HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1910-04-07, Page 1THE WINGHAM TIMES. VOL . xXX1X,—N'O. 1991. WINGHAM, ONTARIO, THURSDAY. APRIL 71 1910. $1 A TEAR IN ADVANCE Formaldehyde (FORMALIN) "FOR SMUT ON OATS" THE BEST IS THE CHEAPEST We Sell the Best that is Made. Walton McKibbon THE DRUGGIST Maodoneld Block, Wingham, imminemagnommummor FATHER MOTHER ! A Business Education is the greatest legacy you can leave your children. We get down to the bed • rock foundation of living business science, and as- sist worthy graduates to the choice positions. Enter any day. Individual instruction. Home study courses in Senior Teachers, Matriculation and Commercial subjects. Send for particulars. Affiliated with Commercial Educators' Association of Can- ada. Easter Term Opens March 29. Write for particulars. WINGHAM BUSINESS 'COLLEGE GEO. SPOTTON, Principal A Link Between A remarkable exa ages of making relic found in the demand the great Canadian. wool tweeds made b Nova Scotia.` So man West from Eastern name "Hewson" Itan best in cloth and knit comfortable woolens to wear "at home." Mr. James Gating with a Royal Hume arines for jumping and saving a little g He is seventy years st and West. le of the advent - le goods is to be htch comes from est' for the pure the Hewsons of people have gone omes where the s for all that is d goods, strong, at the boys used CUT FLOWERS AND FLORAL DESIGNS T. C. GRAHAM & SON PHONE 101, Wear Cheer's Shoes and Rubbers Auction Sale Mr. J. Williams the. West will hal furniture in the au OnrrioBros. livery of ternoon of this The furniture is there will be barge will be the auction of Furniture. who is moving to an anotion sale of cion rooms, opposite stable on Saturday week at 2 o'olook. yearly all new and ins. F. McConnell r. Bosr WANTED. — To learn tailoring,. apply t0 R. MAXWELL. Telephone Non subscribers Bell r nd North He panics will bo oh rates. For their companies have inet ager to see that this ed to. The oompa fair to subscribers t of the telephones t er was presented medal at St.Oath- to the ioy water l from drowning. age. egulatior;s. ing the lin n Telep of the ne Com• rge • r alar tariff wn p oteotion the noted the local man- ule is strictly adher- es feel that it is not allow the free use on subsoribers. WANTED —A dining room girl., ply at the EXCHANGE HOTEL, Epworth Le Tnefollowing are worth League of t dist Church for t: Pres., F. R. Howse A. Hammond.; 2n Hall; 3rd Vioe•Pre 4th Vice -Pres., R. Pres., Miss E. Rut H. Bird; Cor. 5. Treas., B. Ornik� M. Hammond; As Kerr, Rep. Rto Die Christie's Grocery PHONE 59. THIS WEED,. WE WILL RUN OFF OUR OVER STOCK OF TOMATO CATSUP More of this came to us than was intended, consequently we have more on hand than we care to have, 3 Bottles for 25c Every bottle of this Catsup is of the highest quality. Ail this price only stands good till we get to our normal stock we day BUY QUICKLY The Tea and _._Coffee Store Choice Butter and £ resh Eggs Wanted. Ap- gue Officers. she officers of the Ep- e Wingham Metho- e ensuing term:— ; 1st Vioe•Pres., E. Vice -Pres., W. T. , Miss Lillian Kerr; 1. Lloyd; 5th Vioe- adge; Rec. Seo., E. a., Mien M. Tibbs; lank; Pianist, Mies t. Pianist, Mise Laura Exeo., Mr. Jno. Kerr. TRUNKS and Valens.— The best. kind and at lowest prices. W. J. GREER. Inspected W Last Friday M members of the oil visited Wingh inepeoting our be ped hospital. Th are considering t ing a hospital in Mayor and cont information. T themselves high Wingham hos while here, we town and visit establishments. gham Hospital. yor Spotton and the rriston Town Conn - m for the purpose of utifnl and well equip - people of Harriston question of establish - their town and the Tors were here getting delegation expressed pleased with the al. The delegation e driven around the our manufacturing Read Willis & Co.'s adv. on page 8. Finished Councillor Peter Wawanosh finished m This is surely a reoor have finished the woe 5111 of April. Many half thro'iigh with others have not yet p� ground. le. eding, V. Scott, of