HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1910-03-10, Page 6411 TUN: 'W1NI U4M TOMO, NAACO 10, ltV1,0 KERNELS FROM THE SANCTUM MILL ititerestiing Paragraphs from our Exchanges. Fetter a budding genius than a bloom- ing idiot. The neat generation will be born with an innate knowledge of food values. liquid net keel, Oda ;sestet "Six menthe ego I was cured •of piles by tbe nee of Dr. Chase's Ointment," writer] Mr. G. A. Swayze, Copenhagen, Elgin Co , Ont. '•I had beep a filleted for over thirty years and tried all sorts nt treatments in vain, so I was surprised. and delighted to be cured. I don't oare for publicity bat would like to tell every one aufferina from piles about Dr. 'Chase's Ointment. 1 Mre. Mary Bleokrtook, widow of the late Rev. Dr, W. $. Blaokstook,, a Meth - Oita minister at: one tame Stationed. to Goderioh, died ou the 17th alt. at her • .home in Toronto. She wee in her • eighty-third year. The members, o4 the: family who survive are; Aeo. Tate Blackstock, K Q , l)diea lalaoksteck, MoKetrgie. and. Mre. Deur, wife of Major Deur of the Indian Medical Sery toe, whole- now Stationed .tlaratiiiiit, The Canadian Federation of Boards of 'Trade and Mnnioipalitiee sent a demi,- ' tation epu•'talion to ask Sir Wilfrid Laurier to pro- oeed with the censtruotion of the Gem. - glen Bay Canal. , The estimates of British Columbia,oall for an expenditureof over seven and ehree•quarter millions this year, compa- red with an estimated expenditure of $4,600,000 last year. Roads, bridges, and wharves represent the increase. There's a wonderful Syatem of gov- ernment that directs the affairs of human beings. If you do a good sot a good act will be done you. 1f you deal cut an irjnetice you will be afflict.. ed with like punishment. None can affcrd to be unkind, for unkindness always returns in greater meaanre. Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets invariably bring relief to women suffering from chronic constipation, headache. biliousness, dizziness, sallow - nese of the eain and dyspepsia.. sold by all dealers. Joseph pills, a former resident of Goderioh, mated away at his home in Heneall on Monday 28th ult., aged sixty y ears. Hie demise was not unexpected, as he had long been a sufferer from canner of the stomach. He is survived by a widow and two daughters. The deceased was a member of the Canadian Order of Foresters and also of the Mas - onto order. Children. Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA Mount Forest High School Board pays $12 annually to each of the papers in that town to publish the results of the monthly examinations, This is money well spent, and is a splendid incentive to a scholar to know that the names of the bright ones appear monthly. Medioines that aid nature are always -most successful, Chamberlain's Cough Remedy acts on this plan. It loosens the cough, relieves the lunge, opens the seoretions and aids nature in restoring the system to a healthy condition. Sold by all dealers. The liquidators of the Walkerton Binder Twine Oa, last week issued a statement to the shareholders. They found that after necessary expenses of winding up the business there will be $22,498.90 to distribute among the share- holders. This will give 19 cents for each dollar that they invested. Japan has nearly 50 000,000 people, more than half as many as the United states.' If things keep moving in China it may not be long before there won't be a pigtail in New York's Chinatown. Fully nine out of every ten cases of rheumatism is simply rheumatism of the muscles due to cold or damp, or chronic aheumatiem, neither of which require any internal treatment. A11 that is needed to afford relief is the free appli• omelets of Chemberiain's Liniment Give it a trial. You are certain to be 'pleased with the quick relief which it affords. Sold by all dealers. Don't blame the oat. No doubt a canary bird looks as good to him as a watermelou does to a ooantry boy, John Taylor, a ten -year-old boy from Dundas, cited in the bospital at Hamilton from hydrophobia. CATARRH POWER 2 C. is sent direct to the diseased parts by the Improved Blower. Heals the ulcers, dears the air passages, stops droppings in the throat and permanently cures Catarrh and Hay Fever. 