HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1910-03-31, Page 6KERNELS FROM THE SANCTUM MILL
Interesting Paragraphs from our Exchanges.
There is only evil in the goodness that
snakes others evil.
Milk will keep sweet longer in it
shallow pan than in a tall vessel.
Some men boast of their luck because
none of their relatives ever visit them.
The vitiue of Turpentine.
When till else fails the physician reo-
ommends his wealthy patient to a trip
to the turpentine groves as a cure for
throat and lung troubles, The tnrpen-
Siue of commerce cannot very well be
used by txtractine this ingredient from
gums, anti by adeinit linseed i)r, Chase
eueeeeded in getting tip the most effect-
ive treatment for throat and lung trou-
bles that was ever diseovered It is
known as Dr. 011aee's Syrup of Linseed
and Turpentine.
The man who is looking for trouble
usually endo by seeing stars.
Mr. Alex. McKinnon has purchased
the Lockhart farm en the 5th con. Kin -
Love the open air. Fresh air is not a
fad, it is a necessity if one would keep
Dr. Chase's Oint
ment is a certain
and guaranteed
every i o r m of
itching, bleeding
and protruding
piles. See testimonials in the press and ask
your neighbors about is. You can use it and
let our money back if not satisfied. 60c, at all
seaters ..: EDMANSO , BATES & Co., Toronto.
Ihe-divorce courts show few divorces
asked for by the parents who have over
three ohildren.
Don't expect your friends to pull you
ant of a bola unless you show some dis-
positjoA t help : QArsatf,
I+'nljy nine out of c': eey len cases of
rheum ttism is simply rheumatism of the
measles due to cold or damp, or chronic
rheumatism, neither of which require
any internal treatment. All that is
needed to afford relief is the free appli-
cation of Chamberlain's Liniment.
Give it a trial. Yon are certain to be
pleased with the quick relief which it
affords. Sold by ail dealers.
One of the novelities of the vaudeville
stage in Europe is a drove—six in num-
ber—of performing pine.
Ia the year 1908 there were 17,000
wells drilled in the United States at a
cost of about $30,000,000.
Children Cry
The Canadian elevator at Gilbert
Plaine, Man., was burned, with about
fifteen thousand bushels of grain.
Rev. DavidiHieks, formerly of Gesto,
was cleared of the charges preferred
against him by a Murals :court ?held at
Atter eper:ding two years in Hull jail
awaiting trail, Alfred Dandelion was.
sentenced to six boors for assaulting an-
other river -driver.
Cold water, a teaspoonful of ammonia
and soap wilt remove machine grease
when other means would not answer on
account of colors running.
To revive root vegetables that have
w rthered, slice off the end et each and
lay in cold water. In a few hours they
will be as hardy and healthy es ever,
To preserve flowers put a pinch ot
salt in fresh water every day, and out
off with the scissors a small portion of
the flower stomp,
Fifty years' experience of an 01d Nurse
the prescription of one of the best fe-
male phystoians and nurses in the
United States,and has been used for fifty
years with never -failing anccese by
millions of mothers for their ohildren.
It relieves the child from pain, cures
diarrhoea, griping in the bowels, and
wind colic. By giving health to the
child, it rests the mother; Twenty-five
cents a bottle.
Me lioines that aid nature are always
most successful, Chamberlain's Cough
Remedy ants on this plan. It loosens
the cough, relieves the lunge, opens the
secretions and aids nature in restoring
the system to a healthy condition. Sold
by a)1 dealers.
The man who works hard all day and
seeks excitement in the evening soon
finds "there's something wrong" and he
is lagging behind in the prooeseion.
Do not handle the dough any more
than necessary when making biscuits,
doughnuts and cookies. Tl.e more you
hanale it the ton; her it will become.
If table silver ie placed in hot soap
ends immediately after being used, and
dried with a soft, clean cloth, mnoh of
the work of polishing will be saved.
Are you frequently hoarse? Do you
have that annoying tinkling in your
throat? Does your cough annoy you at
night, and do yon raise mucus in the
morning? Do yon want relief? If so,
take Chamberlain's Cough Remedy and
you will be pleased. Sold by all dealers.