East eding on Tuesday, for this section to of seeding on the ether farmers are hie work, while t any grain in the Rooms TO LET,—Eepeoially suitable for dress maker shop. Apply to R. MAXWELL, We are paying as high es 90 cents eaoh for Muskrat skins at the Wingham Tannery and. Glove Works. W. D, PRINGLE. Lawn Bo The anneal me Lawn Bowling Cl Council Chamber last, when the foll eleoted: Hon. Pres M. L. A.; Hon. Vi Pres., 0. N. Gri Kennedy; Seo. -Tr Grounds Committe Hanson, J. Stalker; tee—the Grounds O President and Vice Committee—A. M. rane, D. Holmes. will be held on o'olook. All interes requested to be pros WARTED.—On learn the milliner Rural The North Hu arranged for an a installing of rnra present season. control of nearly thio district an added to durin meeting of the evening it was line where ever it. Farmers wh eeotion with Wi not sign contrac particulars from Parties desiring sidenoes will applying at the more bright girl .to • See MRS. GREEN. elephones. n Telephone Co, has tive campaign for the telephones during the his company now bas fifty miles of wire in this will be largely this summer. At a irectors last Friday eoided to extend the sines° would warrant desire telephone con- gham will do well t0 s until they have full the North Huron Co. elephones in their ro- t all information by s office. ling Club ting of Wingham b was held in the n Tuesday evening wing officers were , A. H. Musgrove, e -Pres., 0, Dallas; n; Vioe•Pres., L. as. J. Mason; —Alex. Porter, L. xeoutive Commit- mmittee, with the evident; Reception awford, B. Oooh- Another meeting uesday next at 8 d in the sport are 1. WANTED—South African Sorip. High- est prices paid. Apply at TImns Office. If you want a nioe home, oonvenient in every way; see the residence of 0. J. Graham, oorner of Centre and Maple streets, whioh is for sale. Board of T A largely atten actio meeting of held last Thnreda oil Chamber. T to confer with 0 that an offer had of $1800 for the fixed rate of ase rs Mese , R. Van the meeting u notion of the c Since the mee been consideree yet been done hope next w arrangement main in Win Home made bread—Try it. FRANK R. HOWSON. July E The departmen shed the time•ta Miens, to which in Ontario are varied feelings, entrance to No June 27, at 9. a. on July 4, with last sdbjeot• Fo ties of education gin on Jnne 27, July 11, Honor relation "examen end on July 12, Cation the first p the last is on specialist exam 27, and are oon art specialist e be held on An department of school at the i �de Meeting. ed and very enthusi• e Board of Trade was evening in the Oonn- �e committee appointed Lloyd & Son reported been made to this firm �.nrohase of a site and a lament. On motion of one and Gee. McKenzie nimonsly endorsed the mmittee in this matter. ing other details have and nothing definite has in this matter, but we ek to report a definite hereby this firm will re - nam. High Prices f Mr, W. F. VenSton livered to town from Bluevale road, aixty.on Bold at $9.75 per o brought the snug Bute is an average of nearly hog, This is a top -no was the largest lot of ed in Wingham by o on the price of hogs other record sale. At to Wawanosh last wee were mold at $143.50. of prices and it is said likely go higher. r Hogs, on Monday de- his farm on the hogs whioh he t. The bunch 1 $1,890 00 whioh $23 00 for emote oh prioe and this ge ever deliver. feeder. While can report an - r, Tisdale's sale , two brood sows hese are unheard that prices will Epworth League The anniversary eery with the Epworth Lea Methodist Church, hel Monday last, were The preaoher for the o F. L. Farewell, B. ohuroh, Toronto, who tiye, inspiring and h large congregations b evening. On Monde entertainment was h good programme wa listing of solos by Mis Mr. Frank 3'. Hill; Mr. W. H. Willis an Messrs. R. Maxwell instrumental dr etc b and Miss Hall, Miss Miss M. Hammond, address by Rev. Edg rentor o7 St. Paul's was occupied by the Rutledge. Refresh at the close of the pr SHINLGES —Having parches a large quantity of British Oolum