HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1910-03-10, Page 41 4 TIi4 VVINGY1.4.11 ��1'11VI ;I3t MARd I 10, 1910 A .00 Dominion Bank 1<3EAD °MOB: TORONTO Capital Stook (ell paid up) $4,C00;000,Q0 w,Iteserve. Fuad and LTD - divided Profile . , , , . ,. $5,400,000.00. Deposita by. the public... $44,000,000 00 Total Assets, over,.,, .... $59,000,000.00 BRANCIIRS AND AGENTS throughout Oan- Ada Rud rue United States, A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED, Savings Department. OurrAat Ret: d of Interest allowed, and Depoeite reoeived of $1.00 and upwards. Partnere' Sale Note Collected, and advanoee made on them at low est rate of interest. WIealm'.it BRANQII—Oorner John and Josephine Streets.. W. R. G9tKIE, tiI1,vAGEa R. PANSTONE, Solicitor. TO ADVERTISERS Notice of changes must be left at this office not later than Saturday noon. The oopy for changes must be left not later than Monday evening. Camel advertisements accepted up to noon Wednesday of each week. ESTABLISHED 1874 THE WIN AM TIMES. H, B.ELLIOTT, PUBLISHER AND PROPRIETOR THURSDAY, MAROH 10. 1910 NOTES AND COMMENTS The operations of the Ottawa branch of the Royal Mint have, since its open- ing on Jan. .1 1908, resulted in a profit to the Dominion of $63 857, after allow- ing $131,100 as interest on the most of conetruotien, The profit upon the coin- age of silver was $172.244; on bronze, $21.565; and miscellaneous $1,148, giv- ing a total groes profit of $194,958. The monthly financial statement of the Dominion shows an inorease of $1,- 606,751, as compared with February of last year, and an increase of $14,179,638 for the first eleven months of the pre- sent fiscal year, as compared with the corresponding period of last year. The total revenne for the eleven months has been $89,684 460. When the becks are finally balauced for the year it is expected that the revenue will run very close to the hundred million mark, and will ex- oeed by a m.illiony'or so Hon. Mr. Field- ing's conservative estimate in hie bndget speech of Deoember last. The predio- tion that the surplus of revenue over all ordinary expenditure will be a record one is likely to be borne out when the final returns for the year aro in. The expenditure nn account of consolidated fund for the eleven months has been $63,876,584, a decrease of $3,127,898 On capital account the expenditure has been $29,980,535, a decrease of $9,312,- 567. The net public debt at the end of February was $328,658,879, a decrease during the month of $1,211,090. A new round•the•world service will be inaugurated by the 0. P. R. The oo operative societies bill was passed on to the Oommone by the Bank- ing Committee. Eoglish doctors have discovered a new disease, which, they say, is dee to an affection of the appendix. In disorders and dis- eases of children drugs seldom do good and often do harm. Careful feeding and bathing are the babies' remedies. Stt Emulslon is the food -medicine that not only nourishes them most, but also regulates their digestion. It is a wonderful tonic for child siren of all ages. They rapidly gain weigh and health on small doses. Solt SALE 5311 A'I,I. DRtX GISTS Send ioc., nerve of paper end this ed, for our beautiful Savings Bonk end Child's Sketch -Reek. ?Ault beak contaifis e Gaid Luck Penny. SCOTT & ItOWNE 126 Walkerton 8t.. West, Teroalo, Chia 1'1CU1341Q WHOM, EXAO, Report of standing of pupils of Wing• hate P. S. for the mouth of 1'ebruury:-- RNTRANQE ALAS$. a4axi nuns 350. Those marked * miss - 4d one or more exams, MMcPherson„,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,got H. Wiilis ., . .,,.241 SDonaldson ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,188* W. Elliott 207 G Pa4terson,....,,..,•, . .,,,159 11 Gneet . ,, ....,166 M. gagers ....155 R. Bloomfield . 