25c. blower free. Accept no substitutes. All dealers or Edmanson, Batas & co., Toronto. Elgin Hayes, a Dorchester butcher, bad terrible struggle with a marl dog, ane was severely lacerated by the ani- mal. The mineral production of Canada last year was a little over $90,000,000 in valve. Cobalt mines are credited with $13,000,000. RICH RED BLOOD You will never have it as long as you have Dyspepsia. Just as long as you have dyspepsia your food will not properly digest, and the nutritious elements in the food will not be extracted or absorbed, and im- poverished or watery blood will follow. This condition may not be apparent at first, but it will Dome just as sure as the sun will rise again. Any stomach aliment, including all forms of indigestion, can be promptly cared by using Mb.o•na tablets, a scien- tific treatment unsurpassed. It atopeiermentation, belching of gas and taste of sour food almost at once, The mighty power of Mb.o-na to invig- orate and restore the stomach to perfect condition is known every where. Mi -o -nit cures by building up—by banishing the cause. For thin people it is a great flesh builder, because it causes the atomaoh to give more and purer nu- ttition to the blood, It cures sea and car sickness and vomiting of pregnancy almost immediately. Walton McKibben Bells Mi-o-na for 50 cents a large box, and guarantees it to ooze or money back. Herbert J. Gladstone, governor gen- eral of United South Africa, who was recently elevated to the peerage, has been created a viscount. Bh.ikthi; macaw stops coughs,c aures olds the throat and lungs. • • • 25 heals ccnte. The Dominion Government has de- cided to remit tonnage dues on Amer- ican vessels at lake porta, in return for similar 11utien by the 'United States. Was Troubled With Dyspepsia. CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. fihe Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of Xereveutlou is worth while When you consider the risk to life, the expense, the auxiety, which is involved in an attack of appendicitis and a sur• Ideal operation, it is certainly worth while to avoid it by keepuig the lteer and bowels regular by ueing Dr, Ohase'e Kidney -Liver Pills, Deotors are now unamitnously ot the opiuion that ap pendioitis coulee from a neglect to keep the liver and bowels in healthful 0011- dition. Rev. Morley D. Madden, pastor of the Pine River, Amberly and Bethel eironit died quite suddenly on Tuesday of last week, from the effects of an attack of nervous paralysis. Rev. Mr. Madden's death will be much regretted by his parishioners with whom he was a gene- ral favorite. Mr. Madden was in his thirty fifth year. Are you frequently hoarse? Do you have that annoying tickling in your throat? Does your cough annoy yon at night, and do you raise mucus in the morning? Do you want relief? If so, .take Chamberlain's Cough Remedy and you will be please& Sold by all dealers. A deepatch from Chatham says fall wheat in the district surrounding that city is likely to be badly winter -killed. Snow and rain, followed by frost, has formed ice over many of the fields and it is expected that the wheat will be smothered, The deep, and now solid, snow that covers this part of the conn. try will likely resell; do many of the i wheat plants being destroyed, For Years Could Get Pio Relief i Until. She Tried Burdock Blood Bitters. Mrs. Borman •+�+� - Dickenson, Benton. 1' Can Eat + N.13., writes; "I Anything ♦♦ have used Burdock Now. + Blood Bitters and 4- find that few me +++-•}##'#+ dicines can give such relief in dy. s.. p sia and stomach troubles. I was troubled for a number of years with dyspepsia and could gettno relief until I tried Burdock Blood Bitten. I took three bottles and became cured „rye I can now eat anything without it hurting me. I will highly recommend it to all who are troubled with:atomacb trouble." 3urdock Blood 13itters has an establish- ed. reputation, extending over 24 years, rut a dpeeific for Dyspepsia hi all its forma, said all diseases arisingfrom this cause. ° Pot sale by all dealers. Manilfii+etui'ed only by The T. Milburn to., Limited, Toronto, Ont. SPRING. "I hope you don't mind my asking" said a woman, diffidently, "but should X call you professor or doctor?" "Oh, call me anything you like" was the great man's rejoinder, "some people gall me an old tdtot." "Really," the lady mer• mer ed, with sweet innocence "but then. they would be people who know yon in- timately," Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTOR1A At the regular meeting of the Wiar• ton Town Council according to tbe Can- adian, the principal business was the amending of the dog bylaw, and the board decided that the tax will hence- forth be $2 and $5. Another stringent measure added to the by-law was a clause to the effect that dogs will not be allowed to roam the streets unless in the company of their owner or some other reeponeible person, and then only when adorned by a tag deroting that the current year's taxes have been paid. Pimples, SKIN TROUBLES, Eruptions and "Spotty Complexions," At this seaaop, scores of peopie—girls and young women especially—find thein faces dtefignred by pimplee, dark spots, evipticne, eta The shin needs attest. tion -.