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The Wingham Times, 1910-04-14, Page 8
8 'AWE 'W1NKIAM TIMES, AP 14 14, I.;i1tl. • M. NQIR LOCALS. ---Ttranday, April 14th. The Tants gives the news. The military camp will. open at. 14Guden on jnne 13th. -To -morrow lb'riday? will be ober Ted as Arbor Day at the Pablio $cheel -Mrs, john Beokberger of Cargill agave birth, 6v triplets on Sunday -two. girls end a boy. --The regular monthly meeting of ©amp Caledonia, Sons of Scotland, will behold next Monday evening. --Miss dean MvGregor, of Langaide, Iles begun the study of Shorthand at the Wiiiaham Business College, -Farmers in dais district who wish telephones placed in their homes can get fall particular¢ at the TIMES offioe. -The Ladies' Aid of St. Andrew's Church intend serving meals and re- fre8hmentson the church grounds on July 12th. -The Tunas mailing list has been corrected to date. Look at the label on your paper and see whether it is marked up to 1911. -Canada is to have in the near fat - urea silver dollar, a coin similar to the one known in the United States as the "Cart wheel." -Mr, R, D. Cameron, of Luoknow has been appointed to theposition of Government Lecturer on the Canadian Government Annuities. -Miss Iona Stewart, of Dungannon, has commenced a course of study in the Commercial Department of the Wing - ham Business College. -Many friends are sorry to hear of the serious Bluest' of Miss Edna Love, and all will join with the TIMES in wish- ing her a speedy reoovery. -The Royal Soariet Chapter will sneet in the Orange hall, Wingham, on the 14th inst., at 8 o'clock p. m. Mem- bers are requested to attend. -New telephones have been plaoed as follows during the past week ;-0. V. Hayden, steam laundry, No 99; A, Niohol's residence, No. 46; A.E. Ault's residence, No. 119. -Mr. John. F. McCracken, of the Bluevale road was serionely ill for a few days, but we are pleased to report that he is now recovering. His father, Mr. Jahn McCracken, has also been seriously ill for some days. -Mr. Kerr, father of Mr. John Kerr, of this town, is seriously ill at his home in London, and slight hopes are enter- tained for his recovery. Mr. John Kerr, who has spent the past few months in California, is now on his way to visit his father. -Wingham Oddfellows will com- memorate the anniversary of the found- ing of the Order by attending divine service in St. Paul's Church on Sunday, April 24th, at 3.30 o'clock p. m„ when the rector, Rev. Bro. Edgar H. Croly, B, A.. will preach. -The many friends of Mr. and Mrs. L. McLean will be sorry to hear that he 'was stricken with paralysis on Thursday evening last. Mr. McLean has been snaking a favourable recovery during the past few days and we hope he may soon be able to be around again. -The cold and disagreeable weather for the past week put a stop to spring work for a few days. The weather man promises more favorable weather and spring work will go on. The farm• ere are three weeks farther advanced with their work than they were last year. -Mr. James Forbes, organizer for the Sons of Scotland Benevolent Society, is spending a few days in town in the in- terests of Camp Caledonia, No, 49. The regular reeeting of the Camp will be held next Monday evening, when it is expected there will be a large attendance of members. -Mr. Robt. Woods, who has been for over thirty years in the livery business at Listowel has sold out and intense spending the summer in Ireland. Mr. Woods wee for twenty-six years a mem- ber of the Town Council at Lietowel and has been a member of the L, 0. L. for fifty years. -Mr. Murray ;Wilton, of Tu nberry has sold his steek bull to Mr. D. Robert- son or shiprdont to Toronto and has recently