, Accident' or Plate Glass
We buy and sell Real Estate of 1
kinds and are pleased to say that.
enjoy the confidence of the commun.
ity as our constant growing business
testifies Just here we may say that
1910 is going to be the most prosper-
ous year Wingham has had for a
long time, and money put into town
property right now, would be well
We have one other word to say, a
word we would rather not say.
We have a good many outstand-
ing accounts, whioh we would like
paid at once so that we can balance
up our books at the end of our part-
nership year.
Ritchie & Cosens
'Cushion Sole Shoe I
If you have that "tired feeling" in
your feet. Sir, just try our Cashion
Sole Shoes!
It's not necessary to have your feet
hurt you. Look into the Cuehion Sole
proposition, at °nee!
The Cushion Sole is made of
layers of cork roid felt, covered
with a soft Calf skin.
Self supporting aroh and Boit
pliable uppers. The Meta ate
from corns, bunions., and all
other foot troubles,
WR're experts at shooing Men correott
ly. If you'll tttrn your feet over to us,
Sir, we'll furnish you svith foot cesinfort
51 once,
. J.
Sole Agents for Moir and itinpreis MASA for
Owes for Men.