-•needs rout/vetting atter the trying time it haspassed through during the winter, Just think what it has gone through l You have beets out is the rata and sleet anti tznow, You have bean at one mo• meet perspiring from seating, or porno other exerttnn. Then you have Stood to "cool off," You have spent hours of the day tndeore at a temperature fq"al to rummer beat. Then you have corer -d ap your akin—except your We —and gene out into a tempbratnre away below zero! No wonder that, with all these r hanges, the okin of the face and nenk show signs of neediest attention. Don't forget that the akin has to do work jest as any other organ of the body'. And if you overwork it, it gives out, Zam Buk is the remedy. Smear it lightly over the spots, the eruptions, the sallow patches, at night, and notice how quickly your appearance improves. As the rich, refitted, herbal eesencee sink deep into the limine, the bard, srmrev-like patohrs are removed Better color results. The °elle of the skin be- come traaapareat. Tea blood beneath is able to impart ite proper coloring to the tissue, and the delicate bloom of health replaces the sallowness and pallor of disease. Zara Bpkis also of great nee for skin injaries and diseases. Eczema, ulcera,. neaps, ringworm, ache, yield to its use. For oats, burns, bruises. children's rashes, etc., it is unequalled, and it is a sure cure for piles. All druggists and stores at 50o, box, or Zane Buk Co„ Toronto, for prio'b. Refuse harmful substitutes and imitations. Fifty years' experience of an Old Nurse MRS. WINSLOW's SOOTHING SYRUP is the prescription of one of the best fee male physicians and nurses in the United Siatea,and has been used for fifty years with never -failing success by millions of mothers for their children It relieves the child from pain, cures diarrhoea, griping in the bowels, and wind polio. By giving health to the child, it rests the mother. Twentyfive oente a bottle. The death of Mre. Neil McIver, which occurred on Tuesday, March let, at her home on Oobourg street, Goderioh, re- moved an esteemed resident who bad spent half a century in Goderioh. Mrs. McIver, whose maiden dame was Effie Morrison, was born hi the Island of Lewis, Scotland, sixty seven years ago, and came with her parents to this noun. try and to Goderioh about fifty years ago and had been a resident of the town ever since. She leaves to mourn the lose of a good wife and mother her hus- band, two eons and two daughters. HOW'S THIS 7 We offer One Hundred Dollars Re- ward.for any case, of Catarrh that can- not be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. CHENEY & 00,, Toledo, 0. We, the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and believe him perfectly honourable in all business transactions and financially able to carry out any obligation made by bis firm. Welding; Ktnnan, & Marvin, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, 0. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken intern• ally acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Test- imonials sent free. Prioe75o. per bottle. Sold by all Drnggists. Take Hall's Family Pills for constip. ation. I.11 4 u. y 13Qs. l Items from the `t`Times"ear� tY es. Mrs. Madill, who livee near Colliug• wood, has worked very hard in her life. time, and by honest ffort had aoonmo. latera about $600 from the sale of butter, poultry, eto. The old lady, according to the Enterprise, did not believe in banks nor in any of the various methods pro- vided for the investment of money, for she stowed away her carefully earnest pile in a spot known only to herself. Wishing to add to it, she went to the hidden place recently, but found that her wealth had melted away, and only frag- ments of paper were left to show that the mice had destroyed the whole of the money. The annual report of the Minister of Education for Ontario, points out that for the first time in 40 years there is an increase in the number of men who