HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1910-03-03, Page 8Teff; •WINOVAIK TINMS4 MARGH 3, I81V it MINOR LOCALS,. —Oanadien !mike opened SWAY' five mow branohea during the month 01 February, —The,, regular moutbly meeting et the Towel Oouncil will be held next Mon- day evening. --Division Qonrt will be held in the aounon Chamber, Wingham, on. Thurs- day, Maroh 17th, —Robs. Booz bas something to say about wall paper. Read hie new advt, in another column. --Clinton Town Council voted down the resolution for the reduction of hotel licenses in that town. --Paris Town Council has passed a by-law reducing the number of hotel licenses from six to four. For twenty -Your years Vapo-Cresolene Has been extensively used for all forms of throat and bronchial troubles. All Druggists. —Messrs John C. Carrie and Wm. Robinson each shipped a oar load of horses to the West on Tnesday. —Mr, J. A. Houston, of Toronto, High Soho' Inspeotor, made his offioiai visit to the Wingham High Sohool this week. The Timis is pleased to report that Mr. John F. Linklater, who has been seriously ill for some days, is now im- proving, —Get your auction sale bine printed at TIMES office. A free. notice given in our columns when bills are printed at this office, —Monday, February 28th, was the tenth anniversary of the relief of Lady- smith, one of the greatest battles of the Boer war. —The Traders Bank has opened a branch in Wroxeter. The Bank, of Hamilton and the' Traders Bank tvill now give the people of Wroxeter and district a daily service. —The regular meeting of the Ladies' Auxiliary of the Wingham Hospital will be held in the Council Chamber next Monday afternoon, at 4 o'clock. All members are requested to be present. —The Wingham branoh of the Wo- men's Institute will hold a box social and entertertainment in the Chisholm hall on Thursday evening, Maroh 10th, for the members of the Institute and their friends. —Mr. W. J. Mair, moved his family to Goderioh last week, where he main - nes the district agenoy for the Singer Sewing Machine Co. Mr. Muir made a good citizen during his residence in Wingham and we are sorry to report his removal from town. He has our best best wishes for success in the county town. —The TmrEs was in error last week in reporting the death of Mrs. Chas. Reeling, sister of Mrs. E. H. Raiser, for- merly of Wingham. It was Mra. Chas. Reeling, sr., who passed away at Oar - gill. The deceased lady was a pioneer resident of Wellington County and moved to Greenooh Township 26 years ago and later resided at Walkerton. —Duncan Campbell and John Robert- son have been making alterations in Huron Churoh pulpit at Ripley, and they found a tablet, on which was written the following message: "Huron Ohuroh Ripley, was ereoted in 1885-6. I Alex- ander Mowbray, architect and contrac- tor. My age is 24 years. This church cost $4,000. It is my earnest wish that many souls may be saved." Michael J. Davie was murdered in a hotel at Parry Sound, and Lewis Young of New Jersey is held on the charge. Greatly Favored. "Money should not count In our court:;. There should be one law for t rich and the poor." "But Che poor have the :advantage now, so what are you kicking dboutr "1 can't see It." "Isn't there 1 wn 1:: ws for the poor to e'v'.ry a,ite ft:r' VI:. ('10h':" Ho Knew His Neighbors, "1 want to ti::;l a stay of living witb- otl t work." "I didn't thiole you were that laky." "LW** Piet lank" y:.1 t;:int it, then:^' "'Y,, cu! tt!zc::1nd riiatte a billion or lot tius ease. t: e r :; 1:(' li:a'' ills BOW tv(0't(?" "(fill, fuii-ly well." "i u;:tierAtuud he i 1 hr' (.d With enfhu- siostt: ' (:r4 yet, lull yon never can tell r ho,.a trill do." not Ore Wasn't. '1't,.:ve,i don't lie ' "(.ell. 1:..11'1 they'?" —Mr !bat win's ti;;ure says i,e is s IernelElute l" No W otldor. -nate a..: ltee l,lt• lteiI(Ing guar luele.e ibis winter,. '1''i:;ti are you burning '.'" f untied i:r.f eonal-.lt. h:t 1a no Vitu isI tiier't" •'i'he fil:iSh rlie.. 