Over in Iowa over half the automo-
biles in the State are owned and inn by
the farmers, and in /Camas the sum
of $3,200,000 has been invested in auto-
mobiles by the farmers.
A tasty salad is made of chopped
celery, seasoned with chopped mint and
mayonnaise. Put between slices of
bread, it makes a dainty supper sand-
St. Petersburg will establieh a large
ozone plane to purify the city's water
supply, drawn from the germ -laden
Sh1.10 t
quicEiystops coughs, cures colds, heals
the throat and lungs. - - 25 cents.
Mr. Jas, Sutherland has purchased
the 150 acre farm on tihe 6th con., Sin -
loss, from Jas. IIIcDonald.
Was All Run
]] Weighed. 125 Lbs.
-+ ®w n • Now Weighs 125.
Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver
Tablets invariably bring relief to women
suffering from chronic constipation,
headache, biliousness, dizziness, sallow-
ness of the skin and dyspepsia. sold by
all dealers.
The old six -story furniture factory at
Winnipeg that was gutted by fire some
time ago was blown down during a
heavy gale. Some damage was done to
adjoining buildings, but no one was ser-
iously hurt.
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
Signature of
As early as 1786 the French Govern-
ment granted a sum of money to establish
a balloon service between Paris and
Marseilles, with what were known as
the Nontgolfier air balloons, though the
project never became more than a pro-
Mrs, M, Meuann, Debee Junction, N.B.,
writes: ----"I wish to tell you what Mil -
burn's Heart and Nerve Pills have done
for me. Three years ago I was so run
down I could not do my own work. I
went to a doctor, and he told mo I had
heart trouble and that illy nerves were all
unstrung. I took his medicine, as he
ordered me to do, but it did me no good.
I then started to take Milburn's Heart
and Nerve Pills, and had only taken one
box before I started to feel better, so I
continued their use until I had taken
several boxes, end I am now strong and
well, and able to do my own work When
Y comrnenecd taking your pills I weighed
125 pounds, and now weigh 185 and have
given birth to a lovely young daughter,
which was a happy thing in the family.
When I cotnnienced takingMilburn's'
Heart and Nerve Pills, I could not go
upstairs without resting before I got to
the top. I can now go tip without any
The price of 14Iilburn'sHeart and Nerve
'fills is 50 tents pee box, or 3 boxes for
1,25 at all dealers or mailed direct on
receipt of price by The T, Milburn Co,,
United, Toronto, Ont.
xbe Great Northern Winnipeg flyer
left the rails. nt Roger, Min., and sent
isevett oars into the ditch. Eugineer
Connelly, of $t. F.►ul, and Battgarteman
Smith, of Minneapolis, were killed, and
feu.teen passengers badiy hurt.
A ourious artifice of war was adopted
by a Oainese junk when attacked by a
man of -war. The crew threw 0000anute
overboard into the sea and then jammed
in amours them. Nearly all escaped, for
it was iwpoeeible to tell whtoh were
heads and which were nets.
Regluald Otarenoe, the well-known
bibliographer of dramatic, data, has
been working for 20 yearn on a stage
cyclopedia which will contain a bibli-
ography of plays, of which rt has been
possible to find any reoord, from B C.
500 to 4, D. 1909.
(P. h'147i1-0 MEQ
Bronchitis, Croup, Coughs and Colds, or
money back. Sold and guaranteed by
Premier Rutherford still holds power
by a narrow majority in Alberta. Pro-
vision has been made for theappointment
of a commission, consisting of Justices
Scott, Harvey and Best, for the purpose
of investigation all matters arising out
of the oreation, incorporation and or-
ganization of the railway oompauy
which caused the reoent break in the
Feared Paralysis.
Mr. F. A. Krntz,Schwartz, ae
writes: ''For one year bo , QrI was aesomplete
nervous wreck, could not rest or sleep,
and constantly feared paralysis. Six
boxes of Dr. Chase's Nerve Food made
me well and strong. There to no
treatment in the world so good as this
for building up the nervous system."