are taking the oourse with the object of adopting the teaohing profession. This is attributed to the increase in teachers' Salaries. The report shows that in Man- itoba the average salary paid to rural sohool teachers is $520, compared, with $462 to male teachers in Ontario rural schools, and $382 to females, In Alberta the average to male teachers is $621; in British Columbia, $650 and $550 tesppot- iveiy, Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets are safe, sure and reliable, and have been praised by thousands of women who have been restored to health through their gentle aid and curative properties. Sold by all dealers. On the morning of Feb. 22nd, 1910, et the family residence, Kinloee Tp., there passed away the spirit of Mrs. Edwin Statters. liars. Statters, whose maiden name was Jane Facey, was born in the County of Cornwall, Eng- land, on Augnat 10th, 1843. With het parents and brothers, she name to 'Jan• ada when about eight years of age, lipending'the greater part of her early life in the town of Ingersoll and the Ira, Mediate neighborhood, Oa Nov, 23rd 1869, she was married to' her now be - reeved hnsbend, who, with two daugh- tere, Mary (Mrs. Whiter Iiodgios,) and Angio, and two gond, Denzil andlWill• UM, now mourn her loss. One daugh- ter, Lizzie, died about 18 years ago, Two brothers still survive her, Denzil and Samuel, of West Missouri Tp. in 1884 with her husband and family, she moved to their present horde in ltinloss Tp. Kidney ff ri �� � 111 CAMIt,w , wg o A!E) CURES CATARRH, ASTHMA, Btoncbitis, Croup, Coughs and Colds, or money back. Sold and guaranteed by WALTON MCK-BBON. (From the TIMES of Mar. 7, 189Q,) t.o0az4 ;awes. The filer of Dere & Cook, carriage builders, this town, has been dissolved, The batittesain futurewill be carried on by Mr, Wm. Dore, The Ohesley Enterprise says the new tannery being erected. in that town by Mr. John Brennan, late of Wingham, is nearing completion. The main building is 72 feet in length by 24 in width and 26 feet high, with a wing 26 by 48 feet? There are 15 vats, Mr. Chas, Knetchel, by advertise- went in anotheroolumn, announces that he has purchased the harness making bntineee from Messrs, J. 3, $omuth & j Mr. Robt. Orr, who has been in fail - Son, and will carry it on in future in ing health for some time, left on Men- the building one door south of Mr. T. A. day last for Sdnth Carolina, with the Mills' store. hope of being benefitted. He is aecom-. The Wingham Fire Company are panted by Mrs. Orr, arrangiug for a grand celebration in town on the 24th May, 3, Neelends, A. Mitchell, J. Dingley, S. Kent, B. Willson, Skip 19 3?. Paterson, skip 18 Mrs, F. G. Sperling, ot this town, who has been in Lakelet in attendance upon her mater, Mrs. A. Halliday', who to very low with la grippe, returned on Monday. Mr. Geo. Lelow, who drove nue for Messrs. Dulrnage and Agnew for some time, left for Toronto on Thursday, Mrs, R: Herdsman is attending the millinery openings in Toronto this week. Mr. Wm, Black purchased Mr. Agnew's bus the other day, and now Mr. Black has full control of the bus business to town. Mr, D. P. Clark, formerly teacher of the Lower Wingham school, and who left for Manitoba the latter part of December last, is now teaching in Lower Fort Gerry,sohool, at a salary of $500 per annum. On Monday last a game of curling was played on the rink here between the Grits and Tories, whioh resulted in favor of the Grits by 10 shots. • Score: Grits Tories • W. Paterson, ' T. Johnston, J. Inglis, E. Stiles, F. Paterson, J. Hanna, J. Neelands, skip 18 3. Coad, skip....8 On Friday last a game was played be- tween the Old Country men and Cana- dians. The game was keenly contested, the Canadians finally winning by six shots. The score at the finish stood: Canadians Old Country H, W. O Meyer, J. Inglis, If the country editor were to snap at all the inducements held out to him he would Boon become a millionaire. If he he ran a newspaper according to the items that were sent to him he would be in jail half the time and in the hos- pital the other half. A somewhat curious find was made in Lake Erie last week. Thirty-five years ago a tug was towing a raft of square oak timber to Port Colbournei having come down from the upper lakes, The night was dark and stormy, and the raft broke in two, a part of it drifting away and disappearing as though it had gone to the bottom of the lake. The lost tim- bers were valued at about fifty thousand dollars, but