171 1?, Groves . ... ,,,182 L. Hingston 245 F. Maguire . , . , ... , .286 L, Oantelou ,..,247 J. B1aekhal1........,.•... .... 72* E Smith ..... 170 J Stapleton ...... .........,208 p miller 241 T. Fixter .. 224 L Drummond 154 G. Joynt * 243 • A. Weamee................ 167 E Davidson 197 G. Nroholeon 275 L Bower .... ... . .. . 273 H. Matthews ,.. ..240 E. Campbell117 M. Perris . ....... • 229 F. McDonald 123 A. MoRrtohie 284 M. Nicholls 238 L. Davidson ,...253 N. Huffman 100*'' F Barber ..,,.......286 A. Fister 240 R. Hardy 186 E, Gillespie 146* - A, Wilson . , , .. „ 263 0. McPherson 222 0, Augus 166 L Maddison ,...101” R Lloyd........ ..... ... 35* ' H. Buchanan 237 N. Smith ... 811 M. Ieard ..,. ,..,.. „185* 1 Bottrell 168* S. Brown 111* JUNIOR THIRD. Senior Section. Marks obtainable 750. Verna Armour 620 Joe Richardson.... ,.. .•.615 Harvey Niergarth ,,,.,.,,580 Howard Gray ,•, 560 Fred Walker, ... 560 Edith McNutt.. ,,,,,545 Harold Gould.. ...... 540 Diok Graham .,,,,534. Scott Maxwell.... 525 Willie Hinsoliffe 600 Nora Graney . .. 472 Verna McDonald 430 Greta Robinson 412 Steriiog Reading ,,,, 410 Neljie Bennett 390 Harold Maguire ,,,, 390 John MoNevin 380 Willie Stapleton 360 Ina Rich ... , , . .355 Currie Wilson 350 Peal Gillespie .............335 Junior Section. Marks obtainable 700 Marion Johnston , , , .575 Bertha Blackhall 530 Spencer Johnston ....: ...... ..510 Florence Murch 477 Theo. McDonald .... .,,,450 Verna Moore 440 Ezra Pocock 410 Winfred Morden 405 Clarence Thornton 373 Cora Hingston 354 Frank Moore 850 ' Eva Paterson , .... , .830 Lexie Huffman,.,..... 300 Maggie Pocock,,.. 272 Clair Orawfor'd,,,. 249 Gladys Dear.,.,.. 192 SENIOR SECOND. Senior Section. Marks obtainable 917. Jack Maxwell..,, . 861 Vera Webb........ 828 Nellie Vanaletine 782 Arthur Adams 749 Kent Smith , . , , .... 741 Sara Hamilton..................728 Nina Haugh.:,. ,., 684 Effiie Erskin 679 Irene Hewer 674 Charlie Graham ......... . 657 Sara McLean,,,, ,....... .654 Mark 0 e 646 Olive Rintonl.... .642 Tillie Bottrell 636 Pat Holmes . . . 630 Harvey Dennis , , , . 623 Miriam Smith 615 Eileen Dore 610 Clara Ieard597 Ella Rogers .574 Elia Cooke . 513 Junior Section. Marks obtainable 859. Victoria Paterson ,.,.718 Nettie Christie .699 Edith Jarvis.... 680 Heloise Kennedy 663 Norman MoRitohie .... . . .......642 Hugh Angus , ... .625 Annie Devideon ,,.. ..., ..:.618 Arthur Elardoastle 531 Irma Williams—. ...:529 Etta Hart...:..,.., <....511 Gerrie Oantelon 505 Nellie Irwin 503 Loretta Sturdy ,,..486 Ceoil Angus .. , , , . 471. Winifred Walker • 469 Jean Currie 457 Vera Davidson. . • ,... 454 Earl Mille ..... , .. 450 John Nicholls, ., 410 Lila Bell 380 May Reading 339 JUNIOR SECOND. Senior Section. Marks obtainable 808. Lizzie Currie.,:........,. ,,..,.747 Phyllid Johns, , , , ..., 724 Ruby Hewer ... , ... 715 Kathleen 42ills , ... ,689 Charlie Smith..., •....,. ...675 Fred Sturdy.... 647 ]Reil MoLean 631 Oalmady Kerslake . - ... , , . 620 Olay ton Maxwell,616 George Allen....,,., 607 Jean Christie,,,,.:592 Lottie Zurbrigg.. ... ,582 Aline Imlay ,,... „519 Archie Williamson....... ,609 Howard McDonald ...... —AO Ooze Wild 486 Vera Strioker............ ,440 WSltaoe Aitohison 401 Willie near , ...870 Stanley Beli . .... .. .. .646g10 Claude Maxwell ..,190 Charlie Bell,..... :......,131 fnnior Section, Marks s obtainable 690, Margaret Piper... r ............559 May Allen ...