HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1910-03-31, Page 4TU MAR0U1" 8l , 1910. THE Dominion Bank HEAD OL'TXQE: 3 (M QN'r0 Capital Stook (all paid up) $4.000,000 t0 Reserve Fund rand Un- dividod Profits $5,400;000,00 Deposits by the public$44,000,000 00 Total..,Vtiets, over $59,000,000.00 DRAliDI `fa AND AGENTS throughout Cana ado. sand tae United States.. A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED. Savings Department. Cermet R^stt.s r,i Interest Allowed, and Depol3its reeeived of $1.00 and upwards Fartrtere sale Notes C1111eoted, aur advances made on thein at lowest rate of intermit. WINGIIAX BRANc1I-=Oorner Jahn and J'oeephine Streets. W. R, DEEM. li I`NA.G ER R, VANSToN E. Solinitor. TO ADVERTISERS Notice a changes must be Ieft at this oflioe not later than Saturday noon. The copy for changes must be left not later than Monday evenfng. Casual advertisements accepted up to noon Wednesday of eaoh week. ESTABLISHED 187% Tin WINGIANI TRIES. H. B.P;LT.dOTT. PIIBLvUrtER ANDPROPRI! TOP THURSDAY. MARCH 81, 1910 amerwass NOTES AND COMMENTS George E. Foster, kt. P. for North Toronto, has filed at Oat;oode Hall notice. of appeal from the recent deoision of Mr. Justice Magee and a jury, die - missing hie action against Ray. J. A. MacDonald, editor of the Toronto Globe, claiming $50,000 damages for alleged libel. Son. W. S. Fielding, minister of finance, aad'Hon. George P. Graham, minister of railways, acting on ;behalf of the Canadian Government, at the White Home, agreedlto grant the United States enough tariff oouoassions to jus- tify President Taft in ;giving the Dam - inion, in return, the benefit of the) mina imam eohednies on April 1.;," mr"The distribution of wealthiforwohari- table purooeea is contagions. SKr. J. G. T. Garter, of Sarnia. formerly of Baron county, has made a donation through the Ontario Government to provide a high school soholarshiplof $300 a year in each of five counties. The,Government has contribnted by allowing 5 per pent. interest. The generous donor may in- crease his oontributionkand extend it to other counties,—Toronto Globe. BELAIORE. ".;Maes Etta Elliott left last;�eek for Southampton, where she has accepted a position.;'' .4=C:=1 tes ;,,Mrs. Jos. McGlynn !spent tho !Laster holidays in Buffalo, IMMO VAMP ;;fir. Samuel Ohittiok oapent:i Easter Monday at thep3riok Yard, 'Lr szaw' .. !Miss Lizzie Smith of Laoknow Fest- ered with her friend Mies Mabel Elliott. Mrs. Wm. Aitken had friends from London over Easter, Mr. Wm. Elliott made a businese trip to Waterloo Saturday last. Mre. B. Glroaz of Montmorency, Que. saturated her clotaing with coal oil and 9etfire Coit. She was burned to a crisp. NURSING MOTHERS show the beneficial ef- fects of Sctt3s Emulsion in a very short time. It not only builds her up, but enriches the mother's milk and properly nour- ishes the child. Nearly all mothers who nurse their children should take this splendid food- tonic, not only to keep up their own strength but to properly nourish their children, ton aeras Bit ate rslttfuarsTh Send lila., MATO At OW OA title M. for eat beautiful Rarities Beek sad Mlle's Skoteb.1t ok. Each beak eoetalari a Gout Luck PeseY. SCOW A ROWNE 126 WelUnttett Street, Wert Torbtttb, C9tit., • CHUROH NOTES. The Baptist Sunday Sob:tole of 0 rte» io gad Quebto will enter open a Bitle anemoriz:tion pian Next Sunday, the pastor, !Bev Mr Steevee, will ceoapv the pulptt of the Elaptiet Church, both