A merger of nearly all the canning
factories of the Dominion is announced
as having been consummated. The new
company will be known as the Dominion
Canners, Limited. There are fifty-six
factories in the ooucern, with ,a capital
of $10,000,000. It is intended that com-
petition will be limited, and expected
that the prices of canned goods will be
Children Cry
Cleanliness, exercise, fresh air, a
regular vocation, prudent conduct,
and home love produce good living, and'.
indolence, shiftlessness, dishonesty, sus-
suspicion, and malice make life miser-
able and destroy it.
Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver
Tablets are safe, sure and reliable, and
have been praised by thousands of
women who have been restored to health
through their gentle aid and curative
proportaes. Sold by all dealers.
Among the 6,000,000 -working women
in the United States there are nearly a
million widows and nearly 80,000 mar-
rieb wonlen whose husbands have failed
to provide for them. Nearly 100,000 di-
vorced women are among the wage m-
We offer One Hundred Dollars Re-
ward for any case of Catarrh that can-
not be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure.
1t. J. °HENEY,& CO., Toledo, 0.
We, the undersigned, have known F.
J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and
believe him perfectly honourable in all
business transactions and financially
able to carry out any obligation made
by his firm.
Welding,, Kunsan, Se Marvin,
Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, 0.
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken intern-
ally acting directly upon the blood and
mucous surfaces of the system. Test-
imonials sent free. Price 75c. per bottle.
Sold by all Druggists.
Take Hall's Family Pills for constip-
The profits in "blind pigs" are extre-
mely generous, according to information
in the possession of the Superintendent
o f Provincial Police. During the months
of January and February the officers at
Matheson, Porcupine and Cochrane
seized in transit 1,331 bottles of whiskey
and a large quantity of high wines.
The record was made by Constable Ro-
well, of Matheson, who pounced upon
657 bottles. All these goods will be dis-
posed of by sale and the revenue will
assist the License Department is contin-
uing its vigorous search for liquor sus-
pected of being shipped to blind pig pro-
prietors. The high wines are the most
valuable of the stock in trade. One gal-
lon of a strong brand is sufficient to
make up into twenty-four bottles that
goes commonly under the name of whis-
key in the North. Where the sale is at
all restricted by Government regulations
such as obtain there. This gallon nets
the ooncooter and seller a profit of $72.
Children Cry
C A S T O R$ A
It is estimated by the Immigration
department that nearly six hundred ex-
perienoed men are requited at the pre•
sent time in Manitoba, Saskatchewan
and Alberta; 1,021 21 ine>erfenced men
are also wanted, and 941 married coop-
According to reports received at Win-
liipeg on Wednesday, seeding has began
in seine parte bf the West, including
Brandon, Alameda end Holden. As
these points are widely scattered the in-
dioation is that the ground is generally
in geed condition,
Why ':.nap
Fails You
pE tIIAPS the reason some places
seem so nlltidy and disorderly Is.
because there are soh tunny broken res-
olutions lyiag round under' toot, cum-
bering the ground.
With some people it is never ton late
to be later,
File way to keep out at a quarrel is
to have the lust 'word and not use 1t.
Commander teary now can feel that
:ie has tote lua'Iet-tly good north pule
and so will be utile to keep dawn his
temi erature,
The only thing ti bon t new clothes
that n hie- really enjoys is the process
of making these old.
bring rest, comfort and vitality by
building up the nerves.
Mn las. Wesley 'Weaver, a veteran
of the Fenian Itaid, fort Dalhousie,
Ont., writes: -u --''Por years I was af-
flicted with nervousness and dreaded
insomnia, so that I never knew for
three years what a full hour's sleep
was, never more than dosing for a
few minutes at it time. heart pains
and headaches almost, drove me wild,
T lied spells of weakness and cramps in
stomach and limbs.
" Though I tried several doctors, it
was money uselessly spent. Finally
Tjr, Chase's Nerve .feed was brought
to me and eight boxes cured me. It
is simply wonderful what benefit 1
have, obtained from this treatment."
Sleeplessness and headaches are
warnings of approaching nervous cot -
lapse. You eon positively remove these
symptoms and prevent prostration or
paralysis by the USA of Dr. Chase's
:\*erve ICood. 50 cents a box, d for
$2.50, at all dealers or l rlmnnson,
Dates ' Co., Toronto. Write for free
copy of Dr. Chase's Recipe's,
Needs Operating On.
seal the class In anatomy
Please arlse
And listen while
The professor tries
fits Lest to explain
And to make the thing plain
All that is known
Winter's backbone?