•...............,457 Linda Moteod', ,..,,.... r......454 Reggie Smith ......... .......448 Noel Drummond......, t ..,, .. „426' FROM A SHADOW 'TO ROBUST HEALTH Is the Change Dr. Williams' Pial( Pills Made. in a New Bruns wick Woman Anaemia—bloodleeeness—ie a trouble oonfiued largely to: women and growing girls, Its viotims are pale; they lose all strength—the least exertion fatigues theta and they suffer oontinually from headaches and depressed spirits. Noth- ing will mare anaemia so quickly or so surely as. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills -ahoy have cured tbonsande of oases, not only in Canada but. throughout the whole world. They do this because they make good blood. Among those cured by these Pills ie Mrs. T Ohelmer Hartley, East Florenoeville, N. B , who says: "At the age or sixteen. I fell awe ' o a mere' shadow, I had scarcely it • blood and suffered from n11 the , etreesing symptoms of anaemia. Doo. ,rs did not help me in the least, and a. ing Fon the advioe of a friend I begs • • taking Dr. Williams' Pink Pills— • ey effected a remarkable change n my ooudition; indeed I really belie = they saved my life, as I have been well and strong ever einoe I took them. I also recommended the Pills to a neighbor's daughter who was similarly rule down, and they also completely restored her health." Every woman and growing girl should take Dr. Williarne' Pink Pills occasional- ly. If you are ailing from any of the many tronblee which afflict your sex they will cure you; if you are not ailing/they will protect your health and keep you well and strong. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are sold by all dealers in medicine or direct at 50 ciente it box or six boxes for $2.50 from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville. Ont. Irene Paton ,..419 Henry A.itohison 417 Earls Hoffman , 416 Florenoe Diamond. , , , 406 Charlie Lloyd 359 Mae Passmore 356 Charlie Isard .353 Teddy Murch 349 Frank Robinson....,,,, 330 Florence Hinsoliffe . . . .. .. . . 335 Willie Austin 331 Harold Mann 260 Harold Hamilton, .......245 Dorothy Clark 237 Eva Hayles -221 Margaret Carruth •...... 73' PART SECOND. Senior Leonard Jarvis Harry Angus James Dobie Evelyn Angus Mildred Walker" Albert Bloomfield Percy Joynt Mary Coultes Lily Oasemoro Eva Olarridge Hazel Misiner , Junior 011ie Hamilton • Clara Hardie Stanley Robinson Sara Brown Ella Dobie Gordon Tedford Johnny Tougher Eddie Taugher Madeline Walker Alex Taylor John Davidson Section. George Fry Edna Musgrove Grace Irvine Elizabeth Hamilton Rath Anderson Thelma Sanderson Rollo Sanderson Charlie Pocock Carl Dickson Velma Johnston Chester Stapleton Section. Kenneth Niohol Laurie Duncan Catharine Adams Willie MoNevin Aileen Kennedy Kathleen. Wilkinson David Letson • Joe Saint Arthur Sturdy Diokie Madigan William Pocock DIVISION VII. Senior Part I. Madeline Duncan Harry Gannett: James Allan Alba Galbraith Lillie Ellacott Annie Blackhall. Millie Kerslake 'Ifom Rich Frankie Sperling Allan Gould Downsie Lynett Howard Huffman Edith Hart. Irene Days Lawrence Lennox Franklin Cook Willie Currie Agnes Williamson Eva Rrntonl Margaret Delglesh Shirley Donaldson Nelson Morden Albert Johnato Georgie Miene Charlie Armour Junior Part I. Laura Ellacott Mende Retd Marguerite Johne Freddie Piper Jennie Arde Doris Fells Carrie Hingston Delight Oloakey Earl Wild Jarvis Latton Edith Kew Georgie Hardoastle Charlie Henderson Willie Angne Walton