HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1910-03-10, Page 8If S '.Crit; 'WIN WLA.M TibfES,. MARCH 10, 181Q MINQR LOCALS, 1 A chip arrived at New Turk last: week teem South Amerioau p"rta, with a car. go of rubber worth $4 000.000. T Y! �•1 Dr Relit. Magill, Prof, of-�Philoaophy of Dalhousie College, N. S , has been. appointed chairman of the Saskatoheera* Government's oommiseiou to investigate the elevator problem in that Provinoe, YOU on th, report of the commission will depend whether the elevatore are to be taken over and run as a pub'io utility, TO LEARN THE or to be controlled by the Government, Big Oranme celebration in Wiagbam Aft the 120110 July.. Fiiigb water did considerable dam- age to Ohathgm district last week. -Mr. and, Mrs. John Graham, of Rlm. a township,. celebrated their .golden wedding last week, -Attend the meeting of the Board of ,Trade in the ()outwit Climber next Monday evening, -Read the opening ohepter of the TIES new story, "the Man of the Hour" U this issue, Jennie &Heath, ivlla has been a patient at the hospital was able to re- turn home this week, --Goderioh is trying to have the annual military oanlp held in that town Instead of at London. -Robins have been seen in this die- triot during the past week. This is surely a sign of spring. ' -Eight hundred and fifty people left Toronto on Tuesday on the settlers' excursion train for the West. For twenty-four years Vapo-Cresolene has been extensively Used for all forms of throat and bronchial troubles. AU Druggists. -Mr, John Kerney, of Brussels has been appointed Olerk of the Fourth Division Court of Huron County. -The regular meeting of Oourt Mait- land, Canadian Order of Foresters will be held on Friday evening of this week, -Mr. John Nichol has purchased a park lot at the rear of his property in the Town Plot from Mrs, Carr of this town. -Nearly one hundred workmen on the C. P. R. were killed by a gigantic enowslide in Rogers' Pase, jest east of Glacier, B. C. -Mr. Jas. Gilmour, formerly of Tarnberry, who bas been' at Carnon, Sask. for some years is now engaged in electioneering in the West. -Mrs Louisa Duffield, widow of the late William Duffield, died at her home in London on Tuesday. Deceased was a sister in•law of Mrs. Jas. Duffield, of this town. -There were two deaths in the Huron House of Refuge et Clinton last week:- Wm. Connell, of Goderieh, aged 82 years, and John Ferguson, of Exeter, aged 79 years. NG MEN MOSS. 51o1rAm.-fn Turnberry, on February 26th, to Mr. and Mrs, John .1. Moffat; a son. f EACON. In East Wawano'h, on February 28th, to Mr, and Mrs. Samuel Deacon; a daughter. DIED GPDDES.-In Toronto,. on March 5th. David Geddes, formerly of Morris, aged 58 years. BOI ERT$ON -en Turuherry. on March 4th; J acnes Allen, son of Mr. and Mrs Alex Robert- son, aged 8 months and (days.. WATseN.-In Goderieh, on March 4th, James Watson, in his 91st year Mc(4aEaoa.-In Welland, on March 3rd, A renibald McGregor, aged 40 years, 4 months and 21 days. Cool.:. -Iii Ethel, on March 1st, Susan Hodge,. beloved wife of Wm. Cook, aged 67 years, 11 months and 20 days, Cool;.-ln Ethel, on March 2nd,, William Cook, aged 80 years, 5 months and 27 Java DAIS. -In Morris, on March 1st Sarah Gray, beloved wife of John Davis, in her :01st year. lints• '.-In Morris, on February, 25th, Mar- garet, daughter of the late John Hislop, of tsrev township, aged SO years, 8months and e5 days. PIIELAN. In Morris, on Thursday, March 4rd, Patrick Phelan, aged 79 years. -The mild weather of last week car. Tied off a good portion of the now, and the cold snap on Monday will allow the water to work away and lessen the dan- ger from flood. -Mr. and Mre. AIex, Robertson of the Town Plot will have the sympathy of many friends in the loss of their eon, James Alien Robertson, who passed away on Thursday last. SLEEPING DRAUGHTS AND SOOTHING MIXTURES SEED BARLEY FOR SALE The undersigned has for sale at his premises, lot 4, concession 3 Morris, a quantity of O. A. O. No. 21 Barley which will be sold at 80 cents per bushel, Prof. Zavitzsays this great barley is destined to become generally grown. It has Yielded eight bushels per acre more than Man- dscheuri. JOHN COPLTE3, Belgrave P, O. ASSISTANT MATRON AND NURSE WANTED. Applications for the poeiti n of second assistant matron and nuts: or the Huron County House of Refug: will be receiv ed at