Shingles, from one of the b t ufaoturers on the coast, previous the advance in price, I am prepared to sell at close prices. Parties in need of shingles would do well to oall and get quotations. J. A. McLean. Help for A large party o from Scotland, w horses are being d farmers of the 0 Brune this week b Ripley. They ay men this country i in need of help, e ey at Ripley. aminations, of ednoation has it• e for the July examine handreda of students ooking forward with The' examinations for mal schools begin on and are concluded atin composition the entrance to the faoul. the examinations be - and are terminated on nd scholarship metric. begin on Jane 27, and hale for pais rnatriou• per it on. June 27, and July 8, Clommerbial uMiens begin on June luded on July 4. The ainitiation for 1910 will 9, 10, 11 and 12, at the duoatien of the summer iiverlity of Toronto, he Farmers. young far •' aborers, o are a. ustomed to trib , ed among the es of Huron and Geo. H. Mooney, of the class of young in need of. Farmers uld write Mr. Moon- nmversary. nes in oonneotion ne of Wingham 011 Sunday and ghly successful, eavion was Rev. ., of Elm street delivered instno- ptut sermons to th morning and evening a social Id, at whioh a rendered, con - Aline Mann and vocal dneto by son. Gerry, and nd. J. Stalker; Miss Reynolds Laura Kerr and and an excellent H. Oroly, B. A., arch. The chair pastor, Rev. Dr. nts were enjoyed gramme. Parties wishing their gardens plowed should leave their orders early at Salt Block office. Ladies' Oxfords, T , Panips and Slippers in the h: •d.. •.est models that ever graced a Sh , Store. $1.75, $2,25 up to $3,00 or $3..0. W J. GREER. High Tempe Just half a degr in March, 1908, w temperature of record for that m Observatory Was March 1910 ende of 88 8. While half a degree registered, a re 28th with 75,8 temperature, mometer mad wards, but di The lowest to Wise 11.5 reoor lowest to wh fell in March below zero in 1 tered en One o0 The total preo was 0,66 of one the average, ature in March, e below the figure set ich, with an average 9 3, still holds the th site the Toronto establiished in 1840, with the high average he average was thus Blow the highest yet rd was made on March for the highest March n the 30th the Cher- another attempt np■ not reach beyond 73.2. pasture for the month ed on Marsh 15th. The h the thermometer ever uring 70 years was to 14 56, and in 1906 it reale- mien one degree below. station for the month noh, being 2.491ess than Governmen Unfortunately the attendanoe in the op evening last to he Windsor, Lecturer -in jeot of Government Holmes occupied id the n A . sou is a pleasing; ape versed in hie subjeot a very interesting on stated that when yo posit so much every stop depositing the on drawing 4 per on est and when you on yon get so muoh aye ably for the rest of y of death the money children. The epee great number of fine the poor houses o why? Because the lesson of thrift whe to think of men wh this country passin in the poor house. of young men wan but there are thou who haven't learn The young man w ing to advance in needed to make a lecturer urged t taught thrift. Annuities. e was not a large a house on Friday r Dr. Samson, of chief on the sub,'' nnnities. Mayor chair. Dr. Sam- er and is well - d hie talk was a . The leoturer ng you could de - 'eek and when you onoy would keep compound inter• e to a certain age r to live oomfort- ur life, and in case es to your wife or r pointed out the Id men who are in the oonntry, and had not studied the young. It is hard have done a lot for away their last days There are millions d in our great west, nds of young men d the lesson of thrift. o is thrifty and try - his world is the man great country. The at boys should be FOR S4rn on RENT --50 antes; 101 23, oon. 1, in the township Of Kinloss. Apply to Gr ohcn A. Mott -may, White. church, Ont. Snooeoston duties reoeived by the provincial treaetiry� last month totalled $90,000, a big increase Over the sante onth. last year. Ring's for all kinds Choice