Nicholson, Jack Cook Olifford Oasemote vvvvvwywvyyy vvvvvVVvvsfso lTD 2 B E ,HANGEDI 0 ,Thousand VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVIAwvvvvw 0 , Thousand Rohs OF — 'LL PAPER} BEFORE JULY ist, Thomas Edison anti his assoolatae have secured injnnotions giving them control of the manufacture of moving picture films in the Uaited States. p' IW Live Stock Markets. Toronto, March 8—City Cattle Market —•With a light ren for to•day'a market basineee was brisk and prices decidedly firm and about ten oents higher on choice lots. The total receipts were 58 oars, with 890 head of cattle, 281 sheep and lambs, 400 hogs, and 102 calves. Every- thing solo out early, and many buyere had to go short of their full require- ments, while is few were unable to get anything at all. Although Easter is yet several weoke ahead, the larger buyers are taking the precaution to secure a few extra 'choice cattle, A bunch of ten very choice heifers Doming undo the designation of Easter cattle were bonght to•day by Mr. Geo. Rowntree for the Harris Abattoir 00, at $6,85 to $6.60, a pride whioh Wotild indicate that come high prices will be going this Easter. Choice butcher cattle for immediate te• quite -Monte were bought today as high as $5 90. g�sheep•end lambs are aleo quoted froth o to 500 higher than last week, Hogs are firth at yesterday's advanoe to $9.25, The followingare the tjnotatione: Exporters' cattle— Per 1001be. Oholoe.,,. ,,., $6 25 $660 I1leditim, 5 50 57'5 Bnlle.............�,,4 50 580 7/y�yighty'�'eyt ... .:......... 896 360 V.,.,,..:i ,'.,•....4 '.,•... �^ 4 00 4 60 AAAAAAAi1A AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA 1910 Just Received the Largest . Stock of Wall Paper ever shown in Wingham From 5c. to $1.00 Per Roll c WINGFIAM, ONT. VVO-VODVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVw KNOX Opposite Brunswick Hotel wrwts0VVVVVVVVVVVVV0OVVV10V10/10 • AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA Feeders— best 1000 pounds and up- wards • 8 00 3 50 Stookers choice 3 00 4 00 " bulls 1 50 2 00 Butchers'— Pinked 5 75 . 5 90 Medium 4 85 5 15 Cows. , ... 8 85 4 90 Bulls 2 25 3 50 Hogs— ' 9 Best 26 Lights 9 00 Sheep— Export ewes 5 25 Bunks 3 75 Culla 75 Spring Lambe each., 7 25 Calves. each ............ 3 50 5 50 4 25 4 25 7 75 750 WINGHAM MARKET REPORTS , Wingham, Mar.,91h, 1910. b'1or r per 100,1be.......... 2 75 to 3 25 Fall 'Wheat ........ 1 08 to 1 08 Oats, 0 37 to 0 37 Barley ...... ... 0 50 to 0 60 Peas a .... 0 78 to 0 78 Butter dairy .... 0 18 to 0 20 Eggs per doe , 0 24 to 0 25 Wood per cord 2 50 to 2 50 Hay, per ton .13 00 to 14 00 Potatoes, per bushel, 0 80 to 0 85 Lard 0 20 to 0 20 Live Hogs, per cwt, 9 00 ,to 9 25 CENTRAL AaAW STRATFORD. ONT, Write ne at once for our free catalo- gue and learn the nature of our courses in Commercial, Shorthand or Telegraphy. depattmente. We have the leading, praotioal training school in Western Ontario. Courses are thorough. Instructors experienced and we assist graduates to positions. Students are entering each week. You should enter NOW. ELLIOTT & McLACHLAN PRINCIPALS. G AND TRUNK SYSTEM SETTLERS' ONE-WAY 1 1 EXCURSIONS TO WESTERNCANADA March g', 15, 227andli29th, April 5thiand11l 2th.,. From stations in Ontario, King- ston and West to certain points in Saskatchewan and Alberta,. PARTICULAR ATTER f ION is called to to the fact that these rates apply to points on Grand Trunk Pacific Railway, a new territory full of "Goldetil;Oppor• tllnitietl." For ttokete and further information call on W. Hear , Depot Agent