Dor:haedisthoroughbredShort- horn hull from 91r, R. W. Simpson of (Mews and he will put this wellbred etnimal orf.11fs,prenises. ;Mr. Wilson be. lieves in keeping the very best kind of stook. -Mrs. Walter Scott, whose maiden name wos Jif..' . E. Congram, died in Wingham on 't'1losday, following an operation for to affliction which had been giving h,:u'':onsiderable trouble for the past yere or more. Tho deceased was a native of Kinloss townenip, being a dan ;hter of Richard Congram, of the viotnfty of Holyrcod,' She' was aged 48 years, -In' another column the Canada Plat ribre 00„ of Montreal, announce that they will rent land for growing flax and buy any quantity of flax delivered at the Winghata mills. This i rmsa an established t heti on i o having beenu i ne inbas K [y for someea n . y rs, and is In a poa%tibn to handle any quantity of material for their extensive plants, Read their adv. on page 4. AaUFX1s1 1P, A very sad death occurred at St, Miohael's hospital, Toronto, when Miss Vea'or,i,ca Dalton, daughter of john Dalton, of Ashfield, was stricken down with typhoid pneumonia. The deoeas• ed lady, was in her twenty-third year, went to Toronto a short time ago and entered St, Michael's hospital as nurse in training. The remains arrived on the train Wednesday evening of last week and were taken to the parental home In AebSeld, HOW TO MAKE BABY SLEEP The baby that cries half the night does not cry for nothing, It on bei cause it is not well, and has • other means of saying so. The o • . noes are the trouble is due to some • peening of the stomach or bowels, '•blob would be speedily removed f • e child were given a dose of Ba • s Own Tablets,. Theee Tablets ma children sleep soundly and naturally because th3y re- move the cause of the crossness and wakefulness. Tbey are a blessing to children and a. relief to worried mothers, Mre. John Sio&lee, Donglastown, N. B.,. says"If anything ails my little ones the firet thing I give them is a dose of Baby's Own Tablets and they are soon well again." Sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 vents a box ftom The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brookville, Ont. NEWS NOTES. Mr William Masters was found dead near Tweed with a bullet through his breast. Tbere was no weapon near the body. Night Operator Voyer of the C. P. R at Regina was sentenced to three months in jail for deserting his key while intoxi- cated. Essex Counoil has rejeoted Wind-or's offer of a free site for the county build- ings, and will build a large addition in Sandwich. The demand for help in the West' is very keen. It is estimated that twelve thousand men could find immediate em- ployment on the farms. Second Vice -President Whyte of the C. P. R' estimates the number of Amer. loan settlers who will go to the Cana- dian west this year. at 125,000. Mr. William Elliott of Woodstock performed a gallant action in saving Mrs. McGinnis from being run over by a train. His shoulder was grazed by the engine. Saul Gouinwas found guilty at North Bay Assizes of wounding Mary Smith and inflicting serious bodily harm, but acquitted 'of the charge of mnrder. Walter Ross was 'sentenced to hang on May 20. Last week the Virginian arrived at Halifax from Liverpool, with over 1,400 passengers, mostly intending settlers, who were well supplied with money. A party of 60 have already arranged for the purchase of farms in Nova Scotia. ' Over 400 French Canadians, chiefly from farms and mills of the New Eng- land States, with some from Quebec, went last week to settle in the Shell River disnriot in Northern Saskatohe- wan, going on the word of Father Berube, a Roman Catholic priest, who has a small settlement of French Can- adians at Venda, Sask. The