HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1910-04-07, Page 44 TSN WINGIXAM T1M S3, APRIL 7, 1910 fiominion Bank! TIi is >A In the strife for bueinesa don't knook, Oust boost—your competitor should by '( all means be included in this, and the 1 customer or buyer will all the more appreciate you for your manliness in Oapital Stock (All paid up) $4,00,000.QQ speaking well at them. Reserve Fond and IraYou remember the fellow whoa short divided Profits $5,400,000.00 time ago knocked the work you were Deposits by the public$14,000,000 00 having done, and in every way tried to Total 4raets,Oyer ,459.00.000.00 make you feel mean regarding that which you looked on as good, and your measure of ham was not any too broad or long either for that matter—but had be, atter getting your attention and A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS showing his samples, allowed you to be TRANSACTED. the judge, instead of antagonizing you, oonld he not have secured an order? Yon would not stand for the knook to your judgment. 'Tie aaid,'•Every knock is a boost,'/ end ro it is, it the knook is properly given. It serves to waken latent energy and the result is goad, espeoially to e broad mind, and in the end broadens Intellect. This life of ours is all too short and the sunshine we liberate makes for all that is good. How much better, then, it is to "boost" and how easy to do it with a result that pays and pays well. The broa,:er we grow towards our fel- low man, the more help we give him, TO ADVERTISERS the better we make him feel that lite is footles of changes must be left at this worth the living, that mnoh more we g office not later than Saturday noon. grow, then what a etannoh growth it The oopy for ohanges must be left not later than Monday evening. Casual advertisements accepted up to noon Wednesday of each week. 1 "DON'T KNOCK ---ROOST." IhEAD DFFIoE; Women° Bita.RMIT€S AND AGENTS throughout Can- ada ani the United States. Savings Department. Current Rates a iutereat allowe1, and Depeeite L ,etived of 51.00 and upwards Farmers' sate Notes Collected, and advances mode on them at lowest trete of interest. Wm'exeiter Bn.& w z—Oorner John and jesephtae Streets. W. R. r EIKI E, MANAGER R VANSTO E Selioitor. ESTABLISHED 1872 THE WINfilildl TIMES. H. B.E1.L1OTT.PIIBL1sula u nPROPRILTOP THURSDAY. APRIL 7, 1910 NOTES AND COMMENTS It is reputed that, owing to ill -health, Hon, G. E. Foater will soon retire from active political life. Who Mr. Borden's firat lieutenant will be is still a matter of conjecture, but Hon. W. J. Hanna, the well-known Ontario Minister, is talked of. The inland revenue returns for the month of March were $1,367.83 greater than in February, and $263.26 Less than in March of 1909. The offioial year closed with March, and the returns for the twelve months totaIIed $335,599.19, a slight decrease over the returns of the preceding eeried. This is due in a large measure to the failing off as a result of the passing of local option in many parts of the country. It is stated that 30,000 emigrants will sail from Liverpool to Canada on twenty-three steamehips in April. The increasing proportion of people going with capital is the subject of comment here. Interest has been aroused in Liverpool by the suggestion that a host- elry be provided emigrants who have to wait before the shipping office is open, and who are often exposed and incon- venienced by the lack of accom- modation. Toronto Saturday Night has for some weeks been doing a good work in ridd- ing Toronto of a number of companies that were selling what has turned out to be almost worthless stook. The last concern to come under the eagle eye of this bright and progressive paper was the firm of Patriarohe g Oo , stook brokers. To date Satnzday Night has exposed nine different concerns and over five million dollars of shares intended for the pnblio, and partially fed to them have been rendered worthless and the companiea forced out of existence. Two promoters have landed in jail and three have skipped out. More good power to you in your good work, Saturday Night. Scrofula disfigures and causes life-long misery. Children become strong and lively when given small doses of $ceIts Emulsion every day. The starved body is fed; the swollen glands healed, and the tainted blood vitalized. Good food, fresh air and ,Scott's Emulsion con. quer scrofula and many other blood diseases. Volt SATE ITV A1,t, D1tt;GGXs'1'S Send 10c., fame of paper and this ad. for our beautiful savings bank and child's !Sketch -Book. Each bank Contain! .