11 is a cold story,
From m cold storage.
rlis backbone
Ur winter
FIas a way
01 humping itself,
Not like the hump
C'zi a camel,
(T• no:
&lore like the hump
On Greenland's icy mountains.
You m-ly handle the subject
Wit bout gloves,
But it is better
1'u put on
Your woolen mittens
When you go to It.
It has one
That you will notice.
Son think
1t is broken
It isn't even cracked.
One warm day
And you say,
That'll to all
For it.
Turn right away
1t throws another fit,
Sti :ens up
Like :at alderman under fire,
And you say:
It ,s here to stay:"
Of Course.
seem badly reared DOW-
-Ent not frit)) ignorance."
"No: thele are legions who know all
About hair they stetted be trained."
(i;d,•ee3: %Vho are they.,"
-Those people who have no ehil-
• 'Modernizing.
"Can't we do something to bring this
dran;a up to date's" asked the stage
"ll';hat win td you se ggest '
..Yon know that tine. 'A 'terse, a
t,=a_'te my kingdom for a horse:' t
teeught we alight nave hila ring for
Lis automobile."'
Tha Zrgasement Ring.
"Fir hasn't at,' ....eleee"
'-IS that the re:tsou why she doesn't
love bili :my more?"'
"No. but it is the reason wily site hes
turned hem w11 into the cold w-ta'ld to
bustle up and a,.,:1 e good or else si/e'f
ring off."
"What are you crying about. Mll-
inl-r "Ml tate other 1,:eve get to stey out
of s..hu=rl s''+r a week or two except nee
1 tenet have the measles nor have any
leg l:ro::ei nor nothing."
MI Done.
"Lie 1=: trying to make a monkey of
..Ile can't do It, though."
a •.i► het la can't,"
"of roars.. uot. Nature beat hila tU
TWENTY YEARS WI Items Local Hfrom tisser . of ""Ttheimeaes" rly Sys,
he Pyles,.
Wasted Talents.
"I saw .Tones 6lling you up."
•Yes, but does be tell the truffle"
"Most artistic liar I ever knew."
"Then why didn't he di€eover the
north pole?"
The Choicest.
ilor lack of caste to keep the pace
The best man often tniS ea.
The only good things that are tree
Are hisses.
(From the Times of Mar, 28, le$0,)
Mr. Alex Roes and Mies A. Iio) d have
been brightening up their shops with
paper and paint during the past week.
Mr. Wm, Olegg shipped two carloads
of barley to Buffalo this week, as oleo
two oars of wheat to Galt and two oars
of seed peas to Kingsville,
Mr. A. E, Smith, of Messrs. Halstead
Scott's bark, has leased the residence
lately occupied by Mr. E. L. Dickinson,
on Shuter street, and will take posses-
sion in a short time,
At Belgrave, on Friday last, Mr,
Peter Deans, auctioneer, sold the Carl.
ton farm, consisting of 50 notes, on the
6th concession of East Wawanoeh, to
Mr. Alex, L. Morton, f r $1,500. Mr.
Morton owned the adjoining 50 scree.
Mr, Robs, Paterson, contractor for the
new town hall, was in town this week.
He expects to come to Winghamin
about two weeks to begin work on the
On Tuesday last, four oar loads of
settlers' effects left the Grand Trunk
railway atation for different parts of
Manitoba. The parties were Jas. Lillico,
of Turnbeary, John Hardy, of Cuirass;
John Richardson and John Akermen,
from, near Belmore.
Mr. R A. Graham has just opened out
a large stock of fresh groceries and pro-
visions in the store nearly opposite the
"It is easy to lie."
"Not when you have to depend upon
the ile to make your living for you."
Reason Enough. •
"Why didbe call it a popul;tr lee•
"Because nobodycame, 1 guess.".
Man Next Door to Hear From.
"Ile hasn't an enemy in the world."
"How old Is this marvel`!"
"Olt, about six or eight hour's."