once, by John • . rence, Inepeotor, Clinton P. 0 Ap.i •'ante will be re. gnired to furnish referenoes. Personal applications perferred. A liberal salary will be paid. By order of committee JAS. WATSON. Chairman, Dated, March 2nd, 1910. A mother should never give her child a sleeping draught, soothing mixture or opiate of any kind except on t • . advice of a doctor who has seen the . ild. A11 these things contain pees • . s and an overdose may kill the litt - one. When you give your child Bab s Own Tablets you have the guarantee . f a government analyst that this m ;di- ne does not con- tain one particle o plate or narcotic and cannot possi. • do harm -but al- ways do good. The Tablets promptly cure all stomach, bowel and teething troubles, and give healing, natural sleep. Sold by medioine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Wllliame' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. PERSONAL. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. MOULDING. Good wages from start ; under competent instructor. A splendid opportunity for young men to learn a trade. Notice is heraly given pursuant to ' . S. 0. 1897, Chap, 129, Sec. 8. that all perso• saving claims against the estate of Charles raker, late of the Town Plot of Wingham in he County of Buren, yeoman, deceased, w• • died on or about the 8th day of January A D. 1910, are required to send by post pr .aid or to deliver to R. Vanstone, Solicit r f • the Executor, on or before the 10th a • of April, A. D. 1910, nd descriptions and a Mr. Jos. E. Match left ou Saturday for London, where he has accepted a position. hire. Howell, of Toronto, is visiting with her parents, Mr. and Mr. Wm. Gannett. their names, address full statement of par cuh.rs of their claims, and the nature of the security (if any) held by them duly certified, and that after the said day the Executor will proceed to distribute the assets of the deceased among the parties entitled thereto having regard only to the claims of which he shall then have notice. Dated this 8th day of March,. 1910. R. VANSTONE, V ingham P. O. Solicitor for Executor, Apply to W. D. VAREY, Superintendent of WESTERN FOUNDRY, Wingham, Ont. OPERA ONE Com NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Mon., HOUSE WEEK encing ar. 14 d Stoc McDona Notice is hereby gi • •n pursuant to R. S. O. 1897, Chap 129, Sec 3, that all persons having clauns againat the es' < to of Henry Rintoul, late of the Township f Kinloss in the County of Bruce, Yeoman, de eased, who died on or about the tenth day . January. A. D. 1910, are required to send by p st prepaid or to deliver to R. Vanstone, Sone er for the Executors, on or before the tenth day of March, A, D. 1910, their names, address: and descriptions and a full statement of pa, ticulars of their claims and the nature of th security (if any) held by them duly certified, nd that after the said day the Executors w i1 proceed to distribute the assets of the deo- sed among the parties entitled thereto, hav • g regard only to the claims of which he sh 11 then have notice. Dated this 14th day •f February, A. D. 1910 R. VAN STONE, Wingham, P.O., 5 • icitor for the Executors. Mrs. H. Coad, of Brantford, is visiting with Mrs. Jos. Coad, who, we regret to report, is dangerously ill. Mr. Brock, of Parry Sunnd, visited for a feweiaye of the past week at the home of his emit, Mrs. R. Brock, Diagonal Road, Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Maxwell, of the Bluevele road attended the funeral of Mrs. Wm. Dickson at Atwood. Mre, Dickson was one of the pioneer residents of E1W.a township. Dr. V. M. Stanley, Chairman of the Medical Board and W.G. Strong, Super- intendent of oeganizetion for the Can - adieu Order of Foresters were in town on Tuesday on their way to Gorrie, where a O. 0. F, entertainment was hold. The Court at Gorrie has cleared the mortgage off their building and the mortgage wee burned on Tuesday even- ing. Bight men who attended to a horse belonging to Mr. D. C. Oampbell of Coldstroam,have gone to New York for Pasteur treatment. The horse was bit- ten by a dog some time ago, and died in agony. The men had a dreadful time With the poor animal, Cciasereative members of the commit- tee appointed to investigate the Lumsden chargee at Ottawa withdrew because they were not allowed to appoint oouni el to conduct the examination of