wartime and even• %ug•audiaill have for hie subject in the evening, "A Worthy Leader-" Last Sabbath was ft, day touch appro. oiated by those who attended the ser vices in the Baptist Church, It v. W E Mortara D. D , of Toront•t, oroupted the tnlpit at both eetvaoee Itithe morning. Or. Morton pros -uteri abs enbj"ot of Rome Miesions and showed in a very ale rr mrucnor rhe tu'. d of the (lhnroh. tnektng ev••ry , hoer inemt`.te t., summit; Reale Misd,w 'v,rk thron.b this trying period ruhen there is sueh a "#*rate exodus ao tb,i Western Pcovtuo •s I;u tete even• tng the subject nt the sermon was "The Power of the R'+eurrr•ution of Christ. ' 3 large onugregeti tet lisceuert vary at. tentivoly to both of D: Morton's inspire. tug addresses Tile eleotr rendered two anthems at the evening servtoe, in a very pleasing manner. The large building at Wiudaor 000n- oted by D M Ferry & Co. as a seed warehouse, was gutted by tire. Loss X200,000. Mrs Crossman of Hamilton was sit- ting in G..re Park, when a rauaway borne jetuped the fanoe sari Alighted on urs. She was very seriooely injured. FATHER 1 MOTHER ! A Business Education is the greatest legacy you can leave your children, We get down to the bed - rock foundation of Iiving business science, and as- sist worthy graduates to the choice positions. Enter any day. Individual instruotlt.n. Home study courses in Senior Teachers Matriculation and Commercial subjects. Send for particulars. Affiliated` with Commercial Educators' Association of Can- ada. Easter Term Opens March 29. 1 'Write for particulars, WINGHAM BUSINESS COLLEGE GEtt. SPOTTON, Principal HOMES �'CAN'AUTAN' ',PACIFIC. RAILWAY• _, For Settlers IN MANITOBA SASKATCHEWAN ALBERTA How Made and How Reached LOW SETTLERS' RATES Settlers with Live Stock and Sffeett Special Trains leave Toronto 10.10 p.m. Tuesdays during STARER and APRIL Settlers and Families without Live Stook should use Regular Trains 10,10 p.m. daily WINNIPEG FLYER 38 hours to Winnipeg Through;Tourlst Cars COLONIST CARS ON ALL TRAINS in which Berths are Free Apply to nearest Agent for copy of "Settlers' Guide," "Western eanada," 'Tourist Cats," or Write 1t. L. Thompson, D.P.A., G.P.R , Toronto. COUNTRY NEWSPAPERS. Hamiit)n Spectator, The country editore of Canada per- form in the a;, gragate more gratuitous public service than any other class of men in public lite, A generous poet says kind words for the Country news- paper as to its influence in the commun. ity in which it is publehed; Trade hardly deetned the busy day begun Till bis keen eye ton the sheet has ran; The blooming daughter throws her ne- edle by And reeds her eohoolmates marriage with a sigh; While the grave mother puts her glasses on And gives a tear to estate Old crony gone, The preacher, too, his Sunday theme lays dowti,. Te know what tot new folly fill* the town. Yet the country . newspapers, there recorders of local history, reoeite but it fraotion of the compeneatton they Nobly matt. Oity printers canvas the country towns tor all the profitable Jobst of the localbasinee'e Coen --men whom the ed- ttor* unselfishly tette, and expect the editor to boons the town and its business without any help tram thein, The Tzitl.g hat rip Melt from whtoh gingham busideitt, who, as t1 daft, is loyal tO the ideal hedge.