'l'1tn1 WW1 Is. ,1.P HEALTH FOR BABY COMFORT FOR MOTHER The mother who has once used Baby's Own Tablets for her Children will al* ways use them for the minor ailments that oome to all little ones, The ablets, give a guarantee of health to e child and ease and comfort to t mother, They pure all atoinaoh and b wel. troubles destroy wornna, break wide, and make teething easy, M .. H Lavoie, Sr. Felloite. Que., says: eve need Baby's Own Tablets forindigsvtion, oonstipetton and other troubles, with perfect results. Ithink so much of the Tab!"ts that I�use no other medicine for my children. Sold by all dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medioine Co., Brookville, Oat. Mr. Isaac Rethburn, a prominent oiti• zen and bauker of Glencoe, is dead. Hon. L P. Brodeur has gone to Pine- hurst South Carolina. for a change, Lord MountStephen has planed securities worth $300,000 in the hands trustees at Montreal to encourage the immigration of poor British boys. Two Toronto girls were arrested as "white slaves" at Black Rook while on their way to Buffalo. Two Toronto men were taken into custody in oon- neotiou with the case at Buffalo. uoRl,3 BINRLEY.—In Wingham. on February 24th, to Mr. and Mrs. L. F.13•inkley; a son. LAOEIE.—In Wroxeter, on Feby 20th, to Mr. and Mrs, Geo. Leckie; a son. MARRIED RUTLEDGE—k1PEIR. — A the manse, on the 16th ult . by Rev. 1!. Perrie, Roy A. Rutledge, to Miss Genetta Speir, both of Morris, CAMPBELL—ROSS. — At the MAASS, on. the 28th ult., by Rev. D. Perrie, Joseph W. Camp. bell, of Stockholm, Sask., to Miss Kate E. Ross, of Kinloss township. RILGOUR—Conrnz,—At Woodstock, on F ebruary 22nd, 1910, at the residence of the b ride's mother, by the Rev. R. B. Cochrane Isabel Anderson, eldest daughter of the late George Currie, to J. W. Kilgour, of rings, Mau. DIED f 1}NNINGBAu.—In East Wawanosh, on February 26th, Mysie R nruce, beloved wife of Mr. James Cunningham, aged 61 years, 4 months and 14 days. DAvis.—In Morris, on February 22nd, John W ilfred Davis, aged. 26 years, 7 months and 10 days TATTERS.—III Kinloss, near 13olyrood, on th a 22nd February, Jane Facey, beloved wife of Edwin Statters, aged 66 years, 6 months, 11 days. RICHARDSON & RAE Agents - Wingham NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Notice is hereby given pursuant to R. S. 0. 1897, Chap 120, See 38, that all persons having claims against the estate of Henry Rintoul, late of the Township of Kinloss in the County of Bruce, Yeoman, deceased, who died on or about the tenth day of January. A. D. 1910, are required to send by post prepaid or to deliver to R. Vanstone, Solicitor for the Executors, on or before the tenth day of March, A. D. 1910, their names, addresses and descriptions and a full statement of particulars of their claims and the nature of the security (if any) held by them duly certified, and that after the said day the Executors will proceed to distribute the assets of the deceased among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which he shall then have notice. Dated this 14th day of February, A. D. 1910 R. VANSTONE, Wingham, P. O., Solicitor for the Executors. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Notice is hereby given pursuant to R. S. 0. 1897, Chap. 128 Sea. 88, that all person riving claims against the estate of Davi eddes, late of the'lownehip of Morris in e County of Huron, yeoman, deceased, w died on or about the 20th day of October, D. 1900, are required to send by post pre id or to deliver to 18. Vanstone, Wing am . 0 , solicitor for the executors of the s id eceased, on or be- fore the 28th day of ch, 1910, their names, addresses, and descriptions and a full state- ment of particulars of their claims and the nature of the security (if any) held by them duly certified, and that after the said clay the executors will then proceed to distribute the assets of the deceased among the parties en- titled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which they shall then have notice. Dated this 28th day of February, A. D. 1910. R. VAN STON E. Wingham P. O., Solicitor for the Executors. Administrator's Sale of Valu- able Farm In the Township of East Wawanosh in the County of Huron Pursuant to instructions from tli Admin. istratrix of the estate of Archlbal McNeil, deceased, and with the consent a approval of the official Guardian, there be offered for sale by public auction at th ueen's Hotel, in the Town of Wingham, YATUILDAY, MARCH 12th, at the ho of twelve o'clock (noon) by John Purvis, . q., auctioneer. The