witnesses. The Liberal members desired to appoint 31.r. Wellp,L\ oe esbltt. Under aus MON "The New Speci Prices - MAT NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Brigade. AY NIGH1 : Jail Bird.' Reserved se RING'S FOR BARGAINS l I W E WANT TOUR TRADE' ties between each Act. Oc., 20c. and 30c. EE SATURDAY. s on sale at Mc1Libbon's rug Store. Administrator's able In the Township Sale of Yalu - arm East Wawanosh in the Oonn y of Huron Pursuant to instruc istratrix of the estat deceased, and with th of the official Guardia for sale by public auct in the Town of Win MARCH 12th, at th (noon) by John Purvi following valuable South Half and the So of Lot Number '1 hir Concession of the To nosh, in the County o admeasurement one of land be the same ni perty there is erecte Menge and Bank Barn Stables and Driving 100 acres -of Meadow +imbered with Bardw Maple. , The greater p down and the fence Notice is hereby given pursuant to R. S. 0. 1807, Chap.128, Sec. 38, that all persons having claims against the estate of David Geddes, late of the Township of Morris in the County of Huron, yeoman, deceased, who died on or about the 20th day- of October, A D. 1900, are required to send by post prepaid or to deliver to R. Vanatcne, Wingliam P, 0., eolic.tor for the executors of the said deceased, on or be - lore 11e 2Sth day of March, 1910, their names, addresses, and descriptions and a full state- ment of particulars of their claims and the nature of the security (if any) held by them duly certified, and that after the said day the executors will then proceed to distribute the assets of the deceased among the parties en- titled thereto, havingregard only to the claims of Which they sall then have notice. Dated this 28th day of February, A. D. 1010. R. VANSTONE., Wingham P. O., Solicitor for the Executors. <s) ons from the Admin - of Archibald McNeil consent and approval , there will be offered n at i he Queen's Hotel, am, ou NATTIRDAY, hour of twelve o'clock Esq., auctioneer. The operty, namely: -The h half of the N orth Ralf -three in the Twelfth nship of East Wawa - Huron, containing by flared and fifty acres re or less. On this pro- s Comfortable Frame with large Sheds ' and ouse. There is about nd and the balance is od, mostly Beech and rt of the farm is seeded are in good repair. There is a good orchar • on the property and the land is watered by wel s and a spring creek. This desirable propert is situate about six miles from the thrivi g Town of Wingham and about one half mi from school. KING'S Wingham's Fur House I CLEARING OF FURS AT SACRIFICED PRICES Men's and Ladies' Fur Coats, Cloth Coats, Neck Furs, etc. - We are sacrificing the above lines in order to make room for Spring Goods which are arriving daily. Come in and inspect these bargains before buying elsewhere. 1 only Sable Muff, reg. $25.00 for - $18.00 .rte ' 1.6 only Isabella Neck Furs , reg. $10.00 for - - - $6.25 4 only Ladies' Marmot Neck Furs, reg. $10.00' for - - $6.25 11101IARDSON Sc RAM Agents - Wingham TERMS OF SALE. offered for sale subje fixed by the Official G will be required to p into Canadian Bank credit of the Offic' Administratrix a6 upon the day of sale days thereafter. For to F. W. Harcourt. Toronto; the Admini or the Undersigned. Dated this 26th day *THERE IS BUT ONE, Every fattier Should know than the pries offered by the dealers for cattle, hogs, etc, is a: fair one. How can he know &hie if he does not take a farm business paper? What doctor or lor. or business ,man would be without i but ntone �r usiness ? Thereti has 'U farmers' business and market paper, that is The Weekly; Sun. Start 1910 right by aubearibing. The property will be to a reserve bid to be ardian. The purchaser y his purchase money Commerce to the joint 1 Guardian and the Mows: -Ten per cent. d the balance within 80 urther particulars apply sq., Official Guardian, tratrix, the Auctioneer February, A. D , 1010. W. M. SINCLAIR. Solicitfor the Administratrix. ••••••+.•••••A•:•:.•••••••••••••.) •1 • Royal • Grocery 1 only Ladies' Marmot Colarette, reg. $16.50 for - - $10.00 2 only Men's Calf Coat at prices that will in- terest you .1101111114. SOOF:=.1•11111118011•1= 25 doz. pair Ladies' Hose, special at 21c 1 only Sable Muff, reg. $12.00 for - - $8.50 MEW 01=INME. 3 only Ladies' Fur -Lined Coats, 25% to clear. 