---EiL A GOOD MEDICINE I FOR THE SPIN ilii Not Dose With Purgatiles--A Tonic is AU You Need, Not exactly siok—but not feeling gutta well. That's the way most people feel in the spring Easily tired, appetite ti :t le, somutame6 headeoh# s and a feel- ing of depression. Ptmples or ereptione tufty appear on the skin or there may be twinges of rheumatism or neuralgia. Any of theao tooioate that the blood ie oat of order; that the indoor life of winter has left its mark upon you, and may easity develop into more serious trouble, Don't dose yourself with pur- gatives a% wary people do, in the hope tbat you can put your blood right. Pur- gatives gallop through the system and weaten instead of ;riving strength. Any (tooter will tell yon this is tree, Wbat you need in the spring is is tonin that will make new blood and build up the nerves. Dr, Willanes' Pink Mlle is the only medicine that can dothis speedily, lately, and surely. ver dose of thie medicine helps make blood, which Wears the ekin, siren , ens the appetite. and make% tired, depressed, men and women bright. active and strong, Mise Mary Baker, Tan000k, N S., says: "Dr. Wil,iama'Piuk Pills have been a great blessing to me. Lest year while I was attending sohool 1 became so weak end run down that I thought I would have to give up going to sohooi. I was affect• ed with dizzy spells and %mild fall down at any time I got half a dozen boxes of Dr Williams' Pink Pills and before they were half gone I felt my strength return- ing. By the time I had used them all, the dizzy spells were completely gone, and I was again enjoying good health." Sold by all medicine dealers or by mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 from The Dr. Williams' Lfediolne Co, Brookville, Ont. Lave Stock Markets. Toronto, March 29—Oity Cattle Mar- kets—Trade slow, but with a light run, prices firm and unohanged at yesterday's advanoe of ten to fifteen oents on choice butcher cattle. Good butcher loads sell firm at $5.50 to $6; a few pinked ex- tra ohoioe sold at $6,50; and a small bunoh of five extra fanny, 1,360 lbs., sold for botcher at $7.50. There is every keen demand for stock- ers and feeding cattle. While every- thing is being bought up by the butcher trade for immediate killing, dealers find it almost impoesible to fill orders for light stookere and feeders, exoopt at al- most prohibitive prioee, A load of Man- itoba feeders averaging is the neighbor- hood of 1,000 lbs., was sold by Mr. Geo. Dunn at $5.40 Mr. Harry Mnrby is quoting $6 to $5,25 for light stookere 800 to 900 lbs. Lambs—Very light ran, but market easy. and 25o lower than last week. Sheep—Market steady at $5 to $6; books $4.50 to $5,50. Hogs—Steady and unchanged at $10 fed and watered, but a little easier ton to market at f. o. b. pointe. The run was 53 loads, with 1,018 head of cattle, 84 sheep and Lambs, 200 hogs, and 196 calves. The following are the quotations: Exporters' cattle— Per 100 lbs. Choice $6 60 $7 00 Medium 5 50 5 76 Balls 4 75 5 26 Light 6 50 6 00 ()owe 4 75 6 50 Feeders— best 1000 pounds and up- wards 3 00 8 50 Stockers ohoioe 8 00 4 00 " bulls ' . , 1 60 2 00 Butohers'— Pioked 5 75 6 26 Medium 4 86 5 25 Cows........ 4 25 5 25 Bulls 2 25 8 50 Hogs -- Best 10 00 Lights 9 75 Sheep -- Export ewes 6 00 6 00 Backs..,. 4 50 5 00 Culls .. 4 60 6 00 Spring Lambs each., 8 00 9 00 Calves. each 8 50 800 WINGHAM MARMET REPORTS Wingham, Mar. 80th, 1910. Plot rper 1001ba,.,. 2 76 to 3 26 Fa11 Wheat .... 1 08 to 1 08 Oats 0 87 to 0 37 Barley .... ..... 0 60 to 0 50 Peas 0 78 to 0 78 Butter dairy .... 