no amount of searching could locate it, Curiously enough the great raft was looated the other day near Goll Island by a number of farmers who were fishing. The timber is said to be in an almost perfect state of pre• servation and is now worth almost dou- ble what it was at the time it was lost. It is said to belong to the estate of the late Dalton McCarthy. Backaches and tired feelings tell of weak kidney action—Prompt re- lief by tieing DR.A.W.CHASE'S KIDNEY AND LIVER PILLS There is no treatment for kidney disease which will afford you relief so quickly as Dr. A. W. Chaso's Kidney and Liver Plls, and none which will so eortainly cute the most complicated forms of this disease. There is a reason for this. Dr. A. P.. Chase's Kidney and Liver Pills awaken the action of the liver and bowels as well as the kidneys and there- by effect to thorough cleansing and regulating of. the excretory system, Mr. S. S. Argue Kars, Carleton, Co., Ont.,, writes: ---"I shave antlered agreat deal meth kidney troubles and 'pains in the small of the back and have tried a good many remedies without obtain- ing very mush benefit. T wish to say, However, that 1 can heartily l,ecomrnend Dr, Chase's kidney -Liver fills as a splendid medicine as they have proven of very great value to me." Dr. (bases Kidney and Liver Inis; ono pill a dose, 25 cents a bet, at n dealers, or Edmansrn, Bates & Co., Toronto, Refuse substitutes. Children. Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA An old black hon with yellow legs onoe "set" three months on wooden eggs; for three long months she held them down, till all the other hens in town were cackling o'er the famous jest; she wore the feathers off her breast, she saw her blooming youth de - Dart, and broke her fond and foolish heart, end shrank till thinner then et match—and still the blamed egge wouldn't hatch. Her owner •said she was a fool, and duoked the poor thing in a pool, and then dismissed her from his dreams, aid turned to nurse hie little schemes. He got poor stokers to invest their cash inrainbows in the west; he sold a lot'of polar lee; he cornered prunes and raised the price; he reatihed for dollare everywhere, and for the truth he had no Dare; and honesty pees' egged no charm, Mid vittne wad a Pelee alarm, And now he's' wearing prison 'striper; And when the warden's whistle pipes he plies his task with shackled lege; his Schemes Were much like'Woed• en eggs. Oh, dead game sports and other men, are you us foolish. Ad that hen? --Walt. Mason, The drum. -dura ballet is 'muted after the place, near °aroane, where it wait first made. Taoonta, Wash., has a fight on against the biilbdard abomination, and through a decision of the city attorney it may win. marls Pugh.—In Binevale, on the 6th ult., the wife of Mr. James Pugh; a son, Poaren.—In East Wawanosh, on the 5th Inst., the wife of Mr. E, Pearen; a son. Elliott.—In Tarnberry, on the let inst„ the wife of Mr. W. H. Elliott; a son. THE EIGHT OF MONEY' MARRIED, Stewart— Inglis.—On Feb. 27th, 1890, at the residenoe of the bride's father, West Wawanoeh, by Rey. W. H. Ged- des, Sarah, daughter of`M-, John Inglis, to Angus G. Stewart, editor of the "News," Tesawater. DEATHS. Metcalf.—In Turnberry, on the 3rd inst., Susanna, daughter of Mr. Isaac Metcalf, aged 24 years, 5 months and 10 days. Better Things Ahead. (Walt Mason,] The wind is cold and the sky is grey, and the world is bleak and sad, but the clouds so leaden will drift away, and the sun will shine, my lad! And the spring will come with its fragrant breeze, and its gardeh sass and its bumble bees, and the birds will 'sing in dedbinged trees; life isn't so awful bad. The night is long and its breath is chill, and the stars no longer shine; as though in mourning the world is still, the wind nae a weary whine; but soon we'll wel- come the joyous morn, with Ito good old sun and its breakfast horn ;and the world will seem like a world just born—ands tell me, won't that be fine 1 The road is long and your feet are tired, your robe with dust is grey; and the hour of rest you have long desired seems ever so far away; but the sun sinks low in the. purple west, and the hour's at hand when you'll have your rest in the balmy. groves of the Islands Blest, where the wings of angels play. Brains vs. Cheek. Brains can never be mistaken for bumptiousnees, When you see a man acting as though he were the only real, thing, you can put it down that he is a "job lot." If you have