The Wingham Junior Lacrosse oluh
watt organized on Tuesday eveutrg of
last ween, with the foltowtng cliboi rs:
R, Hill, president; W. E GKovoa, vice-
president, and T, E. Consent s.eeretarv. -
The Goderioh Signal says: Mr 5 ,T
Reid, of the firm of J. 4, Reid & faro
purposes opening out n gent's 'huffish
ing and tatloring establishment in Vs'itig
ham shortly.
A meeting ot the directors o° the•
above association was held in the Me'
ohanic's Institute recros, Winiihsm, en
the 26th instant. Present -0, Header•
son, President in the chair, and Mt sem
Thos. Jenkins, J, A, Morton, R. Max-
well, S. Yonhill, Win. Iabiator., Geo.
McKenzie, Geo. Moffatt, Thos. Agnew,
John Elston, Walter Taylor, Thos. Goy,
John Anderson, Geo. Cruioksimnks,
Peter Fowler and R. Elliott. On motion
R. Elliott was 'appointed Secretary'
Treasurer of the association,
Campbell.—In Wingham, on the 28511
Inst„ the wife of Mr. Geo. Campbell; a
Millen.—In Morris, on the 21st inst.,
James S., son of Mr. Robert Millen,
aged 13 years, 2 months and 23 days,
Sour Stomach. Heartburn, Canker
Sore Mouth Cured by Mi-o-na
Siok headaches are caused by indi-
gestion and a general disturbed condi-
tion of the stomach.
Cure the indigestion, and the head.
ache, nausea, heartburn, sour stomach,
and that "all in" feeling will vanish.
Mi•o-na tablets will mare indigestion
or any other stomach trouble. They will
relieve almost instantly. J, Walton
McKibben has so mnoh faith in them
that he will give you your money back
if they don't.
Mi-o-na cures by making the stomach
strong enough to produce enough gastrin
juices to digest ell the food you want to
eat. It promptly pats new life and en-
ergy into the over-worked and played -
out walls of the stomach.
Use Mi-o-na for a week, and yon can
eat what you want any time you want
it, and take pleasure in doing it.
Your blood will be richer, redder,
purer after taking Mi-o-na, and it only
costs 60 cents a large box.
Frank Oke. St. Thomas, Ont., says:
"My wife was troubled with indiges-
tion for a number of years. We tried
a number of preparations to no effect.
Finally she began to ase Mi-o-na and
has been entirely relieved of all these
troubles. I can confidentially recom-
mend Mi-o-na."
Wary of All Cures. .
"I see you have a very hard cold."
"Thank yon. Please don't uenttoll
Be swift, dear heart, in loving,
For time is brief,
And thou may'st soon along life's high -
Keep step with grief.
Be swift, dear heart, in saying
The kindly word:
When ears are sealed, thy passionate
Wilt not be heard.
Be swift, dear heart, in doing
The gracious deed,
Lest Boon they whom thou boldest
Be past the need.
Be swift. dear heart, in giving
The rare sweet flower.
Nor wait to heap with blossoms the
In some sad hour.
Dear heart, be swift in loving—
Time speedeth oa;
And all thy chance of blessed service
Will soon be gone.
Burdock Blood Bitters.
The presence of headache nearly always
tells lie that there is another disease
which, although we may not be aware of
it, is still exerting its baneful influence,
and perhaps awaiting an opportunity to
assert itself plainly.
Burdock Blood Bitters has, for years,
been curing all kinds of headaches, and it
you -will only give it a trial we are sure it
will do for you what it has dorso for thou-
sands of etlierte
♦4•••44-4-4-4•♦• Mrs. John Connors,
writes. 1 have been
troubled with head-
ache and constipation
for a long time. After
trying different •{ +++++++}•, ere doe+
tors medicine a friend
asked ale to try Burdock Blood 13itters.
I find I am completely cured after having
taken three bottles. I can safely recorn-
mend it to all."
For sale by all dealers.
Manufactured only by The T. Milburn
Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont.
+1' Headache
WHE16t:. "Unseal( e"
Hyde Park, London, r(ay
the Safety Valve of Fr
Hyde Park, London, io
has been the great to.
speech in England. Aral.
from the immense pops..:
strations that play their ;
country's history it is the 1,
sort of the exponents of Ca
theories and strange dost.