15 pieces Dress Goods, reg. $1.00 and $1.25, to clear at - 50c Produce Wanted. -Butter, Eggs, Potatoes, Beans, Feathers, etc. Headquarters for all kinds choice Seeds Timothy, A lsike, and Lucerne Clover. G°°D GOODS G. E. KING. CHEAP PRICES 1 o••.•••••••••••••••••m•••• .••••••••••0000••••••••••• rn Dress_Goodsl,,si 4. +4. • I Cans Aylmer Corn for 25c 4.• Cans Aylmer Peas 1 for 25c • • Cans Aylmer Beans 4. • • ••• • • • • • • • • • • • • • for 25c ( + 3 Cans Aylmer Tome.- 4. 4. toes for 25c .1.. • 3 Cans Aylmer Pumpkin for 25c J. Malcolm Phone 54. Produce Wanted. Jiiiiktratealiteraglisaa Hardly et er has a Spring season produced such a wealth of beautiful colorings and weaves as this, and for no former season have we made such preparations with the very choicest shades and effects. And what's most in our favor is that we've earned the verdict we most desire= -that every piece in the display is thoroughly practical and desirable. Newest weaves in Wool, Linen and Cotton Suitings. • • • • • • s •• • Z • • • • SHIRT WAISTS We have one of the finest ranges of Shirt Waists that we have shown for some years -all styles and prices. IOW CURTAINS AND MADRASSES Curtains from 25c up to 88.00 per pair, all newest designs and patterns. Madras -White, ecru and colors, in the popular stained glass effects. We take 'Butter and Eggs in exchange for these new goods. �M. GORDON. • • • • •• • • • • ••• • • • • • • • • • • • •• •O s • • Z • • •••f•••••••••••••••••••••+ •••••••••••••+••$i••••••••. I�1 Shoe Bargain For Men The Biggest Snap Yet In Men's High-class Shoes ON FRIDAY NEXT AT 7 P. M. 62 Pairs of Choice Shoes • Regularly worth $4.00 to $5.00 per pair Every pair Goodyear welted and made of the finest Patent tolt, Gun Metal and Viol Kid Ieathers For $2.47 Per Pair But none sold until °FRIDAY EVENING NEST AT 7 O'CLOCK, Nothing the matter.with the Shoes, simply a cleanup of odds and ends. ON EXHIBITION IN NORTH WINDOW.. P. S. -Do not forget that our Trunk and Valise Sale will end on Saturday P.M. next. And do not forget time of the above Shoe Sale - 7 P.M, ON FRIDAY +'VENING NEXT. WILLIE & CO. THE SHOE STORE. Sole Agents for zeeetb SHOE-! Sole Agents for the "Astoria " Shoes for Men. for Ladies, ++++++++++++++++++++4+++4'+ +++++4+++++4'++++++4++++++• • •• • WillgI1ms' I Music Emporiurn • i D. BELL, the Great MUSIC and PIANO DEALER • • • • •. • 1- We handle the very:best Pianos from the celebrated makers of the day. They are bought outright by me, which means a saving to parties purchasing a 7t110 $lore. Each one is made in keening with the grad's of the instru- ment. Any one of otir Pianos is an ornament in any home, The " notion " of a piano is a very vital part- it does the player's bidding. 1 telt Patent Noieelese s is Strad with the a ler Piano p Each of o Pedals. . The Tone is the most important consideration when seleoting a piano, Our instruments are guaranteed to possess a Tone full, round and powerful, at the same time sweet and melod- ious. When purchasing a Piano be tare yon call on D. BELL The Music Man Opposite Skating Mink . tppINGHAM, ONT. air=111311=111sd ( i VVW.gtrerr_ calf VIVSeselfe s'esever e v flifVe'+ilitrINIVVVV/t717.97V-992,V� k Clearingof inter Goods EA EAll lines Men's Fur and CIoth Overcoats to go at cost. All Underwear -Ladies', Children's, Men's and Boys' p•i• -at reduced prices. •Also balance of Rubbers, all kinds, to go at cost. I Wool Blankets, Wool Sheeting and Comforters. 5 No. x Sugar, $g,00 per cwt., cash. NEW Zit i P, e► • • Y I I SPRING GOODS -ARRIVING DAILY. Those Who Toll Earnestly and With Success Will be satisfied only with the best over haul that can be manufactured LEATHER LABEL OVER -HAULS are high-grade, union made and the best that honest effort and the technical knowledge of how to build American Style Work Clothes CAN PRODUCE We, the agents for this vicinity, have just received a new lot and respectfully' ask the worthy men who toil to let us prove to you that Leather Label verhaula and Jackets allo your kind, . . These aro double stitched throughout, big and generous (it takes from 42 to 44 yards to make a dozen), have teven pock. Sts, imported buckles end buttons that Won't come off, elastic detachable sus► penders, ete., "WE ARE TUE AI E I1S ALL ttIND:1 01 PRoDtiCE WA1.ITIID. 411. Lse 4. .. 4 4 41 T. A. RILLS 4 2 , igi 1 4 PrI0N $ k. WTN GI CAM7 ONT. 'I'iRks `I iK iiiarAAAAAAAA 1AAA•sA4 AAAAA AIANAIAN