anything under your hair that is worth carrying atound you will not have to stand at the corner and invite people to look at yon or feel that you have to say things that will cause them to stare. There are some people in this world who imagine that to be considered wise they must be "men - trio" and they immediately proceed to make themselves a nuisance .to their friends and a source of amusement to the general public, Nevertheless the publio which likes to be humbugged manifesto its peonliarity along this line now and then, permitting quack phil- osophers to gain a place of more or leas prominence in the public eye. Cheek and gall thus thrust a man into prom- inence although they will never keep him off the dead level of brainless egotism. Signals of Distress Do You Think You Could Lift Fortune In Silver Coins? IF YOU DO YOU ARE MISTAKEi1 Two Hundred Pounds of quarters, Would Give You Only $3,f5T, While tea Same Weight of Gold Would Give $54,O50—Weight of Paper Money ",t wish I had ail the money I could lifti'" Ilgw many of the thousands who maks this get-rlcb-quick wish have any idea of the amount they would hive 1f the wish should be granted, Few name the (Imo tateation of the money on which they dense to, test their strength, perhaps believing. that their lifting powers would make their wealthy no matter wbnt kind or mouse: they lifted. If they were asked how much they could lift in silver or small bills the majority probably would name some fabulous sum which investigation+ would show several men could not budge, la gold or in paper money or large denominations the ordinary in- dividual would be able• to lift a fair s}zed fortune, but to win a million uy lifting it in anything loss than iwellty dollar bills would need the s'l•eui tib of a veritable Sauclow. An oflieial of the subtreasury who iso interested in odd statistics in his de- partment was asked how reneh money the average man could lift in the vari- ous•denominations of gold, silver and paper. `•Well," lie replied, "a roan could make looney on that proposition if lie could get bold of paper money of large denominations, but on the smaller bills, silver and gold be would not be a millionaire by any weans. "The weight of money is very de- ceptive. For instance, a young man, a friend of aline, came in to see roo one day with his fiancee. 1 was show- ing them through my department and asked my friend if he thought the. young woman was worth her weight in gold. IIs did think so, most emphat- ically, and after ascertaining that her weight was one 107 pounds we fig- ured ieurcd that she would be worth in gold: coin exactly $28,647. Her fiancee, thought that would be pretty cheap. "Perhaps more people are deceived' on the weight of paper money than on: the metals. Now, how many one dol-• lar bills do you think would be neces- sary to -weigh as much as a five dol- lar gold piece?" fifty was ventured as a guess, and' the statistician laughed. "1 have had guesses on that all the• way from 50 to 500," he said, "and ° some of thele from men who have handled money for years. As a mat- ter of fact, with a five dollar gold piece in one scale you would have to • put about six and a half bills in the other to balance it." lie produced figures to prove that a five dollar gold piece weighed two - hundred and ninety-slx thousandths of, an ounce avoirdupois. An einployee • who makes the new bills up in pack- ages of 100 each said that a hundred bilis weighed four and one-half ounces. That would make one hill weigh forty- five thonsandths of au ounce, and be- tween six and seven would balance - the gold piece. Figures on the lifting proposition were furnished from the department where the money is weighed in bags as standards. The standard amount for gold coin, $5,000, weighs eighteen and a half pounds. Five hundred sil- ver dollars weigh thirty -live and a half pounds, and $200 in half dollars, or 400 coins, weighs eleven pounds. "Tak- ing 200 pounds as a good lift for an average man, these results were ob- tained: Wingham People Should Know How to read and heed them. Siok kidneys give many signals of die - tress. The eeoretione are dark, contain a sed- iment. Passages are frequent, scanty, painful. Backache is constant day and night. Headaches and dizzy spells are fre- quent. The weakened kidneys need quick help. Don't delay! Use a special kidney re- medy. Booth's Kidney Pills cure t sick kid- neys, backache. and urinary disorders. Wingham evidence proves