A great part of Hyde Pit.
been improved by the lane..
dener. It lies a broad 1e. , 01,01
of turf intersected by oma,.;, ,
but otherwise merely an i' -i•
section of country, over 1l iii r:. • .
inhabitants of the city may re,
will, It is on this open spot.', .
from the fashionable throng .f , •
Row, that the advocates ui
kind of ism get their chance of t a ::-
ing converts.
Any afternoon, but espeeirlly on
Saturdays and Sundays, enthu,iasts
of all descriptions may be seen :A -
dressing little knots of people. No
permit is needed from. the police, and
as long as the orators keep within
the bounds of decency and order they
may s:y v-hatevir tli^;, pl Ii
have •t CV(2,1 a eu:_p t:v:c lu a cl
on, but is they o •t. b- h t, 01,01
they Call tssuelly atttr:0Ct some lend
of an audience, and, there is nothing
to prevent them from passing around
the hat for the good of the cause
among those who listen.
.On a raw winter evening, as the
gray mist begins to blot out the limits
of the park, it is a remarkable sight
to see the men and women who will
brave the damp cold to bring their
views before a callous world. Differ-
ent as they are in points of view,
they are one in earnestness, in shab-
biness, and impracticality. If they
make a bare living by their exertions,
it is as much as they do, and it is
real desire to have their views pre-
vail, however bizarre they seem to
the ordinary • citizen, that drives
them to talk to all they can attract.
They seem to get an audience of some
kind or other.
Hyde Park is the unorganized and
undirected People's Institute of Lon-
don. Every man may talk as long
and as often as lie likes on any sub-
ject he likes, and no one is compelled
to listen. The police believe that it
is better for the man bursting with
great thoughts, whether they com-
mend themselves to anyone else or
not,' to get out in the open and ex-
press them rather than have them
bottled up in his brain to ferment
into mischief. -
Rut Albert of Biblgiitm Possesses"
Many Up -to -.Date Ideas,
While all Belgium believes that its
new ruler, King. Albert, is certain ttr
prove a wise and capable monarch,,
his subjects are well aware of the
fact that he never had the slightest
desire to reign. King Albert, as those
who have been, presented to him at
court well know, is far too bashful
to be a man of the world, It was,
against this shyness more than any-
thing that Leopold had to contend in
educating the throne's future (incum-
bent. The prince was well endowed
mentally and would have made a •
successful civil or mining engineer,
had he been able to follow his natur-
al bent. But a soldier's career,, which
tradition obliged him to follow, was
most distasteful to him.
It was for the purpose of overcom-
ing if possible the prince's shyliess
that King Leopold sent his nephew
on a trip around the world, The
prince, it will be remembered, made
a long stay at the time in the United
States. It was then that lie acquired
a taste for railroading. While in St.
Paul lie was the guest of James J.
Hill and toured the northwest in Mr.
Hill's private car, After his return
to Belgium the prince took a long
course of instruction in the state rail-
road department and became thor-
oughly versed in the science of build-
ing and running a railway.
King, Albert is credited by those
who know him best with most up-to--
date ideas concerning the functions
of royalty, He is a steady worker,
and his daily routine shows him to
be as busy, if not busier, than the
average business man. He rises •
punctually at 6 o'clock, breakfasts at
7, and immediately proceeds to ex-
amine his correspondence and to
answer the most pressing letters; he
then devotes t :; o hours to mechanical
engineering, his favorite pursuit.
Latterly he has given much time to
the various new railroads projected'
in the Congo.
The king takes a horseback ride a2
about 11 o'clock and returns shortly
befa''e lunch, which is served at 12.30,
Aft:'r this meal the king returns to' •
his r:.iva.te. study and examines the
matters pending relative to the First
Grenadiers—his regiment. This gen •
erally occupies him until 5 o'clock.
The king and queen then take tea,
and afterwards, if not pressed with
business, King Albert accompanies
his wife on a brisk walk. The royal.
pair dine at 7 o'clock, and when not
at the theatre spend the evening.:
quietly en Outline,
King Albert has considerable talent
as a writer and gave his impressions
of America in a breezy book of travels
published a year after his . return to
Belgium. In this book he showed
himself to be decidedly in sympathy
with American life. He has likewise
published a history of the rise of the
sweet Flemish towns. This is now to-
• followed by a book giving his per.