>r Goodr.uck Ptany. i3CtTr & SOWNE 12s Werinteaf 5t. Weft, Totoete,C ut. snakes. Unselfishness—and the world appre- ciates it to its fullest—mean, growth, and while yon are thus growing there is nothing in creation to -Sake you take a bank seat, and the real watohword of it all is, "Don't knook—boost."— The Master Printer. CROPS FOR SHEEP. The wise shepherd in planning his Drops for the year has regard to the needs of his flock. He reoognizes the great advantage of broviding not only a verity of foods, but a succession of 8u0. eulent crops the season through. Bulletin No. 12,"Sheep Husbandry in Canada," published and iesned free by the Live Stook Branch at Ottawa, takes up this snbjeot in a practical and thor- ough manner. Under speoial crops for sheep it deals with clover, alfalfa, vetches, rape, cabbage, turnips, mange's, and several classes of grain. Each is treated separately in regard to method of cultivation and manner of feeding. Dealing withvetches the bul- letin says ;— "Vetches or tares as they are also cal- led, make excellent fodder for sheep, either as a soiling crop or as oared hay. This orop mach resembles peas in habit of growth and requires about same kind of cultivation. Its vines are more slen- der than that of the pea vines and stand up better when grown with a stiff vari- ety o1 oats. Vetohes are grown exten- sively for sheep feed in Great Britain, and to some extent in Canada for the same purpose. The writer, while rais- ing sheep always grew a small area of tares with oats for soiling the showfiook and in ease of a shortage of olover vet- ches were cured for hay. The crop being fine in vine and very leafy is much relished by the sheep and constit- utes a rioh diet. "Two varieties of vetohee are grown for fodder. The common vetch is the chief Bort cultivated, but the hairy var- iety is receiving some attentioo. The latter produces the heavier yield, but so far the seed having to be imported is very expensive and few care to bother, with it. "The soil for vetches should be clean, mellow and rich. The seed may be sown in drills or broadcast. A good seeding for either soiling or hay is about three pecks of vetches and four pecks of oste per acre. The vetches are ready to feed any time after the crop comes in- to blossom and before the seed cone.1 menses to ripen. For soiling the crop I may be hauled to racks or be distributed f on the sod of a pasture field as soon as Icut, or it may be allowed to wilt in the swath for a few hours. Vetch hay is made in much the some manner as clover or timothy is handled. Vetches may be pastured by sheep, but thisis a wasteful practice, as much of the crop is destroyed by tramping." Sheep raisers who do not already Im- ams a copy- would do well to order one from the Live Stock Commiealouer at Ottawa. NEW STRENGTH IN THE SPRING Nature Needs Aid in Making New Health -Giving Blood, r FAREWELL. MARCH. [S. E. iiieer. j Farewell, Marsh, and it forever,stllI for- ever fare you well; In the future we'll endeavor an old error to dispel; Jnne May rob ne of ons laughter, August blight our hopes of glee; .Ant we never more hereafter may have doubts concerning thee. Farewell,. March, yott'�ve brought tis gladblow,ness; April winds may flelce1y6, Bringing with them creel sadness, We shall still be gainers, though; April may be glum, May glnnlmer,'chill.. ing es it never Iheuld, Eat we've bad a Month of rammer, end are that much to the good. Che Grand Trunk proposes 10 build new station and shape at Stratford if the alit will oonttrttot e, enbway. In the spring tl-e system needs toning up. In the spring to be healthy and strong you mast have new blood, just as the trees must have new sap, Nature demands it and without Chia new blood you, will feel weak and languid. Yon may have twinges of rheumatism or the sharp stabbing pains of neuralgia. Often there are disflguriug pimples or eruptions on the