this state- ment. R. Leary. of . Minnie St., Wingham, Ont., says:—"My back had been weak and tender and a severe, grinding pain would catch me across the kidney region if i would stoop over or lift anything. The kidney secretions had beoome unusually irregular and frequent and the urine was highly colored and filled with brink dust sediment. I had tried several different kidney remedies but found none of them to benefit me. I learned of 13ooth's Kidney Pills through an advertisement and procuring a box at Mr. MoKibbon's Pharmaoy, commenced their use. I was soon convinced, how- ever of their wonderful curative merits. My baok soon strengthened and the pains and tenderness left it. The kidney se- cretions were reduced to normal and the urine cleared. Booth's Kidney Pills are a fine and reliable remedy and I will always recommend them." Sold by Dealers. Pride 50 oente. The R. T. Booth Co., Ltd., Fort Erie, Ont.; Sole Canadian Agents. MOTHER'S AYES. [May Kelly, in Lippincott's] You bet my mother's eyes are bright 1 Just like the eters they twinkle, But'tween the twinkle she can see, And always knows what's wrong with me— Why Flout and Sugar are Dear James McLean, of Oarnlaohie, in a letter to the Sarnia Canadian, says the 2-1b. loaf which sells at 6o, in London, England, is 80. in. Oamlachie, while granulated sugar is 40. per lb, in Lon- don, as against 614o in this country. Mr. MoLean eays that the tient which makes the loaf that is sold cheaper in London than it is here, is shipped all the way from Sarnia to Halitus by rail and then eoroes the Atlantic. Why is it he asks, tinder these ciroumstanoesthat the price of the finished article in London is lees than it is With ns? the explanation is, he says, that the Canadian miller, With a protective tariff of 60o. per bbl, on his hoar, be by means of a combine, enabled to keep up the domestic price above that prevailing in free trade Eng. land. The difference in the price of sugar in the two cares is, Mr. McLean farther says, explained by the foot that there is only a smell duty on imported refined sugar in England while here the duty is almost prohibitive, thus placing Canadian reihiera in a positiott to exact unfair profits from Canadian oopentaiers. And when they all make fun of Sis, And say her hair ie red, My mother laughs and says it's gold, And will be darker when she's old— 'Most brown, is what she said. And "Ranty's" what the kids call me, Because I'm awful short; But mother says I'm plenty tall— She Clays the great men all were small, And not to mind bays' sport, She thinks we all are beautiful, And each the triceat size. Though some are large and some are small, It makes no difference at all— We're right in another's eyes. Fursand Sk.DS Raw WE ARE BUYERS of all kinds of FRS S and SKINS RAW� We Guarantee Holiest Assort- ket Prices mdnt, highest far and Quiek returns. Wit PAY tpR1tSS tirreatO1Cle Send for our 1.909.1910 MUM LIST F1tST3 RE'VIif I.ON FRERES 134 at tat Meant at., lleniterl. METAL MONEY. Gold colns(all of standard .eight) 154,050.00 Silver dollars Half dollars Quarters DImes NIckels Cents PAPER MONEY Ono dollar bills ,, Two dollar bills Vivo dollar bills Ten dollar bills Twenty dollar bills Fifty dollar bilis Ono hundred dollar bills , Five hundred dollar bills Thousand dollar bills 2,617.00 3;036:00 3,657.00 2,015.50 917.00 295.61 171,111 142,222 355;555 711,1.10 1,422,220 3,555,550 7,111,110 $5,555,550 71,111,100 Two hundred pounds of $10,000gold certificates, the largest denomination issued by the United States govern went, would amount .to enough to finance a full grown trust—$711,111,- 000. If the young woman who was worth $28,647 in gold coin had been Worth ber weight in these $10,000 cer- tificates she would have been valued at $380,444,885.—F. T. Pope in ;0bicago Record -Herald. Appreciated. Tubb—Old boy, I want to congrattl late you an your speech tit the ban- quet Iast night. O'Sudds (after wait- ing a moment) -I know you do,' pard, and you're awfully sorry area can't do It truthfully. I appreciate the effort, just the same. plasty weather, isn't 1f? . A Misunderstanding. "The lnanagetient of one of the big opera houses In New York has to pay $2,000 a Week for conductors.",; "does it lazy tho tame rate tor Yeo. tormen?" Clean Living. ddmes--A bath btin and two sponger takes, please. Waitress -Two sponges 'and a bath for this gentleman, please -tendon Opinion. Peeerte Otiretnelearn>lan easily slide nit! ,t rt—triefoelet...