Seeds-• Alsike and Lucerne Clover, Tirrie DROWNED IN He MAITLAND. F we -year Old So Falls from C, P the of Mr. H. Hayles R. Bridge Into ater. A partionlarly ea Monday morning, five-year old on of Sayles, fell from t into the water and little fellow was i older brother, aged had left home to go o'clock they started bridge, the younger posies side to his br pretty etrong wind and it is thought t fellow got too oleo plank, lost his bale Wed into the water was soon given, bn quarters of an hon reoovered. A pb summoned and eve snscitate the lad Albert was an exc chap, the eeoond of eight, and the sad blow to the this ie the first to Strangely enough from the old con ago conveying t drowning of a rela Mr. and Mrs. H been residents of three years, and a pathy is expressed severe trial. The Tuesday afternoo cemetery. affair occurred on when Albert, the r. and Mn. Henry 0. P. R. bridge at drowned, The company with an bout $ years, who shing. About 10.20 to oross the railway boy taking the op- ther, There was a lowing at the time, unfortunate little o the edge of the e and was preoipi- eneath,. An alarm it was about three - before the body was stolen was hastily y effort made to re- but without avail.. tionally bright little oungest of a family nfortunate affair is a arents and family, as they have sustained. a letter was received ry only a short time e sad news of the ive of Mrs, Hayles. les and family have ingham for about arge measure of sym• for them in their uneral took place on to the 'ngham Clea Up. The removal of efuee that has ac- cumulated during the winter months should be nommen .-:d just as soon as the spring weather '•ill permit. This is an important work a • d in the interests of public health shou d not be delayed. 'mpreseiOn in the ey are doing all •+plying with the heir premises by ght to be aotuat• w of the impor health and the nitary conditions. lithe it is cnstom- •d all sorts Otsubo enient place, and •earance of these ed by the snow, ding disease ob• •erature, danger +e deoaying pro• springtime sun, ay of cleaning iilago, town and year. Not only t on Many streets he town can be of rubbish that Dyed. Generally ople are neat and heir premises. If the health of the nsldered it is Derr to keep the town; t there is another y of attention. ly favorably lino that is clean and 11 tack Meant it, tenden,y to help raspor. There is an erroneous minds of many that t that is necessary by o law and cleaning up a stated date. They ed by the broader v tate of the publio inestimable value of v During the winter m' ary to deposit ashes,' bleb in the most oon while the unlovely a rubbish heaps is obao and the danger of sere. viated by the low tem lurks in them when t owes sets in under the There is much in the up to be done in every pity at this time of the on private property, b and lanes thronghout seen, mnolt in the for should be speedily re speaking, Wingham tidy in taking pare of nothing more than community is to be o tainly worth while bright and Olean. B tide that it wort Visitors are invaria pressed with the pia attractive. They Which saonld have othyy etc. I' the town grow and Second-hand b to Dr. Kennedy. for sale. Apply Married A pretty thong solemnized on March 24th, at t Mrs. George,Cu street, when their given in marriage t ton, f Oshawa. c,o performed by Rev. Andrew's church, five o'clock. The b her niece, little Mis ing as flower girl. the wedding mar relatives of the The bride was be white mull, wit insertion. The decorated in green dining -room in pink left at nine o'clock and other oitiev. T home in Oshawa w engaged with the Company. Mre. H ly missed by the c ohuroh, in whioh e She was one of th ladies of the. M Planet. Mr. and a few days in W Mr. Hamilton's couple will hav many friends in her marriage Mr ed a farewell b with a beautiful bees of the o Ohnroh, Ohatha shower of mild 1uluess and bee friends at Chat 11 Chatham. quiet wedding was hureday afternoon, e home of Mr. and ming, St. George aughter Helen was Mr. Hugh Hamil' h ceremonywas e Fan Wsolc of St. nd the hour was ide was unattended, Jessie Crumb, act. Mr. Dolman played h. Only the near ride wore present. omingly gowned in trimmings of lace eautiful home was nd white, with the The happy couple or London, Toronto ey will make their ere Mr. Hamilton is °Lachlan Carriage ilton will be great- ly of St. Andrews' e had a leading part. most popular young ple City.