skin. Ill other oases there ie merely a feeling of tiredness and a variable appetite. Any of these are signs that the blood is out of order -- that the indoor life of winter has told upon you. What is needed to put you right is a tonio, and in all the world there is no tonio oan equal Dr. Wil. llama' Pills. Theses Pills aotually make new, rich, red blood—your great- est need in spring. This new blood drives out disease, clears the skin and makes weak, easily tired men and wo- men and children bright. etotive and strong. Mies A. M. D ay, Lower Cove, N. 5 , says: "I elieve I owe my lite to Dr. Will ms' Pink Pills. My blood seemed have turned to water. I was pal as a sheet; I suffer- ed from head h , and floating specs seemed to be stantly before my eyes. As the trouble progressed my limbs be- gan to swell, and is was feared that dropsy bad eat in and that my ease was hopeless. Up to this time two doctors had attended me, but notwithstanding I kept growing worse. It was at this jointure I began using Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, and after taking a few boxes I was much improved. I kept on using the Pills until' had taken eight boxes, when my health was completely re- stored." Sold by all medioine dealers or by mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2 50 from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Oo., Brookville, Ont, Dufton's woollen mills at Stratford were gutted by fire. Loss 850,000. Mr. E. T. Dnfton was buried under a falling wall and very seriously hart. rive Stook Mar kete. Toronto, April 5.—Oity Cattle Mar- ket.—Trade was a little slow, but prices quite firm, the market closing, if any- thing, stronger than at the best of last week. There was a good run of cattle offer- ing of fair average quality, with a few oboioe loads of extra quality. The big export demand this week has made the market tighter for the looal butohere trade, and in some eases butchers were forced to go as high as $5.76 for any- thing like useful light oattle, while heavier cattle, good for either export or butcher, but bought for the latter pur- pose, fetched well over $6. Sheep and lambs are . steady and nn- ohanged at last week's prices. Hogs steady with a little easier tone outside, bat unohanged at $9.75 fed and Watered at Toronto. The total run was 75 loads, with 1,380 head of cattle, 350 sheep and lambs, 800 hogs, and 400 calves, The following are she quotations: Exporters' cattle— Per 100 lbs. Ohoice $6 50 $7 00 Medium 5 50 5 75 Bulls 4 75 5 25 Light 5 50 6 00 Cows 4 75 5 50 Feeders— beat 1000 pounds and up- wards 300 8 50 Stockers ohoioe 3 00 4 00 " bulls1 50 200 Butchers'— Pioked 5 75 6 50 Medium 4 85 5 25 Oowa..... • • 4 25 5 25 Belle 8 50 4 50 Hogs— Best 9 Lights 9 500 9 60 Sheep— Export ewea 600 600 Bucks__ 4 550 5 00 Calla 4 50 5 00 Spring Lambs each.. 4 00 10 00 Calves. each 3 50 8 00 wilieHAns MARKET BEPOBTS Wingham, Apr. 6th, 1910. Florr per 100 lbs.... 2 75 to 3 25 Fall Wheat ..., 108 to 1 08 Gate, .. 0 37 to 037 Barley .... .. 0 50 to 0 50 Peas ......... 0 78 to 0 78 Batter dairy •,., „•- ,,,, 0 18 to 0 20 Egga per dos 0 17 to 0 18 Wood per cord 2 50 to 2 50 Hay, per ton.. 13 00 to 14 00 Potatoes, per bushel, .... . 0 30 to 0 35 Lard ... 0 20 to 020 Live Hogs, per cwt. 9 50 to 9 75 CENTRAL sTRATFORD. ONT. Write ne at once for Our free °male. gue and learn the nature of oar cOntsea in Commercial, Shorthand or Telegraphy. departments. We have the leading, practical training school in Western Ontario. Courses are thorough, Instructora experienced and we testa graduate* to positions. Students are entering each week. Yon should enter NOW. ELLIOTT & WOMAN PitINoxPAIS. The Human Head. The greatest gift the gods bestowed 00 aortal was leis dome of thought; it sometimes seems a useless load, when one is tired, and worn, and hot; it genie, lime$ aeema a trifling thing, lees useful than one's lungs or slate; a mere ezouse, it seems, to bring us dune from men who deal in hats. Some men appreciate their heads, and use them wisely every day, and every passing minute Bleeds new splendor on their upward way; while some regard their heads as junk, mere. idle knolls upon their necks; 6nobmen are nearly always sunk in failure, and are gloomy wrecks. I know a olerk who's served his time in one old store for twenty years; he's flunked his fel- lows olimb, and olimb—and marked with jealously and teem; he's labored there sine he was young; he'll labor there till he is dead; he never rose a single rung, because he never used his head, I know a poorhouse in the vale, where fifty-seven paupers stay; they paw the air and weep and wail, and ones each other all the day; and there they'll loll while life endures, and there they'll die in pauper beds; their changes were as good as yours—but then they 'never used their heads. 