familiar hamming of telegraph and telephone wires is a phenomenon that has not yet been satisfactorily ex. plained: It is not merely caused by the wind, for it is heard in perfect calm. It nems probable that the sound is due to changes in temperature, by which the wires are loosened or tightened. The "beats," or long rieing and falling waves of sound, which can often be noticed when near a telegraph pole, are doe to the itlterference of sound waves of diff- erent:lengths. At regular intervals one is nearly quenched by the other, just as happens if one strikes together two 0011- secntive notes on a harmonium differing only by a semitone. -The Pacific Tele. phone Magazine, Last year, 1,000,000 practical Ameri- can farmers entered the Canadian West and took up land. In addition, an most equal number came from 1r ope. Two advantages of such an 1. nx are at once apparent. In the ret p1a0e, the Americana brongh, 1. the country $10,000,000 in money - T goods, 0nr wealth and the buying newere of the people are increased by just that amount. A seoond benefit is the fact that these people will be consumers of Canadian. made goods, They will buy their imple- mentor shoes, clothing, flour and the other necessities of life largely- from Oauadlan sources, They are also pro, r andt deters, as a exult of this ,t a yearly in ren a in our _... a tern r o s W tl farming b n • 8'pp la tion, onr wheat areas will be largely augmented, The milling alone of the output of these new tomer* is in welt a great induiriry. 11aoWN.-in Morris, on Martin 2611., to lir. and Mrs, Thos, Drown; a daughter, 0Alarnitl.L.--8KUNA:01:1-7 Morris, on March 20th, by Rey. hair. Peeper, of bl th, Sir, John , ampbell, of Kincardine, to iisa naval), J. Skelton, of Morns, DENTSON--JOTuNRTox,-At the Manse, Walton, on Wednesday March 23rd, by Rev. Mr, Lundy. 11.A., Mr, Thome ,1autea Denison to Miss 1411a Maude Johnston. B1LLT..-BAnivaT,-On Alaroh'00, by the Rev Mr, Edey, Clifford, Mr. Wm. Bell of Howiek,to nils lii•inia 13arno11 of 1prett, DIED i30o61 •-ftt Wingham, on the 1211, lust., M. A.. 15. Cougram, wife of Mr. Waiter Scott of Kin- loss Township, aged 43 years. SANOSTEn.-On lot 10, concession 17,. Howiok, on March 20, Alexander Sangster, aged 00 years, 19 months and 11 days. GAI,snATrnt.-On lot 29, concession 10, How - ick, on April 4th, Jamca Galbraith, aged 50 years, OnAwlroaD.-nn 1014, concession 10, Howiok, on April 5th. Martha Montgomery, beloved Wife of Win. Crawford, aged 49 years, 10 months and 5 days. KAu4],-In Morris, on April 2nd, William Morris, youngest eon of Geo, Kelly, 8th line, aged 21 years, 4 months and 5 days, PIPE, -At 191 Gerrard St , East, Toronto, the infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Geo, A, Pipe, aged one day, MAUNDrRS.-At Saskatoon. ,Sash , on April 4th, Nelson Marauders, in his 23rd yeSr. MoMANN In Morris, on April 0th, Tlannah D. Hodden, relict of the late George MoMann, aged. 74 years, 10 months and 0 days. JAanrsox.-In East Wawanosh, on April 10th, Agnes Dick, relict of the late Thomas Jamieson, in her 70th year. HOLT,-In Fordwich, on April 7th, Mrs. Anthony Bolt sr., aged 05 years, 0 n,onths and 20 days, NTOIIOLSON.-In Wingham, on April llth, Catharine Mayne, relict of the late John Nicholson, formerly of the Bluevale road, aged 67 years. MOILwAIN In Goderioh, on April filth, John Mcliwain, of Wingham, aged 70 years and 10 months. TENDERS WANT Sealed tenders with • ord Tender" placed on corner of envelope vi •e received by the undersigned up to M• y, April 25th for the building of a brick concrete vault in the Wingham Town Ha Specifications and full particulars can be obtained at my office. JOHN 1'. GROVES, Town Olerk, TENDERS WANTED. Tenders will be received by the under- signed up to the 9th of May for raising, bricking, shingling, putting in founda- tion and basement and probably moving school house in S, S No. 3, Onlross, Plans and epeoifioations and full parts. enlars can be had by applying to JOS. WELWOOD, Secretary, Wingham P. 0. Lot 25, Con. 2, Culross. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Notice is hereby given pursuant to R. S. 0. 1897, Chap. 129, Sect. 38, that all persons having claims against the Estate of David Rintoul, late of the Township of Kinloss in the County of Bruce, Laborer, deceased, who died on or abort the 31st day of July, A. D. 1909, are re• quired to send by post prepaid or to deliver to Vanstone of the Town of Wingham in the t ounty of Huron, Solicitor for the Admin- strator for tbo said deceased, on or before the 25th day of .April A. D. '1910, their names, ad- dresses and descriptions and a full statement of particulars of their claims and the nature of the security of any) held by them duly certified, and after the said day the Adminis- trator will proceed to distribute the assets of the deceased among the parties entitled there- to, having, regard only to the claims of which he shall then have notice, Dated this 28th day of March, A, D. 1910. • R. VANSTONE, Wingham P. 0. Solicitor for Administrator. + .1. * Malco lm's * THE BUSY STORE 4. • •4. Now is the time for Toilet Sets " , • • 4. Di• •nner Sets• Tea Sets ' 4. * Our stock is complete + and prices right, also +FANCY CHINA at , * prices away down. 4. •4, • $Call and get a sample $ of our 40c Coffee and $ I our Teas and you will be 4. convinced that our Tea 1 and Coffee lead.4, o_ + • • .► J. Malcolm • Phone 54, 4 4. 4 Produce Wanted. 444-1.44•34.f.q..i..i..t..1.•;,++ WINGHAM MACHINE SHOP General repair work on automobiles, biopsies, boilers, engines elto. Baily' carriages and go-carts re -tired, Wood Turning-- Whiffietreee, neck. yokes, kanthook handles etc. Partners have you teen our Oombina• tion 'Stook Rook. Something new, strong and bandy. Artfor ge oy steam and gasoline engines, Atiotid il8ales Given prompt attention. W. A. CURRIE 'ROPItta rselt. 1 • KING'S FOA BARGAINS 1 W E WANT YOUR TRADE King's, The Store at Which to Deal DRESS GOODS. A complete range 01 all the new fabrics for Dresses, Suits, etc , in plain and fancy weaves and colors. • The largest and most select range of Black Dress Goods in town. • WASH GOODS. This season we. have purchased the largest stock • of Wash Goods we have ever shown and the quality, texture, and Colors are correct in every particular. NEW WHITE WAISTS. New White Waists in all the latest styles- come in and see them. SILKS. An import order just to hand and they are beautiful goods. .1191/01.1101111011111..1 CARPETS, Linoleums, Oil Cloths, Curtains. This year we have had to increase our floor space for this department and now have a fine room for showing these lines and will be pleased to show you anything you may need for, house= cleaning time -come and see. SEEDS. The best that money can buy! Timothy, Red Clover, A1sie, Lucerne, etc. • WANTED. -Large quantities Butter, Eggs, etc., la at highest prices.' GOOD G. E. KING. P CES EAP GOODS PRICES ...........e.......•••••.•. •.•.•.•••.•.••••••••••.