following value e operty, , namely :—The Beath Half and the nthHalt of too North t half of Lot Number 7hirtythree in the Twelfth Concession of the Township of East Wawa - nosh, in the County of Buren, containing by admeasurement ono'hnndred and fifty acres of land be the same more or less. On this pro- perty there is erected a Comfortable Frame Howe and Bank Barn with large Sheds and Stables and Driving house. There is about 100 acres of Meadow Land and the balance is timbered with Baidwood, mostly 13eeeh and Meple. The greater part of the farm Is seeded down w n and the fomes ars in good r pair. There is a good orchard on the rropert- and the land is watered by wells and a spring creek This desirable property lb situate about six, miles from trite thriving Town of 'Wingham and about one half mile from School. TERMS OE SALE.—The propbrtY Will be offered for sale Subject to a reserve bid to be fixed by the Official Guardian, The purchaser will be required to pay his purchase money into Canadian Bank of (iommoree to the joint 'credit of the Ofleial Guardian and the Adminietratrix as follower—Ten per cent. upon the day of Sale and the balance within 80 days thereafter. For farther p;parttnutars apply to F. W. Harcourt. Eaq., Ofrielal Guardian, Toronto; the Admin leer ra trix" the Auctioneer or the Undersigned. Dated this 20th day of February, A. b, 1910. Solicitor fork a Admth err S ix., Wanted ! YOUNG MEN TO LEARN THE MOULDING. Good wages from start ; under competent instructor. splendid opportunity for young men to learn a trade. Apply to W. D. VAREY, Superintendent of WESTERN FOUNDRY, Wingham, Ont. SEED BARLEY FOR SALE The undersigned has for sale at his premises, lot 4, concession 3 Morris, a quantity or O. A. 0. No. 21 Barley which will be sold at 80 cents per bushel, Prof. Zavltzsays this great barley is destined to become generally grown. It has yielded eight bushels per acre more than Man- ascheuri. JOHN COVLTES, Belgrave P, 0. FARM FOR SALE. The undersigned effere for sale his farm north half lots 30 and 31, comes. Sion 6, East Wawanosh, ooutalniiig 8634 sores. On the premises are a good barn with stone stabling, good frame house, good supply of water; 13 miles from sobool house; 2Y, miles from post office. For full particulars apply on the premises or adorers WM. DENSMORE, Westfield, Ont. PROCLAMATION Under and by vi Inc of the authorities of the Dominion G verment, I do here- by order that all d gs within the Muni cipality of the To nship of Dalt Wawa - nosh be securely 'tined, or kept under look and key, or ' running at large, to be kept oonstan y muzzled with an effeotive metallic muzzle in the manner eatisfaotory to t e proper authorities. All dogs running at large within the Corporation in non•oomplianoe with this proolamatio , on or after this date, will be immedia lv destroyed, and the owners of such d s will be liable to a fine of not lees the $20 and not more than $200. By or r of the Council. Whiteohnrah, F b. 19th. 1910. J HN GILLESPIE, Reeve. CAND TRUNKi SYs EM SETTLERS' ONE-WAY EXCURSIONS TO WESTERN CANADA March 8, 15, 22 and 29th, • April 5th and 12111. From stations in Ontario, King- ston and West to certain points in Saskatchewan and Alberta. PARTICULAR ATTEN TION is called to to the fact that these rates apply to points on Grand Trunk Pacific Railway, a new territory full of "Golden Oppor- tunities." For tickets and further information call on W. Henry, Depot Agent or address J. D. McDonald, D. P. A., Toronto. '1,'1,.1"1„ 1,4:1lq!'l!.l.4.'p-5:tad!41,1„1"1'.'1,.1,4•4"' is + Royal Grocery 4 3 Cans Aylmer Corn t for 25c 3 Cans Aylmer Peas • for 25c • 3• ♦ " 3 Cans Aylmer ' l + Beans A for 25c .t. 3 Cans Aylmer Toma- 3 toes for 25c 4. 1 3 Cans Aylmer Pumpkin 1 • for 25c A.J. Malcolm Phone 154. Prodtice Wanted. KING'S FOR RAUGA.INS. i W E WANT YOUR TRADE. I KING'S Wangham's Fur House CLEARING OF FURS AT SACRIFICED PRICES Men's and Ladies' Fur Coats, Cloth Coats, Neck Furs, etc. We are sacrificing the above lines in order to make room for Spring Goods which are arriving daily. Come in and inspect these bargains before buying elsewhere. 