0 human head! Majestic box! 0 wondrous can, from labels free! If man is graving fame or rooks, he'll get them it he noes thee! — Walt Mason. Mr. J. W. Hyman, brother of Hon. 0. 8. Hyman, died. at London, Ont. Premier Roblin hesreturned to Winni- peg with his health partially restored, Elizabeth Holman, of North Easthope, the oldest resident of Perth county is dead aged 103 years, Complete returns from the 86 counties in Miohigan where local option elections were held show that 20 counties voted "dry" and 16 "wet." Of the 83 omen ties in Michigan, 40 will now be "dry" and 43 "wet'" Geo. T. Ham, manager of the United State. Banking Oo., of Mexico, former- ly of Napanee, is in jail in Mexico on a charge of a colossal fraud. Ham is said to have induced the looal manager of the Bank of Montreal in Mesioo to buy a draft from him for tome $600,000 on the assurance that he had funds to meet it. It turned out that funds were not available, and as an outcome the United States Banking Co was forced into liquidation, while the Bank of Montreal is likely to lose a very large gum from the traneaction. VVVVWVVVVWWVVWVWVWW VVVVVVVWVWVYVVVVVWWVVV ITO BE HANGED! BEFORE JULY 1st, 1910 evkAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA C 20 Thousand Rolls PAPERI — OF — `c C IWALL From 5c. to $1.00 Per Roll !MVVI6VVVWVWVVVVVWVVVVVVV Just Wall Received the Largest Stock of Paper ever shown in Wingham R. KNOX Opposite Brunswick Hotel c c 4 4 WINGHAM, ONT. 1 vvvvyvvvvvywWwWW17~OVVW AikKA11M/1MA/1K/1AAAAAMMAAMI •, amosomosaammomowillmommimilmomommaurnimi THE PEOPLE'S POPULAR STORE, WINGHAM 1 1 KERR &BIRD WE ARE NOW SHOWING OUR NEW SPRING GAPS All new styles and new colors, wehave them for Men, Women, Boys and Girls. COLLARS We have a large assortment of beautiful Jabots DutchCollars and handsome embroidered. Collars All very new and neat, in white and also biscuit shade. SILKS Our range of Siiks is unexcelled, a very special showing of new colors and patterns, also a splendid raw silk. Come in and see these goods. HOSIERY We have a splendid line of Gents' Fancy Hosiery, assorted colors at 5oc a pair. CLOTHING Men's and Boys' Suits, new cuts and extra good qualities at all prices. Leave your order here. Satisfaction guaranteed. i HOUSE FURNISHINCtS Carpets, Rugs, Curtains, Blinds, etc., a very complete range at all prices. We have a very special line of fine Lace Curtains, new designs and at very reasonable prices. ASK FOR APRIL LADIES HOME JOURNAL 15c C. N. Griffin GENERAL AGENT FIRE LIFE ACCIDENT PLATE GLASS WEATHER dreA o�+�rw� Insurance 6,4,474 Coupled with a REAL ESTATE and MoNEY LOANING Business. Issuer of Marriage Licenses. Office over Malcolm's Grooery. A. E. SMITH BANKER WINGIIAIT, ONTARIO. Farmers who want money to buy horses, cattle, or hogs to feed for market, oan have it on reasonable terms. Notes discounted for tradesmen, mer- ohants or agents, on favorable terms. Loans on real estate at the lowest rates going. Do You Realize Account May What a Savings Mean to You? A valuable asset for every one is a Savings Account Pass Book, in which deposits have been entered frequently, and withdrawals seldom. ward" against versity temporary ad - Why not commence to -day to build your asset? Not only does the ability to save indicate "character"— which the business world of to -day demands—but it esta- blishes "an anchor to wind - One Dollar will start an ac- count In the BANK OF HAMIL- TON, and interest will be credited every six montns. WINGHAM BRANCH C. P. SMITH, • AGENT. Head Office, HAMILTON Inn 1k Capital Patel-op$2,500,006 keserve sad Ulndivited Profits - 2,200,006 Total Agitate over 58,000,006 1