••. • iSpring ADress Goods • Hardly es er has a Spring season produced such a wealth of . i• beautiful colorings and weaves as this, and for no former • season have •we made such preparations with the very • choicest shades and effects. And what's most in our favor • 4. is that we've earned the verdict we most desire -that every • piece in the display is thoroughly practical and desirable. .a Newest weaves in Wool, Linen and Cotton Suitings. • • • • • • • • • • • • •i- • • • SHIRT WAISTS We have one of the finest ranges of Shirt Waists that we •• have shown for some years -all styles and prices. • „; a - • • ea• • CURTAINS AND MADRASSES • Curtains from 25e up to $8,00 per pair, all newest designs :• and patterns. • • Madras -White, ecru and colors, in .tithe popular stained •'•, glass effects. i • • , We take Butter and Eggs in exchange for these new goods. ,•a •• A es • •• • M. GQRDON.1• ••••••••••••••••t••••••••• i•••••••••••••••••••••••••i Fourteen prisoners were taken from the Central Prison to the new farm at Guelph. HOMESEEKERS' [XCORSIONS WESTERN CANADA LCp UTAN' ',PACING , euiNer LOW ROUND TRIP IIAT IS GOING DATES Apr. t;, 19 Ione 14, 28 ' Aug. 0, 23 May 3, 17, 31 July 12, 26 Sept. G, 20 Tih50116H SPECIAL TRAINS TORONTO TO WINNIPEG AND WEST f.orve Toronto 2.00 .m. iv 6b' above rinses Thresh 1',ret and Aeeond Clans Coaches, Colonist and Tour at $lctpers. Apply to nearest C.P.D. Agent or write 1" L. Thotiipton, Tomato. ASK 1OR 11011ESEEKl fS' .>rAlltllLEn, G' AND TRUN'It'SyS EM The International Route to Western Canada Through the metropolis of Obiongo, thence via Duluth and Fort Frances, or through Chicago and twin cities of Minneapolis and St, Paul. HOMESEEKERS EXCURSIONS April 19th, May 3rd and 17th, Winnipeg and return $32,00 Edmonton and return $3.0,60 Tiokete good for 60 days, proportionate rates to other prin. oipal pointe in Manitoba, Saskatoh. ewan and Alberta, Above rates a'• ply on certain dates via Sarnia and Northern i a ' Nav tion d m o an g • laiimmidameriorftsnomoiii p y For tiokets and further information call on W. 1lenry, Depot Agent or address j. D. McDonald, Toronto, Astoria /Patents For f'Ien' A FEW STATEMENTS OF FACT Patent leather shoes ate equally or even more fashionable than ever before. They are suitable for any and every occasion, a funeral or a wed- ding, a church service or a prize fight. In fact, they are always in good taste. Still, patent leather shoes are considerable of a gamble, and it is a decidedly difficult matter for the most experienced judge of leather to pick out a good patent from a bad one. Notwithstanding this, we stand behind every pair of Astoria Shoes. We have done so for the past 2 years and we consider that 3 complaints out of several hundred pairs sold is exceptionally good for patent leather, and Astoria Shoes are better than ever this season. Not only better, but more classy, more snappy and more fashionable than ever before. This 1s one of the New Astorias, made of the finest grr,le of Patent Cols that money can buy. Oak tan soles, counters and box toes -; a most beautiful and fashionable shoe. PRICE $5.00 Per Pair We are showing an excellent assortment of "Astorlas" at $4,50 and 85.00 in our South Window. Take a look at them. WILLIS . & . C THE SHOE STORE. ?IP.P.1_L Sole Agents for sNue,'! Sole Agents for the "Astoria " Shoes for Men, for Ladies. m® 1 re 1.'4 R to ii.-ouse Cleaning ot PI 3 p Means,Pi House Furnishings „... Warm spring days suggest house cleaningd gg anhouse cleaning' means a nevv Carpet for a certain room, a certain 'room needs new Curtains and a certain room needs a new Linoleum or Oil Cloth R.; a.6 tro lt! A► • A CARPET Japanese Matting, Floor Oils, Scotch Linoleums, Rugs, SQUARES IN TAPESTRY BRUSSELS AND VELVET. f You will realize substantial savings if you buy your Spring House Furnishings from us. CARPET SQUARES $6,00 t0 $30,00 A NUMBER OF SMALL ENDS CARPET CHEAP 4 4 3 011 Suitings in latest colors. Also Ready -to -Wear Waists. ; See our line of Ladies' our Ladies' No. x Sugar $ . per cwt cash. 5 � � 10 ALL iUNbS Or I'RoDuctr WANI'X D, 1 it P1[ON't 89. °WING GAM, “A iW'iritiISZNAiA"Ai1M`Z'IAAAAiti!',lw,itNioutANgtiAA',isMIi4AAAAMIAAilit,4