0 18 to 0 20 Eggs pet dot 0 17 to 0 18 Wood per cord 2 50 to 2 50 Hay, pet ton 13 00 to 14 00 Potatoes, pet bneheI, 0 80 to 0 85 Lard ,,. .., ....,0 20 10 0 20 Live Hogs, per owe 9 60 10 9 76 CEPTIIA,Lte STRA'ttORLI, ONT. Write Tis at once for our free catalo. gue and learn the nature of our courses In Commercial, Shorthand or Telegraphy. departments. We hive the leading, praotioal training eoho0l in Western ontario. Oonrsee are thorough. Inetruotors experienced and we Midst gradnatee to petitions. Student% pre entering each Week. Yon should enter NOW. • i.LLIUA i & MYLACHIAN 1'Ii.Y1�tdJtf'1tl:tS. Beautiful Hats for Easter Our new Easter Hats are ready, An exceptionally large range of styles, colorings and prices will be found to meet the individual taste and require., ments of the ladies of Wingharll. MISS REYNOLDS. VVVVVVVVVVVVWVVVVVWW VVVVV VYVVVVVVWVVWVVVVVVVVVW r i d E K ., I BEFORE JULY lst, 1910 5SI i ` C 1 20 Thousand Rolls I 9s C i OF — } 1WALL PAPERI 11i c To BE.HANGED' AAAa1AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA 3 Just Received the Largest Stock of Wall Paper ever shown in Wingham / From 5c, to $1.00 Per Roll : C wavvyVVVVVVV_WVVVVV_ vvvvvv •R. RKNOX Opposite Brunswick Hotel VVVVVVVVVV.W.V.V.VWVVWVVVVV WINGFIAM, ONT. M AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA 1 THE. PEOPLE'S POPULAR STORE, WINGHAM wwWWWWWWWAP KERB & BIRD WE ARE NOW SHOWING OUR. NEW SPRING GAPS All new styles and new colors, we have them for Men, Women, Boys and Girls. COLLARS We ,have a large assortment of beautiful Jabots DuthCollars and handsome embroidered Collars All very new and neat, in white and also biscuit shade, 11. SILKS Our range of Siiks is unexcelled, a very special showing of new colors and patterns, also a splendid raw silk. Colne in and see these goods. HOSIERY We have a splendid line of Gents' Fancy Hosiery, assorted colors at sac a pair. CLOTHING Men's and Boys' Suits, new cuts and extra good qualities at all prices. Leave your order here. Satisfaction guaranteed. HOUSE PURNISH-IINGS Carpets, Rugs, Curtains, Blinds, etc., a very complete range at all prices. We have a very special line of fine Lace Curtains, new designs and at very reasonable prices. ASK FOR APRIL LADIES HOME JOURNAL 15c 4111.11611111111111512111113211=111111111 1 C. N. Griffin GENERAL AGENT FIRE Lxe'E ACCIDENT PLATE GLASS WEATHER tatintain Insurance Coupled with a REAL ESTATE and MONEY LOANING Business. Issuer of Marriage Licenses. Office over Malcolm's Grooery. A. E. SMITH BANKER WINGRAi1I, ONTARIO, Farmers who want money to bay horaee, cattle, or hogs to feed for market, can have it on reasonable terms, Notes discounted for tradesmen, mer- chants or agents, on favorable terms. Loans oh real estate at the lowest rates going. Economy is, in Itself, a Great Income If your income were greatly increased to -morrow, it is questionable whether you would be in any better post' tion financially at the end of the year, "without the incentive to save that a Bank account affords. In other words, you must learn to save -and this valu- able lesson is best learned by WINGHAM c. P. SMITH, the opening of a Savings Account. The process is simple, and the habit so )n become fixed. Call to -day at the clearest branch of the BANK OF HAMIL- TON. Even if you only deposit one dollar, to start with, it is worth your while. BRANCH AGENT. Haiti OfCfl'iee, HAMILTON Capital Paid-up$2,500,000 )itaaerve Nail tladivida4 Frail!' - 2,900,000 total Aalieti a a a 6tretr 31,000,000