:-a:lt.i impressions of the Congo.
The king is a keen motorist an&
generally drives his own car. Nor iee
he rtt'^ a loss in case of an accident..
While he was driving with his wife,.
not long ago, a tire was punctured
and he promptly and with every eve,
dent enjoyment got down by the side
of the machine and mended it.
The Peacock's Feathers.
The penoock's feathers superstition
Ls nothing like so common as it used
to be. Perhaps Whistler's 'celebrated
Peacock Room helped to break it
down. At •any rate, peacock's feath-
ers are ordinary •enough articles of
decoration in many happy and placid
homes. 'There are shops in London
that keep large stocks • of them, and
you may buy these bringers of mis-
fortune at a shilling a bundle. Did
the superstition originate because, of
the reputed pride of the peacock, on
the "pride shall have a fall" theory?
Or is it that the "eye" of the feather
is supposed to see undesirable hap-
penings, which somehow gat publish-
ublished upon the housetops? One rather
feels that the beautiful tail was Da, -
tare's compensation to the bird for
giving it the most abominable of all
Asking Too Much.
Tho . mother of little six-year-old
Mary had told her a number of times
not to hitch her sled to passing
sleighs, 5eeli'ng that it was a danger -
017a practice. It was such a fascinat-
ing sport, however, that Mary could
not resist it, and one day her mother
Haw her go skimming past the benne
behind a farmer's bob,
When she came in from play she
was taken to task, her mother Say-
ing severelgt "Mary, haven't I told
you that you must net hitch oil; to
bobs? Besides, it is against the lawi
Mme. tossed her head, "011e, she
said, dont talk :to me about 'the
law. It's all I can do to keep the
Ten Cotnarnandlnent t 1" .
Lost His Thumb.
I have reason, to remember our visit
to the. Anclamans, for I lost the top of''
my thumb .there—bitten off by a par-
rot fish. The brute came to the sur-
face after some torpedo experiments,.
shamming death. I incautiously put.
my thumb in his mouth, when the
creature's jaws shut with a horrid
snap, taking off the flesh of my thumb
to the bone. Our surgeon dressed
the wound. My cockswain picked up
the portion of my thumb and, follow-
ing me down into my cabin, asked.
what he should dal with it. I told him
to give it to a panther cub we had on
board the ,ship.—Vice Admiral Kens
The Massellanic Clouds.
The 1liegellanic clouds are two
cloudy masses of light, oval in shape
and unequal in size, seen at night
in the heavens in the vicinity of the
South Pole. They are supposed to be
nebulae, or dense aggregations of
stars, so far distalit as to give to the
unassisted eye the impression of cloud-
like masses. They cover areas of 42.
end. 10 square degrees respectively
end are so named in honor of Ferdin-
and Magellan, the great Portuguese
navigator, who first observed them in.
1529 during his voyage around the
The Noble Horse.
A request in an English school for
a composition on. the horse brought
out the following gem:.
"The horse does not belong to the
rat tribe because its paws are hoofs.
It breathes with its gills when it is
young and chews the cud just like
otter people. A mule is a horse with
long cars, and. if a horse had, long
ecus it would be called a donkey.
You can see the age of a horse if you
look in its mouth. It is defensive
with hie hind legs, and when they
kick you you say woe !"
Early Birds.
The green finch is the earliest riser.
It pipes as early as half past 1 in the
mornimt. The blackcap begins at
li-lif past 2. It is nearly 4 o'clock
before the blackbird appears. It is
heard half an hour before the thrush,
and the chirp of the robin begins
;about the same length of time before
that of the wren. The house spar.
row and the tomtit take the last
stage of the list.
The Erring One.
It is impossible for one who never
goes wrong or makes a mistake or
colntnits a blunder to know just how
to he sorry for an erring one, We
must stumble ourselves before we can
really judge the hardships of a iongb
road and the frailty of weary feat,
True character is first tender, than
Hopeful and afterward reformatory.
Italian Greyhounds.
The gracefttl Italian greyhound is
reputed to be the most symmetrical
of ail animal*.