—Chatham rs. Hamilton spent ngham visiting with latives. The happy the best wishes of is notion. Prior to Hamilton was tender- ngnet and presented ake dish by the mem- of St. Andrew's TOWN OUNCIL. The. regularof th mo thlymeetinge the Town Donned was held on Monday evening with all the members present except Coun. Al. Donald. Minutes of of previous mee ing were read and approved, A oommunioati,•• was read from Geo. McKenzie, in whi.i• he said he did not wish to aot as a m: •• ber of the Board of Health unless the Council provided a proper vehicle for a :ening olosets. On motion of Con s, Elliott and Bone, Mr. MoKenzie's o •mmunioation was referred to the Board of Health, and the Mayor asked to call a epeeist meeting of the Council to oonsid r any recommend- ation the Board of H..lth may wish to make. The question of • extension of a water main to the "extern Foundry was dismissed and the • onncil was unit- ed in the feeling t ^ at the extension should be made. Moved by Cons. B one and Redmond, that it is the opinio of this Council that fire protection a• •uld be given the Western Foundry an• that the Fire and Water Committee 0011 er with the Oom- missioners with a vi: w to having the work proceeded with . t once —Oarried, Messrs. F. Buohana • and A. E. Lloyd were present and mad: a proposition to the Council on behal of C. Lloyd & Son, asking that a by aw be submitted. to the ratepayers to ra se $1,800 for the purchase of a factor site and fixing their rate of assessme t at $2,000; also for a lease of the Davi' son town lot and a leale to 0. P. R. f the gore lot in front of Waterworks pump house for switoh and freight she + . Messrs. R. Clegg a • d R. Vanatone spoke briefly on the m: iter, explaining to the Council the action of the Board of Trade is oonneotio • therewith. After discussion it was decided on motion of Conus, Red •. and and Elliott, to refer the matter to the Property Committee to again confer with 0, Lloyd & Son and the 0. P. R. author- ities. The Finance Comm ttee recommend- ed the payment of he following ac• counts • Bell Tel. Co., 'phone c •'ef's h000e •* 50: R. Rankin, salary ,_,...... 7,50 E. Lewis, " 20.00 Geo. Allen, oonnoil's share salary22.50 John F. Groves, salary & postage55.50 Wm. Coats, Reg. Bylaws . 4 00 John Ritchie, services as Auditor. 35 00 1.00 e1,00 1.25 1.50 eporte 42.00 ..... . 1.10 65.00 ervioes 6.00 pplies 59,34 22.25 2.25 3.50 McKibben and rt of the Finance d as real. ought that in pay - the Hook & Ladder hould be drawn in ¢al members and he to this effect, but oder. Ho then de and nays on the report of Finanoe he members voting Ory. :ported that he had on the cost of build - Town Hall, and on lliott and Gregory, ittee was instructed building of the vault re than $375. • reported that the had brought Engin- e and he had taken d other information. •• ode and these would ted to the Provincial for . approval before fed with. Mr. Davis The undersigned is prepa care of lots in the Wing during the sumraer mo tee to give so season is $1. per John F. Groves, Town Clerk,will reoeive prompt attention. to take cemetery ction. Price for . Orders left with ROBERT DEYELL. Drop in Li During the pose 2,000 liquor Doensie ario. The annual re oial department show Caption of the Scott 1887, the nntnber of 6,185 in 1874 to 2 thee despite, the open notions of the Prov' increase in populatio The statistics sho gross towards tempo been steady for the year it reaches a pen than ever before. The license Men last year Onl3P $ $557,771.11 the pre however, is largely a feet that the past fisc One Of ten months, The expense of la the year v,a6 $27,402. Mims of the law sin .25 in