or. Sddre!i 3. D. McDoneld, D, P, A,, Toronto. A. E. SMITH BANKER WINGHAM, ONTARIO. Farmers who want money to buy horses, cattle, or hogs to feed for market, can have it on reasonable terms. Notes disoonnted for tradesmen, mer- chants or agents, on favorable terms. Loans on real estate at the lowest rates going, C. N. Griffin GENERAL AGENT FIRE AIFECCT Insurance ACCIDENT PLATE GLASS WEATHER °0A7u0a a Coupled with a REAL ESTATE and MONEY LOANING Business. Issuer of Marriage; Licenses. Offioe over Malcolm'e Grocery. WINGHAM MACHINE SHOP General repair work on automobiles, bicycles, boilers, engines eto. Baby carriages and go-carts re -tired, Wood Turning— Whifflotrees, neck - yokes, kanthook bandies eto. Farmers have yon reen our Combina- tion Stook Raok. Something new, strong and handy. Agency for steam and gasoline engines. Auction Sales given prompt attention. W. A. CURRIE PROPRIETOR. HOME$ For Settlers IN MANITOBA SASKATCHEWAN ALBERTA Row Made and How Reached LOW SETTLERS' RATES Settlers with Live Stock and Effects Special Trains lento Toronto 10.10p. ,Taeedaye during MARCH dad APRIL Settterg and Families Without Live Stock should use Regular Trains 10.10 p.m. deity WINN11'EG FLYER S8 hours to Winnipeg Through:Tourist Cars COLONIST CARS ON ALL TRAINS in Which Berths ore Free Apply to nearest Agent for dopy of "Settlers' Guide," "Western nada," „Tourist Cars," r writs R. 1. 'Thompaon, oD.„ t3.P,R,, `Toronto, i 1 .1.1111111.11111 --11$118tiotzwytat THE PEOPLE'S POPULAR STARE, WINGHAM KERB piRD New Spring Suitings We have just received a numb�•r of very beautiful Spring Suitings in the newest and daintiest patterns, including shades of Grey; Taupe, Purple, Amethyst, Green, Black, etc.,—in fact all the "leading colors --really a superb collection. Only one of each color, and every piece GUARANTEED ALL WOOL. Dainty Dress Lengths. We also have a splendid assortment of Dainty Dress Lengths, in Reseda, Ashes of Roses, Biscuit and other popular shades. Our N .'V VOILES are indeed worth seeing ; in plain black or with silk stripe. LADIES ! . What Would Look Better than an elegant, neat -fitting Patent Shoe, perfect in every detail, a very modish shoe, corresponding with dainty clothing? We have a nice selection of these shoes. We are still giving a discount of 25 per cent. on all our Furs, Fur C iats, Ladies' and Children's Coats, Men's Overcoats, Heavy Mitts, Heavy Rubbers, etc. These are all first- class pods, at Genuine Bargain Prices. PREMIUMS. 1 'Given to cash customers. Handsome, useful gifts ,given to everyone purchasing goods to the value of $25. Why not get one of our I -Premium Cards—no expense to you— and then you get A BEAUTIFUL PREMIUM -- FREE ? March Ladies' Home Journal - 15 Cents.lbammosifflemsrmamilmantJ 1111om1� Jh fix+N•:.'+.* f..` tl-yt .it 4 C 1 • xi .?^#�"'�a '.", w ;t•`.?'-� � ,R';¢f" 5�3txz��'�x`?r4 �?{�i,+ The Opening and Maintaining of a Savings Bank Account is a duty that everyone owes, both to themselves and to those dependent on them. Your Savings Account Solicited. WINGHAM BRANCH 0. P. SMITH • AGENT. auealte Imitations are Never Imitated If advertised articles did not possess merit of lasting 'quality,'there would be no occasion to imitate, nor offer "something just as good." The dealer endeavoring to sell you a sub- stitute is trading on the established reputation and permanency of the-enuine g : with the view of reaping greater profit and without , partici'. lar regard of results to the buyer. Protect yourself and the advertised tMelte by vigorously objecting to substitutes.