1 only Sable' Muff, reg. 2 only Men's Calf Coat $25.00 for - - $18.00, at prices that will in- terest you 6 only Isabella Neck Furs , reg. $10.00 for - - $6.25 4 only Ladies' Marmot Neck Furs, reg. $10.00 for. - $6.25 25 doz. pair Ladies' Hose, special at - 21c 1 only Sable Muff, reg. $12.00 for - - $8.50 3 only Ladies' Fur -Lined Coats, 25% to clear. 1 only Ladies' Marmot 15 pieces Dress Goods, Colarette, reg. $16.50 reg. $1.00 and $1,25, for - - $10.00 to clear at - 50c Produce Wanted.—Butter, Eggs, Potatoes, Beans, Feathers, etc. Headquarters for all kinds choice Seeds— Timothy, Alsike, and Lucerne Clover. GOOD GOODS G. E. KING. C HEAP PRIDES •••••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••:••••••••••••••••• • • • D. M. GORDON'S • • • Store News . This Week • • • •Our customers and the public in general are cordially invited to oome to our • store and share in the great • •Cost Sale of all Winter Goods • • • • • • • ••• • • • • • • • • • • • • • Of every kind now being sold positively at cost. This Great Sale ' inoludes everything in Furs, Ladies' Cloth Coats, 1Hen's Overcoats, Snits, Underwear, Rubbers, Overshoes (all sizes, new and best quality), Blankets (of fine quality—will give pleasure es well as comfort to the users), Heavy Rose and Sox, and every article in stook that can be claimed as Winter Goods will be sold on the above terms. Come right along and take a share of our Great Bargains. WE PAY BEST PRIOES FOR TRADE. D. M. GORDON. • • • • • •• Z Z • t • ••• • ••• • • • ••• • • •• • • • • • • • • • •••$•••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••• ++++++44+#++++++++++++++.4#44+++++++404+4440++++++. • hamsEmporiumMusic . • • • • D. BELL, the Great MUSIC and PIANO DEALER I Z We handle the very:best Pianos front the celebrated makers • •. o• f the day. They are bought outright by me, which means a saving to parties purchasing a Piano here. • Each one is made in keeping with the grade of the inetru• meat. Any one of our Pianos is an ornament in any home, The action " of a piano is a very vital part — it does the Iplayer's bidding. Each of our Pianos is fitted with the latest patent Noiseless Pedals. ID. The Tcne is the most important consideration when selecting a Piano. Our instruments are guaranteed to Donets a Tone full, round and powerful, at the some time sweet and nlelod• ions. When purchasing a Piano be sure you call on BELL, The Music Man Opposite Skating Rink Trunk and Valise Sale On Friday last we started a Trunk and Valise Sale, of which we -announced in last week's "Advance." WE WISH TO EMPHASIZE THIS SALE We made a big purchase of Trunks and Valises at very low prices, and we are offering them at a discount of 20 per cent. off the regular prices. THIS SALE WILL LAST UNTIL SATURDAY, MARCH 12th, ONLY ! And if you will need anything in these lines this year you have the chance of making substantial savings. Sloppy weather coming—Read our adv. in the 'Advance.' WILLIS & CO. THE SHOE STORE. Sole Agents for sHo8.l for Ladies. Sole Agents 'for the "Astoria" Shoes for Men. VV'VYYMIT.VIELYrilI i':rV+9'A►1WVV'y'VV V, TVVIIVOMEvii.V11321XVIEXTYrtill • :Clearing g 11 10-1 1.. toi a [A s s i e 5. v. h s ►, of Winter Goods All lines Men's Fur and Cloth Overcoats to go at cost. All Underwear—Ladies', Children's, Men's and —at reduced prices. Also balance of Rubbers, all kinds, to go at cost. Wool Blankets, Wool. Sheeting and Comforters. No. I Sugar, $5.00 per cwt., cash. Boys' 411 4 1.1 t. 4 NEW SPRING GOODS ARRIVING DAILY. Those Who Toil Earnestly and With Success Will be satisfied only with the best over haul that can be manufactured LEATHER LABEL OVER -HAULS are high-grade, union made and the best that honest effort and the technical knowledge of how to build Americas Style Work Clothes CAN PRODUCE' • We, the agents for this vicinity, have just received a new lot and respectfully ask the worthy men who toil to let no prove to you that Leather Label Overhaula and Jackets are your kind, These are double stitched throughout, big and generous (it takes from 42 to 44 yards to make A dozen), have seven pock- ets, imported buckles and buttons that won't come off, elastic detachable sus- penders, etc., etc. WE ARE THE AGENTS AL1, EXIIT9 021' PrtOtuJOR WAN'TEh. T. 111 MILLS PHONE $9. ' I. VirOTO ABI, ONT. # WINGC HAM; ONT. 41+.++i.'00.040N+i+:0+.4.N; 1113A►igi AAAAAA i► AkaAASrAMIA` itritAVAI A' LIT