license and no and $6.940 in local opt Alex. Rand, hose to fir Jos Pugh, work , Fred Groves, work . Theo Hall, auditor's Ernest Dennis, work Firemen, salaries Hook & Ladder Co., Richardson & Rae, s S. Bennett, supplies . Jos Styles, work Wm. Guest, work. Moved by Conn Elliott, that the rep Committee be adopt Conn. Gregory t ing the members o Co., the cheques favor of the individ did not get a sec mended the yeas motion adopting Committee. All yea except Mr. Gre Conn, Elliott soured an estimat ing a vault in th motion of Couns. the Property Com to proceed with t at a cost of not m Conn. Redmo Sewer Oommitt eer Davis to to levels and seou Plans would be have to be stibmi Board of Healt work was prooee recommended the putting in of a main sewer, cellar drain and storra drain, the latter not neestirily to be pat in this season. He ould say there ahould be a optic tank nd four or five flits ring beds at south en of town, and would the work be done un- ion of an Engineer, Mild be conveniently other work is beteg enses. year less than ill issue in Ont. rt of the Provins that with the ex- tiot years of 1886 licenses to sell in. ly decreased from 8 last year. And ng up of large new ce and tbe great that Ontario's pro. et 36 years, This further advanced e of the Province 63,020.06, against ions year. This minted for by the year WitS a short , Pints for vion tinted 10 $84.330. -license distriots, Elliott, that th forwent, IQ An for $10,000 to The Mayor requested by of London to h the Grand Tr morning train Wingbana at 10 decided to take Clerk be iustruotad sported thnt he WU ooMmereitil travellers ve the Conneil repel. Reilway to have from London relgth Webs*, The Council o action. CHUR H *NOTES. The subject of the Baptist Ch evening will be Special musics w choir. Everybo Monday eveni Lucia F. Gilbert, leoture in the Bap heroes." After people have plan will serve ice ores sion, 15 cents. The annual mee Missionary Sooiet Methodist Church Room of the chum noon, when the fo elected for the ens idents, Mrs. Mort Sperling ; record Homuth; Mealier pianiats, Mrs. Will At the conclusion was serves' in the church, and a pleas he peator's .sermon oh for next Sabbeth 'Where is thy God." 1 he rendered by the made weloome, g. APril 10111, Mise let Church on the subs Florence and her e lecture the young and cake. Admis- ng of the Woman's of the Wingham as held in the Board on Tuesday after - owing officers were ing year :—President, Rutledge; vice -press g secretary, Mrs. 3, ing secretary, Mrs. Mrs Musgrove: and Mrs. Homnth. f the business, tea eoture room of the nt social time spent , 11 reconitnend that der the supervi Br anch sewers put in while th done. Mr. J. A. Mc ean showed that an error of $200 h been made in his assessment and o motion of MoKibbon end Redmond, M . MoLean was refund- ed $5 overpaid ta a. On rootien of cEibbon and Elliott, the tonal quarte ly grant to the Oiti. zone Band was dered to be paid. 00 motion of one and &di:11011d, the Mayor and Don , MoDonald were ifis Waded to tee th the watering cart put in order as s a as possible. Con motion of eltibbon and Elliott, $400 Was plaoe to the credit Of the Public Sehool 130 rd. Moved by 0 no, Itedmond and Start Something! 5 There can be no continuance without a beginning. There can be no completion without a continuance. 5 The only man who DOES any- thing is the man who BEGINS something. 5 Don't wait for someone else to give the town a push. Don't be an echo to another man's ow of the other fellow's work. • Lay the corner stone of your own initiative. 5 Start right now ! 5 We are helping to boost Wing- hatn. Are you ? Ritchie & Cosens I REAL ES rATE AND INSURANCE EVERYBODY'S SHOE sTortu Snappy Oxfords The Sort that makes a Man feel right about his fe,et —he will not try to hide them under his chair. Oxfords that fit perfectly at every point and that look well without a hurt in them. CHOICE MODELS Thorn ate funny now shapes and leatherS out this season, and you're always stye of the hest volieni you COMO here, Shoes lot